satansbarz · 4 years
“You’ve had a hard life, Tenko Shimura”
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satansbarz · 4 years
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pls pay special attention to:
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satansbarz · 4 years
summary: failing Aizawa-sensei’s class in your final year was the last thing you wanted, so when you go to plead with him to reconsider your grade, surprisingly he knows just the thing to make you pass with flying colours.
warnings: dubcon, creep aizawa, innocent reader, abuse of power, school sex, mind break???, degradation/humilliation, fingering, virginity loss
w/c: 3.4k
note: this idea was born due to my sun, moon and stars @obscureamor​​ who inspired me to write mr. aizawa creepin on a leettle 18y/o student 👁👄👁. hope you enjoy my authority kink yet again. this one was a ride and it took me way longer than i’d like to admit to finish it, but i hope you all love it!!
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Aizawa Shota is a man of reason. He’s never one to let his desires or needs consume him, never one to do anything unthinkable or unconventional. Maybe even quite predictable if you will. 
That’s how he should be as a pro hero - good. After all he’s the teacher his dear students look up to so fervently, that he teaches to be like him. The caring teacher they all adore, the one that has done nothing but protect them all those years.
The teacher they love and trust, oh-so blindly.
Keep reading
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satansbarz · 4 years
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satansbarz · 4 years
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(( While the area where I live continues through its “second winter”, Aizawa and the gang have a necessary anime beach episode where he proceeds to make all the teachers sweat under their collar from the raw strength of his powerful thighs <;3c for my friend Jangalian on AO3 HUEHUEHUE ))
Ko-fi | Commissions
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satansbarz · 4 years
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concerning johnny’s fetish <:3c
then gyro prematurely died of malaria and johnny UOOOOOOHH’d
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satansbarz · 4 years
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MY thoughts on naturally light haired abbacchio 
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satansbarz · 4 years
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when ur husband is so beautiful that it makes your stupid goth heart feel something again 
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satansbarz · 4 years
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satansbarz · 4 years
Bangalore after she heard Forge say they used to date
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satansbarz · 4 years
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I love how Revenant's eyes are bigger and bright yellow when he's alert and going for the kill then they become smaller and more orange after he attacked it makes him look more relaxed and pleased with his kill.
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satansbarz · 4 years
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Wraith? touch starved? more likely than you think. Based on this post!
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satansbarz · 4 years
respawn stop putting dreads on non black people challenge
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satansbarz · 4 years
To rly double down on kpop's cultural appropriation problem they gave crypto braids/dreads smh
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satansbarz · 5 years
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i am back with the “sal in outfits” fanart 
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satansbarz · 5 years
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satansbarz · 5 years
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