sicktr4cks-blog · 9 years
“I’ll watch the world go up in flames. I’ll strike a match to help you do the same. The time is now, tick tock, it’s ticking away. So now I’m here to rain on your parade.”
I knew of Four Year Strong for a while now and really like one song in particular from one of their earlier albums. I saw that they had recently released a new album and decided to listen to it. I was really impressed with the direction they took away from the screamo and more on the rock aspect. I like screamo, but I think they do this sound a little bit better. I’m also pretty stoked that they are coming to warped tour this year.
This is just a solid track through and through. I love how you can really hear the passion in his voice. The guitar is solid, and I love the amount of bass hits through the chorus. 
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sicktr4cks-blog · 9 years
"I've got demons myself; I've got to face these evil spirits and send them back to hell."
I stumbled across this track on one of my radio stations on Spotify. I really like this guy’s vocals, especially when he holds out the notes like at 2:19. I think the guitars in the background really help that portion too. The guitars are another part that I really love. I like that they are pretty heavy and distorted, but that each note is still pretty distinct. I think the verses with just the electric drums and synth add a cool dynamic to the song as whole. Kind of makes me think of the classic Linkin Park rap/rock feel.
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sicktr4cks-blog · 9 years
Warning: Explicit Lyrics
“ We are the ones who never said this is a cool neck top; you're gonna get it. You can't stop us cause you can't keep up. We're straight, fist to the throttle, breaking the model.”
So I loved New Medicine’s first album and listened to them a bunch in high school. Today while going through Spotify and all the recommended tracks, I realized that they had put out another album. This is one of the tracks I really liked. I love his kind of crazy/whiney voice and how he yells. This album seems to be a bit more electronic; I’m glad they kept the kind of heavy rock feel, though.
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sicktr4cks-blog · 9 years
Just stumbled across this guy on Spotify today. I thought it was pretty chill until the bass dropped. Then my mind was blown. WHAAAAAT?! I like it because it’s heavy, but at the same time it’s not crazy. It’s not dirty dub. The other songs from this EP are pretty good too if you’re interested.
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sicktr4cks-blog · 9 years
“Oh oh oh, sing it all away. Sing it all away my darlings. Oh oh oh, sing it all away. Sing it all away, and I’ll carry you home.”
So I started listening to these guys today because I had heard of them before (I think it was a “Somebody That I Used To Know” cover) and I figured they were pretty chill. Perfect for Sunday. So I stumbled across this song and I LOVE IT!
I really love the kind of drinking-song feel, and the slow but heavy beats. It also has that sort of stadium shouting that I really love. The effects on the voice of the man in the first verse really gets me too. It throws me back to the days of “Echo” by Gorilla Zoe. I also love how they hold out “daaaaarlings” to come down on the off beat. There’s slight accents on the off beat that gives it a reggae-ish feel that I really enjoy.
They also have a lot of other good songs so definitely check them out.
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sicktr4cks-blog · 9 years
Mature Themes
"You set your pace, I keep mine too. Each time I chase, I feel dark blue"
I used to dislike The Story So Far. Most of it has to do with the singer. I found his voice to be annoying because he doesn't sing so much. However, the more I've been listening to them, the more it seems to grow on me. I love kind of yell-singing and I enjoy it because I feel like it's very passionate. I would highly recommend looking up there top songs on Spotify. Their softer stuff is really great as well.
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sicktr4cks-blog · 9 years
“You suck my heart through a crazy straw. Then your freckles turned into lady bugs. In the sky they flew and they spelled ‘I love.’ By the time I knew that you were the one.”
My coworker showed me this group, and one of their songs is creeping it’s way up the charts. I love the vocals, especially with all the high throws and shouting, and the simple, almost pounding piano gets to me. 
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sicktr4cks-blog · 9 years
"I was broken; I was choking; I was lost; This song saved my life. I was bleeding; Stopped believing; Could have died; This song saved my life. I was down; I was drowning, but it came on just in time. This song saved my life."
I love this song. It touches on the importance of music and how it's such a powerful tool. Music has got me through some really hard times. I think music is great to lean on when you need it, but it's also important to maintain balance and remember what's MOST important.
I also love the children's chorus that comes in at 2:15. Kind of goes back to that "stadium yelling" I've referenced before.
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sicktr4cks-blog · 9 years
“You were the plan I had to everything. Inspired on the outside, and dark within. Mistakes I've made that’s jaded all of me.”
A little more on the chill side. I really love this song. It’s got one verse, and then the rest of the lyrics are kind of free flowing. Very calming. I like how the acoustics give it such a spacey feel.
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sicktr4cks-blog · 9 years
“Turn my head, it’s back to bed with no delay. Can’t be bothered by my phone ten times a day. Why get up? My morning doesn’t even start ‘til two. Forget reality; waking up is hard to do.”
Sum 41 has been one of my favorites for a long long time. I love the punk mentality of an individual against the world. This song has been pretty applicable as of late since I struggle waking up.
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sicktr4cks-blog · 9 years
“I’m breathing, not living. I want to know if my soul’s worth saving. Please understand me.”
I really like this song. It’s kind of heavy, and there is some screaming. I love the kind of spacey ethereal feel. I’m also a huge fan of the shouting or what I call “stadium yelling” starting at 2:07. Also I think the lyrics are pretty great.
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sicktr4cks-blog · 9 years
Mild Language
I really love this track. It’s a genre that I like to call funkno (funk + techno). You can’t help but bust a funky move.
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