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Finding answers to well kept secrets and finding my own path ...
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seraphinebdb · 1 year ago
Time is Up: Phoenix Rising from the Ashes (Part 7) CROSSOVER Dark Angels Creation (Part 47)
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<I re-packed my go bag for what feels like the hundredth time and it was ready by the front door of my condo and now I was on top of the #shAdoWs, another known club where vampires frequent, hoping to find out more about Sin @DeathsRenegade and his wolf colleague Declan @RenegadeMactire to see if they were in league with #Cyrehn. Perhaps he picked some unique paranormals to hunt me down. I definitely wouldn’t put it past him … he was desperate to find me or rather my blood. 
I sighed and could feel the exhaustion that lay heavy on my shoulders. I was seriously tired of running and the anxious feelings of always having to be on alert 24/7. #Lassiter said he would continue to teach me but I was running out of time, especially if #Cyrehn was in #Caldwell. I need to stay on my game and keep feeding from vampires to increase my strength. I knew now the difference between feeding from a man vs. a male and it was liberating to feel the power of the Scribe Virgin’s engineering. 
The roof beneath my boots was vibrating from the deep bass of the music playing inside the club. I calculated my drop from the roof down the alley next to the street to make my way into the busy establishment writhing with humans and vampires mingling their sweat and pheromones much like #ZeroSum and #Mask. As I remember the male I picked up there, his face was quickly replaced by Sin’s @DeathsRenegade visage. 
Feelings that I was not used to experiencing mysteriously bubbled at the surface. That damn dream had me all mixed up. It felt so real … but these emotions and the past I witnessed felt  … like a memory, yet not. It was centuries ago … it seems like ancient times. I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts so I could focus on my agenda of finding out if I needed to leave #Caldwell.
Just as I was about to turn the corner onto the sidewalk of the club, a familiar blacked-out Range Rover pulled up to the door.>
Fucking hell. <I watched as two of #Cyrehn’s henchmen exited the vehicle and headed towards the bouncer. My time was up. As I dematerialized back to my condo, I felt an unfamiliar pang of pain knowing what or whom I would be leaving behind. I was so close to finding my father, learning more about my background … and getting to know if Sin @DeathsRenegade was supposed to mean something to me. 
It didn’t matter, I planned to leave tonight and hoped #Lassiter would be able to keep in touch and visit me wherever I decided to go and keep teaching me and helping me find my answers.>
To Be Continued ...
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seraphinebdb · 3 years ago
The Left-Hand Path: Dark Angels Creation (Part 42) CROSSOVER Phoenix Rising from the Ashes (Part Six)
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Sin: Her voice in my mind is a siren’s call. Even knowing I cannot enter my future, I find myself walking towards her, our eyes locked and my very soul reaching for her. Finally, knowing I dare not go further on the path I stop. Though I make no sound, my voice is clear and I know she hears me.
“How would you know of the choice I once made to avenge all I lost to a jealous god? What do you know of the love I lost and sought to balance the scales for?” 
There is a connection here. One I felt when I first saw her in that dark alley. And one strong enough that she is in a future that I would never have dreamed possible for myself.  I had seen her soul, seen the impossible in it and yet, it must be possible because souls do not lie. My eyes narrow, and again, I ask…
“How do you know of this? Who are you to walk the corridors of time and find me here? Who are you /to/ me?” @Seraphine_BDB
Seraphine: <My dreams have never led me to anywhere special. Mostly odd scenarios that I never remember when I wake up the next morning. Here … it felt strange and familiar all at the same time. I had no idea why I said those words to him, Sin. Maybe some sort of manifestation of my thoughts lately. I nonchalantly shrug.>
It’s just how I see you. You seem reserved and detached from the world … like you’re bored and just want to sleep. 
<Really odd. We only met for that one brief moment and somehow I was able to pick up his character … at least how I saw it. I started turning back, thinking I should probably wake up soon.>
Sin: *My eyes narrow at this assessment. However astute it may be, it is not one our meeting on a mortal plane would have given her the insight for. No, this only affirms a deeper connection than seems possible. It can only come from … our souls. And that is not possible. Soul connections only happen once and mine was made long, long before this vampire with her soul’s single lifetime was ever born. Regardless of how long her angelic blood stretches that single lifetime, her soul could /not/ have been in existence when I was mortal.*
Thirty-five thousand years is enough to cause even the hardiest of souls to develop, *pausing before continuing smoothly,* a level of ennui. Eventually, one has seen everything, done everything. There is nothing left to test it or bring it joy. I have one last challenge to fulfill and if the Fates had written my rest at the end of it, then I would not quibble with them. However, from the futures presented to me this night, that does not seem to be the case. The question seems to be will it darken endlessly, or will it find joy. You appear in the future that holds joy. Why do you suppose that is?
Seraphine: <Did he just say thirty-five thousand years. FML. He’s … ancient. Though one could not tell that his chiseled good looks have aged over 25, but his choice of words and demeanor does suggest someone older. I just can’t believe thirty-five thousand years older. How is that even possible? Vampires only live for so long … and angels … well I have no idea how long. That was one of the many reasons why I was looking for an angel. I hadn’t had a chance to ask #Lassiter too many questions yet. Considering his association with the #Brotherhood it made sense that his time was sparse. Rumors are the Scribe Virgin is also gone. Not sure what that means for the race or what’s going to happen. I shrug as I continue to walk away, trying to wake myself up from this odd dream.>
Be that as it may … when someone has nothing to live for … then tend to either find a way to sleep or make things more … interesting in dangerous ways. As to the Fates? You mean the ancient greek mythology about the three chicks who make your life good or crap and where one of them can even kill you? Surely that is a myth. We design our own destinies, don’t we with the decisions we make each day in and out?
<I wonder if there was such a thing as the Fates? Granted I was born in this millennia where technology and social media ruled and celebrities were worshiped instead of the Scribe Virgin. Was there ever a Scribe Virgin? Yes. My family always believed in her and asked for her guidance … though it often went unanswered. But wasn’t that the idea of “Gods” even with the humans. They believed in many different Gods and none ever answered directly. So were the Greek Gods any different? Did they exist as well?>
Me? Joy? Doubtful. My future doesn’t hold joy. Only unanswered questions and continuous running.
Sin: *A surprised laugh escapes me.* 
You don’t believe in the Fates? I assure you, they believe in YOU. *Striving to stop her from leaving me before I can understand how and why she is here, I put forth an argument.* 
The human myth of them is somewhat … garbled. As is so much of their understanding of things greater than themselves. I would not expect you to subscribe to such nonsense. The Fates do not ‘assign’ destinies. They merely put choices before us. We select one, which leads to more choices. The Creator subscribes to a ‘free will’ philosophy. Our destinies are determined by our choices. The two destinies I have been presented with here are the results of many millennia of my choices. And, *musing almost to myself* you appear to be part of one of them. The only one that holds great joy. For both of us. *Nodding towards the vision before us. The fact that her image is still there, standing beside my own and laughing while her soul has stepped from it to walk up the path towards me, tells me that perhaps she too has a choice to make. Perhaps the Fates want both of us to see what may be.* 
Tell me, battle angel, do you make a habit of walking between the worlds, seeking the corridors of future knowledge? For how else are you here with me? I cast the spell for myself alone, to seek guidance, and yet, here you are. Perhaps the Fates wish us both to see what may come to pass. Look there,*gesturing to future that shows us together,* does that show you a future with no joy? It does not show that to me. But I can show you one that does. *I hold my hand out to her.* Come with me and I will show you what lies down the right-hand path. Come and see the other destiny that is laid before me. Perhaps you may understand more about the choice that is laid before you.
Seraphine: <Damn, this dream is getting weirder and weirder. Looks like my conscious doesn’t want me to wake up yet, so I might as well enjoy it. I’ll forget most of it when I wake up anyway, like always.> 
I’m sure the Fates have better things to do than pay attention to me. Or clearly they like having me play mouse on this crap cat and mouse game I’m in. 
As for walking between the worlds, I have no idea what you’re talking about. You’re just a dream. As to the Hogwarts spell, I’m sure it's  just my self conscious telling myself to stop falling asleep with the Harry Potter movie marathon on the tv.
<Seriously, that was probably what happened. Then again, if vampires and lycan exist … makes only sense witches and warlocks do too, right? But I know, /I/ didn’t cast a spell. This is just a really strange dream due to all the recent changes in my life. Finally finding #Lassiter, finally feeding and coming to find out that I have a few small powers of my own. Looking at his offered hand, I remember its just a dream … might as well see where this goes.> Sure.
<I take his hand and walk to another blurry dreamlike scene on the right of us on this path we found ourselves walking on.>
Sin: *As she takes my hand a frisson of electricity courses through me. Even here, when we are simply soul to soul, there is that connection. The Fates have stepped back from the fork in the path, watching us from afar. Clotho catches my eye and nods approvingly. I can hear her in my mind.*
‘Show her. For if you follow the right-hand path there is no joy for anyone, not you, not her, not in any of the worlds on any of the planes. You will become a benign despot, not for glory or power, for there will be no power greater than yours when all is done regardless of the path, but because control will ease the pain of the losses you will incur from the choice that leads you down the right-hand path. Losses that need not happen. This female is part of the left-hand path. She needs to make a choice as well. A choice to trust you when she trusts no one. A choice to hope. A choice to allow herself love when for so long she has only allowed herself existence. For if you have that hope, that clarity of her soul when your turn comes, the choice that leads to joy will become clear.’
*As so often is the case, Clotho’s words are mystic, yet one thing rings clear. This female must see the consequences of a future without joy.*
Look there. See me on a dark throne of flame. Most of those I hold dear are absent and the ones present are in chains. Blood drips from my sword and even though there are many around me, they are little better than slaves, cowering before what I have become. Balance that against the other. There is no joy here. There are no friends, no family, no love. There is no /you/ here. There is only death and darkness. That is the result of choosing not to trust, not to hope. It is the result of choosing not to love. And it would seem, my future… the future of all the worlds... will hang as much on your choice as on my own.
Seraphine: <Sin seemed to be listening to something or someone … maybe someone I couldn’t see. Dearest Scribe, this dream is really getting weird. So weird, that I felt electricity run through my arm as I placed my hand in his. It was nothing I have ever felt before. It felt … right. I need to hurry and wake up before this dream creates ideas on finding ways to touch the male if I ever see him in reality again.
Then as I see Sin on the other side of the image … it /is/ a dream! NFW there were two of these sexy males. The image was of him in all his warrior glory, sword dripping in blood surrounded by the slaves he described at his feet. It was disconcerting but powerful in a sense. But my choice? I was no one. Why would my choice be a factor? I said as much to him as we continued to walk down this dreamlike path past this first image of him in a war zone.>
Sin: You are part of my left-hand path, but not the right. Our souls call to one another. Else, why would you be here? There is a choice you must make, a choice that influences the choice I make and in doing so influences the future of all the worlds. *Pausing as I consider how to explain it, then deciding upon a simple mortal metaphor that I have heard used before.* 
Have you never heard of the ‘butterfly effect’? The idea that the air stirred by the wings of a butterfly can in the end result in a hurricane thousands of miles away?  Our choices are like that. No one is an island. The actions we take, the attitudes we display, affect others we have never met. If I become this…*gesturing to the tableau before us* I will condemn to an existence of servitude and fear not only all those that I have ever had contact with, but all those who exist everywhere. I will become closed to the emotions that keep me in sync with mortals, lose what humanity of soul that I have left, and in doing so become as a cold, uncaring god who cares not where he steps. I can only surmise that it is /your/ soul that somehow prevents this. If you choose to shut yourself off from love, from family, this is the future for all of us. You are not part of this future. I do not know if it is because your life ends or because you shut me out. I only know that if you do there is no happiness for anyone.  But if you open yourself to the possibilities, if you allow this thing between us, whatever it is, to come to grow, then there is hope for the left-hand path. There is hope for all of us.
 I will come to you, and you must choose.
Seraphine: This is insane. I’m no one. I can barely survive my choices … let alone effect others. I’m trying to living day by day here and not really thinking too far into the future.
I have a mad vampire and his goons chasing me around the globe for my blood in order to make me his own blood slave so he can walk out into the sun and take over the human world like he has over our race. Dealing with the vampire version of the mafia … I can’t get involved in whatever monarchy, autocracy or dictatorship you got going on here. I don’t need more crap on my ever growing plate of WTF. 
And choose what? Between running for the rest of my life or becoming a mindless slave? What the hell are you talking about?
This is just a dream anyways. You’re not really here, fuck, I’m not really here.
<I /really/ need to wake up now. This dream is getting really weird. I start whispering to myself.> 
Wake up now, wake up now, wake the fuck up.
Sin: *I turn to face you, dropping your hand, my face growing hard and dark, my voice stern.* 
This is no dream. Whoever pursues you in the mortal world is of no importance. They are no match for me, their resources puny, their powers anemic compared to mine and I will deal with them. *In this moment I choose to reveal what I am to her, to show her all of me. And to accept the impossible that I have seen in her soul.* 
I am a reaper, Death’s First, the most powerful reaper to ever exist and these future paths indicate that regardless of the choice I make, I will become much, much more. You have only to show me your pursuer’s face and his death is written, for I protect what is mine.  I know not your name in this mortal life, but I have seen your soul and viewed the impossible. I was not always a reaper. Once I was mortal and I knew you. You were mine then and you will be mine again. 
*Raising my hand to your face, I cup your jaw and hold it firmly, not a lover’s caress, but a king’s command. Fixing my dark eyes on your blue ones, I command.* I have seen your soul. Now see mine. You are as much angel as you are vampire. You have the power within you and I call it forth. See my soul and remember.
Seraphine: <I could feel my face warming under this touch as my heart beat faster and faster. His focus was so directed at me that I did not understand when my eyes began to unfocus and started seeing different colors and seeing a fuzzy scene with him and another woman in some sort of negotiation. It felt like deja vu … I began to panic and shake my head of the unwanted vision, pulling away from his hold and I pinch my arm to try and wake myself up from this crazy dream.
The visions came quickly as the scene changed … all of sudden I found myself standing in front of Sin wearing a mask? Oh wait, it's a Princess Jasmin veil with delicate chains and jewels. Odd. I was standing behind some male, but I could still see him clearly over the guy’s shoulder and as we locked eyes, I felt something deep inside.
The next scene was with that male, which apparently was my father, or hers - this was getting confusing. He is handing her a dagger and shows her/me a map of the city and how to get past the guards and into Sin’s rooms. I had feelings of hate and annoyance about this male. Apparently I am supposed to kill him to collect the bounty on his head and for my father to take over his kingdom.
The scene changed again and I found myself outside our tents, without the dagger, and searching for Sin. My feelings were conflicting … obeying my overbearing father and saving a man that made me feel like a female with just one look. I knew I couldn’t kill him. I found him in his bed and felt an urgent need to wake him. But before I could tell him my warning, I felt his strong hold around my neck startling me.
Quickly I could hear myself telling him that the male, my father, had planned to infiltrate the city and take his head for a bounty. Inside I could feel the stress of warning him but I knew I hated my father and only another reason to defy his order but I also felt the need to save this male who I barely knew. But in the back of my mind I knew I had to hurry and run and find a new life away from my father and live my own life before I was punished for my transgression.
Then Sin asked me to stay and talk with him. Why? I assumed he would want to immediately take action against the incoming attack and be rid of me, if not try to kill me as well for being his daughter. I was even more apprehensive when he called for food and drink. The vision continued of us on a balcony having dinner as if the world was going into chaos in the next few hours. Strange and yet it felt familiar and good. I felt comfortable taking off my veil and turned to him to tell him thank you for sparing my life but before I could the night quickly progressed into him taking me to bed. 
The images warmed me from the inside and out and I could feel myself getting wet and my muscles loosen as the moments flashed before me. In the next moment we were being mated. How strange that I would mate a male I barely knew. Wait not me, this female whose visions I was experiencing. 
Instantly I sit up in my bed and start feeling around me and touching my familiar comforter as I try to catch my breath. I’m hyperventilating as if I just ran 5 miles. Sweat drips down my neck and forehead and I uncover myself from the comforter and sheets to cool myself.>
What the fuck was that about? 
<I asked myself absently. Maybe meeting this Sin has created some sort of warning to my self-consciousness. I quickly realize that something has changed and I need to escape again. I know I just found Lassiter and even though I still want answers … I also needed to run again. Sin must be related to #Cyrehn. Perhaps he’s part of #Cyrehn’s world and I had seen him in one of the visions. That would explain the deja vu I felt. That had to be it. I quickly get up and start packing my bags and making arrangements to leave #Caldwell.>
Sin: NOOOOOO!  *It comes out a despairing roar as she dissolves beneath my hands. I had looked in her eyes, seen her memories revive. She saw us. I know she saw us. And she rejected what she had seen. Hot tears burn behind my eyes as a pain I have only known once before spears through me and I drop to my knees and shout angrily to the Creator.*
WHY? Why did you bring her back to me, only to let her leave me again? Why did you show me what I could be, could have… what WE could have, only to tear it from me? *Slumping back on my heels, head dropping, and asking again in a quiet, broken voice.* Why?
*I feel their presence as the Fates appear and kneel with me.* 
*Clothos voice is before me and I lift my head to look bleakly into her compassionate dark eyes.* Why? 
*She stands, raising me to my feet with her. Lachesis and Atropos, at either side, rise with me. Lachesis places a hand on my shoulder and says kindly.*
“Because you had to know what could be. There is a price for the future. Are you willing to pay it?”
*Anger replaces the pain radiating from my eyes.* I would pay /any/ price to have her with me again. Any. She is more than my soulmate. She is my twin flame, the literal other half of my soul. Without her I am only half a man, and I have been half a man for far too long. The oblivion of the long sleep would be a kindness. How could you ask me that? You have watched me for 35,000 years. The three of you,  of all beings, understand the choice I made to become Death’s First, the despair and vengeance that drove me to bargain with Death for the chance to avenge her. How ... *Shifting my gaze between them.* Could /any/ of you ask me that? 
*Atropos, eyes me shrewdly.* 
“Would you choose vulnerability over power? You, the consummate general who unified rabble tribes into a nation, the king who conquered his world by force and diplomacy, by sword and guile, the human who chose vengeance over rebirth, who bargained with Death himself and then rebelled against him, you who would overthrow him and take his place … would you humble yourself? Would you choose to live for her rather than kill for her? Would you give up the ultimate power, the chance to order the worlds to your liking,  for her? Because that will be your choice, Sin.”
*Before I can answer, Clothos raises her hand to silence her sisters and begins sternly.* 
“Enough. You cannot say more. He has more than one choice to make and he must be able to discern the path each will lead him down. Sin.” 
*She raises her impassive gaze towards me as she continues.*
“What you were shown are the ends of the spectrum. They are not the only outcomes, just the most probable ones. There is a great deal in between, depending on your next actions, but, I will be honest with you, none lead you to joy but the left hand path. The only sureties are you will survive this conflict, whether you wish to or not, and that you will be irrevocably changed by it. You could gain everything you have ever desired or you could lose all that you have come to value.”
*Her eyes soften as she continues.*
“Your Ishtar … your Eve was not prepared to see the memories you invoked. When she died, her soul was not ready for ascension and it refused rebirth. She stayed in Elysia, simultaneously afraid for you and angry with you, for thousands of years. It was a sad and lonely existence, regardless of how kind the Keepers of Elyssia were to her. She watched what you became and feared you. And when the massacre of the Ancients finally broke through the hard, callous shell you had allowed to grow around you, she both wept and rejoiced that the man she had known still lived. There, she thought, was hope for you and so she agreed to move her soul on. The Creator, with his daughter’s help, devised a plan and enlisted us. We put the choices before the angel that sired her and the vampire that bore her, but I will admit, the choices we gave them kept circling them back to the Creator’s desired outcome -- that they would meet, love, and make a child. That child was to be the vessel for your Eve’s soul. Her existence in her current incarnation has been filled with betrayal and fear, a legacy from the sense of betrayal she felt by your refusal to join her in death and rebirth, and from her fear that you had become someone she could not love again. She must overcome these issues. She must choose to trust. Choose to love. She has her own journey to make if she is to find you.”
But why? *My eyebrow raises skeptically* Why would the Creator do this? Did I not take myself out of His concern when I chose Death? What is there for Him to gain by this effort? Why would he work with the Scribe Virgin to create a new life for my wife? To give me a second chance with her?
“I cannot tell you that. But know it is rare that the Creator is so adamant about an outcome and that should tell you of its importance, not just to yourself, but to all the worlds. I can only tell you that you must make your own decisions, your own choices and have faith that she will make the right ones as well.” Clothos reaches to rest her hand on my jaw and smiles sadly.* “And now it is time for you to return. You have been gone too long and your people need you. Return home now Sin. And do not attempt to see the possible futures again. For the time being, the Aetheric Plane is closed to you. Now go.”
*She steps back from me and the paths begin to fade from my sight. The grey mist swirls around me as my soul finds the bit of it I had left behind anchored to Declan and the body I had left seated before the brazier inhales sharply as I return fully. My eyes open expecting to see him keeping guard only to see the tall, stalwart figure of a Goddess of War keeping watch over me.*
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seraphinebdb · 4 years ago
Paths of Choice: Dark Angels Creation (Part 35) CROSSOVER with Phoenix Rising from the Ashes (Part 5)
Written by @DeathsRenegade.
I am immune to my senses, so deep in thought am I. The waves lapping at my feet, the sound of sea birds, the scent of salt and ozone in the air…all of it simply does not exist for me. Adrian’s news was indeed an indicator that the time to move was upon us but there is a growing sense of unease within me. Finally rising from the sand, I walk back to the lanai. It is time to look to the future. Or rather, the possible futures. Adrian has his precognitive ability but it strikes at its own whim, not upon request. I, however, have other methods. There are advantages to having walked the corridors of power for the last 35,000 years and one of them is that I have learned a great deal of magick. There are all sorts of sources for magicks. The angels have their ethereal version, mortals their earth magick, and Zav and Bryn have begun to mix the two for this battle we face, but I am a law unto myself. Death has its own brand of magick, one that is intimately tied to the Fates and the Creator. It is what lets reapers walk between the worlds and bend space and time to do our jobs. In my hands, it is even more. Study with the fae in Tir Nan Og has combined with the innate power I hold and the more general magick of the reaper to allow me to walk the paths of time. It is the only way to see what choices the Fates may put before me, and it is likely even those will be shrouded in mysticism. But I feel compelled to try. Calling to Declan, I bid him to watch over my body in the physical realm while I allow my spirit to walk other planes. Though a reaper’s body is simply the physical manifestation of his or her soul, the power I hold allows me to maintain that corporeal form while I separate a bit of my own soul from the whole to seek answers from the unknown. This is not the first time I have used his talents thus, even though I know he finds it unnerving to watch, to know the shell no longer houses the spirit. “It will be fine,” I sooth. “If aught goes wrong while I am occupied, contact Sean. He does not have the power to walk where I will go for this, but he will know what to do.” Declan’s frown tells me what he thinks of this plan. I have no doubt he would prefer we go directly to Brazil and move forward. Finally, he simply folds his arms and nods, then steps back into the doorway to stand guard. Maintaining an outward calm but heaving an internal sigh… it is wearing to deal with such unyielding concern from my people… I ignore his recalcitrance and go to the chest I keep at the end of the lanai. Kneeling before it I open it. The fragrant scents of various herbs and resins waft from it as I remove a soft circular rug and smooth it out. An ancient brass brazier follows, along with sage, rosemary, vervain and myrrh. The sage is to bring me wisdom, the rosemary to ground my spirit to this realm and the vervain to protect my spirit as I roam. The last, myrrh, is a resin that when burned will cleanse my mind and my home of any lingering darkness and help me to sink into a deep meditation. In that state I will sever that part of my soul that needs to travel the trails of time. All will find their way to the brazier when the time is right. Though it would be a simple thing for me to add them to the bowl with a thought, adding them by my own hand is, as is the careful storage of them physically rather than simply materializing them at need, a nod to the ancient magicks of the fae. A sign of respect for the power, if you will, and one should always respect power if one wishes it to be an ally. Sitting back cross-legged on the rug, I place the brazier before me, with the herbs laid out beside it. With a thought white candles ring the rug, declaring my purity of purpose in this endeavor. They flare to life simultaneously at my bidding as I lay the myrrh in the bowl before me.  Extending my hand over it, I murmur “lasair”. It bursts to life, a gold and orange flame dancing above the brazier before settling to a steady burn. One by one I add the others, the fire leaping at each addition and then settling again.  When the flame has receded to stability, the gentle crackling no longer emitting sparks, I settle my hands, palms up on my knees, close my eyes, and begin to speak softly. “Cad iad na todhchaíochtaí a scríobh na Morai? Cad iad na cosáin atá leagtha síos acu dom? Cad iad na roghanna a thabharfar dom? Glaoim ar na Fates chun ligean dom a fheiceáil. Is ar mo roghanna féin amháin atá an t-iarmhéid crochta, Is trí mo ghníomhartha amháin a bheidh an domhan saor. Taispeáin dom cad a chaithfidh mé a dhéanamh. Glaoim ar na Fates chun ligean dom a fheiceáil.” “What futures have the Morai written? What paths have they laid for me? What choices shall I be given? I call the Fates to let me see. Only on my choices the balance hangs, Only by my actions will the worlds be free. Show me what I must do. I call the Fates to let me see.” The sounds and scents of the outside world recede and I feel myself rise above the physical form I maintain. I see myself seated on the floor of the lanai, a body only. Declan is watching from the doorway, his frown gone now, his face impassive, his body rigid as a stone warrior guarding a tomb entrance. And then even that fades away and my essence coalesces on a plane far removed from the mortal one. A wide, raised stone walkway serves as my platform as I survey my surroundings. Around it an ocean of blue flames roil and flicker, a storm of turmoil seething beneath my feet. Sensing that I am not alone, I whirl around, prepared to do battle even here if I must, but relax at the three lovely female forms behind me. “Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos…” my hand to my chest as I bow my head to them, “I did not expect the Morai to attend to this personally. Why am I so honored?” It is the raven-haired Lachesis whose laugh trills across the plane. ‘Why would we not come, Sin? We have grown,’ she shoots a sly smile at her sisters, ‘fond of you.’ ‘Indeed,’ Atropos adds as she pushes her wavy auburn tresses from her face, ‘you never disappoint. Throughout the eons you have always chosen the door that we would have wished for you. For which I am appreciative. I would find no happiness in cutting the thread of your life. Your existence since becoming Death’s first has provided us with much more pleasure. ’ She smiles at me knowingly. ‘Enough sisters,’ the fair Clothos gently reprimands. ‘The time for those recollections has passed. It is the future he needs to see. It is the future he /must/ see if he is to understand.’ She turns her azure-blue eyes to me and takes both my hands in hers. ‘There lies before you only one possible door, but there are two paths behind it.   Both lead to darkness, but the darkness is not always the enemy of the light. It can be the balance and it is that balance upon which the destinies of not just the worlds lie, but of the Creator himself. We came because you must see the results of your decision clearly. We cannot tell you what you must choose or which path it will lead you down. ‘ She smiles lightly, ‘Your free will is still the determiner of all our futures. ‘ There is a sadness to her smile that I cannot fathom. Gently I reach out to caress her cheek. “Clothos, will you not tell me what is on your heart?” She simply shakes her head, her enigmatic smile unchanged. ‘I can only tell you whatever you choose, we shall never again be as we were. Whether we become allies or enemies is still to be determined. But we can only go forward. “Can fond memories count for nothing, then?” I murmur. She catches my hand and removes it from her cheek. I can see the immortal in her rising as her shoulders firm and her chin tilts. It was always a trait I had admired in her, that ability to put duty to power over emotional frailties. It was one we shared.   ‘The past has been written, Sin. Memories are a wisp in the wind, ephemeral and influenced by what we wish could have been, not necessarily what was. The future is still to be dealt with, an avenue for growth and stability. We cannot let what was dictate what will be.’ I laugh softly. “And there you have the source of all the disagreements I have ever had with the Morai. The past /has/been written and because of that the memories we hold are the foundation of the future. They are solid and form the basis for the choices we make, the way we grow.” The laughter dies from my face as my need to understand what that future might be reasserts itself. “Come, show me what I need to see.” ‘You must go forward from here alone. Your future is yours to determine. We will watch over you and maintain a mental link,’ she answers and then Atropos adds solemnly, ‘Regardless of which path you take, my golden scissors /will/ be used. The only question is upon whom. I have my preferences, but the choice will be yours.’ I look each of them in turn. Their expressions are impassive now, no teasing, no easy flirtation. They are once again the immortal Fates.   “We have come to the heart of it now, have we not? Who lives and who dies.” Once again dipping my head to them, I turn and walk forward until I come to a door in the pathway. As I open it I can see the path split into two. The roiling blue flames pitch and roll around them and I have to wonder at the significance of this. The flames have meaning and their prevalence around the walkways must symbolize something that will remain constant regardless of the path I choose. ‘You must walk through the door, Sin.’ It Is Lachesis voice echoing in my head. ‘You need not walk down far down either path to see what you must.  But you must look.’ Inhaling deeply, I steel myself. Both paths are shrouded in a darkness that the tumultuous fires illuminate only partially.  I choose the right hand path first, walking down it for a few yards until I can see what lies at the end. My jaw sets at the image. I see myself on a throne carved of black marble against a backdrop of fire, the orange flames casting shadows around me.  My face is dark and brooding as thousands kneel before me, my black leathers stained and my bloody sword lying across my legs. Freya, Danu and Kali are in chains before me. An armed guard with spears crossed bars the way to my throne and disembodied souls shimmer on the steps leading up to it. And nowhere do I see the ones whom I now call family. “NO. I do not want this!” It is a shout in my mind. For before me I see all that I have ever despised. Power without compassion. Strength without mercy. Narcissism and greed. I see a despot leaving bodies in his wake. I see the Horseman of Death as he has always wished to be. “I will NOT walk this path, Clothos. I will die by my own hand first!” ‘That is not an option, Sin. The door you went through is one of inconceivable power. It has no limits. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. It is a human truism that holds for the immortal as well. And it is a door you have already chosen to walk through. Nothing can stop it now, but without the influence of the ones whom you hold as family, that monstrous god is what you will become. And you /will/ lose them all if you choose this path. But it is not foregone that you will. Go back now. Walk the left hand path. It has… we’ll call it more creative options.’ My face is stony, my body rigid with tension as I backtrack my steps to the original fork in the walkway. This one, too, leads into a darkness dimly lit by the blue flames around it, but again, a few yards in I can see the scene at the end. The ebony throne is still there, but my leathers are clean and I am smiling, descending with my hands out to greet those I love. I can make out Sean’s face as he approaches me, and that of his female. I hear Bryn’s laughter somewhere and Zav is there at my left, his dark wings lifted behind him and a teasing smile on his face as he looks down at a small dark-haired female in the crowd, Declan and Celia on either side of her. And there /is/ a crowd. Smaller, mingling, people coming and going with purpose but not fear.  My future self looks up, as though I hear my name called and then I see her. It is my battle angel from the alley in Caldwell. She comes from behind the throne, clothed in leathers, her own silvery, shimmering wings visible now. She smiles at me as I turn to greet her with a kiss. She has a young male of perhaps four years holding her hand. I lift him up and settle him on my hip, kissing his cheek, then pointing to another child in the crowd. He wiggles down and runs to greet her and I laugh at Sean’s disconcerted look of concern.  There are no disembodied souls hovering, no guards with spears. My own sword, clean and shining with glints of fire shimmering along the sharp, curved edge, leans against the throne, an indicator that my future self is not done with it, but it is not bloodied. “Clothos…Lachesis…Atropos…” my mental voice cracks with emotion, “What is this you are showing me?” Again it is Lachesis voice that comes to me. ‘This is your other future Sin. You cannot escape the power, you cannot escape what you will become. You can only choose how it will be wielded. These are the results of a choice you will make. It will be one or the other. I cannot tell you what you must choose between but I can say that the first will be the result of a choice made out of ego. The second is the result of a choice made from love. You have always had a healthy ego. Do you have the ability to put love over ego?’ Before I can answer, SHE looks at me. My battle angel looks down the long walkway and meets my eyes. I swear she sees me. Not my future self, but me in this time and place. I hear her voice in my mind. ‘What will you choose? Will you choose vengeance as you once did or will you remember love and choose a different path?’ 
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seraphinebdb · 4 years ago
The Time Has Come: Dark Angel Creation (Part 31) CROSSOVER with Phoenix Rising from the Ashes (Part 4)
Written by @DeathsRenegade.
*Misting back to Hawaii had been for the best. And, as Declan had warned, Sean had been waiting for me but I’d refused to allow him to heal my wounds. His gift of healing warred within him with the powers of Death even when he was merely allowing his empathy to overflow into soothing and balancing the reaper corps. Active use of it to physically heal was dangerous for him and I needed him whole, although he’d gritted his teeth in an effort to not shout at me and said the same to me. I’d settled for letting him use his senses to locate the bullets within me and dematerialize them out of my body, as nearly a sensitive task for him as actually healing the wounds, but one that relied only on his special gifts enough to allow him to find the bullets with his empathic sense. The power of the reaper to dematerialize solid objects let him finish the job. It was, in its way, an interesting test of his abilities. Normally, at my insistence, he took great care not to allow them to actively interact in order to prevent the different forms of power from mixing and risk killing him. This, however, was not a “mixing” of them, so much as using them in active coordination. Rather like Adrian using a flash of foreknowledge to direct Bryn’s fireball strike, each relying on the other for effectiveness but not blending the gifts. I shall have to think on the ramifications of this ability for future use.
With Sean’s successful ministrations finished, he had admonished me about taking foolish chances, to which I had simply looked at him with an arched eyebrow and replied “I took no chances, foolish or otherwise. It is not as though mortal weapons pose a serious threat to me and if I have not learned to deal with a little pain in 35,000 years I should not be your captain.”
He’d simply rolled his eyes and huffed at me. Sean would follow me to Hell and back but reticence when he feels I have done something risky is not his strength. And then he’d left me on the lanai and gone to have a private word with Declan. One that I’m sure involved a great deal of growling on both their parts, but as I had no interest in listening to it, I chose that moment to shift my black leathers into the loose white linen trousers and open shirt I preferred when at home and walk out onto sand. Sitting down on the on the beach I focus on the ocean before me, letting the eternal nature of the tides and the endless sound of the waves coming in calm my mind. Yet even as I do so, my thoughts turn to her, wondering if /she/ would value this as much as I, if the moonlight on the waves would bring her as much joy as it brought me. No matter how I try, that chance encounter is one I cannot easily put behind me.
She was beautiful, that was a certainty. Dark hair that had gleamed in the dim light, eyes a light blue, the irises rimmed in dark grey, the delicacy of her features belying the her warrior’s strength and grace. But her appearance was not what captured my thoughts now. No, it was the soul I had glimpsed.
It was unlike any I had seen before. As a reaper I perceive the soul in colors. Those ready to ascend were unfailingly a glowing white; those doomed to eternal torment a smudged black. And those traveling throughout their multiple lifetimes were myriad colors, depending upon where they had been before and what they had learned in this one. I had seen Nephilim souls before. They tend to be unique, the grace of the angelic parent blending with the soul that inhabited the physical form, my reaper senses seeing the metaphysical grace in the mortal soul as the same silvery-blue that runs through an angels veins. That angelic magick gives the Nephilim great power and strength, and it is fortunate that when an angel chooses a mortal companion it is the beauty of the soul that draws them. For this power to find its way into a darkening soul could have terrible consequences.
The woman’s…female’s, that is the word that vampires prefer according to Layla…the female’s soul had the distinct silvery-blue of grace woven through it intertwined with a very mortal red. In humans reds were often signs of an angry soul, but her mortal half was not human, it was vampire and I had seen that particular shade in them before on the rare occasions I had assisted them. In a vampire that shade of red, the deep, rich color of blood, denoted the purity of their soul and their readiness, should death claim them, to ascend into their Fade. The deeper and richer it was, the more prevalent in the aura, the more the vampiric soul had matured. In her soul it had not yet been the dominant color, leading to me to believe she has miles to go before her journey is done. Other colors had also swirled within her soul. The misty grey of a soul that has been hurt deeply; the green of the soul that has learned to work hard for what they wish; flecks of the deep blue of serenity and the soft yellows of energy and hope… and all combined in a way that was very familiar but that could not be what it seemed to me. But the most interesting thing of all had been the indigo. Indigo tells me the soul is indeed a very old one. Often the predominantly indigo soul will erupt into the white light of a being ready to ascend at the moment of their body’s death. And there should not have been indigo in her soul. Indigo in a soul, even small amounts, indicate one that is tens of thousands of years old, that has lived many mortal lives. Vampires souls live only one life, their souls at most a bare 1,000 years old. And the fact that she is an angel hybrid cannot account for this anomaly.
Abruptly my thoughts are interrupted by mental inquiry from one of my lieutenants. ‘Yes Adrian?’
“Zav, Celia, and I were followed to Truely’s by rogues. Bryn has given me a Dybbuk box to contain the souls until we’re ready to dispose of them, but Sin... first Layla and now Truely? They may not be aware that we went to you for help, but we’re making them nervous enough to keep us under surveillance. If they don’t know already, they’ll find out soon enough and then we’ve lost a tactical advantage.
‘They will not be able to find the Brazil house. The wards and our established protocols will only let them know you have disappeared. The same is true of my home and of Sean and Layla’s. If they cannot track you to those places then my anonymity should still be sound.’
“Maybe, Sin, but we the reapers that will fight with us know. When it gets obvious enough that neither the Horseman’s boys nor demons can find us when we go off radar, they’ll start putting pressure on the rank and file and sooner or later they’ll torture it out of someone. The less prepared the Horseman is to face you in the final battle, the greater the chance we win.”
He is not wrong. When I drop the dam that separates the Horseman’s power from my own, his response will be immediate but if he is unprepared for it I have an advantage that I am going to need. ‘Contact the others. Tell them to meet me in Brazil. The time has come.’
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seraphinebdb · 4 years ago
Battle Angel: Phoenix Rising from the Ashes Part 3 CROSSOVER Dark Angels Creations Part 28
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Declan:  I can sense it in him, the heaviness, the weight of what we are about to do. This little excursion to Caldwell wasn’t about closure, even if Sin thinks it was. No, coming here is about saying goodbye. Goodbye to the mortal world he’s protected, goodbye to the love he’s looked for over and over again all these years. Thanks to him, I never have to know that pain. Celia and I will always be together, and, no matter what he says about just needing servants, all three of us know Sin saw Celia and I as a mirror of he and his late wife. Though he’d lost her, he’d seen allowing our souls to remain together for eternity as an extension of what he hoped for -- that one day he’d be reunited with his twin flame.. And I can see it as clearly as if he’d drawn a picture that he’s given that up. Not a good thing for a man … well reaper … about to go into any battle, let alone one in which the odds are so stacked against us. He has nothing to live for. For a moment, I wish for Sean. He’s the one that’s always been able to help the reapers when they grew cold or despairing, using that gift of his to pull away from the pain. But Sean’s got his tasks and I’ve got mine and right now, Sin is mine.
“Boss, why don’t we get off this building and take a walk. There’s no sign of our kind of trouble anywhere and I think we could both use a drink.” Ok. Lame, I get it, but sometimes people talk over a glass of whiskey and if I can get him to talk, maybe I can talk him out of this mood. Make him see the reapers need him. Hell, /Celia and I/ need him. He’s become our alpha.
Sin: *Turning from the expanse of the city laid before us below, I tilt my head wryly at Declan.* I thought you were here in the official capacity of “bodyguard” since you and the others seem to believe I am incapable of defending myself.
Declan: Snorting impatiently, “We both know you could take any one of us or all of us together without even tapping into that power of yours. You were a warrior before you were a reaper and being a reaper only made you more dangerous. I’ve watched you fight, even sparred with you. You don’t need a bodyguard. I’m here more to be a failsafe in case the Horseman or Lucifer tries to hocus pocus you into some kind of trap. Even /you/ are vulnerable to that kind of crap if you’re not on your guard and no one is on their guard all the time. Besides, it’s been a long time since I’ve walked an east coast city street. I’m not knocking your place in Hawaii, but even paradise gets old once in a while. So about that drink …”
Sin: I am not fooled, Declan. *Arching an eyebrow at him.* You have something on your mind. So, yes, we shall talk about it over a drink. There is a Hilton Hotel not far from this abode that has a quiet bar with a fine selection of Irish whiskeys. Attend me and I shall take us there.
*As he takes his place at my back, left hand on my right shoulder, right hand not on his blade, but the .40 at his hip, I am reminded that Sean and Adrian have seen to it he has the proper ammunition to combat our foes. Though I am reluctant to abandon the old ways completely, I understand why they believed firearms would be effective for “bodyguarding” me. At a distance, they could prove effective in holding off the enemy and giving us time to demat and reform behind them, and perhaps, if Declan’s aim is true, even removing a few from the battle.*
Keep your weapon at the ready. According to Layla, this city has predators of its own. While we may not directly interfere in Annalise’s private battle with good vs evil, neither will we be prey to it.
*With that, I mist us to street-level a few blocks from the hotel, reforming us not in the mortal world, but the half-world to observe our surroundings and be sure that we are alone before becoming fully a part of the physical realm.*
Declan: My hand clenches on Sin’s shoulders as we hover in the half-world between life and death. “Sin …”
Sin: I see them. *Before us in the alley a young female scrambles to retrieve a dagger from the chest of an apparent attacker. There are a pair of bodies lying on the ground and another trio approaches.* What do your wolven senses tell you?
Declan: Inhaling deeply to scent the air around us, then wrinkling my nose … “Phew … the attackers smell like road-kill that’s laid in the Georgia sun for three days and then had a mountain of baby powder thrown over it. I’d say those are Layla’s “lessers”. The girl … vampire but not entirely. Not human, but …” My eyebrow raises … “angel? She smells like Zav but not as strongly. She must be a hybrid. Is that even possible? And what would an angel be doing here?.
Sin: *Shaking my head as he comes to stand beside me.*
I know not. Many angels still living are in the service of El Shadai, the white god. But as her scent is not wholly angel, and as El Shadai disapproved so strongly of the Grigori taking wives, I must believe that her bloodline is descendent of an angel who is not one of his tools.
*Briefly, I open my inner vision and allow myself to read her essence. As a partially mortal being she will have a soul as well as grace and I should be able to see it. It will tell me whether she is likely to be friend or foe. My eyes widen at what I see and I tilt my head, disbelief in my eyes.*
What are you … who are you …? *I wonder softly.*
*Though I only have time for a cursory examination, her soul is unlike any I have seen in my long existence as a reaper. A normal mortal soul will project an aura composed of a myriad combination of colors ranging from yellows and rich golds to reds, blues and greens down to the darkest of blacks and all in between. A soul ready for ascension will be of the purest white, a nimbus of it radiating around the mortal body. But hers is different. It glows, yes, but shimmers with silvery blues that are very like the pulsating aura Zav’s grace forms around him, and there are flashes of a very mortal red woven through it. And there is something else. Even though her soul is something new, her essence is very old, and … familiar. But though I would delve further, now is not the time.*
Regardless, Declan, she is outnumbered here and I find her enemies demeanor most arrogant and provoking. *Wrinkling my nose.* As well as odoriferous. I believe you are correct as to her assailants. The miscreants’ bouquet is so potent that even without your wolven nose, I can smell them. While I should not intervene in the Scribe Virgin’s affairs and have no affection for angels beyond our Zav, I am not about to allow any female to be harmed by such as these. If Annalise desires her life, she shall have to find another way to take it.
*As the men advance from the alleyway entrance, I gesture to it.*
Declan, get behind them and guard the alley. There is insufficient time for me to ward and glamour the entrance so it falls to you not to allow others access. You may do as you will with the lessors but re-direct any humans and vampires as necessary. Leave these three to us. *An admiring smile forms on my lips.* She seems to have done quite well on her own already. Between the two of us, there should be little difficulty in dispatching them. Oh, and Declan, have a care. I understand that lessers can be hard to kill. Go for dismemberment until we ascertain an effective method. A non-magical being who neither walk nor lift a weapon is of little danger and I sense they have no power of their own.
Declan: “Remember that then. Your touch may not work on them. Don’t let one get close enough to find out.” With a nod, I ghost through the half-world to reach the alley entrance. Unless needed, I’ll stay in this realm.
Sin: *I watch as Declan reaches his destination in milliseconds, then, fully forming in the mortal world, I materialize my scimitar and move to stand at the right of the female, offering her a hand up.*
Mind if I join you?
Seraphine: <Wondering again, how I was stupid enough not to bring any firearms this night. I truly had only been thinking about healing and therefore some young transitioned vampire male to feed from and test Lassiter’s hypothesis. An image suddenly appears to my right in a sort of mist unlike an instant dematerialization I was used to catches me by surprise and as I hear a deep melodic voice, I look up into the darkness to see a male. Who is he? Did #Cyrehn send him? He must be desperate to reach outside the species. Ignoring the offering hand gesture and I quickly got to my feet on my own.>
Whatever, but stay out of my way. <I responded as I charged towards the first incoming lesser, I dodged his right hook and stabbed him in the sternum where his heart once was with the retrieved dagger, briefly closing my eyes at the flash of light by leaping into the air to tackle down the next walking dead. As he leaned back from the flare, I took the opportunity to knock him down to the ground landing on his chest.
I struck him with my dagger hand to keep him off balance but he was able to get his hands around my neck. I tried to use my left arm underneath his and wound counterclockwise to loosen his grip as I took my dagger and stabbed him in the chest again. I closed my eyes briefly against the light and landed on the concrete.
I looked up for the remaining lesser and wondered what happened with the male.>
Sin: *For a moment I simply watch her. The fire in her eyes struck a chord deep within me, one that I was loath to silence. I had not felt it in so many years that I actually distrusted the feeling. But she was poetry in motion, moving as fluidly as a dancer with the strength and cunning of a warrior. Murmuring half to myself.* Quite the battle angel, are you not? *Noting the flash of light when her blade penetrated the being… I cannot call him human nor male for he is obviously not… I perceive the way in which they die. Still. A reaper must have some fun from time to time and the creatures pose little threat to me. As the female leaps to her next victim and a flare of light indicates its dispatch, a smile curls upon my lip and I turn to the third, holding my scimitar at the ready. The creature is more wary of me than had been his brethren who threw themselves at what they had supposed was a helpless female. Perhaps it was the size of the blade I brandished as opposed to her smaller, but a highly effective dagger, or perhaps it was the feral gleam in my eye, but he halted as I faced him.*
I know not what manner of being you are, but it matters not. Everything dies.
*His bravado fades as I move towards him. Near panic obvious on his face, he pulls one of those infernal guns from within his jacket and points it at me. I stop and sneer.*
Really? There’s little honor in such weapons.
*That I have no fear of the armament is apparent and that unnerves him. He growls at me, his pale visage trying for courage.*
“Fuck honor,” he spits out.
*As he opens fire on me I lower my weapon and allow him to unload his clip into my chest. Blood flows, and there is pain but for a reaper neither the wounds nor the pain is debilitating. When it becomes apparent he is out of ammunition and I am simply standing there waiting for him to finish, he looks at me in disbelief, his face growing even paler.*
“What /are/ you?”
Your end.
*It only takes a moment to adjust my sight to search for his soul. I wish to ascertain if Declan’s concern that my touch might be insufficient on this new enemy is accurate and I am surprised to find the being has none. Declan had been correct.*
But I see that one has been here before me. You, my friend, are literally a dead man walking.
*With a thought I exchange my reaper’s blade for a finely crafted dagger as I dematerialize into a fine mist, leaving him gaping as I reform behind him and slide one arm around his neck to immobilize him and thrust the blade home in his chest. A light flares and a resounding pop echoes through the alley. Releasing him to slide to the ground, I look back at the female.*
I had hoped for a better match, but *shrugging* what can one expect of the soulless?
Seraphine:  <As I turn, I see another flash of light and the male shrugging as if killing is NBFD which probably meant it was a regular occurrence. Which meant he was probably a trained assassin or another hired bounty hunter. /Not/ what I needed right now. It’s been a while since I last saw any of #Cyrehn’s goons and have changed my appearance. Regardless, my guard was up and my suspicions on high alert.>
Soulless or not, they’re a pain in the ass.
<I get up and wipe my blade down my pant leg, black like oil smearing across as I search for my other one. Finding it against the wall of the alley, I clean off the other and keep them by my side since I have no idea who the BMOC that just appeared out of nowhere. My face was slightly throbbing for the lucky shot from the lesser. I need to get out of here and back to my condo.>
Thanks for the assist. Laters.
<I turned to walk briskly away to try and dematerialize without an audience not knowing what the species the male and his tracking abilities. If #Cyrehn has upped his game … then it looks like it was time to move again. This really sucks since I just found #Lassiter and had some help with trying to find my father. Whatever. Nothing I haven’t felt before but I was growing tired of playing cat and mouse. I needed another training lesson with #Lassiter about using my abilities to hide and train better.>
Sin: Wait. Please. *Misting to place myself a few feet in front of the female.* I would know more about these creatures and your expertise at dispatching them tells me you would be a good teacher.
*Yes, Layla has already told us a good bit about these things, but I wish to spend more time in this female’s company, and perhaps this is the way. Unfortunately, this is the moment, Declan chooses to materialize behind me.*
Declan: I’d caught the sound of far away sirens with my wolf’s hearing and figured it was time for us to go, but as I take solid form beside Sin I catch the iron-tanged scent of blood in the air. Taking a look at him, I huff a sigh...
“Dammit, boss, do you know what kind of hell I’m gonna’ catch if I take you back like that? Sean’s gonna have my hide for letting you play. You can replace the clothes, yeah, but the scent of blood is gonna cling to you until we get those holes in you sealed up. It’s so strong you don’t even need my wolf to smell it. The others will know as soon as they get close to you.”
Seraphine: <He suddenly appears in front of me in another sort of mist. Teacher? What the fuck? But before I could even respond to the ridiculous request when clearly he had no issues with lessers when someone else dematerializes behind him.
Fuck me. Two against one and they were definitely not newly turned lessers and seeing as one took a whole clip of bullets without much of a flinch and just some slow bleeding that smelled definitely non-human. He was dressed in all leather, lean and wiry which would make him strike fast against an opponent. Long hair hanging loose along with scruff … a rebel for sure. Not a conformed soldier … but a warrior none the less.
The newcomer looked dangerous as well, I eyed him in his jeans and a tee-shirt. Casual. Then again, he also had bandoleros cross over his chest with steel under his leather motorcycle jacket. I could not put my finger on what he could be … vampire? But I snapped to attention when I heard their conversation. Did he just say wolf? Boss? What the hell was going on here.
I take a step back with my daggers low at my hips ready to strike if necessary. Fight or flight was strong. I was outnumbered by beings I was unfamiliar with and whose skills were unknown.
What the hell? <My defenses are on high alert, ready to dematerialize around the world to get away from them if I needed to.> Clearly you can dispatch the undead back to their master just fine … so who are you and what do you really want?
Sin: *With some irritation, I look at Declan.* A moment here, if you please. *Turning my attention to the female, her distrust is nearly palpable, and I find I do not care for it at all. Reapers are used to striking fear in the hearts of mortals, but this … no. I do not want this female to distrust or fear me. Soothingly, I hold my hands out, in front of me, palms up and clearly unarmed as I begin again.*
My name is Sin. And as you have no doubt already discerned, neither I nor my associate are vampire or human. As for the undead …*Barks a laugh.* I will say these beings are something new, but no, I am not unused to dealing with the dead. However, neither the dead nor the living have reason to fear me if their intentions are honorable. I will also own that a vampire of my acquaintance has given me a very basic description of these… lessers, I believe she called them? But she is a Chosen and her knowledge of them was limited. You, on the other hand, are clearly a warrior. I learned how to dispatch them by watching you, which was fortunate as my normal methods would not have been effective. Though it is unlikely I shall need to deal with them often, it is always wise to have knowledge of the evil among us. It proves helpful in dispatching it.
Declan: “Boss, the sirens are getting closer.” I hate like Hell to interrupt this. He’s actually taking an interest in this female and it’s the first time in days I’ve seen him act like he’s interested in life, but it is what it is. “If we stand in the physical world much longer we’re gonna’ give them a hell of a story to tell back at the station about the guy just standing there calmly bleeding from a half dozen bullet wounds. We need to disappear. And we need to stop the bleeding. Even you can’t bleed indefinitely without it making you weaker. Sean would come …
Sin: No! *My head whips towards him as he suggests contacting Sean. Calming my voice.* I have no need of his healing. These will resolve in a few hours. But, *turning back to her* it would indeed be wise if we could go elsewhere for a bit before I return home. I can take us somewhere we could speak further or perhaps you could suggest a place? *Smiling at her gently.* I would at least know your name.
Seraphine: <I continue to take a few steps back as they argued with one another. Seems they have a friendly relationship with one another since the newcomer seemed really concerned with the bleeding. I could also hear the sirens but without any evidence, the police would only find the smell of baby powder and black blood is easily mistaken as oil. Their conversation was beginning to get interesting speaking of physical worlds. Also, the “Boss” named Sin having access to a Chosen. Interesting tidbit.>
He’s right, you should check those wounds. You’re bleeding quite a bit. The only advice you need to know is to keep steel on you and aim for the sternum where their heart once resided until they pop from existence. Otherwise, they can keep coming back and really names aren’t necessary.
<I backed away from them and then leaped up the building roof to try to escape from their presence so I finally dematerialize home without them tracking me. I decided to demat to different locations around Caldwell before going home not knowing their tracking ability especially since one of them was a wolf? A freaking wolf. Shaking my head as I finally entered my condo from the balcony. I went straight to my bathroom and checked on my injuries.
Since I recently fed, the bruise on my cheek was already fading. A great benefit from normal feeding. I needed to see what I could pack quickly … just in case. I wasn’t sure if those guys were sent by #Cyhren but I needed to be on guard.>
Sin:  Damnation. *Quietly swearing as she dematerializes in front of me.* I do not even know her name. *Sighing as I turn to Declan.* I suppose it matters not. I glimpsed her soul and you have her scent. There is no place in any of the worlds we cannot find her and we have other business to attend to at present. But once it has been dispatched, *I leave the words ‘and if I survive’ unsaid. Somehow I find myself less willing than I had been to give portent to such an end.* I will find her again. *Smiling wryly at Declan.* Let us go back to Hawaii until these wounds heal.
Declan:  Nodding, “And before you start griping at me, Sean will meet us there. *Shrugging at his dark look.* He’s tapped into my brain until this is all over. I smelled your blood and got worried, so he asked. I ain’t gonna’ lie to him, Boss. Not even for you.” Smiling a little at him. “Sean’s who keeps us all on an even keel. Even you.” Eyeing the blood still flowing slowly and getting a little snarky to deflect is irritation, “You ok to demat or you want I should hold on to you?
Sin: I am quite able to get myself … and you, should you forget the way … home, thank you. *Perhaps I am somewhat testy, and I should have remembered Sean was to stay linked to both ghost shifters for the duration, but I really do not need his attention and I would like to have lingered a moment longer to find the female’s abode for future reference.* Follow me. And try to keep up.
Declan: I bark a laugh as Sin mists away. If it were possible, I’d say the fine black haze is swirling angrily, and hey, maybe it is. I’ve only been with him the last 35 year or so and he never really loses his composure, so this might be a first. And ain’t it interesting it comes on the heels of meeting that female. Nothing ever really ruffles him. Oh, yeah, I’ve seen him get angry but never truly lose his temper over something. He gets irritated or disappointed in someone, or goes into his commander mode when he the ones he considers himself responsible for go off the plan. I’ve even seen him get vengeful when it was warranted. But his actions are always calculated, never stressed. And more, I’ve never seen or heard of him marking a soul to find in the future. Yeah, maybe this worked better than a glass of whiskey and some soul searching. At least, that’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it when Sean rips me for lettin’ him get hurt. Smiling at how the Fates seem determined to work things out for Sin, I ghost out and follow my alpha home.
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seraphinebdb · 4 years ago
Battle Angel: Phoenix Rising from the Ashes Part 2 CROSSOVER Dark Angels Creations Part 27
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<As I quickly exited the hotel, I could feel the strength grow inside of me. My previous lacerations and abrasions from the night before were disappearing as I examined my arms and my shoulder felt more like a healed bruise so it was healing fairly quickly. I no longer felt tired and instead felt more energy than I have felt in years since my transition when I last fed #Cyrehn. The streets were filled with people in front of the hotel, so I headed to the nearest dark alley so I could dematerialize home.
As I turned the corner, the smell of baby powder lingered through the air mixing with the mildly cold air of downtown Caldwell. Hmmm … I followed the smell further down the dark alley where the surrounding street lights were out. My vision focused on the darkness and as I pulled my daggers from their hidden location in my boots. Since I meant only to feed tonight, I didn’t bring any of my normal hardware.
The smell began to permeate the air as I got closer and heard voices. Two lessers and a human dealing in some sort of narcotic from the looks of it and as soon as the human quickly left with his stash and I cleared my throat.>
Tsk, tsk, naughty, naughty.
<They both turned and sneered as they realized I was a female. The postures immediately relaxed assuming my sex determined the outcome of this situation. My hands were on my hips slightly hiding the daggers behind my back as they approached me. As they spoke in low dangerous tones in slanderous comments such as “stupid bitch” … blah blah blah. As soon as the words left his mouth, I threw the dagger straight to his sternum before he could call me any other names. The other turned to his partner in disbelief and before I could switch my remaining dagger to my right, he charged at me. 
Knocking me to the ground, we struggled with my remaining dagger as I tried to shift my weight to disengage from him. His weight on top of me registered in panic as I tried to maneuver free. He was able to dislodge my remaining knife, then I felt a blast of pain on the side of my cheek from apparently a right hook. Pain radiates through my skull as my vision starts to blur, after which my knee delivered a powerful hit to his precious jewels.
He screamed in pain, as all males do … no matter the species, leaning my weight on my hands I rolled clear and pushed back up to stand. I bounce from leg to leg to shake it out as I eye the lesser getting back up as I searched for anything to use as a weapon around me. Finding nothing, I stalk forward and instead of punches and jabs which would be expected. I suddenly dropped back to the floor and kicked out my right foot straight into his side and as he tilts from the kick, I rotated my weight and alternated my other leg to swipe his legs listening to the satisfying thud as he hit the concrete ground. 
I remembered his comrade whom I quickly located and pushed him over to grab my dagger from his chest. I hear thundering footsteps. As I reached to pull the dagger from the bone, I looked up to see their backup had arrived … three other lessers.>
Fuck ...
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seraphinebdb · 4 years ago
DarkAngels:Creations, Part26 Evocation CROSSOVER With PhoenixRisingFromTheAshes,  PartOne #RenegadesRPG #RRPG #BDB Solo by Sin
Sin: We re-form on a penthouse balcony overlooking Caldwell. The darkness, ever my friend, hides us well, our dark clothing blending into the night. The city lights stretch out before me, some sure and steady, some flickering, as though unable to maintain illumination. So like the mortals of this world. So like their lives. Some are focused and steady, with purpose. Others are unsure, flitting from one activity to another without achieving anything, going from one person to another without finding fulfillment. The memories swirl around me as the wind surges, whipping my hair back from my face. Recently, one such from this very city had entered my life for a brief time, only to slip away, too young and uncertain for my jaded soul. Inhaling deeply I, raise my eyes to the night sky just in time to see a shooting star streak across the sky. The last bit of regret over that young one is exorcised from me as I close my eyes, that shooting star sending me further back, to remember the one soul I have sought for in vain for the last 35,000 years. My wife, my Ishtar, my Eve. Her face is still as clear to me as it was the day I had met her. Her father had sought an audience with the young warlord who had conquered the lands and united the tribes into a kingdom. He had been lucky I had let him keep his head, let alone gave him an audience. I had been neither so young, nor so foolish as to accept his artful groveling as sincerity. Ostensibly, he had been asking for safe passage through my land for a trade endeavor. While he fawned over me, I had others searching for evidence of his true intentions. But no one was more surprised than I at the quarter it came from. His daughter had accompanied him on his journey. Partially veiled, as was the custom in some cultures for young unmarried women when in the company of strangers, she had stood behind him, head bowed and hands folded in front of her. But when she lifted her head our eyes had met and I had seen the fire that was to light my way and warm my soul throughout my mortal life. Ever could I discern lies and ill-intent, as far back as my memory could carry me. As a child in slavery, it had saved me many a beating. As a youth taking my freedom back, it was the sword with which I had slain my enemies. As a king, it still served me very well. When I had tired of her father’s prevarications I had dismissed him to his tents for the night. I had no intention of allowing him to stay within the walls of the city I was building, and it was well I had not. In the night Ishtar had crept from his tents and found her way through the city gates and into my rooms. Though she thought I slept, I had been immediately aware of a presence in my room. When she reached out to shake me awake, I had lunged for her throat, the dagger I kept under my pillow in my hand ready to gut the intruder. Her startled gasp alerted me that it was not the assassin I had anticipated and our eyes met. Hers were wide, but unafraid. Even then she had known it was not in me to ever harm her. As I loosed my hand from her throat, she warned me that her father and his men were but an advance force, here to infiltrate the city and then open the gates to an enemy warlord. There was a price on my head and he’d intended to collect. I’d smiled and thanked her. I had long known about the price and been wary of my enemies’ machinations. The guard had been doubled and many patrolled throughout my city in small groups disguised as roistering dilettantes. I had even dismissed my personal guards. I had wanted my prey to remain unwary, perhaps believing I had grown arrogant and lax, and baited the trap well. That a slip of a girl had slipped through all that made me rethink my assumptions about what an assassin might look like, but that in this event it had been to protect me at the risk of a beating, or worse, from her father should he find out, intrigued me. Women were considered little better than property in that era, to be disposed of at will by her oldest male relative. And when that man was powerful, as was her father, great lengths were often taken to beat out any traces of independent thought or will. Her decision to take her future into her own hands and risk all to warn me caused the fire that had sparked when our eyes had met during her father’s audience to kindle higher within me. I could not allow her to return to his tents to risk such harm, so I had asked her to remain and converse with me. It would have been easy enough to command her to stay and to enforce it, but I wished her to be in my presence of her own volition, so I had called for my servants. They had rushed into the room, daggers drawn in anticipation of finding I had thwarted an assassin, but she had not moved, only calmly surveyed them, waiting for my intervention. She had shown herself a true queen in that moment, regal in her demeanor, courageous in her manner. I had smiled at her and raised my hand, stopping their advance, and commanded them to bring refreshment to my room as well as admonishing them to keep her presence secret for the time being. It would have been, perhaps, more proper to remove to the audience hall, or even the main dining venue, but, in truth, I wanted to keep her to myself for as long as I could. When the food and wine had been brought and a table set on my balcony overlooking the private gardens, we had sat and talked until the early hours of the morning. After the servants had been dismissed she had removed her veil and allowed her scarf to drop to her shoulders. Her dark hair had fallen in a silken sheet to her waist and the long-lashed, velvet eyes that had been revealed to me earlier had been but a hint of the beauty of her face. As she stood at the railing, she had turned to face me, and in that moment a shooting star had arced above her. I knew in that moment she was mine. She would always be mine. I had taken her that night and our souls had joined in an eternal flame that still burns within me. In the morning we were wed. A priestess of Astarte blessed our union before my court and afterwards I had invited her father to join us for a wedding feast. And after it had finished, my men had surrounded his and I had confronted him with the evidence of his treachery. I had asked my new wife if she wished to excuse herself from this judgement. Even a bad father can still evoke some emotion in a child, and hers was about to die. I did not want her to have that memory. But she rose to the occasion. She told me that if she were to be queen of Sumer there must never be any doubt about where her allegiance lay. She must have the confidence of the people and of the army. And when my captain-at-arms had brought my sword, she had stepped in front of me and held her hands out for it. Questioningly, he had looked at me. I had merely inclined my chin at him, my trust in her innate. He had laid it in her hands and then bowed his head and stepped back. Turning to me with the sword still in her outstretched hands, she had kneeled before me and offered it up, a symbol of her acceptance of my will, whatsoever that should be. I took the sword from her, and then raised her to stand beside me. “This is your queen!” I had shouted to the crowd, my blade raised high and my people had knelt and shouted “Ya hila, ya hila, arkae lilmalika” – ‘hurrah, hurrah, kneel to the queen’. I had smiled at the crowd fiercely, then turned to my lady and nodded. She stepped back to allow me room, but not too far back. A reminder that though I was king, we would ever walk side-by-side, equals in all we did. Her father had been brought shoved to his knees before me and I had separated his head from his body with one swift blow of my scimitar. Raising it up by the hair, I had shown it to all, proclaiming “Death comes to my enemies, life comes to my friends. Spread the word far and wide. Come in friendship and prosperity is yours. Aggress upon me at your peril. This is the reward for treachery.” I had allowed her father’s men to depart, tasking his captain with taking the head back to the warlord they served with a warning. That he did not take it to heart…. Well, that is a story for another night. With a deep inhale I bring myself back to the present. The shooting star had faded, leaving only the normal night sky. The memory of that first meeting left me filled with bittersweet regret. Regret that I had accepted the Horseman’s offer in my anger rather than allowing myself to simply move on to find Ishtar again in another life. Even after all these thousands of years, I still yearned for her, for that other half of my soul that completed me. I had looked for her for interminable eons, always searching the eyes of those mortals I met and souls I reaped looking for that spark, that connection. I must face the reality that I will never find her again. She had ascended. She must have. For all the darkness that haunts the corners of my own soul, hers had only had light. We are forever separated. I do not expect to survive the coming battle and reapers do not ascend. The darkness is coming and my only solace is that the night has ever been my friend. #TBC
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seraphinebdb · 5 years ago
Feeding Part 2
Written with Sahmis.
Seraphine: <On its surface, the #Mask was nothing like #ZeroSum. Instead of steel and glass, it was all black and deep blue. There were a lot of velvet drapes on private booths, no dance floor, no exclusive VIP section but definitely more places for sex. Gothic. Emo. 
I scanned the area looking for someone to feed from. I took a seat at the bar and ordered and as I waited for my drink, I turned on the stool and surveyed around me. The lights were more darker and mysterious than at #ZeroSum, that human eyes would find it difficult to see through the shadows but as part vampire I could see clearly as if there was light. The quiet sounds of Evanescence penetrate the club with its low beats. 
🎶 Now I will tell you what I've done for you. Fifty thousand tears I've cried. Screaming deceiving and bleeding for you. And you still won't hear me. Don't want your hand this time I'll save myself. Maybe I'll wake up for once. Not tormented daily defeated by you. Just when I thought I'd reached the bottom. I'm dying again. 🎶
I watch as small groups of humans grinding against one another in the dark corners, feeling their lust and arousal through the air. My fangs were itching as the emotions of those around me affected my own libido. I took a long swallow of my cocktail.>
Sahmis: I pushed open the door to the bar, the cool of the night instantly giving way to the hot sticky air within. 
I rolled my shoulders back within my new to me leather jacket, still not used to their new bulk and concentrated on my steps. I felt like I’d only just learned to walk again and right now was not the time for the training wheels to fall off. I took in a deep lung full of the heavy air and flicked my gaze around as I tried to decide what my next move may be.
Seraphine: <The atmosphere around the club slow intensified as the night dragged on. My body was trembling from the inside as I felt myself give way to the hunger I felt. My fang nicking my bottom lip as resign myself to find a human male. Human blood could only sustain a vampire for a while, as I was a hybrid … I didn’t need to feed as often but still. Even human blood with satiate me to a point. The air was warming with the body heat of those around me, the titillating scents of the males and females around made it difficult for me to sit still. I stood, feeling the leathers stick to my thighs and my silk tank clinging to my body. I needed to find a lone male and find a dark corner soon … a vampire although a hybrid that was parched was not good for anyone. We kept ourselves hidden from the human world for many reasons … and it needed to stay that way.
Walking to rid myself of the anxiousness I was feeling decided instead to tempt an unattached male to me instead and began to sway on the non-existent dance floor and dance to Linkin Park’s “Numb”.>
🎶 I've become so numb, I can't feel you there. Become so tired, so much more aware. By becoming this all I want to do. Is be more like me and be less like you. 🎶
Sahmis: *A slim blonde, staggered by me with her red hair friend, giggling as they eyed me up and down, the scent of their lust instantly making my nostrils flare. I still couldn’t believe how greatly the world around me had expanded, how little I knew before I had discovered this side of me. Human’s seemed so distant now, made me homesick for a life that I could never go back too, maybe that’s why I was here, just to be around them again. But the truth was, it only made me feel further away. More alone. And that was when I saw the female swaying to the pulse of the music, standing in the center of the crowded floor, eyes closed and all I could do was stop and stare.*
Seraphine: <As I danced to the beat of the music, I could feel eyes on me and when I slowly opened them I found a vampire standing a few feet from the door. Tall, dark and new transitioned. Perfect.
I kept my eyes on him as he made his way towards me. Feeding is ultimately necessary but also very intimate. It is why unmated newly transitioned males and females were normally supervised. At least in the world of the Glymera … which was something I put back in its box in the back of my mind. The last thing I needed was to remember those times.>
Sahmis: *I raked my gaze down the length of her body, head to toe then back again, the sway of her hips to the heavy beat as her finger tips trailed over her perfect curves. My steps faltered as her eyes opened and locked with mine. She was breathtaking and I was sure I wasn’t the only one with my eyes glued to her. Not by a longshot. I could already feel a tingle in my pants. A need to get at her, stab her nethers and make a deep impact and I couldn’t let any other guy, especially not human, get near her. With a less than graceful move, I made my way to her, trying my best to imitate her dance, but my newly transitioned body wasn’t really cooperating. Not that my brain cared much, it was too focused on her, fixated and completely tranced by this odd female. A very beautiful human, so beautiful you’d think she was a vampire.* Seraphine: <I tall handsome male slightly awkwardly stalks towards me as if he wasn’t familiar with his new body. Bingo. Certainly a newly transitioned male. A vampire but young enough for me to be able to erase his memory of me. I smile as he tries to dance with me with his new body and place my arms on his biceps and slow down and guided him to just sway with the music as I shorten the distance between us. I could feel his body heat permeating off his body. The atmosphere was electric as our body began to touch as if he was afraid to crush me. I smirk as I guided his hands to my waist and tipped toed to his ear and whispered.>
Don’t worry … you won’t crush me.
Sahmis: *I could feel my body being all stiff and not moving the way I wanted it to, as I made my way towards her, trying my best to dance. Others were making their way towards the girl as well, but I couldn’t allow them to get closer. She was mine for the night. It was a relief when her eyes locked with mine across the dancefloor, affirming that she was choosing me over anyone else. I got close to her and couldn’t help but look around with triumph in my eyes, sending a message of warning to anyone wanting to interrupt me and her. I look back to her as she moves my hands to her hips, her whispery voice reassuring me I won’t crush her. I let me hand slide around her waist and pull her closer to me, taking a deep breath to try and control the boner I was extremely close to having.* In that case, I won’t be holding back. *I whispered into her ear, letting my body fall into her rhythm and matching her more flowing movements as the music pumped out of the speakers.* Seraphine: <I smiled and we danced for little while longer. He was quite handsome … chiseled jaw, dark brown hair, beautiful chocolate brown eyes. Though it felt he was still getting use to his body it didn’t stop the human females from trying to get his attention. Quite the opposite.
The heat from the other humans surrounding us raised the temperature of the dance floor. My body danced and rubbed against his as I could feel the lust coming off his body and his eyes smouldering. 
His touch reached up and underneath my top as we touched skin to skin sending electricity through me. It has been too long since I’ve had an orgasm. Though the night was suppose to only be about feeding … perhaps I could reciprocate not by blood but a few orgasms. An even trade I felt and I began to feel less guilty about my plans to erase his memories of me now that I decided that perhaps a night of pleasure would benefit us both.
I tip toes to his ear once more and asked.>
Would you like to get out of here?
Sahmis: *I could hardly believe it when she asked to get out of the place. She was clearly reacting to my hands travelling up her back, feeling her skin as I was restraining my lower self. I had no interest in sporting a stiffy just yet. My fingers where nudging at the backstrap of her bra as we left the bar. I snuck in a look around, offering a smug look of victory to the males in the club. Tonight was going to be my first score though not my first girl to be with. I had been with the female that had helped me through the transition and while it had been very enjoyable, none of us were interested in seeing each other afterwards. 
Since then I had been stalking the bars, looking for females to take edge off. My body was constantly ready to go and filled with energy and this female was in for a treat with how pent up I was with having gone a week without really finding a female I was attracted to. Once outside, I wrapped my arm around her waist  and pulled her close. “So then. Where do you want to go, gorgeous?” 
Seraphine: [As he pulled me close, my hands landed on his chest. I could feel the hard panes of his muscles beneath my hands and marveled how the Scribe Virgin created the vampires. His was tall and seem to built like a Brother. Made me wonder if he was from one of their lines. It mattered not. He will not remember time after tonight.]
There’s a place I’m staying at a few blocks from here. You game? [I asked. No matter that he would not remember me later … I wanted to make sure he wanted this.]
The night air was a welcome balm to my heated form. The warm bodies from the club had created a lust filled atmosphere in the air that permeated through to the skin. We walked out of the club and onto the street and made our way to the dark alley beside the club.
I turned to him to face him and he pulled me into his arms once more.] Do you know the Hilton on 10th and Main? Can you dematerialize yet?
[As a newly transitioned male, dematerilizing would be relatively new. We could take a cab if he could not.]
Sahmis: [I heave a soft sigh as the cool air outside hit me. It wasn’t a particularly breezy or cold night, but the heat from inside the club made the air almost almost icy by sheer comparison. I stay close to the female, catching a few hateful looks from quite a few males inside, as we exit the club, and then turn my attention to my prize for the night. The gorgeous female I’m holding by the hips. I nod as she asks if I know the Hilton. My heart almost sinks as she asks me about whether I can dematerialize or not. My manly balloon got deflated so fast, it almost kills me. I shake my head and pull her closer, not wanting her to run off because of such a dumb reason.] Not yet, but I’ll gladly pay for a cab, if you sit in my lap all the way there, gorgeous. [I say and lean in to kiss her neck, wanting her to not leave without me at all.] Seraphine: It’s alright, let’s call a cab. [I smiled as he seemed disappointed that I asked him if he could dematerialize but in reality I was elated because it only confirmed more that he was newly transitioned. Just wanted I needed. I could feel my mouth water as I control myself and not let the bloodlust cause me to make a mistake. 
Blessedly, the cab pulled up and we got inside and I gave the driver directions as we were quickly arriving at the hotel and made it to my room in record time. Once I closed the door, we started kissing and we quickly strip off my clothes. I really need to feed and couldn’t wait much longer. I hoped he didn’t mind if we bothered with a long drawn out foreplay. I had a hunch … he wouldn’t mind being a newly /horny/ transitioned male. I left my lingerie on and got on the bed to watch him to take off his clothes and see how he was feeling about the situation and hoped I didn’t misinterpret anything as I slowly removed my lingerie along with his movements.]
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Sahmis: [I was grateful the female took over so easily, giving the cab driver directions. Meanwhile I could take my time and gaze at my prize for the night, the hottest girl at the bar. And a vampire at that, obviously. This was definitely a female to be proud of having caught the attention of, much less being chosen by her to spend the night. I didn’t want to waste any time with idle chatter, there was a buzzing in my pants and I could feel my length not about to bother much with conversation beyond ‘spread your legs’. 
A clear bulge was forming as we arrived at her hotel room as I got more and more impatient. Clearly I wasn’t the only one. Her lips and mine pounced each other, our tongues mingling and performing a hot tango as I helped her undress, feeling her silky smooth skin under my fingers. Who needed foreplay when raw beastial instincts worked so much better?!]
[Not wanting to slow down at all, I pulled off my shirt and undid my pants, finally freeing my member and letting it stand at attention, ready to explore every bit of the woman before me on the bed. My fangs were also already feeling the strain, wanting to pierce her neck and taste the blood in her veins. Not to feed, but just to taste. I somehow expected she was spicy-tasting. Like a hot chili that burns long and hard in your mouth and leaves you heaving for breath and water. I make quick work of my boxers and join her on the bed, positioning myself on top and leave little room for doubt about what is about to transpire. My cock was already searching for her honey hole, drawn to it and prodding at the opening, awaiting her reaction.] Seraphine: [As I watch the male undress, I could see his eagerness and felt anticipation as his strong body worked his way on top of me as I laid back on the bed. I smiled as leaned up to kiss him and let my legs fall to the side to allow him to fit between. He was a large male 
The bloodthirst was so strong that my fangs descended as I felt his blood pulsed through him underneath my fingers. I nicked his lip and had a taste of his blood. It was taking all of my willpower to not just strike and take my fill.
I already felt guilty having lured the male into this situation under false pretenses. Though as we continued to make out other hungers began to rise inside me and I could feel myself softening and getting more wet as the weight of him felt amazing.]
Sahmis: [I let out a sexually charged groan as we continued to make out, my cock nearly vibrating with excitement. The female was getting more and more wet and her arousal smelt as enticing as she did just on her own. I winced a little, feeling a short pain spread out over my lips, realising she had bitten me as we were getting more and more worked up. I offered her a smirk and licked my lips as I pushed away from her, ready to enter into her.] 
Kinky little girl. [I purred and kept my eyes fixed on hers as I pushed into her, feeling her warm, wet core welcome and enveloping my hard rod. I started gyrating, pushing further and further into her, tilting my head back in pleasure, baring my neck in the process. I could hardly believe this female had chosen me, and I am fully enjoying feeling her naked form against mine.] Mhm, so tight, babe.
Seraphine: [He stretched me as he entered providing a well needed feeling I had not had in a while but as he bared his neck … providing what I really needed. I carefully struck him as he continued to pump into me. The warm thick wine of a vampire’s blood awakened my cells of much needed sustenance. I could feel myself strengthening and my hunger climb higher and higher from the new rush of power. 
Now that my thirst was finally satisfied, I began to ache in a different manner as I could not concentrate on the male and our bodies. I licked the wound I created once I took my fill. My hands found his back as I held on and urged him faster and harder. He hits my g-spot just right as I arch my back and I cum on a curse. As I recovered, I squeezed my internal pelvic muscles tightening on him as I heard him grunt and cum quickly.
It has been a very long time since feeding properly from a male instead of human man. I could feel the power stretch through me. As we caught our breaths … I concentrated on the male’s cerebral cortex and slightly blurred my visage and then commanded him to sleep. I took a deep cleansing breath as I heard his light snores as he relaxed into the mattress and fell asleep. I felt terrible using him this way but I knew he was quite happy with the exchange. Apparently he /literally/ just transitioned. He really was the perfect specimen for my need to feed. He was young enough for me to manipulate his memories enough and with his concentration focused on other body parts it was quite easy to command him to sleep.
With new found energy, I quickly jumped into the shower and washed off then night’s sweat from dancing and sex and dressed. I took a sheet from the notepad and quickly wrote a note, being so young I knew it would just be another wild moment in his life.
Lassiter was right, I needed to feed on my own kind … I could feel more strength than I have felt in a long time running through me and I felt invigorated. It felt amazing. Now I just wanted to go home and keep practicing what Lassiter taught me and really see what I can do.
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seraphinebdb · 8 years ago
Feeding Part One
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<I desperately need to feed, my lacerations and abrasions were still slightly raw from my run in with the lessers the night before last. My shoulder still not fully functioning considering I took a bullet there. The wound had closed since it was a through and through but the edges were still puckered and tender.
 It was rumored that there was a club downtown that catered to the vampires, I thought I would check it out and see if somehow I might find a recently transitioned male who I could wipe their memories more easily of the experience and avoid the normal feeding courtesy of trading blood. It had been months since I last fed and with these injuries I could not entirely be on my game to watch my six.
It's been almost half a year since I came to Caldwell after running from Rome after #Cyrehn sent his men attempting to bring me back into his fold. Never again. The thought of that male using me as a blood whore was appalling. Though perhaps not in the traditional sense but still. He was obsessed with the power my angelic hybrid gave him.
And all though I only fed him that one time … the visions will always stay with me. I saw every action and decision he made his entire life. From the instant he tasted my blood and the domino effect it caused … he never felt as powerful as he did after taking in my blood. From taking a knife to his skin and seeing the skin instantly knit itself together, from the bar fight where his bruises and pains faded almost within the first few minutes after being inflicted and then ultimately … walking into the sunlight.
So for last few years or so I’ve been running from city to city than country to country … escaping from each location in search of the angel @Fallen_Lassiter the only known fallen angel that had rumored to have been hanging with the Brotherhood. I finally found him through the help of some civilians. 
It’s been a few months now since meeting the civilians and their small family which included a “former” Brother and the fallen angel. I’ve since learned that I had a few more angelic powers other than wings and flying. I focus everyday on those new power but still could only move things a few feet and tiny lighting and lights. I hope that perhaps properly feeding may increase my power.
I’ve been feeding from humans since #Cyrehn … to avoid the customary reciprocal agreement between vampires and feeding. It was mostly unavoidable without being rude .. at least from what I understood. I mostly avoided the situation all together and fed from humans whose minds I could easily erase. But I needed more, my wounds weren’t healing instantly as they normally would have and I needed to stay on my game. Just in case.
I stood in the line in front of the club and had on some leather pants with a black silk tank on when the bouncer eyed me and had me cut the line and allowed me into the dark goth club. The interior was Edgar Allan Poe, Bram Stoker and Jack the Ripper, only done in nickel-plated chrome and a lot of glossy black. Victorian meets modern Goth. Interesting … now to find a newly transitioned male ...
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seraphinebdb · 9 years ago
New Sunrise
<@Fallen_Lassiter disappeared after experimenting with me on some of my uncharted angelic abilities. I stayed on the rooftop of the #Commodore as daybreak was about to ascend over the horizon. I went back to concentrating on moving the can a little stronger and faster across the rooftop. I could hear the metallic scratching against the cement as in slowly creeps closer to me but not any difference from earlier. My concentration begins to make my head throb. I stop and take deep breaths and decide it was enough practice front one night.
I stood up and walked to the edge of the roof and leaned my arms over the edge and wait for the sun to rise. As I feel the slight internal clock in my system of the approaching sun, I took a blade from my duffle bag and some wipes to clean the blade. Then I made a small incision cut up my arm. Not too deep, but enough to bleed a nice flow. As the beautiful colors of the sun and I waited anxiously to see if I healed as @Fallen_Lassiter predicted. The New York crisp air began to warm around me as the sun rose and chased away the darkness and I watched in fascination as I watched my blood stop flowing freely and my skin seem to knit together in half the time it normally would have. As I look at my shoulder, the bruising has disappeared, my ribs feel fine and as the sun keeps rising and the rays seep into my skin … I feel awesome. I’ve never had the sun affect me this way when I’ve been wounded and instead stay inside to sleep and heal … but this is immediate healing while watching the sunrise is breathtaking. The time it took? About an hour … so it makes me wonder if I feed properly … how much faster I would mend.
I turn back to the building at at the last moment before going back downstairs to go to bed … I locate that soda can and try once more. I concentrated and moved the can across the roof in a slow roll to the other side of the roof in just a few minutes. Improvement. I would continue to train these new abilities he has given me. I smiled and silently thanked @Fallen_Lassiter for his advice and lessons and I hoped he’d be pleased with the forthcoming results.>
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seraphinebdb · 9 years ago
Discovery Part Two
Lassiter: -Lassiter looked at the mixture of surprise and pride on her face and couldn’t help his own grinning. Sometimes it just felt good to help a person out, no matter what those neanderthals he lived among thought. He quite liked this. Rubbing his hands together to create a bit of friction, he held them out palms up.- Now I’m not sure how much control you’ll ever have over the elemental energy forces that surround every living thing, but you should at least feel like you have some kind of connection to it. At least that would make sense to me. Come on, hold your hands up … like this. -He waited for her to focus and follow along.- @Seraphine_BDB
Seraphine: <I knew I had a silly grin on my face but hey … I moved an inanimate object with my mind. I think I’m entitled to be a little silly here. Focusing on the angel’s request, I wiped my hands on my yoga pants and held out my hands with the palms facing up and waited for his next instructions.>
Lassiter: Okay … now relax. You don’t need to do anything, except hold your hands still … -As he spoke tendrils of light began to come straight up off his bare skin. Like mini lightning bolts in reverse, leaving their base in the palms of the angel’s hands and reaching towards the sky. It didn’t take long for them to lengthen and swirl, emitting cracking sounds. Lassiter moved his stable lightning field right over next to Seraphine’s out stretched hands. To her credit the half-angel held steady. At first it didn’t appear that anything was going to happen, then all at once the lightning arched and flew over to surround Seraphine’s hands. The white hot bolts crackled and wriggled and ran along the length of all her fingers. Nothing burned her skin, Lassiter was glad to notice. He hadn’t really been positive that would be the case. The two of them sat for several minutes with the visual power that creates worlds connecting their hands. Then once again, without any prior warning, a snap was heard and one of the energy streams shot itself completely through Seraphine’s right thumb. As the energy filled her digit it’s outer skin took on the ethereal inner glow Lassiter’s skin always sported. With a yell.- Ah Ha! -The angel clapped his hands together in triumph and beamed.- I should make teaching my new calling, I think.
Seraphine: <I looked into Lassiter’s white orbs and steadied my breathing. He really was quite good looking even with the unusual pupil-less eyes. But as I saw small lights come from the palm of his hands, I watched with absolute wonder as he created lightening. Then suddenly I felt a zing as electricity was transferred to my palms hot white bursts of energy zig zagging across my skin … it prickled but felt wondrously powerful all at the same time. Sort of like when you get shocked from running your feet across carpet as a child and touching a metal object … but better. We stood there silently for a time watching the crackling of light and power bounce between our hands and the sky above. Then with no forewarning I felt an energy burst and my thumb slightly warm and begin to glow. I took a slight step back in surprise as the glow began to grow from my thumb to the rest of my hand. I turned my hand to the other side to examine the light so similar to the angel’s when he lit up. I whispered.> Holy crap.
<I could only nod silently as Lassiter’s pronouncement as a teacher.> You should … absofuckinglutely. <I grinned.>
Lassiter: -So far he’d been impressed with her latent angelic abilities, it seemed she had a wide range of powers from her celestial side. Lassiter had to admit now that they’d started, he was more than a little interested to see how her vampire blood mixed in and what exactly that side of her heritage brought to the table.- So, you can do sunlight … what about sleep? How much do you usually need to feel rested and on top of things? And you feed … some, but not as often as your fanged brethren. What else have you noticed about yourself as compared to those vampires you know?
Seraphine: <Sleep? Hmmm.> I sleep alright. I’m not sure if I have ever felt rested. I’ve been on the run for so many years now … I don’t think I had a good day’s sleep in I don’t know how long. I’m always feel anticipation of when I have to leave and move on to the next city. Always watching my back. <As of right on cue, my whole body just felt tired. Physically I wasn’t … but mentally and emotionally I was exhausted. I lay back down on the air conditioning unit.> The only other thing I’ve noticed that’s different about me are the visions from when I feed from someone else. Though, considering … since it’s only been the one male … perhaps it was just him? <I shrugged.> I normally feed from humans since its safer for me. Though, I suppose my powers would be different if I fed from a male rather than a man.
Lassiter: -If he hadn’t been listening so closely he might have missed the little gem that she’d just let slip out.- Wait. Visions, what visions? -Lassiter frowned and leaned back onto his hands more focused than ever. From the start these little exercises into possible angel-abilities had not actually been about her feelings of self discovery, at least not where he was concerned. It was more about the danger of having someone on the loose with even some of their extreme abilities and without any kind of divine connection. Half-breeds always posed a possible threat and it behoves all of those created for a higher purpose, like himself, to police the ones born by happenstance. Over the eons Lassiter had come across a few who had not been able to reign in their need for personal power and he had needed to take decisive action to end the threat they posed.-
Seraphine: What? Didn’t @Murhder explain? <I watch Lassiter shake his head and furrowed look and sighed. I hated telling my story, I felt useless and tormented at my dilemma. I decided to give him an abbreviated version and could elaborate if he needed the details.>
After my transition, I didn’t know that there was anything different about my blood. I had never fed from anyone after my transition. My relations found someone that expressed interest in an arranged exchange of blood. He was from the Glymera so they were of course ecstatic. <I rolled my eyes.> He fed from me under a supervised feeding and immediately following, he had this amazed look on his face. I didn’t think anything of it. A few weeks later, to everyone’s surprise, he ask my ghardians permission to take me as his shellan. It was totally unheard of considering I was an orphan and he had just met me the one time. They approved, of course, but I was reluctant. He however was patient … but then he requested to take some blood from me in a syringe, placed bodyguards with me and always asking where I was. He was possessive. Eventually he fed from me again but this time he pressured me to be his shellan, to mate, to feed from him and him alone. This exchange, I did need to feed for a barely a minute… but I wasn’t prepared for the visions. As soon as I drank the first drop the visions bombarded me in quick successions. I was able to see all the things he had done … how he was manipulative, cruel and evil and all the actions he committed to gain his power and place in the both worlds. He’s basically the vampiric version of the human mafia or mob. A crime boss.
In those few moments as I fed from him I saw what happened that first feeding … how he felt energized or more powerful, how he tested and experimented with his new powers of healing … how he could also go out into the sun. How the effects faded over time. I also saw his plans. He wanted me to feed from him so he could find me anywhere and wanted to possess me so he could black market my blood. He discovered that he only got the power when he directly fed from me, something was lost when he took the blood by syringe. After that night, I ran. Eventually his blood finally filtered through my system.
And here I am now and why I was looking for you. <I finished my story and watched as he processed all I said quietly. I practiced moving the can again while I waited for him to speak again.>
Lassiter: -Now that there was a pretty important piece of the bigger puzzle, he thought. Lassiter kept his voice level and tried to not appear any more interested in her tale than he had been before anything else she’d already chosen to share.- So your visions and insights were limited to just the male whose blood you had shared … has this happened when you’ve since fed from others? -He watched her a little more closely as she considered her reply.-
Seraphine: Yea just him … I haven’t fed from another vampire, I exclusively feed from humans men now. But yea … I see their memories but they pale in comparison. Their life spans are shorter and their lives aren’t as … colorful. <I shrugged not being able to come up with a better analogy to describe the different of visions. Cyrehn had been vile and depraved.>
Besides, it’s just easier to erase any trace of me from their minds afterwards. I can’t do it with vampires. I … uh … tried. It was my first thought a week later after that second encounter. I tried doing it one of his guards so I could leave the country. Nothing happened. So, my second idea … I packed my stuff and dematerialized during daylight hours and demated everyday to a different city or country trying to keep ahead of them any way I could. <I rubbed my arms as I felt a slight chill.> They almost caught me a few times … <I shuddered at those memories.>
Lassiter: -Well didn’t that just change the name of the game they were playing? He silently commended her on her quick thinking in regards to keeping her need for blood to just easily manipulated humans. However, that constant diet certainly couldn’t be giving her all she needed to thrive and therefore Lassiter was sure he was in no way getting a real look at her true potential. This female could very well turn out to be a Trojan Horse of a different kind. He took a moment and then sighed, sitting up straight once again.- We are going to need to see how you handle your abilities once you are sustained on blood more to your needs. Hmmm, what about @Ahxis_BDB? Any chance he’d be up for an experiment? In the name of science you understand. Maybe we can convince him it’s his civic duty, those twins seem to be of the same save-the-world mentality as their warrior uncle.
Seraphine: Experiment? <I guess the more I thought about it … perhaps it did make sense. I’ve been living off human blood for a while now. Perhaps I could be strengthened with a normal feeding …> Yea, I could ask him. What’s the worst that could happen? <I shrugged. He could say no, I thought to myself. I shook my head … I needed to be more positive. I felt enough trust in his family to reveal my secrets and was able to find this angel Lassiter after so many years … it was time to trust and lean on someone else and not have to rely only in myself. Still … being able to rely on someone else .. was going to take some practice.>
Lassiter: -Lassiter was glad when she readily agreed with him, he was beginning to feel that the more he learned about this little half-breed before him, the more he’d need to take some kind of action. When he’d offered to help her out, he figured he might ultimately need to step in and take care of her little problem … permanently; but now he had the nagging feeling that it might just end up being much more complicated for him than disappearing one bully. It was imperative that he get a true look at her abilities. Lassiter grinned, remembering how @Ahxis_BDB had enjoyed his angel-high. Hopefully, this was going to end up being a win win for all concerned and they could laugh about it later.-
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seraphinebdb · 9 years ago
Discovery Part 1
Seraphine: <I was feeling a little nervous about this ‘training’ session @Fallen_Lasster had suggested. I knew that I needed to see what I could actually do as a half angel. Most of my abilities that I knew now where discovered completely by accident. My mahmen had died during childbirth and I was raised as a vampire not knowing I was half angel until opening her letter so many years later after my transition. No one knew about my secret … up until a few days ago when I revealed it to @Ahxis_BDB and @Murhder then later to @Ahtlas_BDB, @TamsinRevealed and @Fallen_Lasster.
I was still feeling overwhelmed by my feelings of letting that secret out after almost a hundred years of hiding it. I knew I trusted them to some level after spending some time with @Ahxis_BDB … but these acquaintances were still knew. I hoped that I would not regret putting my faith in his family. In my heart I felt that I could but sometimes my head didn’t quite catch up … running from Cyrehn for so many years made it difficult for me to trust anyone.
Standing on top of the Commodore building waiting for the angel to arrive, I extended my arms and legs with some basic yoga stretches as I contemplated all that I knew that was different from vampires besides my obvious wings that I could call forth at command, being able to be in the sun and the affects my blood had on vampires. I wanted to learn more of all that I could possibly do and hopefully with the family’s and the angel’s help put an end to this clandestine life I was living running from my past.
Lassiter: -Lassiter had already been watching her movements from the the shadows of the rooftop for several minutes before he cleared his throat and stepped out into the light of the security cameras.- That’s a girl. -He grinned in appreciation of the little private show.- Always good to limber up, wouldn’t want you to pull a hamstring or something. -He half-heartedly swung his arms back and forth in a show of warm up solidarity.- Awe …
Seraphine: <I jumped slightly in surprise at Lassiter’s presence that I was unaware of … apparently they are some definite powers that I hope I could harness. I continue to stretch my arms and bent over to exercise my hamstrings and lower back while I thought about how this night could go. The presence of a real live full angel was intimidating and I was albeit a little nervous being around him alone. His over 6 foot stature, long blond/black hair, the piercings, the eyes … I haven’t even mentioned the actual body. He was most definitely a warrior himself going by what I can view from his t-shirts and leathers. I felt my cheeks warm and was happy that he couldn’t see my face as I touched my nose to my shins or possibly hear my wayward thoughts. I laughed quietly to myself.
I pulled myself upright again and turn to face the him in my sports bra with a racerback and yoga pants. I figured he wanted to see my wings first and wore clothes that would help me reveal without hindrance. I tilted my head to the side and asked him.> So … where what would you like to start with?
Lassiter: -As far as he was concerned they’d already started things off with a nice little peep show and that had already made his trip over worth it.- Hey, this is your deal-ee-oo…wanna just show me what you already know you can do? Not every angel has the same abilities and that’s especially true for human/angel hybrids mm… you’re likely to be in a whole other ballpark. -Lassiter sat down on a block of air conditioning unit.-
Seraphine: Ok. <I shrugged and took a deep cleansing breath and summoned my wings. The muscles in my back started their normally tingling … I could feel my muscles tense and stretch. Then I could feel my skin ripping through my back. Over the years, I got use to the pain. I’d figured the more I used them that perhaps I wouldn’t feel it at all. Then, I unfurled them to their largest span. Feeling the feathers flutter against the night air … all I could feel was profound relief at being able to stretched them out after so long. My white feathers mixed with some random silver toned ones were reflective against the moonlight.> Ok, um yeah … my wings.
Lassiter: -He watched her process and noticed the discomfort she felt, trying to be encouraging he nodded.- That’s it … that’s it … the more you get used to them the easier it will get. -When it looked like she finally had them extended as far as possible, Lassiter got up from his make-shift seat and walked around her, looking closely at the wings as he went.- They look real good, is it okay if I …? -He held up his hand so that she’d understand he wanted to be allowed to touch them. You just never touched another man’s (or woman’s wings) without permission first. You just didn’t.-
Seraphine: <I watched as he walked around me, feeling his presence around me. When he asked permission to touch … all I could do was nod. I nervously anticipated his touch on my wings and had absolutely no idea how it would feel since no one has ever seen them … much less touch. As he touched the arch of my right wing … it felt warm and soft but as he slid over the feathers … I felt a tingle run through me that was exhilarating. I bit my lower lip to keep myself from making a sound. The feeling was familiar … and exciting.>
Lassiter: -Lassiter caught her nod and ran his hand up over the top of her wing, gently pushing down to see what kind of resistance he encountered. The tension seemed to be just about what he’d experienced before and they appeared to be covered by the right amount of feathers. His biggest worry had been that she’d have a set of wings that wouldn’t be able to safely propel her any great distance. Looked like she’d managed a win, at least on that end of the genetic lottery. As his fingertips reached the ends of her right wing he pinched one feather tightly and gave it a swift yank, plucking it cleanly from her.- Sorry, sorry … -Holding it up to the light he gave it a closer look, pleased with what he saw.- You seem to have a nice normal set. Have you tried flying? How often and how far have you been out?
Seraphine: <As his hand glided down my wing, it felt utterly amazing. Goose bumps appeared on my skin at the intimate exquisite touch. But then I felt a sharp pain that quickly dissipated as I turned to see that he plucked one of my white feathers and begins to examining it. I shake my head slightly to try and refocus.> Yes, a dozen or so times. Only barely a few miles or so. I’m always afraid of getting caught. Especially the last few decades with the invention of cell phone cameras. I have to be cautious about not get caught by a camera About 35 years or so ago, someone got a sort of grainy picture of me flying overhead and made the front page of The National Enquirer. <Sighs quietly.> It’s a constant struggle to stop myself from flying though. It’s like an itch I need to scratch.
Lassiter: Yeah, it’s a great time saver. -Walking back to the air conditioning unit, he sat back down and gestured with his hands for her to continue with her show and tell.- Okay, come on … what else you got?
Seraphine: <As he gestured for me to continue, I thought about all I knew of vampires and their abilities and listed the ones that were probably angelic in nature.> I can go out into the sun. I actually love to lay out and get some rays, but I hide that from others not wanting to give them another reason to shun me for being different. I was already an orphan. They would probably think I was a half-breed … being able to be out in the sun. The only other thing that is different about me is that my blood empowers other vampires with instant healing, increased speeds and strength but only in small increments depending on how much they imbibe. I, myself, heal much faster than most and feed less often … but if I don’t feed than it is more difficult and takes longer to heal. <I absentmindedly touched my shoulder bruises and where they were still healing and my ribs from my run in with lessers the night before.> Honestly, that’s really all I know that isn’t really … “normal”. <I even used the hand gestures to emphasize my point.>
Lassiter: So sunlight doesn’t fry you, that could be a good indication your angel half is the stronger of the two. -He spread his hands in a wide gesture.- Sunlight is our friend. It alone can heal almost any injury an angel can suffer. Since you didn’t mention it, I’m guessing your blood must appear normal … even if it does provide a boost for those lucky enough to taste it. -Lassiter motioned for her to step closer and then used a sharp end on one of his half dozen bracelets to scratch a small wound on the back of his arm. The blood drops that seeped out were silver, not red.- Mine is a bit different as you can see …
Seraphine: Seriously? Wow. <Thinking about my injuries … I could just wait until sunrise and see if the sun would in fact heal a hybrid like myself similar to an angel. I hope so … it would save me from finding someone to feed from. As I watched Lassiter but him himself, I leaned in to watch as silver blood dripped out and took a deep breath.> Flowers. Well that’s definitely better than metallic copper. Do angels need to feed as vampires do? I know that I don’t feed as often … but do I need to at all?
Lassiter: Well, I know I eat as much as the doggen will fix, simply because I enjoy it. -He considered a moment.- Since you’ve felt the urge to feed in the past, however often, I’d say it’s more than likely something you need. Sometime when you’re not feeling so stressed, you might try going without blood for an extended period. You’ll probably find you require some small amount though. -He grinned.- Pretty thing like you shouldn’t want for a lack of willing donors …
Seraphine: <I looked up and blushed from the compliment.> Most blood exchanges are reciprocal. They are traditionally agreements to feed one another … and I can’t with the side effects. @Ahxis_BDB was injured badly, could barely breath and hadn’t fed in over 6 months. I worried that he may not recover from his injuries which is why he’s only the second person ever to feed from me. I was terrified at first and had hoped it was a fluke. But in the end things worked out though and his connection led me to you.
<I winced as I retracted my wings to rest against my back and sat next to him on the unit.> But I will start testing that sun healing element at sunrise to see if my bruises and pain from last night go away.
Lassiter: Hopefully they will ease some for you. -Slapping his hands down onto his thighs he sat up straighter.- Okay, let’s try this … -Lassiter gave a small flick of his finger and from across the roof a discarded drink can flew across the ground smacking into the roofs brick edging with a loud thwak!- Now you don’t reeeealy need the hand movement, but I rather like the theatrical look of it. Just still your thoughts and imagine that you are picking that can up with an extended invisible arm. Then move it. -He pointed to the opposite wall.- Over there.
Seraphine: <My eyes widen in amazement as he telepathically was able to move a can of soda across the roof.> Wait, you want /me/ to move the can? <I guess I suppose I should try … I tried to focus on the can and in my head I was commanding it to move from where it sat to the opposite wall. I could feel my forehead scrunching in concentration and my frustration beginning to build as the can layed there.>
Lassiter: -Lassiter watched her face contort with the effort to do as he asked.- No, no, you are trying too hard. Relax … take a couple deep breaths and then think about something completely different. Something that doesn’t bring you any stress. -She followed his advice and changed her breathing.- Thaaaat’s it … now loosen your shoulders. Come on, shake ‘em out a little. If you are to tap into this ability, it will be just a normal thing, like blinking, effortless … -Once she looked to be relaxed, he continued.- Okay … now imagine a gentle breeze. One that is brushing past you and just turning the ends of a fallen leaf. Notice the leaf begin to be lifted on the wind … now /see/ that wind hitting against the can. Let the can roll forward in your mind’s eye …
Seraphine: <I listened intensely at the angel’s words and closed my eyes for a moment and took a deep cleaning breath smelling the night air and the smells of the city. As I relaxed my shoulders and imagined the ‘gentle breeze’, I opened my eyes and re-concentrated on the soda can. I willed it to roll towards me and heard a small, barely intelligible metallic scrape against the cement floor.> Holy crap … <I whispered.> It actually moved a little. Was that me? <I looked over at the Lassiter to see if maybe he moved it himself.>
Lassiter: -He caught her quick look and backed up a little.- Don’t look at me … course it was you. I’m not all that big on helping people. It’s a real good start, at least you know that you have something inside you can work with. Like the feathers, the more you use it the stronger you get. I can imagine it might be real handy to relocate things if someone “bad” were to be following you. Now, calm yourself down and try that little exercise again.
Seraphine: Ok. <I simply said as I looked back at the can. Thinking about that someone “bad” … I concentrated that anger into moving the can closer to me. I could feel my skin warming and felt an energy building. Hearing the sounds of the city night … you can barely hear the slow scraping sound as the can rolls towards us at snail’s pace.>
Lassiter: -Grinning, he smacked her on the back.- Perfect! You’re getting it … keep it coming, keep it coming… -When the can made it all the way to their feet, Lassiter stood up and kicked the can clear across the rooftop.- He shoots he scores! -Looking back to Seraphine, he let the pride in her show on his face.- See what you can do with the right teacher? You keep practicing that and when next we meet, we’ll set you up with moving something bigger.
Seraphine: <As the can /finally/ made it to us, I felt my energy wane a bit. Probably from being injured the night before and the effort it took to move an object but as I felt the encouragement from Lassiter, I ignored it and was instead excited about what’s to come.> That was incredible! I never knew I could do that. <After so many years of searching for him … I finally felt like my story had finally begun. I could get rid of my problem and finally live my life. I finally had an opportunity to see what I could do.>
To be continued …
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seraphinebdb · 9 years ago
Unexpectant Injury
<It was midnight here in Caldwell. I took out my katana and sharpened the blade as finished getting dressed in my leathers and boots. Listening to the metal blade against the stone while considering surveillancing my own building to see if in fact if /he/ found me again. I pulled on my black leather crossbody gun holsters and put in my two 9mm. I slid my sheath into the handmade slot I created on the holster where the leathers crossed. I added my daggers into my knee boots. I walked out to my balcony doors and stood listening closely to the sounds of the city trying to sense if anyone was about before dematerialized onto the roof of a building or so over and took my perch. I leaned against the wall, arms and leg crossed as I stood looking down at the world below watching the humans moving about it. Hearing the cars honk and drive by … headlong the vendors hawk their wares, people hailing taxis and party goers in their excitement of the night go about their business. I thought about the years before when I first transitioned … when I met /him/, Cyrehn Constantine. He was the embodiment of ideal male from the glymera. Descendent from a founding family, regal looks, expensive clothing, Bently, all the newest gadget and toys … anything that money could buy. My family had been ecstatic that he had agreed to a blood exchange with me, an orphan. It reminded me that it been almost over 8 months since I last fed. I needed to try and make arrangements, I could feel my body slightly waning from not feeding regularly. Though I didn’t need to feed as often as a normal vampire … I still needed blood to survive. He was the ideal mate in the eyes of many who still lived for the influence of the glymera even after the dissolvement of the council along with the monarchy. Apparently the King was taking a more modern democratic approach. I was impressed with the King’s direction with that as well as opening up an apparent Brotherhood training program to civilians. We need more fighters … I’ve seen in increase of lesser activity over the past decade. They were upping the game by selling drugs to fund their exploitation to decimate the vampire race. Speak of the devils and they shall appear … I spied down the alley between the buildings near the downtown clubs, I stepped up to the ledge of the building and watched as a group of three what seemed to be more “tenured” lessers with their albino look stark bright against the darkness stalk a civilian couple about 10 feet behind them. I don't even think the civilians were even paying attention. They must have been down wind if they didn't detected the sickly sweet baby powdery smell the Omega’s undead reeked.> Tsk, tsk … not on my watch. <I took a step forward and leaped in a free fall down the 20 story building, air whooshing past me as I landed quietly in a crouch across the street. Drawing my katana from by back as I stood up and assessed my surroundings as I crept up behind the first of the lessers. I stabbed him through the back, right through his heart as the poofed back to the #Omega. The pop sounds alerted the others as they started cursing that finally triggered the couple that they were being followed. As they turn around at the commotion, frozen with obvious fear, to see me, they hesitated to leave me alone so I yelled.> Demat now! <As I drew my katana back and sliced through the air up right and down left left into the chest of the next lesser, his black blood splattering onto my clothes, seeing him fall to the ground, but before I could bring my arm back up, I felt a heat hit me in my shoulder. A searing pain let me know that I was shot in my left shoulder but it was a through on through. Dropping the sword and in the same motion pulled out my 9mm, I got a shot off on the lesser right between his eyes. Suddenly, I hear stomping feet and look through my side vision to see that we were being join my another set of undead. I drew up and got off two shots before I felt a blow to the head. My head whipped back as I fell feeling the asphalt tear my skin as I slid across the ground. Hearing my 9mm skid across the alley. I shook my head slightly as I got up on an elbow just as I noticed the iron crowbar aiming straight at me that instantly rolled over on my injured shoulder smack against to a dumpster. I pulled back my knees and kicked against it knocking down lesser and I hear him hit the wall and the crowbar clattering on the ground. I got up as I felt the blistering agony from my shoulder and face, tasting blood and feeling the it dripping down my face. I pulled my other 9mm from my right side as I approached the fallen lesser and popped another round in his head before collapsing against the wall, catching my breath and gauging my injuries and noticing belatedly that I wasn’t healing very fast.> Fuck me. <I did needed to feed ASAP, I wasn’t healing quickly. I was being overconfident in my necessity and frequency for blood. I needed to be on a schedule so it didn't effect me so much during inopportune times … like this one. My breathing came out labored as I tried to endure the excruciating pain as I walked towards the lessers and to go through their pockets to locate their phones and wallets. I pocketed my finds and slowly got to my feet, trying to focus and not pass out and slowly made my way back to my condo on foot.>
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seraphinebdb · 9 years ago
Another Day
<I dematted back to my place to have some time alone to think about all that I had learned from @Fallen_Lassiter. He filled in a few small blanks and was willing to help me with my problem. If everything works out, maybe I’ll stay in Caldwell. It would be nice to stay somewhere a while and relax a bit. My shoulders were itching again. I sighed. Perhaps I needed to demat somewhere more isolated so I could fly a bit. I bit my lip … I knew I shouldn’t risk it no matter the chances of getting caught were slim. Maybe @Fallen_Lassiter would be able to teach me to camouflage myself. It is said that angels are all around us … but we just can’t see them. I’m really hoping that I can do that as well so I can fly freely without fear of being discovered. Last thing I needed was to be on the front page of some gossip rag like the National Enquirer. What a nightmare it was back in the 80’s, it was a good thing cameras back then aren’t what they are today. Then I’d really have people chasing me, I laugh to myself. I was feeling restless, so I went to the rooftop and did my workout routine to try and wind down so I could sleep. Tomorrow is another day …>
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seraphinebdb · 9 years ago
Angelic Answers
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Meanwhile in Caldwell * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Seraphine: <After reading over @TamsinRevealed’s notes concerning the information she found regarding @Fallen_Lassiter, I bought another tea to go and drove back to my condo. As I parked my car, I noticed in my rear view mirror a blackout Escalade and noted the plates while quickly getting out my dagger and 9mm from the glove compartment. Just in case … and exiting the car to the elevators. Normally I would have demated home to my balcony, but it was still a little daylight outside since it was late afternoon. More risk poofing during the day. I exited the elevator one floor above my floor and took the stairwell down to my condo. As I inched the hallway door open, I could not sense anyone unusual, most of my neighbors were at work. So I quickly demated into my apartment from the stairwell. Inside I quickly walked into my bedroom suite and closed and locked the door. I still felt a little nervous but the inside the bedroom for the time being was safe enough. The intricate wall to wall metal display would just look like a intricate and extravagant wall art. In reality, it was one almost continuous wall to wall, ceiling to floor lead protection against un-invited dematting. I had an expensive state of the art alarm system as well, but you just never know who someone would employ to get into a place. I spent the rest of the evening practicing yoga then watching Netflix. It was about 3am, time for Last Meal, when I got a text from @Ahxis_BDB to come back to the estate. I changed into a red cotton collared blouse and some jeans and heels and exited my room. Walking to the balcony, a took a few moments to sense anyone around me, granted I was 25 stories up from the ground floor, and dematted to the estate on the front lawn.>
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Meanwhile at the Manor * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Lassiter: -Lassiter had just finished his meal and had just about had all the questions he could handle from the hyperactive twin. When the grumpy looking one returned to the kitchen without his female, he saw it as his chance to make an escape. On the premise of needing to say thank you for such a lovely meal, he quickly exited and followed her well-known scent a sort of way to find her seated in a living room of sorts.- May I join you? -Without giving her the chance to deny him, he quickly sat in a chair across from her.- Thank you for feeding me, that was the best meal I’ve had in /ages/ …
Tamsin: *Aht had held to her but after he had released her, there was a worry there in his face, she ran a hand over his cheek and knew that her tear had made him fret.* Go and check on Ax, he might be destroying my kitchen with excitement. *He left with a hand stroking her neck and a soft smile. Watching him leave, her mind turned to the shocking revelation of the night. My father is alive … looking up to see the angel striding into the room. Sitting and thanking her all in rapid succession. She barely could her breath. Her voice a little weary.* Thank you, I’m glad. *A slight smile, she could feel his eyes on her and the swore to ask him … so many things bubbled to the surface.*
Lassiter: -The female’s attempt at ‘thank you’ sure didn’t sound much like she was. Usually the inner emotional workings of others weren’t really his thing, but he remembered one of them saying she was newly transitioned, and she seemed like a sweet enough thing.- You doing okay?
Tamsin: *She looked over at him, a little surprised at his question, he had found out something so important to her and had treated it like a talk show reveal. She wasn’t sure he cared except for the scandal of it all. She held his gaze firm and shook her head slowly.* No … not all. Tell me did you do that just for the fun of it? *Swallowing* I’ve thought of my father everyday since he left.
Lassiter: -He opened his mouth to say, “well yes, I do just about everything for the fun of it” but then again uncharacteristically shut his mouth.- I didn’t realize it was a sensitive subject. It’s just such a rush to get something over on one of the Brothers. You, my dear, have been a very well kept secret …- His mind raced ahead of his words.- I wonder why that is …
Tamsin: *He genuinely didn’t seem to have known that none of them had known who her father was, was that possible? Given his abilities but his voice was good natured and he seemed intrigued. It relaxed her, running her fingers over her hair as it threaded to cascade over her face, she sat straighter.* Many things have been kept from me but my mother was preparing me for something. *As the word mother left her lips, tears threatened to fall again, but she was trying so hard to stop them her voice shuddered.* Is my father that special?
Lassiter: -On a laugh he barked the word- Special! -Then hauled himself up short. This little one didn’t seem to know much and he wondered how that was possible, since she was obviously important to one of @Murhder’s odd nephews? Lassiter decided that treading carefully until he had more information was probably in his best interest.- @BrotherRhage is, uh.. pretty much the same as all the rest. But if there is a joke to be had, or a prank to be played, he’ll be the one behind it. So, you can see why this is interesting information to have -He winced a little at his own words- Look is there something about him you want to know? Just ask me…I don’t mind spilling the beans..
Tamsin: *She didn’t remember much about her father, more feelings and emotions, not pictures and her mother had never given any details of his life and who he was. Now she knew why. Her eyes, blinking as thought after thought moved across her mind, wringing her hands. She wanted to know everything, but … would she met him? Shouldn’t it be him who told her about himself, about her mother and why he had done the things he had done. Especially when she had been so sick. A breath of resolve and she looked back into the angel’s eyes.* Is he a good man? My father? *She gripped her hands, her heart beating a little faster as she said those words and knew he was alive.*
Lassiter: -Well now wasn’t that a surprise question? Despite his usual denouncement of anything Brother related, he did admit to himself that /most/ of them had redeeming attributes, so he found himself nodding.- He is a good fighter and loyal to the Brotherhood. You wouldn’t want anyone else at your back in a scrape.
Tamsin: *As the simple but flattering words came from the angel’s mouth, her breath softened and a smile was seen, a smile that spoke of memories, good ones, the best anyone could have.* He was always so huge … but strong … I was very ill when I was a child and he used to hold me and swing me in his arms … making sure I always safe but still having fun. *Chuckling sadly before continuing.* And if I ever hurt myself he would fuss and the tender words that would come from his lips … I can’t see that in the man I met. Not really. Is that part of him still there? *Tears now came to her eyes again, a small hand wiping quickly.*
Lassiter: -Lassiter snapped upright at both pieces of news. She had known Rhage as a child. How could this be possible? He had just assumed that the over-sexed brother had not known about his fathering a half human child. According to her, not only had he known, he’d been a part of her life … well, well … and she’d even been in his presence now that she was grown. Had he just not realized? Lassiter’s brain raced with a dozen questions of his own, but how to get the information?- You’ve met him? Recently? How is that possible?
Tamsin: *The surprise on his face was almost amusing. It would have been highly so if the topic and her emotions weren’t all over the place. She wasn’t sure what to say. Could she trust him? This angel … Lassiter, seemed to be an entity in a category all his own and with such power and knowledge. But he wasn’t all seeing it seemed. With a renewed spark, her eyes took in the information … there was nothing like pieces of a story that could buoy her mood as conflicted as it was.* There was an altercation with … these Lessers … the twins they decided to take on them on their own and … *Pausing for a moment.* They didn’t know how to destroy them completely and I was with them … even though they didn’t want me there. I suggested that a stake to the heart might work. It was reverse logic from the vampire stories I knew as a human and then … well things got a little difficult when my father turned up. *Taking a breathe and stopping with a snap of her teeth.*
Lassiter: They’re hunting without knowing how to hunt? -Didn’t this story just keep getting better and better? He couldn’t see @Murhder sending his own kin out on the streets unprepared. Maybe he’d really gotten screwed in the head when the monster was driving the bus. Would help explain why he ran out on Pru.- So, @BrotherRhage has met M’s nephews … I must say, coming here has really given me a lot to think about. I had no idea anyone was aware that @Murhder was back in Caldwell other than me ….did you not recognize your father when you met?
Tamsin: *Was she giving him too much information? She hoped that the twins and Murhder realized how much she need to talk, to have someone to confide in and the angel was the only one here to listen it seemed. Sitting forward closer to him, a foot sliding up to his boot, the simple contact seemed to calm her a little. Closing her eyes as she continued to speak.* I didn’t but I … felt something … I did see something in him … I was seeming myself. *Eyes slowly opening.* I was extremely ill when I was a child. I … mmmm … it was possible that I wouldn’t make it to adulthood at all. My memory of those times are a blur … like a dream … *Her eyes drifting to her lap.* I do dream of him … but his face was never clear …
Lassiter: -It would have had to have been something major cause @BrotherRhage to give up his young. She must have been in danger somehow, perhaps the King himself had ordered it. It was no secret that Wrath had little use for humans. Hadn’t Darius also done the same? Lassiter set back against the chair, relaxing to the subject.- Will you want to meet him?
Tamsin: I … yes … I think so … no I’m sure I should. I need to be given closure … to let him see me as his daughter and … to … tell him that my mother has passed. *And there it was … that was what made the tears fall, a stifled breathe in, her lips pursed and tears feel over her cheeks, gazing at him for only a second and then away, head down again. Her shoulders shaking.*
Lassiter: -Awe, shit … and now she was leaking. Lassiter looked towards the doorway hoping that someone else would magically appear to take care of the situation. When no one did, he sighed and shifted to the edge of her seat, awkwardly putting an arm across her shoulders.- Hey, no need for tears. I’m sure that between @Murhder and I, we should be able to collect your … ah, dad for you.
Tamsin: *And didn’t his bulky attempt at comfort just make the tear fall faster, shaking her head as she was pulled against him, rubbing at her eyes, a little too hard, knowing they would be no way to hide her tears from any of the other males in the house. She lifted her face to him, the glow always there even faintly, it was a comfort.* Collect him? That is an odd way to put it … I’m sorry. You barely know me and I’m all a mess. *Chuckling a little despite everything.* But you must have known I was going to take this hard. The moment you started asking questions. I’m not one to keep my feeling locked inside.
Lassiter: -Well, actually it hadn’t occurred to him that she’d feel so badly about things, once she got rolling on the subject, but he wasn’t about to tell her that. She’d flood his shirt for sure.- I bet you’ll feel better after you have a chance to hash it all out. -He knew that /he/ couldn’t wait to hear the brother’s side of the story.-
Tamsin: *Her hand laid on his chest for a split second as she levered herself back up to a sitting position. Here she was telling all her deepest thoughts to Lassiter and she had only just met him. She had needed to say something to someone and perhaps a stranger had been better. Her tears had saddened Aht too much and she didn’t want to add to the massive amount of stress he was under … but … no no … let it go for know Tam. Sighing, pulling her now damp hair away and up from her face, patting her face.* Yes … you are right … I need answers and Rhage … my father needs to know so many things. *She was trying hard to take control of herself …* It will all be ok won’t it?
Lassiter: -Relief that she seemed to be pulling it together, washed through him. He opened his mouth to try and say something encouraging, but was stopped by the shout at the door.-
Ahxis: -Ahxis found himself getting more and more antsy the longer the angel was gone. He just couldn’t understand how his uncle and brother were able to carry on like everything was normal. There was a freakin angel in the house, for God sake! When he saw @Murhder get up for, like his sixth bowl of stew, he gave up even trying to sit there. Ax walked into the living room and stopped dead. There was @TamsinRevealed all red faced and crying, in the arms of @Fallen_Lassiter. He’s vocal cords seemed to have a sudden mind of there own and he yelled before his mind had even caught up to what he was seeing.- HEY!!
Tamsin: *Her head snapped around from trying to fix herself a little, but it was futile. Ax could see all the red eyes, the messed up hair and mottled skin of her cheeks. Her shoulders fell as she let out a breathe and offered him a smile full of worry and not a little amount of emotional turmoil, moving away from Lassiter.* Ax …
Lassiter: -Lassiter dropped his arm and quickly put some space between the female and himself. Why did it have to be the hyper kid?-
Ahxis: -Hurrying over to Tam while keeping a wary eye on the angel.- Are you okay? What’s the matter? -He sat down beside her on the sofa, concerned about whatever it was that he’d just walked in on.-
Tamsin: *She couldn’t make light of what was happening, not with Ax. The relief she felt as he sat next to her was like a soft shock, she leaned against him and let her body calm.* I’m searching for answers … there are so many things that I need to know about my father, that he needs to know … *Her voice rippled a little as her earlier tears threatened to fall again. Taking a soft sharp breath she made herself ground herself against him taking his strength.* Lassiter was helping me but I’m a little overwhelmed. *She really was all over the place … it was so unlike her. This was going to be hard for them all.*
Lassiter: -Lassiter would liked to have vanished himself from the room, but really had no real destination to head in. He still had not met the hybrid he’d actually come here for in the first place. Offering a forced smile to the twin, he kept his mouth shut and sat in the chair farthest away from the duo.-
Ahxis: -Ax kept his eyes on the angel as he moved.- Hey, we know who the guy is now that’s got to be a good thing. Try to calm down, we’ll figure out what to do with all this. Ahtlas and I will be right here …
Tamsin: *Wiping her eyes, she hoped for the last time tonight, she offered him a soft smile, she was so very lucky to have him and Aht.*’s a very good thing..I’ll be alright. *calming a little more* I know you both will be here for me. this is something we will all do together. That’s what families are for.* her smile now broader, a happy light in her eyes*
Lassiter: -Lassiter had to hand it to the hyper kid, he seemed to know exactly what to do and say to help the little female calm down. He was quick to wonder about the relationship between the three of them. Initially he’d pegged the sour twin as the one who’d staked a claim, maybe he’d jumped a little too soon to that vision. This was certainly one incredibly interesting bunch of vamps. He knew he still had @Murhder’s own story to look forward to … and they were throwing in a hybrid angel who seemed to know way too much about him. Yes. Things were definitely going to be interesting. He continued to sit back and just let the squirrely kid go for it.-
Ahxis: -Ax breathed an internal sigh of relief as he saw Tam begin to calm down. He was really hoping that @Fallen_Lassiter wouldn’t say anything else to upset her right this moment. He was really uncomfortable seeing her so upset and he just needed to hand her off to his brother as soon as he could.- Why don’t you go refresh yourself a little and then we’ll go back to the others, yeah? You’ll feel better after something to eat.
Tamsin: *Ax was right and he did have a knack for making her feel better, smiling a little wider, standing, leaning over him, lips going to the top of his head.* Thanks Ax you are right. *She gave the Angel a smile and started towards the stairs … what a day*
*Standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom that she called her own, her face was a mess. Eyes bloodshot, skin red in patches and pale in others and her hair. Shaking her head as she made a grab for her hair brush. Dragging it through the mess of knots. How crying had made her hair look the way it did she would never know. But it felt good to run the bristles over her blonde lockes, the scraping sound always a comfort. Taking a hair band and pulling it back into a loose bun, smiling as this was the same thing the twins did. They had taught her a few things about hair. Her smile wider now as she let cool water splash over her face. A calm came over her as the fresh liquid washed the red and tears away. All of these familiar things, things that made her feel at peace, her mind took in the events of the past few hours in a way that was healing, not full of sadness and anger … yes there was anger there. Her father had decided to leave them. His sick daughter and a woman who had been close to death when she had birthed their child. So close to death and so damaged … her mother’s body had been so affected by her birth. That it had left scars, damage to her heart, damage to her body that had weakened her. And twenty four years later those weaknesses had meant she had passed on so suddenly that there had been nothing anyone could do. Gripping the basin, this wasn’t the time to think about her mother’s passing. If she did she would never make it out of the bathroom and down to her family. Her brother, her lover and her beautifully odd new friends. A deep breath, standing up tall, a smile, tuning gracefully and down she went to eat .. .nodding …* Tamsin you are an amazing cook. Go and enjoy.
Seraphine: <I reformed on the estate on the edge of their driveway and walked up the drive. It really was a beautiful place. It needed some TLC but overall it must have been nice to have grown up here. I was actually feeling a little nervous as to what Ahxis wanted to see me about. Perhaps that maybe Murhder got a hold of the Angel after all. I was just in reach of having my nightmare over and done with. Well … atleast I hope the Angel could help me with my past. I was seriously tired of running. finally getting to the door and knocked …>
Ahxis: -At the sound of the knock Ahxis suddenly remembered that he’d texted Seraphine. Holding up a finger to the angel, he stood- Hold that thought… -practically jogging to the door, he saw @TamsinRevealed coming back down the stairs- I got it Tam, should be Sera -Pulling the door open, he grinned wide seeing that he was right- Oh hey, thanks for coming so quickly. Come on in…
Tamsin: *Walking down the stairs, hearing the doorbell and then quickly seeing Ax open the door to Sera, she ran her hands over her hair and under her eyes. Hoping that the redness had faded some what. Lifting her head to smile at Sera.* Hey. Lovely to see you. *Standing close to her.* I hope it’s not too much of a shock. We do specialize in those here, but Lassiter is here.
Seraphine: <I smile as Ahx lets me in the door and turn to see Tamsin. As her words to me register … I could feel my jaw drop. Holy Scribe Virgin … this is it! Finally, after all these years. Maybe I could find some answers but if not … maybe some help with my problems and some lessons at least. I was flying blind here with my powers and needed to know what exactly I could do and probably what /not/ to do. I cringe internally at the memory.> No shit?! He’s here? Truly?
Tamsin: *Running through everything that had already happened, the shock of it all making her laugh.* Yeah he’s here and he’s everything you said he would be and more. He has quite the sense of humor, and an interesting way about him, ok. *She gave Sera’s arm a friendly squeeze.*
Seraphine: <I tried to laugh along with her but suddenly I’m really nervous. It’s been a long time coming … 50 some odd years or so after getting that letter. I touched my hair and straightened my red blouse, running my hands down the side of my jeans.> Wow, I’ve thought about this moment for a /long/ time. I can’t believe it’s finally here. And to think I was able to find him through Ahx and you. Thank you. You don’t know what this means to me.
Ahxis: -Smiling he slipped his arm around her shoulders and gave a squeeze.- Really glad to be able to help … you ready?
Seraphine: <I nod.> Ready as I’ll ever be. Let’s do this …
Ahxis: -He nodded, feelings about as nervous as she looked. Ax was hoping the angel would treat @Seraphine_BDB more gently than he had done Tam. If he /did/ know anything about her family he hoped it could be shared with much less theatrics. Keeping an arm around her waist he guided her into the living room.- Lassiter, this is my friend @Seraphine_BDB. She’s been looking forward to meeting you. -Turning his attention to Sera.- And this is @Fallen_Lassiter …
Tamsin: *Following close beside them into the room, her eyes scanning over Lassiter as he looked over at all of them, catching his attention for a moment, blinking a little as she realized she was looking at him with her father’s eyes. Suddenly feel protective of Sera.* So we are hoping that you might be able to help Sera with a few things. But perhaps listening and learning a little before you talk might be a less dramatic approach? *She held his gaze and tilted her head.*
Lassiter: -Lassiter watched everyone come almost timidly back into the room. He didn’t miss the not-so-subtle hint from @TamsinRevealed, asking him to take it easy on the newcomer. Not usually one to do as he was asked, it went against the grain a little bit; still he guessed he did owe her something. After all, her family story still hadn’t been told and he soooo /needed/ to hear that one. Fixing his lips onto a perma-grin, he turned his white orbs on the hybrid. She looked pretty normal to him, even though he could feel a higher energy signature. This might prove to be just as interesting as the baby-daddy episode.- Hello is it Seraphine? That’s a lovely name … -He resisted the urge to make a ‘see-I-can-be-nice’ face at @TamsinRevealed.
Seraphine: <I take in the figure of the large male with multi-colored hair, white pupils, dozens of piercings clad in leather and see that the rumors don’t really do the male justice. He’s quite … unique. I stiffen slightly at the banter between Lassiter and Tamsin wondering what has transpired since I was here last.> Yes, Seraphine. Thank you and I appreciate you taking the time to meet with me. I’m sure you weren’t expecting this. I’m not really sure what Murhder may have told you about me. <I turned to Tamsin and Ahx.> Is everything alright. You guys seem a little tense. What have I missed?
Ahxis: -Ax shoots a quick look at @TamsinRevealed. She seemed to have gotten herself together and he certainly wasn’t going to be the one to upset her again. He’d let her decide what she wanted to share or not share about her newly named father- we’re good. Come on, let’s sit down. Anyone, besides me want a beer or something to drink?
Tamsin: *Nodding with a smile at Ax.* Yes … can I have some cider? *Beer was not something she had ever liked. Raising her brows slightly at Lassiter but grateful for his ‘niceness’ she smiled again and took a seat.* No it’s all fine. It’s just been a tiring few days. *Now wasn’t the time to say anything else about her father, she would decide after she had met him … turning her face away for a second to close her eyes, and back with another soft smile directed at Sera.* May I ask is this the way all angels look?
Lassiter: Beer would be great. -He would have rather have had something with a little more bite, but didn’t trust the kid to make anything drinkable, so beer it had to be. He chuckled at @TamsinRevealed’s question, sure that they hadn’t seen anything like him before.- Not everyone can be as good looking as me. I’m afraid I’m one of a kind … -Leaning closer to @Seraphine_BDB his eyes narrowed slightly.- And I bet you are as well. Vampire-Angel offspring don’t happen often. The needing cycle of the females pretty much takes care of that.
Tamsin: *A needing cycle? … She had been so caught up in the up and downs of the last few months that she hadn’t asked anyone about so many things, a fertility cycle being one of them. Was that what they were talking about?* Um … what’s a needing?
Ahxis: -The sound of breaking glass rang out as Ahxis dropped one of the beer bottles onto the tile floor.- Shit! -Quickly passing off the other two bottles to Tam, he grabbed a hand towel from the bar and started mopping the mess with his foot.- Ah …Tam, I think you probably want to ask @Ahtlas_bdb about that. He can explain it so much better than I can.
Seraphine: <I shake my head at Ahx, but I silently laugh as I think about Ahtlas’s face as he tries to get through that conversation. Turning back to Lassiter.> I suppose that’s true. I don’t really know much about my parent’s … uh … time together. My mother died at childbirth and I was raised by her family. I never knew my father. That’s sorta … uh … why I was looking for you. <I nervously stated as I watch Ahx hand Tamsin the beers.> I was … sorta hoping you might be able to tell me if there are others … here on earth among us and if you knew anything about this coupling between a fallen angel and a vampire.
Ahxis: -He got most of the spill mopped up and the pile of broken glass out of the way. He /really/ needed to buckle down and find them new doggen. Pulling out another beer and the bottle of cider, he swapped Tam with a slightly embarrassed grin and finally handed @Fallen_Lassiter the beer- Here, uh, yeah
Tamsin: *she took the cider from Ax with a wide eyed shake of her head, moving her hand to tell him to sit…she knew now that anything to do with 'a needing’ was an awkward thing but she would ask Aht anyway and then get some more information perhaps from a medical clinic about those sorts of things. Turning to Sera and Lass to listen, drinking from her bottle, sliding her legs under her* Lassiter you seem to know so many things, we were hoping that you would be able to help with this as well.
Lassiter: -Taking to beer bottle from the kid, he silently congratulated himself for totally calling it, with his ability to make drinks. Taking a swig he waited for the kid to cop-a-squat, so that nothing else would be in danger. Finally giving the pretty little @TamsinRevealed a smile, he shifted his full attention to the hybrid.- Death in childbirth is a pretty common thing for vamps. -Noticing the quick frown on the kid’s face, he quickly added.- Sorry for your loss … so no one in your mother’s family knew anything about your father … -Lassiter paused for a second, considering.- Then I need to ask … how do you know he was an angel at all?
Seraphine: <I watched the Angel closely … wondering what my father would look like. Actually I wasn’t even sure he was alive really.> My mahmen left me a letter explaining their relationship. She told me to make sure not to tell anyone about my lineage. <I quickly looked away guiltily knowing that I didn’t quite honor that request. But I’m glad it did lead me finally to an angel. Barreling through …> She told me that she hoped that she could tell me more after my birth but … just in case … she wrote me the letter saying that if she didn’t make it … <I stopped to keep myself from tearing up. This was the past. It’s been /many/ years since I thought of her.> Well … anyways … that’s why she left me the letter. She explained that she didn’t get a chance to learn anything about what I might expect because for some reason my father, Michael, had disappeared and if I wanted to find answers I needed to search for another angel to find my answers. She mentioned that she had once heard of a fallen angel named Lassiter … and so here I am. I’ve been following rumors about angel sightings for the last … uh … give or take 50 years now. I’ve been running from country to country, city to city, tracking down rumors that led me here to Caldwell. And besides … I … uh … have some … uh … characteristics.
Lassiter: -He sat quietly letting her talk, watching the emotions playing across her face as she did so.- Your mother sounds like a remarkable person … -He shifted some in his chair, not really sure how he was expected to help her.- You asked about other angels. There are quite a few, fallen … -Grimacing at that hated word.- And those here by choice. Most of us aren’t really very touchy-feely, we don’t exactly keep in touch. I’m sorry to say I don’t know anyone named Michael. -Sitting forward he studied her closely.- I’m guessing that you have some abilities or maybe … physical traits, what are they?
Seraphine: <As I listened, I began to realize that my search would continue after all. My shoulder slumped. Of course it would be that easy … once I found Lassiter. Inwardly sighing, I listened as he explained a little about fallen angels.> Oh! Uh, well I do have wings, so I can fly … but I try not to … though it’s really hard not to … I don’t want to get caught. I heal /really/ fast. I can go out into the sun. Actually I feel amazingly good every time I go out into the sun. I’ve noticed that I glow a little when I’m mad or upset. Uh … I don’t have to feed as often as a normal vampire and … <Blushing pink.> Apparently my blood has amazing healing properties as well. <I glanced at Ahxis embarrassingly.> But none of this happened until after my transition. Little by little, I’ve have kinda discovered them …
Lassiter: Wings, really? -He hated to admit it but he was actually interested.- And did you have them from the start, or did they appear at your change to vampire?
Seraphine: After my change … uh it was pretty disconcerting actually. I was alone one early evening and wonder what it would feel like to fly after watching birds fly overhead. I felt itching in my shoulder blades. As I scratched at them, I could feel my muscles contracting inside of me … like they wanted out. It was … weird. At first it didn’t feel /too/ strange … but then the tearing began. I tried to stop the movement but it hurt worse if I didn’t … I dunno finish? But the pain? It was excruciating. So I bit my lip so hard that I started to bleed but as I felt the need to just … let go … and then the tearing of my skin was quick and … <Shaking my head of the painful memories.> And then there they were … <That night was so horrible but then instantly awesome. The pain was unbelievable.>
Ahxis: -Ahxis sat wide-eyed hanging on every word of her story. Suddenly those sexy as fuck wings he’d been fantasizing about didn’t seem all that hot.-
Lassiter: -Lassiter say nodding, able to imagine the situation she was describing.- You know, you are only the third vampire/angel … hybrid, that I’ve ever met it was centuries ago, but the other two did not make it much past infancy.
Tamsin: *The conversation was keeping her glued to her seat, her hand under her chin, eyes wide. But she knew that there might come a time soon in the discussion between Lass and Sera that more privacy might be appreciated. Just as she did with talk of her father. She looked over to Ax with a nod and uncurled herself from her seat.* I’m going to tidy up in the kitchen you both keep on talking.
Ahxis: -Ax saw Tam give a quick flick of her eyes towards the door and caught her meaning. Yes, they really should let the two angels talk, but he just /really/ didn’t want to. Cursing inside his head, he reluctantly got to his feet.- Yeah, I should see what Aht’s doing. -He moved after Tam to the doorway, telling himself that he’d just give them a few minutes and then come right back.-
Seraphine: <Wow, so there were others and yet so few us made it. Strange. I wondered why, but then lost my train of thought as I looked up to see Tasin and Ahxis leave the room. Seemingly to give Lassiter and I some privacy. Hmmm … Looking back at Lassiter.> What … uh … exactly happened to the other two? How did you know about them, but … uh … not me? <Not knowing who exactly the angelic world worked.>
Lassiter: I just happened to be in country. The world was a lot smaller back then and superstitions were given weight. The two were killed by villagers as omens of evil.
Seraphine: Omens … of … evil. Great. <I stated dryly.> So then it’s been centuries then since the last time you met a hybrid like me?Did they any signs of … gifts … when they were born? My traits and powers didn’t manifest until after transition. Well …at least not that I know of … <Wondering if maybe my adopted family did notice something different about me. They always treated me sorta like a pariah … I always thought it was because I was an orphan. Looking back … I did always heal faster than the other children, ran faster … I remember the one time I got angry … Shit! No wonder they were so adamant I mate /him/ … they were trying to get rid of me.> Uh … I may have need to take that back … actually they were there during my childhood … but I only /noticed/ then when I transitioned. <Maybe I should show him my wings … to see if they were in fact “normal”.>
Lassiter: -He shook his head- I only saw them once, from a distance, but it was said strange things had been happening in the village. I can’t even tell you if it was anything specific to them. In the old country anytime a crop failed or milk soured, it was the supernatural to blame. -he shrugged- you family most likely did know you were different. I’ve seen for myself that being different in vampire society is just about the worst thing that can happen. So, they mated you off huh? That didn’t work out for you then? -his attention was starting to wane. Lassiter didn’t think there was much he could offer this one.-
Seraphine: <I flinched as he assumed incorrectly as to why the mating didn’t happened.> I guess then, they haven’t told you what happened when I let someone feed from me the first time … <I began re-telling my story that I had previously confessed to the others earlier. Giving each detail, I started to feel the walls closing in on me for some reason. I hated allowing people to see my weaknesses. Perhaps that’s why I had trained so hard in Japan. As I finished my tale of woe, I waited with unseen anxiousness …> So that’s sorta the other reason I was trying to seek out an angel. I need to know … and learn … what exactly I can do. My if I am just half-breed and can only do so much … I was wanted your help on manipulating a vampire’s mind …
Lassiter: Oh honey -that request had certainly perked him up- that is sooo easy. I’m sure it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch. Sounds like the bastard deserves it. I could get you up to speed on that little 'trick’ 'He wasn’t at all sure why he’d made the offer, maybe because her journey had been a hard one and she was, at least half his own kind; maybe it was just that he needed to get the hell out of this room. He hadn’t spent such a long time jawing with anyone in ages. There might still be some interesting things to come from this. He found himself wondering just who Michael might have been and why he’d done what he had. Plus, if she proved to be unable to apply any the mind techniques, he could always just fry the bastard. Would be a public service really.- so, if you’re interested…we could meet, give things,a try?
Seraphine: <I felt relief flood my system at his words. Thank the Scribe. I was elated that he was willing to help me. It made me feel happy for the first time in a long time. I’ve been running and hiding for so long … it was a weight lifted off my shoulders. Finally I could stay in one place for a while and put down some roots. Maybe perhaps have friends and start a family. Anything could happen now … I could finally start to begin not looking over my shoulder, no looking out for blacked out SUVs. Soon … I would feel comfortable enough to fly at night … I wanted to spread my wings again and fly again. I knew I was finally smiling for the first time in ages … really smiling … but I couldn’t help it, I suddenly jumped up and went to hug the Angel.>
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Meanwhile at the Kitchen * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Tamsin: *Gives @Ahtlas_bdb all the coffee.*
Ahtlas: -Drinks ALL of the coffee and holds out his cup for more.-
Tamsin: *Passes you an even larger mug and gives you more, smiling.* I’m a female of worth aren’t I?
Ahtlas: -He grinned as he took the large cup.- The worthiest.
Tamsin: *Pouring herself a large mug, sitting close.* Aht may I ask you something?
Ahtlas: -He looked at her over the mug and nodded as he lowered it.- Of course you can.
Tamsin: I’m not sure if I should be asking you this. *Almost hiding behind her mug.* But there was something mentioned by Lassiter and I have been wondering about these … issues … what’s a needing? *The last three world come out in a nervous quiet barrage.*
Ahtlas: -He had taken the cup back to his lips and was sipping when she asked the question. Nearly choking on the coffee, he set the cup back to the table and wiped his mouth with a napkin.- Uh … he mentioned needing?
Tamsin: *Nodding and taking a small sip.* Lassiter said that a successful needing is extremely rare between angels and vampires. Does he mean a fertile period? I’m only guessing. *Clasping my fingers around the cup, my eyes waiting.*
Ahtlas: -He cleared his throat and nodded, a little flustered with himself. He had never had such a conversation with a female and in glymera homes, such talk from a male was frowned upon. Continuing for her sake, he cleared his throat one more time before answering.- Yes, exactly. A um … um, a female vampire has a needing every decade or so and that um … lasts um a couple of days I think? It’s very intense I’ve heard, I think.
Tamsin: *Her lips pulling up into a soft smirk, Aht was obviously uncomfortable with the topic but was answering her anyway, he was always giving her what she needed, even if he was embarrassed, but his information was coming as a surprise.* So … vampires only have a chance of conceiving a child once ever ten years … *Frowning* How is that good for the species? And intense? *All of a sudden her need for knowledge kicked in, no matter how awkward it felt.*
Ahtlas: -He frowned a little.- Birthing is very dangerous for the female and the young. It is a miracle that my mahmen was able to bring both me and Ahxis into the world and then have our sister come along without complications. A needing I hear is just as dangerous to females if she is not seen to properly.
Tamsin: *At this it was her turn to frown.* Seen too … what do you mean? *Reaching for his arm.* I’m sorry is this in appropriate?
Ahtlas: -He offered a tight smile.- It’s ok, you need to know. Um, when a female enters her needing she needs … um … sex … from a male. It quells the pain from the needing. She needs to orgasm … a lot … I … -He suddenly was at a loss for words.- I’m really not a good person to ask, I don’t know a lot about this.
Tamsin: *Brushing her fingers through his hair and ending up cupping his face, a sweet adoring smile on her lips.* I understand, you have told me all I need to know for now. Perhaps I should speak to a doctor. But I’m very glad you told me. I don’t need to worry. *Leaning close, her lips hover over his.*
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Meanwhile in t the Living Room * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Lassiter: -Lassiter accepted the hug gracefully, he hadn’t been given too many of those in recent years, so he was admittedly a bit rusty. She didn’t seem to mind though. After the two had decided on the best evening to meet again, he did the gentlemanly thing and walked her outside. The night was a mild one for the time of year, but still very cold. Seraphine did not linger, dematting back to wherever she lived almost immediately. Once he was alone, Lassiter took a quick tally of all that he’d learned this night … Murhder had returned and by the looks of it planned to stay awhile with kin … Prudence would soon be finding herself in a difficult position, right in the middle of bastards and brothers … There was the interesting little matter of Rhage being a daddy and world’s best secret keeper. He chuckled at the thought of the chaos to come from that little gem … and last, but not least, there was a new angel in town. Well, HALF angel, but possibly a partner-in-crime-to-be, no less. Yes. All in all, a very interesting night. Lassiter didn’t even consider going back inside the house. He had nothing else to say at this time to Murhder and he’d already had his fill of the bipolar twins. Someone would come looking for him, sooner or later, of that he had little doubt. Vanishing himself back to the Brotherhood compound, he rubbed his hands together in anticipation and set off in search of @BrotherRhage.-
0 notes
seraphinebdb · 9 years ago
Maury Power
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Meanwhile in Caldwell * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Lassiter: -When the text alert on his phone went off for the sixth time in an hour, Lassiter considered throwing it into the nearby trash receptacle.
He’d already told Butch, several times in fact, that the cops little date-night plan wasn’t worth his vacating the movie room for.
After all, /he/ had Netflix all hooked into the system and was heavily into a “Justified” binge. Why, Season Four had barely started… Raylan and Boyd needed him to keep the faith, he just couldn’t leave now.
Snagging the cell to send the cop a final ‘fuck off’ message; Lassiter caught sight of the real sender and nearly spilled his milk duds. Reading the curt summons, he smiled.- “well, well, well…”
He sent Butch a quick ‘you owe me fucker’ text, before instantly materializing himself to the back street behind the good doctor’s old office.
Ramping the wattage on his internal fluorescents, he sent a brilliant blast of white, directly into the shadows where he knew @Murhder would be waiting.-
“You better have brought my candy, asshole.”
-There was always time for an entrance.-
 Murhder: He had been waiting longer than he had wanted to which equated to about three minutes and forty one…no..fourty two…
It was the flash of light that blinded him from seeing his phone in his hand. Bastard. He hated it when the angel went all glow stick, he couldn’t open his eyes without seeing spots for hours. Shielding his face from the light with his hand, he snarled in the direction of the glow. “Get your light out of my face before I knock your perfectly straight teeth out of your ugly face.” Yeah he knew hitting an angel would not be a good idea but at least the threat was credible because he would try his damndest to do just that.
Lowering his hand only when the glow subsided, he peered in the direction of the one who just appeared and dug in the front pocket of his jeans. Pulling out a worn, stale, dirty roll of candy, he tossed it in Lassiter’s direction. “Take it, it sucked anyway.” Not to mention the fact that the candy roll had been in his pocket since he had taken it months ago. Perhaps his jeans COULD use a wash.
Getting down to business, he tucked his pocket back into his jeans and moved toward the back alley door that once led to Prudence’s practice and upstairs apartment. Letting them in with a key that was tucked behind a brick, he started up the stairs and expected the bastard to follow. “A lot of shit has happened”.
He would leave it there for now, honestly, he didn’t know where to start.
 Seraphine: <Sitting in the same small cafe that was near the gym, I was reading all the notes that Tamsin was able to gather concerning @Fallen_Lassiter … wondering if I had finally seen the light at the end of the tunnel. I was so close, and in the nick of time. I thought maybe I saw someone was waiting for me outside the Commodore when Murhder and I had gone to retrieve the wallets and personal belongings of the lessers I had eradicated. I had a mental note to keep my eyes more alert to my surroundings just in case /he/ was after me again. With the help of Murhder … I was really hoping to end my endless cycle of hide and seek. Seeping my ice tea I continued reading Tamsin’s detailed notes.>
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Meanwhile at the Manor * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Ahxis: -Ax had decided to keep his mind off whatever @Murhder was out doing, by getting some work done. He’d checked in at the gym and would be headed down there tomorrow to handle payroll and all those little businessy things that always popped up. After he was sure the gym was golden, he’d set out to hired @TamsinRevealed those doggen she was needing. Although he was going to make her promise to cook for them once in awhile. He was addicted to her meals, they were the bomb! After not getting anywhere after several calls, Ax began to realize this was going to be a bigger task than he’d ever imagined. No one seemed to be all that willing to work at a place where so much death had so recently occurred. Tossing his pen to the desktop in frustration, he decided to take a break and see if his brother had any ideas.-
Ahtlas: -Having taken to the pool after first meal, he needed to work off a lot of recent calories. The defeat from Ax on their last run was still fresh, and even though he knew some of Ax’s stamina had been attributed to the recent feeding, he was still falling behind on his workouts. Now, at lap 26, he began to feel the burn in a big way.-
Tamsin: *Laying by a pool in the dark … it was still very strange to her. She wasn’t sure she would ever get used to it. In any moment of relative calm her mind would run to the light and the warmth of the sun. Yet as the sound of crickets and splash of Aht’s laps were soothing. A welcome respite to the stresses of the past few weeks.*
Changes, revelations they kept on coming thick and fast. For the most part they intrigued her, excited her and made her laugh even. To see the looks on the twins faces as they talked to the ‘new’ uncle. A warrior, who was with or used to be part of the Brotherhood. Awe, wonder, admiration. But also frustration and bewilderment. The bewilderment was Ax but there were times when her eyes rested on Aht and she could see his calm face worry, those lips purse just a little. And now…..angels were real. She hardly ever swore, but when all of this came to light the first words that ran through her mind where…what the fuck…..Angels…angels. She hadn’t said anything, to Aht, to Ax but her mind was finding this new piece of information hard to take in.
Angels, messengers, creatures that only followed one power and blindly, who seemed to be capable of anything…occasionally bringing good news but more often than not sending death and diease to the human world, the implications of this had made her wring her hands. To tell the truth it worried her greatly. But no she couldn’t think like that. The whole wrath of god type thing and the army of winged creatures he controlled wasn’t a good picture to have in her head…and it couldn’t be true could it. What another terrible thing to have in the world. Still her mind ran. Then God, was real then heaven, then hell? no surely not. Not when the vampires seemed to have their own creators, she hadn’t learnt everything but that was one thing she had picked up. So was it this ‘God’ ‘Maker’ that had created humans then. It was all too much to take in a once. So she had to ignore it for now, ask for answers later. She would ask Seraphine. This Lassiter would know, but this knowledge wasnt something that would be given freely. She took a long deep breath. Calming herself. She would run it off. Run until she was too exhausted to worry. Right now there was only room to concentrate on the individuals around her. Her family. She guessed Murhder was family now as well.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Meanwhile in Caldwell * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Lassiter: -Lassiter’s satisfaction in his own light show’s blinding effect, was doubled when he caught the tossed candy. That is, for the few seconds it took him to look down at the roll. This was obviously not a replacement for the stolen sweets, but the very /same/ roll; complete with what looked like added dirt and pocket fuzz.- Ew! -Dropping it like it was hot, Lass knew he’d not be eating those sweets again anytime soon. He stepped aside as Murhder led the way up the dark steps. Now why had he expected this meeting to be simple? Since he’d come this far out of curiosity, he gave a dramatic sigh and figured a few more steps wouldn’t kill him. Taking to the stairs behind the brother, his glow lit the way as he grumbled sarcastically- oh and I just can’t wait to hear all of it …
Murhder: The building had been occupied for only a short while after Prudence had given it up for the Cabin in the woods with he, Lassiter and Tohrment, and the upstairs had remained much of the same as it had when he had resided here. Taking the turn to the upstairs apartment, he said nothing until both were behind the door and the room had been secured, sure that no squatters save for himself was hanging around.
Taking a seat on the ratted sofa that still remained, he stretched out his long legs and made himself comfortable, offering the chair across from him to the Angel. “Sit, this is a hell of a story.”
And wasn’t it? He waited for the Angel to inspect the chair, dust it off and gingerly sit as if the thing would erupt in vermin with the slightest movement. Shame, he thought. Murhder had loved that chair and had defeated many many Geth and Reapers on the XBox while sitting there. Once Lassiter was settled, he realized that he did not know where to begin so in his true form, he started with the only words he could think of.
 Lassiter: -Scans the Hantavirus-Hotel with a critical eye and resists sitting his ass in the filthy chair for as long as possible. He’d been here once when @PrudenceBDB called it home, her void had left a disastrous effect. Side-eyeing the warrior, Lassiter thought her absence had had that effect on most things. When @Murhder finally spoke, he had to admit, it wasn’t anything he’d been expecting to hear- You brought me all the way here because you have a blood relation who managed to breed? You could have just texted that headline.
Murhder: -He sneered.- That’s not all asshole, but to make a long story short because you are obviously in a hurry, I’ll get to the point. And then I got a few questions so stick around for the finale why don’t you. -Sitting up a little on the sinking couch, he made sure the Angle was listening.- One of my nephews has fed a few times from a female who claims to be half angel … and is looking for you. I’ve seen what her blood does to the kid and I don’t doubt her words. I’ve also seen her fight and … damn. She’s better than you. -He waited to let that news sink in before continuing.-
Lassiter: Looking for me? -His loud laughter shook dust from the cobwebbed walls.- Sorry Chewie, not possibly one of mine. You know, there /are/ other angels bumming around this rock, don’t you?
Murhder: -His voice was gruff as usual.- She ain’t claiming to be yours idiot, she’s looking for answers and hoped you might can give her a little direction. I’ll just tell her you’re too much of an asshole to be interested then?
Lassiter: Do I look like Maury to you, how the hell would I know? -considers the words just spoken- Wait … you say this nephilim was looking for me? For me by name?
Murhder: -He lifted his chin- Umhumm. Lassiter, the one who hangs out with the Brotherhood she said. Now how the hell would she know that?
Lassiter: -This information did, in fact, give him pause. How would she know that? He’d been here centuries without the least contact with anyone of note. In fact this current little stint here in Caldwell was barely a bleep on the assignment radar. Who the fuck would be throwing his name around? This could very well be the start of some serious shit, that he’d most likely want to avoid stepping in.- Who is this girl? I think I would like to talk with her afterall.
Murhder: -He smirked a little.- I thought you might. Her name’s @Seraphine_BDB. She’s stayed with my Nephews a couple of nights.
Lassiter: -He sighed- And I don’t suppose you’re just going to tell me where that is … are you? -Starts to sit back and then jerks upright.- You’ve never been altruistic. What are you getting out of this? Ohhhh … hoping to get into her pants are you?
Murhder: -He snarled and pointed at the angel- Look asshole, get your mind outta the gutter. It’s not like that.
Lassiter: -He smirked at the rise he’d managed to evoke- course it isn’t…so….where is she, this hybrid?
Murhder: Probably back at the house by now. -He had said “the house” casually as if he were claiming it as his own too.-
Lassiter: -Why did speaking to @Murhder always end up the mental equivalent of pulling teeth?- And the address to this … -Looks around him.- Lovely, I’m sure, domicile? -Waits and when nothing is said, nods his head in true understanding.- What is it you really want with me?
Murhder: -He still smirked.- I’ll take you there, but first I want to know about @PrudenceBDB.
Lassiter: -And there you have it, Lassiter thought, congratulating himself on his read of the stitch.- Finally ready to discuss the little ghost in the room, are we? Well, I’m not the resident gossip. You’ll need to look up @BrotherRhage for that one … -Makes a dramatic show of considering the warriors words. After a perfectly timed wait, he smiled.- As I said, I’m not the gossip. But I /do/ know things. How about a little game of ‘quid pro quo’? Oh, and that means, an answer for an answer …
Murhder: -He frowned and snarled at the mention of Rhage.- Why the hell would HE know gossip on Prudence? And I know what it means!
Lassiter: -He shrugged.- Don’t know if he does, he’s just the resident can’t-keep-his-mouth-shut-about-anything ass. I was merely pointing out the clear distinction between us.
Murhder: Fuck him. What do you know.
Lassiter: -Crosses his arms and lifts his stubborn chin.- We playing, brute? I’ll give you a little taste, I have been acting the proverbial guardian angel over your little doctor … well, over Prudence … since the very night she was drug screaming from her woodland home.
Murhder: -He frowned at that but nodded once.- Yeah, we’re playing, and you’re not the only one so the self righteous bullshit can stop here. Ask me a fucking question.
Lassiter: -Lassiter perked up, ready to get down with this game. He’d had theories about the things that went down way back when, but this was his first chance to test them out.- Okay, that last night … when @BastardThroe escaped taking her … YOU reclaimed the controls didn’t you? @MurhdersMonster was no longer driving the big bus.
Murhder: -He growled a little.- Yes and ever since that night. What of it.
Lassiter: What of it? Changed the course of many, that night. Even fucked up a lot of effort on my part, since Tohr went back to rejoin up Wrath. We, you, I mean you now, aware of what had be going on. It took quite a length of time to refit that cabin, and make preparations. Were you aware of any of it?
Murhder: -His hand clenched the arm of the sofa but he continued.- Yes, all of it. Including the part that all of you liked the other guy better and were planning on getting rid of me. You thought I didn’t know?
Lassiter: -Lassiter held up a hand.- Not true, I dis-like you both equally and the hope, at least of Prudence’s was that you both would remain. -He lifted his white orbs to the sunset ones across from him.- That’s it. That’s why. -Knowledge of what and why solidified for the angel. So simple really.- Unbelievable -Lassiter stood and brushed hard at the dust clinging to his jeans.- Ok, lead me to the hybrid.
Murhder: -He snarled.- Sit the fuck down, I’m not done. Have you seen her lately?
Lassiter: -Lassiter rolled his eyes, but did sit back to the very edge of the chair. He needed that address and something told him that it would be withheld without @Murhder batting an eye.- Yes, I have. Just the other night, actually. Took a little drive in her sweet ride.
Murhder: -He looked surprised.- She was out? What did she say?
Lassiter: Out? She’s not kept as a prisoner … nor pet for that matter. -Narrows his eyes.- How much do you really know about how she’s been?
Murhder: I know enough! I know that she hasn’t been harmed and I know they have protected her.
Lassiter: -The angel nodded.- Both true. Was amazing to me, but those Bastards treated her with almost reverence. I have been alongside Prudence many times, during many different relocations and, ahh … hard times. -He paused and considered his options, surprising even himself when he chose the truth.- The other night was the first time I’ve shown myself, or spoken to her.
Murhder: -He was a little surprised that Lassiter had not spoken to her but the fact that he had and had not told him only stoked his anxious eir.- What did you say to her and what did she say?
Lassiter: Not much. Truth is … she stuck a gun in my face and ordered me to get out of her car. When I didn’t, she dematted. Seems like our sweet little mouse has grown a set of teeth. -He shrugged again, just to convince the brother that it really meant nothing to him.-
Murhder: -He listened a little shocked before huffing a deep laugh.- Stuck a gun in your face? Good for her.
Lassiter: Yes … quite. -He grinned.- I wonder what her reaction to seeing you will be? Seems she was under the impression that you were dead all this time. Was distressed to find out from me that you were alive and well. I’ll wager you might need to protect more than your face … IF you intend to see her. Do you? Intend that?
Murhder: -He frowned.- She thought I was dead? Or … do you mean @MurhdersMonster? Or … both? And yeah. I do intend to see her.
Lassiter: She didn’t say, from her loss of color I’d guess the collective YOU. Didn’t ask too many questions because, hellooo, gun in my face.
Murhder: -He snorted- So…the bastards still bunked in that cul-de-sac on the edge of town?
Lassiter: -Lassiter’s eyes widened slightly.- Yes, they are. But if you are going calling … can you please take me to the little angel first? You know … just in case you get dead, or something.
Murhder: -He smirked again.- You’re coming with me but, yeah. We can go to the angel girl first.
Lassiter: -Standing again, Lassiter looked directly at the large warrior before him.- Just so we’re clear. Fuck with me in anyway @Murhder and I will end you. -He snapped his fingers and a bright spark of light popped into view with a hissing sound.- We understand each other?
Murhder: -He sneered as he pushed himself from the sofa and stood nose to nose with the angel, ignoring the hissing flame.- Yep.
Lassiter: -Grinning wide, he stepped aside with a courtly sweeping gesture and bow- then…after you good sir…
Murhder: He knew the Idiot Angel would have no trouble following, so he dematted the moment his boots hit the alleyway once more.
Materializing in the circular drive of the almost embarrassingly large estate, he waited the few moments for Lassiter.
Feeling more than seeing the glowing wonder behind him, he nodded to the mansion. “This is where my family lives. The raids took out most of them. My Nephews are all that’s left.”
 Lassiter: -Lass was very surprised to find himself in the heart of UpTown Caldwell proper. The estate they now stood before was clear proof of old money handled well. Giving a low appreciative whistle, he side-eyed the brother.- Black Sheep, were ya? -It was said as a statement of fact. Not a question.-
Murhder: -He smirked, not responding. Little did the angel know of his own estate holdings in Charleston. Heading up the steps he tried the door and found it locked, just as he had informed them to do. Good boys. Reaching out with a finger, he rang the doorbell and waited.
Ahtlas: -Hearing the bell, he moved from the TV room to the hallway.- I got it! He wasn’t expecting Murhder back so soon and was surprised to see him on the steps with who he could only assume was Lassiter with him.- Oh … wow, hey. -He stepped aside.- You’re back quick. -He gave a nod of greeting to the strange looking gigantic male with him.-
Murhder: -Throwing his thumb over his shoulder to Lassiter, he grunted the greeting on his way inside.- This is Lassiter, the dickhead angel. Dickhead, this is my nephew Ahtlas. I think.
Lassiter: -With an almost painful smile, Lassiter stepped inside and took a good look at the only blood relation of @Murhder he’d ever seen, possibly that anyone had. The male certainly had the warrior’s height and build. Giving the entry an approving look, he moved further inside to allow the front door to be closed. Ignoring @Murhder’s remarks all together, he addressed his host.- Nice place you have here … uh, is it @Ahtlas_bdb?
Ahtlas: -He couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that this over the top looking dude was a real full blooded angel. Maybe it was the piercings that was throwing him off. With another nod he answered and tried not to stare.- Thanks man, and yeah. It’s Ahtlas, nice to meet you.
Ahxis: -Ahxis was up on the third floor when he heard the front bell. Hoping that @Murhder had returned he headed for the stairs at a run. At the second floor landing his stride was broken by the sound of a male’s voice he didn’t recognize. Resuming his rapid descent he caught sight of the tall, strange, pierced, glowing … yes glowing! male just as he reached the bottom. Slipping ungracefully off the bottom step, Ax landed both feet firmly to the tile floor with a loud smack. Freezing completely, he openly gawked at what HAD to be an angel, right in front of him.- Holy Shit!
Ahtlas: -He frowned at his brother’s child-like conduct, giving him the “settle the fuck down” eyeball before looking back to the angel.- And that’s my brother @Ahxis_BDB.
Lassiter: -Lassiter caught himself flinching slightly as a perfect copy of the nephew before him dropped into the room.- My God, there are two of you. -Looking back and forth between @Ahxis_BDB and @Ahtlas_bdb, moving after @Murhder he asked.- How do you remember who is who? -Lassiter was pretty sure he’d never seen too vampires, obviously twins, who looked so much alike.-
Murhder: -Still walking down the hall.- One is broody, one is a maniac. You figure it out.
Lassiter: -He hadn’t really expected an answer, so he just followed down the hall, trying his best not to openly stare at the twins.-
Ahtlas: -He followed, still warning Ax with his eyes.- We were getting ready for last meal. Want to join us?
Ahxis: -Takes his brother’s arm as they follow to slow him a bit, leans close.- Did you see his EYES? I never expected him to be so alien looking, did you?
Murhder: -Entering the kitchen, he spoke to Ax who was still in the hallway.- Angels hear better than vampires you moron.
Lassiter: -He laughed out loud, used to being the center of attention wherever he went and usually enjoying it. Catching the rude twins eyes with his own he winked.-
Ahtlas: -He elbowed his brother on the way into the kitchen.- Nice one … moron.
Ahxis: -Ax jerked away.- Ouch -And followed behind everyone rubbing his side and feeling all kinds of weirded out from the creepy angel-dude’s wink.-
Murhder: -Entering the kitchen with the group of rabble in tow, it was clear that the little female had been busy cooking. The smells alone were enough to have his stomach rumbling but when he laid eyes on what looked and smelled to be some kind of lamb stew, he could stop his boots from traveling to the stove top for a sample. Growling a pleased, hungry growl, he dipped the wooden spoon into the gigantic pot, he brought it to his lips and rolled his eyes with a goofy grin.- That female has outdone herself. Damn!
Lassiter: -Lassiter breathed deep the heavenly smell and watched @Murhder practically melt.- You didn’t mention there would be food involved on this little trip. -Turning to the broody twin, he made a show of breathing deep.- My compliments to your doggen if it tastes anything at all like it smells …
Ahtlas: -He laughed a short, humorless laugh, but nodded.- Thanks but we don’t have doggen. Tamsin made that and trust me, it /will/ taste as good as it smells and better. She’s amazing. If not for her we would all starve to death.
Ahxis: -Still rubbing his side, Ax just couldn’t take his eyes off the angel now standing in their kitchen. Moving just a little closer, he also joined in the praise for @TamsinRevealed.- Isn’t that the truth. Even I was getting to where I couldn’t look a take-out box in the eye anymore. Tam’s just the best thing we’ve found since coming to Caldwell. One of those fate things … she needed us as much as we needed her. -Realizing that he was rambling, he stammered and tried to change the subject.- Well, it’s good she likes it all, because I’m having a hard time finding any doggen willing to work here.
Murhder: -Taking another sample of the stew, he grumbled to the younger twin.- Can’t say I blame them. You’re just lucky to find that little female before her transition. She’d have never made it otherwise.
Lassiter: -Lassiter noticed the immediate serious looks that washed over everyone’s faces and knew there was a story to be told there.- You all found her? -He chuckled a bit to break the sudden drop in mood.- Was she lost or something?
Ahtlas: -Smiles at the mention of Tam.- She found us actually, or maybe we all found each other. She came to us as a human but it wasn’t long that we realized that she might possibly be half vampire. Her transition kinda confirmed that. She’s been part of the family ever since.
Ahxis: -Ax could hear the sound of footsteps on the stairs.- And looks like you’ll get to meet her in a sec. -He grinned.- Wait till she gets a look at you. -He was already grinning at the thought. The angel was really a sight. He wondered why @Seraphine_BDB looked so normal.-
Tamsin: *Ever since Murhder had started to stay with them, she had changed her clothes before Last Meal. It gave her an opportunity to dress up, a little, but it was better than being in sweat pants all day. She had raced up the stairs and changed into a long, flowing dress, brushed her hair and made her way back down to the sound of a new voice. They were in the kitchen. The twins, the warrior and a huge wonderful looking man with piercings and long blond hair and yes … he was glowing. Stopping at the doorway a look of surprise and wonder on her face.* Hey … dinner’s ready. *Her voice a whisper almost. Was this the angel?*
Murhder: -Hearing the female approach, he quickly put the spoon back to it’s rest. Her words were like music to his ears and he grinned in her direction in appreciation.- There she is, the female who can cook!
Lassiter: -Lassiter followed the eyes of everyone else with his own, and couldn’t stop the grin that split his face. He prided himself on being a connoisseur of all things beautiful and this slight, flaxen haired imp before him now certainly was. A rare find if what they’d said was true and she’d almost faced certain death as a lost one. An image on JM flashed through his mind. It was amazing how these vamps couldn’t keep track, or worse yet, didn’t want to keep track of their young.-
Ahtlas: -He smiled at her appearance and moved to introduce her to the angel- Heeey, look who’s here. Lassiter, this is Tamsin. -He put his arm around her shoulder to usher her further into the kitchen.- Tam, this is the angel that Seraphie was looking for.
Ahxis: -Ax was hardly able to believe all the normalcy going down. There was a freakin’ angel in their kitchen! Didn’t anyone understand just how freakin’ amazing that fact was?! Ax moved over closer to his uncle, not for a need to speak to him, but just because the spot afforded him a much better angle to observe their new guest from. Man, he hoped the dude stay’d awhile. Ax just bet he could do some amazing things.-
Tamsin: *The ‘Angel’ held her gaze and for a moment it was all she could see, his smile was electric, his presence almost overwhelming all the others. Aht’s arm around her shoulders pulled her out of her daze though. But still all she could do was lift her hand and offer a broad smile.* Hi … I’m the sister doggen. *Her own words making her smirk.* I have an amazing array of skills for a female actually. *Leaning her body in Aht’s, soft enough that perhaps only he would notice. She blinked and the radiance from the angel made her stare in awe. A real angel … it was all too much.*
Murhder: -All this chit chat was making his stomach growl.- Best sister doggen in all of Caldwell. -He took up an empty bowl to give the others the hint that Tamsin said it was dinner was ready. -
Lassiter: -Lassiter was smitten. @TamsinRevealed was such a beauty, but apparently he wasn’t the only one among them to notice that. He didn’t miss the way the broody-twin had slipped his arm possessively around her. Yes, the male might not even know it yet, but he was in trouble where the new little vamp was concerned. He stepped forward and reached out for her hand. This seemed like one of those times when manners were made for.- It’s very nice to meet you Tamsin. -Smiling Lassiter bent down over her hand to place a soft kiss on the back of her knuckles. Just as his lips were about to make contact, he froze. Shock gave his heart a good kick in the center. He knew that scent! With blinding speed he grasped her wrist and pulled her closer to him; still bent forward he ran his nose down her wrist and holding her arm out, ran it along her forearm like a lovers caress. Breathing deep, he was now completely positive about the alluring scent dear Tamsin radiated. He knew EVERYthing he needed to know about her … and he started to laugh.-
Ahtlas: -Aht was having trouble computing just what he was seeing. Was this the way angel’s greeted females? It wasn’t until Lassiter started laughing that he closed his open mouth and frowned.- What’s so funny?
Ahxis: -Ax’s didn’t think anything was funny. In fact the second Lassiter started to put the moves on Tam, he was moving forward to stop him. It was only the huge paw that @Murhder slapped fown onto his shoulder, that kept him rooted to the spot- What the fuck?! -and the angel just kept on laughing.-
Tamsin: *Standing there caught between Aht and then the angels touch and caresses. He was actually taking in her scent. All she could do was watch at this all played out. Shivers riding over her as he laughed, was her arm still resting in his hand? She couldn’t tell. Trying to blink some sense into herself, she noticed Murhder stop Ax moving forward and Aht calm as always. This she was surprised at but perhaps, there was etiquette when Angels were invoked.* Is my scent so amusing? *She voice a warm whisper.*
Murhder: -Stopping the kid from going for the Angel, he narrowed his eyes at Lassiter, knowing he was sensing something.- What do you think you know glow stick?
Lassiter: -Before spinning to face the warrior, Lassiter gave @TamsinRevealed one more quick kiss on the hand. Still unable to contain his laughter, he have her the tiniest of pushes into the frowning twin’s arms.- Mur … Murhder this is the … the best field trip you’ve ever taken me on. -Still hardly able to suck air through all the giggles, he crossed the kitchen and clapped @Murhder on the arm.- I don’t say this often … but, man, I owe you for this one! -Before he could say anything more, an amazing thought occurred to him. Looking across the kitchen at all the faces focused on him, he proudly announced.- I’m actually Maury!! -When the kitchen remained as quiet as a church, Lassiter expectantly looked to each one, hoping to see the glimmer of recognition on someone’s face.- Come ON people … no one, really? Even in his less-than-it-could-have-moment his elation was not dimmed. Turning his own internal spotlight a few shades brighter, he sang out.- I know who her father is!!
Ahtlas: -Still unsure of the whole greeting thing, it wasn’t until Murhder chimed in that he became anxious. Hearing the angel’s confession, he tightened his grip a little on Tam.- What the hell? Who is he? Who’s her sire?
Tamsin: *It was lucky Lassiter has nudged her into Aht’s arms, for a moment she couldn’t breathe, her knees almost giving up. But no, she took a quick breath and gripped Aht’s hand, always her safe place. She had been dreaming of her father, the father she had lost. Was she about to know after 20 years. Looking up into the angel’s eyes, with all the confidence she could muster.* Tell me who he is please.
Ahxis: -Ax couldn’t believe what he was hearing and he looked to the only one in the room who could possibly bring some sanity back.- @Murhder can he tell something like that from just … just … smelling her? -He resisted the strong urge to sniff his own arm pit.-
Murhder: -He frowned at the news but grunted an affirmation to Ahxis.- Of course he can. He’s a fucking angel.
Lassiter: -Lassiter was too overcome with glee to take offense with Chewie’s words.- Yes! He is a fucking angel … or I am anyway. -Shaking his arms like a prizefighter preparing to enter the ring, he began to pace. Lassiter knew that all eyes were now definitely upon him. All waiting … breaths held, awaiting the moment of the big reveal. He was born for this! Turning to face the brother, he asked with a grin.- Who do you know that is blond? -Pauses for theatrical effect.- AND beautiful … and -He watched @Murhder’s eyes for THE moment when knowledge would become his bitch.- AND although always well-loved, prefers to spend his nights in more “beastly” pursuits? -Aaaannnnddddd Bingo!-
Murhder: -He narrowed peach colored orbs to catch every word the Angel said as if he was hearing with his eyes. As the identity slowly dawned on him, his eyes widened with the “beastly” hint.- RHAGE? -He looked at Tam as if trying to see it.-
Lassiter: Yes! Daddy @BrotherRhage Dearest! -Lassiter cackled with laughter once again and lifted his hands in the air sending sparkling fireworks from his fingertips across the ceiling of the great room. It was one of those perfect life moments.-
Ahxis: -Ax tried his best to follow the unfolding drama, but was having a hard time deciding just where to look. Like an audience member at Wimbledon, he swung his head back-n-forth from the animated angel, to his brother and Tam. When Lassiter finally shouted the named they’d all been waiting for, Ax ducked his head as fireworks exploded over head.- Holy Shit!! -No one spoke, it was as if the shock of this completely unimaginable moment had rendered them all dumb. With the name of Tam’s father ringing in his ears, Ax’s sluggish brain finally put two and two together. Looking to his brother in confusion he grimaced.- Hey, isn’t that the brotherhood dude that beat me up?
Ahtlas: -Blown away by this sudden news he gaped at his uncle, ignoring Ax’s questions and Lassiter’s fireworks.- Are you saying that big blonde asshole brother from the alley is Tam’s father?
Tamsin: *They were talking and the Angel had made it all into a festival, pulling herself out of Aht’s arms and shakily making her way to the lounge room. She needed to sit down and process all of this without falling over. As the cushions surrounded her she hoped they would remember that it was her father and life. A figure she thought was dead. Someone she still loved and missed everyday. She knew now why she had seen something in the blonde warrior. Running her hands through her hair. A deep sigh escaping her lips.*
Ahtlas: -And who was the asshole now? Quickly following her, he realized how insensitive he had just been. Taking her hand, he tried to offer comfort or support but was really shitty at it.- Tam I’m sorry, I’m sure he’s not /always/ an asshole.
Tamsin: *She let him take her hand, but her fingers were a little tentative at first. And then as she knew she needed support even just a touch, her hand curled around his.* I’ve dreamt about my father since he left, I thought he was dead. *Her voice shook, tears threatening to fall* I saw something on that warrior Rhage. I was seeing myself. And be was rude and violent. That’s not how he was when me. He was loving and tender. *And the tears fell as she saw his massive blonde body picking her up. Her little head on his shoulder.*
Ahtlas: -He was at a loss as to what to say or do, female tears was a new thing to him so he did the only thing he knew to do and pulled her close.-
Ahxis: -Ax dropped his ass onto a chair as he watched his brother go after Tam. He knew this had to have been a really huge shock for her, but how great was it that the angel could know something that incredible just by smelling her arm. He thought @Fallen_Lassiter was just about THE coolest thing he’d ever seen. Wow, he suddenly wondered what kind of help he was going to be for @Seraphine_BDB. Pulling out his phone, he typed a quick text asking her to come back to the house as soon as she could. Sitting back in the chair he felt like he’d run for miles. Taking in his uncle with the angel, he grinned- some night, huh? Do you two always create such havoc together?
Lassiter: -Lassiter snorted at whichever of the twins it was that hadn’t left.- You have no idea … -Laughter taking him once again.- Let’s eat this stuff, I’m starving.
0 notes
seraphinebdb · 9 years ago
Unanswered Questions
 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Meanwhile at the Manor * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Ahxis: -Ax lay quietly on his bed, eyes open and unfocused on the ceiling above. He’d been in the exact same position for hours and to Kanyone just glancing his way, would appear to be supremely relaxed. Wrong. A closer look would make out the back ‘n’ forth shake of his foot; like the tail of an agitated cat, looking to pounce. Thanks to the after effects of the angel blood, Ax had spent the entire day wired for sound … literally. He’d lain there listening to the distinct, individual breathing sounds of their now full house. He was never so thrilled to have a day come to an end; but as things turned out, his boredom was only beginning. @Murhder and @Seraphine_BDB had headed out at first dark and nothing he’d said could get them to allow him to tag along. He’d made every kind of promise and vow, but his uncle wasn’t having any of it…so here he still was, hours later. Looking at the same pattern on the ceiling, listening to @Ahtlas_bdb and @TamsinRevealed’s easy banter from the kitchen and letting his mind imagine all the exciting things the other two were experiencing out in the Caldwell night.-
Tamsin: *Leftovers had gone into the sandwiches for the males that she lived with.*
Ahtlas: -He never knew that making sandwiches was almost as much fun as eating them … definitely needs to get to work on hiring a doggen though.-
Tamsin: *Glancing over at him as they put the lovely food together, simple words about the day, standing to the side with legs and hips touching, so much had happened that this was calming, a breeze.* So these doggen?
Ahtlas: -He smiled over to her as he put a sandwich atop a pile already on the platter.- On it. First thing Monday night, promise. -Wiping his hands on a towel, he looked at the food and smiled.- Not bad.
Tamsin: *Smiling at his handy work an affectionate nudge.* The student is learning quickly … the master is impressed.
Ahtlas: -He nudged her back playfully.- Master maker, meet master eater. We could both learn a few things. You retrieving Ax or am I?
Tamsin: *Chuckling wiping her hands, pulling him down into a lingering kiss, lips hover as she spoke.* I’ll go … he’s been fidgeting for hours now.
Ahtlas: -He looked up to the ceiling as if looking for his brother.- Yeah, he was pretty bummed about not getting to go with @Murhder and @Seraphine_BDB.
Tamsin: *Understanding why @Ahxis_BDB would feel a little annoyed to not be included with @Murhder and @Seraphine_BDB.* Yeah I can see they didn’t want him there but at the same time he is so eager to help. It’s a shame he might have learnt something. *Chuckling a little.* I wouldn’t have minded going myself. *She made her way out of the kitchen and called Ax … knowing he was probably listening anyway.* ~ Ax! Food’s up!
Ahxis: -Of course he heard @TamsinRevealed calling his name, but the thought of food just wasn’t enough to entice him to rise up and join the pair. When he didn’t answer, he heard her continue on her mission to fetch him. Rolling his eyes in exasperation, he slapped his palm to the mattress and snapped off the bed, calling out to halt her steps.- I’m coming! -Snagging up his running sneaks, he carried them with him to the kitchen.-
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Meanwhile in Caldwell * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
Murhder: It had taken an act of congress and a few well placed threats to get the kid to stay behind and he had to admit that he ALMOST felt guilty. Almost. By the time both had reached the the van belonging to the Lessers, searched it and retrieved the items and then actually went to the hidy hole for the jars, he was glad he had refused the kid to come. As he suspected, a few members of the lessoning society had come home to find the slaughter scene and were none too happy about that. He had to admit though, the female could hold her own and in the end, he had been grateful for her company. It was becoming more and more evident that finding Lassiter was the best idea. After sending the rest of the nest back to the Omega, he helped her torch the place once swept clean of wallets, jars and anything else that might lead them other places. He would give Tamsin a chance at the information after hearing from the Angel that the female had a pretty good reputation with things of that nature. He wondered if the twins even knew this. All in all, this new little group he found himself among had the potential to put a dent in the Lesser population. Sort of like a new brotherhood … except … there were females and he was the only real warrior among them … for the moment. As he rode in the van with the angel at the wheel, he found himself thinking absolutely way too much and that had never been a good thing. Waiting for the exchange of funds at the chop shop, he made sure that Seraphine was not cheated, even by the crooks that took in stolen vehicles. Fair was fair. Afterward, as both stood in the alley behind the seedy garage, he gave a nod of approval, a pack full of jars and other things slung over his shoulder. “You did good female, real good. You should come back to the estate with me. The twins and Tamsin would like to see that we’re both in one piece.”
Seraphine: <Feeling better about everything now that the lesser’s lair was no more and we were able to make at least a small dent in the Lessening Army’s goal to extinguish the vampire population. I pocketed the money to donate later to #SafePlace where I know female vampires and their young can seek shelter from domestic violence. I knew how it felt to be on the run. I, at least knew how to fight back and had the means to survive on my own. Listening to Murhder pay me a compliment I was surprised earlier at how easy he took to having a female watch his back. A Warrior like him was most likely used to having only males to fight along with. I can’t even count how many times I surprise a few fighters when I have accidently run into during a skirmish.> Sure, I can go back with you to the estate. I’m know they will probably have lots of questions.
Murhder: -Dematting back to the Rathboon estate with Seraphine and the bag of jars in tow, he stashed it in the office as he made his way to the kitchen.- Oh Holy Night than you creator. - The platter of sandwiches on the counter was enough to start his mouth watering and without waiting, he took two, one for each hand.-
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Meanwhile at the Manor * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Tamsin: *Turning around mid stride her mouth closing as she was about to call out again, he quickly passed her and she turned when a swivel of her feet back to the kitchen, a laugh on her lips.*
Ahtlas: -Spying the running shoes as Aht brought the platter of sandwiches to the table, he raised this chin to Ax.- After first meal I’ll go with you.
Ahxis: -Ax sat down at the table, jammed a foot into the shoe and began to lace it.- Not hungry  but I’ll wait while you eat. -Glancing up at Tam.- You feel like a run?
Ahtlas: -He frowned, it wasn’t like Ax to deny food but then again, he had taken blood from an angel a little over 24 hours ago, so his brother was probably still full of energy and angelic vigor.- We can wait if you want to go now.
Tamsin: *She would have loved the run, but knowing the situation they were all in, the brothers really did need to talk.* No … later perhaps. I’ll stay back and tidy up. You both go. *Smiling warmly at them both.*
Ahxis: -At her mention of tidying up, he had a small pang of regret.- Oh hey, I’ll get you those doggen back … promise. You shouldn’t have to take care of our growing army … today promise …
Tamsin: That would be amazing … and it’s alright. You go and run off that extra energy. *Standing she gave them both a kiss on the cheek and started to clear away the food.* I’ve lots to do.
Ahtlas: -He gave her an almost apologetic smile before heading to the bedroom to retrieve his running shoes and a jacket.-
Ahxis: -Ax pounded to the top of the small hill and stopped, for the second time, to give Aht a chance to catch up. Jogging in place, he spread his arms wide and revelled in the feeling of energy and power still coursing through him from @Seraphine_BDB’s blood. Man, how would it  feel to feed from a true angel? Shit, his heart would probably just explode from the  pressure surge. He grinned as his brother topped the rise to join him once again.- Wanna turn back, old man?
Ahtlas: -Reaching his brother, he put his hands to his knees to catch his breath.- No. Hell no, I’m not turning back, but don’t forget, I don’t have angel blood in me. Just wait a few days, I’ll smoke you like usual.
Ahxis: -He stopped jogging and slapped Ahtlas on the shoulder.- Oh man, you’ve GOT to try it. There is just no way I can explain the feeling. Truly @Seraphine_BDB would really be in, like, serious shit if this was widely known. I already want to keep her blood all for myself and I’m not the least bit creepy. -Realizing how he’d just left himself wide open to his twin’s usual quick comebacks, he chuckled and headed him off.- Noooo, comments from you on that … you know what I meant.
Ahtlas: -He snorted as he looked up while tying his shoe.- Not creepy in the least bit, even though the fact that you had to dignify that with “I’m not creepy” is a little damn creepy. Maybe next time you get hurt you should feed from someone else. At least for a while. You don’t want to get addicted or anything.
Ahxis: -Ax grinned, but nodded at his brother’s reasoning. He never thought of himself as the  'addiction’ type, but clearly he had a little bit of the monkey in his system.- I think you may be right … gonna be hard though. -He puffed up his chest and pounded it with his fist like King Kong.- Good thing I’m tough and don’t get injured often
Ahtlas: -Aht stood, meeting his brothers eyes. On every level they were the same from their  height to their weight, looks, eye color, hair and even their man parts (there had been a measuring tape involved of course) but Ahxis had always been a little reckless where Aht had towed the line, stayed on course and done things as he should have. He had often envied Ax for his non conformist ways but at the same time worry seemed to be the overriding emotion of the day. Even before everything went bad.- I don’t want to burst your little He Man bubble you got going on there but you’ve broken more bones than me.
Ahxis: -He laughed out loud at the brief flash of a few of those remembered breaks.- Yeah, well, someone’s gotta go for it while someone else holds the beers …
Ahtlas: -He laughed as he started running once more, Ax at his elbow.- And one of us had to make excuses to mahmen and papa.
Ahxis: -He elbowed Aht teasingly.- Sounded better coming from their favorite. -He ran on for about another mile, letting thoughts of their childhood occupy his mind. Finally, Ax came back around to the subject he’d most wanted to have his brother’s opinion on. Reaching out, he took Aht’s arm and tugged, indicating he wanted to stop. As their feet halted, he shoved the loose hair from his face.- Why do you think they didn’t tell us? -There was no need to explain further what he most needed to know.-
Ahtlas: -Aht slowed his pace beside Ax until both were stopped. Catching his breath, he rested  his hands on his hips as he walked in a circle to keep from cramping. He knew exactly what his brother had been talking about and it took him a minute to get enough air into his lungs to answer.- Because they didn’t want us to do what we’re doing now, or what we’re about to do actually. Mahmen would roll over in her grave if she knew that Murhder was about to train us to fight Lessers. She knew we would want to. So did papa.
Ahxis: -That’s pretty much the same conclusion he’d come too. She always protected her young  no matter that it meant giving up a more social existence, for the quiet rural life they’d known in South Carolina. And their father would have done anything at all to ensure the happiness of the live of his life. Their parents relationship had been a love match, back when many matings were arranged by family to further specific agendas. Ax always believed that his father would have moved the mountains had she but asked. It seems that he had … he’d moved centuries of warrior bloodline out of the view of everyone.- But … they moved us all here. He had to know that we’d find out the truth. Maybe they we’re just giving us a chance to be ready … -He hoped that was the case, because regardless of how his parent’s would feel. HE was going to take a different path, now that it was presented. Looking seriously to his brother.- I want to do this Ahtlas … I have to do this.
Ahtlas: -He nodded in earnest to east his brother’s fears.- Me too bro, don’t worry. It’s what we were meant to do. Murhder showing up at our steps only proves it. I’m with you. Me, you, Murhder and even Tam are meant to be part of this. I just know it. Maybe even your angel friend.
Ahxis: -He liked the sound of 'your angel friend’ more than he should have, damn, he needed to keep a check on himself. Now was not the time to get all moon-eyed over some female. Annnnnnnd … didn’t that just bring the conversation back around to the elephant in the room; or in their case, the sister-doggen in their kitchen. Ax didn’t want to fight any more, but he had to know what his brother’s intentions were.- So … about Tam … -Even he winced as those lame-ass words left his lips.-
Ahtlas: -Wiping his brow with the back of his hand, the other remained on his hip as he heart rate slowed from the exertion. Looking to him with a raised brow, he thought this subject had been put to bed, for a lack of better words.- What about her?
Ahxis: -Ax couldn’t believe that his brother was gonna stonewall him on this. He kicked at some loose rocks next to him, sending them flying.- Come on Aht, can’t we talk about this? You know I’ve got your back, always have. Don’t shut me out just because we don’t see eye-to-eye. Talk to me, tell me where you’re comin’ from on this. It’s just so unlike you dude.
Ahtlas: -Yeah, he could be man enough to admit the he was instantly defensive when it came to  Tam and he wasn’t sure exactly why. Sighing, he ran a hand down his face and hung his head slightly.- I don’t know what to tell you man, I really don’t. What exactly is it that you want to know or want to talk about?
Ahxis: -Ax took a deep breath and paused before answering, gathering his thoughts. When he  did speak, he’d lowered the volume of his voice … a trick his mahmen used to use when she really wanted them to pay attention.- Look, I know I made a real mess of this. -He twirled his finger in a circle.- Whatever it is between you two. Tam, and even uncle’s size 16 gave me more to think about. Truth is … if it WERE Addy that wanted well, what Tam seems to want … I would have backed her. Regardless what the snobs had to say. -Before his brother could jump on his admission, he quickly added.- But you can BET that I would have checked the male out, asked his intentions, warned him that if he hurt Adeline, I’d end him … so I guess, that’s kind of where we are. What are your intentions? And don’t give me no bull about not having thought about it very far. I know you better than anyone, you make plans before you even take a shit.
Ahtlas: -He took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, yeah, he did owe Ax this much but he truly had no clue what to say to him. He really had not thought through the ramifications or the long term here. All he knew was that when alone with Tamsin that neither could keep their hands off the other. Was he planning to hurt her? Not on his life. Was he going to mate her? Uhh … no, he wasn’t the mating type. Did he want to stop doing with her what he had been doing? No way in hell. With all of that running through his mind, there was no particular answer he could give his brother.- I … I don’t know Ahxis, I don’t. God’s honest truth. Why do I have to define it anyway?
Ahxis: I’m just trying to understand what’s going on with you … maybe what to expect going  forward. We have all that we’ve wanted within our grasps, Murhder is willing to get us there … I need to know you’re coming along with me … not changing directions, even for a female as sweet as Tamsin.
Ahtlas: -He shook his head to assure his brother that he was all in.- Ax, what’s going on with me and Tam has absolutely nothing to do with our goal. Why would you even think that?
Ahxis: -He was pretty uncomfortable all of a sudden. He knew that his intense reaction to his brother and Tam, had its roots in the crossover in his mind with Tamsin and Addy. But it hadn’t been the only driver, this was the first time that Ahtlas had put a mere female shag, ahead of their relationship. It had unnerved him more than he was willing to admit to himself. Ahtlas was all that he still had in his life, since the raid took everything else … and Ahxis was just not prepared to lose him too, in any way. Still, explaining that completely selfish outlook, was difficult.- I’m just uncomfortable with how quickly things are changing, that’s all. -He had to look away at the last.-
Ahtlas: -He read between the lines and understood perfectly. Reaching out, he laid a hand on his brother’s shoulder with a smile.- Hey brother, you don’t have to worry. Nothing will come between us, not even a kick ass little female.
Ahxis: -Ax knew his brother had read him as usual. Nodding like a child who’d just been given a free pass he didn’t deserve, but wanted more than anything; he stepped into his twin’s side and wrapped his arm around his waist in a half hug. With more emotion in his voice, that he would have liked, he assured Aht.- I’m going to hold you to that, bro.
Ahtlas: -Pulling his brother into a proper hug, he squeezed him hard.- I expect you to.
Ahxis: -Ahxis wrapped his long arms tightly around his brother and tried to squeeze back the mist that was threatening to leak from his eyes. This male before him, was Ax’s greatest strength and the one most precious to him in all the world. Finally, releasing Aht, he stepped back sniffing, playing as if the cool January night had effected his nose.- Come on, I’ll give you a head start back … and still burn your ass …
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Meanwhile Inside the Manor * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Tamsin: *Before she had feed from @Ahtlas_bdb, before they had spent the night together, she had been working on the questions that @Seraphine_BDB had given her. Sitting in the room she had made into a study surrounded by her laptop, notebooks and a large coffee pot she had been building up layers of information. If the ‘man’ Seraphine was looking for had been with the Brotherhood for a number of years and in Caldwell there must been sightings from someone, human or vampire. It was quite amazing what you could find using newspaper databases and news feeds. Then she would delve deeper into her contacts. Over the years she had built up ‘relationships’ with many who ran forums and feeds related to the unexplained, rare items, stories, legends and the like. The ‘Deep Web’ was full of rumors, lies and truths. Things many people didn’t know existed and many that didn’t. If there was a man wandering around Caldwell who fit the description of Seraphine’s ‘friend’ then the Deep Web was one place to look. From there she would would have to do some reconnaissance work. But that was all to come later. Tapping a pen to her mouth she studied the news feeds in front of her. She had set up her own search system and it was very specific about what it located for her. The local newspapers and radio transcripts were full of strange stories from callers and local crack pots. But of course some of those stories she now knew where true. Sitting looking at her screen nothing…until there it was…A man who wore excessive amounts of jewelry and what was this? ….he glowed? Now that was odd. Reading more….seen in a well todo neighborhood and again on the back streets of Caldwell. Taking down the details…unreliable witnessed but still. She called Seraphine.
Tamsin: *Since she had made that call … things had changed quite a bit hadn’t they. @Seraphine_BDB was now here in the mansion and stories and truths had been told and listened too. @Murhder was asleep in the sofa full of sandwiches and the twins @Ahtlas_bdb and @Ahxis_BDB were out, running in the night. Hopefully speaking from the heart. Turning to Sera.* It looks like it’s just us for a while.
Seraphine: <Laughs quietly as I peeked in to see Murhder past out on the couch. Looking towards Tamsin and replying.> Yes, it looks like it’s just the two of us. So, I know we only talked briefly the other night. But what have you found so far?
Tamsin: *Smiling as she started to tidy up the plates and crumbs, no leftovers at all. She was glad they had all eaten well.* Do you mind if I do this as we talk? I still have to find some doggen. *Taking the plates into the kitchen, letting her mind wander on the information she had found out about the angel they were looking for, Lassiter.* I used my contacts and some search mechanisms I have and there have been sightings of a man matching the description you gave me.
Seraphine: <Picking up random empty plates and cups to help carry them to the kitchen with Tamsin. Wondering what type of contacts she used and hope they were discreet.> Oh? What kind of a description?
Tamsin: *Placing the dishes etc. into the washer as we talk.* I searched for the clues you gave me and I had to go quite deep into my contact lists, these are people were very hard to pull details from but your man … or angel has been seen.
Seraphine: <Hope began to blossom as she explained in further detail.> Well that’s good then. Maybe now you can provide what you have found with Murhder and then he can help with contacting him, if you don’t mind, since it seems Murhder knows him personally. I’ll pay you for your services of course but it would bring me peace of mind knowing you were out of danger and harms way. Now that I know you are Ahxis’s family. I could never forgive myself if something happened to you because of me. I want to thank you so much for your help.
Tamsin: *Sera seemed so grateful for the small amount of help that she had given that seemed too simple. Nothing that had happened since she had arrived in Caldwell had been simple. Life here seemed to be forever on an edge.* It’s my pleasure. I’m glad I could help. It wasn’t much I did. But if it will help you find Lassiter then it is more than enough. I was happy to be of use really. *Finishing packing the dishwasher and turning it on with a smile.*
Ahtlas: -Following up behind Ax as they reached the drive, he stopped at the gate and caught his  breath once more while Ax continued on. Yeah, his ass had been kicked but he would blame the angel’s blood on this one. Walking to the door, holding the stitch in his side, he lifted his chin toward the door.- Wonder is Murhder and Seraphine are back.
Ahxis: -Ax held himself still for a moment, closing his eyes, then nodded.- Yep. I can feel her. -He pushed the door open and yelled out as they entered.- Honeys, we’re home. -Then broke into laughter. The run and talk with Ahtlas had helped restore his spirits. Things felt good again.-
Tamsin: *Ax’s voice carried through the house as he stood at the door. Turning with a smile, she walked back into the hall and out to greet them both.* The prodigal sons return. *Giving a little curtsy with a flourish of the hand. She could their smiles and the strength of their bond was as resilient as ever. It made her feel better about everything.*
Seraphine: <Eyeing the seemingly tired and worn Ahtlas and the energized Ahxis … seems my blood is still coursing through Ahx. I wondered how long the effects lasted with such a small amount of blood. Not that I want to start experimenting mind you … but the information may come in handy.> I see you guys were getting some exercise. How’d it go?
Ahtlas: -Pulling off his light jacket and hanging it by the door, he shook his head.- Went good, tired but good. Needed to run off those Christmas carbs. -Reaching up, he twisted his his hair into a messy bun.-
Ahxis: -Ax was anxious to hear about their night.- So, how did it go? Were there lessers? Did you have to fight? I bet you did..damn I should have been there! Did @Murhder come back here too?
Tamsin: Yeah he’s asleep on the sofa..stuffed full of sandwiches …*She gave them a small smile  then a smirk at Aht’s bun, he really was something.* Sera and I’ve talked as well …so lots to  tell.
Ahxis: -Ax moved past her, briefly pausing to give her a quick peck on the cheek.- And I want to hear /everything/ … is there any food left? -He didn’t wait for an answer, just continued on towards the kitchen, ready to help himself.-
Seraphine: <Looking at the back of Ahxis as he walks past her towards the kitchen and turns towards Tamsin to ask in a whisper.> Are they always this hungry? Tell me they can fend for themselves and actually cook every now and again. Don’t they have you do it 24-7 do they?
Tamsin: *Glancing after Ax for a moment then leaning into whisper to Sera, a mischievous look on her face.* Apparently they can but I’m not sure how they didn’t wither away before I arrived. *Chuckling* And yes they do always eat his much … but they have promised me doggen. And honestly I don’t mind too much … I do love to cook.
Ahxis: -Ahxis pulled open the fridge expecting to snag some of the tasty leftovers, but was met with a whole lot of emptiness. Frowning he realized the sandwiches from before had to have been made from them.- Damn. -Grabbing a bag of potato chips off the counter, he tore it open and pop some in his mouth.- Hey Tam, should I order pizza or somethin’? -Looks around on the counters to see if any sandwiches still remained.-
Tamsin: *Entering the kitchen, watching as you search like a starving male you are.* Yes order as  many pizzas as you can eat, but I can make you a platter if you like to tide you over. You look like you need it. I’m sure Aht would appreciate it as well. *Nodding with a grin.*
Ahxis: -Grins wide.- Pizza it is … Sera, you’re stayin’ too, right? -Stops to consider a moment.- How many do you think @Murhder can eat? -Heading to grab his cell phone.- Anyone got favorites, or can I just order one of each? -Cracks himself up.-
Tamsin: *She had seen the warrior eat a whole platter of sandwiches not that long ago but now both of the twins were home as well.* Perhaps ordering one of each isn’t such a bad idea. *She was in the kitchen now as well, pulling cheeses and cold meats out of the fridge.* Sera can you help me with this. *Starting to spread out the food on a platter.* Aht how hungry are you?
Ahxis: Pizza!!!!!! Gettin’ my share!
Seraphine: <I help Tamsin with making more sandwiches and help myself to a few slices of pizza as well. I enjoy being with the others after being alone for so long. It’s nice just listening to the chatter amongst them as they jab at each I other and make jokes. It’s nice. Relaxing. We talk about different types of pizzas we’ve tried to fill in the conversation for a while we eat. Tamsin and I called it quits waaaaaay sooner than the twins, who somehow manage to keep eating slice after slice. Amazing …> Wow.
Murhder: -Listening to the conversation in the kitchen from the den, he knew this was his chance to get out before Ahxis knew he was leaving. The kid would have begged relentlessly to go with him to see the angel. Despite his stomach growling in want of the pizza, he turned the opposite direction to the door and dematted the moment his boots hit the front steps. Reforming in the alleyway behind the row of short buildings that he used to occupy with Prudence, he took out his phone and scrolled through the short list until he came to @Fallen_Lassiter. A few swift words later and the text was on it’s way.- Meet me at Pru"s old place. Now.
Ahxis: -The impromptu pizza feast had turned out better than Ax could have planned. It really  was nice to have laughter and good times back inside the manor. It had been way too long. Out of the corner of his eye he saw his brother reaching for a small stack of unopened pizzas.- Aht, hold up. Those are for @Murhder. -Standing up, he brushed his hands on his pants and crumbs off his shirt.- I thought he’d join us, come on … let’s wake sleeping beauty. -He picked up the four pizza boxes.- Maybe all the excitement earlier, wore his old ass out …
Ahtlas: -Smirking at being stopped, he reluctantly agreed that Murhder should partake in the pies. Sucking sauce from his thumb, he wiped his hands on his shirt before pushing away from the table.- Fine but he better share. -He eyed the pizzas as if he had not just consumed two large all on his own.-
Ahxis: -He chuckled as he lead the way from the kitchen.- We’ll … -He had to pause what he was saying to release a loud burp.- Ah, yeah …we’ll make him share, that’s what being family is all about. Gotta lookout for your … -Ax stopped as he entered the living room and found it empty. Yelling down towards the closest bathroom.- Hey, Uncle! Pinch it or Ahtlas is gonna eat your pizza pies!
Ahtlas: -He held up the pizzas as if Murhder could actually see them from the bathroom.- Waiting  about 30 more seconds and this double meat with olives is all mine uncle.
Ahxis: -When no sound came back to them, especially after Aht’s very real threat to the food, Ax felt a rush of adrenaline.- Ah, he didn’t! -Shoving all the pizzas into his twin’s arms he stalked down to the bathroom and ponder with his fist, only to have the door fly open revealing an empty room.- He DID! Son of a Bitch!
Ahtlas: -Acting upon the opportunity, he took a piece of pizza from the top box as he slid the  pizzas to the top of the desk.- And you’re surprised? -He took a big bite before continuing with his mouth full.- We’re not exactly up to his standards yet. He’ll be back.
Ahxis: -Ax knew that his brother was right. They weren’t good enough yet to go out and fight along side a real warrior. But, shit, he’d still hoped to talk his uncle into letting him go. He could have hung back, watched, and dematted if things went bad. Ahtlas was also right that @Murhder would be back. Ax reached out and plucked the pizza from his brother’s hand and took a bite for himself, before thrusting it back.- Oh he’ll be back … but there won’t be any pizza. -Ax turned on his heel and went to get the pies.-
Tamsin: *Has eaten all the rest of the pizza … sorry @Ahxis_BDB @Ahtlas_bdb.*
Ahtlas: -Grabs her and rolls her on the floor.- What? WHAT? -Tickles-
Tamsin: *Laughing rather hysterically* Do you want me to throw up your pie?
Ahxis: You hurl, you clean it up.
Tamsin: *Between breathes.* Well tell your brother to stop … tickling … me.
Ahxis: -Shakes his head.- Not getting in between this. -Leaves to find a beer and his angel.-
Ahtlas: -Finally stops.- Tell me where the pizza is woman! -Threatens to tickle again.-
Tamsin: *Lays still and smiles, rubbing her belly.* It’s in there.
Ahtlas: -Growls playfully.- Do you know the punishment for eating another man’s pizza?
Tamsin: *Smirks, and tries to wiggle out from under you.* I don’t … my Lion.
Ahtlas: -He smirked at that before starting to tickle her again.-
Tamsin: *Grinning wide, letting out giggles and chuckles, before going limp, all muscles relaxed, your tickles no longer working. Smirking up at you.* That’s not working is it?
Ahtlas: -He stopped when she went limp, afraid that he had hurt her. Looking her over, he smirked.- How’d you do that?
Tamsin: *Her eyes wandering over his face, resting at his eyes.* What? This? *She laughed and then suddenly calmed every muscle again, winking.* Just like that. Now I’m not ticklish …
Ahtlas: -He looked a little surprised.- That’s just freaking nuts!
Tamsin: *Lips pursed for a moment, the look on your face brings a sparkle to her eyes and a giggle from her throat.* See a female of worth with many skills and surprises. *Her hands reached for and touched his face tenderly.*
Ahtlas: -He smiled a little as his hair trailed along her face as he looked down on her.- I never doubted you as a female of worth Tam. The way you look after Ax and me is testament to that.
Tamsin: *Eyes blink slowly, a soft smile mirroring his.* It is my honour to take care of males such as you and Ax. Males of true worth. *The phrase still a little strange on her lips, her hand cupping his cheek.*
Ahxis: -Returns with a beer and sits down straddling an ottoman.- You guys going to roll around on the floor all night?
Ahtlas: -Turning his head, he grinned mischievously before reaching out, snagging Ax by the ankle and yanking him to the floor with them.-
Ahxis: Whoa, Hey! -Trying to save his beer caused him to smack hard to the floor, narrowly missing Tam’s head with his elbow.- Hell, Ahtlas! Could have killed her. -He tried to admonished, but laughter won out.-
Tamsin: *As quick as Ax slammed to the ground she whipped her head to the side, clinging to Aht, gasping with shock and the chuckling with mirth.* AHT … AX! You are both in incorrigible …*Pulling Ax in.*
Ahtlas: -He grinned.- Good save bro and do you really think I would let you hurt our Tams? -He wrapped them both in his grip and rolled playfully with them.-
Ahxis: -Ax was laughing hard now and trying to wriggle free to save his beer.- Let … me … go Ahtlas …
Tamsin: *Clinged to both of them, and yet again was held in the middle, this time it was in a twin round bread roll, laughing, long hair everywhere.*
Seraphine: <Hearing the boys yell and laugh in the other room, I gathered that Murhder must have left the Estate to perhaps to talk to #Lassiter or go wherever it is he goes. Then suddenly I watch in amazement as the three of them have a tickling session. Long hair /everywhere/. I tried to stifle my laughter but failed miserably.>
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