Shohib Qhadir
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shohibqhadir · 6 years ago
Video #kilasbalik2018 merangkum kegiatan kami selama tahun 2018 di Kampong Pabean. Tentunya, banyak suka maupun duka  yang teriring selama perjalanan kami di tahun 2018. Semoga rangkuman video ini dapat menjadi penyemangat bagi kami dan teman - teman untuk lebih baik lagi kedepan. Amin yaa robbal alamin.
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shohibqhadir · 6 years ago
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Basmalah (bahasa Arab: بسملة) adalah ucapan pembukaan Bismillah (بسم الله, "Dengan nama Allah"), begitupun saya mengawali membuka tumblr ini ( setelah hampir setahun tidak aktif) dengan mengucapkan bismiilah. Semoga kedepannya bisa menjajikan tulisan yang lebih baik daripada sebelumnya serta bermanfaat bagi pembacanya. Amin yaa robbal alamin. 
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shohibqhadir · 7 years ago
Fascinating The Old City - Semarang
Honestly, before I decided joined my friends travelled to Semarang there was something bother me it’s made me felt not in my mood ( exhausted ). Yet, when my friends told me that we’re gonna trip to Semarang, I told to my self “ this’s my chance to go there” which is that I don’t even know that city before.
This post it’s just my list picts that I captured when we were in the old city, just don’t know how to describe this places, it just like we were in European corner. I said to my friends this places is beyond my expectation it’s gorgeous and fascinated me at the same time.
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Spiegel Cafe was one of the beauties, yet unfortunately we couldn’t have a chance to enter. I saw on internet the interior was amazing, just can’t imagined ( speechless ), I hope someday I could.
I said on my previous post that the distance it’s quite not too far from the Tawang Station, so there is a lane that related from the old city to the station, you just need to walk.
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The other beauties was the polder, its look like a pool or such kind of water reservoir, in front of the polder we could see the Tawang Station. 
So that’s all some of my picts from the old city Semarang, if you guys have a chance to visit Semarang probably you could put this places in your itenerary. Have a great day.
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shohibqhadir · 7 years ago
Goes To Semarang - The Enchanting Central Java
It’s been a while, which is so long for writing ( read: 3 months )  after I posted a video from my short trip to Semarang. It’s quite a bit like I don’t have any idea to post something ( pardon me ), sometimes people always had his/her problem to solved ( so mine ), a lot kind of  something to arranged and had to finished at that time. So here I am now. Anyway, that was my first trip to Semarang and my first time travelling with a train lol.
Like I said before, it was my first time, we took Ambarawa Express Train ( the train was quite neat )  started from  Pasar Turi Surabaya Station heading to Tawang Semarang Station. 
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We arrived in Tawang station at 06 pm, fyi Tawang Station its part of the old city region that had a lot of beauty architectures. I keep some picts for my next post hehe.
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Afterwards, we went to simpang lima enjoy the city in the night and bought some nasi liwet hehe ( filling our starving stomach) before heading to hotel.
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A day after, we visited Sampokong temple, actually I don’t  understand why we had to visit the temple, a friend told me that Sampokong temple its one of the favourite place to visit in Semarang.  
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I didn’t captured a lot picts inside the temple caused I am not too interested. A view hours after we went to Lawang Sewu, I just remember when I whispered in my hearth : “ Oh my, can’t wait! “, as you know Lawang sewu was the icon of this city. The beauty of architectures so amazed me, even in fact the doors doesn’t amount to a thousand doors instead. But still mesmerized me.
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Finally, our last day in Semarang. We decided went to the old city before heading to Tawang Station, the Bledug church was one of the icon, fyi  the distance from the old city to Station actually not too far, its quite near. Mean while I was captured some picts when my friends enjoy the views and looking some foods.
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Pardon our wefie picts above hehe, obviously we enjoying our moments and did a lot of funny and stiff situations somewhat but we could through it each other and  most important for the short trip was our stories. 
Thank god ( alhamdulilah ) for that chance, I am just praying to god wish we always health and blessings with good things, hoping all the best for all of you.
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shohibqhadir · 8 years ago
“ Seseorang tidak bisa memaksa orang lain untuk menjadi teman ataupun sahabatnya “
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shohibqhadir · 8 years ago
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shohibqhadir · 8 years ago
Kawasan Kota Tua, Semarang
Tidak terasa sudah masuk penghujung akhir bulan ramadhan, kali ini saya ingin sedikit mengobati kerinduan saya pada kota Semarang melalui video ini, seperti yang banyak orang tahu bahwa Semarang memang dikenal sebagai kota sejarah karena banyak bangunan dan gedung kolonial yang masih terjaga dengan baik. Video ini adalah salah satu video yang saya ambil ketika berkesempatan mengunjungi kawasan kota tua dan gereja bledug, pada 24 April 2017!  ( will post with title “goes to semarang” soon ) meski ada beberapa kelanjutan postingan saya sebelumnya yang juga ngantri minta diposting hehe. can’t wait!
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shohibqhadir · 8 years ago
“ Sahabat bukan tentang berapa lama kamu mengenalnya, tapi tentang siapa yg menghampiri hidupmu menjadi sahabatmu, dan tak pernah meninggalkanmu ”
- Pepatah
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shohibqhadir · 8 years ago
Salam & Doa Dari Blue Mosque Istanbul, Turki
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Halo Mei !
Tidak terasa waktu berjalan sangat cepat dan saya tiba di bulan Mei, bersyukur alhamdulilah masih diberi kesempatan menghirup udaramu ya Allah, postingan hari ini  tentunya tidak membahas tentang bulan Mei ataupun kelanjutan dari postingan saya sebelumnya mengenai persahabatan ( will post that soon ) melainkan mengenai asal foto postingan diatas.
Blue Mosque ( Sultan Ahmed Mosque ) yang berada di Istanbul, Turki. Saya yakin hampir sebagian orang ataupun para traveler pernah mendengar dan berkesempatan melihat kemegahan masjid yang masih berdiri kokoh hingga saat ini.
Sebulan lalu, salah satu sahabat saya Azis berkesempatan mengunjungi Turki, mendengar kata Turki imajinasi saya langsung mengarah ke Hagia Sophia, Blue Mosque dan Kapadokia mengingat Turki adalah salah satu negara impian yang harus saya kunjungi selain Mekkah, Arab Saudi ( fyi saya adalah penggemar setia Negara Turki  sejak masih duduk dibangku sekolah SMA keindahan budaya, arsitektur bangunan era byzantium Romawi serta kemegahan peninggalan kerajaan Ottoman sangat menarik perhatian saya hingga sekarang ). Tidak salah, kalau saya selalu mengikuti perkembangan beritanya di internet.
Masih teringat saat Turki dilanda kudeta tepatnya bulan Juli tahun lalu, saya sempat mengabari sahabat-sahabat saya terkait perkembangan terakhir setelah upaya kudeta. Entah kenapa, saya menjadi terbawa resah mungkin karena sesama Negara mayoritas berpenduduk muslim.
Saya berterima kasih kepada Azis karena sudah mengabulkan permintaan saya untuk didoakan di Blue Mosque hingga suatu hari nanti bisa kesampaian juga mengunjunginya, amin..ya robball alamin.. Bagi saya ini adalah doa. Thanks so much! really appreciate!
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shohibqhadir · 8 years ago
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Selasa (11/04), masih melekat diingatan saya saat membaca sebuah artikel di laman National Geographic Indonesia  tentang  “ 7 Alasan Mengapa Menjalin Persahabatan Penting Dilakukan ” ( baca disini ), korelasi dengan judul gambar postingan ini bahwa persahabatan itu esensinya adalah suci. Sakral atau suci disini bukan bermaksud mengagungkan segala sesuatunya melampaui sang maha pencipta, setidaknya mempunyai pengaruh yang cukup besar selain keluarga dalam hubungannya dengan kehidupan manusia dengan manusia yang lain.
Bagi saya pribadi, ada perbedaan antara bersahabat dengan berteman, siapapun bisa berteman dengan anda, tidak memerlukan syarat dan kriteria tertentu. Namun berbeda dengan sahabat, mereka lebih dari sekedar teman, tempat berbagi suka dan duka bahkan tidak jarang berbagi rahasia bersama. Oleh karenanya tidak semua orang bisa dijadikan sahabat.
Ada proses baik dalam berteman ataupun bersahabat, proses bersahabat adalah yang menurut saya tidak instan, memerlukan waktu dan pengenalan yang cukup lama untuk dapat memahami satu sama lain secara personal. 
Pertanyaannya, apakah konten mengenai persahabatan ini dapat berlaku bagi setiap orang? tentu juga tidak, karena saya percaya setiap orang memiliki pemahaman dan kriterianya sendiri dalam memilih seseorang untuk menjadi teman apalagi menjadi sahabatnya. Selain itu, apakah dalam proses berteman atau bersahabat itu masing-masing pihak menerima satu sama lain mengingat bersahabat itu butuh proses yang cukup lama dan dalam hal ini apakah salah satu pihak menerima untuk dijadikan teman ataupun sahabat ataukah sebaliknya?
- bersambung 
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shohibqhadir · 8 years ago
Gracias 2016
Just dunno why I put this spanish “gracias” as a title above hehe. Anyway, I know farewell itsn’t hurt as is name ( note: love break up) haha nevermind. I mean especially when associated with a year that you’ve been thru. A lot of memories inside (certainly), if you don’t mind these post below a bit of mine.
Popcon asia “Popular Culture Convention” Asia is the biggest festival in Asia, it was held in Surabaya from june 4-5, 2016. Unfortunately, I came on june 5 ( at night ) and the festival was already closed, praise god a day after I have a chances to meet with Atreyu Moniaga ( a young and talented surrealis illustrator ) to bring home some his stuff. We met at JW Marriott Hotel Surabaya, I was grateful could met and talk with him ( you can see his GG Mild ad *stunning). 
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I also met his manager kak Vehandojo (pict below)
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Every august always have a special ceremony (in my home town) to celebrate, beside ceremonial of our independence day we also have a social activity to make our home town looks more cleaner and arrange as well, mural is one of the ideas.
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Mural makes my home town looks more colourful.
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Let me introduce Mr Khotib Ismail one of the head and caretaker of Pokdarwis Ampel ( Ampel Mosque tourism organizations ), I met him in September, I always fascinated with people whos interest and very knowledgeable about surabaya history and also Ampel Mosque as well ( he is the one )
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This pict bellow when I with my friend were in Mr Khotib Fb
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Fyi Mr Khotib came from the economics background at Brawijaya University. Yet, believe it or not he also able  to operate multi design softwares like an pro graphic designer ( Passion makes perfect ). *awesome!
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I’am really gratefull when my partners in crime ( my friends college ) invite me to visit Malang celebrating lifes, new year and also our friendship. ( haha my face looks “sok imut” at pict bellow )
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Malang has its own historical colonial building, the architectures really mesmerized me.
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Finally, that’s a bit of my memories in 2016,  hopefully 2017 bring more wonderful happiness, open the all good chances and good experiences to everyone, amin.
Last but not least, inspirational quote to thru this year much better than before.
 “ Man Jadda Wa jada “ 
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shohibqhadir · 8 years ago
I found this (infographic) on Made Andi tweet, now I see the diffrences!
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shohibqhadir · 8 years ago
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Houseplant expert? You’re too kind, BBC @gardenersworldmag (January issue, 50 new things to try in 2017). Special thanks to Fiona from The Potting Shed (@breadh) in Scotland who sent me the magazines 😊🌿
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shohibqhadir · 8 years ago
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Some say you don’t really need to root cuttings in water and that you can just immediately put them into moist soil. I say: I prefer occasionally having cuttings in cute glassware living among my plants (blog post - link in profile)
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shohibqhadir · 8 years ago
James Bay - Let It Go
“ Everything that's broke Leave it to the breeze Why don't you be you And I'll be me! “ 
sounds like a great quote!
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shohibqhadir · 8 years ago
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But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you, and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah know, while you know not. { Al-Baqarah : 216}
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shohibqhadir · 8 years ago
“Barangsiapa yang mengerjakan kebaikan seberat dzarrah (biji atom), niscaya dia akan menerima (balasan)nya. Dan barangsiapa yang mengerjakan kejahatan seberat dzarrah (biji atom) pun, niscaya dia akan menerima (balasan)nya.”
(QS. Al-Zalzalah [99]:7-8)
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