Shoeshine- UK
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The Art of Shine
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shoeshineuk · 8 years ago
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Art of patina available at The London Hilton on Park Lane Mon to Fri
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shoeshineuk · 9 years ago
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Our friends from @nordstrom_shoeshine using @RepostRegramApp - Burgundy!! #shoepatina #beforeandafter #burnish #shoeshine #patina #artist #burgundy #shoegaze #shoegasm #styleblogger #shoegame #styleforum #shoegazing #shoegazingblog #menswear #streetstyle #gentleman #art #sartorial #sartorialist #dandy #dapper #shoecare
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shoeshineuk · 9 years ago
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Repost from @thebespokenmogul using @RepostRegramApp - Get to London and meet this guy.. It's been 2 years since I blogged about his business.. He brings shoes to life @shoeshineuk ...don't just follow him... Look up his site.. Guarantee you will be impressed! I was blown away! •Overall great service•#shoeshineuk #handmadeshoes #billionairebound #shoes #patina #brogues #wingtips #clothes #suits #love #me #sun #me #sun #beauty #handsome #instapic #menswear #shoeshine #shoegame #shoeporn #shoegasm #styleblogger #styleforum #streetstyle #shoestagram #shoegaze (at London Hilton on Park Lane)
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shoeshineuk · 9 years ago
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Rainforest green patina many combinations of colour to create these tones AFTER #shoeshine #shoes #style #styleforum #shoecare #shoeporn #savilerow #shoeshiner #shoeshineuk #shoeshineservice #patina #piccadilly #dandy #fashion #shoegame #love #london #gq #esquire #boots #berluti #bespoke #mayfair #menswear #mensstyle #shoegazingblog #girls #dapper #gentlemen #gent
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shoeshineuk · 9 years ago
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@chris.mulzer shoes re patina from nude to purple, violet and black BEFORE & AFTER #shoeshine #shoes #style #shoegame #shoecare #shoeporn #savilerow #shoeshiner #shoestagram #shoeshineservice #patina #piccadilly #dandy #fashion #styleforum #love #london #londonhilton #shoegasm #boots #berluti #bespoke #mayfair #menswear #mensstyle #shoegazing #shoefetish #dapper #gentlemen #gent
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shoeshineuk · 9 years ago
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Was a pleasure 😀 @edscottbenninfitness So I'm doing my usual end of year clear out and decided to rescue an old favourite pair of shoes... There was only one man for the job so, I paid @shoeshineuk a visit @londonhiltonpl The result of his Midas touch left me in awe ✨ Check the before and after shot!!!! thank you Steve for breathing new life into three vintage #driesvannoten dbl monk shoes 🙌🏽 #shoegame #patina #shoes #vintage #clean #style #fitness #fitspo #sartorial #gentleman #healthy #gq #beforeandafter #genius #lifesaver #shoeshine #styleforum #madeinengland #boots #shoecare #mensstyle #menswear #mensphysique #dapper #gent #shoegasm #bespokeshoes #dandy
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shoeshineuk · 9 years ago
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Was a pleasure thank you 😄@edscottbenninfitness So I'm doing my usual end of year clear out and decided to rescue an old favourite pair of shoes... There was only one man for the job so, I paid @shoeshineuk a visit @londonhiltonpl The result of his Midas touch left me in awe ✨ Check the before and after shot!!!! thank you Steve for breathing new life into three vintage #driesvannoten dbl monk shoes 🙌🏽 #shoegame #patina #shoes #vintage #clean #style #fitness #fitspo #sartorial #gentleman #healthy #gq #beforeandafter #genius #lifesaver #shoeshine #styleforum #madeinengland #boots #shoecare #mensstyle #menswear #mensphysique #berluti #dapper #gent #shoegasm #bespokeshoes #dandy #rediscoverparklane
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shoeshineuk · 9 years ago
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Great seeing Scott from @snappysnaps today helping set up Instagram account and polishing his boots 😆 #shoeshine #shoes #style #snappysnaps #shoecare #shoeporn #savilerow #shoeshiner #shoeshineuk #shoeshineservice #patina #piccadilly #dandy #fashion #photographer #love #london #londonhilton #photo #boots #streetphotography #bespoke #mayfair #menswear #mensstyle #photograph #girls #dapper #gentlemen #gent
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shoeshineuk · 9 years ago
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😊RG @mraconstable: If artisans like @shoeshineuk didn't exist, then my grandmother would not be happy with the presentation of my shoes amd would instantly judge me badly. #youcanalwaystellamanbyhisshoes #longlivetheartisans #supportartisans #shoeshine #shoes #london #mensshoes #mensstyle #mensfashion #menswear #style #regramapp #shoegame #shoeart #shoegazingfriday #shoegazingblog #shoegazing #madeinengland
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shoeshineuk · 9 years ago
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Thanks my Freind 💪🏼RG @vrublevskiy_alexey: Рубрика "а где вы храните средства по уходу за обувью?". Стивен Скиппен, мастер из @shoeshineuk, который находится в отеле Лондон Хилтон Парк Лейн. Этот парень виртуоз в наведении патины и дальнейшей полировки обуви. Свою косметику он хранит прямо на полу, рядом с креслом👞✨👌🏻 #shoeshine #shoeporn #patina #shoeshineuk #shoepolish #shoecare #shoes #gentlemen #glasage #mirrorshine #saphir #чисткаобуви #глассаж #обувь #menstyle #мода #��тиль #красота #глянец #блеск #style #mensshoes #london #shoegazing #mrwithstyle #londonhilton #shoegame #shoegasm
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shoeshineuk · 9 years ago
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@gjcleverley shoes belonging to @nikolaijapp quality leather & quality work. Looking forward to our new venture with #gjcleverley #shoeshine #shoes #style #saphir #shoecare #shoeporn #savilerow #shoeshiner #shoeshineuk #shoeshineservice #patina #dandy #fashion #cleverley #love #london #londonhilton #shoegazing #boots #berluti #bespoke #mayfair #menswear #mensstyle #shoegazing #shoegasm #dapper #gentlemen #gent @londonshoeshine
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shoeshineuk · 9 years ago
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😀RG @sthakur21: Alfred Sargent Radwell #alfredsargent #shoegame #patina no filter #shoegazingfriday #shoegazing theme attitude. Patina by @shoeshineuk #sartorial #shoegame #shoeporn #highendshoes #handwelted #mensstyle #styleforum #oxfords #dressshoes #shoeshine #gent #gentlemen #shoeshiner #shoeshinelondon #shoecare #shoes #boots #dandy #love #menswear #bespoke
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shoeshineuk · 10 years ago
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My pleasure 😀 RG @hishamnw: Best shoe shine and patina I have seen yet anywhere! Thank you so much. If your shoe needs some spa time make sure you pass by Steven @shoeshineuk at the Hilton Park lane. #homme #fortheloveofshoes #men #shoelove #fashion #menwithclass #menwithstyle #london #shoeshine #shoes #style #shoecare #shoeporn #shoeshiner #patina #piccadilly #dandy #fashion #love #london #boots #berluti #bespoke #mayfair #menswear #mensstyle #girls #dapper #gentlemen #gent
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shoeshineuk · 10 years ago
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@caulaincourtparis shoes image 2 BEFORE & AFTER the miracle Thanks again to Romi Topi for recommending #shoeshine #shoes #style #saphir #shoecare #shoeporn #patine #shoeshiner #shoeshineuk #shoeshineservice #patina #piccadilly #dandy #fashion #highheels #love #london #glacage #ladiesfashion #boots #berluti #bespoke #mayfair #menswear #mensstyle #caulaincourt #girls #dapper #gentlemen #gent
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shoeshineuk · 10 years ago
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Before & After private patina for shoe company! Nobody comes close in UK #shoeshine #shoes #style #shoesblog #shoecare #shoeporn #savilerow #shoeshiner #shoeshineuk #shoeshineservice #patina #parklane #dandy #fashion #highheels #love #london #gentleman #ladiesfashion #boots #berluti #bespoke #mayfair #menswear #mensstyle #mensfashion #girls #dapper #gentlemen #gent
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shoeshineuk · 10 years ago
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Patina available ONLY ONES IN UK WWW.SHOESHINEUK.COM Shoestagram #shoestyle #shoesporn #shoecare #shoe #shoes #shoesblog #shoeshiner #shoeshineservice #shoepolishing #gent #gentleman #gentlemen #menstyle #menswear #mensshoes #mensstyle #mensfashion #fashionblog #fashion #ladiesfashion #patina #dapper #dandy #dressshoes #artist #photography #GQ #CAPTOE #barber (at London Hilton on Park Lane)
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shoeshineuk · 10 years ago
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CANT WAIT!!! RG @stewartacarter: All of my shoes are in need of some @shoeshineuk treatment, it's been far too long since I've sat in "the chair" at the Hilton on Park Lane. #shoeshineuk #shoeshine #london #londonhilton #artist #artwork #edwardgreen #shoeporn #shoeshining #shoecare #shoesblog #shoestyle #shoeshiner #shoe #shoesnob #mensshoes #mensstyle #menswear #menstyle #mensfashion #gentlemen #gentleman #gent #fashionblog #fashion (at London Hilton on Park Lane)
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