sammyvisualessay · 3 years
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I have decided to go with a photograph on the front page combined with some of Deshmas sketches taken from her journal, this feels more personal and accurate than the digital illustration.
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sammyvisualessay · 3 years
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Digital illustration of Deshma to possibly use on the front cover.
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sammyvisualessay · 3 years
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sammyvisualessay · 3 years
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sammyvisualessay · 3 years
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Hand sketches based on a photo of Deshma to use in the photography spread.
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sammyvisualessay · 3 years
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I’ve gone through several changes with this spread. I tried out making the image on the right much larger to show the rollerskates but I think the spread is too crowded and doesn’t have the feel that I want. I have gone back to a smaller image but introduced a texture into the background and am now using the much more simple thinner lines on the spreads.
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sammyvisualessay · 3 years
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Introducing the lines has helped me to portray movement and I wanted to emphasise a section of Deshmas quote.
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sammyvisualessay · 3 years
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Playing around with different arrangement for the collections spread.
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sammyvisualessay · 3 years
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Progress on my introduction page so far. Wanted it to feel quite dynamic and portray a sense of movement. 
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sammyvisualessay · 3 years
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Developing my journaling spread. I wanted this to have a scrapbook, cut and paste feel and include whole pages taken from her journal, however my style ended up changing quite a bit. After receiving feedback I decided to take words/drawings out of the page so they weren’t contained in a frame as this made more sense in depicting the, free flow of  words/feelings that is happening when journaling. Deshma said she journaled as not only a way of documenting but also as a way of release so I wanted to depict this.
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sammyvisualessay · 3 years
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Studio Airport
Really enjoy the treatment of images in the first publication and the way these are arranged. I like the way text is arranged in the last few images particularly “A storm blown from paradise.”
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sammyvisualessay · 3 years
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New design direction, gong to start looking at specific publications and examples.
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sammyvisualessay · 3 years
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Upon starting my first spread and gaining feedback, i have decided to change my direction. I am wanting to go for a more personal, hand-made feel. I feel like this would be a more appropriate style for my subject.
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sammyvisualessay · 3 years
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These photos were all taken on Deshmas camera (carl). She uses photography as another way of expressing herself and capturing special moments.
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sammyvisualessay · 3 years
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Something that Deshma mentioned in our interview is how she enjoys collecting things for sentimental value. She has a lot of collections including festival/movie tickets, notes and things she has collected from places like rocks and shells. I would really like to incorporate these into the visual essay.
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sammyvisualessay · 3 years
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I’ve asked Deshma to photograph any pages from her journal which she feels comfortable with sharing. I would like to do a spread on journaling in a scrap book kind of style.
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sammyvisualessay · 3 years
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