shankseren · 2 days
they could never make me hate you vi
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shankseren · 2 days
“what about us?”
“oil and water. wasn’t meant to be”
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shankseren · 3 days
i finished watching arcane a couple of days ago and tell me why i see people hating on vi? SAYING THAT SILCO LOVED JINX MORE THAN HER???? DID WE WATCH THE SAME SHOW???
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shankseren · 7 days
im sorry for my very few loyal moots but my obsession w the maze runner it’s officially gone
(a part of me is missing fr)😔😔
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shankseren · 13 days
love him
Frypan is genuinely the funniest character in Maze Runner
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shankseren · 13 days
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newt is so real for that😔
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shankseren · 25 days
“you say ‘we all sin’, but your sin is to hate, mine is to love”
i don’t belive in god, but i loved this fanfic, and i also love the salior song !!
"i don't believe in God, but i believe that you're my saviour" { newtmas fanfiction, thomas' pov }
{ A/N : possible tw? don't read if you're triggered by religious talk. also if anyone knows how to put italics on this app let me know im struggling!!! title from sailor song by gigi perez. PLS be easy on my this is my first fanfic in nearly a year! }
He was a Catholic.
I was an Atheist.
I didn’t really think of it when we met. We were in class, sat next to each other as the teacher played a video of the biology of a frog. Neither of us were really paying attention. He looked at me.
“This is super lame, huh?” I chuckled. He was charming, blond hair and deep brown eyes. My eyes darted down to scan his figure. I spotted the crucifix on his neck, mentally scoffing. I never understood how anyone could get such comfort from something so unreal. I didn’t say anything though.
“I’m Newt.” His name rolled off his tongue beautifully, accent thick, piercing through my ears. It was odd to me, but again, I kept my mouth shut.
Weeks passed and Newt and I spoke frequently. During class we exchanged phone numbers. I remember that night we texted for hours. We stayed up late. I stayed up much later than him, thinking about the conversations we had, and about his beautiful eyes. His eyes told stories. Mountains surrounded his pupil, a starry night sky as if it were painted by Van Gogh. I shook my head, closing my eyes and trying to sleep, yet all I could think of was blond hair.
One day, Newt and I had a sleepover. I entered his home, greeted his mother with a wide smile, exchanged ‘Nice to meet you’s with her and was escorted to his room. He seemed excited to have me. It didn’t seem as though he had much company over. I noticed he had inherited his mother’s blonde hair. That night, Newt leaned over his bed on his knees. I sat on the opposite end of it. He had a rosary clutched between his hands as he mumbled soft words. He opened his eyes, smiling widely.
“Do you want to try?” I felt conflicted. Praying to a God I didn’t believe in didn’t feel right, but I kept an open mind. Newt walked over to my side of the bed and instructed me to get on my knees. I complied. He placed the rosary between the two of our hands, lacing my skin with the purest intentions.
“I believe in God, the Father almighty…” Newt whispered gently, eyes squeezed shut. My eyes fluttered shut as well. I felt at peace.
Another time, he invited me to Church, and I agreed. Entering a Cathedral for the first time was wonderful. He opened the door and bowed, signaling for me to do the same. He dipped his fingers in the holy water font, signing the cross. I copy his movements. I see women with veils covering their hair, a Priest reading a verse as I’m ushered into a pew. Newt stood beside me, listening to the Priests words and sitting down. I watched as Newt received his communion. I sat down when everyone else did. I leaned on my knees and for the first time, really prayed. I prayed for God to give me a sign that this was what I needed.
The next few sleepovers go the same as the last. Playing some games, talking, praying the rosary.
This was different; too different.
I sit with Newt, hands clasped together around a rosary, softly caressing the beads while we prayed a decade. Newt leans in, making eye contact with me while he prays.
“Hail Mary, full of grace…” I lean in too; we’re breathing the same air now. Our bodies close. Newt closes his eyes, I do the same, except I lean in further. Our lips press together gently, and Newt freezes. I feel like a sinner, like I just ruined our beautiful, sacred connection. Fear shoots through my body as Newt slowly leans back. His eyes are wide with shock, with fear, with confusion.
“I should go.” I state, standing up and running out of his bedroom, past his mother who carried a plate of fruits, past his family dog, past the painting of the Holy Mary on the wall. I slip on my shoes, and I run. I run and run and keep running and even when I can’t anymore, I keep running. I’m a sinner. I started to believe what Newt had preached to me for months. Maybe there is a God out there, but it isn’t one in my favour. I try to forget the blond strands of hair, the brown mountains in his eyes, the cheeky smile, the stupid accent, and the rosary I accidentally ran away with. I pocket the rosary. I keep it forever. Newt texts me a week later, nothing more than a mere:
“Hi.” I felt horrified. I lost my best friend. I hoped he didn’t lose his religion with the loss of me (and his rosary). Religion was the only thing I had left of him. He never even texted for his rosary back.
“Hi” I texted back.
“I think we need to talk” He replied.
“K…Come over?” I typed. He was here in ten minutes, panting loudly with a few beads of sweat dripping down his forehead. It was normally a thirty-minute walk anyway, and he ran it. I had his rosary in my pocket, waiting for him to ask for it back, though I secretly used it to pray for him to come back to me every night. I opened my front door to him, and he smiled gently at me. The same soft, meaningful, pure smile he always smiled.
“Tommy?” He whispered. My heart ached. Was I his first sin? The thoughts wouldn’t stop running through my head, filling me with such deep dread, like I’ve never felt before.
“What you did wasn’t bad, Thomas.” Newt frowned, eyes welling up. I knew this was new for him, to be kissed, especially by a boy.
“We didn’t sin.” Newt nearly choked out. It was like he read my mind. I didn’t understand. I didn’t understand anything about this.
“Your religion is just so...hateful, Newt! Why would love be a sin, why should our love be sinful.”
“It isn’t.” I saw his eyes, full of sorrow. What I said hurt him. His religion was very dear to him. Very, very dear to him. He was very, very dear to me.
“It isn’t a sin, Tommy. It’s just not. God loves us…He…He wouldn’t let this happen if this was sinful. He wouldn’t hurt me like this; He wouldn’t hurt us like this.” Newt sobbed, and I pulled him to my chest. Maybe he was right. It felt wrong, praying to a God I didn’t believe in, but for Newt, I’d do anything. He pulled away from the hug and cupped my face, his eyes full of emotion, more emotion than normal. They were full of woe, but also full of hope. Hope and love. Newt pulled me into an innocent kiss, soft and passionate. It felt familiar, like home. For once I had a sense of belonging, and who better than with Newt?
“ God does love us, Thomas.” Newt said, voice a bit panicked, like he was begging me to believe it. I just stood there in silence, holding onto Newt, hoping that I was comforting him.
thirtyminutebreak on a03
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shankseren · 1 month
never rewatch the death cure. that’s like the first rule if you don’t wanna be depressed, how could you not know this??
Just rewatched The Death Cure and I'm so upset. I feel a physical ache in my chest.
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shankseren · 1 month
Newt may be dead, but Newtmas lives on ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
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shankseren · 1 month
i love him
Honestly, Frypan for life that man was amazing
You have been promoted
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shankseren · 1 month
Sorry, I know he's literally dying here but it looks like mans is getting railed to within an inch of his life.
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shankseren · 1 month
SCARY? MY GOD, YOU’RE DIVINE!! (it’s newt as a crank)
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shankseren · 1 month
newtmas is the duo in the trio but minho loves himself enough for all of them combined so its fine
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shankseren · 2 months
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shankseren · 2 months
When Newt is about to die and he says “Tommy” I can’t help but just wonder what he was gonna say after that. “Tommy, I love you”, “Tommy, I’m scared”, “Tommy, I don’t wanna die”, “Tommy, it hurts”
They are going to be the cause of my death
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shankseren · 2 months
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guys this song has been on repeat the entire day and when I hear it I can’t think of anyone else but them.. so I had to register my newtmas brainrot once again
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shankseren · 2 months
honestly Newt’s character got completely ruined by the fandom. he’s wayy too sexualized, and that’s actually really sad (and i’m saying this as part of the fandom !!)
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