a smooth criminal
1K posts
Listen up people, you've already met the winner. I'm as awesome as they come from District One, and I won't be stopped. Don't let my approachable exterior fool you, I will step over anyone to win the lovely Games. That is all. (this is now an archive, as this account is no longer active)
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I've confused my ass for a hat? Really, Ally? I thought you were better than that but it appears I have overestimated you yet again. You know what screams awesome? Not being a bitch to people who used to be your friend just because you and a clan of girls want to kiss each others' asses at some party and not invite me for some strange reason. 
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No, that’s confidence. My entire being is based around being here, how I was raised better than everyone. Being from One, blonde, and pretty are added bonuses. If that doesn’t scream awesome, I don’t know what does. You’re delusional because you have your head so far stuck up your own ass, you’ve confused it for a hat.
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No there is a need. Because there's a clear hierarchy here that they're not seeing. I'm better than them, and yet they don't invite me to their party? That makes no sense.
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You're still a girl, your ego is just used to stab people to death. Which I must say is a better use for them than to have frilly parties. I do that because I like to get laid. 
Well why? I know you’re an ass 99% of the time but there’s no need for that?
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Yeah well I mustn’t be a girl then, right? I’d rather spend time pondering how hot my knives looked. In someone’s face. But don’t you do the exact same thing by flirting with everything?
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Would you like me to elaborate? You entire being is based on how you've bested people and how awesome you are just because you come from One and are blonde and pretty. That's weak. How exactly am I delusional? 
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Feeble existence? Oh you’ve got to be kidding me. You’re delusional.
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Me. Because those dumbass bitches apparently felt it was okay to not invite me to a District One party. 
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It probably is. Girls these days feel a odd need to glorify themselves about how hot and cool they are. 
Now who’s bitter? 
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But I thought this was a district one thing? Huh. Never mind. Maybe it’s just a vagina appreciation party or something. 
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If you talk to them, you can probably get an invite. Go freaking crazy. Maybe we can all have a contest about which District's party is more elitist and pettily inclusive. 
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Look if there’s a party I’m coming. Is Mona going? Oh wait- she’s from my district. This is just plain rude. Maybe I should hold a district 3 party. 
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You know I can't help it. I can't help but feel great about myself when reminded of you and your feeble existence. 
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Haven’t you caught onto the pattern yet, Seb? This is the standard treatment for everyone. Don’t flatter yourself.
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Whoa tone it done girly. I was being sarcastic. Oh yeah? Who? I can't wait to matched up by someone who clearly wouldn't know love if it knocked her upside the head.
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Ew. And if you’re that desperate to get drunk and rejected, ask a Sponsor for a bottle of whatever it is that you drink, then I can point you in the direction of this girl from Twelve who sounds like she’s just your type. 
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It should've been. She probably was. If only I gave a shit. Wouldn't want to participate in their 'festivities' anyway. And I'm no glitterball, because I was never invited.
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They're a bunch of idiot girls who seem to be under the delusion that anyone wants to spend any more time with them than necesary. 
Bitters my middle name. Ah- well maybe she was lying. We’ll see. Maybe I would be, if it wasn’t glitterballs only. 
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Apparently. Don't worry, its because all us Ones are on our huge high horses again. Wouldn't be a bit of fun.
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What party?! There’s a party I didn’t get invited to?
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Ah, Ally. You've found another way to patheticly insult me. It was cute at first but now it's really starting to irk me. What's your issue? Your pack of followers couldn't bump that ego high enough?
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You’re on the uninvited list. 
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Aww, that's too bad. I could've really used an excuse to get drunk and hit on depressed tributes. 
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We are. There’s no party, I was joking. 
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Hey, bitter much? I doubt we're having a party, she just told me it was all a joke. What, jealous you wouldn't have been invited, Clovely?
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Apparently all you district 1’s are having a party.
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From what I’ve heard, Caroline organized it. 
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Where's all this talk of a party come from?
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You've got to be kidding me. 
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Not you too, Pans. The snow is awesome! You better get ready for our snowball fight, because I don't take no for an answer when it comes to those.
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Can it just, like, stop snowing?
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It's also for foolishly arrogant tributes. So watch your back, Ally. If I'm dead you'll have been dead for a while. So just wear it anyways, you wanna look pretty in the picture they take of your corpse. Look at the bright side of it. At least we weren't spared the awesomeness of winter weather. 
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Dead within months? Sebby, darling. Dying is for the old, weak, and poor. Last time I checked I was one of the youngest tributes, strongest, and I’m rather well off. So no, I don’t expect to see you at my funeral, but I’ll be picking out a little black dress for yours. Anyways, the snow is disgusting, and cold.
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