Bye , Bye
Well I hope you liked my blog of Exercises and Healthy Diet. You already know that nutrition and exercise help your body a lot, it keeps you strong and clean. It was a pleasure to be with you and I hope this blog will serve you well, Byeee 💖
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Well here I leave you some very delicious recipes, I hope you do it some day 💖
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I challenge you to do this routine every day. Come on, you can do it!
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You know that the skin is a important element that protects you that entering bacteria to your body, and it is very friendly to the immune system since they both protect your body !! And the skin is the organ along the body.
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Blood and Heart
We know that blood and the heart are best friends , They work together , Now we know how to help and have healthy your heart soo today will be talking about blood care , how have a healthy and a rich blood!!
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Are you sick ?
If you are sick and you want to have a good diet for your immune system, Well I am your fairy godmother, here are some foods that help your immune system. And also the website for you to read better of them!
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Here a playlist to do exercise , remember that exercise and healthy diet help your body , Come on you can DO IT !!!
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Here is a routine of Cardio Exercise .
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Cardio Exercise
If you know that we have a exercise for the heart!! We know that the heart is a muscle and they need exercise , The cardio Exercise is the type of exercise for your heart. Cardiovascular exercise is exercise that gets your heart rate up. ❤❤
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There are many things you can do to help keep your heart healthy and disease-free !
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Were is the link of the information , there are more specific the exercise!!
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It you know that have a good muscular strength relates to your ability to move and lift objects. If you doesn't I will give you some exercise 🏋️‍♀️
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The kind and amount of food you eat affects the way you feel and how your body works. Can you believe this !! 😃🥗✨
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