School On The Fly
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schoolonthefly · 4 years ago
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This week we are finishing up our lessons on 🍎apples, now that we have completed construction on our homeschool room. We discussed the different parts of an apple and did a craft with cut up colored paper and glue. I get the most focus from my kids when we are doing hands-on activities. #homeschoolroom #homeschoolrooms #homeschoolmom #homeschool #homeschooling #homeschoollife #unschoolinglife #teachingmama #everythingmom #pilotwife #kidshomeschooling #homeschoolcommunity #homeschoolers #homeeducator #homelearning #homelibrary #firstdayofhomeschool #pilotdad #homeschooldays #homeeducation #homeschoolfamily #readaloudfamily #wildandfreechildren
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schoolonthefly · 4 years ago
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It is finally finished! 🎉🎈🥳 What was meant to take only a week or two at the most, ended up taking us forty nine days to complete. A week into our construction, my husband ruptured his bicep. He has since then had surgery and multiple occupational therapy appointments, and is on the mend. Thankfully, because of great friends, neighbors, and family, who watched our kids, helped us build the nook, bookshelf, hang dry wall, we were able to finish this room in the time that we did. We are so excited to get to learn in our new space and cannot wait to share more posts with all of you along the way! #homeschoolroom #homeschoolroomtour #homeconstruction #remodeling #basementremodel #basementproject #homeschoolfamily #homeschoolfamilylife #homeschoollife #pilotwife #atlanticbucks #tailwins #homeschoolmom #teachingmama #homesteading #homeeducation #homeschoolingmom #homeschoolclassroom #homeschoolclass #homeschoolcommunity #pilotdad #homeschooling #homedecor #thankgodforlowes #dewalt
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schoolonthefly · 5 years ago
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Today we’re working on fine motor skills. The #spirograph is a fun colorful tool that I’m using to help teach the kids how to hold a marker, build hand strength, and it makes beautiful artwork for the refrigerator. 🥰 But most importantly, it is keeping my son’s interest for more than a minute. 🤪🤷‍♂️#homeschoolmom #homeschoolroom #homeschoolroomtour #homeschoolrooms #homeschool #homeschooling #homeschoollife #unschoolinglife #teachingmama #everythingmom #pilotwife #kidshomeschooling #homeschoolcommunity #homeschoolers #homeeducator #homelearning #homelibrary #firstdayofhomeschool #pilotdad #homeschooldays #homeeducation #homeschoolfamily #readaloudfamily #wildandfreechildren #pilotwifelife #pilotwifemom
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schoolonthefly · 5 years ago
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We put on our science investigators badges and learned a little bit about apples today. We used our 5 senses and came to the conclusion that the Honeycrisp Apple is our family’s favorite. (Out of two apples 🤪). The kids love hands on activities and especially getting to eat their experiments!! 🍎 Of course the lesson can’t be complete unless one of them gets upset because “we don’t like their apple the best.” 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ Just another day of #homeschool and #homeeducation #homeschoolfamily #homeschoolmom #homeschoollife #pilotwife #homeschoollife #homeschoolcurriculum #homeschoolcommunity #readaloudfamily #wildandfreechildren #unschool #homelearning #aisforapple #homepreschool #homelearningfun #homelearning #homelearningideas #pilotdad #teachingmama #teachersofinstagram #homeeducator #homeschoolpreschool
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schoolonthefly · 5 years ago
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Oh, so many emotions this morning as I see so many families starting their first day of school. The first day of school should be about nervous excitement and heart tugs for parents dropping off their kids with the knowledge that their child is bigger and a year older. “Reluctant”, “nervous”, “making the best”, are all terms I’m seeing used today and it’s heart breaking. I’m sad that this is so many families “new normal.” But, I am also thankful that our family is home and that our kids don’t have to be dragged into this new school experiment. We made a choice months ago that we weren’t going to live in fear of #covid19. We weren’t going to let the news and numbers on a chart dictate our lives. We made the choice that we would continue living our lives to the fullest and to the best of our ability. It wasn’t until I started seeing my fellow pilot families being ridiculed, because of their spouses frequent travel, that we started having concerns. I get it. He travels everywhere, potentially being exposed to all these scary germs. He then comes home to us and now our kids are in class with your kids the very next day, with no ability to quarantine. I can only imagine all the concerns and raised eyebrows. Add that to all the hoops the states and counties are making these poor kids jump through and we decided to politely decline. I have wanted to homeschool our kids for a long time and this experience solidified our decision. #youvegotthis But now what? Can I do this? Am I cut out for this? What if I can’t give the kids everything they need? What if I’m not good enough to teach them? What if people judge me? What if I fail? Has anyone else had these same thoughts? You’re not alone! What made you choose to keep your kids home? Is this your first year? Are you a flight crew family? You share your tips and I promise to share mine, the good and the not so good. We’re going to get through this together. You’ve got this! We’ve got this! #youvegotthis #homeschool2020 #firstdayofschool #pilotwife #pilotwifelife #pilotwifeproblems #pilotwifey #homeschool #homeschooling #homeschoollife #homeschoolcommunity #homeschoolmom #homeschoolers #homeschoolcollective
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