shallalraqesa · 7 months
hi this is your friendly reminder to make magi muses xo
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shallalraqesa · 1 year
she feels it; a change in the rukh. unlike the ways it shifts when someone else enters the room depending on the person, this time, it simply flutters in one place ... and yet, it feels stronger, brighter.
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" is anyone there?" she turns on her feet, glancing left and right.
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He's got his eyes on you ; observing.
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shallalraqesa · 1 year
" so, as it turns out, now i'm the one forcing you to get some rest."
a complicit half smile is offered to the advisor, and as she places the herbal tea on his desk (a brewing of her own invention, its ingredients allow her to stay awake for days with little need for sleep), yamraiha casts a glance at the paperwork placed neatly upon the surface. a heavy contrast to her own cluttered desk, ja'far's office is always in order, something the magician has always admired.
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" i assumed you'd need this, " she nudges the cup containing the beverage closer to him, and upon giving the moon casting light through the windows a quick glance, she realizes it must be already far past midnight, "i'd tell you to go to sleep already, but that'd be hypocritical. thus, all i can offer is my special tea and some company." @infintasmal ft. ja'far.
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shallalraqesa · 1 year
let me write my two followers a starter !!!
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shallalraqesa · 1 year
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shallalraqesa · 1 year
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yamraiha of magi : the labyrinth of magic      .     spellcast by mama yamu. taken from the manga canon and adapted to various other media. canon divergent and heavily meta based.
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