setcourt-blog · 8 years
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      ‘  shut up!  what else am i supposed to do then, huh?!  ’
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      ‘  —- are you an idiot?!  are you an IDIOT?!       why would you do  that?!  ’
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setcourt-blog · 8 years
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        he’s  staring.  he’s judging him hard.  and then, before you even know it, he’s catching up as fast as he can.  -----  look at him go.
setcourt replied to your post “flicks his forehead.”
he’s going to punch him
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runs as fast as he can. bye hinata.
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setcourt-blog · 8 years
❛ @firstcontct
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     ‘  captain.  i’d like to ask you about something.  ’
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setcourt-blog · 8 years
           unfortunately, he couldn’t make any sense out of the blurted words that came from the shorter lad.  before he could demand for the repeat of his phrase,  hinata has already ran away,  heading for another destination which opposes against the direction of the gymnasium where he should have headed.  and of course,  kageyama is left to be  confused;  with an eyebrow that is quirked, and mild irritation settling in, words danced upon the tip of his tongue as he prepares to scold the other for running off just like that.  in the  midst  of their practice too!  ----  although he isn’t one to talk.
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         and so, kageyama decides to follow after  hinata instead, blatantly ignoring the thrown questions of his teammates when he sets a foot out of the gym. he feels curious. not only in terms of WHERE the orange-head has headed to, which strangely turns out to be a tree, but as well as the reason WHY he throws practice aside for something else when clearly, he could have  spent his time in  improvising himself instead.
          he stays silent for a bit nonetheless, watching the latter from behind when his eyes catches a glimpse of something small and---  wait.  is that a chirp he’s hearing?
                                               ‘  -----  you ditched practice for this?  ’
he turns around quickly, eyes widening as cheeks tinge with the color of embarrassment – he didn’t think that he’d be caught. hinata, of course, flails around at a loss of words, balling his fists at his sides.
❛ i - uh - agh…!! ❜ he takes another long look at the tree he had been staring at, making a movement to head to the gym, but instead turning to kageyama, a sense of urgency in his voice as he blurts out his words. ❛ there - it’s - a baby bird fell out of its nest and i’ve gotta get to it before cats or snakes or worse do !! tell captain i’m sorry! ❜
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and off he goes, running to the tree.
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setcourt-blog · 8 years
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The setting of this verse takes place in the combination of One Shot Haikyū and the prototype / beta manga for Haikyū. But first, I’d like to elaborate on few things regarding the portrayals of these two and how it varies from one another.
Tobio was first portrayed quite a bit distinctly from his current portrayal, otherwise known as the Tobio as we now know. However, the prominent traits he had when first induced and still retained within his current character was proud, honest, impatient, and passionate.
Carefully listed below are few things I’ve listed about Tobio, stating a few similarities and differences between the One Shot, Prototype and Canon-wise.
Unlike the default verse, Tobio was never known as the King of Court. In fact, within the One Shot Haikyū, Tobio was known for his amazing ability, and few people had praised him in the first few pages shown. At the time, Tobio had entered the Karasuno Volleyball club a tad bit too early since the entrance ceremony hasn’t started. He also never went to take Shiratorizawa’s entrance exam. He claimed that his purpose for entering Karasuno was to take on the stronger schools and to fulfill that goal, he had to go to a weaker school in order to beat them.
As comparison to the Canon-wise where he quoted, “Only the strongest remains on the court,” in the One Shot, he contradicts the quote by saying, “Even if you’re weak, there’s no reason you can’t win against fellow high-schoolers.”
Tobio had also seemed to have recognized his teammates from the start as he used the word ‘WE’ instead of ‘I’, and he as well had apologized to his teammates when their attacks kept being blocked later on in one of their practice matches. 
Initially, in both the pre-established manga of the One Shot and the Prototype, Tobio was shown to have already known of the value and importance of teamwork, and that connection is everything in volleyball. He was aware that since it was his role as a setter, it was his duty to draw out the strength of the other players, ( As quoted by him, “Multiplying that drawn power is my job,” ) He doesn’t tell them to go HIGHER or FASTER– in other words, he recognizes their differences. In a way, one could say that he was initially like Oikawa.
As stated by Daichi as well, he’s willing to listen to other people’s opinions as long as it’s for the sole purpose for getting better and winning against matches. And if compared with the default verse where Tobio was satisfied with Hinata’s and his quick set then being outrageous when Hinata wanted to improve himself— here, Tobio urged Hinata to get better if he wanted to have more fun playing volleyball.
On the side note, Tobio too was never shown to have an intimidating presence with a frightening grin and smile. It would seem that Furudate has decided to remove these desirable qualities from Tobio in the canon verse for the sake of character development, where Tobio eventually begins to grow and nurture not only in terms of skills but also teamwork.
Like the One Shot, he was also never known to be the King of Court. Albeit it’s at this point where it varies closely to the Manga and unlike the One Shot, Tobio is somewhere at the borderline of recognizing his teammates as he had set his high standards for everyone, including himself. Due to his lacking ability of interacting with others and how he ‘forces’ others to bend at his will; it was only until when Daichi brought it to his attention on why he was behaving in such a way.
Later on, during a practice match against another school and when they’re on verge of losing, Tobio reminded himself that he shouldn’t forget his priorities as a setter and proceeded to carry out his task which effectively increased the morale of their team.
In here, Tobio is a more outspoken, encouraging and expressive person than he is compared to the Manga. He's more outspoken as he exhibits some of Tsukishima’s traits at first, being a tease at times, especially towards Tanaka. ( Especially Tanaka. ) but once again, he still basically sucks at human interaction as quoted by Daichi, himself. He's also more encouraging since he kept urging Hinata to practice more and play volleyball despite sucking badly in it, even at the beginning— he had faith that Hinata can become a great volleyball player if he tried hard enough. Let's not forget that he even tried to convince Hinata to join the Volleyball team. And more expressive because— well, his emotions has varied a lot throughout the chapter.
It was also shown in here that Tobio initially wanted to be an ace spiker. ( Then cue his cute excited tone, saying that a spike is the flashiest play in volleyball ) but eventually decided to be a setter since they’re the control tower of the team. Nonetheless, he stated that if he had Hinata’s jumping ability, then he might have gone for the spiker position.
As alike to the One Shot, Tobio here had also urged Hinata to improve despite being satisfied with their quick set, saying that Hinata shouldn’t always let him be the one letting him score due to their quick unlike the canon verse, set somewhere after the Training Camp arc where Tobio believes that their quick set is as perfect as it is. Nevertheless, Tobio seems to understood that Hinata was still a newbie, and he was also patient enough to let him improve.
Conclusion? I’ll write it down in my verse page soon. :’)
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setcourt-blog · 8 years
❛  @tiemao​
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         ‘  ---- ?  oh. you mean hinata?   ... what about him?  ’
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setcourt-blog · 8 years
❛ @mechaniibot
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         if there was one word that could be used to describe his situation at the hand, it’d be how  awkward  the state he had found himself in.  now,  mind you,  kageyama never was one to be on fair terms with children---- once, he made a child cry by simply giving them a stare, and it ended up with him taking a silent retreat while internally panicking about. least to say, it’s situations like THIS that almost doesn’t always end too well for him, and he thinks that it might have to do something with  his face.
       so, to be confronted by a child... ... on  HOW to play  volleyball...
                             ... then what in the world is he supposed to do?
          ‘  ----- uh, s-sorry, but what--?  ’
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setcourt-blog · 8 years
❛ @jumpxn
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     ‘  — DUMBASS HINATA!  you’re NOT getting a head start on me, dammit!  ’ 
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setcourt-blog · 8 years
❛  @seiiuns
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           ‘  ---- ?  ah, my bad... yes, that’s mine. thank you.  ’
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setcourt-blog · 8 years
❛ @prospere-risu
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        he isn’t certain of how he managed to become involved in this kind of situation. however, he did recall that it was merely ( once again ) by pure coincidence regarding his encounter with HIM when it could have been anyone else in a the entire world. then again, perhaps it was  fate  that brought them here; their vows and promises to be kept intact then broken by words, along with their  “rivalry”  being the basis of their foundation. it, mayhaps, be the time.
              ‘  —– oikawa-san.  about that day…  ’
     and by that day,  he meant  the day when karasuno had finally won against seijou before proceeding to partake the final matches.
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setcourt-blog · 8 years
❛  @occuredonce
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        ‘   -----  oi,  what do you think you’re dawdling around for?             you’re still  a lousy player,  so get in here already!  ’
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setcourt-blog · 8 years
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        I AM THE CALM. I AM THE STORM.            iwaizumi hajime penned by solis
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setcourt-blog · 8 years
❛ hey, could you give throw that back?? it's my b -- ❜ his words stop as he blinks, hinata refocusing his attention on the appearance of the person that the ball had roll next to. ❛ ...kageyama? what are you doing here?? i thought you were trying to study for your finals! at least, that's what captain said. ❜
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                           ——- and if it isn’t none other than the proclaimed future ace.
      lips pursed, kageyama first began to survey the shorter lad thoroughly; scrutinizing every single bit of detail listing the other’s features until he had drawn to a conclusion that hinata must have spent his time here, in the park and practicing, for quite a while.
           ‘  couldn’t afford to miss practice.  ’
   was his only statement in order to answer the question, saying it almost as if it was the most obvious thing in the world— but that was not  a mere exaggeration;  in reality, kageyama would pick a volleyball practice over studying at any time despite how he might have or might have not acknowledge the great significance of studies. nonetheless, he didn’t need to think about that right now. right now, he was itching to touch a ball and toss it into the air. right now, that’s all what matters.
                             ‘  where are the others?  ’
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setcourt-blog · 8 years
Kageyama-kun, are you eating well? ( ;´Д`)
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         and the LEAST that Kageyama could have done was giving the latter a slightly blanked face. there lies a hint of confusion evident upon his face, albeit lasting for only a short moment for a pointedly curt NOD was then given afterwards; an answer that indicates, yes, he has been eating well– or so he’d like to believe.
         it was quite strange—- or could it be alike? —- of yachi to question him regarding such matters, yet he paid it no mind by the end; he merely disregarded it as nothing more than a trivial matter.
                            ‘ ——- ah. I am.  ’
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setcourt-blog · 8 years
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       ‘ If HE was your most formidable enemy--- now, he’s YOUR most formidable ally. ’
                                                         𝑨𝒔 𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒚𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒚 𝑨𝒊𝒓𝒂.
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setcourt-blog · 8 years
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he’s so pretty 
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setcourt-blog · 8 years
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i’m currently working on the promo + pages on this blog, so at the meantime, do like this post for a starter !! only mutuals please. do note that length may vary.
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