scottieos · 11 months
#tfw you're growing out of your current plant space and you want more plants but where can they go that they will be happy.
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scottieos · 11 months
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Maybelle, her perfect highness.
If you have a cat please reblog this with its name please and thank you
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scottieos · 1 year
So gratifying when you take a meh recipe and modify it to be "wow"!
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scottieos · 1 year
Today... today I just want to give up. The work stress is too high. The financial stress is too high. The pain is too high. The joy is too low. Hope feels low.
But here I am anyway. Still moving. So... if I stumble across this later, I want this to be the bathroom wall. I kept going. I survived. I made it through. I've done it before. I'm doing it today. I'm sure I'll do it again in the future.
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scottieos · 1 year
Can't sleep. Won't sleep.
I want to draw but I need to sleep, I have work tomorrow, and my wrist hurts.
I want to write... but see above.
I want to eat something, but nothing sounds good and I need to work tomorrow.
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scottieos · 1 year
Sometimes I am just tired and overwhelmed and struggling... but don't know how to create a scenario in which taking the break I need is feasible or allowable.
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scottieos · 1 year
If this isn't the cutest thing!
lansia viva
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scottieos · 1 year
Isn't it weird how bad things, like trauma resurfacing, spur you on to work on things you didn't have the will power for even just a day ago? Cleaning house, working out, journaling, playing an instrument, drawing. All of them things I like to do, but couldn't find the willpower to. Next, I want to go skating.
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scottieos · 1 year
Tfw you're still awake and only have 3 hours until you have tonget up.
And then tfw current me dgaf because i dont want to work tomorrow to help cover someone else's department, so who cares if they don't get my best brain power?
And then finally tfw your future self is screaming on the inside because it turns out it's not just about rebellious bad attitude at work, it's also about how I will feel generally.
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scottieos · 1 year
Well said!
I honestly do not think “AI will never be as good as human creativity” is a good argument at this point. Like yes, it is true right now, but they’re just going to keep trying to prove it wrong. To me the line is, “Modern AI is built off of PLAGIARISM, UNPAID and UNDERPAID labor.” AI is a labor rights issue, not just for the people who’s labor it would replace, but for the people whose labor was STOLEN for the AI to “create” anything.
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scottieos · 1 year
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Running a little cross platform test on reach vs platform with some WIP art from a little #TearsOfTheKingdom something that I'm working on for an eye-catch ^_-
If you follow me and see this post, please reblog
If you don't follow me & see it, please like
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scottieos · 1 year
Such a beautiful concept :)
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help your friends bloom
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scottieos · 1 year
friendly reminder for the new twitter refugees:
change your icon/pfp and put something coherent in your blog description or you're going to get blocked bcs people think you're a bot
this site is built around reblogs, so please actually reblog posts(especially art and fics!!)
you can set your likes and follows to private
checkmarks here are a meme and mean nothing
follower counts are private and we like it that way, so get used to not judging people by that metric
drama and discourse is boring, use your blacklist and block button liberally
DON'T CENSOR YOURSELF!! we can swear and say kill and make fun of corporations all we want, and if you tiktok-ify your tags people who have things blacklisted for whatever reason will still see them, and people who want to see that content won't be able to find it!! spell words out normally, you won't get in trouble!!
tumblr live is sketchy as hell and full of fake accounts, if you decide to use it anyway may god have mercy on your soul o7
be nice to the reddit refugees, they're our friends <3
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scottieos · 1 year
Hi. Guess I'm new here.
I like to draw, play trombone, write, and skate. I am good at zero of these things, but I like them. I also love TTRPGs and board games when I have time.
I'm an occupational therapist studying for my certified hand therapist.
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