shslrecorderprince · 9 years
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i posted this on my twitter but here’s yoshiki at the start and the end of da4 -_-
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shslrecorderprince · 9 years
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“Hirashi-? You’re in the wrong place... You better reincarnate soon, cause hoo-ey this place ain’t fun to stick around as a ghost. I don’t imagine ghosting around’s fun, anyway.”
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“Ehh... For now, pull up a seat, and I’ll pour ye a drink. What’cha want? Er, if dead people drink still. I’m sure the mechanics I knew are all false by this point.”
Yoshiki really does appreciate Hirashi surprisingly enough! Despite any initial ill intent he had towards the pianist, he feels proud of himself that he was able to start taking steps towards being more extroverted again and Hirashi just happened to be a helpful stepping stone in his quest! It really shocked him that Hirashi even decided to accept his apology, so Yoshiki kind of feels like he’s in his debt.
Yoshiki, still on the regret train however, feels like him just doing a backflip and giving tea to Hirashi wasn’t enough in hindsight, and that’s mostly because Yoshiki is exaggerating their exchange. He feels terrible thinking that he’s dead and he essentially thanked him by abandoning him?
He’ll think of Hirashi probably as a motivation to remind him like, “Yeah!! You can slowly improve!! Think of before!!”
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shslrecorderprince · 9 years
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ burhrhuh
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“Hana-chan…? Is that you? Ah.. I’m probably just imaginin’ things right about now…”
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“Eheheh… I really miss her… I don’t regret fallin’ for her harshly, and I hope she and her special one are doin’ good in the next life. An angel like her deserves the sweet taste of death more than I do just rottin’ in hell here…”
Yoshiki feels a lot of regret concerning Hana! He’s fine with how their relationship ended in the dead blog aka they talked once after reuniting and then everything just remained neutral, though he does feel like he should have talked to her a lot more. He enjoyed talking to her, and he basically thinks that it was his own fault for becoming more withdrawn and distant from others that he could never really do much other than be a pissbaby over her death!
He views her as one of the best friends he made even though they talked very little, and that’s mostly attributed to the fact that he thinks she changed his perspective. It was mostly the fact that since she was a robot that was able to emote and made him feel any kind of emotion for her, his eyes kind of opened! He was always a man more so leaning towards passion and kind of blindly believed everything his conductor had taught him, but if a robot aka a machine could do the same thing he could, then maybe he should open his horizons and be more willing to experience things first? Sure, he was reckless, but this helped him more in the logistics area. He became a little more hesitant concerning the mind though, which he is kind of disappointed in himself for, but he would never blame Hana for it -_>-
The biggest thing though is that since he’s pretty much believing that she’s dead, his regret is increased ten-fold.
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shslrecorderprince · 9 years
(squeezes in during endgame) since a few people are doing this and i never finished the stars and i feel like it’s more appropriate now?? after endgame i’ll p much try and write up yoshiki’s thoughts on characters!! just send the following jazzy emote:
back 2 ur scheduled endgame things
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shslrecorderprince · 9 years
Monobear Theatre || Yoshiki || Thinking Out Loud (Under the Light of a Thousand Stars)
Yoshiki Shouda probably should have been more responsive during the entirety of the trial. He was the token kid from the dead, and he had barely taken advantage of his one time in the limelight. He faded into irrelevancy once more. He had admittedly allowed it to happen, but there was still a bittersweet feeling to being revived. It felt exactly the same as being dead: Distant.
He could not even react against the initial words implying that people thought that Hana was the mastermind. He was simply still and quiet like he had become after being off’d. He hated himself for not making some kind of scene. Why had it been so difficult to do something that came so naturally before? Had he lost his edge? Did he ever even have any? He cursed himself, for he knew that the dead could have very well been watching him.
Or maybe that was too selfish of him to assume. Who knew? He sighed, gripping his recorder. That was the one thing he had always been confident in– the one thing that he had control over. Whilst it was a mutual relationship between him and his instrument, that feeling of control was what keep him from being too self-deprecating, he hoped.
And then it had been confirmed that the vote he had put in as a last, desperate resort was right. Staring at the bespectacled figure who he had talked to so casually just before, he cocked his head to the side in bemusement. It seemed surreal… Was this the man he had truly wanted to blame? It was true that Yoshiki had a lot of frustrations and blame he had imagined he would want to toss towards the mastermind, but all he could do was remain silent in his own confusion.
“Ah, no, no, my mistake — I should’ve given more of a warning, er… Apologies for taking you off guard. Ahaha…”
The words the ghostwriter had said bore a strange meaning to him now. In hindsight, he wondered if Keita knew that his words could be twisted now considering his newly revealed role in the scheme of things. It all seemed bitter when reflecting on it and attempting to stretch it to apply to the entire scenario, but Yoshiki did not say a word out loud against him.
Maybe he should have.
Then came the culprit execution. Many had thrashed against the murderer, though Yoshiki’s own opinion had been rather neutral. To judge someone based on ignorance or having spilt blood at this point seemed ridiculous. These last weeks could have been summed up as ‘lots of people turn out to be murderers and ignorant’, and perhaps it was death that made the musician more apathetic towards the individual people who fell victim to the heat of the situation and were driven to kill in addition to the people who just turned out to not be well-versed in certain manners.
It wasn’t their fault, Yoshiki could reason. That was what he would leave it at, and that was it. He did not care to dwell on it, and his mind had shifted gears when Yoshiki finally got to witness an execution in the flesh. However, it held no significance at first, it seemed. The executions felt like they should have been a reminder that anyone could die at any point, but this was the end, wasn’t it? Even when he was alive again, there were no stakes.
However, the events of the execution itself convinced him otherwise– that there was a purpose to all this. He watched, expecting some sort of pitiful, quick, ironic death that was particularly animated. He had become used to that. He had become used to seeing gore, as much as he would want to flinch and wince at the sight of it nowadays (if he didn’t just laugh in horror).
This was inhumane.
He was witnessing what felt like the lifestory of some poor kid. He was going through it all in an abridged format as if he was holding someone’s hand. He was getting to know their family dynamic and what was the worst of everything. He was feeling pity. Everything just kept going on and on, and then he had not even registered the fact that Minoru was being executed as opposed to just forced to be tortured with the past– something that shouldn’t matter, something that should just be tossed out the garbage can.
The giggling that continued and faded out sent a chill down the recorder player’s spine. It was the aspect of the execution that hit home the most out of everything. Out of the disappointment from others, out of the domineering father, out of the wonder and curiosity gained from what would become his talent later on, from the relationship that was tossed out– all of it.
Yoshiki’s eyes grew wide, and his grip on his instrument became tighter. When he realized that the marine biologist was dead, his face was drained of color. That was the end? That was how it would all transpire?
Turning to Keita once more, he spoke with a serious tone in his voice that barely had a hint of his usual childish air, and his face grew dark. His smile had broken off.
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"Hey, Poindexter… Or, rather, Yamaguchi-kun, huh? You deserve that much– basic human respect, you know?”
“You sure did set up somethin’ grand, didn’t you? That execution right there? People might be silent against it, and they sure as hell shouldn’t be–”
Unless they’re fucking heartless. He wanted to add that, but he didn’t. Yoshiki bit his tongue to suppress the urge before he continued.
“You might have done a crime I can’t forgive, but you don’t deserve a death as bad as any of what you helped orchestrate. Nobody does. I… I don’t know where this is all going to go, but you’ve got center spotlight, so make your last words all a good one before you’re a goner.”
Then his smile returned, though whether it was genuine or not was another case to debate.
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“Good luck. You’re heading to a good place after all this, so make it a time to celebrate, you fucking sinner!”
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shslrecorderprince · 10 years
i probably should do those stars oops...
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shslrecorderprince · 10 years
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in hindsight, i probably should have posted this one before the original
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shslrecorderprince · 10 years
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in which i don't know how to draw christmas trees
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shslrecorderprince · 10 years
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shslrecorderprince · 10 years
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two christmas favorites wrapped into one
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shslrecorderprince · 10 years
♥ - What does ‘love’ mean to them? ♠ - What are they afraid of? ♦ - What is one thing about them that they are most proud of? ♣ - What is one thing that they find embarrassing? (About them, others, things in general) ★ - Do they prefer daytime or nighttime and why? ☾- Are they prone to nightmares or dreamless sleep? ☼ - Something that/Someone who makes them happy. ☁ - If they’re caught out in the rain how do they react? ♪ - Are they musically inclined? ♫ - What kind of music do they enjoy? ✓ - How do they react to praise? ✕ - How do they handle rejection? ☺ - Do they prefer sour or sweet treats? ❄ -  Favorite season and why? ☮ - Do they have an idol or someone they look up to? ❤ - Do they have a love interest? ✖ - Who is someone they just cannot stand? ♔ - Do they value loyalty? ♕ - Do they trust easily?
questions about your character.
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shslrecorderprince · 10 years
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draws the family members of yoshiki plus himself that literally do not matter
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shslrecorderprince · 10 years
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Christmas Gift for shslrecorderprince !
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shslrecorderprince · 10 years
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petty makes really dumb comics with no punchlines about time-travelling hypothetical children
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shslrecorderprince · 10 years
shslmuralartist replied to your post:after delaying and trying to figure out whether or...
please tell me the execution’s title is my heart will go on recorder solo
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shslrecorderprince · 10 years
after delaying and trying to figure out whether or not i'd want to reveal anything about him, i just figured i might as well reveal my super short application w/e
Application (tw: child abuse in backstory) Prompts (tw: eye trauma mention for execution, slit throat for murder)
I don't know if there's any other triggers, so i'm sorry if i missed something!!
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shslrecorderprince · 10 years
i couldn't help but notice that prior to his death, yoshiki's sprite names were pretty upbeat (for the most part):
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but then after his death it just devolved into mostly grimmer stuff and laughing
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