rribb0n · 7 hours
"Look at this video of a child disappointed at their expensive gift! Children are so spoiled these days!"
That's cool. So, why did their parents upload their small child being upset online? In a public video, shared to the entire video? Why did they even save the recording?
Like. The kid in that scenario could be saying the most entitled nonsense in the world, and if their parents post it online to be publicly shamed, I'd still support the kid 100%. Thinking your child's life is a toy to exploit freely for #content is "spoiled"; when faced with mommy vlogers, kids should be demanding three PS5s and a new Bugatti, and we should be applauding them for it
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rribb0n · 7 hours
Being biromantic is feeling disconnected to both of your communities, because so much asexual content revolves around aromanticism and so much bi content revolves around sex.
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rribb0n · 1 day
your life will be so much better when you stop caring about what other people do with their lives
Not understanding something isn't an excuse to be a bigot, by the way.
My grandpa doesn't understand trans people, but he is supportive of me being trans.
I've never really understood nonbinary identies or xenogenders, but it's not going to kill me to call you a person instead of a man or woman. I don't understand otherkinity, but being supportive of your identity won't get me thrown into an active volcano. I don't understand lesboys but I'm not the sexuality police and I'm not going to say your identity isn't real.
Do you understand rocket science?
No? Well, do you constantly tell people that rocket science isn't real, that it shouldn't exist, that it's made up by the woke, etc?
No again? Then don't say that stuff about the identies you don't understand. It's not about you, it's about making other people more comfortable. Because if your identity is different than the norm, you don't always know if a bigot is just mean or if they're going to hurt you physically. Being supportive of identies you don't understand makes it clear that you're not going to harm someone for identifying a certain way.
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rribb0n · 3 days
no 🔥
* I am only asking because I know some cishet A-specs don't consider themselves LGBTQ+ and I want to see how common that is on Tumblr. This a personal "do YOU think you're LGBTQ+" question, not "do you think A-specs are LGBTQ".
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rribb0n · 3 days
Ah yes, the 3 genders. Male, female, and “what the fuck are you, a cop?”
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rribb0n · 5 days
it pains me to have a niche gender experience so all of the labels i think would fit me have a completely different definition
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rribb0n · 6 days
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rribb0n · 6 days
i genuinely don't understand what this means what 😭
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rribb0n · 7 days
some of you guys need to hear this: i genuinely don't care if you find some "contradictory labels" to be valid or if you don't; trying to decipher and obsessing over whether or not labels are valid based on the criteria you made up is chronically online regardless. the point is you should not *care* so much about whether or not something is valid.
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rribb0n · 7 days
beautifully written
i'm going to explode the next time i'm told that discussing additional nuances to being demisexual is dismissing or erasing demisexuality. i know what demisexuality is. i live it. but i also find people attractive sometimes. not to the point of having any interest in doing something about it. but just enough so that when i tell people who don't know what asexuality is that i'm bi to avoid having to explain, it doesn't feel like a lie. to me, that doesn't change the fact that i'm broadly ace and more specifically demi. but the number of times i've been told in no uncertain terms that being bi and vaguely experiencing some appearance-based attraction (either aesthetic or sexual) would contradict being demi-ace.
i'm just tired and old. i spent most of my life struggling to get away from being put in either the homosexual or the straight box, only to find that i'm supposed to be fitting myself into other more specific boxes. can i just stop? can i just talk about my sexuality and my kind of attraction without having to prove i fit the criteria?
don't get me wrong, i'm proud of being ace. but sometimes i feel like people are more interested in figuring out my labels than in actually understanding how i experience attraction.
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rribb0n · 7 days
this is so real, im literally more attracted to (fictional) ppl that are mysterious and magical so it's unrealistic 😭😭
Aego culture is liking magic in smut, because the faker the better
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rribb0n · 7 days
if i hear one more person say that bi and pan are contradictory labels or it's only possible to be both "because of the split attraction model" im going to throw myself off a bridge
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rribb0n · 7 days
honestly how
hot take: people who believe in a gender trinary are just as bad as people who believe in a gender binary. like "you're either girl, non binary, or a boy" "wouldn't that just be non binary" that's not how it works. it annoys me sm when people try to police others identities just because it doesnt make sense to them. you're still shoving people into a box. let me be what i want.
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rribb0n · 8 days
oh my god this is the realest thing ever im a girl but want others to perceive me as a boy / gender neutral and i like perceiving MYSELF / presenting as gender neutral 😭 and i can't tell how much of it is my actual identity or just because of misogyny
gender identity vs perception
see, i like identifying as a women. feels comfortable. i take pride in being a woman of color. i would never identify myself as a man.
but sometimes i don't want to be perceived as a woman. i want to go out in the world and be perceived as a person without gender associated with them. i want to be able to dress masculine and not be perceived as a women wearing masculine clothing but as a masculine _____ . idk what the blank is but that's what i want to be. i want to be perceived by my energy and vibes not by my gender. if i dress up in feminine clothing i want to feel pretty and cute and to be seen as pretty and cute but i don't want to be seen as a pretty and cute "woman". i want to be a pretty and cute ______. i want to be that blank.
even tho i identify as some things, i don't want to be perceived by those things. so there's a bit of a conflict between what i identify as and what i want others to perceive me as.
i'm sure there's discourse on this kind of idea already but i'm still trying to figure out me and idk how to define what i am. i know labels aren't important but sometimes there's comfort in knowing that there is a place and community that has my same sentiments.
am i nonbinary? am i gender fluid? or am i just a woman tired of being perceived by others? idk cause i'm stil struggling to figure it out. would love to hear some thoughts from those who have similar feelings as me and how they identify as.
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rribb0n · 11 days
can we pls normalize / make a word for shipping characters but like, platonically, because you like their relationship dynamic
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rribb0n · 12 days
i have a flag for it but its just a lighter version of the aego flag w the light grey & white switched so i might need to redo the flag if this shit is actually valid lol (im still insecure on if im aspec enough for it)
I do! I couldn’t find the other flag, so I’m not sure if you’ve posted it. If you haven’t, and do so eventually, please tag me so I see it and share it easier!
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rribb0n · 12 days
goodbye i wanted to coin a greyaegosexual term too for this exact reason but looked it up and found that on the wiki 😭
i relate to both like, i don't like sexual content and i also am attracted to people rarely
cries in "coined my own grey-aego term only for grey-aego to alr exist but with a diff definition" so i question if im really aspec
under cut cuz im embarrassed 4 coining my own lol
(the grey-aego from the ace wiki: occasionally feels aego but is usually sex repulsed/indifferent)
(my "light grey-go" definition: is 99% aego, but still feels real life sexual attraction to someone like a romantic S/O. and without one, can still be sex-favorable/indifferent. but not repulsed)
and idk if the one i coined is valid 😭😭
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