You are THE GRAND SUMMONER, a powerful indigo blood of Alternia and LEADER of the SUBJUGGLATORS. You've got a wild THIRST FOR LOWBLOODS but you would NEVER dare harm any ANIMAL. Perhaps it has something to do with your ability to COMMUNE with them. [ Independent Indigo!Summoner Blog Handle: sanguinaryWings M!A: None but accepting sidebarimage by ask-thelostboys ]
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wanna motherfuck1ng bET?
I ain’t little, twitmuffin.
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be look1ng forward to some stor1es l1ke o' that fucker gett1ng motherfuck1ng sERVED by ya, bro,
hAHAAAA! yeah just l1ke that, though had to retreat to m1nd h1ve for some, had to drown my w1cked self 1n the sl1me to calm m1ne self,
also, been see1ng some ment1ons some bout yer h1ve? what's the tale alterbro?
1 agree. Completely. And he’ll get h1s just desserts soon enough. Don’t you worry. He’s crossed a l1ne and 1 want h1m to know 1t. All 1n due t1me though. Subtlety 1s 1mportant 1n my work.
1… see. Do l1ke troll Dal1 and exper1ment w1th that surreal sh1t though. You never know, someth1ng beaut1ful m1ght come from 1t. You gotta be up and try1ng new th1ngs, no?
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+ tunability
sup l1l motherfucker?
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sounds to me l1ke he be need1ng some sense knocked the fuck into h1s pan, alterbro, huh, and none o' that sh1t be r1ng1ng no r1ghteous bells 1n your pan?
heh, dunno brother, w1thout blood none on my m1rthful hands for a wh1le, been feel1ng all surreal l1ke you feel me? a1n't a bad surreal though, wonder1ng how long m1ne self can go w1thout the blasphemous urge returning 1n a mOTHERFUCK1NG FORCE,
1 have the fuck’s coords. 1’ve been to h1s place. But 1’ve been try1ng to get h1s cooperat1on on some th1ngs. but noooo… he had to bust my lip. And yeah, 1’ve been talk1ng to folks, try1ng to get someth1ng go1ng up 1n my pan.
cool. 1 suppose. 1 hope you’re do1ng better than a1ght though. A1ght?
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tch, a f1shfucker eh? should try and getta hold of h1s coords and br1ng down the mOTHERFUCK1NG ROOF on that fucker, and have ya tr1ed ask1ng round some and see 1f ya can get that fuck1ng connect1on ya once had w1th them bros up and started aga1n?
been dwelling round the caverns as of late, haven't culled for a motherfuck1ng wh1le e1ther, so 1 be, , , a1ght,
bes1des my t1mel1nes DS gett1ng a hold of my coords and blast1ng a hole 1n my wall? bes1des forgett1ng everyone 1n quads w1th me?
1’m just peachy. And you?
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a1n't that all mother fuck1ng m1RACULOUS?
so how ya been eh? f1ll a brother 1n on all that sh1t,
hm was all up and under the 1mpress1on that you’d lost yer memor1es some,
but ye }:o) we’re motherfuck1ng alterbros,
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hm was all up and under the 1mpress1on that you'd lost yer memor1es some,
but ye }:o) we're motherfuck1ng alterbros,
sanguinarywings started following you
1 remember you. You… you’re my bro. R1ght?
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t1tle be1ng grand summoner, but some fuckers up and dubbed me dandy, 1 a1n't m1nd1ng that name none so ya can call me that,
pleasure meet1ng ya,
And what name do you go by?
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+ sanguinness + hisanelectric + taureannightmare + thepirate8itch
motherfuck 1 a1n't been round a wh1le now,
probably aLL SHADES OF LATE, but greet1ngs to you brothers and s1sters any fuck1ng way,
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ↁo not provoke me;
i will TEAR you αpαrт
——- & make you wish
you were
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not many brothers do, then aga1n 1 can't br1ng my m1rthful self to care none when 1t be part of my mOTHER FUCK1NG JOB,
1 can get my understand on to that, 1t just a1n't for some fuckers and that be what 1t be, s'long as yer enjoy1ng yerself s'all that matters 1'm suppos1ng,
i don’t know if im all chilldown with anyone up and cullin’ a motherfucker…
not very interested all overmuch in responsibilities either, can’t myself all lock-trapped up in cages like that yanno? ain’t nobody catches me and responsibility sounds an awful fuckin’ lot like bein’ locktrapped and caught yeah?
nah, i think i’ll get my motherfuckin’ pass on. it’s cool if that gets your own thumper happy but i ain’t down with none of that i guess.
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mn ours 1'd th1nk 1t be, less them m1rthful brother d1ffer cross the mult1verse, doubt1ng such but ya never know,
though what you be want1ng to know of? there be two l1ke yours (1 bel1eve you up and got two as well?) and only the most worthy of brother get all up and blessed w1th the1r m1rthful rage and such,
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nomansadvocate said: Hello to you too, sir.
guess 1 up and m1SSED TH1S SH1T EH?
yeah greet1ngs and what not, what name ya go by brother?
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- snicker and go forward and wrap your arms around him -
all motherfuck1ng warm l1ke brother, m1ght g1ve th1s fucker a damn hEATSTROKE,
sanguinarywings replied to your post:♥
- wag your brows and laugh - you motherfuck1ng kNOW 1T BRO,
awwww yeah.
*open your arms and beckon him closer*
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+ the-star-prince + reginadespinis + nomansadvocate
hey ya fuckers
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well a1n't that motherfuck1n bR1LL1ANT OF YA, any damn reason ya d1d that brother? or just bored outta yer pan?
mhmm, but 1'm told most o' my 1nterests a1n't someth1ng that should be all up and talked about, you feel me? how bout your f1ne self?
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