scaryboocat · 3 months
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go follow meeee!
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scaryboocat · 3 months
come meet me on the battlefield!! ;D
EVERYONES UP!!!! one of them doesnt have an official ref but thats FINE. i got it done. yippee.
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scaryboocat · 3 months
EVERYONES UP!!!! one of them doesnt have an official ref but thats FINE. i got it done. yippee.
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scaryboocat · 3 months
all my file sizes are too large rippppp
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scaryboocat · 3 months
Art Fight time!
Starting again on July 1st is my favorite online artist event: Art Fight! If you have OCs, and enjoy making and receiving art involving OCs, then I highly suggest you check out the site and set up an account!
For those who aren’t familiar with Art Fight, here’s a brief overview:
Each year, participating artists are split into two teams.
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The main goal is to find any artist from the team opposite yours, and ‘attack’ them by drawing art of their ocs! Your team receives points based on what you create.
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Artists that receive attacks can then ‘counter’ by drawing an OC belonging to the person who fought them, or pay it forward by simply attacking anyone on the opposing team!
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The official about page with more in depth information is located here! There’s also a video format for this information that can be watched here!
Art Fight is a great chance to interact with tons of different artists, get to know the amazing OCs that others have created, and have a lot of fun making art! The art you receive is also very exciting; you never know who may attack you! Keep in mind, it’s all in good fun and any skill level is welcome!!
The event lasts a month (July 1st - August 1st), and the team with the most points by the end wins!
I hope to see you there!!
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scaryboocat · 3 months
Artist question, what is something that you think beginner artists tend to over think?
I'd say "style", maybe ?
I see many beginner artists "searching for their own style" but i don't think there is such a need ? Just draw the way you're more comfortable with, the way you find the more fun/appealing. You can also switch, and try many things, i think there's nothing wrong with trying many ways of drawing that are very different, but that you enjoy nonetheless ! Also, a thing that i learnt when coming to japan (and that i was never really told when i was in france) is the importance of COPYING drawings of illustators/animators you like ! As an exercise of course. Try to draw exactly how they draw, and you'll find new tricks, new ways to synthesize shapes etc. that you might use afterwards ! In the end you'll draw naturally in a mix of all your influences/what you studied.
I think there's no need to draw something thinking "I NEED TO FIND MY STYLE". The more you'll draw and study other artists' works, the more you'll find different ways to draw things, and what are those that are the most comfortable/enjoyable for you. I think it's a natural process. Your "style" is and addition of all the things you love.
As an animator i have to adapt to each production's designs, which is great because i learn new ways to design things everytime, and then i can use them afterwards how i like in my personal drawings!
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I really like trying out new things/ways to draw. I always learn new things that help me in DRAWING IN GENERAL ! (different cones i did these last few years ↑)
Hope this helps ! Just have fun and draw/study a lot what you like and it'll come naturally, i think !
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scaryboocat · 3 months
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[taps watch] you've got 2 months, art fighters...
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scaryboocat · 3 months
so.........close....................... (three out of seven refs done)
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scaryboocat · 3 months
hello? boss?? i need the whole month of july off pls. i have,,,, a thing.
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scaryboocat · 3 months
the brushes you use for digital art dont Actually matter that much and its more about core art principles and technique or whatever. but maybe this next brush will be the one
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scaryboocat · 4 months
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yall ready to meet my ocs?
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scaryboocat · 4 months
at my sketchbook. straight up “drawing it”. and by “it”, haha, well. let’s justr say. Nothing
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scaryboocat · 4 months
(guy who is so fatigued) i need to Draw
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scaryboocat · 4 months
i love making art
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scaryboocat · 4 months
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please it's all I want
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scaryboocat · 4 months
ONE MONTH until Art Fight... is everyone ready?!
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scaryboocat · 4 months
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[taps watch] you've got 2 months, art fighters...
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