Nailed it, thank you.
49 posts
I fell in love with her in stages... ♫ ♣ Take off your colours, who are you wearing them for? ♪ ♣ Maybe I would like you better if you took off your clothes... ♫
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
seventosix · 4 years ago
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seventosix · 5 years ago
These girls, though! I’m not a fan of Aerith, and I’ll always be a Cloti, but I love their friendship.
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It’s a date!
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seventosix · 5 years ago
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Final Fantasy VII Remake (2020)
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seventosix · 5 years ago
Tifa is #teamcatperson
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seventosix · 5 years ago
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~ via facebook
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seventosix · 5 years ago
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seventosix · 5 years ago
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seventosix · 5 years ago
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seventosix · 5 years ago
The feels. The second frame of Cloud looking at her. HELLO, HOTNESS, can you calm down sir?
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seventosix · 5 years ago
In the resolution scenes, there are two similar shots of Tifa and Aerith’s feet. Since they both stood at Aerith’s garden, the backgrounds could have looked similar but they don’t. So, I think the devs intended to make 2 similar shots of Tifa and Aerith’s feet for us to notice the differences.
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This is the shot of Tifa’s feet. You see mostly here 3-leaf clovers instead of the lilies. It does not mean that the lilies – reunion flowers are therefore not associated with Cloud & Tifa in this scene. This is a directional choice because when Tifa mentioned that the lilies were reunion flowers, there was a close-up shot of the lilies. This is to make sure that your attention was fully focused on the lilies and what she said when the lilies were finally shown up-close in the scene.
It’s widely known that 4-leaf clovers represent good luck but the 3-leaf clovers’ meaning are not so popular. So I look up on the internet and find this on the Wikipedia page:
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So basically, the 3-leaf clovers mean hope, faith, and love. The theme of “hope, faith, and love” seems to fit the overall love story of Cloud and Tifa in Final Fantasy VII perfectly. It also fits the resolution scene especially well because Tifa was talking about her hope for the lilies to stay alive, hope for 
happiness, and her lost beloved ones etc.
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I’ve seen people trying to claim the lilies - reunion flowers are about Cloud and Aerith during the resolution scene because Tifa mentioned Aerith’s name when she started talking about the flowers and because you see the flowers at Aerith’s feet. In my opinion, it’s a misunderstanding for many reasons.
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If the reunion flowers are associated with Cloud and Aerith, why wasn’t it mentioned directly on Aerith’s resolution scene via dialogue?
The reunion flowers were never shown in focus during Aerith’s resolution scene, either.
In this shot, you only see Aerith’s feet. If it’s meant to be the reunion of Cloud and Aerith, we should have seen both Cloud and Aerith feet.
Aerith’s feet are not surrounded by the reunion flowers in this shot. Technically, they are all surrounded by the reunion flowers (Cloud, Barret, Tifa, and Aerith during 3 resolution scenes), but the composition of this shot alone didn’t convey that image. You see Aerith’s feet at the foreground while the flowers are at the background.
Look at this example from Tifa’s resolution scene, you see the concept of Reunion completely here. Both Cloud and Tifa’s feet, because reunion are meant for at least two people, not one. You see the reunion flowers at the foreground, middleground, and background which simply mean the reunion flowers surrounded Cloud and Tifa. Even on this one, you see an abundant of 3-leaf clovers together with the reunion flowers? A Reunion for/because of Hope, Faith, and Love.
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Then what is the meaning in Aerith’s shot? I notice that where Aerith stood, it is quite bare. I don’t know with better graphics how much detail we can see the texture but here you can definitely see a mixture in colors of the grass and the soil compared to the very green place where Tifa stood. A bare place with flowers? The concept immediately prompts the image of Zack’s grave in Final Fantasy VII Advent Children to me. Then here, Aerith told Cloud to not fall in love with her because it isn’t real. It doesn’t look like coincidence to me.
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Check out my other analysis for FF7R:
WHAT DID CLOUD CALL BEAUTIFUL? [cinematic analysis]
FF7 LTD: CLOUD’S TRUTH REVEALED - Chapter 10 [scenario analysis]
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seventosix · 5 years ago
Oh my gosh xD
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I made a thing. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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seventosix · 5 years ago
I swear these boys are tripping on something based on their latest album (I’m not a massive fan of some of the songs, I could cry tbh) but the descriptions they are putting out with these (trash) songs are kinda winning me over??
Weirdcore’s film is a tale of two star-crossed lovers. It begins with two astronauts floating in space, “drifting in and out of the screen trying to reach each other,” he says. “Then once the beat kicks in it all starts turning into patterns; and then reverts to deep space when the beat stops and loops back to start.” Study anything for long enough and patterns begin to emerge. In Weirdcore’s hands, the whole universe is a pattern: images of astronauts and other interstellar bodies – asteroids, spacecraft, Earth, the planets, the Milky Way – are repeated over and again in dancing, rhythmic, shifting and intricate patterns. Space, his piece suggests, is a great cosmic dance of planets waltzing around one another. In response to ‘Bagsy Not In Net’ he’s made an animated collage that shifts and remakes itself; a kaleidoscopic planetarium which was choreographed in advance and then performed live on his desktop to the song and recorded on his screen. While locked down at home, Weirdcore was dreaming of lovers in space. “Leaving you here,” sings The 1975’s Matty Healy, “is the thing that I fear so I fight it.” Both astronauts try to come closer throughout the song, to join the thousand-mile-high club, or maybe just to feel the intimacy of touch, but can’t. Over Matty’s repeated refrain of “Do you wanna leave at the same time?” they do, in the end, leave at the same time, but not together; both drift off into the void and disappear into the blackness, into the night, as lovers often do.
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seventosix · 5 years ago
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“Thank you”
Cloud Strife and Tifa Lockhart from Final Fantasy VII REMAKE © Square Enix Fanart only. No copyright infringement intended. Do not steal, edit, use for 18+ content or make any profit with this render, please.
Models belong to Square Enix
Big thanks to daemon1 and SSPD077; huge thanks to Sreliata for her help
Posed in XNA Posing Studio XPS (developed by XNAaraL) and Blender (thanks to johnzero7 for the tools)
Rendered in Marmoset Toolbag 3
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seventosix · 5 years ago
Omg. Omg. OMG.
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“They took everything from us. Again.” “You still have me.”
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seventosix · 5 years ago
Excuse me...! Can we talk about how hot this is? Cloud using his own body to shield hers from the debris falling? Yes, pls!
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seventosix · 5 years ago
I love this.
Cloti being the stars and night sky, while zerith being the sun and day sky.
Yup, night and day imagery to further hit home which pairs are actually pairs 😁
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seventosix · 5 years ago
Lmao. Dahdahdahdah Dah Dah DAHDAHDAHHHHH.
Party of swears
Aerith: Shit.
Barret: ASSHOLE!!
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