apesoformythoughts · 11 months
«It is also a strange kind of “wideness” when around 360 people claim to be speaking for all of the “people of God”. Once again, this has every appearance of a channelized wideness, with the faith of 1.4 billion Catholics now funneled through the narrow choke-point of a few hand-selected synodalists. How strange that the Vatican decided that these spokespersons for the people of God should remain silent in public about what it is they are discussing at the Synod in the name of the People of God.
And so we have the bizarro world spectacle of the People of God being left in the dark about what it is their representatives are saying about what it is that the People of God want. Apparently, the People of God are to be selectively listened to, but not trusted, and therefore the synodal deliberations must be free of interference from the pesky People of God so that the People of God can get things done. You can’t make this stuff up.»
— Larry Chapp: “This Synod is wide, shallow, and contrary to Vatican II”
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the-2-swords · 7 months
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secto1-blog · 14 years
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sancionadas-blog · 14 years
John Edwards, Hillary Clinton Campaign Over Shock Peru Free Trade Agreement
 Clinton and Edwards differ on Peru Trade Deal The House passed a new trade agreement with Peru yesterday. The agreement, known as the US-Peru Free Trade Agreement, passed the House with 215 votes in favor and 132 against. The debate on the agreement to re-ignite the conflict over trade policy that has raged between supporters and opponents of free trade agreements since NAFTA's passage in late 1990. The debate spread to the presidential election with Democratic candidate John Edwards, criticizing his rival Hillary Clinton support for the campaign agreement.Early pm John Edwards issued a statement condemning the House vote. "I am disappointed by today's vote to approve the Peru trade agreement and expand the failed NAFTA model that has cost us more than a million jobs," Edwards was quoted as saying. Requested that the trade agreements that protect American workers and contain strong protections for labor rights, fought, and the environment. Edwards asked Clinton to take a position in the issued, saying that voters deserve to know the answer truth.Hillary praising the agreement's approval by the House in a statement posted on his campaign website. "I have long said that we need smart trade policies that promote labor rights, environment, and our economic situation in the world," he was quoted as saying. According to Clinton, the new Peru trade agreement, which still must pass the Senate, contains a strong environmental protection and labor rights. She said the deal would allow American products to enter the Peruvian market duty free. The agreement would benefit American workers, well, Clinton said. As President Clinton said he would vigorously enforce trade agreements. "We also will expand the program of Trade Adjustment Assistance for workers adversely affected by the global economy get the help they need," Clinton campaign fired added.The Edwards again in a statement issued at the end of the hour afternoon. Edwards was quoted as saying, "I'm terribly disappointed by Senator Clinton's support for the Peru trade agreement." He accused Clinton of supporting the interests of corporations, lobbyists, and President Bush and ignoring the needs of millions of American workers. The Peru trade agreement was signed in April 2006 and has been criticized by environmentalists and advocates of labor rights. For example, a joint statement issued by the Friends of the Earth and the Sierra Club criticized the agreement for not doing enough to implement a set of trade policies that will achieve progress towards environmental sustainability. The statement did praise aspects of the agreement, however, as a measure to curb illegal timber trade and thereby reduce rates of deforestation in Peru.
Holiday Inn Santiago de Chile
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