I am stronger within the walls of Winterfell
115 posts
Sideblog for ASOIAF feels. Some meta too.
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sansalequeen · 2 years ago
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@sansamonth2023 â™¡day one - women♡
Her ladies welcomed Sansa as well. It had been so long since she had enjoyed the company of other women, she had almost forgotten how pleasant it could be. Lady Leonette gave her lessons on the high harp, and Lady Janna shared all the choice gossip. Merry Crane always had an amusing story, and little Lady Bulwer reminded her of Arya, though not so fierce.
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sansalequeen · 2 years ago
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Brave. Sansa took a deep breath. I am a Stark, yes, I can be brave.
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sansalequeen · 3 years ago
So I've been scrolling reddit a lot these days and I know it's the devil's playground but moderated reddit discussions are honestly soooo refreshing after my time on Tumblr. They remind me of LiveJournal and other early fan forums that I used to be a part of long back. It's just so stress free knowing that there's actually standards of behaviour that are enforced, and it fosters better discussions, with people able to actively disagree with each other and have interesting discussions as opposed to becoming mortal enemies for life or whatever.
Another key advantage is that it prevents discussions from getting derailed into spitfighting, bad faith arguments or personal attacks which I think is a huge problem on Tumblr. Here, people go after anyone who disagrees with them with the vengeance of a thousand suns, it's unnerving. Not to mention exhausting, because people will actually seek out anti tags or tags of characters they dislike to attack the post makers, it devolves into some imaginary fight over precious territory. whereas if everyone just stuck to using tags properly and not seeking out content you hate on purpose, we'd be able to be much more civil. Even what moderation is there seems very biased to me, which of course has resulted in the creation of multiple echo chambers - fans who group together not based on what they love, but active hating and targeting of another group of fans. And in these groups, there's no dissention allowed - get with the the party line Or Else.
That's the problem with no moderation - it encourages a culture of bullying and negativity that is really stressful to be a part of, and to me at least, defeats the purpose of online fandom.
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sansalequeen · 4 years ago
list 10 different female faves from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people
(m not tagging lol anyone who wants to please do it!!!)
Sansa Stark
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The Vampire Diaries
Bonnie Bennett
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Mad Men
Betty Draper
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Gossip Girl
Blair Waldorf
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Britta Perry
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Jane Austen
Anne Elliott
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Grey's Anatomy
April Kepner
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sansalequeen · 4 years ago
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these kids these days don’t know our struggle
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sansalequeen · 4 years ago
There's this extremely virulent anti-Sansa person (she might as well be a stan actually because of the amount of anti posts she has made and how her love for other characters continues to have hating Sansa as a focal point lmao). I'm pretty sure this person has been blocked by any one remotely a fan of Sansa. I guess that ticked her off? She seemed to get a lot of enjoyment from routinely abusing Sansa and her fans in extremely malicious terms and I suppose that doesn't work when no Sansa fans are bothering to listen to you anymore. So now she's managed to become a mod on a few asoif centric source blogs and every now and then I'll see a gifset supposedly about A*ya or D*ny but it's so pointedly edited to throw shade at S and even before i check the original post tags I KNOW who made it. And I've never once been wrong.
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sansalequeen · 5 years ago
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sansalequeen · 5 years ago
Despite all these years in fandom I'm still completely confused and annoyed by people whose entire online/fandom identity is based around hating a ship? And opposing some rival ship? Everything they do and feel even in real life has to be connected to this ship war somehow. Like strong opinions is one thing, but when you're so consumed by this petty matter of fictional relationships that you think it's fine to say x ship fans are all Trump supporters or nazis or something, I mean, first, like, go outside? Meet some real humans once in a while? Understand that the world isn't divided into good people and shippers of your hated ship?
It's highly insensitive and harmful, not to mention ridiculous. Ya'll are grown adults. Act like it. YOU may not be made of much more than your fictional likes/dislikes, but other people are. You're not the only one suffering under a fascist ruler your didn't elect and whose policies actively harm you because of your race, religion, caste etc. This is a horrible nightmarish reality of the world we live in as more and more right wing governments come to power around the world. There are many of us suffering out here and our lived experiences are perhaps somewhat more important than your right to make flippant political jokes equating followers of a ship you don't like to real life politics without any logical basis for comparison.
Surprise! Black and brown people don't belong to any one side of any "ship wars", much like in life, there are a variety of opinions amongst us JUST like amongst white people, and claiming that there is some clear divide is........fucking dumb. So shut up maybe.
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sansalequeen · 6 years ago
Me: Ugh, I know, I know, I’m a fan of science fiction and fantasy but I just I don’t like super hero movies.
Me: Watches the first Spiderman trilogy, Into the Spiderverse, Watchmen and The Incredibles 2 all in the same weekend.
Me, now, improved, refreshed, wisdomized: When not in the hands of MCU, I uhhhh love super heroes?
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sansalequeen · 6 years ago
People who are totally okay with Sansa's storyline in season 5 but hate her arc from season 6-8........transparent lmao.
Like yea Sansa was inconsistently written and under utilized in those later seasons but as I've always maintained it was their sins of season 5 coming home to roost in all later seasons with her and many other storylines and characters. They took a really horrible short cut to get her and other characters in that arc where they needed to be. But, her arc specifically took the brunt of the shoddy writing impact and that's what led to major problems in the later seasons as well.
Moreover what they actually did with her in season 5 was just blatant character and storyline ruining shenanigans, whereas season 6 onwards the issue was more with the execution and characterization rather than the broad themes and intent.
Like just think for a second. What are you saying exactly? You liked Sansa as long as she was powerless, miserable, alone, you liked her even being horribly abused, but the second she gains agency and frees herself from abusers you hate it? Like let me tell you! EVEN IF Sansa did go fully villainous in the show (or if she does in the books) I'll still enjoy her character as long as she gets agency and is finally able to make her own choices and pursue her own goals and know her own mind and have dignity! Like for me a disaster Sansa ending isn't her being a tragic villain or her dying or both (though I highly doubt these are happening) its her never getting agency and just remaining a pawn in the game fo thrones, and under Littlefinger's control all the way to the end. That wouldn't be satisfying. That would be bad writing. People screaming about how she's so badly written ONLY season 6 onwards - It's not about bad writing clearly since you're apparently okay with the disaster of season 5 where Sansa literally did nothing, had no character development, had no significant moments of agency (except one where it still wasn't even about her), and was essentially just there to hammer home Ramsay's monstrosity (completely unnecessary) and be Theon's redemption catalyst and oh yeah suffer! Because without suffering women can't be smart and powerful, don't you know?
Again to emphasize : this isn't a defence of the way Sansa was written season 6 onwards. I know people do enjoy her character, and I can see why, I really wanted to as well, but, well like most of everything GoT post season 5, it was pretty weak writing and I only enjoyed certain isolated moments and the broad ending for Sansa, while hating mostly everything else . Yet I maintain season 5 was just egregiously bad (overall like Dorne UGH but also) specifically wrt Sansa and they were never gonna come back from that ever.
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sansalequeen · 6 years ago
I really got pulled back in and spat back out huh
This is entirely my fault, my own CLOWNERY for believing the writers who gave us season 5 6 and 7 could ever learn from their mistakes or grow as writers. They're so COMMITTED to their own bullshit and it's entirely on me that I forgot that just because they gave me some nice scenes of my favorite ships.
Anyway. Lol. Only 2 more weeks Thank Fuck.
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sansalequeen · 6 years ago
People are so upset about Jon Snow not getting to kill the Night King because apparently it doesn't make any narrative sense but like
1) The Night King concept itself doesn't make any narrative sense, doesn't exist in the books, is an example of the show writers absolute inability to write compelling yet logical magical stuff.
2) Moreover a Jon Snow vs NK thing is VERY unlike any of the other themes/narratives in Asoiaf and early seasons of GoT, as it builds a cult of a Single Most Important Hero that makes no sense in this series which is all about different people (bastards, cripples and broken things) pooling their strength to face what's really important, the overwhelming onslaught of Winter and Death, not one single extremely conveniently vulnerable character.
3) However they did do that extremely absolutely narratively illogical dumb-ass thing. They did it and THEN in last night's episode they undid it, as per their whim, also in a narratively illogical way. There you have me because that did happen.
4) To sum up: They did entire swathes of illogical narrative things to prop up Jon Snow the Hero narrative and now, another one to give Arya a Hero Moment.
5) So if you're making a big deal that Arya killing the Night King makes no logical sense because you prefer the OTHER illogical narrative of Jon Snow being the Perfect Prince who killed the Night King, you need to find your chill. The show hasn't made sense in seasons and certain characters (like Arya) have suffered more than others because the writers didn't know what to do with them. At least out of the mess of this storyline, we got a moment that was in-character and within HER story made sense. No, it doesn't hold up when you look at the larger context BUT PLEASE TELL ME what plot line does hold up on this show????? They wrote themselves into these terrible corners and they have to write themselves out and it's all gonna be pretty bad and we just have to take what joy we can get when get it. So please stop acting like you're so smart and so clever to see through the bad writing just because for the first time, it's your precious fave Jon Snow who has suffered due to it. Lol.
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sansalequeen · 6 years ago
Things I'm terrified of
in season 8 of HBO's Game of Thrones.
1) That Sansa/Arya/Lyanna will disapprove of Dany, which in itself is what~ever, but more specifically, that this will be expressed via D&D's trademark terribly grating feminism-by-men dialogues.
2) That this will result in MORE of the lovely, not-at-all malicious anti-Sansa/anti-Dany hot takes and "metas".
3) That Sansa will be kidnapped by Cersei, subjected to yet more pointless torture and powerlessness, making her entire journey so far pointless and erasing all her Skills that they made such a point to TELL us about last two seasons (couldn't do the SHOW part due to her ASOIAF training montage being sacrificed for Plot Reasons) and therefore reducing her, in her last on-screen arc, to nothing but a Plot Reason who needs to be rescued by Jon or Arya or whomever.
3) That the Arya-Jon and Jon-Bran reunions will not be given the emotional weight and narrative importance they deserve, leaving us all with some massive emotional blue balls.
4) That Arya and Gendry will NOT be romantically paired or even hinted at because Arya's "too far gone" or because they needed Arya to go off and rescue Sansa/kill Cersei for Plot Reasons and so couldn't spare time for a romantic plot line for her.
5) That Tyrion will betray Dany and it will make No Sense in Any Way WHATSOEVER but everyone will call it Great Writing because it's a /TWIST/.
6) That Dany will die in childbirth and/or sit out most of the fighting so that Jon can be (more) a tragedy hero I guess but everyone will call it Great Writing because it's a /TWIST/.
7) That NO ONE will acknowledge that Lyanna naming Jon Aegon is STUPID and RUDE.
8) That any of my faves (Bran, Sansa, Tyrion, Arya) will die, in a stupid, pointless way, for cheap thrills.
9) That due to the lack of redshirts to sacrifice, Missandei and Greyworm won't make it.
BTW these are only the things I think might happen that I HAVE NOT made peace with. There's other stuff like Jaime and Cersei dying, Jon dying, Dany dying in a non-sexist way, the dragons dying, Winterfell falling AGAIN, that I've kind of accepted even though when they actually happen it will destroy me.
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sansalequeen · 6 years ago
So the worst thing is when people can't even own up to their own trash opinions so they disguise it with some disingenuous shit like oh I don't hate that character in FACT I think she would be a great villain/foil/mad queen! If only people would acknowledge!
Like puh-leeeeeeeaaaaaase! Just say you hate her and go man! Don't try this "I'm not a hater, I'm just trying to have an honest literary discussion in good faith in the actual tags of this character" yer lying and hostile and malicious and full of hate and you know it. You know it! So tag your anti meta. Do the bare fucking minimum of decency.
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sansalequeen · 6 years ago
Gonna fuck around and renew my spirit
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sansalequeen · 6 years ago
<Redacted> fandom never ceases to amaze
People are back on their bullshit. I mean these folks will go on and on talking about how much they hate the show because it's apparently SO mean and unfair to their fave and glorifies their un-fave. AND THEN the minute the actors/writers/directors etc say anything remotely supporting your shitty (and usually misogynistic takes) yer all crowing about vindication. LIKE LMAO who gives a flying fuck about the shows "intentions" !!!! You certainly didn't 5 days ago. Transparent.
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sansalequeen · 6 years ago
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