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samcnthachen · 4 years ago
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samcnthachen · 4 years ago
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samcnthachen · 4 years ago
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Olivia Munn Taste-Tests Vegan Ice Creams
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samcnthachen · 4 years ago
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She had to take a break from all the chatting. All the champagne and cocktails were making her way through her system, and she had to run off to the bathroom. The trip was quick, and she knew that there were probably other woman, who needed to use it just as much. So she made it quick. The line was gathering from her stall, and she washed her hands, ducking out of the bathroom door, only to knock into a body. “Oh,” she laughs, only to back up, and take note. It’s a face she hasn’t seen in almost fifteen years. She didn’t recognize it at first. In truth, she didn’t think she’d ever see Sam’s face again. “Uh, hi.” she said, before her flooded memories came back, which in turn, brought back the anger.
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     Samantha saw herself in need of several breaks that evening. She couldn’t help how many times she dashed from the crowd to look for a lonely place, to check on her phone and see if the babysitter had spoken to her, or to simply stay away from the endless chatter of the people around her. She had gone high and low inside that resort and she would agree that she did not expect to bump into anyone, and Emilia of all people. Samantha hadn’t thought about her or Marshall in years, probably a good thing too▬ it was far too much. Seeing her brought a lot of instant memories Sam was definitely not ready for. Taking a step back and clearing her throat, Sam attempted to put herself together. “Emilia, hi,” it sounded lame to be this intimidated by a presence that had been there for the majority of her life. “You look beautiful,” she complimented, 15 years had done her good. “I▬ it’s nice to see you.”
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samcnthachen · 4 years ago
River stuck their hands in the pockets of their pants and smiled at Samantha’s compliment. “Well, I wasn’t thinking that at all ‘til you said it. So if you say so, then it must be true,” they replied in jest. They took one hand out of their pocket to flatten their shirt. A lot of the richer folk were dressed in some fancy threads, but River figured those people didn’t have half the knack they had for thrifting some nice looking clothes. They gave them a nod to her offer. “Sure, who am I to deny a free drink from a pretty gal?” They leaned against the bar to get more comfortable. “Your earlier remark implies you haven’t come across many faces you like here so far. Not having fun?”
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     With a small shake of her head, Samantha smiled. “I’m glad that you do, I have absolutely no reason to lie to you,” the brunette shrugged her shoulders ever so slightly. Samantha tapped the surface of the bar with her knuckles and ordered drinks from the bartender, seeing as the drinks were already free, she made sure to let him know to serve them with gusto, and he picked one of the colder beers to River and refilled her scotch. She had truly been considering beer as the night went on, afraid her pockets would get looser as she consumed more alcohol. “I don’t know, it’s just not my thing, I mean, it doesn’t feel like pulling teeth, but it doesn’t beat being home in my sweats, you know? With Chinese takeout and my very rambunctious two year old,” her tongue ticked at the thought, there was a longing behind her voice she made no mention to hide. “What about you? Having fun? Is your brother here?” She asked curiously, because this didn’t seem like a Forrest event at all.
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samcnthachen · 4 years ago
✉ imessage ⬌ chlamlydia.
LYDIA: are you missing me????
LYDIA: working, i'm at the hospital still.
LYDIA: still probably having more fun
LYDIA: is the weather bad up there?
LYDIA: it's icky here. snowing like hell.
SAM: ofc im missing you, nobody around here to make me laugh my ass off
SAM: people around here are boring as all fuck
SAM: weather is not bad, people are actually outside, some in dresses, idk why
SAM: you working the whole night?
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samcnthachen · 4 years ago
“Looks like I’d end up getting taken away in an ambulance in those things. I’d end up too close to the edge of the tubing zone and send myself down it like I’m the tube,” he jests, his own body clearly big enough to be mistaken for a tube. He was fit but with the fit, it came with a large chest, arms and back, leaving someone plenty of space to careen down the tubing area because Dom couldn’t walk in heels. Not that he’d ever tried, at least not recently. Looking down at his own shoes, they certainly were more comfortable than what she was wearing but certainly, not more comfortable than flip flops. “My—” immediately the man switches his train of thought from ‘my wife’. She wasn’t his wife anymore. “Maybe next time bring the flip flops along in your bag or something, then you can sneak them on when you’re tired of those.”
Hearing her explanation of needing a break felt similar to his own. Dom was lucky to get himself in a suit once a year, usually for weddings or something. A charity event meant he could wear something a bit more interesting, which resulted in a green suit, not something you saw everyday but it was very Dominic. “I appreciate that,” he says with a smile, looking down a bit at the ground. “I’d hate to let Bobbie down though so I guess next time y’all see me, I can’t be wearing this again,” he chuckles, rubbing a hand over his face. “But I get what you mean. I get enough of this crowd stuff at work, I don’t need to be seeing the same people I’ve dragged out of Shooters getting dragged out of here too.” But it was for charity which was the same thing he’d reminded himself tonight, prior to leaving. “You’re a scotch girl?” he asks, a bit amused. “Wouldn’t have called that one. Which is probably a good thing, right? Elusive, scotch-drinking hot mom is probably a good thing to put on the resume.”
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     The mere thought of Dominic wearing heels was enough to make Samantha let out a less-than-ladylike snort, followed by laughter at the imagery he successfully imprinted inside her brain. “That sound disastrous, but then again, you do seem like more of a wedges kind of guy, stiletto heels require years of practice,” the brunette teased him, her smile dying down a bit as the expression on his own features shifted ever so slightly. There was a lot they didn’t know about each other, she’d reckon, and she wondered if that was the reason why she thought being next to him was easy. Not as easy as being next to Matthew, but easy nonetheless. In less than a few minutes, he had made up for the entire hour she had been at that party and she hated parties and fancy gatherings. “Trust me when I say that I have no intentions on coming to any of those, I saw so many people coming in, placing their bids and going away, it’s... tempting to follow their lead, to say the least.”
     She was not that kind of woman. Her being raised by a single father should say it all. Robert Chen took whatever little time he had in his hands, and spent teaching Samantha how to take care of herself and not how to fix her hair. Makeup and boys came later on, but it didn’t speak to her true essence, sure, getting dressed was fun and getting looks was not the worst thing in the world, but she wanted to be go by Anchor Inn, grab their infamous burgers and go home, have at it with an ice cold beer and call it a night by snuggling her daughter. Still, she promised Matthew and Frankie she would make an effort, she would be there, and there she was. “I would fully recommend that you’re wearing something much cozier. You made quite an impression on her, she talked all day about the giant she met at the beach,” Sam chuckled at her daughter’s words, she was definitely used to having tall men around her and it still caused her to awe. “You just have to remember that you’re off the clock, no dragging out drunk people today.” It was an honest reminder. “Hot mom?” The brunette turned to look at him, eyebrows raised at yet another compliment he seemed to throw her way. “I don’t think anyone quite ever described me like that▬ truth be told, I’d go for the beer, but it doesn’t match the outfit,” she joked. “What about you? What is your chosen drink for the night?”
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samcnthachen · 4 years ago
Dom needed some time to himself. He wasn’t really enjoying the party the way some people were. He’s been milking a drink for long enough that the drink isn’t really much more than ice by now and admittedly, he’s a bit social-ed out. The man used to do this constantly, his friends and him causing a ruckus everywhere they went. Now, he’s much more calm, all by himself— Lara having been the one to bring that out of him in the first place. Since she’s long gone and Dom is left continuously taping the pieces of what they had back together, hoping to hold onto them as long as he could, he continues to be the man that he should’ve been for Lara. Kinder. Calmer. More responsible. And that meant no gambling, less drinking and less time causing chaos. 
When he hears the woman say something, Dom looks over his shoulder from his leaning position, having rested his elbows on the edge of the railing and watching out of the building to the view before them. “Oh, no, no that’s okay,” he says, standing up to see Samantha better. Her outfit was tailored to her perfectly and while it’s definitely not what he’s used to seeing her in, considering their first meeting was on the beach in the early morning, he liked this side of her too. Seemed like they were a long way from the seashells now, him in a green suit and her in white on white, a splash of black in there. “I don’t think those shoes would do well at the beach,” he jokes, with a small smile. “But you look– really good,” he assures her, catching himself. “You can feel free to stay. I’m just getting a break too. — You good?” he asks.
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     It feels like she’s interrupting him somehow, maybe something about the look on his face. Either way she feels herself blush at his compliment, as she leans on the opposite wall, preserving some distance between them, feeling that it’s somewhat needed, at least for now. “Thank you▬ and most definitely not, they are a nightmare on concrete as well, I can’t begin telling you how much I miss my flip flops,” she adds with a small chuckle, shaking her head. Even with some of the highest heels she owns, Dominic still towers over her easily.
     She sticks her hands inside the pockets of her pants ( reason number fifty she much prefers suits over dresses ) and lets her teeth sink into her bottom lip as she thinks about his question. He might not realize it, but it’s truly a loaded one. On one hand she could tell him she hasn’t been good in a long time, but their friendship is too new for deep thoughts and confessions, while she could see Dom as someone who she maybe would keep meeting, she wasn’t ready at all to feel this vulnerable with him. Instead of the whole truth then, she opts for a simple not and the smile, albeit not as large as it was when she first bumped into him, returns to her lips. “Yeah▬ just not really used to this, you know? Dressing up? Definitely not me. I did let myself be convinced, and the scotch is good, besides, it’s for a good cause, you know?” The brunette shrugs with her response. “What about you? You do clean up nice,” she said matter-of-factly, “I’m pretty sure Bobbie would twist her nose if she saw you, she hates when people get too dressed.”
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samcnthachen · 4 years ago
closed for: @samcnthachen··
River was doing what they normally did at parties – lurking around with a beer until they happened to spot someone they recognized. When their eyes landed on a particularly familiar brunette by the bar, they slipped through the crowd towards her direction. When they were close enough, they grinned and gave her a small wave. “Well hey! If it isn’t my almost-sister-in-law!” they playfully greeted. The idea of thinking Samantha and Forrest would have ever gotten serious enough to actually consider marriage was laughable these days, but it was a joking title they loved to apply to any of Forrest’s exes. “That suit? Just…” They did a chef’s kiss to express their thoughts on Samantha’s outfit. “Seriously. You’re exuding maximum MILF energy tonight.” They finished up their beer and placed the empty bottle on the bar counter. “How’s the party going? Cause anybody to faint yet with your outfit of choice?”
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     Samantha was hardly in partying mode that week, but there was something in her that knew she needed to step away from her routine and enjoy being charitable for the night. The choice of outfit came easily, Samantha hated wearing dresses ever since she was younger and her mother wasn’t around to thrust them upon her, the suit seemed fashionable enough for an evening in which people were dressed up to the nines. It had never been her. Still, the effort was made and there she was, ready and willing to a nice person for the evening, even though her head was swimming in one million thoughts. Placing herself by the bar, one place she fully intended on sticking around for the night, she asked for the faithful bourbon, glancing at her phone every now and then to see if the sitter had any news on her daughter. She had nursed the amber liquid until it was half drank when she heard a known voice, turning to the side, she was greeted with a sight for sore eyes, not even being able to not smile instantaneously. “Are you completely sure I’m the one who’s knocking people out with my looks? I mean look at you in that power suit,” the brunette waved a hand in front of River motioning at her choice of outfit, very River if she could add. “I honestly cannot say it’s not nice to see a face I like around here, can I get you another one of that?” Samantha pointed to the empty bottle.
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samcnthachen · 4 years ago
▬ at the rockwater resort charity event. ▬ january 22nd, around 8 in the evening. ▬ closed starter for dominic miller.
     Not much of a social bird, Samantha kept mostly to herself during the evening so far. Successfully planting herself at the bar and keeping small talks with people who ever so often spotted her, made her feel like it had actually been a good idea to put on heels and attend the charity. Not that she was much of a charitable person, and not that she was exactly excited about leaving Bobbie home, but, Matthew was right, she needed the distraction, might actually be the only thing that would work and that would make her have some fun despite not really having her daughter around her. It was around 8 when she felt like she needed a small break from the people around her, some time alone, maybe? She took advantage that there wasn’t anyone familiar near and asked for a refil of her drink of choice for the evening. Whiskey on the rocks, not many rocks, just enough like her father had taught her. Standing up from her seat, she walked away attempting to find the nearest unoccupied balcony. After three of them having people with clearly no problem with public displays of affection, she finally came to find one with one person, and someone she remembered meeting. “Hi▬” Sam greeted the man, a smile widening her lips, “I truly hope I’m not disrupting you or anything? I can find another balcony to take a break of people if you want me to.” ( @dommiller​ )
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samcnthachen · 4 years ago
▬ at the rockwater resort charity event. ▬ january 22nd, sometime after 7 in the evening. ▬ closed starter for adrianna soto.
     For  once something was not feeling like pulling teeth. Whoever saw the small smile Samantha offered people who were passing her by could mistake her for someone who was actually having fun, which was something incredibly remarkable compared to the sour face Samantha thought she’d have through the evening. The alcohol was good ▬ there as absolutely no way in hell she would be touching the prosecco they were passing off as champagne ▬, the people she had seen around so far had been nice and not too eager to pull her aside for an actual conversation, which went incredibly well with her mood. Not to mention that the music wasn’t at all that bad. She had absolutely no intentions on participating of the outdoor activities, she was wearing white, and there was no way she would be damaging one of her favorite pair of pants in favor of rolling around on the snow. Her eyes searched the venue, landing on Adrianna. It just hit her that she had yet to see Matthew anywhere, but it wasn’t all bad, she didn’t want to disrupt their evening together. Walking over to the woman, thinking about just talking to her briefly and then excusing herself, Samantha waved as she was approaching. “I wanna ask where Matthew is, but I’m pretty sure he’s trying to dislodge his tongue from his throat,” she said, giving the other a brief hug. “Please tell me you went over to see Bobbie before you came here? She was obsessed asking me if you were going to dress up as a princess.”
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samcnthachen · 4 years ago
▬ at the rockwater resort charity event. ▬ january 22nd, sometime after 7 in the evening. ▬ closed starter for nicolette jude.
     Upon seeing Nic’s familiar face, taking position by the bar, Samantha had approached. Both brunettes usually had the same thoughts towards these kind of events, unnecessary, but being open bar surely did help in Samantha’s choice of attending. Naturally, though, Matthew had given her a rather necessary push towards that direction, telling her that it would be a nice distraction, and so far, it had not been too shabby. Still, she didn’t want to intrude on Matthew’s night with Adrianna, they had been in such an enviable honeymoon phase of their relationship, that it felt wrong to be their third party, even though she was more than sure she would be welcomed either way ▬ they were nice people like that ▬ but it seemed sadder than to be alone. Nicolette’s face was welcomed, and so would be her presence, which was the main reason why she made absolutely no mention to take her side at the bar. “Why does it seem that absolutely everyone has a date today?” Samantha didn’t mean to sound bitter, but it didn’t mean she wasn’t. ( @nicolettejude​ )
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samcnthachen · 4 years ago
▬ at the rockwater resort charity event. ▬ january 22nd, sometime after 7 in the evening. ▬ closed starter for otto casado.
     Apparently there were unwanted drunks everywhere, even at an event like that. Open bar, Samantha guessed, was enough to make people not want to take a break from something they’d had to otherwise buy. At that very moment, she was slightly cursing up the heavens and actively trying not to hit the man who had almost spilled beer on her white suit, which would not be welcomed at all. He had gotten slightly altered in their altercation, and after she brushed him off the best she could, she went up to the bar and asked for some soda and a napkin. “Fucker▬” the brunette muttered beneath her breath and thanked the bartender when they handed her everything she needed to clean the corset, which had been spilled on. Another round of curse words came from her lips, and it wasn’t until she was in the middle of a son of a bitch that she even realized she had company, and that company was Otto. “Fuck▬ I mean, hi,” she offered him a small smile, cursing internally now, simply due the fact that her situation with Hannah was less than adorable these days, and Samantha had felt like the more people knew, the more sides were taken and she didn’t want to do anything else that Hannah would judge as a bad move on her part. “Enjoying yourself?” ( @ottocasado​ )
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samcnthachen · 4 years ago
✉ imessage ⬌ chlamlydia.
SAM: it sux that you're not here
SAM: what the hell are u doing instead???
SAM: having way more fun, i'll bet
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samcnthachen · 4 years ago
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“Tall folks taking pity on us who are vertically challenged. I know, it’s not that much, but it’s still a challenge,” Mandy laughed softly. She watched as the little girl took the sauce jar, impressed by the skill and dexterity little Bobbie had. A grin pulled up same more on her face. “Very nice,” she nodded, and gave her a little clap. It was nice to have someone help her out. Holding the jar in her hands, she nodded. “Well, she is a very good helper,” Mandy told Sam, before turning to Bobbie again. “Good work,” she smiled at her and held her hand up to give the girl a high five. “Teamwork’s always welcome,” she said with a nod. “That’s a very good skill.”
end of thread headcanon ▬
Samantha and Bobbie end up helping Mandy with top shelf purchases as they go, while conversing. Samantha tells Mandy what she does for a living and where she lives while offering some tips on what to do around town, hoping to make Mandy a bit more familiar with it and offers to show her around sometime. Mandy also offers some information about herself, which is appreciated. Bobby keeps talking about how beautiful Mandy’s blonde hair is and how she looks exactly like one of the Barbie dolls she has, except she is shorter than she imagines Barbies to be. Both women exchange digits and spend the next few days texting here and there, bonding every day a little bit more, and promising a girls’ night out soon.
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samcnthachen · 4 years ago
Dom had always had an adventurous spirit. That’s why he was sure it came as no surprise to his family that when he left Mississippi, he’d end up moving from place to place, never becoming too settled anywhere. And maybe Elisabeth Island would be another stop in that adventure, the one where he’s trying to learn forgiveness of himself and how to move forward in a world without his wife. Nature was a place of refuge to Dom and while he’s been outside, even in the coldest months, he’s looking forward to another spring on the island. “I got here at the end of the summer so the trails were one of my things. I started trying to run on some of the more flat ones, which is no joke,” Dom comments, nodding. “Sounds like y’all find a lot of adventures around here. Sounds like fun.” 
While children hadn’t ended up being his reality, he’d always thought that taking them exploring and learning would be fun. And by the look of Bobbie, he’s sure that the mother-daughter duo were just that. “Guess I should’ve found you a couple months ago, could’ve given me a good tour,” he tells her, a brief smile on his face. That is, until the idea of the disappearances. Dominic knew of them but he’d been here after them, not having really done a ton of research on the places that he ventured to. “Oh yeah, I was here in August. Sorry, if you knew them,” he nods, a bit grim. Obviously, he hadn’t known the people on the boat nor the man that was killed so all he knows is that he wasn’t involved but some people happened to be. “So far, so good. A lot colder than other places I’ve lived. But I’m working on getting used to it. Didn’t even have much of a coat before this place if you can believe it,” he shrugs. Mississippi boys didn’t have to worry about snow so he’s been learning a whole lot about it. After Mississippi, he ended up in Florida for a bit and there was no snow there either. “Been interesting though, meeting all these new people.” More like overwhelming.
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end of thread headcanon ▬
Dom and Samantha talked for a while longer, Samantha keeping a watchful eye over her daughter, they went over the basics, where each other lived and how long he had been in town. She promised him that as soon as summer came around she would give him some surfing lessons, intending on keeping her words and finding it strange how open she was being with a complete stranger. Some time later, Bobbie came by with a few more seashells, some she gave Dominic, and asked Samantha if they could go home, as she was feeling tired and hungry, and so they both bid their farewells with Dominic, both hoping to see him around some time soon, they packed everything to take home, putting the dogs in the car and went. 
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samcnthachen · 4 years ago
And then she told herself, “Stop being so weak. Grow up and get over it.” and then she never felt anything again.
chillstate (via chillstate)
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