Okay fuck it if this post reaches 666k notes by the end of 2023 I'll practise basic self care
Why 666k? Because it's funny and impossible so good fucking luck
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Look at how casual it is in our society to promote female abuse towards men. We think nothing of it. Imagine if the genders here were reversed. Imagine if this was the gamifying of abusive and control behavior of men towards women. It would be a fucking shitstorm and the gaming company would have to apologize but this? Nah because society is HYPOCRITICAL when it comes to toxic behavior. That’s why I roll my eyes hard at all the “toxic masculinity” talk because it’s pretty damn clear that overwhelmingly those who are quick to say that shit only have a “toxic radar” that works on men. If males are doing dirt, they are ready to yell to the mountaintops but women and suddenly they are deaf, dumb and blind. suddenly all those stances just go away. suddenly all those belief just disappear. that’s when the excuse parade starts marching in. fuck that. and  don’t give me that bullshit excuse about men cheating cause guess what? WOMEN CHEAT AS MUCH AS MEN (here, here, here, here and here)! So unless you’re ready to tell me that as a woman you expect and welcome the invasion of your privacy, the destruction of your personal property and/or other likewise behavior because women cheat, shut the fuck up.
Dudes if you find yourself with a girl or woman like this, dump her toxic ass immediately. Do not even waste your time trying to make her see how fucked up and abusive this behavior is. Get the fuck out of there and find you someone who is secure enough to not freak out cause you have other females in your life besides her and your family. And if you’re about to enter into a relationship with a chick, have the talk. I always tell chicks straight up “I have many female friends and some are among my best friends in the world. We talk, chat, hang, go out and etc. I am NOT going to jettison them for you. They are my friends and they are going to remain my friends. Tell me NOW if you can’t handle that and we will go out separate ways no hard feelings.” I ALWAYS MAKE THAT SHIT CLEAR! Girls and women will fucking demand you get rid of your female friends for them but try asking them to do the same with their male friends for you and they fucking lose their shit. Fuckouttahere! 
“Toxic femininity” is too fucking real and the fact that we don’t call that shit out is why “toxic masculinity” is mostly an exercise in misandry.
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NASA released the clearest images of Neptune’s rings in over 30 years.
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the fried by sigrid nunez
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they r in spain!!!
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Im from spain and i feel SO proud of my country's healthcare system
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what a deal.
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Reblog if you’re an active studyblyr please.
Hi, Im trying to find active studyblrs and medblrs to follow as my timeline is practically emptyy reblog if you’re active and you’re looking for accounts to follow. 21/1/2022✨
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Hahahhahaha that would be so crazy...
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Here i am waiting for boris johnson to resign as he should.
Outrageous for real
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I just sometimes feel like im not good enough n i cant achieve being the dellusional fictional character i think i already am and thats killing me inside
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desmond honey i luv u, u r an amazing person, u will be always remembered
Lots of people will be posting this Desmond Tutu quote today, but it's probably worth contextualising that this came from a man who opposed capitalism, was keenly aware of the climate emergency and opposed apartheid in Israel as well as South Africa. This was a man who said he wouldn't want to go to a homophobic heaven and criticised his own government for not giving a visa to the Dalai Lama.
With the benefit of hindsight, many people say they would have opposed apartheid in South Africa, whilst being unwilling to acknowledge the radicalism it took to overcome it. Desmond Tutu is a man who held fast to his principles when it wasn't fashionable to do so. He will be fondly remembered, but in the 70s and 80s he made some dangerous enemies by speaking truth to power. As an atheist myself, Desmond Tutu is a powerful example of why the left cannot and shouldn't write off the compassion and humanity that can be displayed by religious figures.
"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality."
- Desmond Tutu, 1984, Oslo
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i cant describe w words everything im feeling rn ppl. this irradiates just too much caos. luv it,
a recent conversation in my group chat 
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U guys im obsessed w origami but like for real its so satisfaying and relaxing... 100% recommended. Btw if u r starting plz use recycled paper, it still looks beautiful and u reuse paper.
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0Hey guys im drowning in sadness, have a nice life!😋😊😚☺
2 notes • Posted 2021-10-25 20:15:37 GMT
Yes i hate studying and i hate being losing my time. Life is so fun!
2 notes • Posted 2021-10-23 21:56:03 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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Thank you for looking at our fundraiser. My name is Farista Sairuv and I am a Bangladeshi immigrant living in Canada. My family and I are trying to raise money for the cancer treatment of a child in my aunt’s village.
Kamroon Nahar is an eight-year-old girl. She is sweet and curious and she loves her family and friends. She is passionate about helping people and making the world a better place. She is from a very poor family in a small village in Bangladesh. Her family loves her and wants her to live a full, healthy life.
But unfortunately, she might die very soon. She has blood cancer, and that is a very serious illness. Her family has taken her to the hospital but in Bangladesh you have to pay for healthcare yourself. Bangladesh does not have universal healthcare and the healthcare fees for treatment are very high. They are especially high for serious, complicated illnesses such as blood cancer. Her family is very poor and cannot afford to treat her cancer.
This radiant young girl deserves to live and deserves to have the best chances in life. I know that she will help change the world. Please, I beg of you, to donate so you can help save her life and keep her light and radiance in this world.
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