sare-liz · 1 year
Arc 2.3
keeping quiet, making no noise, and pretending you don’t exist - while reading as much as possible
keeping quiet, making no noise, and pretending you don’t exist – while reading as much as possible Right, then.  Kendry had gotten fully two months worth of coursework done by the time they were hiding in an asteroid field on day eleven, which was great. Because truly hiding in an asteroid field sucked, a lot. It meant being hit by a lot of asteroids, and that was the main problem. Not that…
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sare-liz · 1 year
Arc 1.2
that moment when all expectations dissolve - and then dissolve again
that moment when all expectations dissolve – and then dissolve again “What’s all this?” Kendry asked, looking at the pile of packets and bags on the kitchen counter. “This is a snack for now, and this is a snack for you both later, in case dinner is delayed, sometimes with flights that happens. There are some drinks in the cooler I’ve set aside for both of you, so don’t forget those, and that,”…
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sare-liz · 1 year
Arc 1.1
The first chapter in a new sci-fi web-serial by Sare Liz!
the hidden depths of eleven year olds “I’m sorry, Kendry. It’s been a year since your parents were due back, since, since they disappeared. It’s official, now. They’ll be declared dead.” Kendry blinked over at Chelria, her technical guardian for the last fifteen months. Chelria was the second cousin her parents had often argued over, not that any of that was important to be thinking about. She…
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sare-liz · 1 year
Welcome to Arc 1
Welcome to the inaugural post of the brand new web-serial, Scheherazade!
The organization of this web serial won’t be in traditional books or chapters, rather Arcs and Bits of Arcs, which is how you’ll be able to find things based on where you left off. You can expect regular weekly updates on Thursdays to this web serial after the official launch: May 29, 2023. The entirety of Arc 1 is rated PG-13 and has one content warning: a terrorist attack. Author’s Note: I’m…
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sare-liz · 1 year
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Ah, this is the one I’m still posting on, and as I like to keep ahead in my writing, I’m actually writing the last chapter for this one presently. I anticipate this story will mark the end of the series. Which is bittersweet, of course, the whole ‘end’ thing.This one has an angst warning. And several other content warnings, besides. Ah, but it’s resolved angst and a HEA, so there’s that. Updates weekly until finished. https://archiveofourown.org/works/42896316
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sare-liz · 1 year
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Oh, this is the cracfic musical version of Jupiter Ascending that you didn’t know you need in your life. Cthulu F’tagn makes a cameo, but given a certain value of Balem’s TradeMark Crazy this should genuinely surprise no one who has been paying attention. It’s possible I have had WAY too much fun writing this series for the past fifteen months. And yes, this is a finished story you can throw back in one afternoon, depending on just how quickly you read. Enjoy. https://archiveofourown.org/works/41331987
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sare-liz · 1 year
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Heheheheh. This is also a one chapter short story that works in the continuity of all the stories in this series, whether or not they are what-ifs, as it occurs approximately 204 years before the movie. It should be said that I love this story. Oh, hell. I love them all. https://archiveofourown.org/works/41180145
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sare-liz · 1 year
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Ah, and here is where I start going back to the drawing board, and saying, ‘Okay, we’ve done the standard things. Now, how can we fix this sob?’ The answer, naturally, is clear, direct, and honest communication, and significantly more of it. Start your engines! https://archiveofourown.org/works/39886587
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sare-liz · 1 year
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Ah, a one chapter story. There might have been more, but I never did write any more. Well, let’s leave it open. I could write more, later. https://archiveofourown.org/works/39820434 
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sare-liz · 1 year
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Does it look like a 1980′s sci fi book cover? Oh, good. You can find this (finished!) fic here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36288577 It’s the second in a series. I’m finishing the series this week. The series has 500,000+ words, so you’re set for reading, if you like what I read. :)
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sare-liz · 1 year
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Don’t mind me. Just futzing about over here, making covers for a few fanfic over on ao3. This one is at https://archiveofourown.org/works/38707965
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sare-liz · 1 year
Church Explainer: Epiphany
…what is an epiphany, again? And how is it used in the church?
Hello, friends, and welcome back. I’m the Rev. Sare Liz Anuszkiewicz and this is the Sunday Sermon. If you’re looking for the bits of the bible I’ve referenced in this sermon, you can find the link right here. For the nerds in the know, this is the First Sunday after the Epiphany, Year A, and here’s the sermon I preached on January 8, 2023.  To listen to the audio-only version, click here. For…
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sare-liz · 1 year
I Need YOUR Help!
Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi! (By taking my poll! It’ll take 30 seconds. Super quick.)
Yup. I need your help. Can you take two minutes to take this poll? It’s on my Patreon page, but it’s open to everyone and it’ll stay that way. You’ll be able to click through and see the whole post and participate in the poll, whether or not you’re currently one of my patrons. Here’s the deal. Yall know I’m a priest, and a writer of erotic romances. Mostly what you see on this blog is spiritual…
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sare-liz · 1 year
Think You Know How To Meditate?
How to Meditate - no, not just sitting there being quiet. There are other ways, too.
I have a theory on why meditation widens perspective.  Because meditation quietens the mind, it destabilizes the ego, which relies on your mind being a) chaotic and b) unobserved. Anything that destabilizes the ego necessarily widens perspective, because a stabilized ego left alone in the dark to flourish by definition has a narrow perspective that is admittedly unique from person to person but…
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sare-liz · 1 year
Church Explainer: Rituals
What is the point of rituals? Can’t we just commune with God in nature and skip church?
Hello, friends, and welcome back. I’m the Rev. Sare Liz Anuszkiewicz and this is the Sunday Sermon. If you’re looking for the bits of the bible I’ve referenced in this sermon, you can find the link right here. For the nerds in the know, this is Advent 3, Year C, and here’s the sermon I preached on Sunday, December 11, 2022.  Here is the audio only recording, and below is the full text. Good…
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sare-liz · 1 year
Simple Questions, Complex Answers
Why can’t you just get a simple answer when you ask a simple question? Well, you can, but the answer is either deeply unsatisfying or actually wrong. Life is complicated. So are true answers.
‘I ask a simple question, I want a simple answer!’ <-this is someone who assumes short inferential distances, and the problem with simple questions wanting simple answers is that totally works when both people, the questioner and the answerer have the same background, the same experience, the same expertise, and the same insight. Two rocket scientists working on the same aspect of the same…
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sare-liz · 1 year
How to Master the Controversial Art of Forgiveness
True forgiveness is deeply controversial which is probably why no one wants to do it. But it’s not hard. Is the time right for you?
Friends, nothing widens the perspective like forgiveness does. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not talking about wanting to forgive, or trying to forgive, or believing you’ve forgiven but all those negative emotions are still present. Forgiveness isn’t what many people think it is and true forgiveness is actually life changing. But if you’ve been working with those other types of forgiveness – don’t…
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