Sometimes it just seems like we're all back on the Titanic and knowing how it's going to end, no one is willing to listen meantime you're stuck on the same ship with the same hard headed fools destined to recreate the same events all over again with you still on the ship. Sometimes, it just seems like it just can't get any worst and then look around .. the sun rises again at the beginning of another day with you still alive. Now doesn't that sound like life? I guess some things are worth fighting for if we're willing to see that next day. By my Concepts everyday should be proof of another day yet to come. But what do we know?
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People Rob and kill for money, so-called and actual necessities; some out of anger for some reason in defense of oneself whether we feel that "self" was mistreated on one end to another or behind some circumstance that occurred at one point or another or simply because there's a mental issue involved however, if we resorted to treating one another with the same self respect we're looking for and we really tried to help one another regardless of "ken" or not so there would be no lack thereof, there would be less room The "Strangers", crimes and all of the forms of mistreatment life tends to hand over to us at this present moment in time.
The poor are struggling, the middle class is fighting to maintain, while the wealthy continues so privileged that what seems regularly "impossible" to the world at large is of norm and overlooked as everyday life. And while in all three cases there are pros and cons, I'll bet anything this world has to offer, that not one of these wealthy people would switch places with the average everyday individual belonging to the lower financial classes of people.
These people are considered the "Elite".. whose opinions of the world may have a giant affect on what is so wrong with the world.. especially considering they're influential position and the need to do nothing with it but watch it continued to their advantage and continual gain. Unfortunately, these are the people amongst everybody else who will need to take a part in making this world a better place however getting through to those wealthy snobs will be like trying to bang a toothpick through a steel wall. It will break before penetrating.
So this is the job of the majority which we so-called normal people are. I say so-called because we are not normal. To survive struggle and maintain with the odds working so much against us says a lot about Who We Are. If we could only get our heads together on one point we could change this world for the better. Our problem is we spend too much time competing with each other and even fighting with each other ~some even killing one another and all for the sake of self gain. If we could just step back and see the big picture we can actually do away with poverty and the only ones that would be upset about that would be the wealthy because that would decrease their position in society from the "Elite" to the "norm" which in truth: fits their true position in life anyway you put it. After all, who Among Us can't do what they do better than they do it but with the money they have? We'll do it better than they do and make it look better doing it. That's what struggling does it makes you stronger. That's what anything does if it doesn't "kill" us first.
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My father once told me never to Force anything. That's how things get broken. You can also apply this concept to your life. People waste so much of their lives trying to make a puzzle piece fit in a space where it does not belong. You get a majority of your life growing up. From there you walk into becoming a young adult. That ranges less than a decade. From there you have another decade to be an adult. After that, your years begin declining. In the short period of time you have to live (and I say this for those who are not trying to do the Immortality Journey of which I am on,) you have too short a Time to waist trying to force in one place, what someone in another place will gladly do without any pressure whatsoever. There Comes A Time when you stop arguing and recognize what is or is not in front of you.
Everybody has a preference in life. No one preference is better, right, or have any standards by which all other preferences should live up to. Everyone has the right to their own preference. Likewise, we all have low tolerances do certain things over other things. Put in layman terms, we all have our pet peeves. The key to finding the right person to walk this life with is finding that person who's issues you can tolerate because at the end of the day everyone has issues ~Even you. Never put up with more bearable migraines than peace of mind and heart at an easy 9 from a scale of 1 to 10 for anyone's sake no matter what the cost. You may take a far lunge letting go of that "migraine" but when you get through picking yourself back up and starting the hard way, you will eventually see some peace of mind at the end of the tunnel called life.
Sometimes you have to walk many miles alone in order to find 1 mile worth walking.
Whatever you do in life make sure that you're not part of the problem. What I'm saying is: If you're going to complain about how cold the world is, make sure you're not part of that problem.
If we treated one another the way we wanted to be treated, there would be no room in this world for strangers because there would be no strangers in the world. Everybody would be friends and family. Isn't that the way it's supposed to be?
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Today is Thursday April 8th and it's been since last Tuesday which is a few days ago I have received the shot that everyone is taking now to assist in fighting off this virus that's in the air. Last night, was a very life threatening night for me and one I don't want repeated however Life Goes On and so does the fight to make it a continuous one. It seems strange how we treat those who has passed away. It seems like their importance intensifies in death. Maybe because they have an answer the living are still scratching their foreheads about. It is a question we've asked ourselves many times with a religious answer. Some spiritual or that's what we like to call beliefs better not religiously strict. John Lennon made it simple in his song Imagine. It may have been his answer for himself and in huge respect it would be nice if the world could be a place where everyone can live as one.. but as long as you have the wealthy you will always have the poor. In my personal beliefs on the issue I think we need to balance it out. If we can bring the poor up to where the middle classes at then bring the middle class on the same alignment with everyone else and that would mean upsetting the wealthy because the only way the wealthy are considered the elite is if somebody is underneath them.. but bringing everyone on the same page would actually do away with poverty.. but even yahushua himself said we'd always have the poor with us.. so what are you do with that? I was saying, keep on living as best as you can live so you can learn to live better by helping someone else not necessarily someone in your circle or someone you grew up with or even someone you consider family but help someone you don't know so that they would be less strangers in the world, even if you just turned one stranger into a friend each day you live you can say that's one day closer to us becoming human and the world being a less cold place to live in.
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Tuesday April, 6th. 2021 ~I got the shot to protect from the virus that's in the air. Last Wednesday night I felt as though I couldn't breathe after having vomited and doing the number 2 my stomach was fully heat it up and in pain. I'm feeling better this morning but the one person I thought would care had priorities and didn't take me seriously. I called for the emergency ambulance to come and look at me. The guy seem to care so much while the lady that was with him had one priority. To leave and not waste time with me. Not everybody who drives in the ambulance care should be doing that type of work however here I am this morning. I really don't know what to say or how to feel. I just I know one thing, you come into this world alone and you do the same might you go out. My plan is not going out, but how much different is my plan from anyone else's.?
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Is it possible to learn from anyone and my answer to that is yes. The problem with people is they tend to pick their teachers based on popularity. If you read the Holy Doctrine you will find even who we call the devil cannot tell a complete lie. Otherwise How could a lie be believable if it were a complete lie? What I'm saying is if you have an open mind you can even learn from the Devil Himself.
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You get to wear the shoes of the people you judge as you grow into them.
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"The Inward Sinister of: Elisa Lam"
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<~~ ALIAS: Silent Voice in the Dark
In the words of a one time Stay at The Cecil Hotel in midtown LA. The now deceased Elisa Lam Writes:
"If someone says to you they have depression. Don't ask why. There is no why. Tell them everyday ~You Love Them. Remind them everyday ~It will get better. There is nothing else you can do."
Considering the mental condition this woman was in, her murderer her mental rapist and stalker was herself: where can you go to escape yourself.
For those of you who do not know the story behind This Woman's tragic end, she was in Oriental woman from Canada who moved to the West Coast of LA to venture out into the new world still being young. She had a lot of mental issues I felt should have been just cause in keeping her home but the parents saw differently whereby giving her "rope" to travel alone where she eventually checks into a Hotel connected to The Cecil: part low income housing and part short term stay for visitors and out of towners wanting an LA experience.
Put sadly but simply: From undergoing a mental breakdown, in desperation against a nearby killer existing solely within the corridors of an imagining brain of her own.. she proceeded to the roof of that hotel only to later end up discovered drowned face up in pale discoloration within the building's water tower.
You never know what demons one may be pitted against from deep inside a wounded mind where the Tormentors place of residence is seated in one's own consciousness. My advice to the Humane, don't judge with harshness -at least, take into consideration -This could be You. Never say neve, because that "Strange" person standing before you may have once said, "Never" likewise and karma is a Law of Cause and Effect that Must Always come to pass. Instead, Show compassion in Love. Be all you can safely be for that person remembering/Considering with all Imagination of Empathy what might it take to help You might you actually be wearing this person's shoes. Love is an Action Word while Empathy Supervises How we Practice Love on One Another.
♥~♥ שלום ♥~♥
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Never take your life nor the life of your elders lightly.. because if you're blessed to live long enough, (and pray that you do, because nowadays many don't) You Will Wear their Shoes.
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Don't take your life nor the life of your elders lightly, if you live long enough .. You Will Wear their Shoes.
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