senuastories · 2 months
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As I'm a newbie, I need all of the tips and tricks I could receive.
What's the best advice you've been given, or have given to others? What's a big no-no? How mad have you gone creating a world just to escape the hellscape in which we name "reality?"
Anything is much appreciated!
(Also, check out "Daughter of the Moon Goddess" by Sue Lynn Tan. It's incredible!)
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senuastories · 2 months
Northern Light
The sky turns from day to dusk
The frost echos all amongst us
Dry air cracks as night becomes clear
An omen that no men have ever stood here
The wind knaws viciously at my hands
Frivolously squandering my elaborate plans
I know the cold will not let me sleep
I feel the icy shadows move in the deep
Trees grow sparse as I draw near
Wandering closer to this frozen fear
In the cold dark I feel my visionless impair
As thou eyes plucked from witnesses who moved without care
A frozen shadow moves amidst lifeless trees
Stalking enemies silently as plague or disease
I feel its gaze through flesh and bone
Its gaze as cold as ice or snow
I sense its presence shift beneath the snow
Creeping synonymously as frigid winds blow
Trees vanish silently as I make more distance
The presence turns back to its solitary existence
As I wander alone in this dark frozen blight
I make way from shadow towards unnatural light
Cutting over darkness as if iron or steel
Blackness retreats as colors reveal
Auras shift softly without noise
Moving effortlessly with unworldly poise
Lights reach down though like warm rays from within
An end to my journey that so long ago did begin
I feel the cold leave from my bones, and remember the warmth from once a forgotten home
My journey now at end is complete
No need to fight the restless sleep
Last sight are the lights dancing in the sky
An angelic mirage before the moment I die
Body now cold though spirit runs hot
My heart beats hard but my body does not
Dead in the snow no breath to draw
The cold embrace me in its icy maw
All is quiet no sound or strife
All that’s present is mystical light
Who once was present is now alone
Quite and humber far from home
The story’s end is now in near sight
Go forth and find your own magic light
🌿 In honor of his 31st, here's another poem from the loml. Enjoy! (Also where the name "WanderWis" came from) 🌿
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senuastories · 3 months
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(Excuse the bad lighting/editing)
My first alter!
I didn't think I'd ever have one because I don't follow deities or practice spells or anything of the sorts. However, I practice meditation, healing and connecting with my higher self.
I'm excited to be part of the cool altar club hehe
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senuastories · 1 year
August Nature Diary 🌻🌾
AUG 11:
A late Summer evening awaits
Where the night sky is a blue hue, contrasting the crackling orange fire
And where crickets sing out of harmony before their song ends
Blueberry rooibos tea captures the essence of August
The aroma of blueberries holds onto Summer memories, while the red color and sweet earthy taste of rooibos hint at what's to come
AUG 20:
Far from home is a cemetery fronting the foggy mountains
With leaves slowly turning whilst still in full bloom 
And graves awaiting to come alive again
The sun's warmth interrupts the nostalgic chill flowing through the air
The constant battle between Summer’s present and Autumn’s deeply craved future
Soon, yet not soon enough
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senuastories · 1 year
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Happy Midsummer/Litha/Summer Solstice! ☀️🌻🔥
I spent the day reading, writing, and well...feasting by the firepit!
What did y'all do for the occasion? Lemme know!
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senuastories · 3 years
Happy Ostara/Spring Equinox! 🪺🌷
Sorry I haven't posted since October. I've been crazy busy (ya know, adulting). I'm so stoked to be feeling the uplifting energies of Spring!
What's your favorite part about Spring/Spring holidays?
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senuastories · 3 years
It's mah 27th birthday 🎂💀
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senuastories · 3 years
Happy L(l)ammas/Lughnasadh to those who celebrate!! 🍞☀️🌾
(Sorry for the bad pun haha)
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senuastories · 3 years
Hi everyone! Today is the love of my life’s birthday. I lost him just over 4 years ago to cancer, so I thought in honor of him, I would share one of his poems. If you enjoy this one, let me know if you would like to see another! He was a wild, noble viking soul and I hope you enjoy his art! Skål! *drinks tea*
“Tis a night without stars, I sit in solemn wake. Wondering what shadows my mind will make.
Pressing on what matters my heart takes. Knowing that thy soul shall not break.
I constraint on matters most. Hurling thoughts at my ghost.
I feel sleep approaching soon, crouching forward to my doom.
Breathe again, tomorrow’s day. Thou darken thoughts shroud my way.
Eyes closed now on this night till morning’s day. I glance first light and keep darkness at bay.”
-Nate “The Scotsman”
Rest in Valhalla my viking!
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senuastories · 3 years
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Hi all!
I hope you had a great Midsummer/Litha/whatever you celebrate!
I spent the day being outside, feasting on summer foods, and performing an intention ritual.
I did a rune casting to ask if I'll find a job before October. I pulled out the Nauthiz rune, which was very interesting. It makes me think I need to spend some time reflecting on what I truly need to work towards.
What did you do to celebrate? ☀️
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senuastories · 3 years
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this is the offical ‘i care’ symbol this is how it works: basically you reblog this and your followers know that you care and that they can message you about anything anon or not and you will reply back or at least look at there message. if you care about your followers please reblog
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senuastories · 4 years
Poem: Free
Insomnia kicked in (it’s like past 2am now) and I’m feeling some cheesy magical shit, so here’s some poetry I wrote in 30 mins. This poem is dedicated to the loml, who sadly passed away in 2017. Hope y’all like it and can find some healing and freedom of your own :)
Just one moment is all it took. One moment alone at night, surrounded by dim city lights. One song to awaken what’s been hiding inside the soul all along. 
The craving to feel completely free. Free from all the worries of the future, and sadness of the past. Letting the body dance uncontrollably around a fire, while every emotion breaks loose. To hear the trees rustle, and to feel the presence of the deceased once loved.
The heart aches for healing as the mind drifts into a fantasy. Not a wonder, not a worry. Escaping to where the soul belongs. Free.  
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