silasatwater-blog · 6 years
So many people, too little of her. Though Eden was happy with the turn out for her best friend’s birthday, it was starting to feel like she was collecting half finished conversations. Standing in the middle of her kitchen with a girl who’d been looking for her significant other, she was prepared to add another to the list upon hearing someone approaching. Greeted instead with the sight of the last person she could have imagined, Eden stood frozen. Somehow in her time back she’d been clear of an encounter with him—not necessarily an easy feat considering his place of employment. Now there he stood, mere steps away, under the roof of her apartment. Could his eyes have gotten bluer? Shaken from her trance by the parting of the female beside her, she sent a wave before turning her attention back to the blond. “Silas.” She whispers, almost to herself, as if to check her voice. Not that it would’ve mattered whether he could hear the tinge of nerves with what would escape her next. “What are you doing here?” Perhaps it was the shock speaking, making her filter go completely out the window. In any case, her eyes widen as she immediately tries to clarify her reaction. “Not that you’re not welcome to be— I didn’t mean it like that. Sorry. I just didn’t…expect to see you here, is all.” Nervously biting on the inside of her lower lip, she lets out a quick sigh. So far, so…mediocre. “How are you? Can I get you a drink?” She hated this already. Resorting to small talk felt so unnatural, it was even worse having it be directed toward Silas of all people.
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                      He manages a soft chuckle, though, admittingly to fill in the awkward tension rising between them. They were both so grown, so different from who they were--- well, technically, they were. “I’m good,” he nods, smile soft as he forces himself to relax. With Eden, he had always been so relaxed--- despite the aid of a few greens every now and again. “No, I’m--- I know the birthday girl, I’m just trying to avoid someone... actually.” He sighs, lowering his gaze for a moment. How awful did the universe have to be to put him in this situation? A little voice began begging that Eden being at this party was only by coincidence-- that she was a plus one, and not a friend of Indiana’s. “What about you? Do you... know her too?”
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silasatwater-blog · 6 years
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silasatwater-blog · 6 years
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We have some very fine cinematography here
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silasatwater-blog · 6 years
You and I, we didn’t fall in love. We were parallels. I was a cold, block of emotions, and you were warmth. Around you I melted. You and I, we melted in love.
brittney-jpeg (via summerwrites)
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silasatwater-blog · 6 years
       “How happy I was?” She managed, her throat thick; her tone was strong but a little softer this time as realisation fell upon her. Now, she could’ve given him a million and one reasons why she wasn’t happy; why his perception of her was so flawed that, he missed the point. He missed the way she couldn’t stop thinking about him. He missed the glances she constantly threw his way, the way she looked for him in a crowd. She knew exactly what he meant — that she was better off without him, and her heart tightened at the thought of him feeling that way. She wanted so badly to convince him otherwise, that his thoughts were far from the truth. Because, if ever she felt any moments of pure or potential happiness, it was around him. “Silas..” Indi breathes with a furrowed brow, shaking her head incredulously, the frustration still simmering beneath all the confusion and piecing together to make sense of it all. Another hefty sigh escapes her core as she folds her arms across her chest now, profanity about to spill from her lips. “That’s utter bullshit, and you know it. You think you can just.. decide what’s best for me, but not once did you think to ask me what I want or need. —And by the way,” she removes one of her hands from her grasp, pointing at her chest to make a point, her tone of voice, again, a little louder. “I don’t need an apology from you. What I would like is an explanation.”  
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                           Hearing her curse might’ve been the trigger--- as he responded with widened eyes and a clenched jaw. Silas had always been so convinced he was in this alone. That their little moments were a figment of his imagination, and if not, it remained as a moment that was fleeting. He couldn’t help but fight with what he always knew. That love wasn’t real--- that nothing was ever true nor permanent between two people. For a moment, he thought otherwise. The hotel, the wedding... and every second in between. Even with his self-destructive thoughts and the devil on his shoulder. He found a way to beat them all. And yet, looking at her now, he could feel himself farther from all those steps he had taken. “---Just,” he shakes his head, a shaky sigh escaping him. “Just come in, please,” he pleads, stepping to the side for her to enter. As he waited for her to pass by, Silas wondered what path he’d take to explain himself. Surely, he wasn’t stupid--- even if it was the easy way out. The real task was figuring out what she needed to hear. He looks up then, closing the door behind them as they enter his living room, reminding him of the depressive state he had awoken from. It gave him chills, blue eyes jumping from the couch and the girl before him. It was as though he was facing both the future and the past, side by side, asking him which road he’d take. One was familiar and comfortable, while the other was far from reassuring... terrifying, yet incredibly inviting. Staring into her brown eyes, Silas knows he can’t run from this. And hey, if it all went bad, at least there was a newly bought pack of beer sitting in his fridge. 
         “You want an explanation?” He clenches his jaw, dropping his gaze for the single second he had to catch his breath. “I left because I saw the pressed flowers Luke made for you,” he said, picking his head up, gaze sharp yet laced with incredible hesitation. “After years of believing that love---” he hated that word, shaking his head immediately at the sound of it coming out of his mouth. “---wasn’t real, I thought... maybe it could be, after these past two years with you. I’ve never been this terrified in my life, and you do that to me... You scare me. You make me feel like I’m on the edge of a cliff.” He stops for a moment, his heartbeat picking up the pace. “But without you, there is no safety net for me. Seeing you with Luke---” he shakes his head again, stepping back a few steps. “I don’t even know what to say to that.”
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silasatwater-blog · 6 years
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hunter via instagram stories
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silasatwater-blog · 6 years
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happy valentine’s day!
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silasatwater-blog · 6 years
Luke nodded before shrugging, re-situating his stance in the seat a bit. “I have. Definitely all good things, don’t worry.” A slight grin appeared as he reassured now that Luke knew Silas was like another family member, although, his expression fell a bit more serious again. “Well, except for what they’d fairly recently been through.” And he figured he wouldn’t have to elaborate further on that matter. “Finally. Someone who compares it to that film and not Indiana Jones for once.” Luke couldn’t help expressing a form of relief.. “About seven years, but the studies never really bothered me that much actually, I liked it all.” He nonchalantly admitted, attention then shifting towards the task, flower choosing. “Right. I do have the ones I want in mind, but…maybe I should do a trial run, first? With…a rose maybe?” Surely, those were likely the most stocked of all the flowers?
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                      Silas nods, though couldn’t help but raise both brows in shock at his next few words. “---Oh, you know the Harpers?” It was a surprise to Silas that the outside world had known what happened to their family because while he surely wasn’t blood-related, the news had hit him just as hard. Still, perhaps it was some sort of coping mechanism to ignore the grieving stage and remain neutral. After all, telling himself it wasn’t his family anyway, made it somewhat better. “I guess when you think about it, National Treasure and Indiana Jones are more so different than the same... but I always found the discovery of treasures hidden in plain sight and not somewhere... incredibly far, a little bit more interesting. Anyway, I can’t get over how long that is. Seven years?” he chuckles, shaking his head. “Have you always wanted to be an Archeologist?” When he mentioned a rose, Silas nods, a soft grin growing on his features. “We definitely have that. A crowd favorite, really.” He chuckles again, walking back to the supply of flowers they were going to use for the class. “It’s pretty simple really--- we have a few already pressed to show other what the end result would be, so you know what you’re gonna get,” he turns back, laying a few roses onto the wooden table. “So we’ve got here...” he inhales, pulling each item into view. “Scissors, parchment paper, heavy books, some mod podge too in case you wanted to frame them.”
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silasatwater-blog · 6 years
Though she did use his hold to stabilize herself, she shook off the incident seconds later. Looking down at herself, as if inspecting for any damages, only to give him a quick shrug. “Still in one piece.” Taking note of the blond’s own appearance, Alaska can’t help but wonder about the look on his face and whether she should be the one making sure he wasn’t accidentally elbowed. “You okay?” She looks at him curiously, head tilted to one side. “You look like you’re the one who took the hit.”
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                    Silas nods, sighing with relief that she was okay. The damaged damaging others? Not a great look, especially in his current state. At her question, Silas heaved a deep breath, coughing it out. “----Okay... um, I guess that depends on your definition of ‘okay.’ I’m sort of... avoiding someone? At least, long enough to figure out what I’m going to say to them.”
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silasatwater-blog · 6 years
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silasatwater-blog · 6 years
       As her fiery gaze finally lands upon the blond, her chest constricts, tightening at the mere sight of him now. Was it the fact that she was afraid to confront him now that it came down to it? Was it the fact that sleepy, 2AM Silas was so attractive, it ignited a breath to be hitched in her throat? Or was it the fact that after all the years of emotional build up, she was finally at the point of possibly knowing? Attempting to push away the fluttering in her chest and the haziness of her mind, Indiana decided instead to hold on to her anger, reminding herself of all the confusion and unsaid words and ambiguity that lay between them. She had to know. 
       Standing there with her hands planted on her hips, she drops her gaze to the floor for a moment or two to compose herself. How was she going to say it? What was she going to ask? How could she put forth everything she was feeling towards him without blowing up or finding herself an emotional wreck? Bitterness lacing her tone of voice, Indi finally meets his gaze once more as her chest heaves with a weighted sigh. “What is your problem, Silas?!” She hadn’t intended on asking that so bluntly; Indiana was far from a rude or confrontational person. But, with Silas, things were different. Nobody got to her, or got under her skin, the way he did. “Why..” Throwing her hand up in the air as another sigh escapes her, Indi returns her gaze to Silas, her gaze a little more accusatory. Strangely enough, a sense of nostalgia washes over her as she remembers how she used to feel towards Silas.. only, her emotions were far more heightened now because.. well, things were different. He wasn’t just the boy who’d won her mom over in a way that left her annoyed. He wasn’t just the guy who, she thought, had tried to take Lucas’ place. Silas was so much more than that.. and it terrified the hell out of her. “Why’d you come tonight if you were just gonna ignore me?” 
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                         ‘What is your problem, Silas?’ Well, wasn’t that the question of the century. In fact, the past two years had been so incredibly confusing and made of impulsive, out of the norm decisions... Silas wasn’t so sure who he was anymore. The blonde had been so used to doing things on his own--- to only account for himself, that being caught in this kind of predicament can only mean one thing: he hadn’t changed. It happened with his mother, with his father, with Eden, Juliet, and Indi. Nothing rang truer than her first few words alone to remind him he hadn’t grown, that the past two years were just him fooling himself into thinking he was getting better. Words wouldn’t flow, so he just took it. Every glare and the ferociousness of her words couldn’t be met--- it was impossible. He knew he was in the wrong, that was clear as day. Because, even though the matter hadn’t been out there for everyone to see, let alone, spoken out loud... they knew. Silas and Indi knew what was going on, and he couldn’t hide from that anymore. No longer could he hide behind confusion feelings and thoughts of ‘what ifs’. And so, he stands there with his hand on the door handle, nerves violently moving back and forth, as he raises his blue hues to meet her brown ones. He takes a moment before opening his mouth to speak, dropping his gaze for a moment before picking them up again. There was nothing to lose anymore. Nothing to save, nothing to protect. He hadn’t changed, so what was the point in keeping it all to himself? “I don’t know,” he finally speaks, voice soft, yet not fully awake. “I came to apologize... I just... I didn’t think you needed that anymore once I saw how happy you were.” The translation was clear as day: You are better without me. Silas knew they didn’t need any more ‘read between the lines’ moments, but it’s what felt safe. At least, right now... with what was left of them.
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silasatwater-blog · 6 years
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silasatwater-blog · 6 years
latin word of the day: florulentus, -a, -um, abounding in flowers, flowery (post-class.)
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silasatwater-blog · 6 years
She drinks slowly, hesitantly, trying her hardest not to make a fool of herself in front of the sweet boy who’d fallen asleep at her side - who probably had a million other things to do with his free time and yet he’d chosen to make sure she was okay. Juliet grinned again though, grateful for the light mood, the fact that she was up and conscious and nursing a bruised ego but in all reality it could’ve turned out a lot worse. Hell, she’d been in the hospital for worse. Just ask her father. “Oh my gosh,” she breathed again at his account of the unfortunate events that had landed her here, able to let out another light hint of a chuckle. “Just - come here,” Juliet replied, her water cup now safely stationed on a pull out tray near her left shoulder, scooting in that same direction to allow room on the pathetically uncomfortable mattress for him. “I’ve kept you waiting in that awful chair for long enough. Let’s just.. go back to sleep,” she murmured.
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                             Silas chuckled to himself at her clear need to move things along, the blonde taking a hint that no more apologies were needed for the day. Pressing his lips together, he smiles softly, climbing into bed beside her as he slips his arm carefully behind her head. “Careful, careful,” he coos, as they settle comfortably into a relaxing position. “Is it weird that this is way more comfortable than the bed I got at home?” he chuckles, pulling the covers over her, not caring too much about the blanket covering him. With his right arm around her, he uses right hand to pet her head gently, slouching as he presses a kiss on the top of her head. “Alright, get some rest sleepy head.”
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flashback (silas & juliet)
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silasatwater-blog · 6 years
“Oh. I’m sure you couldn’t have had better care then. ” Luke knew that merely offering essentially empty words such as, ‘I’m sorry,’ wouldn’t truly do anything in retrospect.  “I’ve heard a lot, that’s how I know — You must really be like family to them.” At the same time, the apparent revelation seemingly struck a passing thought. Should he maybe have heard Silas’ name before? For a few moments, Luke aimlessly toyed with one of the materials placed before them until hearing the following remarks. “The one where my Grandfather’s buried locally here. But… from a work stance as well, they’re a part of what I do at times. Archaeology.” Luke added in explanation. “Anyway, yes, this is for a date.” He grinned a bit, his eyes shifting towards the table-top, that particular notion reminding him to not steer completely away from the task at hand. “So uh, first step, right?” 
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                              Family was a strong word--- one that, admittingly, was hard to hear. Silas didn’t really know the definition of one, at least... for himself. Of course, the Harpers would always be the family he idolized since he was a kid, but as he got older, Silas knew no family was perfect. Nonetheless, the blonde couldn’t help but chuckle a little, shrugging. “I guess so. I can’t say no to that.” Especially after everything Adeline did for him? How could he not? “Have you? What did you hear?” he raises a curious brow, smile along with it. “Archaeology? Wow, talk about National Treasure. How much schooling did you have to do for that?” Silas nods with a satisfied grin at Luke’s confirmation, chuckling to himself as he reminds him of the task of hand. “Right--- first step.” He clasps his hands together, turning to face him. “Picking the flower. Any you have your heart set on?”
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silasatwater-blog · 6 years
☾ ✩ — « starter for @silasatwater » ☽
       The frustration was building inside of her like a kettle of water, bubbling as time bore on, as instances kept occurring to ‘fuel the fire’. There she was at her own birthday party with someone who refused to approach her, who’d been avoiding her for what felt like months, who’d given her mixed signals; what, with somewhat being told he was into her, and yet his actions bore otherwise. Someone who ignited a myriad of butterflies fluttering within her core, and somehow at the very same time, drove her up the wall, making her feel crazy. As she’d peered over at that particular blond through a crowd of people she didn’t care to know the name of, Indi found herself at a crossroads, the way she’d always felt around Silas. It was as though they were continually bound to the notion of taking two steps forward, one step back. 
       Two AM had just struck leaving an equally annoyed and exhausted birthday girl sitting on her very couch, ignoring the few people still lurking around her apartment despite the party having slowed hours ago. And she’d sat there that night and feigned happiness and put on a face the way she always knew how. Even now, she sat there, determined to convince herself to just go to bed, let it all go, and let herself calm — tomorrow was another day. But she couldn’t, she couldn’t let it go because it irritated her more than she could fathom. And as her fingertips tapped on the button of her phone, gaze studying the numbers for what felt like the hundredth time, she decided she couldn’t let it go. The brunette was irate, confused, unable to understand how in the world he could just go from telling her he wanted to kiss her to just completely ignoring her. 
       And that was why not even fifteen minutes later, Indi’s knuckles were knocking on his very door, a heavy sigh escaping her taut lips. She was uncaring of what time it was, or that she was just ‘rocking up’ without letting him know, or that she was about to blast him with every emotion that had been building up for the past two years. She had to know why, what he’d meant.. that she wasn’t just driving herself insane and making it all up in her head. There was something between them, she could feel it. She wanted to know why his actions faltered to mirror his words. And if, by chance, she was making it all up in her head, she wanted to know, once and for all. 
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                              Silas didn’t last very long at Indiana’s party. From wandering wall to wall, mingling with surface level chatter, the blonde found it absolutely difficult to bring himself to face her. There were many reasons why, but to list them would take more energy than Silas could provide, especially after using it all to bring himself here in the first place. Admittingly, there was a brief moment in which Silas saw an opening. He could remember it vividly. She stood in the doorway of one of the apartments, arms crossed as one hand holding a glass of champagne or wine--- that part was left fuzzy. She was laughing, talking to someone. When that person left, Silas nearly brought himself to take that leap but was caught like a deer in the headlights when he had spotted the pressed flowers on a shelf a few feet away from him. It took all of two minutes for it to register where he had seen them before, as every assumption and curious thought fell into place when Luke had arrived.
He couldn’t believe it at first. After all, it was too great of a coincidence, evidently made to remind him of how undeserving he was of her. Still, Silas watched them for a little bit longer, and as a few more minutes passed, the blonde was convinced. He left after loitering for an hour or two and never looked back. Needless to say, the pain from seeing Indi with someone else (no matter how mild the interaction may be) was a clear sign he should back off. Silas was sure, that what he did on New years eve was the universe's way of helping him out of a situation made to fail. As he slumps into his sofa, melting into his pool of self-pity, Silas could feel himself being thrown back into square one: Where love wasn't real, and that it never will be.
The sound of pounding against his front door had awoken the blonde from his slumber, realizing he had nodded off to Family Feud with a beer in his hand. Classic, he thought, just like dad. Slowly, Silas pulled himself off the couch, dusting himself off as he makes his way towards the door, not fully oriented as he pulls it open. Rubbing his eye, the blonde looks up, his heart stopping as his gaze widens. “...Indi?” he somewhat greets, brows furrowed with a scratchy voice.
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silasatwater-blog · 6 years
“Rise and shine!” Emily announced, barging through the doors of her cousins bed room. The female spent a lot of her time in Silas’ house if not her own, so it was safe to say that she knew how to get in on her own. Going strait for his curtains, she swung them open, welcoming the morning sunlight in Silas’ once dim-lit bedroom. “Did you forget about our plans?”
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                   If it wasn’t for the sound of the door slamming against his wall, it was definitely  the sound of Emily greeting Silas with her usual ‘wake up call’, pulling him out of his slumber. "Fucking hell, Em...” he groans, rubbing his eyes as he attempts to shield his baby blues from the sunlight. At her question, the blonde’s brows furrow beneath his hand, turning her way with half closed lids. “....Yeah, I did--- what are we doing again?”
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