Keith Is a Good Leader, You guys are just mean
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Salt/Fandom Vent Blog. Yes, I know I'm very angry and confrontational in my posts. If you come at me with open-mindedness and reasonableness though, I will listen and return it.
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shutup-and-trust-me · 4 years ago
Oh man. I've got so many problems with this episode.
Spoilers below
Okay so first off-- completely subjective but does anyone else hate Rose's costume?? every other costume has at least some resemblance to the kwami animal they represent but theres not a single animalistic quality to Rose's costume aside from the color and maybe the pigtails. I just. What
the random tutu, the white shoulder cut off, ???? cmon, you couldve given me tusks, a snout a curly tail-- like okay sure a pig is a hard animal to make look cool, or turn into a superhero i get that but NO animalistic features at all????? cmon.
that actually might be the most distressing part of this episode for me ngl.
Aside from that I kept having to pause the episode again and again early on because miscommunication as a plot device really is like... some of the most frustrating and stupid and aggravating to watch.
chat noir's suicide attempt was incredibly shocking though so I can't wait for the writers to brush it off like it never happened in the next episode!
Really tho i hate it because you can just tell-- this episode is not being written seriously so ofc they hate to go throw in chats akuma-addled suicide attempt in it what the fuck
Rose is very cute tho and all of the classroom hugs were adorable and i love the thought of them all being kind of a big support group/miniature family for each other. ; _ ; because theyve all been akumatized at one point or another so its so sweet to see them all so eager to help each other in this regard. Bwah. and they all took juleka's feelings very seriously.
Lowkey reminds me of my time in drama class and theres some similar experiences there. Made me emotional ngl.
aside from that though i think this episode was more ruined for me by roses outfit of choice and by the plotline than anything else. shame because theres a lot of angst potential for it that only the trailer could bring out but the episode itself couldnt, evidently.
shame i got hyped up for nothing. :/
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shutup-and-trust-me · 4 years ago
time for something a little different.
okay but is it just me or is it harder and harder to like adrien?
I understand the whole movie theater joke hahaha hoo hoo oh yeah, cinemas are the perfect place to be quiet!!
but like. the arms around the shoulder thing just skeeves me out because ive had so many creepy fucking dudes do the same thing to me and shes CLEARLY not in the mood? Shes clearly irritated and hes just not paying any attention to her emotional state at all.
and that just makes it all the creepier and grosser to see him acting like a little mini-misogynist like astruc wants him to be and just. sigh. AU where adrien is ACTUALLY respectful and cares about ladybug and not just the idea of dating her? And using time spent as heros in order to best show off, flirt, and impress her?
it makes me so sad, i used to love chat noir but fuck
hes just a fuck boy now
if these flaws were at least treated like flaws itd beso much better, but theyre not. the show and the narrative and the writing is convinced that sexual harrassment = normal good boy behavior.
i hate this
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shutup-and-trust-me · 4 years ago
yknow endeavor, and endhawks from bnha?
so much of that ship actively and acknowledges and centers endeavors recovery as an abuser and that alone makes it so much more comfortable to even touch as a ship in comparison to klance, like immediately, just because like
like yeah obvs you can see they like him because big bara daddy stuff and yknow what i cant fault them for that but like
the fact that they just accept and dont fucking deny his issues is so refreshing comparatively and i love that. Ship still isnt for me but like, its just really nice to see.
and this doesnt mean like every endhawks piece HAS to have an essay stapled to it explaining and acknowledging his problems, thats not it at all. its just the fact that they can, and then move past it, and still like it, thats important.
good on you, endhawks fans.
The Klance Ship Has Problems (from a Klance Shipper)
i dont even hate klance tbh its just the shippers are so incredibly deluded, toxic, hateful and inappropriate towards literally everyone.
and every piece of content they put out is either super ooc, doesnt represent keith OR lance well, refuses to acknowledge lances bullying-- and god that makes it so uncomfortable, and this is biased but most of the recent content for klance ive seen on the tl features like a humongous keith and its like, its just gross like
lance did nothing but shit on keith for four seasons straight, constantly harassing him because keith was more talented (yknow, because he trained and studied hard to be that way) so why on earth klance fandom ever thinks keith would crush on lance, nevermind date him without lance first making up for his constant shit stirring and harrassment, beats the shit out of me. I can only assume its because they do nothing but project everything onto lance while ignoring Keith as whole because they see him more as an object of affection for lance and less as as person, or at least anyone who matters.
The depictions of the character really tell you everything. And given every depiction of lance is like this twinky little innocent sunshine baby, and every depiction of Keith is like this big tall husbando (hes.. shorter than lance in canon??) who just has this mysterious merry poppins well of affection for the guy who did nothing but rag on him from highschool and beyond-- Yeah i can only assume you guys just don't watch the show or don't give a shit about Keith.
and like jsyk im not making this post to just belligerently hate on the ship. because i DO actually like the ship. i just like it because they do have problems and they ARE in conflict. Not because they're "uwu perfect soulmates with no issues whatsoever."
like if youre looking for the "uwu healthy loving ship", its not klance. its sheith.
just sayin
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shutup-and-trust-me · 4 years ago
The Klance Ship Has Problems (from a Klance Shipper)
i dont even hate klance tbh its just the shippers are so incredibly deluded, toxic, hateful and inappropriate towards literally everyone.
and every piece of content they put out is either super ooc, doesnt represent keith OR lance well, refuses to acknowledge lances bullying-- and god that makes it so uncomfortable, and this is biased but most of the recent content for klance ive seen on the tl features like a humongous keith and its like, its just gross like
lance did nothing but shit on keith for four seasons straight, constantly harassing him because keith was more talented (yknow, because he trained and studied hard to be that way) so why on earth klance fandom ever thinks keith would crush on lance, nevermind date him without lance first making up for his constant shit stirring and harrassment, beats the shit out of me. I can only assume its because they do nothing but project everything onto lance while ignoring Keith as whole because they see him more as an object of affection for lance and less as as person, or at least anyone who matters.
The depictions of the character really tell you everything. And given every depiction of lance is like this twinky little innocent sunshine baby, and every depiction of Keith is like this big tall husbando (hes.. shorter than lance in canon??) who just has this mysterious merry poppins well of affection for the guy who did nothing but rag on him from highschool and beyond-- Yeah i can only assume you guys just don't watch the show or don't give a shit about Keith.
and like jsyk im not making this post to just belligerently hate on the ship. because i DO actually like the ship. i just like it because they do have problems and they ARE in conflict. Not because they're "uwu perfect soulmates with no issues whatsoever."
like if youre looking for the "uwu healthy loving ship", its not klance. its sheith.
just sayin
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shutup-and-trust-me · 4 years ago
lmao @ the klancers reacting to the last post with some comment on my typo
thats the best you got? that i mispelled a word? god youre sad.
anyway keep hating, klantis.
in addition to telling your gf how homophobic you are, why dont you also tell her how you spend your time online fighting people over cartoon ships @blanceybance
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shutup-and-trust-me · 4 years ago
okay heres a topic:
"Fuck canon" and "Canon doesnt matter" is a shitty attitude to have. From the start, "death of the author" has always been about disregarding the narrative, will, and intentions of the artist and creators behind their works.
Now, if you simply want to disregard some aspects of canon in order to better enjoy it yourself, thats absolutely fine! I think everyone should be able to do that! and you absolutely should.
But i hate this attitude that anything you remotely disagree with, or anything you just didn't like,-- anything that didn't personally cater to you regarding a story, just doesn't exist, isn't real, or can't be accepted. like its not your story dude, you don't actually get to decide what is and is not canon. You may be allowed to shift your focus from one aspect of it to another, or ignore certain parts in favor of others for personal enjoyment, but you don't actually get to shit all over everything you don't like about something the second it doesn't meet your expectations-- And then act like your opinions and interpretations are better than the original work just Because.
I see this all the time in fandom with regards to ships, headcanons, and so many other aspects and its like. No one even remotely considers accepting it and just being okay with that there are some things about it that they didn't like.
but even more than that, its especially disturbing how the idea of exploring or thinking about this thing they didn't like-- or appreciating it Despite it not being their preference-- isn't even considered an option anymore.
its as if it has to be completely fucking perfect to Everyone, and if its not, you can't like it at all. and your entire identity has to either be loving and worshipping it, or hate campaigning against it until it bends to your will.
and this is such a radically unhealthy way to respond to things you don't like. i cant be the only one seeing that.
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shutup-and-trust-me · 4 years ago
hey, im craving interaction. I like VLD, i can tell people to shut up, and i can make good arguments. please give me some topics that youd like to hear about!
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shutup-and-trust-me · 4 years ago
keith isnt a bad leader, you just hate him
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shutup-and-trust-me · 4 years ago
anyway klancers,
shiro is keiths mentor and keith loves him and theyre in love and theyre gay and theyre happy
and your homphobia is telling when you get mad about it
die mad lmao
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shutup-and-trust-me · 4 years ago
Keith isnt autistic, hes traumatized. Die mad about it.
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shutup-and-trust-me · 4 years ago
season 7 wasn't bad, you just never liked voltron for what it was to begin with; a mecha-anime inspired show about a space war
it was always militaristic
it was always action-driven
most of the "fans" of this show can't deign to pay attention to anything outside of paladin interactions in the first place.
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shutup-and-trust-me · 4 years ago
hey (waves) 
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shutup-and-trust-me · 5 years ago
About the severing of the Black Lion/Shiro bond, maybe the fact that the lion cares for the paladin =/= bond? Black had /wanted/ to leave Zarkon, so much that he took Shiro on that mind-journey to do so. And yet Zarkon still had a lot of control over him. So even if the bond is severed it doesn't mean Black doesn't care for Shiro anymore. I think we should have had more about the team accepting Keith but I liked how they didn't bat an eye at him taking Black and followed his every instruction.
Adding to what I said about Black still caring for Shiro even if they're not Bonded™ anymore, one of my personal headcanons is that Black, after sharing Shiro's mind for so long, had saved him because he actually felt that Shiro deserved a second chance at living his life without so much weight on his shoulders c: I don't get why people think that because Black doesn't share his thoughts with Shiro anymore -> he doesn't like him.
Anon you are missing every point and taking it way too personally, and thats why you’re not understanding anything. And when I say taking it personally I mean you are personalizing this way too much, and drawing conclusions from it that aren’t evidenced. 
To make reasonable deductions of anything you must think with reasoning behind something. Thats how hypothesis, theorys, and speculative thought for deductive reasoning is formed, before it can be asserted as truth. 
We take only what we know, as prior, verified, truthful, or otherwise Proven knowledge, and we base our theories off of that before we begin doing anything else. In this case, our proven knowledge, our facts that we have to work with, are Canon. We avoid taking things that we do not know to be true, such as personal opinion or thought, as proof, because it obviously makes no sense, has no reasoning, has yet to be verified, and would muddy our equation, so to speak. So to break it down..We know the lions can talk to their paladins. However, we only see the Lions talking to Their Chosen Paladin. This is evidenced by the act of each lion individually communicating with his or her paladin, but not any other paladin, or any other person should they not be Chosen. We also often see the lions talking/ or growling, to their chosen paladins whenever they have a bonding moment. 
Therefore it can be assumed that, if you have not specifically been chosen by the lion, the lion is not talking to you, or does not, or can not, communicate to you. 
Further evidence for this can be observed when Red Chooses Lance, and Blue locks him out. Lance goes onto say something like “Why won’t you talk to me?”, and mopes about blue shutting him out. 
Thus the logical conclusion we can derive from this, based off observed canonical evidence of the behaviors of the lions between their chosen and non-chosen, is that if you are not bonded to, or not chosen by the lion, the lion is not, or is no longer, talking to you. 
And so if the same happened to Lance, we can deduce that that same likely happened to Shiro. 
I don’t know why this is either hard or offensive for people to grasp, but the Lions were always these weirdly sentient robot space ships. They’re not pets, they’re not animals, they’re sentient magical space warfare. A relationship with a lion would probably be more like a relationship with a diety than necessarily someones actual pet. That people have misunderstood this, and personalized the relationship and asserted so many “headcanons”, lies, and other false thoughts to it, is their own fault. 
You get to decide how you want to understand something. Whether or not you make the effort to, is your choice. And for a lot of people in fandom, the choice is Not To, and then to blame the medium for the misunderstanding, often with little effort to truly try and understand it outside of personal preference, bias, shipping, Headcanons, ect. 
Like you can have all your AU’s and slash and side-storys and shoot-offs you want but it’s really... not hard to see why they all get shot down when you mistake them for canon. 
Because they’re not. 
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shutup-and-trust-me · 5 years ago
I really hate that the voltron fandom is so toxic. So many things are, honestly, not just voltron but tons of fandoms and other communities. 
I wish it were better. I wish people would put effort into being better people and valueing the wellbeing of themselves and others. But thats a complicated problem thats not easy to solve. 
but itd be nice if we could stick it to people that think anything in fiction is worth hurting someone else over. 
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shutup-and-trust-me · 5 years ago
We’re not angry at Keith for taking Shiro’s position. We just like having Shiro as a leader and Keith as his right hand man. Like, it’s not that hard. We’re just upset that Shiro isn’t the leader anymore. At least, I am. I liked havin Shiro as leader and Keith in red. Their armor doesn’t even match anymore and everything feels wrong. Us Shiro Stan’s don’t hate Keith for that. Most of us love him lol
looking back this ask is so obviously bad-- you’re literally mad that things change. You’re mad that they grew. You’re mad that they didn’t stay in their same positions. And you wonder why it’s getting argued against. 
It’s a *story*. Of course things are going to change. No progress can be mad with their characters if they stayed the same forever. And Keith’s potential as a leader was foreshadowed from the very first season- BEFORE, even, if you consider that 80′s Keith was voltons original leader. 
Plus, saying “we just like having shiro as the leader and keith as his right hand man” sounds so.... gross?? in the way that its like, keeping Keith in a lesser position his whole life. As if either of them don’t have a greater potential they can go on to see and achieve like any other character or human being. 
TLDR: Characters change, Susan. Thats a dumb thing to complain about. 
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shutup-and-trust-me · 7 years ago
Adam and Shiro breaking up and having been in a relationship is extremely explicit. Just because you can’t read context in a scene doesn’t mean everyone else can’t. Telling someone “If you go on the mission don’t expect me to be here when you get back,” and “I can’t do this again.” Is a pretty damn obvious indicator of a romantic relationship, and if that’s not enough, you need to step outside and go experience life a little bit more. Or come back to me when your mom or your friend says “I can’t do this anymore with you/I won’t go through this again.”
Have you ever thought about how a whole room full of SDCC viewers could watch that episode and immediately tune in to Shiro being gay and having a relationship with Adam, before opening your mouth and making statements like this? If not, let me inform you now that your perception is not without fault, and you should consider that before making criticism if you know you’re having comprehension problems. Objectivity is required, not optional. Basing perception around your point of view and personal feelings does not make analysis.
Finally, Finally, There was nothing overhyped about it. To a casual fan who hadn’t read interviews or been on tumblr and had only seen the trailer, Adam would look like a like a stranger in the thumbnails. A relevant new character, really, but of what importance is impossible to discern from it alone unless you had more information from interviews or SDCC. 
The only thing that “over-hyped” adam and Shiro is tumblr, based on less than compelling evidence, hell, even evidence to the contrary. Once again the only people you have baited are yourselfs but instead of taking action to correct your faulty perceptions, you keep making excuses and pushing blame onto something else. 
Even if Adam and Shiro had been overhyped, the marketing team and show runners and creators themselves are Entirely Different People and have little interaction. 
after seeing all the terrible reviews on rotten tomatoes and how they’ve affecting it im so fucking disappointed
shameful kellogs name is up there too in the GOOD REVIEWS and UGH
you know shits bad when shamus kingdom has a better, more vocal position than most fans. cant believe this
stop pretending you actually care about gays or gay representation when you’re really just mad about not having a ship that was Literally Sunk From The Start
none of you fucking listen and its such a big goddamn problem
i hate the most fans of voltron are people who dont actually give a shit about the show itself, nor the agency of the people who make it. otherwise you’d have paid any amount of attention to lauren and JDS when they kept saying shiro and adam were EX boyfriends, that they were BROKEN UP, over and over again since apparently adam leaving shiro in canon just wasnt fucking enough huh?
why the fuck is nothing enough for you assholes? why cant you ever listen? You’re literally the most terrible fans that you dont even watch or like the actual show but still expect it to change on a dime for you without even listening or paying attention to anything that even happens in it to the extent that adam can be introduced as a fucking EX and you’ll still be mad he’s not with Shiro at the end of it. 
Even if Adam HAD survived, he and Shiro wouldn’t be together you absolute morons. 
keep it up and the only gay rep we’ll ever have will be those two gay background character cops on gravity falls who were always just joke characters
Keep reading
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shutup-and-trust-me · 7 years ago
after seeing all the terrible reviews on rotten tomatoes and how they've affecting it im so fucking disappointed
shameful kellogs name is up there too in the GOOD REVIEWS and UGH
you know shits bad when shamus kingdom has a better, more vocal position than most fans. cant believe this
stop pretending you actually care about gays or gay representation when you’re really just mad about not having a ship that was Literally Sunk From The Start
none of you fucking listen and its such a big goddamn problem
i hate the most fans of voltron are people who dont actually give a shit about the show itself, nor the agency of the people who make it. otherwise you’d have paid any amount of attention to lauren and JDS when they kept saying shiro and adam were EX boyfriends, that they were BROKEN UP, over and over again since apparently adam leaving shiro in canon just wasnt fucking enough huh?
why the fuck is nothing enough for you assholes? why cant you ever listen? You’re literally the most terrible fans that you dont even watch or like the actual show but still expect it to change on a dime for you without even listening or paying attention to anything that even happens in it to the extent that adam can be introduced as a fucking EX and you’ll still be mad he’s not with Shiro at the end of it. 
Even if Adam HAD survived, he and Shiro wouldn’t be together you absolute morons. 
keep it up and the only gay rep we’ll ever have will be those two gay background character cops on gravity falls who were always just joke characters
also i love how they keep saying “ew straight cis girls are ruining it uwu” as if they arent straight cis girls themselves, as if that has anything to do with the issue because of course, there is none. because they keep trying to mask this stupid ship war as anything other than what it actually is; ship rage. 
none of them are actually upset about lgbtq rep or theyd be happy just to have shiro, who is amazing all on his own and needs no man. no. 
theyre just upset they dont have klance and its so fucking transparent. 
if they gave any single shit about lance too they’d stop pushing him to be a special bi fantasy baby when canonically he’s the literal furthest thing, being the straightest character on the goddamn show.
and ofc its only going to get worse because allurance is canon. so theyll never stop crying and whining and somehow theyre still delusional enough to think klance is still somehow going to happen in s8, and its just not. so when it doesnt happen things will be worse than ever. 
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