Digital marketing Seo & Link building Geek
4 posts
  Hello! lovely ,buyer! I'm SHAMIA TAMIM. I'm a Digital Marketer & SEO expert. I have 2 years of experince on ,DIGITAL MARKETING, SEO LINK BUILDING, & SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING. I'm expert at create, set up and organised Facebook business page, and linked in pages also for any kinds of Business,I'm also expert to make high authority DA web 2.0 backlink, which helps to get lots of traffic for any kinds of Business website . I can make high quality eye catching board & pin on Pinterest .I can make 100% sure social profile bookmarking & backlink. I'm believe in,tha only HARD WORK GIVE SUCCESS.  
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shamiatamim56 · 4 years ago
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I will be your social media manager and grow your business on social media
More than 4.72 billion people using social media & More than half a billion new users joined on in this platforms over the past 12 months . SO this Marketing strategy is one of the most important for each company/business worldwide, & I am here to provide you natural and organic Marketing Management for your Online Business/website. I am a Digital marketer & social media manager, i have 2 years of experince on this marketing.
Let me explain what will I do exactly:
Design Social Media Strategies to Achieve Marketing Targets
Create and optimize your business account
Create a logo for you if you don't have one
Design posts related to your business
Brand posts with your logo
Create content about your activity
Hashtag research for your industry
Schedule posts at the optimal time every day to built a community
Engage traffic to your website
Grow Your Online Presence
Promoting Your Services/Products
Fast Delivery
24/7 Support
★ Facebook
★ Instagram
★ Twitter
★ LinkedIn
★ Pinterest
NOTE: Please, Always Message me i before making an order.
★★★I will give you Immediate Response & support 24/7★★★
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shamiatamim56 · 4 years ago
She said so!!
Bonjour à tous.
Malheureusement, ce n’est pas un post habituel aujourd’hui, car je compte aborder un sujet extrêmement important, à savoir le Plagiat.
Certains sont déjà au courant, mais hier dans la journée j’ai reçu un message privé discord m’annonçant mon bannissement d’un serveur suite à des accusations de plagiat. Dans un premier temps je n’ai pas compris, j’étais plus que certaine d’avoir écrit absolument tous mes codes et vu que la personne qui m’avait informé de ceci n’a pas répondu à mes questions pour me donner des explications, j’étais perdu.
Ayant eu une grosse journée qui n’était pas prête de se terminer, j’ai relégué ça dans un coin de ma tête et j’ai poursuivi mes activités. Mais plus tard dans la soirée, j’ai pris connaissance d’un message de quelqu’un dont j’ai toujours admiré le travail, Tessisamess, sur tumblr à ce sujet. Si auparavant je pensais que ce n’était rien et qu’il devait y avoir un malentendu, là je me suis posé davantage de question. Que Tess en personne me dise que j’ai plagié son travail, je me devais de vérifier, par respect pour elle et tout ce qu’elle a fait pour nombre d’entre nous.
Après une nuit agitée passée à me poser des questions, j’ai fini par troquer le sommeil pour mon téléphone et remonter dans les pages de son site histoire de voir par moi-même. Et il s’est avéré qu’elle disait vrai, “Leo”, l’un des codes de mon blog était indéniablement une copie de l’un des siens, à mon grand désarroi.
Avant toute chose, il faut savoir qu’une partie des premiers codes de la série sur le Zodiaque, étaient d’anciens codes créés par mes soins que j’avais remis à jour pour les partager. Ayant utilisé de nombreux codes en libre service en plus des miens, j’avais bien pris le temps de vérifier chacun des sites que j’utilisais avant pour être certaine de ne pas m’attribuer le travail d’autrui justement. Je ne sais pas ce qu’il s’est passé, j’ai voulu aller trop vite, je n’ai pas été assez attentive, autre chose, … mais j’ai loupé le code en question.
Donc quand j’ai retrouvé une partie de celui-ci dans mes documents (je maudis mon organisation de l’époque et ces documents partiellement illisibles), je l’ai pris pour l’un des miens et je l’ai fini, celui-ci n’étant pas utilisable tel que je l’avais.
Bref, ça n’excuse rien, je vous explique juste comment cela à pu se produire. Les faits sont là, je me suis involontairement rendue coupable de plagiat.
Et c’est mal.
Vous ne pouvez pas imaginer à quel point je m’en veux et ce que je donnerai pour revenir en arrière et effacer cette grossière erreur. Mais ce n’est pas possible. Je dois donc accepter ce qui a été fait et tâcher de réparer au mieux cette erreur, sans oublier de présenter mes plus sincères excuses aux personnes que j’ai blessées.
Quand j’ai lancé ce blog, je l’ai fait pour m’amuser, j’aime créer des codes et j’ai eu une grosse période d’inspiration, ce qui m’a conduit ici. Je voulais m’amuser et peut-être fournir quelque chose d’utile pour d’autres.
Alors en arriver là me désole, je n’ai jamais voulu créer de problème ou blesser quelqu’un.
C’est la raison pour laquelle pendant une période indéterminée je vais rendre inaccessibles tous les codes de ce blog, afin de prendre le temps de vérifier chacun d’entre eux point par point.
Je me dois d’apprendre de cette erreur et faire en sorte que ça n’arrive plus jamais. Pour les autres bien sûr, mais surtout pour moi, pour pouvoir me regarder dans le miroir.
Je vous remercie d’avoir lu jusque-là et je tiens à vous dire à quel point je suis désolée si je vous ai blessé ou déçu.
Bonne journée.
Hello everyone.
Regrettably, this is not a usual post today, because I want to talk about a very important subject today, plagiarism.
Some of you already know it, but yesterday i got a private message on discord, telling me that i’m removed from a server, due to plagiarism accusation. At first, I didn't understand. I was sure to have written all my codes by myself and since the person who told me that didn’t answer my questions or give me explanations, I was lost.
I have had a hard day which was not ready to end, so i put this into the back of my mind and continued my activities. Sadly, later in the evening, I saw a message from someone i’ve always admired work, Tessisamess, about all this on tumblr. If previously I was thinking this was nothing and there must have been a misunderstanding, there I asked myself more questions. That Tess in person told me that I plagiarized her work, I need to check, in respect of her and what she did for a lot of us.
After a hard night of thinking about all of this, I ended up changing sleep for my phone and searching on all of her website's pages, to see it by myself. And she was right,, “Leo”, one of my blog’s codes was a copy of one of her own, to my great distress.
Before anything, you need to know that the first Zodiac’s serie’s codes are old ones I made which I have updated for sharing them. Having used a lot of free codes in addition to mine, I took time to check each of them before posting, to be sure that I don't claim other's work. I don’t know what happened, i wanted to go too fast, i haven’t been paying enough attention, something else… but i missed this code.
So, when i found a part of it in my documents (i hate my bad organization of the time), i thought it was one of mine and i finished it, it was not usable as it stands.
But that’s no excuse, I just explained how this happened. The facts are here, I involuntarily made myself guilty of plagiarism.
And this is bad.
You can’t imagine how much I blame myself and feel bad. I’d give anything to go back and erase this huge mistake, but it’s impossible. I must accept what has been done and attempt to fix this mistake, without forgetting to offer my deepest apologies to the people I hurt.
When I started this blog, I did it for fun, I like to create code and I had an important period of inspiration, so here we are. I wanted to have fun and maybe share something useful to others.
Then to get to this point grieves me, I never wanted to create problems or hurt someone.
This is the reason why, for an indeterminate period, I will make all this blog’s codes inaccessible, to take time to check many times each of them in detail.
I have to learn from this mistake and make sure it never happens again. For others of course, but especially for myself, so i want to be able to look at myself in the mirror.
Thanks for reading this. I want to tell you how sorry i am if i hurted or disappointed you.
Have a good day.
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shamiatamim56 · 4 years ago
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I will do 50 high domain athoirity social profile backlinks
Hire me & get a PROFESSIONAL link building service!
If you need High Athoirity social dofollow profile backlink then, you are at the right place. i am giving you 100% manual work. I will Submit High Athoirity social dofollow profile Backlinks. off page strategy related. I am Sure that you'll like my Work. i am assured you that, you will 100% satisfied through my service.
What makes my service so special?
100% White hat method
Backlinks manually created for SEO.
100% Do Follow backlinks
off page seo service
Deliver work on time.
NO spam work
24 hour support
Speciality of mine
2-year of experience in the Digital Marketing & SEO industry.
my service is updated regularly with Google updates.
Details report in an Excel sheet with login information.
I Gurantee That,
i will Provide of high quality services
I will handle your project as soon as you place an order.
SO, why are you still waiting? Just hit the Order button Now!!
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shamiatamim56 · 4 years ago
I will do 300 HA PR Image, PPT or Infographic submission mannually.
The submission of image,ppt or infographics is a powerful way to create high quality backlinks, boost traffic, and get referrals to your website. Thats why, Image submission are one of the best methods to rank your images and websites very fast .
Display your products and services to customers
your business name promote
Increase visitors to your website & get traffic, Facebook page or Twitter account
Building relationships with customers
Rankings in search engines are improved
MY work consists of the following:
i will  submit your images to high quality image, ppt, and infographic submission sites like
Pinterest-DA = 98 / 100
Flickr- DA = 98 / 100 DA = 98 / 100
imgur- DA = 98 / 100
Tumblr -DA = 98 / 100
photobucket- DA = 98 / 100 
Why should you hire me?
Maintain 100% Manual Share & containing white hat medthods
Submit image to 70 high-quality PR sites
Increasing rankings by building high-PR backlinks
I will include website URL in the description or wherever I can.
Delivery in a timely manner
Each URL will be Pinged to get index quickly in search Engines.
Safe on Google, NO Spam
There is no use of any automatic software or tools
Provide  neet & clear detailed link in excel sheet
 High-Quality Sites only
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