shes-dramatic-blog 7 years
I fell. Must've tripped over these feelings Im catching for you. Too bad. Can't seem to get back up. And I don't see ya running to help. So Im gonna lay here. While you walk away. Because you didn't fall. But you will. Because Ima fuckin' push your ass. When I decide to get back up.
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shes-dramatic-blog 7 years
I met a southern woman once, she talked, walked, and definitely cooked like a southern. "I met met my man in the bake house" she swayed over to the table stirring her potatoes. "He asked me to dance, I couldn't dance I had been cookin' all day and I had flower on my dress!" She threw her head back laughing. "But somehow he persuaded me and I did dance." Her blue eyes were bright, and they matched her dress to perfection. Her smile was bright too. Made you want to sing and cry all at the same time. And forget, forget all the bad, and just take a minute. To think about who you were and who you are now. And what made the change ? And then you just wanna hear her talk about her southern ways and all the men she's had, or hasn't. And all the ones she loved, and still loves. And why she stayed with the one who got her to dance. "My grandmother taught me how to cook, now she is one person who can do it better than I !" She laughed some more, but it soon mellowed. "I miss my mama." Her eyes became cloudy. "Oh I have got to stop sobbin! Ha!" She was so full of life, but seemed to switch her emotions up so quick, one second sobbing the next laughing her lungs up. And then I realized, shes not sulking in anyones life, but her own. All I seemed to have done is sulked in hers. And never completely my own. Always throwing it off the track. Walking over it. But now I will make my own. I will tell my stories, in the dust of my past, present and future. On the other hand. Miss Charlotte is doing fine, and has a bakery in London, how she moves so quickly.
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shes-dramatic-blog 7 years
I would give up everything, just to give it to you.
(via shes-dramatic)
Illitration on it's way
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shes-dramatic-blog 7 years
I would give up everything, just to give it to you.
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shes-dramatic-blog 7 years
The way alcohol burns is like sugar these day's. And its the sweetest thing.
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shes-dramatic-blog 7 years
You were wrong when you said that I couldn鈥檛 live without you. Have you seen me now? My blood, it pumps, with so much purpose.
thevisualaftermath (via wnq-writers)
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shes-dramatic-blog 7 years
I thought I needed someone to love when I really needed to love myself .
(via shes-dramatic)
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shes-dramatic-blog 7 years
We sin under god鈥檚 sky.
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shes-dramatic-blog 7 years
I am tired of trying to hold things together that cannot be held. Trying to control what cannot be controlled. I am tired of denying myself what I want for fear of breaking things I cannot fix. They will break no matter what we do.
Erin Morganstern , The Night Circus (via books-n-quotes)
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shes-dramatic-blog 7 years
Im tired of being tired, and its fucking tiring.
(via shes-dramatic)
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shes-dramatic-blog 7 years
鈥nd you drink a little too much and try a little too hard. And you go home to a cold bed and think, That was fine. And your life is a long line of fine.
Gillian Flynn, Gone Girl (via books-n-quotes)
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shes-dramatic-blog 7 years
I thought I needed someone to love when I really needed to love myself .
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shes-dramatic-blog 7 years
If you wish to be immortal, Make a writer fall in love with you. Either that, Or make an enemy out of them.
a.y. (via inksomniac)
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shes-dramatic-blog 7 years
Dont Forget Girl
Don鈥檛 forget, you were once a little baby, helpless and dependant on other鈥檚. You were vulnerable to the world and to yourself as well. And don鈥檛 forget the valuable lessons you have learned as you grew, you should have long hair, because you are a girl and that is what is expected. Cover as much skin as possible at all times because you are a slut if your bra strap is seen. Don鈥檛 forget that you must be an object to fondle and play with because obviously you are a toy with plastic feelings. Don鈥檛 forget you are inferior, so you are held to lower standards. You are here to please the opposite sex, men, the ones we have the high expectations for. Don鈥檛 forget that you are paid less, simply because you are less. Don鈥檛 forget that you are a girl, who was born in a mans world.
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shes-dramatic-blog 7 years
I am not happy. Im sad, and sometimes its as simple as that.
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shes-dramatic-blog 7 years
Today I got up on time, I brushed my hair, made it smooth and tied it up in a neat bun. I put perfume on. Today I smiled, and took deep breaths. I didnt chew on my nails, no, instead I painted them, a navy blue. I wanted you to look at them, maybe comment. Say their pretty. Maybe even say I look nice. Today I also did my homework, I finished a whole page like that one page is going to make up for the missing 27 pages. Today I walked at a pace of going somewhere, I walked tall and I waved at people. Today I tried. I tried to paint as good as a picture for you as I've done for me. And with all these layers of paint I seem to have succeeded. Because now you are just as color blind as I am. Because even though my hair is brushed smooth my insides are twisted and tangled like vines growing to consume a fence, and the perfume that cover's me with sents of flowers or sugar cookies seems to cover up the stench of a sickoning sad person as well. And my smile doesnt mean a damn thing since its not real of course, and those deep breaths were clouds of smoke that fill my lungs with a tasteful sting that ive become quite fond of, and the nail polish, didnt get me my compliments, and that assignment didn't bring me praise, but rather a put down because if I could do one I should have done them all. And I figured out that my somewhere would be no where and it doesnt matter to stand tall if your mind is small and聽 although people may wave they are not interested in being a friend never the less mine. And today I realized I never needed to try and paint myself for anyone. I didnt need to try for anyone, because they see the same thing I do. A blank canvas.
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shes-dramatic-blog 7 years
I have got butterfly鈥檚 eating at the insides of my stomach, and I have come to the conclusion that they have been planted there by you
shes-dramatic (via wnq-writers)
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