sancionadas-blog · 14 years
John Edwards, Hillary Clinton Campaign Over Shock Peru Free Trade Agreement
 Clinton and Edwards differ on Peru Trade Deal The House passed a new trade agreement with Peru yesterday. The agreement, known as the US-Peru Free Trade Agreement, passed the House with 215 votes in favor and 132 against. The debate on the agreement to re-ignite the conflict over trade policy that has raged between supporters and opponents of free trade agreements since NAFTA's passage in late 1990. The debate spread to the presidential election with Democratic candidate John Edwards, criticizing his rival Hillary Clinton support for the campaign agreement.Early pm John Edwards issued a statement condemning the House vote. "I am disappointed by today's vote to approve the Peru trade agreement and expand the failed NAFTA model that has cost us more than a million jobs," Edwards was quoted as saying. Requested that the trade agreements that protect American workers and contain strong protections for labor rights, fought, and the environment. Edwards asked Clinton to take a position in the issued, saying that voters deserve to know the answer truth.Hillary praising the agreement's approval by the House in a statement posted on his campaign website. "I have long said that we need smart trade policies that promote labor rights, environment, and our economic situation in the world," he was quoted as saying. According to Clinton, the new Peru trade agreement, which still must pass the Senate, contains a strong environmental protection and labor rights. She said the deal would allow American products to enter the Peruvian market duty free. The agreement would benefit American workers, well, Clinton said. As President Clinton said he would vigorously enforce trade agreements. "We also will expand the program of Trade Adjustment Assistance for workers adversely affected by the global economy get the help they need," Clinton campaign fired added.The Edwards again in a statement issued at the end of the hour afternoon. Edwards was quoted as saying, "I'm terribly disappointed by Senator Clinton's support for the Peru trade agreement." He accused Clinton of supporting the interests of corporations, lobbyists, and President Bush and ignoring the needs of millions of American workers. The Peru trade agreement was signed in April 2006 and has been criticized by environmentalists and advocates of labor rights. For example, a joint statement issued by the Friends of the Earth and the Sierra Club criticized the agreement for not doing enough to implement a set of trade policies that will achieve progress towards environmental sustainability. The statement did praise aspects of the agreement, however, as a measure to curb illegal timber trade and thereby reduce rates of deforestation in Peru.
Holiday Inn Santiago de Chile
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sancionadas-blog · 14 years
Travel to Cusco, Peru to Machu Picchu aboard the Hiram Bingham Orient-Express Train
 Many people travel to Peru to travel to the famous site of the site of the Inca ruins of Machu Pichu. When this is certainly one of the trips of your life that can enhance that experience to travel from the city of Cusco, Peru to Machu Picchu aboard the Hiram Bingham Orient-Express Train. The Orient-Express has long been associated with the trip on a luxury train with art deco accents of cherry wood and decorated. The backdrop for many novels of Agatha Christie, the Orient-Express is for most travelers is a dream come true. For Hiram Bingham Orient-Express Train, this is an opportunity to work a short train ride on the freeway elegant in its historic travel experience Machu Pichu, Peru. Hiram Bingham Orient-Express, is actually the name of the Andean Community explorer Hiram Bingham, who spent much of his time and dedication page of Machu Pichu in Peru. Travel on the Hiram Bingham Orient-Express takes you through beautiful Andean mountains and forests and rushing waters at the site of Inca ruins. The Hiram Bingham Orient-Express, like trains, is a luxury train operated by Peru Rail. The train has luxurious decor, and elegant upholstery and a variety of high-level appointments. The train is equipped with a dining car, bar and kitchen, and is designed to accommodate up to 84 passengers. Definitely one of the most convenient ways to reach the site of Machu Pichu, packages are offered at the Hiram Bingham Orient-Express offer bus service to the ruins of the site, a tour and lunch, dinner and tea on board the train. The Orient-Express offers a range of itineraries for travelers looking for an in-depth experience aboard the famous cars. The Hiram Bingham Orient-Express gives a delicious taste of style and elegance that goes into a travel experience true luxury. www.orient-express.com
Caesar Santiago Hotel
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sancionadas-blog · 14 years
Riding the Micro in Santiago, Chile
No matter where you go in Santiago, Chile, the chances are good that somewhere in the vicinity, probably in earshot, a yellow bus is in motion. There are thousands of these buses, such as micros known to Chileans, on the road. You can be a very confusing first experience on the. But if you keep in mind some basic tips that will make the experience much smoother.There is an important distinction between the older privately held microphones, which are yellow to make, and the new green and white buses that part of the government are Transantiago initiative to reform the micro-system. Poor regulation, lack of training and lack of buses have contributed a negative reputation for the older systems. The new system is a major challenge to successfully replace the old and provide better service to the city. This means that your experiences are very different, depending on which micro-organisms you are riding. The new Micros do not accept bills and pay for a machine rather than the driver, so make sure to change coins ready or you before you board. Once you have paid, you will get a little prick, stop, because you could show it to an inspector, if you put a microphone on boards.Before know you certainly learn what will lead you, wherever You have to go. If where you're going on a major road, as the central artery of the Bernardo O'Higgins Avenue (formerly the Alameda, which is also listed on most buses known), you can only the names of landmarks on the route microphone, in the usually on the front and side of the bus for a small sign to see listed. When it gets dark and you can not see the name, it may be better to hail each micro-wave and then it's over if you do not have the right not direction.If on your way to an important goal directed, make sure You know the numbers you need. There is obviously no real system to the numbers that are 614 and 615, for example, in many different places. Www.micros.cl ask someone for the numbers, or the site. The website allows you to enter two addresses and it's lists, you need to take microphones. A printed guide is also available in supermarkets lids, but it is poorly organized. Once you have figured out what to take micro patterned, boarded and paid your fare to find a seat. It is a good idea to always have a good grip on something more robust, preferably not the person next to you. The micros-drive at high speed, avoiding the time, and suddenly stop. You do not want to fall down, could it hurt grumpy and would be very embarrassing. Transantiago The micros are stable, but also much slower, because their double track size.Depending on what time you go, you will be much different from their experiences. If you have the unfortunate experience of riding in the early hours of the morning rush hour traffic, which lasts from about 10:00 bis 07.30 clock clock or early evening, 18.30 to 22.00 clock, then you'll be glad when you come to be enough space. Both lines of MICROS are a burden on this hour drive, and move sluggishly through the traffic.For most of the micro-riding is a safe activity, do not worry if there is a football game. Drunken hooligans on the way to the stadium often on the back of a microphone. Avoid a bad situation, and push your way to the front of the bus to rise, if your goal achieved. If traffic is bad, and your standing in the corridor, also keep an eye on your bag and your purse. It is an easy way for a thief, an influence of a cell phone or a camera, while the micro swings back and forthBut, unless you go during peak time, you will probably have more space and patience to enjoy the ride. Transantiago micros are much nicer than the old microphones, there are more seats, and they are much cleaner. However, they lack some of the colorful aspects of their yellow colleagues. Street musicians and vendors are entering the new system, it prohibited a journey lacks some of the charisma and character that comes with the new products will be sold, or played the rich music of the musicians. Do not get too wrapped up in the folk music is played, to stay alert when you are so you can be right on the spot. Most microphones have buttons marked timbre that disappoint a buzzer sound and light, so the driver knows you. Sometimes on really old microphones, there is only one button on the back door. Sometimes the button is not working and you have to yell and scream, either, or rapidly moving forward, so you can remove the driver.
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sancionadas-blog · 14 years
Helpful tips for traveling in Europe
Visiting Europe, is a dream for many American travelers. Unfortunately, it can be a little scary when the decision where to go and what to do when you get there.The first step, of course, is a goal or more choices. Once in Europe, it is easy to see several countries in a relatively short period of time, as the train system is excellent. The best way to decide a target is exactly what you want to see. Do you want a great city with much excitement as Berlin, Germany, or a smaller town with lots of local color and small cafes as Utrecht, The Netherlands? Both offer a rewarding experience, it just depends on what you enjoy most. Take some time to those countries that want to visit, could research policy. One of the biggest mistakes most travelers is higher only traveled to the western countries such as Germany and England. While these countries are certainly worth seeing, many Eastern European countries a lot to offer, too. Prague, Czech Republic, for example, is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe with a rich history. Plus, have the most Eastern European countries should seek cheaper accommodations and food.You Book your tickets way in advance, and your passport. If you are traveling through different countries, you should also seek to purchase tickets between the countries. EasyJet offers cheap flights between the countries (but be careful, EasyJet has strict rules on the amount of luggage you can carry). Trains are a great way to see the landscape and are easily accessible by public transport. You will also want to make a reservation that your accommodation. For the best experience, try a local hotel, although check ratings if they offer it. Many hotels have websites where you can book accommodations.If you under 26 (and sometimes when you are older), hostels are a cheap alternative to hotels. Many hostels are less than 15 € per night (about $ 20). Although you usually have to share a room and a bathroom (only a few have private rooms), it is worth it for the experience, because you will be able to meet other travelers, many of which are from Europe. Many hostels have a kitchen so you can save money by buying food and cooking. Many places (such as museums and Transportation Systems) offer young people (under 26) discounts remain so in the eye. As you approach your trip, you should begin to think about what you pack. Take clothes that make sure you layer, and you have all your outfits interchangeable. Also, try not anything you wear is as an American identified as making it easy to identify, to pickpockets. It is a good idea, the weather in the country for the time you will be there and plan accordingly check. Finally, good walking shoes for travel to Europe to do you will be much walking.Also, research the countries where you travel to find out what to do to you once you are indispensable. Museums, national monuments and sights to see all the fun things. However, do not plan every minute of your vacation travel some time to discover it. More than likely, you will find some unexpected jewel that will be the highlight of your trip. Finally, here are some dos and don'ts for the trip: DO pack as light as possible. You need a lot less than you think and you'll be on packaging, because you can pretty well with the luggage on foot, by subway and buses to regret. to travel backpacks and rolling luggage, because they are easy to manage ideal. DO NOT wait until the last minute to apply for your passport. If you wait too late to cover the fees, the process can be accelerated steep.DO take time to learn a few phrases in the local language. Although many Europeans speak two languages and three (and one of them is usually English), most people appreciate the effort and more friendly.DON "T change money in the U.S.. Exchange rates are more expensive at airports, banks and ATMs are relatively easy in most countries where you can find cash in the currency of the country. Also accept most major credit cards cards.DO places rely on public transport. Most European cities have great public transport, which is easier (and safer) than trying to rent a car, and cheaper than cabs. Also take the time to the city on foot-it is a great way to really get the feel of a city to explore. NOT just visit the most famous sights. The real beauty of a country is its culture and people-something you can just by visiting landmarksDO you find a good map (and know how to read it!). A card can give you the freedom explore.DON 't travel in large groups-at least when exploring the city. Most restaurants are not for a large group, plus it makes it easier for pickpockets, as do the main tourist attraction. DO visit local markets. They offer a fun souvenirs and a chance to experience the local culture. Do not be afraid to talk about the people on the ground. While not everyone will be willing to talk with you, are many. You can learn a lot about local customs and such. Also do not shy to ask for directions, most people are willing to research help.DO local taboos and customs, if you can. You do not want to offend anyone, just because you do not know, a local custom. Many Europeans see Americans as loud and rude. Be considerate when you are. On the other hand, you will make mistakes, and a good sense of humor will help you through the many situations. While this just a few tips, they will help ensure that your time in Europe will be a pleasant experience. With a little planning, you can smooth your journey and the journey of her life.
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