Prioriti kita tak sama. Dia bukan tak jaga perasaan kita. Dia cuma utamakan apa yang utama. Kita sama-sama manusia kena faham yang itu. At least, dia cakap baik-baik. That's good enough.
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Hati melanggar hukum.
Bila keduanya saling menyepi, adakah itu tanda saling melupakan? Pasti? Semua itu andaian. Jaraknya pertalian kerana andaian. Rabaknya jiwa kerana keegoan. Besarnya kehendak dari keperluan. Dan masih menyimpan andaian tanpa pertanyaan? Bab hati bukan ibarat andaian di makmal sains. Yang perlu hipotesis awal bagi setiap ujian. Buang andaian kau jauh-jauh. Jangan cuba mendahului ketetapan Tuhan. Sept 21th, 2016. 00:07. Wednesday
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I'll be alright. Just nothings much has changed on the inside...
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I feel like I'm a million miles away from myself more and more these days.
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hello !! ok so today i want to share some of the things i’ve learnt in my years of being a languages student, particularly regarding vocab & grammar. i personally love learning languages and there are many obvious benefits, communication being one of the fundamental ones.
tbh vocab and grammar are probably the backbones of any language - they play a huge part in developing your translation, reading, writing, speaking and listening skills.
pt i: vocab
have a list. the simple act of writing is one of the most effective ways to retain information tbh ! it’s good to keep a seperate section / notebook / document for this so everything’s in one place & i personally like to keep prescribed textbook words and words i look up during translations / exercises in seperate places as well, for the sake of organisation. also you can flick back through later and feel accomplished :-)
flashcards. write the word in your language on one side and the translation + relevant grammar info on the other side, and use that to test yourself. quizlet + anki are great online flashcard tools !
mnemonics. short [or long!!] phrases / acronyms /stories are super useful, especially with words with multiple meanings or words which look annoyingly similar.
word / pictorial association. ok word association is obviously easier in languages of the same family because so many words look / sound similar but pictures are great too, especially for more visual learners.
this article contains some excellent tips for studying a language with a different alphabet
pt ii: grammar
make up chants / songs [hand gestures can help!!]
look for patterns.
take the french present tense -er verb endings: -e, -es, -e, -ons, -ez, -ent.
and the imperfect tense -er endings: -ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient.
not too different right?? learn to spot these similarities + use them to your advantage !
repetition is key. sounds boring but repetition is one of the best ways to drill things into your brain; whether it’s verbally, mentally or just by writing out the entire table. i often repeat things over and over to myself whilst doing everyday activities like washing the dishes and it really helps.
learn the exceptions to the rule. because there are always exceptions. just learn them. i do recommend making summary notes or flashcards for harder concepts simply to gain a better understanding and also because you can look over them quickly & easily
also just !!! practice !!! often things make much more sense in context, so practice by doing exercises and translations
pt iii: general tips / links
read !!! reading exposes you to so much more culture + vocab and grammar in the way that it’s used in a day to day context
similar to above; watching tv shows / movies and listening to music is super fun too + develops listening and therefore speaking skills
practice practice practice. whether it’s just going over vocab or scanning through a text or listening to music or writing a short passage, try to engage with your target language on a daily basis. trust me, it helps a lot.
find a partner !!! learning new things with friends is so much less daunting + you can study together and motivate each other and maybe even travel together one day
apps / sites like duolingo, memrise, omniglot, babbel, bbclanguages and 101languages can make language learning more fun + engaging
+ some youtube channels !
each language is unique so for more specific resources, check out some of these masterposts: japanese, latin, spanish, chinese, italian, korean, french, [etc]
remember: learning a language is hard. adapting your brain to understand a whole new set of words and rules is hard. it’s supposed to be hard. but it’s ok to make mistakes. it’s ok. you got this. and in the end, it’s so rewarding - knowing another language is a skill you’ll have for life. good luck + i hope this was useful !
- joanne
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It is such a sweet and wonderful Thursday because tomorrow is Friiidayyy!!!
Be good. Be extra good. Put your beautiful smile :)
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Hati ada 3 ————– Qalbun Maridh Qalbun Salim Qalbun Mayit - Qalbun Mayyit iaitu : 🐞hati yang mati. Teguran dibalas dengan cacian. Dambakan kuasa & harta . Cintakan dunia takutkan mati. Hati gelap.“ Qalbun Salim ialah : 🐞Hati yang sejahtera. Beriman sepenuhnya kepada allah dan rasul. Suka kepada teguran & benci kepada pujian. Sentiasa utk Allah.” Qalbun Maridh adalah : 🐞Hati yang sakit, banyak buat maksiat, tapi masih boleh diubati. Masih boleh menerima teguran dan ada usaha ke arah kebaikan.
Kak pijah (via wardhatuljannah)
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Mari belajar bahasa syurga ! :’) 1. Salam ukhwah fillah - salam persahabatan kerana Allah . 2. Ukhti - kakak atau saudara perempuan . 3. Akhi - abang atau saudara lelaki . 4. Zauj - suami . 5. Zaujah - isteri 6. Assif jiiddan - i’m really sorry 7. syukran-afwan - terima kasih - sama-sama 8. Ukhuwwah Fillah Abadan Abada - persaudaraan kerana Allah selama-lamanya 9. fa’iza ‘azamta fatawakkal’alallah - setelah kamu berazam maka bertawakkal lah 10. iinni akhafullah - sesungguhnya aku takutkan Allah 11. mafi qalbi ghairullah - tiada apa di dlam hati selain Allah 12. Lau samahta - excuse me 13. Naltaqi ghadan - kita jumpa lagi esok 14. Ilalliqa’ - Moga bertemu lagi 15. Syafaakallah - Moga Allah menyembuhkan awak – lelaki) 16. Syafaakillah -Moga Allah menyembuhkan awak – perempuan) 17. taffadhol - silakan 18. la aadri - saya tak tahu 19. ma fi musykilah - tiada masalah 20. Bitaufiq wannajah - semoga mencapai kejayaan 21. Jazakallahu khairan kathira - Semoga Allah memberi/menambah kebaikan yang banyak kepadamu 22. Wa iyyaka - dan ke atas kamu juga (jawapan utk jazakallahu khairan kathira)@Allahukhairujaza’ - Allah adalah sebaik-baik pemberi 23. fahimtum - adakah anda faham ? 24. fahimna - kami telah faham 25. sobahalkhair - selamat pagi 26. ijtahid wala taksal - bersunggguh-sungguh dan janganlah kamu malas 27. La Tahzan Innallaha Maana - Janganlah bersedih , sesungguhnya Allah bersamamu . 28. Kafaa bilmauti waa-‘izhan - cukuplah kematian itu menjadi peringatan 29. Bi idznillah , Inshaallah kull khayr ! Ameen , Barakallahu fiek - dengan izin Allah , inshaAllah semuanya baik ! Aamiin , semoga Allah merahmati kamu 30. masa ul khair - selamat petang 31. Tushibu ‘alal khair - selamat malam 32. Na’am - Ya 33. yallah yallah bisura’h - mari-mari cepat(lekas2) 34. ismahli ya ustaz/ustazah,uridu an azhaba ilal dauratul miah ?-tumpang tanya wahai ustaz/ustazah , bolehkah saya ingin ke bilik air ? 35. sannah helwah - happy birthday 36. ana aidon - saya juga 37. Maas salamah - Selamat tinggal 38. alaa khoirin wa afiyyah - dalam keadaan baik dan sihat 39. nin sain ? - kamu ada dimana ? 40. ayyuhidma alaik - apa yang boleh saya bantu 41. Barakallahu fik - Semoga Allah memberkati kamu 42. Dai’e - pendakwah 43. Allah ghoyatuna - Allah tujuan kami 44. Ar-Rasul qudwatuna - Rasul teladan kami 45. Al-Quran dusturna - Al-Quran panduan kami 46. Al-Jihad sabiiluna - Jihad jalan kami 47. Al-Mautu fi sabilillah asma amanina - syahid cita tertinggi kami 48. Innallaha ma’ana - sesungguhnya Allah bersama kami “
(via sebarkancintailahi)
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Be extra kind to others. They will remember you and be kind to someone else and you will reap additional rewards for your initial kindness.
Abdulbary Yahya
Originally found on: beautifulsabr
(via islamic-art-and-quotes)
Alhamdulillah. Good day.
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What others think of you, is none of your business. Just be good. You live not to please others but all you need to do is seeking Allah's pleasant.
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Part 2. The story. Never seen this before. But abah says "bear in mind, find the beauty in every inch of your surrounding. Same goes with all the paintings too. InshaAllah you can relate it with life, now and hereafer." (at Balung, Tawau, Sabah.)
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Introduction piece. Interested? Leave your message or send email to [email protected] Thank you.
#art#abstract#malaysia#introduction#solo#comeback#artist#instagram#original#malaysian#thank you#collections
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Memberi salam dari hati, bukan sekadar budaya.
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(via meraahmuda)
Well said
“Nothing” dan “Everything” itu dekat sekali.
Sehari yang lalu seseorang itu bisa jadi “everything” kita, untuk besok lusa “nothing” yang tersisa. Oleh karena itu, pandai-pandai-lah mengendalikan harapan. Apalagi, jangan sampai, kita melakukan “everything” untuk seseorang yang menganggapnya “nothing”. Itu rumit dan menyesakkan.
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Mari jadi manusia 'adanya aku, bahagialah orang lain'. Ayuh! sebarkan salam.
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Maka dalam ISLAM, salam itu membawa maksud sejahtera. Bila dia melafazkan salam, bermakna dia berdoa kepada Allah agar saudaranya diselamatkan daripada kejahatan, bahaya dunia akhirat.
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