Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
“we still need to see if it replicated the most important part.” he says pulling out another device and swiping it over the original, it begins to beep as it passes over the chip in the weapon. “this is a broad spectrum frequency detector, it scans for electromagnetic waves, it’s mostly used to sweep for bugs but it can also be used to determine the broadcast frequency of a device.” He hovers the wand of the device over the replica and it beeps in the same tone. “so the chip has been successfully replicated, now to take it apart and see how it functions.” he says picking up his tools and getting to work.
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“merely a demonstration as well as a means to research that device without ruining it.” he says finding a clear spot on the table then fiddling with a few buttons on the device and consulting a small screen. After a moment of silent fiddling he slowly starts moving the light over the empty place on the table, as he does an exact duplicate of the crossbow begins to materialize in the wake of the beam. “hmm colors are a bit off... I’ll have to make a note of that, though it’s still within the 0.1% margin for error.” he states.
Closed RP - scpsandexhaustion -
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The scientist gratefully takes the crossbow and looks it over. After a bit of basic examination he pulls a small device from his pocket and runs it over the crossbow, as he does a large light from the beam passes over the weapon. Seemingly satisfied with the pass he hands the crossbow back to the medic. “Here hold this for a moment please.”
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The scientist laughs clearly unperturbed by her anger. “oh no I never said I don’t believe it works. In my line of work objects and people that break all known laws of physics and sometimes even reality are just par for the course. No my colleagues and I study and protect our world from monsters, deadly relics, and fallen gods a crossbow that heals is hardly unbelievable. Finding the mechanism by which it does so whether anomalous or technological is just another discovery in the name of furthering science and my understanding.” as he speaks of monsters and fallen gods the air in the room takes on an almost tangible chill.
Closed RP - scpsandexhaustion -
Monika gives him a look, clearly annoyed with his rant before she rolls her eyes, bringing the crossbow to her side. “I didn’t say you had to be here, and by this fact, you should be damn grateful I even told you anything. Typically is now the time I yell intruder, and my whole team comes in to eliminate you. My team is rather protective of their Medic, and I have teammates who don’t take too kindly to unwanted guests possibly endangering their teammate,” she hisses in response, cutting her eyes at him. “You act as if you have more knowledge about this than I do, which is one hundred percent false. Whether you like it or not you know nothing here, as only the mercenaries hired here would only have any sort of lick of sense to know of this place, let alone why we’re here to begin with.”
She raises a brow at him when he then asks to see the crossbow. “After that outburst, now you want to check the technology and mechanics of the my crossbow? If you don’t put aside all you know of your previous work long enough to understand this technology, you won’t believe it truly works.”
#dr.frost#the good doctor is bad with people#good with devices though so that's something#fxllen-stxrs-blog#RP
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He looks incredulous for a moment. “ok so not only do you have a large gun that shoot beams of.... healing for lack of a better definition at this time, but you also have a crossbow that can heal your allies? how in the hell does that work? having a bolt sticking out of you would almost certainly do more harm then it could conceivably heal, or it would heal over the bolt leaving a even harder to remove projectile protruding from the patient if they even survive to see you about it later!” He rants. after a few moments he calms down. “please excuse my outburst. If it is alright may I examine your crossbow for a moment?”
Closed RP - scpsandexhaustion -
The Medic stretches as she yawns and heads back towards the medbay, located next to her room. Her small kitten, Lili trailed behind her, staying close to her owner’s side. The medic chuckles a bit. “Silly kitten, thought you’d stay in the room,” she coos before beginning to open the door. As she did she noticed something strange…
The light was on.
Instincts kicked in, and she quickly grabbed the Crusader’s Crossbow she keeps close to the door, aiming and walking in slowly. Lili could feel the tension as well, her small paws padding through the room.
There then came a hiss from the kitten, making Monika turn her head, almost certain there had to be a spy in the room. However…. That was no Spy she’s ever seen.
And why was he seemingly so interested in her Medi-Gun?
“Hey! Who are you and get away from my Medi-Gun!”
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“Astounding, a gun that heals instead of harming. I wonder how such a thing would work, does it administer medication? I’ve seen blueprints for hand guns that would fire syringes filled with a potent cocktail of pain suppressants and steroids before but they were only theoretical, and honestly preposterous. It would take much more then just that to keep a soldier going on the battle field when filled with bullet holes. I assume that this is much more advanced then that.” He says looking the gun over for the triggering mechanism. “Another thing is how would a gun distinguish friend from foe? possibly a microchip embedded in the mercenaries? oh now there’s an idea! note to self patent smart guns that cannot fire on when pointed at friendlies.” he mumbles to himself lost in his excitement at a new discovery. “you said your name was Monika correct? do you happen to know how it works? well of course you would know how it works as you are obviously trained in the use of said gun, what I mean is how does it function what is the underlying principal of the technology?”
Closed RP - scpsandexhaustion -
The Medic stretches as she yawns and heads back towards the medbay, located next to her room. Her small kitten, Lili trailed behind her, staying close to her owner’s side. The medic chuckles a bit. “Silly kitten, thought you’d stay in the room,” she coos before beginning to open the door. As she did she noticed something strange…
The light was on.
Instincts kicked in, and she quickly grabbed the Crusader’s Crossbow she keeps close to the door, aiming and walking in slowly. Lili could feel the tension as well, her small paws padding through the room.
There then came a hiss from the kitten, making Monika turn her head, almost certain there had to be a spy in the room. However…. That was no Spy she’s ever seen.
And why was he seemingly so interested in her Medi-Gun?
“Hey! Who are you and get away from my Medi-Gun!”
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“Technically that’s classified.” he says seemingly unafraid of the crossbow pointed at him. He looks around the room. “though I suppose that’s irrelevant here, as im not even sure I’m on my home plane anymore... there are rules in place when exploring a different plane but I’m pretty sure no one reads them let alone follows them. so I suppose I can tell you... I am Doctor Alexander Frost, a scientist with doctorates in quantum physics astro physics and basically anything else that has the word physics in it... and marine biology, that one may have been a mistake though.” He says in a sort of bored tone until the end that is where he seems slightly ashamed.
“And who might you be?” he asks the woman before him.
Closed RP - scpsandexhaustion -
The Medic stretches as she yawns and heads back towards the medbay, located next to her room. Her small kitten, Lili trailed behind her, staying close to her owner’s side. The medic chuckles a bit. “Silly kitten, thought you’d stay in the room,” she coos before beginning to open the door. As she did she noticed something strange…
The light was on.
Instincts kicked in, and she quickly grabbed the Crusader’s Crossbow she keeps close to the door, aiming and walking in slowly. Lili could feel the tension as well, her small paws padding through the room.
There then came a hiss from the kitten, making Monika turn her head, almost certain there had to be a spy in the room. However…. That was no Spy she’s ever seen.
And why was he seemingly so interested in her Medi-Gun?
“Hey! Who are you and get away from my Medi-Gun!”
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Alexander Frost had found himself in what appeared to be someone’s home. That would be the last time he agreed to take on someone else’s interview of a mentally unstable teleportation based humanoid SCP. He was much better with the ones that couldn’t talk back, especially after he had pulled his third all-nighter in a row trying to catch up with his own work. checking his burner phone he immediately notes that there seems to be no service. “great stuck who knows where with no service.” checking his GPS offers no help ether as it states that there is no map data. “fuck... and i have no idea where I am ether. teleportation should have only taken me somewhere on earth... pocket dimension? that’s certainly outside the projected scope of his power, I’ll have to add this to the file when i get back.” he muses to himself. “first things first I need to get back...” for the first time he actually looks around the room noting that he seems to actually be in some sort of medical facility. “definitely not the medbay back at the site... hmm what have we here?” he says spotting a strange gun like object on a nearby table. It doesn’t appear to be any known model of gun that he had ever seen however. The scientist picks up the gun with little difficulty and examines it closely. “it’s fairly hefty probably used in both hands. though I can’t tell the purpose of it, the thing is weighty and it’s design doesn’t suggest a weapon used for killing.” He places the gun back on the table and places an array of tools around it produced from his lab coat pockets. “Taking it apart may just reveal it’s secrets.” Before he has a chance to take anything apart a very angry and confused looking woman enters the room. “Medi-Gun? this thing? are you saying that this device has medical applications?” He asks completely glossing over her first question.
Closed RP - scpsandexhaustion -
The Medic stretches as she yawns and heads back towards the medbay, located next to her room. Her small kitten, Lili trailed behind her, staying close to her owner’s side. The medic chuckles a bit. “Silly kitten, thought you’d stay in the room,” she coos before beginning to open the door. As she did she noticed something strange…
The light was on.
Instincts kicked in, and she quickly grabbed the Crusader’s Crossbow she keeps close to the door, aiming and walking in slowly. Lili could feel the tension as well, her small paws padding through the room.
There then came a hiss from the kitten, making Monika turn her head, almost certain there had to be a spy in the room. However…. That was no Spy she’s ever seen.
And why was he seemingly so interested in her Medi-Gun?
“Hey! Who are you and get away from my Medi-Gun!”
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Reblog if I'm allowed to send you in character asks even if we have never talked before.
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“Talking cat... I’ve seen stranger in this job, but still Interesting...” He places his paper work on the desk and crouches down to be at eye level with the cat. “hmmm SCP or doctor turned cat by SCP? ether way it’s Interesting...” A hair falls across his face as he mumbles and examines Roth curiously. “Right not time for that.” he straightens and looks down at the cat. “Are you Dr. Roth then? or do you know where I can find them?” Alex picks up his papers and straightens them out shuffling them fairly loudly.
"I just got transferred to site 17... Where the hell is this Roth person im suppose to meet?" A slightly taller then average man says as he looks over some papers not quite believing what they say. The transfer had been sudden giving him less then twenty four hours notice. To top it all off he was suppose to report to someone named Dr. Roth for his orientation, everyone he had asked on site had pointed him to this room where he now stood in front of a cat in a lab coat.
The cat stops licking her paws, slowly swivelling her ears and looking up to the new person. She looked tentative and somewhat afraid of a new face suddenly showing up out of no where…
She stares, silently before standing and padding over. Her little labcoat dangles and drags, the obvious rips and tears and dirt in the coat indicating she’s in need of a new one after years of hauling the damn thing about.
“And… Who might you be? Can’t say I have seen your face about- What are you? New?”
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Dr. Frost stands and says something to a person standing outside, then he turns back to 999. Dr. Frost returns to his seat and looks at 999. “it’s nothing to worry about I assure you. It’s quite a simple procedure, we will be hooking someone up to a machine that will let us see what his brain is doing.” he says trying to put it in terms that 999 would understand. “once the man is hooked up to the machine we’ll see what his brain is doing normally, then we’ll have you hug him and make him happy so that we can see what your effect does to his brain.” He says hoping that he had made it clear what he meant. He also hopped that he had set 999′s mind at ease.
The Tickle Monster and The Tired Scientist (closed starter for 999-loves-you)
It was early afternoon when Dr. Frost found himself walking down the hallway examining a small bag of M&Ms. He had read the report on 999 and knew that they were the little goo-ball’s favorite. Behind that doctor slowly coming up the hall was a group of D-class straining and grunting as they pushed a large wheeled PET scan device that had been borrowed from the med bay. “Pick up the pace a bit would you.” he said scolding the D-class. He wasn’t actually in any hurry but it was expected of him to at least lightly harass them a bit. it wasn’t much longer before they arrived at the testing site and an assistant informed Dr. Frost that SCP 999 had already been placed in a near by room for the pretest interview. Dr. frost enters the room sitting down in a chair. “hello 999 my name is Dr. Frost and I’d like to ask you a few questions is that alright?”
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“That’s very good and I am doing fine.” He places a small hand held recorder onto the table and presses record. He begins to then take notes on a clipboard making humming noises as he thinks. it’s quiet for quite for a few short moments before he speaks up again. “has anyone told you about what we will be doing today?” He asks setting the clipboard down and checking his watch.
The Tickle Monster and The Tired Scientist (closed starter for 999-loves-you)
It was early afternoon when Dr. Frost found himself walking down the hallway examining a small bag of M&Ms. He had read the report on 999 and knew that they were the little goo-ball’s favorite. Behind that doctor slowly coming up the hall was a group of D-class straining and grunting as they pushed a large wheeled PET scan device that had been borrowed from the med bay. “Pick up the pace a bit would you.” he said scolding the D-class. He wasn’t actually in any hurry but it was expected of him to at least lightly harass them a bit. it wasn’t much longer before they arrived at the testing site and an assistant informed Dr. Frost that SCP 999 had already been placed in a near by room for the pretest interview. Dr. frost enters the room sitting down in a chair. “hello 999 my name is Dr. Frost and I’d like to ask you a few questions is that alright?”
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Dr. Frost suppressed a shudder, Dr. Alto Clef... he had only heard the mans voice through recorders and videos. Clef was somewhat of a terrifying entity to Frost, but the doctor wasn’t one to show what he was thinking so easily. He looked down at 999 with tired eyes. “how are you today 999?” He asks opening the bag of M&Ms and pouring them into a glass bowl. He pushes the bowl in front of 999.
The Tickle Monster and The Tired Scientist (closed starter for 999-loves-you)
It was early afternoon when Dr. Frost found himself walking down the hallway examining a small bag of M&Ms. He had read the report on 999 and knew that they were the little goo-ball’s favorite. Behind that doctor slowly coming up the hall was a group of D-class straining and grunting as they pushed a large wheeled PET scan device that had been borrowed from the med bay. “Pick up the pace a bit would you.” he said scolding the D-class. He wasn’t actually in any hurry but it was expected of him to at least lightly harass them a bit. it wasn’t much longer before they arrived at the testing site and an assistant informed Dr. Frost that SCP 999 had already been placed in a near by room for the pretest interview. Dr. frost enters the room sitting down in a chair. “hello 999 my name is Dr. Frost and I’d like to ask you a few questions is that alright?”
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The Tickle Monster and The Tired Scientist (closed starter for 999-loves-you)
It was early afternoon when Dr. Frost found himself walking down the hallway examining a small bag of M&Ms. He had read the report on 999 and knew that they were the little goo-ball’s favorite. Behind that doctor slowly coming up the hall was a group of D-class straining and grunting as they pushed a large wheeled PET scan device that had been borrowed from the med bay. “Pick up the pace a bit would you.” he said scolding the D-class. He wasn’t actually in any hurry but it was expected of him to at least lightly harass them a bit. it wasn’t much longer before they arrived at the testing site and an assistant informed Dr. Frost that SCP 999 had already been placed in a near by room for the pretest interview. Dr. frost enters the room sitting down in a chair. “hello 999 my name is Dr. Frost and I’d like to ask you a few questions is that alright?”
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ask box open((ooc))
you can now ask me questions if you feel like it!
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calling all SCP RP blogs((OOC))
hey everyone I’d really love to start a RP if anyone is interested go ahead and send me a message for a starter
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