rubyweller · 10 years
Do you like working with Aaron?
"Who's Aaron?"
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"No, totally kidding. Aaron's been great to work with so far. We haven't had much on screen time together but he's such a gentleman off screen that it kind of makes me hope that they write more scenes for Ruby and Rowan. He makes things really relaxed because he just puts out a good vibe and it's really hard to get mad at that face."
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rubyweller · 10 years
What's it like working with Logan again in a completely different role?
"Ahh, Logan. It's actually a bit uncomfortable at times because he became, like, such a brother to me on the Perks set. The clinic scene was something I'm sure the two of us will carry forever, and it's so weird to act with him in such a different way. But it's also very fun, very challenging, and he's such a great actor that it makes things so much better and easier. I hope that we continue to work together in the future."
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rubyweller · 10 years
If there's one character yours could have a steamy sex scene with, who would it be?
"Swear to God I get asked this about thirty times a day." Nina laughed, pushing her bangs from her face. "I'd have to say that Lucas is definitely a target that Ruby has her sights set on. Liam's a handsome guy and it definitely wouldn't be the worst thing if the writers could throw in some meaningless sex between the two."
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rubyweller · 10 years
OOC: Who's your favourite person to work with on set?
"Honestly, I love the whole cast so much. I really haven't gotten to work with a lot of the beautiful folks that are a part of this cast because of my other jobs that keep pulling me away from this show. But either way, I'm just glad to be a part of it and am so thankful to be included in such a wonderful show in anyway possible."
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rubyweller · 10 years
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rubyweller · 10 years
"I'm not like most people," Ruby said, leaning down again, lining up the stick to the cue ball. "But I'll tell you a secret," She said, taking another shot and sinking the 2. She walked over to where the cue had all but coincidentally landed, and stood next to the blonde. "Okay, so the trick is, you gotta lean over, close one eye," She said, acting all of it out as she spoke. "Not give a shit, and shoot," Ruby said, missing her shot by a long shot. She stood up, her cheeks slightly red, and smiled at him. "Just don't do it like that."
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Rowan scoffed lightly, though slightly impressed at her skills. “Alright. You’re pretty talented. I’ll give you that.” He chuckled softly, sauntering around the table, watching her every move. The dim light cast shadows in the large room, though it illuminated the table and occasionally their faces any time either of them leaned in. “Usually people aren’t that lucky twice in a row, and three times is nearly impossible.”
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rubyweller · 10 years
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rubyweller · 10 years
"It's fading," she added, "If that makes anything better."
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"Fuck. That was answer enough." The naturally blue eyed man teased.
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rubyweller · 10 years
"Don't play dumb. It's unbecoming."
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"Oh really? Care to enlighten me?"
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rubyweller · 10 years
"I definitely can't let that happen," Ruby assured him, moving closer to the pool table. After picking up one of the cues from off the rack, Ruby made sure to dust the top off with a little blue chalk. Leaning over the table, Ruby made sure to look up at him before aligning the stick to the cue ball. Giving him a wink, she hit the cue ball hard, breaking the balls, sending them everywhere. She managed to pocket the 2 and the 6, and stood back up straight. "You're stripes," she told him, as she moved to the best position for her next shot.
"Show me some moves or I might just start thinking that you’re just all talk."
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rubyweller · 10 years
"Maybe they've changed them."
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"Funny because I do, and I don’t recall that being in the rules."
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rubyweller · 10 years
"You don't want me to answer that," she said, scrunching up her nose playfully.
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"I don’t smell like livestock at least, do I?" He half joked, though part of him wondered with her would ever rid himself of the scent.
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rubyweller · 10 years
"If I show you, then I'd have to kill you. I don't make the rules."
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"Alright hot shot. Show me then."
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rubyweller · 10 years
"Honestly... It looks perfect on you. I'd maybe crop the hem a bit, but it looks absolutely smashing."
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"Be honest okay … how does this look?" 
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rubyweller · 10 years
"Not with that form you aren't."
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"Feel free to join. But fair warning that I’m pretty good at this."
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rubyweller · 10 years
"That's not why I was staring," she admitted.
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"You were staring, so I was just offering an explanation." 
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rubyweller · 10 years
"Oh, please. I wasn't born yesterday. I can see that it's become less of a job to you. Not that I care, but they sure do," Ruby teased, a smirk on her lips. His temper was amusing to her. 
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He frowned at her. “You’re an idiot. What is that suppose to mean? I’m doing a job for Cooper if you must know. You think I’m just hanging out with that thing? No. Don’t call her my friend.”
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