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sasohdev · 6 years ago
Dragonbell demo released
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Last August I started Zero Fun with a friend and since then we’ve been working on a small adventure/metroidvania type of game. The Steam page is ready and last night our demo build was reviewed & accepted. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.
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sasohdev · 9 years ago
A new game in the making! - Steam Greenlight
    Since this is the first game I’ve been personally involved in that targeted Steam, I was very excited about starting its Greenlight campaign. I kept checking the game’s page (here, if link stays alive) several times every day and followed the activity. 2 weeks after the start, we got Greenlit.
    In this time we were able to gather more than 1700 positive votes, >60% of the total. This interest seemed enormous, since no resources were allocated for advertising the campaign. After having the game in a good demo condition, though, it now enjoys the privilege of being presented to some of the partner companies that might provide insight into the possibilities of releasing a game on a platform that is unusual for us. 
    Just after posting the campaign, we were immediately assigned to urgent projects and were subjected to multiple inquiries from coworkers about the future of the sumo game. It had quickly turned into the favorite game of many of these friends. They provided the team with great support and interest in what we were developing, and this gives me a very strong feeling that we are on the right track. 
    Hopefully, soon we’ll be back on the project and will continue development into the enormous backlog of possibilities and the Early access model.
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sasohdev · 9 years ago
A new game in the making!
At the end of September, mainly out of boredom I started a late monthly game jam. I started a primitive sumo sport game, where two players are set to push each other out of a ring. Using Unity it didn’t take much long before I had the foundations in place and started playtesting the game with friends.
The early working prototypes were enjoyed by a lot of the people I gave the controllers to, leading me to continuing to develop the project after the initially planned period of time. Collecting as much feedback as possible, after numerous rebalances and fixes, I felt confident enough to pitch it to IO. Everything went better than expected and the project went into commercial production. The current team is quite compact (I’m developing, Martin, Toni and Filip are the artists and Ivelin is the game desinger + project producer), but that didn’t stop us to bring this:
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to this level:
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Needless to say, I’m very excited about the situation. Biggest challenge for now is the online multiplayer part. Major sources of information were Gaffer on Games and Gabriel Gambetta. Some difficult decisions had to be made after coming to the realization of how hard is ensuring a smooth player experience in a high-speed physics-based game. Online multiplayer is the expected main source of players to the game, so any serious problems there are potentially ruining the game.
Planned first milestone is on the 19th of January 2016. There’s a high possibility that the milestone build will be used for game presentation to game distributors for any possible great offers. 
Sumo jam project link
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sasohdev · 10 years ago
Coding practice - pun generator
I’ve decided to implement a rather silly idea - a pun generator, combining words from the bulgarian language.
 The goal of the program is to match n symbols from the ending of a word with m symbols from the beginning of another word.
 At this point, I think that changing one of the domains will allow funny topic-related puns generation. This effectively solves the original problem that I was thinking about, and is probably the state at which I’m going to consider the coding practice complete. I’m going to use the task as an estimation practice, too.
Goal completion time: under 7 days.
03.01.2016 update
I’ve completed the application a while ago.
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sasohdev · 10 years ago
The Spire - status update for 12.08.2015
We’ve reached a basic understanding about the general control & feel of the character control, utilizing a similar to Diablo’s camera.
I’ve quicky put a level with Unity’s terrain editor & added some trees from the standard asset pack to fill the map with something (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1. Rough level design.
Setting main areas in broad strokes helps me establish the scale of the player & the environment. There will be several 'detours' from the main road in the forest. In the beginning they'll be reserved for sightseeing places, introducing additional pieces of lore.
3d modeling days really help me in adding better than boxes placeholders for various props I decide to include.
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sasohdev · 10 years ago
The Spire - beginning
I’ve decided to start a 2-month long pet game project. I’ve decided to increase the project lifetime so I could try to reach a better production quality. The main goal during development is to include large amount of contents in a short game. 
This will also be a multi-person effort, since I’ve been having the pleasure of working with a greatly talanted concept artist and a friend - Alexandar Ignatov. His creative feedback helped shape the idea for the game and is currently doing concept work on main game events.
Project can be found on GitHub.
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sasohdev · 10 years ago
Game map
Here you can find links to my monthly game projects. I mainly use Unity, because it allows me to realize game concepts fairly easy.
February - Gibrock (2-player versus game)
April - Lander (lunar lander-like delivery game)
May - Basketball (2-player versus sports game)
June-July - RPGame (first project with a team, frozen due to loss of direction)
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