#but omg th an k u...
lokh · 2 years
ok i need yuor help. help me with the colors. if kyojuro was a demon what color would he be
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xoxomyseriesxoxo · 2 years
There’s something that has been irking me in the past few months... /That/ part of the fandom (that mostly was NOT here when the manga was still published weekly and when it got cancelled by SJ) changed the narrative about our reaction to the ending.
Now it’s all ‘omg mean IR shippers who are bitter over their ship not being canon!! They are terrible people!!!’ and calling us us bullies when no, you weren’t there back then where there were daily d*ath th*ats and rude asks sent to us... Not to mention we were mainly angry at the way the ending was so rushed and poorly written. We didn’t even know whether I//sshin, R//yuken, G//rimmjow (AGAIN), U//rahara and Y//oruichi were still alive or not because it was never said IN THE MANGA (because we only got an answer in light novels years later but majority of people only read the manga, not the novels that are semi-canon at best). We were angry over U//rahara’s “forgive me, K//urosaki, K//uchiki, for leaving everything to you” was somehow forgotten and the final fight with I//chigo, R//ukia and U//ryuu (who had THE silver arrow) VS Y//hwach never happened. We were angry because C//had ended up fighting for profits (profesionnal boxing) and U//ryuu ended up alone (again), overworked and working as a doctor just like his father and that go against their character arcs. We were angry because there was a whole arc and hints in the final arc clearly showing how I//chigo didn’t fit in the human world anymore and yet stayed there in the end. We were angry because the Sokyoku, the symbol of S//oul S//ociety’s old ways and injustice that I//chigo destroyed, was REBUILT. We were angry because M//ayuri was still a Captain and not in jail for his crimes. We were angry because we loved and cared for the story and the ending went against the main and side characters’ arcs and against the s//hinigami’s new ideals represented by I//chigo and R//ukia. And yes, we were angry for the pairings too because it was so badly written but most of us were fine with an open ending or IR and ISH ending but the new ‘IR would be nothing without anime filler moments’ argument is so ridiculous because even if you only look at the manga, IR was great, developed and made sense. Weirdly enough, the ones repeatedly shouting that filler “argument” aren’t saying a word about R//ukia’s scenes getting changed/deleted in the anime rn despite being the deuteragonist as if her erasure hadn’t been bad enough in the manga vers. of the final arc (same for B//yakuya scenes to a lesser extent)... But yes, our anger is mainly aimed at how poorly written the ending was, not only shipping-wise but in general. And now it’s irritating to see new fans act as if criticism that were there for a decade is not allowed towards the story or the mangaka.
While I’m watching the anime so far and I’m happy with the added scenes (especially the ones with U//ryuu concerning his heritage and the conflict he feels over the whole situation), I must say I don’t like how they deleted R//ukia scenes and B//yakuya scenes on purpose. I prefer the old characters designs as well and though and color palettes are now closer to the manga’s, the body proportions often look wrong (B//yakuya’s face, U//ryuu’s jaw to mention only a few exemples) and the lighting is horrible. I’m watching because I want to see EBTR, R//ukia’s bankai, U//nohana’s true self etc. but I do understand why fans who were in the fandom back then aren’t watching the anime or simply left the fandom given how we’re being treated and how some people are changing the narrative.
(And before my words get twisted... There’s nothing wrong with being a new fan, just don’t make up a new version as to why we dislike the ending/how we react(ed) to it. The criticism towards the writing is also more than fair and has existed even before the last arc even started.)
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goingtochurch · 1 year
This one's my favorite. Head's up. This might be long.
"where's-" *explosion*
sounds about right
dramatic af nightshade thank you stellar performance
"the first 5006 tried to destroy me"
ew the outdoors
dot comin in clutch with the mom advice
Alex is too relatable
I got roasted during the binge with My Binging Buddy because I had a doubt that Alex Malto was autistic in some capacity...i think the roasting was warranted
an additional quote from my third watch through with him for talking about the previous roast "Its like asking if water is wet"
Laying on the table in true Neurodivergent fashion Nightshade
ah yes go into the creepy woods
oh glowing foreshadowing object
nightshade followed the weird flying contraption INTO A CRYPT
very smart nightshade thank u
oop realizing stereotypes are wrong
how tf did nightshade know that would project all of t h a t
"...missed connection" ROLL CREDITS
the other siblings desperately trying to fix the smart trainer is so cute
equally cute that nightshade is still enthused cause they kinda helped
i love the way tarantulas moves
tarantulas sounds so h u r t
alt modes as a form of expression is amazing
"it is a gift to know yourself so young..." omg
d o r k
i like the detail that it covers the decepticon symbol
tarantulas wants nightshade to be safe aA
i like this mentor protégé thing
another "hypothetically if i meet a decepticon" conversation
tarantulas no
dang it
dot is a badass in every situation
The clear fear from cybertronians for something ghost is doing is a nice detail
tarantulas is actually terrifying sometimes
that took the other maltos a minute
the realization from tarantulas that they are running too
i want more tarantulas that is all
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killerlookz · 4 months
how does it feel to be a pillar of this community?? obsessed w everything u write pls keep it up bdbnf also i know u already have fics planned but girlie i would k*** for a joostxaggu th****ome
a pillar of the community 🤭 omg stawwwwp u flatter me <33333 thank you so much !!!!! and ALSO hhnnhhgghhnnhhg.... oh dont give me evil bad ideas omfg .... thinking thoughts now SGDHSGDSDDDCSDSDDS
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vacantgodling · 1 year
formatting this is gonna be a bit wild however some sixteen candles nonsense. for those unaware this is a wip that is all based in a group chat (think discord) where the names of threads, usernames, etc all change. but the main point is they’re all queer besties who’ve known each other for 16 years and they get up to Shenanigans!!
(if u need anything else clarified just ask. remember: all typos are there for a reason so if things are unreadable i’ll also clarify)
the proposal
tw(s): mentions of sex, drug use, cursing, bad spelling, lots of slang
Nanette Rosenfeld -> Nanette
Ranger Pellish -> ranger danger
Vanilla Vega -> VaniVee
Roger Grant -> no
Tucker Hayes -> TUCKerware
Nanette: So I have some unfortunate news to bring to the class.
TUCKerware: oooOoOoO stry tme!
ranger danger: did ur teacher spring a surprise mid-term on you lmao
VaniVee: or!! :000 you had a overnight shift at work you didn’t want to do because your supposed to be spending time with us this weekend!!!
no: What happened nan?
Nanette: My girlfriend broke up with me.
VaniVee: OH NO NETTIE ; 3;
TUCKerware: shld i bet some1 up?????? was she a bicth?
ranger danger: b i c t h
ranger danger: god i hate u lmaooooo
TUCKerware: if i hd th gif i woulda put it hre
ranger danger: found it
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ranger danger: i have that shit SAVED
no: Am I the only one who Didn’t know nan had a girlfriend?
no: Just me?
no: ok.
ranger danger: no lol i was going to ask the same thing
ranger danger: young lady, you didn’t even tell the class you h a d a girlfriend
Nanette: It was short lived. We were only seeing each other “officially” for 2 weeks. I don’t like to introduce people to you all unless we’ve been together for at least 6 months.
VaniVee: omg 6 months??? is this why ive never met any of your girlfriends nan?? >:((
TUCKerware: we met stphanie!
ranger danger: stephanieeeeeeee she was so cooooooool
VaniVee: i don’t remember a stephanie :((
Nanette: She wasn’t worth remembering. After the second time she told me she’d quit cocaine and she didn’t, I realized that it wasn’t worth the effort.
ranger danger: y i k e s
Nanette: This is why I don’t introduce you all to my girlfriends.
ranger danger: bc you always pick the bad ones?
Nanette: That, and because introducing them to you all is like introducing them to the family. There’s no point in introducing you all to someone who I don’t think will be permanent.
VaniVee: aww nettieeeee ; 3; ilyyyyyy
TUCKerware: nanny ilysm
no: <3<3
ranger danger: none of you all love nan as much as me
ranger danger: i love u baby <3
VaniVee: wait but what happened with this girlfriend???
ranger danger: yeah why so soon
TUCKerware: u kno i thro dwn 4 u nan
TUCKerware: say th word n i GOTCHu
Nanette: Said by the same man who calls me ‘nanny.’
TUCKerware: nuuuuuuuuuuuu
TUCKerware: ur liek my mom nannyyyyyy
ranger danger: can u imagine nan being a mother because i can’t
ranger danger: i feel like she’d leave her kids at the mall if they pissed her off
VaniVee: i can’t see nan being pregnant tbh,,,,, . n.;;;;
ranger danger: GAG
TUCKERware: mby getting sm1… :eyes:
Nanette: When I went on a date with her this afternoon, she brought up the topic of marriage.
no: I love how nan immediately ignored all of you haha
Nanette: I was a little taken aback since like I said we’d only been talking for two weeks at this point.
ranger danger: gag
VaniVee: ….. how did she bring it up?
Nanette: She said: “I was scrolling on your instagram, babe, and I see that you take a lot of pictures with the same few people, but definitely with this one guy. Who is he?” She then showed me a picture from my page of Ranger and I.
ranger danger: which picture
Nanette: The ferris wheel one. When we went to Kony Island for my cousin’s wedding.
ranger danger: lmao the one from like 3 years ago
ranger danger: why is she scrolling back so far lmaooo
ranger danger: my hair was so bad in that picture
Nanette: I think she picked that photo because on the third picture, you were kissing my cheek.
VaniVee: i somehow feel like i know where this is going ;;;;;;
Nanette: I’m sure you do, Vani.
no: I don’t.
TUCKerware: nithr do i frfr
ranger danger: she jealous or something
Nanette: I assume so. I told her that you were my best friend, and she said “Oh, so like a gay best friend? Like, gay lesbian solidarity?”
ranger danger: at least she clocked me for not straight l m a o
TUCKerware: i dnt hve a gaydar bt mine goez off whnevr ur around
no: I had a nightmare about ranger being straight once.
ranger danger: god don’t tell me about it
ranger danger: u may give me nightmares lmao
VaniVee: what did you say nan??? :00
Nanette: I told her that Ranger was bi, so you could call it ‘queer solidarity.’ However, we’ve known each other for 16 years so he is genuinely just one of my best friends. I wasn’t sure how else to respond to her question.
ranger danger: why do i feel like she asked u if we’d ever fucked before
ranger danger: like ‘oh is that how u realized u were gay’
ranger danger: as tho m/f friendships can’t exist lmao
TUCKerware: bt u nd nan DO fck smtms
ranger danger: i mean but that’s irrelevant to the conversation l m a o
ranger danger: if nan got a girl and didn’t wanna fuck me cuz of that i mean that’s chill
Nanette: You aren’t necessarily wrong. She didn’t seem to like my answer when I said that you were bi, so I asked if there was some kind of problem with that, or what she was trying to imply. She then said that she wasn’t sure she wanted the two of us to be so close.
no: Like in general?
Nanette: Yes. As friends. I didn’t mention anything about sex.
VaniVee: :////////////
ranger danger: LOLOLOLOL
no: uh….
TUCKerware: lls iz she joshin
ranger danger: I’M SORRY
ranger danger: its the audacity for me
no: What’s wrong with you and ranger being friends? You’re literally dating *her*, aren’t you?
Nanette: That’s when the wedding part of her question came up. She asked: ‘Since you all are so close, would he be like, the best man at our wedding?’
ranger danger: if u ever get married nan, i fucking better be
ranger danger: i will cry if i’m not
VaniVee: speaking of weddings, i was going to ask you to be my maid of honor whenever i get married nan!! ; 3;
VaniVee: i would love to see you in a champagne dress it would match ur skintone so well ; 3;
Nanette: Vani I would do anything for you.
VaniVee: OR!!! you could wear a champagne jumpsuit if you’d like!
VaniVee: i just want to see you in champagne!!!!
VaniVee: or rose gold?? :000
TUCKerware: wht colors wld u prefer vani?
ranger danger: wouldn’t you like to know, lover boy
TUCKerware: Shut The Fuck Up.
ranger danger: LMAO he had to use big boy words for that one roge
no: hahahaha
Nanette: I told her that it would be too early to consider a wedding between the two of us, and as it were, I would marry Ranger before I married her. However, if I were to get married to anyone else, he would be my best man without question.
ranger danger: nan what are you saying
ranger danger: like bby if you wanted to get hitched that’s all you had to say <3
Nanette: When do you want to go to the courthouse?
ranger danger: oh my god forreal
Nanette: I need health insurance.
ranger danger: TOO RIGHT
ranger danger: but no seriously would you actually marry me
ranger danger: not in like a romantic way because like
ranger danger: ew
ranger danger: but in a platonic way?
ranger danger: like ur my soulmate nan
ranger danger: u get me.
ranger danger: i know i’m like ur side hoe but like hear me out
no: Is ranger proposing in our group chat right now?
TUCKerware: shhhhhhh i gt th popcorn
ranger danger: ur the only person i would ever want to sign off on my medical shit
ranger danger: and like owning a house with you sounds lit?
ranger danger: i know we don’t have to be married to do that but like
ranger danger: nan idk how to tell u that ur my favorite person on planet earth
Nanette: You just did lol.
ranger danger: NO BUT LIKE
ranger danger: i know you don’t know what i mean but you know what i mean
ranger danger: right???
ranger danger: ugh finish your story i’m thinking way too hard about this
Nanette: If it’s any consolation, I don’t think you’re thinking about this too hard. In any relationship that I’m in, if they aren’t cool with you then I’m not interested in them. You come first for me, always.
ranger danger: YOU’RE CRYING I’M WEEPING
ranger danger: I’M A NUISANCE
Nanette: Yes, but you’re my nuisance. My favorite headache.
ranger danger: even over ur girl tho ??
ranger danger: i guess i don’t know what you’d be getting out of getting hitched with me
ranger danger: aren’t marriages supposed to be like a romantic thing ??
ranger danger: idk u allos explain this to me
no: Well technically marriage’s are just saying this is someone I trust enough to conjoin taxes with for the rest of my life.
no: So I don’t see why you and nan couldn’t get married.
no: You’re both financially capable to have a successful union
TUCKerware: lls rogeeeee
no: Is it obvious that my views on a successful marriage have been skewed?
VaniVee: i’ve heard about friends getting married all the time!!! aside from all the benefits like roge is talking about, being best friends and wanting to put that relationship before anything else isn’t weird!!!! i’ve seen people talking about it online!!!! especially aromantic people!!!
ranger danger: huh
ranger danger: sometimes i feel like i’m bad at being queer lol i know nothing about this stuff
TUCKerware: sme bro
TUCKerware: bt liek. its not liek theres a LAW sayng u gtta b in LUV to be married
TUCKerware: liek ukno romanticlaly
ranger danger: *romantically
TUCKerware: so if u and nan want to get married because you feel the most comfortable with each other and no one else can get between you two, why not?
ranger danger: damn he used real words for me and everything
Nanette: It’s not something we have to make a decision on right this second or anything. But I do hope you know that your fondness is more than definitely reciprocated, Ranger.
ranger danger: i’m actually crying at work rn i hate y’all
TUCKerware: dnt get it in2 th beeeerrrrr
TUCKerware: i shld pck u up frm wrk 2day
TUCKerware: im arnd there rn lol
TUCKerware: wht time u gt off?
ranger danger: whenever you’re clocking in big boy
ranger danger: i’ll see myself out
TUCKerware: ;))))
ranger danger: i get off at like 9 i came in early tonight so i’m coming home with shit money
VaniVee: :((((((
VaniVee: but that means you’re free this weekend right!!!! RIGHT???? >:((
ranger danger: LMAO yes queen i took off for our sleepover
VaniVee: good <3
VaniVee: and roge, you’re still coming right?? you can bring mittens!!
Nanette: Ah, yes. The Feline.
no: <3<3<3 I’ll be heading over in a bit! I’ll stop by the store to get some extra food, if you don’t mind me using your kitchen, Vani?
VaniVee: roge i am begging you to use my kitchen.
no: Vani!!!! You’re too sweet!!!! No!!!! I’m gonna make you so much cake!!!!
VaniVee: YES!!!! CAKE!!!!! <3<3<3
ranger danger: also don’t worry future wife i have ur allergy meds
Nanette: Thank you, future husband <3
ranger danger: !!!!!!
ranger danger: i think that just killed me actually
TUCKerware: llssssss
VaniVee: im gonna start setting up for the sleepover!! see y’all soon!! ilyyy <3
TUCKerware: ily2!
ranger danger: see how he’s the first to respond roge lol
no: hahaha
TUCKerware: I Will Shit In Your Mouth
ranger danger: do it pussy
Nanette: Boys, behave.
no: See y’all soon!
ranger danger: my boss is yelling at me to get off my phone lol whOOps
Nanette: Vani, I’ll be there soon.
VaniVee: kk <3<3
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NISHSSHSSSISIS ok!!! i dont have a whole lot but slowly collecting teehee
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so a while ago i drew this sketch and then my therapist was like "hey is that a brain?" and i was like mmm,, nah... but then the more i sat and thought about it the more i liked the idea, so . i modified it a bit to make it more brain like! im very silly about my ocs in that i rarely think up backstories or even names i just. draw them. lol
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i had nagito on th brain in class so i pulled out my sketchbook and drew smth with a 4 leaf clover and this turned out! colored with highlighters lol- didn't put much thought into it but i feel like Brain and Clover ( lmao ) would be in the same universe & friends
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not really an oc but me drawing without a ref in class- my friend started lining it, they're mostly responsible for the finished look of the face up top <33
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k so i was talking to my online friend one time bout how i wish i was creative enough to think up + draw my fursona and they were like "hey i'll draw it for u" so i was like YES YES A MILLION TIMES YES. and a little bit ago there was like an art night at this studio near where i live, and the theme was like myths and stuff- there was a tarot card print making activity that was free. so i drew my fursona. and its the hanged man. it just says the hanged. you can interpret it either side up. it has like spider eyes, but its robotic, and has like a mermaid tail and a cat esque face. its the bbg <33
i don't have an image of my fursona saved on my laptop which i'm using but it was made by the lovely @owlsnestbox ( hope its ok to tag you!)
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and last, but DEFINITELY NOT LEAST, is .. me!! i made a picrew then used that as a ref cuz im bad at visualizing things but this is me. like me mentally. i dont call myself otherkin or anything but. im an elf! im a forest creature! thats me!! i was literally screaming internally as i was drawing that like 'OMG THATS FINALLY ME ?????" so. yeah. i countt that cuz its original!
sorry for all the rambles teehee but yuppp!! ty for the ask lovely creature! <3
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mccarthymolly · 1 year
Tch in bd spirit or a fantasy,gm,uh,Rh,no,hm,thghts,ww,hm,uh,n,k,See,uh, hug, ohno, bd hgs, nt bcm gr,hm,ww,uh,dk,hm,ww,ol,no,uh,ww,wt,schl,wt,k,no,hm,ok,Dmb or overused line,hm,often neither,thght,m,uh,Fd,hm,uh,.Repeating,y,uh,hm,sth,ww,fd,hm,uh,Toetur,h,jWeeks,hm,prsn,uh,wwz hm j,.Dk y,hm,im not as used prob nt engh, b idk,h,atch Little Demon (2022) Online Free on fmovies.to
Silen boun,
Estrng alrdy nt hlp, fruit,hm,uh
Gossip hm,ultimate hrd time,bm,uh,,dk,uh,wt,prevenr the gd possibilties of process,hm,u,h
No. Cases. Sry i cut u, cant mk memories anymore,uh,hhm,uh
Stress eat,uh,hm
Did say he be there for. Not do,hm,ww,tension,cant talk,hm
Sth sth,dk,hm,uh,ww
Nt mn nt und ,or lng, hm m k o. Wwno jj
Aspects,hmyh,coming hm,uh,
Stress eat,lang,ww,hm,no,uh,no,
Di hm,uh,ww,mny,uh
Blocking their parent,weird,get stuck, nt hndl,uh,silent,hm,uh,ww,hm,u,o,k
Revaluation of past n ppl, m botch w them n mny n deny,uh,ww,hm,nt empthy,lie,dk,disobe,j,
See,hm,uh,k,h,uh,ww,one,dk uh,wt
Nt there for, gr expect ish or waiting, feeling borrowed,hm,uh,hm ok wwdk uh,
Sth ,hm,hurry
Hm. Ooking, be away, rej after rejec,hm,uu,no,wt,dk,uh,doing th adul sh at age 9? Ww,wt,uh,no,same pathzuh,hw,ww,hm,uh,no,
Y put on me,idk, me nt in will, weird rwd,hm,uh,
Ow stom. Come or hm,uh,ok,no,hm,accen,y,hm,uh
Sad at sleeping, nt watching, b sleep comes, idk. Honey,eh,no,b wt,hm,uh,wt,uh,ww,dk,wd kill,dk,hm,uh,
Art, clssc,hm,ww,shut,ok,pn,hm,uh,ok,nt open accessible, hm,uh
Y tht remin me,hm,ww,uh,h,mdk,uh,ok,j,,dkdj,,uh,exci,ww,hmdk,uh,ok,eh,hm,uh,ok,hm,ww,hm,uh,ok,dk,uh,ww,hk,no,uh,christ,wt,j,ok,h,i,39hmuhyhhmokdkhmuhhokNo, j,,uh,j,,ok,wwh,, hk hk iFav vid,hm,okh,, uh, Fmly nc hm uh,37,hm,uh,hm,k hkMybe,hm,ww,pwr,uh,hm,Been so dep,hm,nc? Hm,uh,hm,k,hm,uuh,Nt welcome,ww,ok,no,hm,k,uh,ww,hm,no,ok,no,hm,uh,ww,11Li20hmfe29hmuh,no,, Death, and Cookies - Ep. 3: "Grieving" The Death of an Estranged Parent. Hm ww,uh,hm,uh,no,k,
Cant js say n feel. Feel nt engh or sth engh,hm,j,,
Note,dk wt doing y stomp,uj hm,k,uh,ww
Waking me up, loud, extreme, jen,idk,wt,uh,pain, formal wt,get more,uh , not get food n then gt md,idk,uh,sauc,idk,uh,hm,sth,scared,gt md,mny,hm,dk,uh,wt,look,dk wt say,uh,food,uh,go out,idk,ma pays,hm. Thunder,fd,get fd,slam,uh,wt,idk,scared,hm,abu,ohno,hm,no,ww,hm,y,power,uh,wt,idk,dnr,idk,nt saying stff,uh,wt,ww,joe,hm,ohno,hm,uh,ww,no
Mk me look, nt a sys,die,uh,hm,ok,hm,leav alone all days n then pester for fd,uh,wt,dk,uh,we need fd,uh, buy, wt doing,uh,wt,fd,uh,hm,n,o,
K hate anything, fd already, ww,hm,uh,no
Cant hate b confusion, wrong to dpeak, getting worse,oh,ww,silen,hm,uh,ww,dk,hm,uh,no,hm,uh,sth,idk,uh,soc med,uh,hm
Brush, mk nois,idk,uh,wt,uh,hm,uh, leaving alo,ignorijg me,idk,ww,hm,uh,dk,die,hm,plan,uh,ww,hm,gv peac,try,uh,or ignore n get reveerted,hm,uh,helps,nt done,fd,uh,protec,idk,not provid b hv around,charitability,ww,no,hm,uh,,i,k,
,hm,uh,dont depen on,uh,wt,saying weird stff,lock,uh,dk,hm,ww,ignore or forget,omg,uh,ww,leav, b fr u,ok,no,ww,bit,ww,js bit, b want more,hm,uh hm,i,k,
Dd,sad, frgt note, n by word,ww,uh,wt,hm,ww,uh,no,dk,no,hm,uh,ww
Try waking me, tm,dk,uu,wt,ww,no,hj,uh,nt go on, be out,wt,md,uy,even more noe,ww, not repress as mch,ig,ww,hm,, j, fd,hngr,uh ww,nt go shopping,hm,ww,hv fd,when get,jm,uh,ww,hm,uh,
Peacfl, nt get on nerv,group, hlp when this,ww,hm,uh,
Beans, cream, food vul,fruit,ww,hm,no,uh,fruit,ww,hm,uh,hm,uh,no,wkn,uh,wt,uh,hm,uh,wt, not look for veg,hj,
Trying gt worse, fam brk more, y at top of lungs, cmm, cn think abt til there here, cant think abt options when being abu, this in brks b wt, christ, soc work wil let me die, see the pods,hm,up later, neglecting more,uh,sys,uh,idk,saving,no,hm,uh,mny,hm,uh, ww,hm,uh,dk,hm,no,uh,hm,uh,h,m,cgh,hm,uh,hm,sth,hm,chide, u n i nt there,hm,uh,ww,knock whenever,fd,idk,hm,ok,no,hm,ww,call,no,hm,uh,dk,uh,ww,week,hm,emer,hm,uh,wt cd it be,uh,wt,kitch,uh,wt,veg,uh,wt,uh,
When fm mmbr gets abusive n soc worker wont hlp, i disabled, will i die,hm,4
Bojack, kidding, show remind sth gd exists smwhr, hm, b abuse gets external n tying scare from afar , fill hous, sth, lk alone or trying dominate n empower n fill, nt semi hidden even w not hiddenness before, powder idk uhoh,hm,uh,no,inside,uh,wt,hm,uh,no,,
30s, matur, formalijg isnt adultijg,uh,hj,uh,wt,hm,ww,,
Hon yh b no, theo,ish,hm,ww,paij,uh,cant do sth,already b then w that,yh,ww,hm,agn,h,k,
Use softener,et, md wt nt respond to md,uh,hm,uh,hm,eh,uh,no,b ok,yh,hm,uh,thrgh smn eh,yh,no,hm,uh nt effectv,tlk,hm,uh,hm,uh,2prsn wrkinf,hm,no,j,,flffy hero? Uh,ordr,dk,uh,hm,uh,wt,k,i,j,ww,uh,f,i didnt knw wt,hm,uh,dk,uh,y there,hm,uh,ohno,feel weird,from wt,hj,j,j,k,
Fmly info and tales n penis, pic, eh, hmjwt uh dk wt uh
Ignor,wt, week, uh,ww,hm, n k week ago, hm,sth, uh,
Brick. Fluff, gross in mouth, sound uh, idk, assume, cant hear even through door,sth,uh,omg,alarm,then shut later,uh ww,hm,uh,oh,wt hpn,hm,uh ,ww,hm uh,cant do oen thing,ww,no,uh,hm,uh,no,uh,nt doing mch,uh,no,5,uh,wt,no,h,k,uh,k,
For dif rsn uh,hm,uh,
Do wt, alo, some grc, b abu,idk,uh,hm,let out,b uh,wt,uh,go outside ,basement,into pillow,clarify,not let be total ambient, ifnor ww hm,uh,no,hm,uh,dk,hm,h,
Day uh hm
Hm sth. Soc worker for estr, nt acc, hkp for this nt get rej alot on top, groups not chamberey lk soc media n orgs n videoers? Hm,uh,dk
Gr hm ww wt,uh,dk,uh,diezhm,uh,hm,
Canada auck b hlp,hk,uh,hm,uh,
Grief n safety,hm,uh,hm,uh,
Tujeout, acknowledge smtm, b tejz frgt,hk,uh ,prsn,uh ww,hk lose,uh
Mean hm. Dont rely on. Wt uh, put oj, hlp
Nt gd b idk, alot,uh,lost,hm,uh,mybe, broken, hm, ask,uh,ww,no,hm, who to,ww,uh,oh,no,j j
Couch,hm, no uj
Apply,no,uh,wt,hm,uh,pay fr me be out,hm,uh, ji, try, u paid by nt saying, hmuh,uh, hm,uh
Sth,anyone, hm,uh,no,hm,uh
Movies,rare,ezr,hm,txt heavy,hm,uh,yh,audio,hm,uh,yh,too interpersonal w contmepories,eh,no, hm uh, ok,muhn,,
Freer,hmuh, wt,uh,hm,uh,alo,ww,hm,dk,hg,uh,hm,cud
Loteralist, js look, useas excuse aggression, where cd be,
Film uh hm
Frk me out, passout uh, idk, uh, hm, uhoh,wt,h k
Do i eant to knw abt this prsn, wd it mk things hrdr,uh,nt ignore,ww,uh,wt,no,fr u,uh,wt,uh,dk,uh,hm,
No brownie wt, or punish,idk,feed bit,uh,eh,no,k,,dmb,yh,uh,
Nt rch out mch to me, too late uh, hm,uh,sth,idea,uh,wt,ww,try, b pn, ww, par nt ask,ww hmunjoj
Dmb inefec ltrs wt uh dam hm
Treat as awk,wt,hm uh n, chrstn,jm
Cruel hs twn,col, ww i like jo in role, col suk,gmu wt hmuh
Sad hm more broken, u nt more important, uh,hm
As if had by accident n scrapped tg even though planned smwt n mny tries, b seem frenzied, hk h
Xchng, regr, stop, js fr tht, wt ,fitin, nt cm bfr or ftr, bd or no leg, bhm
Md wwt uh dk wt h md uh dk mk guil hm uhwt uh yh hm sth hm uh
Casual, wt,hm,uh, keeping oral,wt,hmuh
Sth to do, wt, hku, oh nthng,hmyj,ww,hmuok, lf, jjjj××, ww, hn
Feel hm uh. Ignore n js say bit. Lk a soc med post,wt,cruis,uh,americkey,uh,k,hm,uh,leav b hw,uh,wt,m,
Slp, dk, fd,wt,hm, energy,hm,ok,eh,ww, worried emals, nt be in room or clutter hm,ww uh no
Calories,f,supprt,uh,dk,hm,ww,uh,dog like, ww,k,hm,uh,hm,uh,
Uh, kids gt violent, u rej, hm
Cmp bd uh,wwhm, freaking, noone, uh,wwfail,uh,dk,hm,uh
Ask do hm no ww hm uh hm uh hn
Mus agn, hmww,uh,h mk
Hmhw, using rare 3 thing to rej ppl, k , uh, hm,ww, dk, hm,uh, hm, dk, no, hm mk hm
Weird ambiguous, denyey,hmuhkunihn hm uh
Relax hmww h alot hmuh uhoh hmhnibounk
Nt gt mny mails, hmhnuhhmu
Nau, crazied, Time, dkhmuni,wwbj hm
Memory w prsn,ww, h mj
9min, stress uh,hm,wt,scar,ww,uh,wt,jm
Wt i might hv, hm mjn
Sth hmj
Nt hlp hm
Dk wt say
Y nt tirrd,slp less,m,j,,
Fd,uh,allday,where fd go,uh,wt,uh,
Wilby uh,hm,
Morning, hngr,stressing, formal,fd,uh,hm,uh,
Mybe u chngd,hmu,
Hm cn be annoying or preventsitve b poem btr,if it's btr,k,,
Dmb tlk n plsr,hm,uh,no,
Nt ask far,ww,hm,uu,
Bkrn,try agn,uh,h,m
Photosz memories,pain,safety,uh,wt,not leading,js wanting be inclu,unclr,uh,no,j,,y,uh,wt,no,j,,yok,uh,wt,uh,ww,dam,hate,uh
Fight,nt hv hope,hm,uh,no, hm
Buying away, hm k
Show, day,h nk j
Nt hlp,h ki
End n hlp n lf,dk,uh, hmuh
Sth,hm, ways, nt collect, hmuh
Sth, hk, uh,yh,ww,k,sth,h, hk
Nt fmlr w ed,eh, hmuh. Xmpl, hk
Pol,sth to be mad at ,lose sth,hm,uh,
B i wasnt built, hm simpl,hm,uh,ok,hm,yh,uh,hm,ok,
Ww, broken,ok,uh,wt,uh,
Feel sick uh,hm,uh,wt,uh,hm,uh,no,
Canada uh,hm,u,h
Hm, 10yrs ago wadnt long,ww,hm,no,uh,hm,uh,ww,kl,n,
Hidey,hm,uh,ok,hm,uj, wei,yh,hmk,hmuh,nt rdy,cn feel,hm,uh,ok,no,
Ur nt gntl,uh,hm,dk,uh,surprised nt kill,fd,hj,uh,ww,et,uh, hmuh, no,bd fd,uh,et,nt chk,wtzuh,dk,uu
Cmdy, distraction, music too honest mayhe, nt dra,m,
Feel aloje,hm attack,there, not polar, nd talk,hm,yh,uh,hm,ok,hm,uh,dk,uh,
rcss,ggruh,no,wt,dk,uh,ok,uh,hm,uh,no,hm,uh,proh nt want b idk. Rel already broken when ask n get dumbed,hm, n refelc ig,ww, find btr qs when cn say btr n nt do, lk thunder downstairs,uh,hm,u,h
Fear ,ask,sth,do, b et can,find,uh,answer,hm,uh,dk,hm,uh,limits,hm, kid wasnt bonding, js program,hm,uh,ww,k,,k, j, wwj,
No I
Tired uh, dcared to sleep and live n , prep to di? Hm my nww hm k hm ok
Eh,show,hm,yh, hmu ok ww n no
Hm mkj
Nc,, h k
Headache, kind of audiobook,hm,k,hm,uh,hj,uh,hm,,hm,k,hm,hm,uh,
Tourism version of boston,hm,uh,
Poetry n dumb explanations tht passed maybe?
Conversation termshm,uh,
Ur flow,hm,uh,water,hm
Punidh n ude agandt hm,uh,
Phys pain,hm,uh,wt,ohno,hm, destroyed time,uh,
Fast story,hm,scared,ww,hm,uh,hm,evo,lf,uh,wt, Nohk, hkuj
Hm frst leav b thrn wonder about as kid
Check n mus,hm,k,uh,
Bd chooc, hm ca,k,hm,cana,j,,uh
I sry,h,hk
Wasnt cnctd n was forced, so nt there or gd,h,j
Sth,awake,scared,ww,hm,slp,uh,hm,uh,hm,uh,dk,think,ontopic,hm,uh,h,mk,uh,wwzm,,dk,uh,throat yh,hm,uh,
Nt woke n cnct,hm,k,uh,ww
Approving nt helping frui,hm,
Sth,uh, ur best is destructive n u suck,uu,
Nt fr,hm,uh
I didnt lrn sax well n idk if im a saxophonist, or musician, b hv music n lrned aome saxophone, jm,uh,
Dmb trying n schl,hm,uh,hm,uh,ww, nt empa,hm,ww,hm,uh,hm,
Turkey uhoh,hm,cold ,wt day, j, ww m,
Break hm,uh,hm,uh,ww
Lrn,k,think,nt type,hm,fel,j,
No, hk, ww,k,,hm,hm,persp,sth,,n,h,ksmn
Uh,hm,come for fd,less fooded,see,hm,uh,
Dmb massag, hate u,yh,hm,ww, treat lk model in store, j, n,,lyinf,hm,ww,saying perfect when in pn visibl,j,m,
Meanness,no,j,,kid,uh yh,losezok,hm,uh,yh,sure,ok,h,,,
Wkn dmbnss,dk hm min k
Hm,ww,sth,j mk uh, no, hk, uh, hk
Voices, hm, hkuj noh
Sth, fd, jk uh uh noh
My mistk,dk,
Dk b stuck n where n uh,hm,uh,nt hlp out, hmwt,time,uh,no,j,,
Good for some persp,hm,uh,yh,hm,
Walk 4 houses. Hm. Longish. Untakeable w threat. Hmu
Hm yh dmb,hw ,alot, n rpt,wtdo,uhwt, nt seminar
Told yh, js entangled, hm uww hk
Hm bd container, nt relating, hmuh ww hk
Hm,uh, hk
Uh, their par,week, med, hm,ww,attempting, hm kuh, say big, h hm
Hm kuh
Ppl r grd,hm,yh, hmu, good, hmu
Weeird group rules, ind rules,ther movement,hm,
Wwhmuh, hku
Wrk eh, hm,uh, Nohk wt uh hmu no tkng infonc, uh hotel,idk&?<,&
Hm,khmuj,hm,uhww,ignore, n,
Dk, energy,hk,u,,wt,uh,lf,hm,ww,uh,no,
Aging,hm,k,wt do,hm,uh,hm,uh,hj,uj,adult,hm,yh,ww,m,uh,ww,hm,uh,j,o,i,no,ww,k,,
R u sry, nd chng,sth,hm,come to head,hk,uh,
Trig n dmb acct,ok,12,hm,uh,uh,hw gt in,uh,hm,
Panic wn theyre there agn,hm,uh,
Ma,uh,dk,bd,eh,dk,hm,ok,n,, uh i,uh,camp,eh,sth,alo,hm,dk,uh,ok,hate,ww,nt go into,jm,uh,wt,uu,
Anxi,14,no,uh,wt,wrk,mdcl,no,uh,heard,hlp,wt,uh,weird, j, j,
Sweaters, hm u,,kj,,,,
Drss,m,,j, j k j okwt uh dk h,k,,u,k,grind,insom, wd die? Hm,
Cant feel ur disrespec, weir rel,hj,
Switch, strtch, reli, stress,hm,uh,hm,
Hrd b live,dk,hm,uh,ww h, food qual,hm,ok,wwzno,,,
They dont look they js say no
k,sry,weird pickup,uh,no,j,,,do fr tht,hm,uh,no,
Wrs ths tm, anno,hm,uh,ww,ni,u,
Ww uh wt smn,hm,no,uh,h, k
Saying do stff, to sound wise, n nt offers that stay,wt, forgetting not remindable? Uh,hm,wt,uh,dk,uh,k,
Punish,ow ,pain, principles,wt do,dk,hm,uh,
Money hate,uh,no,h,k
Light,cold,sun,not help,uh,wt,uh,cant consume or idk,make sth dmb,uh,lost,uh,lost some principles, ww,hmu,h,
Serious, hkuj, knew,ok,hm,uh,ww,hm,ok,j,
Hijk, am i being killed, to hate ev,hm,inner killed,jm,uh,wt,uh, leg, forcing disclosure,uh,wt
Wd aay more, wouldn't, uh,wt,tlk,uh,k,u,
Depr, busy laundry,idk,hm,
OVerzelous, q of l,week, ww,hm,no, hmuh, ww,ask,no,hm,uh,hm,hear frm u, b idk,fear, light,uh,hm,yh,sth,nt hon, b indirect,hm,think,uh,ww,uh,hm,uh,
Reptilian, wrld,hm,uh ,hm,sth,uh,exci,dk,nt js do,hm,uh,think,uh,
Dk,hm,uh,wt, j
Pa cards,eh,wt,y,uh,
0 notes
trustbritish · 2 years
Old english letters
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#Old english letters for free
#Old english letters generator
#Old english letters full
#Old english letters plus
This post originally appeared at OMG Facts. This tool can be used for fun and generate different styles of text.
#Old english letters generator
Ethel (œ)Įthel also once represented a specific pronunciation somewhere between the two vowels o and e, though it was originally pronounced like the oi in coil. Like many clarifying distinctions, this letter also disappeared in favor of a simpler vowel lineup (a, e, i, o, u) with many different pronunciations. What can you do with Old English Font Generator Tool It helps to Generate Old English styled text to share on social media. In its original Latin, it denoted a certain type of long vowel sound, like the i in fine. In Old English, it represented a short vowel sound-somewhere between a and e, like in cat. In modern English, æ is occasionally used stylistically, like in archæology or medæval, but denotes the same sound as the letter e.
#Old english letters full
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#Old english letters plus
Ash (æ)Īsh is still a functional letter in languages like Icelandic and Danish. Given names with Old English as their language of origin plus names and related words that are in use where people speak Old English,, Tab Origin. Most often, the gh substitute is completely silent, as in thou gh or dau ghter. You have a choice of 4 Sets to buy: Complete Set ( Total of 62+ Stencils, includes A-Z Upper-Case, a-z Lower-Case, 0-9 Numbers, and extra characters) Upper-Case Only Set (Total of 26, A-Z Upper-Case Letters Only) Lower-Case Only Set (Total of 26, a-z Lower-Case Letters. Yogh was historically used to denote throaty sounds like those in Bach or the Scottish loch. As English evolved, yogh was quickly abandoned in favor of the gh combo. This is a Set of Old English Alphabet Font Stencils. You can also save and print any of these ready made Old English letters below. View our 25 letter generators on our homepage.
#Old english letters for free
The double u representation became quite popular and eventually edged wynn out. The Old English alphabet letters below can be generated online for free with our web based letter generators. Previously, scribes used two u characters next to each other, but preferred one character instead and chose wynn from the runic alphabet. Wynn was incorporated into our alphabet to represent today’s w sound. Of course, you’ll never hear about this in school, because that’s English for you. There is a pronunciation difference-thorn is a voiceless pronunciation and eth is voiced-but that’s just something you pick up as you learn to speak. The font was inspired by two Victorian coins which featured a gothic script lowercase with quite modern looking.Today, the same th letter combo is used for both þ and ð sounds. To hear their pronunciation, select their IPA symbol. Printable Stylish Old English / Gothic Themed Stencil Alphabets to Print. New Old English designed by K-Type is a typical font family of old English style. Old English Online - Alphabet A Quick Note On The Alphabet Before You Begin O ld English letters are usually pronounced the same way we pronounce them in modern English, however, below you will find the three Old English letters no longer used in modern English. Printable Old English Letters in Stencil Outline. Due to its intricate appearance, it is very hard to draw with freehand. Old english lettering royalty-free images 49,206 old english lettering stock photos, vectors, and illustrations are available royalty-free. The old English font is also used a lot in text tattoo designs. The distinguished look and historic sensation make it extremely popular in advertising, invitations, greeting cards and wherever a formal hand-lettered or engraved look is desired. The style is characterized by its engraving look. The Old English font, according to Wikipedia, is a revival of William Caslon’s typeface Caslon Black. Various forms of blackletter exist, mainly including Textualis, the most calligraphic form of blackletter Schwabacher, an old English form that was heavily used in the early German print typefaces Fraktur, the most common German blackletter typeface. It should be noted that Old English or blackletter has nothing to do with old English language nor the old English language written with blackletter. Free Old English Letters from A to Z in Stencil. The Old English, also known as blackletter, dates back to 1000 years ago when it was used as a script throughout Western Europe. Printable Old English Letters in Stencil Outline.
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indeliblymarred · 4 years
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@plasticdetective​ sent: ಠ_ಠ ( for markus, lol ) INAPPROPRIATE THOUGHT ABOUT YOUR MUSE || ACCEPTING
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... kneeling before me, silky hair all astray... running thumb over parted lips... then pressing the muzzle of a gun to his cheek... drag it over to his mouth as he opens for it... the sheen of saliva over metal as he sucks on it...
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Hold the fuck a minute-
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I’m big mad
Thank you @quietdreamcatcher
You have opened my eyes! 👁👅👁
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quandaryqueen · 2 years
@thegremlininlove requests:
Arkhamverse, War of jokes and riddles, and Gotham riddler's
w crush villain! Reader who's transfixed with their voice (I'm aware that war of jokes doesn't have any voice lines, he looks like the type of person who'd have a attractive voice )
They can ramble about anything. A n y - f u c k i n g - t h i n g and reader would just nod between the lines as they only focus on his voice
When they ask something about their plans reader would snap out of it and say "Huh? Oh, yeah! :)" as if they know what he's fucking saying
Hypnotic taking over
Edward Nygma X Reader
Are you a sucker for voices? I know I am.
💚 Gotham
No omg 'coz Cory Michael Smith (the actor portraying this Eddie) IS GREAT AT SINGING! Alright that's just me simping but anyways!
So there was our precious dork, going off about the real story based of Moby Dick along with its historical contexts. Fawning over his voice, you remember certain words being uttered by him. Somewhere in the middle there was a mention of whale farming and its impact towards the early industrialization of America, draining an island of its resources, causing the near extinction of whales, then cannibalism... Somehow you were able to disregard that as you drown in his sweet, sweet voice. Edward would be worried that he was boring you with his usual casual data dump in the middle of the day when he notice you dazing off.
"Oh uh... S-sorry, I uh tend to ramble... Do you mind?"
Absent-mindedness had you shooting up to answer haphazardly... And poorly. "Oh, yeah!"
Your gut takes a self-inflicted mental punch when his features twists with pain.
"Wait, no-no-no-no! That's not what I meant! I meant it... Um..." With your attempt to save face you can't think of a thing to say, while your hands continues to make certain gestures portraying your trial of coming up with an excuse. When none came to mind you gave up. "Alright, you got me I was actually not paying attention I'm sorry... I was... Distracted. I'm sorry I didn't mean to--"
"No, no it's okay." Can't blame you, he knows he can be boring.
"-I-it's just that I was... Kinda... Findyourvoiceattractive."
He stares at you with wide eyes, his pale face visibly and vividly getting shades of red. Not wanting to prolong the awkward silence, he clears his throat and pushes the glasses up his nose.
"Oh um... Th-thank you."
💚 Arkhamverse
I realised I just made something similar to this request about Arkhamverse Edward!
💚 The War of Jokes and Riddles
Oh darling, he noticed. The first time he was a touch annoyed when you were not paying attention, how rude of you, what has gotten you distracted when he's elaborating about his recent schemes?
Oh... Oh 😏
No, once he knows he isn't relenting. You like the way his voice? How about when it drops to a low volume, you'd hear how his voice vibrates against his throat. Oh he's not stopping there, he'd pull you closer, his lips almost touching your ear with every word. Perhaps this way, you'd have his undivided attention and be forced to listen closely.
"Now, be a good little darling and listen to me... Alright?"
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Okay for supernatural/demon lads and ghosthunting MC though.... imagine one of their haunted house sleepovers. The guys torn between scaring off the actual hauntings and *also* liking the way MC snuggles up close when spooky sounds and blips on her camera/sound equipment/etc happen.... Maybe a ouija board session at the witching hour where some narc ghost tries to warn her about three demons clinging to her >:Dc
WAAA omg. omg. omg this gave me an idea i had to-
“... The collapse of the roof in 1755 crushed 4 residents of the asylum.” You were deliberately using your spookiest voice, drained of all but the bare essentials of emotion to get the point across, flashlight in hand. “Since the accident they’ve cleared the damage and fixed the ceiling... but some say the spirits of those killed still wander the halls today, trapped not by rubble... but by the pain that binds their energy to this location.” 
You were still amazed at how steadily Skull could hold a camera. Whenever you looked through footage, even the stuff taken when he was walking, it was as if you had it on a professional electronic rig... you honestly had no idea what you’d do without him. It was pretty damn cold in the building, as it was completely derelict and abandoned, with no windows to furnishings to retain heat- only the concrete foundations remained.
“Visitors to the site have reported tapping on the walls, footsteps, shadows in the corridors, and the smell of brick dus-”
At the sound of tapping very nearby on the old plaster asylum wall, you spun around in shock, shining your flashlight...
... On Red, who was grinning like a bastard, rapping his phalanges on the wall.
“... s’pretty sturdy for an old ass wall.” He purred, pulling an ‘innocent’ face and putting his hand back in his pocket.
“hearing creaks and smelling dust in an old building.” Sans said, with his usual unbothered smile, like all this was just a bad haunted house attraction. “shocking. must be ghosts.”
“Oh, sure, act smug now, you’ll be apologising later when I get paranormal activity on camera.” You mumbled, deliberately shining the light into his face for a moment. You removed your spirit box from your pocket, ignoring the little joking vampire-like hissing sound he made.
The spirit box was your prized possession, your favourite method of communicating with spirits. It was a small black device that somewhat resembled an old walkie talkie; its purpose was to rapidly cycle between radio stations, producing static noise that ghosts could communicate directly with you through. It sounded sharp and horrible and always made the ugliest jittering sound, but even just holding it in your hands made you feel more and more excited.
“... I’ve got a device in my hand.” You said, addressing the room, the building... this was the part you never got over. The part where you spoke directly into the darkness that somehow seemed both smoggy and veil-thin, the part where you could almost feel the unseen eyes in the area turn to you. A shiver ran up your spine... you were certain that if you weren’t flanked by the comforting presences of Sans, Red and Skull, you’d chicken out before you could capture any video. “It’s going to play static that’ll allow you to communicate with us. If you want to, please speak, tell us what happened here.”
“geez. i hate this thing...
... You turned it on. Sans pulled a face, but didn’t make any of his usual complaints, which you appreciated. You stood there, waiting, all four of you staring at the device in your hand... it usually took a little while for something to come through so you weren’t expecting-
“ - - D E M O - N S -”
It blurted out of the box, clear as day, the clearest voice you’d ever heard coming from the box with only a slight jitter from the skipping. It sounded like a man. You jumped, your chest and your eyes widening- “Oh my God... I- what did it say? Did you say demons?”
“- E M O N S - - - I - N - -”
Your hands were shaking- he repeated it. Your full attention was on the box now, your heart was starting to pound. “There are demons here? In the building?”
“- YES-”
It was the same voice, giving you clear replies! This was huge! You couldn’t believe it! You were holding the box like it was a winning lottery ticket, just about losing your mind. “What’s your name? Tell me your name.”
“- -  PLE A S E -” 
You didn’t see the expressions on the guys’ faces. You didn’t notice Red and Sans slip away into the dark, too exhilarated to be expecting their usual cutthroat humour and cynicism.
"Where are the demons? Are they in the building? Can you tell me where they are?”
Something came through the box, but it was too mangled by the static, too impossible to make out. “What did you say? Say that again!”
“- W - - TH -” It was like something was interfering with the transmission. “W I T H - Y O U.”
... What?
“... With me?”
“ T H E - S K E L E T - ”
... It turned off.
Everything turned off. Your fully charged torch went dead, Skull’s torch went dead, the camera's lights blinked out. Suddenly, all the noise in the world had vanished... it was so, so deafeningly quiet...
... and the only light was Skull’s blood red iris, staring at you.
“... All the stuff just...” 
... You looked around the room, trying to see something in the murky darkness, as if searching the shadows for a reason for the sudden powercut to all your individual devices at once.
“... something wrong?” Skull asked. 
His voice was incredibly gentle.
... It was as if a cloud descended over your mind. Suddenly, just like that, you felt like you’d been plunged into a dream. Nothing seemed... real. You couldn’t think, you couldn’t process... a horrible wave of dizziness accompanied the cloud, creeping over you, prickling at your temples and muddying everything that was going in and out of your brain.
“I-I...” You stopped being able to feel your hands or your death grip on the useless flashlight. The pitch black room was beginning to spin, slowly... “I don’t...”
“Where’s...” Your eyes were darting about. Pounding head, like it’d been stuffed full of cotton... your lips weighed too much, it was hard to speak. “Where... Sans... Red...?”
“... shh... it’s okay.” 
A big hand softly closed over yours. You knew Skull had big hands, that was something you loved about him... but the one that held you was huge. Your tiny appendage was swallowed whole by thick bones with long, cruel claws... it felt like him, but it didn’t... feel like him...
... What’s going on? Where am I?
... The hand gently led you closer, easily moving you like you were little more than a confused child. His eyelight was in view... his huge, red eyelight... your own eyes were stinging, strained, wide and afraid. The other hand moved close to you but you didn’t even have the presence of mind to flinch as it gently brushed hair out of your face... you just stared up into the eyelight.
He had horns. Skull’s silhouette had huge, curved horns.
“it’s alright.” He murmured, cupping you like a precious baby bird. His voice had become distorted, warped... and even in your state of delirium, you were certain it wasn’t from the headache. “you’re with me. you can let go.” 
The dizziness was becoming too much to bear. You couldn’t even focus on his iris anymore, you couldn’t see, you were either going to pass out or be sick. The distant sound of your flashlight hitting the floor... You pressed your eyes shut to relieve the aching, and tried to say something, but it was just a bleary mumble...
“that’s it.” He purred, the hand holding yours instead moving to your back to support your swaying body. You couldn’t open your eyes again... you didn’t want to. It felt so much nicer closed, the discomfort was muffled. “don’t need fight. none of this... ever happened.”
... You were vaguely aware of him catching your tipping body and scooping you up into his arms before everything went completely dark.
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hollowsart · 3 years
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Now I gottA (spurred me to draw some stylized spams I love just u wait Im just **runs off with your spamton**)
sdfjhksfdkf I feel like I am being attacked for my infatuation with @/7greentears's Spamton design I--- th A N k yOu..... thank you tho omg...
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kanmom51 · 4 years
JM JK timeline.- my observations how they grew over the years - 2017
Disclaimer: these are my own opinions and conclusions.  Feel free to disagree, but hate or aggression will be unacceptable.
2017 - part 2
12 Feb 2017 – “You never walk alone” preview show.  Who’s JM’s little cutie? 
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14 Feb 2017 – JM Twitter post –  the boys with matching jackets.  I know. I said not Twitter, but sometimes rules are made to be broken.
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17 Feb 2017 – Hobi’s birthday.  JM to JK: “stop coming to our room at night.” There’s something about JM throwing JK under the bus time after time.  It’s like he enjoys to see JK squirm.
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22 Feb 2017 – Gaon Chart K-pop chart – JK ushering Hobi to another seat, so that JK can sit behind JM.  JM turning around see this, rolls his eyes and smirks.
24 Feb 2017 – KBS Music Bank comeback - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4_ASZuLeVk&t=156s  
Another one of my favourites.  A perfect example for both boys hesitance, wanting to touch, but just not getting there. 
 JM putting arm behind JK, but holding on to wall behind, and then matter of factually laying it on JK’s shoulder.  
JM micro touching, or brushing JK’s hand with his thumb.  
Prior to JM brushing JK’s hand with his thumb, JK’s hand is heart signing to JM. 
The minute JM moves his hand away, you see how the expression on JK’s face changes, then he rubs his hand where JM touched him.
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24 Feb 2017 fan meet – are they in actual F… sending flying kisses to each other?
25 Feb 2017 MBC music core comeback – JK moving Hobi aside, so that JK can stand behind JM.  JK being JM’s number 1 fanboy.
26 Feb 2017 – Wings – you never walk alone fan sign.  Really JM? What was that neck grab and what exactly were you doing there????  No, I don’t believe he kissed JK’s neck, but it sure was ‘out there’, so much so that Jin was in total shock when it happened.  JK was surprised by it, and I think that even JM was shocked by his own actions waling aimlessly in what seems like the wrong direction .
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28 Feb 2017 Run BTS episode 12. This one for me was cringe worthy, at some points I felt like an actual intruder.  JK the detective and JM the prisoner.  JK whacking JM on the behind (remember JK is the younger – how bold).  JM’s private dance for JK.  I know the episode was mostly scripted, but I seriously think JM was surprised by that smack to his behind.  Also, the way JK was looking at JM when he was dancing all heart hands for him.
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12 March 2017 - Wings tour Santiago Chile
Santiago day 2 – JK suffers from exhaustion.  As he is taken back stage to a treatment room, JM is the one to race after the team into the room.
JM is in the treatment room when the cameras come in.  He is standing there, and later, as the other members are walking in, JM is by JK’s side, helping the medical team lift up one of his legs.
The rest of the members come in together to see how JK is doing, and when the medical team suggest to take off JK’s pants, all the members leave the room.  All except for JM, who stays there with JK the whole time.
JM leaves the room only together with JK, after he feels better and is able to walk out of the room on his own two feet.
Wouldn’t you expect RM, being the leader and all, to be the one by JK’s side? Or J-Hope maybe?  Wouldn’t that have made more sense under the circumstances? Why JM?  
Because, clearly JM is the one JK feels closest to, the one he can be himself with freely, the one he doesn’t feel embarrassed or needs privacy from.
JM may not have been a family member, but he was the closest thing to it.  JM to JK is and was his home, his safe place, and most certainly the one to be by his side when he was in distress.
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March 2017 BTS Live trilogy episode the Wings tour in Santiago Chile & Brazil.  
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March 2017 BTS Live trilogy episode the Wings tour in Chicago.
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April 2017 3rd Muster dvd – the muster was at end of 2016, but dvd was released in 2017. During photo shoots they are being posed by the photographers.  Yes, there will be authentic moments between them, but sometimes it’s hard to tell what’s real and what’s being directed.  That’s why I don’t always like to add these to my timeline.   Even so, they were so cute, so I couldn’t leave this one out.
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3rd April 2017 – BTS Front row live entertainment interview – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UotjcB_X4ag . What happened there?  
This one intrigues me. I watched and re-watched the full interview several times, and for the life of me I can’t see what happened there between JM and Hobi that triggered JK’s reaction?  JM’s placating look at JK, like telling him nothing happened… this one is used a lot to create the JK jealous narrative, and to be honest, I really don’t know what happened there. When JK turns back, JM looks into the camera with an uneasy gaze.
After that, most of the time, JM looks lost in his thoughts, not happy.  Towards the end they are asked what artist they would want to collaborate with, and Suga’s answer makes them all burst out in laughter, all accept for JM.  When he is asked and answers, you also see he is unhappy.  You can easily see something is bothering him.  JM just wasn’t his happy own self.  He looked pensive.  BTS did several interviews and had a concert that day, so maybe he was just tired or wound up, but he just wasn’t acting like himself.
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April 2017 - Bon Voyage 2 Hawaii
Highlights of the highlights: The but checking and identifying (are we taking skinship to another level, are we??).  
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JK getting drenched at the beach, JK getting drenched period. Lol.  
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JK gobbling down piping hot Pizza so JM can eat. 
JM playing footsies under the table with JK, all while sitting opposite V.  
JK edging JM to come along calling him “Aegyo” = “Baby”.  J
M making sure JK doesn’t go hungry, buying him food with his own money.  JM taking care of JK. 
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JK and JM on same team – the joy… Spending the day together and just being happy. 
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 Did JK really lose the game on purpose so he can be in the room with JM? 
The amount of times we hear Jimin-ssi in every kind of cute and flirty way JK can say it…
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22 April 2017 JK Vlive – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5n8y3D0Z9pM . 
JK doing everything to get JM back to his room while playing loud music. 
JK’s face lighting up when JM returns to his room. 
JK telling JM he looks handsome without makeup.  
JK pissed off when V comes in too, saying “why is everyone coming?”.    
When V touches JK’s ear, JK pushes him away.  
JM moving off camera to fix his robe, and JK not taking his eyes off him.  
V putting his foot on JK’s back (this is something I have seen V do a few times, it’s not a gentle touch, to me it feels more like asserting dominance), and JM pushes him off.    
And what exactly did JM mean when he said he has no talent for games but “I was quite good at it a year ago”?  Only to be followed by the stare, OMG, the stare.  Why, oh why did V have to ruin the moment, eh?
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22-23 April 2017 Bangkok concert. Flirting on stage, attention to each other.
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24 April 2017 Eat Jin Vlive with JM and JK - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MqxX_UGXSlY .   
Jin complaining why JM doesn’t hit him like he did JK, so JM hits him too. Lol. JM stealing the steak JK cuts for himself, while JK lets him, smiling.  The way JK just lets JM get away with anything, even interfering with the ultimate ‘ship’ - Jungfood. 
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3 June 2017 – J-14 magazine interview - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7rXl8uuUTY&t=306s .  from 3.33min. to 4.37min especially.
Wtf was JM up to there????? It looks pretty dubious, especially when you look at the faces on the two of them when it was going on.  Up to your interpretation.
2 June 2017 – Ceremonial first pitch at baseball match – Hanshin Koshien stadium - JK and JM’s jersey numbers – coincidence or not?
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12 June Festa 2017 BTS BangtanTv –  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cWA6f7g7NUQ&t=2s.
JK’s intense stare at JM, when JM joined the others in with the others when they were laughing at JK eating everyone’s food but not ordering any for himself, which causes JM to immediately stop laughing.  
Poor JK being blindsided when it was pointed out that the only one he bought a birthday present for last year was JM.  Oops. (why oh why JM did you throw him under the bus like that??? You were curious? Really???? JM keeps doing this) Poor boy was so embarrassed.  Hobi was the one to actually save him, stating how generous JK has become lately giving away his things that he didn’t need. JK never answered the question. 
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27 June 2017 BV2 special commentary live – JK getting all flustered when asked to explain the difference between BV1 and BV2.  JM looking at him, enjoying every second.
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4 August 2017 - KBS Music Bank Singapore.  JK not loving on Taemin.  The way he turns around the minute JM and Taemin interact, and the discontent look on his face…cold.  He’s not a happy camper.  He glancing in the direction a couple of times, but he is mostly turned away from them.   And when JM runs up to slap Taemin in the butt, JK sees this, averts his head, and just keeps walking off the stage.  He is clearly upset. Besides the obvious faces he makes, not waiting for Jimin when walking off stage is not something he usually does. Was it jealousy?  Was it just a disliking of Taemin specifically?  And if he dislikes Taemin, why is that?  We can’t know. 
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OK now, I know I said that I won’t be doing Twitter, but this one I felt I had to (again, oops):
On the 6th of August 2017 JM posted a photo he took during their Hawaii trip (BV2). Why take this photo, and why post it?  Do I really have to ask this question?
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29th August 2017 the famous, or infamous People Now “arrest me” interview -  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgGxcMndEk8 .  
I couldn’t find the actual date of this interview, but it was uploaded end of August 2017. I really enjoyed this one.  Everyone talks about JK’s “arrest me” JM mishap during this interview.  The members reactions are to die for.  
Can someone tell me please what Suga told JK in Korean before they moved on?????  
Also, JK’s reaction when JM said he wanted to collab with Suga (watch from 7:58min), was like:
 W H A T  in  T H E  actual F U C K???. LMAO.  
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Summer package 2017 – released August 2017.
JK and JM being all playful by the pool.  JK letting us know how adorable JM is to him when he is swimming doggy style in the pool.
The one that stands out to me, though, is the ‘dream catcher necklace saga’.  Felt a little uneasy to see that one, like I was witness to a lover’s tiff.  
The boys were given a budget each to purchase themselves a gift.  They are taken together to a gift shop, where they check the merchandise out and each buy themselves a little souvenir.  When they all sit down to show each other their gifts, that’s when this moment happens.
JK takes out his gift. I once again want to emphasize, this is a gift he bought with his budget for himself.  He explains it’s a dream catcher and says he will put it in his room.  
JM, sitting next to him, takes it from JK and says: “this is a necklace Jungkook-ssi”. 
JK blurts out adamantly that he won’t hang it around his neck.   
This is when things get awkward, because you can see JM is clearly upset, throws the necklace back at JK and says: “OK, then”.
JM has a dream catcher necklace around his neck too, and when it’s his turn to tell what gift he bought himself he takes the necklace off and gives it to V, saying he bought the gift for V, who had a nightmare last night.
After JM’s mini tantrum JK, who previously adamantly professed he will not put it around his neck, does everything he can to put the necklace on, finally turning to JM to help him put the it on, which he does.  
Later on, while sitting for the personal interview, with the necklace around his neck, he tells us how from now on he won’t have nightmares.
What did I get from all that?
Clearly JM was pissed at JK’s reaction.  Why?  JK clearly bought this by himself for himself. 
But did he?  Was it something he chose for himself, or was it something JM suggested to him?
JM also bought a dream catcher.  Was that a coincidence?  For some reason, I don’t think so.  
My theory is that the dream catcher is something JM suggested or wanted JK to buy for himself, and JK reluctance to wear it offended him.  JM clearly bought the other dream catcher for V.  Perhaps he wanted both his boys to have one, and to him, JK’s comment felt as a rejection.
The way JK reacted to JM, his immediate change of attitude towards the necklace, trying to put it on, when only a second earlier he said he won’t put this around his neck, shows how attuned he was to JM, how he immediately realised he did something wrong, something to upset JM, and how he tried, in his own way, to atone for it, by wearing the same thing he but seconds ago rejected.
This brings me back to the point I made about the boys relationship, and them finding the balance. A perfect example to how there will still be conflict, but how JK realises, immediately, that he had done wrong and what he has done wrong, and immediately sets to right the wrong, hence to restore that balance.
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JM throwing the necklace at JK.  Also, notice the editor’s remark.  JM’s anger is obvious not only to me.
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To be continued... 
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2dmenenthusiast · 4 years
I can't remember if I sent this to you already but could I request headcanons for aizawa, hizashi and Toshinori finding their s/o that has a chipmunk quirk that makes her fall into hibernation when it's too cold (kinda like tsu) but when the guys find her with her heart rate low and her breathing shallow maybe they freak a little bc she didn't tell them about that part of her quirk yet
omggggg this idea is literally so cute I got so excited when I first read it. Also thank you love for comin through with the requests, I really appreciate it! <3 I also hella struggled cuz like, what can someone with a chipmunk quirk do? Stuff their cheeks? Climb up trees? Also I legit forgot what a chipmunk even looked like I had to look it up lmaoooo im so dumb it hurts
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Aizawa is an intimidating fella, okay
So when you first told him about your quirk, you were lowkey embarrassed?
Like, here’s this grown-ass man with a badass quirk who is more than capable of taking down villains and defending himself, and here you are just-
But you know what’s great about this man? He couldn’t give less of a shit about your quirk or anything like that. He strikes me as the type to care more about personality than anything else
concealing your quirk is fairly easy. People probably wouldn’t even know you had one if it wasn’t for the small fluffy ears popping out of the top of your head, and even then you could just cover them with a hat
But that doesn’t mean you don’t experience the effects of your own quirk just because it’s subtle
You have a mutant type quirk, so you experience certain things that actual chipmunks do
Sometimes you won’t even notice that you’re stuffing your cheeks to full capacity with whatever you’re eating before Aizawa has to cut you off and just be like
“y/n. Chew.”
Or when you’re rushing, you’re usually going so fast that Aizawa can barely even see you zooming from room to room
you can also get kinda skittish at times, your ears twitching whenever you hear a noise that sounds weird or out of place, and you’ll just look at Aizawa with wide eyes until he checks out what made a noise that he could barely hear
“y/n, it was just some kids outside.”
“Oh... sorry, Sho.”
he wants to be frustrated, but he knows it’s not your fault. And honestly? He finds you so cute that he can’t really stay mad at you
So he’ll just let out a huff before patting your head lovingly, grazing his fingers over your ears (Which he KNOWS are sensitive, that asshole)
Experiencing long periods of deep sleep is also a thing. You wouldn’t call it hibernation cuz you still have to do normal, everyday things, but there are times during the winter where you’ll sleep for a few days in a row and only get up to go to the bathroom or eat
And since you can’t actually burrow into the floor of your home, you usually make a blanket fort in the corner of your bedroom and stuff all of the pillows and blankets you can in there until it’s nice and warm, ready for you to bury yourself in
and you might’ve left that little part of your quirk out when you moved in together. whoops
So when Shouta comes home and sees the living room couch void of all of its pillows, he’s not expecting to walk into your shared bedroom and see you curled up in a blanket fort
he’s a bit curious at first, just kinda looking at you like “All right, I guess this is normal?”
and he’ll crouch down and kinda examine you for a bit before he eventually wonders if you’re even breathing? You’re burried under blankets, so he can’t really see your chest moving
eventually he’ll check and see that your breathing is abnormally slow and he kinda just... pauses and checks again to make sure he’s not going crazy.
and he wont deny that he kinda freaks out at first, his immediate thought being that he needs to get you out of there, but the second he grabs the blankets to pull them off of you he’s like wait... hold up.
then it all clicks
you’re a mutant with a chipmunk quirk...
c h i p m u n k
safe to say he’s relieved, so he just lets you be and goes about his day. 
When you wake up a few hours later to go to the bathroom, you come out of the bedroom with your clothes practically on backwards, rubbing at your eyes and stumbling past Aizawa like he’s not even there. And when you’re done, it’s right back to sleep you go
“Back to bed?” Aizawa would ask as he watches you with an amused smirk on his face
“Okay. Goodnight, y/n”
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Listen, when he first heard of your quirk, he thought it was the cutest shit ever
“Your quirk is Chipmunk?! That’s SOOOOOOOO CUUUUUUUTE!”
No he’s legit your number one hype man. If you think your quirk is lame, he’s literally shouting at you how cool he thinks you are.
“You can stuff so much food in your mouth, y/n! And that’s pretty dope if you ask me! I’m totally jealous!”
speaking of food, he’ll just randomly ask you to shove as much as you can of one thing in your cheeks until they’re at full capacity.
“Hey y/n, think you can shove this whole pack of jumbo marshmallows in your cheeks?”
“But... I just bought those :(”
“I’ll buy you more, LET’S DO THIS!!!”
also asks you the dumbest questions omg. You don’t know if he’s genuinely curious or if he’s just doing it to piss you off
“So do you just eat nuts all day?”
“You’ve seen me eat, Hizashi. No.”
“Do you prefer to sleep in trees?”
“That would be extremely uncomfortable.”
“Ooh you’d probably be great frieds with Kamui Woods then.”
“Did you not hear what I just said?”
He also REALLY likes your ears. Like an unhealthy amount? Whenever you’re around he literally wont stop touching them and even tugs on them playfully until you’re swatting at his hands and telling him to go away
He can’t help that they’re so cute :(
so on a particuallry cold day in winter when he has to go to work at the school, he leaves your home while you’re sleeping, only to come home hours later to find you... still sleeping?
You haven’t moved an inch the entire time he’s been gone, so needless to say, he’s a litle concerned.
and when he checks to see if you’re still alive only to discover your heart rate is super slow, he’s A LOT concerned
His brain just goes to the most dramatic thing he can think of, which is that you’re in some weird coma and need to wake up
so rather than, i dont know, gently shaking you awake like a normal person, he grabs you buy your shoulders and starts shaking you violently while shouting your name loud as fuck
you literally wake up so violently, you sit right up and shove him off of you before asking what’s wrong with him, pretty sure you’ve officially gone deaf
He then explains that he thought you were in a coma or something cuz your heartbeat was so slow, and at that point you just roll your eyes because of course he would come up with this ridiculous conclusion
“Hizashi, my quirk is chipmunk and it’s a mutation quirk.”
He doesn’t even get what you’re getting at, just tilting his head in confusion as he squints at you.
“What do chipmunks do in the winter, babe?”
Cue more confused squinting
“Oh my god, they hibernate, you headass.”
it finally clicks and the look on his face makes it seem like he just learned the secret of the universe, and afterwards he’s going on about how cool that is while you just roll your eyes and lay back down to try and go back to sleep, bringing the blanket over your head to try and drown him out
He eventually gets the hint and leaves, but after a while, you kinda feel bad for blowing up on him. He was just concerned and didn’t fully understand your quirk
so letting out a huff, you pull the blanket down and call out his name, to which he immediately runs to you at the sound of, asking you what you need
you just wordlessly lift up the blanket to expose the empty side of the bed, and oh boy, the size of the grin he gets on his face is unmatched
immediately throws off his hero costume so that you can both be comfortable and jumps into bed with you, holding you impossibly close
you fall asleep in a matter of minutes while he just looks at you fondly, hand soothingly rubbing your back.
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Just like the other two, he finds you incredibly cute. Like mans is in love, okay?
everytime he sees your little ears twitch, he just gets the strongest urge to touch them, but he never does without your consent becuase he knows how sensitive they are.
“Uh... y/n, do you mind if I... touched your ears?” 
Baby probably feels so awkward asking ugh PLEASE REASSURE HIM
“Oh? Yeah, of course, Toshi. Knock yourself out.”
oooh he’s excited. He’ll be super gentle about it, just lightly grazing them with his fingers before gently rubbing them between his thumb and forefinger
and at that point you’re littlerally melting, practically falling into him because him caressing your ears like this feels absolutely amazing
When he sees how it’s affecting you, he immediately becomes a blushing mess and apologizes, but you just hug him and tell him it’s okay and that you liked it
yeah he definitely rubs your ears whenever you’re feeling stressed or anxious because it’s become a quick way to relax you
only when he does it though. If anyone else randomly touches your ears, you get kinda uncomfortable
Just because they don’t look human doesn’t mean they still weren’t a part of you, dammit
Anyways, one day when you’re waiting for Toshi to come back home, you’ve got yourself wrapped up like a burrito in your blanket, sitting on the couch as you watched tv
it had been snowing all day, but luckily Toshinori had turned up the thermostat before he left, remembering how you mentioned that you’re not a huge fan of the cold
unfortunately for you, the harsh weather had no trouble taking out the power, leaving you in the dark and the cold
it didn’t take long for the cold to start seeping in through the cracks in the windows, and you quickly began to grow tired before you inevitibly passed out on the couch, still wrapped tightly in your blanket
When Toshi gets home and sees you on the couch, his first reaction is “aw, how cute.”
but then when he comes up to you and starts calling out your name to try and wake you up and you just won’t, and then he notices how much your breathing has slowed down, he quickly growns concerened.
He’s not in full panic mode yet, but he’s getting there, and he’s quick to crouch down to your level and grab your shoulders to start shaking you to wake you up
which you do, blinking groggily at him like you weren’t just in full hibernation mode
“Oh... Hey, Toshi,” you mumble, and you reach up to wrap your arms around his neck to pull him down so that you can nuzzle yourself into his warm chest
He’s not able to ask you about what happened to you before you’ve already fallen back asleep, and when the power comes back on a few minutes later, he does a quick google search on chipmunks and mutant quirks before putting two and two together
Now he’s thinking of all the ways he could make you something to burrow into during those especially cold winters
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rozcdust · 3 years
So a thought went in my head after reading part 21 of She's so Mean so imma just come out with it.
What do you think of Kakucho and/or Ran x Gambler!Y/N 👀
I got nothing else after that lol
my fic ideas are piling up dude and tbh th a n k y o u
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