sagefyre-blog1 · 8 years
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listen i’ll make a proper promo in the near future but! hey! this is a brand-spanking new blog for ROY MUSTANG from FULL METAL ALCHEMIST ( primarily focused on fma: brotherhood )! i’m still getting set-up with my pages and whatnot, but other than that, i’m ready to rock — so, please spread this around with reblogs, and like this if you think it’d be cool to follow you!
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sagefyre-blog1 · 8 years
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sagefyre-blog1 · 8 years
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sagefyre-blog1 · 8 years
* RE:                            /           WALKER, ALLEN.
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          ❛ …. of course, ❜  how sad a sight: lambs ready for the slaughter, the altar laid bare. the knife / the killing floor, gleaming under the light of mary’s smile and they are caught in it. silvered and blessed / but they are nothing and will return to nothing. for just a moment, he is made hollow by the thought. he knows the bitterness, the blood, the bile. retracts from it, shock to shame and something sanct.  ❛ i trust you, ignis        you’ve been doing this for longer than i have. i wanted to make sure, is all. ❜
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                               to make sure; to ascertain that he could indeed hold his own; that whilst robbed of sight, he could endure. three separate phrases, but all meant the same -----       allen would not be the first to voice such concern, making to his side with haste and ( he imagines ) looking upon him with what would only be pitied concern. THE MARTYR / A SACRIFICE MADE NOT OF WILL, BUT OF NECESSITY.    it’d only been a matter of time. time and time again, he’s reminded of this, of what would never return, of the difference between himself and the boy accompanying him, of the future ahead.       his skin’s assaulted by tens of hundreds of pinpricks.  a curt nod of his head; he moves to dust himself off.     “  noted.  “     he changes the subject.      “  we must press onward; the rendezvous point is yet a ways away, and with this last encounter, we’ve lost a fair amount of time.      let us be off.  “    
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sagefyre-blog1 · 8 years
* RE:                            /          ARGENTUM, PROMPTO.
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                “ I’m totally careful ! C’mon, careful’s like… my middle name ! ”
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                                       “  oh? well, then; perhaps you’d care to explain all that stumbling you did in hammerhead, the night before last.         ----- both physical and otherwise.  “     
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sagefyre-blog1 · 8 years
i also just wanted to let you guys know that classes at my college officially resume tomorrow, so i probably won’t be on at all tomorrow, or wednesday for that matter ( because i’ve got full-day shifts at work and then class almost immediately after ); i’m gonna try to get on on those days that come in-between, but i might be a little slow while i get settled back in at school. i really hope you guys understand, & thank you for being patient with me. ;v; 
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sagefyre-blog1 · 8 years
* RE:                            /         ARGENTUM, PROMPTO.
@sagefyre​ | liked ( x )
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          The bag crinkles as he readjusts it to something a bit more comfortable ( though it isn’t heavy by any measure, it’s simply awkward ); hops intermittently lacing his gait further rustling it, the contents within ( he doesn’t particularly care for these endeavors, not like this, and so each discharges pent up energy ).             And with how each step morphs from carefree and a bit bored to purposeful, something’s caught his eye.  “Hey, check this out!” begins he with the enthusiasm that’s surely a harbinger of a lengthy detour.  “Biggest petting zoo near Lestallum!  Sounds cool, doesn’t it?                                                            Can we go?  Biggest petting zoo!  Please?”
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                                         it’s the very existence of the sign itself that signals doom for the blond’s sole companion, this time around. a second wind gained, as it were, his observation fall from his lips a waterfall of enthusiasm, energy -----     and, combined, an immediate harbinger of an interesting discussion to come. ( for that’d be it / no detour that he would allow, no meandering off the more purposeful path. they hadn’t the time; surely, prompto was aware of this. ) a petting zoo, just a short drive from lestallum. of course. brow furrows as eyes deign to look the sign over themselves, skimming the words, directions, over before bringing their full attention back to the blond at-hand. he shifts his weight from one foot to another; the bag of produce he carries rustles as an after-effect.  
                                        “  prompto ----------.  “      he starts, and his tone of voice is enough to suggest that this will not take a favorable turn for the other. ( not likely. ) 
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sagefyre-blog1 · 8 years
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I’ve never met Ignis Stupeo Scientia but I trust him.
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sagefyre-blog1 · 8 years
* RE:                            /        CAELUM, NOCTIS LUCIS.
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         he’s  not  going  to  laugh  .  he’s  not  going  to  laugh  .  he’s  not  going  to  laugh  .  not  going  to  ——–    alright  ,  watching  ignis  get  followed  by  a  bunch  of  little  chocobo  chicks  is  too  much  .  he  can’t  even  move  .  it’s  making  the  prince’s  lips  twitch  .   stop  .           “      …      “
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                                       pursed lips and furrowed brow lend to the notion of his perceived distress all too well; yes, his current position is compromising, to say the very least, especially with the set of all-too familiar eyes trained upon him, a constant, stationary. how had he come to find himself here, surrounded by a half-dozen chocobo chicks? he could not rightly say. but noctis had caught him in the thick of it ( just as he’d been prepped to usher them off, lead them ‘way / perhaps to their mother, whom he’s sure they’ve lost, and now confuse himself for ), and now ...      ----- well, now, there was no clawing his way back out. almost instantaneously, neck cranes to look in the other’s direction, and surprise overtakes him momentarily; followed by a wave of hesitant uncertainty.     “  noct.     ... whatever you may think this is, i can assure you, it’s quite the opposite ----------.  “   
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sagefyre-blog1 · 8 years
person: touches me
me: who gave you the Permission
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sagefyre-blog1 · 8 years
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sagefyre-blog1 · 8 years
* RE:                            /      ARGENTUM, PROMPTO.
@sagefyre | pre-road trip call.
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‘ you really don’t have to make anything extra for me, ignis. ’ he spends more time at noct’s place than his own, these days - when he’s allowed to. it’s convenient. but he does tend to sleep at his own apartment, at the very least - he refuses to be that much of a mooch. ‘ i’m heading home in a couple hours anyway. you can just make noct whatever you were planning on making. i can eat when i make it back. ’ ( if he doesn’t pass out on his couch the second he walks through the door— ). 
his growling stomach betrays him, as it always does, and if he could glare any harder at the thing he’s probably bore holes into it. his sigh is heavy as he rests his forehead against the arms of the couch. ‘ maybe i should just head back now. ’
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                                  “  if you wish to collapse on your way out the door, then -----     certainly.   “    curt is the response, the sort of caustic wit that he is wont to supply his acquaintances with / the sort of deadpan sarcasm that he’s rather well-known for. a friend of the heir apparent is, by some strain of formality or another, a friend of said heir’s adviser; ‘least, one would think so, considering how much ignis has come to see of the blond as of late. energetic and bright, a clear contrast to the subdued, almost-sullen nature of the one he’s sworn to serve, the two had become rather fast friends -----     almost to the point of inseparability. where one went, another followed. not that the prince’s left hand minded it any, per se ( it’d just be nice to have a bit of fair warning, should it come to be that he’d require more ingredients for that evening’s dinner ); he’d no reason to. if nothing else, he was glad for it. for the other’s presence. for the loneliness that it caused to dissipate.
                                     an exhale leaves his lips then, something akin to a sigh. as he speaks, he continues to shuffle around the apartment’s designated kitchen, prepping for the meal that’d yet to come. there’s a glance spared in the other’s direction, brief though it is -----     given the way he’s thrown himself down onto the sofa, however, he’s more than unlikely to see it.     “  i’ve enough here to put something extra together, provided you aren’t too picky about what you eat. you may as well stay.  “     and, oh, how he hopes he isn’t picky. noctis is already enough of a handful, in that regard.
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sagefyre-blog1 · 8 years
* RE:                            /     HEARTILLY, RINOA.
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      “I’m sorry…I just–I wish I could help you..”
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                                   “  you meant no harm by it -----    and did no harm, besides. an apology isn’t necessary.   “    oh, but he feels it all the same: the uncomfortable lurching in the pit of his stomach, her stare, a thousand icy needles prickling his skin. she wouldn’t be the first to look, to cry, to wish there was something that could be done for him. ( THERE WAS NOT. ) she meant well, of course; they all did. but that did not change the things it made him feel. there’s a shake of his head.     “  ... you needn’t put yourself through the wringer for my sake, either. i merely did what had to be done -- what my duty asked of me; the consequence is irrelevant. and if i’d the chance to do it all over, rest assured that i wouldn’t.  “ 
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sagefyre-blog1 · 8 years
* RE:                            /    CAELUM, NOCTIS LUCIS.
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      the  fact  that  he  had  made  the  older  of  the  two  of  them  respond  in  such  a  way   …  it  made  the  prince  smile  to  himself  even  if  only  slightly  at  first  ,  curled  up  in  the  lounge  chair  with  his  light  in  his  hands  .  sure  ,  he  should  have  been  sleeping  ,  but  there  were  too  many  thoughts  on  his  mind  at  the  moment  to  rest  ,  and  while  that  may  seem  to  be  a  rather  strange  argument  to  use  for  the  lucian  ,  it  was  the  only  one  that  he  had  on  him  .        another  glance  back  to  his  flashlight  as  he  keeps  it  pointed  at  the  ceiling  ,  and  the  prince  flicks  at  it  with  his  thumb  to  kill  the  battery  on  his  own  accord  .  (   the  illumination  was  left  to  the  lines  on  the  walls  created  by  the  moon  outside  ,  beaming  down  against  the  cracks  in  the  curtains .   )        “    …    it’s , uh   …    “       another  spare  glance  to  the  side  ,  where  noctis  seems  to  have  placed  his  sights  on  the  two  who  were  asleep  for  the  time  being  .  gladio  and  prompto  .  but  mostly  on  the  former .   emotions  were  not  so  fondly  looked  upon  when  duty  was  on  the  line  .   (   afterwards ,  the  prince  briefly  gets  up  to  turn  his  chair  to  that  window  .   avoiding  .   )       “    —–  heh  .   i’m just busy thinking .  looks like you’ll have to keep the grey hair .   “
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                                 rather foolish of him, to assume that he might immediately receive a definitive answer to his query; he’d come to realize this in hindsight, and would wordlessly chastise himself as a result. this was war, after all, and even more than just that -----     this was noctis they spoke of. the boy was nothing if not quiet, ‘least, when it came to matters of the heart. feelings and all such ilk were locked in a gilded cage by ornate key ( pretty to look at / never to touch ), left to collect dust, to pile up, to fester. sooner or later, they would catch up to him; of this much, his adviser is certain. hence the knit brow and slightly pursed lips, a modicum of concern in its own right -----     and, oh, there was more of the stuff lurking just below the surface. but he, just as the heir he serves, is a master of pulling the wool over the eyes of others; of allowing emotion to rattle the confines of their prison, but never to escape ‘tween its steel bars.
                                “  ah, you wound me.   i can’t imagine what i must have done to have earned myself this sort of treatment ... ... ------     the vegetables i snuck into last night’s dinner wouldn’t happen to have anything to do with it, would they?  “     and he chuckles to himself, a soft, rare thing; noctis has long since turned his chair towards their room’s sole window ( either to gaze upon the moon or to avoid gazing upon him, or perhaps a bit of both ), but the corners of his lips turn slightly upwards despite the fact. alright, then. if he did, indeed, desire an answer from the other, he’d have to go about it a different way. fortunately, ignis was quick on his feet, both in-battle and in-thought.       creak, creak. he takes one, two steps over to the other. 
                               “  alright, then. ‘ busy thinking ‘ it is.      perhaps i might be able to lend my own thoughts on the matters that occupy you.  “  
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sagefyre-blog1 · 8 years
LIKE THIS FOR A ONE LINER when i get home from work later tonight ( * ` v ` * ).
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sagefyre-blog1 · 8 years
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- You’ve got my back? - Always.
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sagefyre-blog1 · 8 years
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                               “   certainly not what i’d been expecting ----------.  “     and he’s still getting a feel for it, palm flat against the wooden doorframe ( aged, from the feel of it ) that leads into the makeshift clinic, brow furrowed in a mix of concentration and faint uncertainty. darktown’s fetid streets are nothing new to him, of course -----     truth is, he’s spent more time down here than he’d care to admit, be it for the purposes of purchasing herbs, or for shaking off an armored undesirable      ----- but he cannot say that he’s ever been here before. the renowned clinic that all of lowtown spoke of, in tones that were hushed but no less appreciative in spite of the fact.       it’s creaky. it smells of mildew. and his first steps inward are nothing if not hesitant.      “  your ‘ clinic ‘, that is.      although, if we’re to remain in the vein of honesty, then i suppose that'd apply to you, as well. ... ...     anders, was it?  “                 / @mageright.
#mageright#[ HI. I'M HERE. TO RUIN FUCKIN EVERYTHING ]#[ THIS IS DA2 SET I GUESS!!!??!? BUT IF YOU WANNA WRITE IN ANOTHER VERSE HMU MY BUDDY ]#[ i cant wait actual Cooking Buddies. saving darktown from shitty templars one spell at a time ]#[ IT'S ALSO RLLY GOOD BECAUSE IN FFXV IGNIS IS KIND OF UR ''HEALER'' a la he's the only one w a healing skill for u ]#[ so like. jazz hands ....................... fate ]#[ SO BASICALLY IN THIS VERSE I'M THINKIN ..... APOSTATE ..... FLED THE tower in adamantine when that whole shit w cullen and the#abominations and all that jazz went down but not even to get out of the tower so much as to get out /alive/#probably lost his sight as a result of the templars yknow (': mistreating the mages (':#ended up in kirkwall just because he was running / by mistake?? but now he's livin it up livin his life#templars dont take blind mages as seriously probably which is a Big Miss Steak because this boy will whip ur ass into next week if prompted#also i like to think that!! iDK IT'S ALWAYS BEEN MY FIRM BELIEF THAT magic prob help mages get around so in this regard#ignis being a force mage and force mage-ry ... havin a lot to do w gravity and earth and pull and all that ... it probably acts as though it#s makin up for his eyes like?? he cant see. but it gives him a good idea of what's around that way he's not totally tripped up. that's prob#how he gets around the way he does idk i'm sTILL SHITTIN THIS OUT AS I GO#BUT YEAH LET THEM BE PALS IDK IF ANY OF THIS MADE SENSE I'M MAKIN IT UP AS I GO BUT !!!!! INHALES SHARLPY ]#DRAGON AGE VERSE PENDING//#[ I DONT KNOW WHY I SAID ADAMANTINE IDK WHAT I WAS THINKING ABOUT BUT YOU KNOW THE TOWER I MEANT!!! YOU KNOW ]
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