You haven't updated in over two months, I kinda miss you honestly :(
// oof. Way to drag on my heart strings pal. Update time!  Putting it under ‘keep reading’ because its a doozy.
So ya I’ve been gone for a while now under the pretense of acclimation to a school schedule again. I didn’t really like the idea of this blog just sitting on an indefinite Hiatus and this ask was the final straw to get me to talk about it.
Trying to keep the rambling down to a minimum I will say this. I have very mixed feelings about tumblr… (this is just about the league rp community, couldn’t care less about the rest of this place). This blog isn’t my first rodeo on League RP, as I used to have a decently popular Mordekaiser blog back in the day. That’s besides the point however.My motivation to do anything on this site is very sporadic. At times its all I can think of and I refresh the main page dozens of times just waiting for a reply. Others I go months or even a year without thinking about it. All in all though what makes me lose motivation is tumblr begins to feel like work. How many drafts do I have to finish, who do I owe replies to, who should I strike up a rp with next to get followers, how do I justify said rp while staying in character? These are all questions I get very tired of answering at times.
The reward for going through all the work is when special attention is given to me and I receive genuine compliments that shows someone enjoys the effort I put into it. (as selfish as that sounds, I’m pretty competitive when it comes to being the best of my muse). Hence this ask. This dude called me out, saying he actively missed me. There are plenty of other Azir’s around but he missed me. The feeling I get from that is the reason why I bother with tumblr at all honestly, and why I’m writing this now.
So whats the point to all this? Well I’m not sure. I’m pretty busy lately with other new hobbies I’ve submerged in (mostly table top rpg’s). I could try and make a renewed effort to find my way here again but it probably wont be as active as I was before. Coming on now and again for the occasional reply to 1-2 threads at most would probably be the extent of it. Even then there is no telling when I would burnout again.
I’ll end it all with this. If there is a great enough to desire for me to brush off this layer of dust I’ve accumulated, then I’ll try to but with no guarantees on how long it lasts. If nobody really cares then this blog will probably fade back into indefinite hiatus until a new passionate muse strikes me again at some point.
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// So classes start again for me next week and I’m moving back into my dorm tomorrow. Things are going to be busy for me as I settle in so the blog will be on a Hiatus until I feel comfortable again. TTFN!
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“Oh is that a challenge?” The captain laughed heartily as he reached into his pouch and pulled out an orange. “This, is all I need to survive.” He took out a small knife that he hid in his sleeve and started to peel the orange slowly. “But perhaps you’re right. I doubt you’d survive an hour in Bilgewater without being dumped into the sea.”
“The sweltering heat and lack of water aren't the only thing to fear in Shurima.” Azir spoke, glancing at the orange with an amused expression. “I doubt citrus would protect you from its many predators. And besides,” Azir leaned in with his eyes arching into a smirk. “it seems highly unlikely that a town filled with rag-tag sea mercenaries could best an ascendant like myself so easily.”
"Sand, Sand and more sand... This must be the driest place I've ever been to."
Azir didn’t really know what to say at first. He crossed his arms as he raised a brow beneath his helm.
“You are aware you are currently standing in a desert yes? Water is a very precious resource here, one that can mean life or death. I doubt someone from your region could last three days under the Shuriman sun.”
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“Thought you might ask…” He pulled out a piece of paper. “Narrowed it down a bit…” He handed Azir the paper.
1. When the Solari of Mount Targon are completely destroyed.
2. When the Kinkou Order falls to Zed.
3. When Azir dies.
He sighed. “You won’t like it. But I find three most likely.” Rammus coughed a bit. It seemed the book had weakened him a bit. “I have more information.” He coughed again. “Vel’Koz is searching. Searching for a figure. An old man it seems. Old man who controls time.” He coughed once more. “Only one like that…” He coughed another time. This was getting annoying, “…is Zilean.” Rammus took a knee and cleared his throat.
“But yeah, sun dies. Think its a metaphor. Also, Azir, not sure. Not sure if you know. But I gave Nasus gift. Gift for you. The Mirage Blade. It should aid you. Aid you in times of need.” He hoped this would help his cause. “Also, Azir…” He looked around. “Remember… I am armor smith. If you need anything. Anything with armor. Just say so.” Rammus pointed to his shell.
Azir gratefully took the paper from Rammus and looked it over as the armadillo explained further. The Solari, that was a title Azir hadn’t heard in ages. Even when he was a young child the legend of the Solari was a distant one. Apperently their legend was true. The Emperor made a note to seek them out one day.
The Kinkou Order was completely unheard of to the ascendant, as was the name Zed. Still they must be rather significant for Rammus to think they may trigger the end times. That line was overshadowed but what came after however. A chill ran through the emperor’s spine when he read his name on the list. It made sense, the death of the sun could very well mean his demise...
His thoughts were interrupted however with the consistent coughing of Rammus as he was mentioning another unfamiliar name of Zilean. Azir waved his hand idealy and a maiden of sand materialized beside Rammus, leaning down to give him a glass of water. “Is all well Rammus? I’m afraid you wont be able to build any armor worth noting if your plagued with some sort of sickness.”
The Emperor of Sand
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infinite-xerath replied to your post:☠☠☠ HAG LAUGHTER
*Xerath takes note of that second one*
// Hiss!
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"Sand, Sand and more sand... This must be the driest place I've ever been to."
Azir didn’t really know what to say at first. He crossed his arms as he raised a brow beneath his helm.
“You are aware you are currently standing in a desert yes? Water is a very precious resource here, one that can mean life or death. I doubt someone from your region could last three days under the Shuriman sun.”
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☠ for a tragic fact about the muse
Well lets run down the list shall we!?!
☠Going to cop-out on the first one with something everyone knows. Azir’s entire existence, empire, and way of life were all brutally destroyed by the person he trusted most, Xerath. Azir found value in the slave boy and eventually began to see him as his closest friend, someone who wouldn’t like him simply because he was royal. He put a lot of trust into Xerath and it ended horribly for him.
☠ Nasus and Renekton were both heros of legend in Azir’s time. Even now Azir greatly respects Nasus’s word and values the good relation he has with the curator highly. Unfortunately the same is also true for Renekton. Despite what the lizard has become thanks to Xerath, Azir has a hard time seeing Renekton as anything but the legendary hero that he once idealized. Renekton was so selfless and good that he would sacrifice himself to seal away Xerath even! If Azir ever had to strike down Renekton, I’m not sure if he would have the strength to go through with it. Would you be able to kill someone you once thought so highly of?
☠ Azir is very lonely at times. Don’t look at this as a joke, because its not. He was suddenly resurrected into an unfamiliar time. Everyone he has ever known and loved are all dead, buried beneath the sands. Despite all the new citizens of Shurima he is acquiring and all the sand soldiers he has patrolling the empire he feels very alone at times. Even now with his immortal body he worries, how many future friends will he have to watch wither with age and die in front on him?
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☽ for a fact about the muse that they don’t want anyone to know
Doubt. Azir doubts himself and his actions rather frequently and he is unsure that what he is doing often times is right. Being reborn into a strange new time as a god-king and being tasked with the resurrection of an entire empire is very stressful. However he knows that in his position he can’t show weakness. He has to be perfect, a symbol of flawless light that his people can follow. The emperor of the sun can have no doubt, his word is absolute and without hesitation. At least that is what Azir would prefer people believe.
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Kalista listened to his words, and smiled. She was very glad that he had decided to ally with her. Mundane deals and pacts were something she hadn’t had a chance to make before, but they were available to her now. And since they costed neither life nor soul, they were something she would cherish even more.
She took the medallion, clutching it to her chest as she bowed before him, and tucking it away by strapping it to her scarf. Once done, she stood again. “Thank you, Emperor of Shurima. Your hospitality is very generous, and I will gladly accept your aid when next I meet our enemy.”
Azir nodded as she took his gift, hopping it could protect her when she needed it. With that said and done Azir stood from his throne and began to approach one of doors along the side walls. 
“I’m afraid that is all I have time for, there are many other duties I must attend to before the sun sets. However I am very pleased at what has happened here today. Feel free to depart and return to the Capital at your leisure. Shurima’s gates shall not be closed to you.” After a courteous farewell Azir departed from the room, leaving a few guards to escort Kalista from the main throne room and back into the open city grounds.
An Emperor’s Summons
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♢ for a random fact about the muse
☽ for a fact about the muse that they don’t want anyone to know
☠ for a tragic fact about the muse
❀ for a random fact about the mun
Send me a
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Rammus grinned. “Yes.” He let out a cough before telling Azir the actually true information he got from Icathia. “The Void is other dimension. Dark, cruel, natural selection. No order. Void requires leader. Kind of like ants. If leader dies, they scatter. They lose all thoughts. Run around like mindless idiots. Therefore…” Rammus actually got a little fearful at the next bit of information. “The Void has king. Bigger than Cho'Gath. Hungrier than Kog'Maw. Deadlier than Kha'Zix. Fiercer than Rek'sai. Smarter than Vel'Koz. The original Void spawn. Runes tell of end days. When the sun dies.”
He stopped. “The Void can be assaulted. However, its entire dimension. The worlds armies would be needed. United under one. Also, only brave can enter. Otherwise Void itself consumes you.” Rammus waited for Azir’s reaction to this news. “By the way emperor. Armadillos set up city to south. Easier trade this way. Avoiding Rek'sai.”
“So their order functions like a sort of pack does it? The strongest, alpha-voidborn commands the rest and can only be overthrown by a stronger one of his kind. This is...distressing.” Although not all voidborne were wild and feral Azir had hoped he could utilize this as their greatest weakness. No ability to tactically plan or organize themselves meant for a weak army in the grand scheme of things. If they had a true leader however...
Azir had to chuckle slightly as Rammus went on. “Well as I learn more about this time I can see this new era is certainly not lacking in brave men. Champions of the world, if you will. Although seeing them unite under a single banner...” Azir fell silent. Anyone could have finished the thought, the idea of the champions uniting is a pipe dream.
“As valuable as it is to know the void can unite under a true leader I do not see this as information that can aid our salvation. More so you have simply sighted another bolt of lighting in the on coming storm.” Sighing to himself Azir pondered for a moment before remembering something else the armadillo had said. “You said they would come at the end days, when the sun dies. Do you perhaps know a more specific date than that?”
The Emperor of Sand
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“The element of surprise is beyond you, Azir; I would recognize the aura of the Sun anywhere… And besides, if you are so confident in your victory, then you would not need a surprise to best me, correct?” Xerath chuckled as the air around him cackled. “The same can now be said for myself.”
The soldiers surrounding the Magus and his ruins caught Xerath’s attention. He took notice of how Azir did not summon them from the sand nearby… So then, Xerath did have the, as mortals of today would call it, ‘home advantage’ after-all.
The emperor’s left Xerath in a confused silent, however, though only for a moment. “Misguided Yordle? Ah, you must speak of the archmage.” Xerath laughed. “Veigar knows where his best interests lie; it is he who came to ME, emperor. He suffered greatly, rotting away in chains… Just as I once did. Who am I to deny him his vengeance?”
“Do not taint the air of this place further with any of your falsehoods Xerath.” Azir interrupted with a frustrated tone. “We both know that his asking for your aid is a fools errand. You care not for his fate so long as he can release you from your bindings.” The emperor spoke plainly as if what he was saying was simply fact and nothing more. 
“And do not hold your past bindings high like they still mean anything. I released you from your slavery long ago and you repaid me by destroying everything my empire and I were.” The sands directly around Azir began to glow slightly and swirl as his anger picked up. As tainted as this place was, its seemed Azir’s presence purified the sands immediately surrounding him. It seemed this small resource would be all he could draw upon should he need to call more soldiers.
“That Yordle has immense potential as you once did. I will not allow you to corrupt that potential into a force of malevolence.” At this point Azir’s eyes narrowed as each of the soldiers around him lowered their weapons toward the magus. “Cease all communication with the mage at once.”
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Rammus chuckled as the guards surrounded. “Calm. Only the Void can open. Even Void is cautious.” He looked over at Azir. “Sometimes death’s row is needed. Test my limits.” He pointed to his own shell. “Seeking for? A challenge.” He stopped chuckling. “Found information though.” Rammus began to glare. “However… I need a deal.” The dragon behind Rammus glared at Azir as well.
“Protection… for information. You know as well. What it means. To protect your people.”
Azir returned Rammus’s stare for a few moments before letting out a sigh. “You are correct on that front armadillo. Very well.” Azir pounded his staff on the floor before him and each soldier turned to face him as he issued a decree. “Let it be known henceforth that the armadillo tribes are intelligent creatures that were born in the sands of Shurima as we were. No longer are they to be used as resources for food and should be respected as their own faction.” The soldiers nodded and a few fell away, supposedly to spread the order throughout the capital.
Leaning back in his throne Azir returned his gaze to Rammus. “No huntsman that obeys my word will hunt your kind in the future, you can be assured on this fact. Perhaps modest trade can be established between your people and mine to promote good will in the meantime. For now though...” Azir leaned forward once more.
“I am very interested in the information you managed to retrieve.”
The Emperor of Sand
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“Because it came from Icathia.” He placed the legendary Zz’Rot Portal down on the ground. “Inscriptions tell of a story.” He pointed to small writing on the side. “Written in old Shuriman. I think that’s you.” The dragon behind Rammus snarled at the Zz’Rot Portal as it was placed down. Rammus smirked.
“You know what it is.” An arc of purple lightning flew from one of the tip of three stones to one of the others. “Zz’Rot magic.” The magic inside the portal was said to give the user an entrance and exit to the Void itself. It required the use of energy from the Void itself however. “Entrance and exit. Ancient text. Surely worthy. Worthy of a simple law.” Purple lightning was shocking the ground around the portal, but leaving no marks.
Annoyance at the armadillos sudden demand for a meeting began to turn to anger when he presented the Zz’Rot portal. Azir stood up from his throne and instantly multiple sand soldiers manifested around Rammus and his artifact. Each soldier lowered their spears at the animal although most seemed to keep their gaze on the potential void portal itself.
“You fool!” Azir spoke with aggression, his voice echoing through the room. “You would bring a portal to the void into the heart of my empire!? What if a void borne were to emerge from it? Could you not imagine the destruction it would bring before I could subdue it?” Azir looked toward one of the soldiers and nodded. The soldier immediately stepped down and seized the Zz’Rot as Rammus was barred from protest by the many spears around him. The sand soldier than dissolved away into the wind, seemingly taking the relic with him.
Azir breathed a sigh of relief when the artifact was finally out of his sight. “Despite your careless disregard for the safety of those you try to deal with, your actions prove your word is true. The Zz’Rot will be confiscated as a mater of safety for my people, this is non negotiable.” Azir relaxed as did the soldiers, drawing their weapons away from the armadillo. However they did not dissipate. 
“Your knowledge of the void is proven but tell me, why were you traveling within Icathia? What were you seeking in those corrupt ruins?” Azir spoke with suspicion.
The Emperor of Sand
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Xerath felt the emperor’s power almost immediately, and he could feel but the faintest sliver of fear rise up from the core of his being. Azir was here!? Damn it, there was still so much time left… Of course, Xerath had accounted for this possibility, and had layered the ruins with a series of arcane traps that, upon a whim, would activate. At present, they were dormant and undetectable, but that may change very soon.
Knowing he could not evade the confrontation, the Magus hovered out into the open, facing his rival. He was, of course, under the impression that the emperor had come to fight, and so the sarcophagus around him disbanded momentarily. “Azir… At last, we shall see what power you truly possess!” The prison reassembled itself as he spoke.
“If you’ve come to challenge me in my weakened state, know that it will merely delay my victory!”
Azir stood with a solemn expression beneath his helm as Xerath revealed himself. His grip on his scepter tensed as it took great strength for him not to simply strike out with all his fury. ‘Calm’. he thought to himself, ‘That is not why you’re here.’
“Calm your self Xerath! If I was truly here to rid the world of your filth do you honestly believe I would reveal myself and dash my advantage of surprise? Besides...” Azir pounded his staff to the ground and immediately dozens of sand soldiers rose from the ground, all dressed in elite armor, surrounding the ruins Xerath clung to. “Do not act like victory is even a possibility for you.” he spoke with a dark hatred that touched his voice.
Azir sighed to himself, trying to calm his anger once more. This wasn’t the best way to start things but it could have been worse. The emperor returned his gaze to the magus, a harsh glare in his eyes. “I am not so blind as to not notice your recent affiliations. I understand it is only natural for you to lie and cheat your way to power, but are you so helpless that you would turn to even a misguided yordle for aid?!”
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You need not follow, but you must witness.
Original Image by  art-of-lol
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“Yeah. Makin’ it short.” He stopped. “I want the poaching stopped.” Rammus looked Azir in the eyes and hoped his response be a good response. “Armadillos are suffering. Used as food for stew,” he continued. He looked back at the guards before looking back at Azir. “Stop the slaughter.” He wasn’t glaring anymore, instead having his usual unemotional face. Might as well not appear angry. “In exchange, I have facts. Facts about the Void.”
Rammus began to walk around, but not too far as to anger the guards. “How’s that?”
Azir raised a brow beneath his helmet when Rammus avoided his earlier prompt. The fact that the armadillo was still alive mean his life must span multiple millennia, something completely impossible for one of his kind. Rammus dodging the indirect question only furthered Azir’s suspicion, but he decided to table that for now.
“I was not aware that your kind was as intelligent as you are Rammus. I assumed they were no different than the cattle or camel that are used for livestock. In a place as barren as Shurima, one must take advantage of any resource they can use to survive.”
When Rammus spoke about the void he immediately gained more interest from the emperor. Thoughts of the ancient city of Icathia and the beast Rek’sai that continues to elude him entered his mind. Azir leaned forward every so slightly.
“There are many ways to gleam knowledge of the void if you rule over all Shurima. The sands hide many secrets, one only has to search them out. What assurance do I have that the information you offer isn’t something that can be easily found?”
The Emperor of Sand
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