savannahlangston · 6 years
Little Poem 6#
When you said we
I knew you belonged with me
When I hold you tight
You know everything will be alright
When I see your smile
Oh how I would chase it for miles
When you look at me
There was no place I would rather be
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savannahlangston · 6 years
Night Thought
If you love someone and they are leaving, whether it be for a long or short time, instead of saying good bye we should say see you soon because good bye is permanent but see you soon means that you will cross paths again. It just might take awhile but you will see them again.
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savannahlangston · 6 years
Little Poem 5#
Tell me who you are again
Staring through the photo lens
Tell me who you are
The one whose stare seems so far
I'll tell you who I am
The one who stares at my photo again
I am you
But when you had nothing to lose
You are me
A blessing I have yet to be
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savannahlangston · 6 years
Little Poem #3
Coveted by the weakest
Weakness of the greatest
I care not for those I trample
As I amble
Along a bright path
Doomed to not last
I toss away your criticism
Blinding you in a prism
Of all the greatness you are
Oh my how you've fallen far
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savannahlangston · 6 years
Little Poem #2
I can be burning with fire
Or chilling with ire
Loud or quiet
Fleeting and sometimes silent
I prowl in my cage
If I don't get my way
Scratching at your resolve
We are not finished after all
You call me when you need me
Scorn me when you leave me
I am born from love
Disappear on the wings of a dove
Though far away i may seem
I have always been the top player on your team
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savannahlangston · 6 years
Little poem
Some think of me as fragile
Easily broken
But that is my cousin
Who is more outspoken
Others mistake me for a roaring fire
Passion teeming with desire
But in all actuality I am more softspoken
Hardly broken
A warm fire with only sparks of passion and desire
A double edged sword
Though you'll learn that when you're old
I may leave one broken and tattered
Hope shattered
But I will be there
On a soothing air
I am always there
Even if you pretend not to care
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savannahlangston · 6 years
"Kept chasing moonlight till I learned I craved sunlight"
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