A blog dedicated to celebrating Royality through fan art, fics, moodboards, edits, and much more! July 31st - August 6th, 2023.
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hello!! i wanted to ask, is there any chance royality week will happen this year again? (i asked this last year too i just love them your honor gjdsrjsfj 😆)
Heyo!! If people are interested in it happening for the third time then there's certainly the possibility that it can 👀 (Don't we all love the beloveds <3)
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Late submissions are officially closed! Thank you once again so much to everyone who participated this year! Will we do it again next year? Who knows, time will tell... 👀 But for now, this blog of course is just gonna be a little hub for reblogging Royality content ❤️💙❤️
#royalityweek#royalityweek2023#royality#romantic royality#platonic royality#ts royality#roman#roman sanders#patton#patton sanders#ts roman#ts patton#sanders sides#thomas sanders
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Ours, Ch. 7: Our Reconciliation
Prev - Our Reconciliation - Masterpost - [ AO3 ]
When the truth about the thrall comes to light, the Hunters'—and the vampires'—will be forever changed. Final chapter for @royalityweek, Reconciliation. WC: 4354 - Rated: T - CW: aftermath of thrall (mind control) and a lot of fluff
A light rain misted down as they walked home, giving the streets a blurry, silvery glow. Roman hitched his bag onto both shoulders and took Patton’s hand in both of his own. “We’ll get you all cleaned up and comfortable,” he murmured, bringing up his love's knuckles for a flurry of kisses. Patton smiled back at him, soft and warm, but missing his usual energy. Especially after a successful hunt.
His battle must have been more difficult than he let on. Patton moved slowly as they made their way through the valleys of darkness between street lights but he remained vigilant, one hand holding tight to Roman’s, the other hovering near his stake.
Squeezing his hand, Roman nodded to himself. Only five more blocks and they’d be home. He would take care of him, get him warm and fed. By then, Luka would be home, too, and they could fuss over Patton together, cuddling in the den until he recharged.
The pair walked in silence for a few deserted blocks, then waited at a busier intersection until it was safe to cross.
Roman leaned close, nuzzling his cheek. Patton stiffened when he touched near the scratches on his jaw. “Are you sure you’re okay, Pat?” he murmured. The scent of Patton’s blood filling his nose was more enough to trigger a protective response, but it was laced with a sharp, sour undertone, something almost familiar. He couldn’t quite place it, but it smelled wrong.
“Better with you here,” Patton murmured, melting against him. His hands trembled, but then he straightened, smiling back at him. “Much better with you here, cookie.”
Blushing, Roman snuck another kiss against his cheek as the signal changed. His phone rang before they’d gotten to the other side. “It’s Luka,” he said as he picked up.
“Drac took the bait!” The other Hunter cheered as soon as the call connected.
Patton’s eyes widened, Luka’s words clearly audible to his preternaturally strong hearing. Roman grinned at him. “Are you sure?”
“We got him! He was spotted entering the bloodsucker’s den an hour ago. And his spawn followed just a few minutes ago.”
Stopping at the corner, Roman gripped Patton’s hand and nodded. “It worked! They all took the bait!”
Luka grunted quietly and the screech of metal on metal spilled out of the phone. “I’m there now, on the roof. How fast can you get here?”
Steam rose up from the Hunters’ fighting forms as they huddled together on the roof of Emile’s. Patton crouched between Luka and Ro, the battle-ready heat pouring off their bodies lending him strength.
When they’d gotten to the roof, Patton had adjusted his clothing and shifted before either could spot the puncture wounds on his neck. Always observant, Ro could tell something was wrong. Patton saw it in his eyes. Even now, those bright green eyes lingered on him, watching him almost as much as he watched the door to the bloodsucker’s little ‘bar.’
Luka watched him, too, sniffing the air. Undoubtedly, he smelled Drac's bite on him, but this close to the swarm of vamps in the bar below, Him included, Luka seemed to dismiss it. Patton wasn’t sure what he would do if the wounds hadn’t healed enough by the time they got home to disguise the stink of the Drac’s bite.
Without really intending to, he’d let his head rest against Ro’s shoulder. A low rumble vibrated through his love, easing the lingering ache in his neck. And the icy chains cinched around his chest.
The bloodsuckers weren’t supposed to be able to enthrall them. The wolf in every Hunter meant they were protected. But there was no other explanation for tonight, no other explanation for how Drac had gotten close enough to touch him, to kiss him, to feed off him….
Not without a stake in his chest.
Without warning, Emile’s door banged open and, amidst the chatter and the music pouring out of the club, three voices wafted up from the sidewalk below.
“Thank you,” one of them murmured. Drac’s spawn. His words were followed by quiet kissing sounds and Patton’s lips curled in disgust. "I'm so sorry, he's… He hasn't changed. Not one bit."
“You're not responsible for him, Love.” It was Ro’s voice, but wrong. Sharper, and equal parts too low and too loud. “We know there’s a reason you left him.”
Ro trembled next to him, a nearly silent whine escaping his lips. Patton rumbled and rubbed their heads together. He knew the pain of hearing a bloodsucker use a loved one's voice. He would've given anything to keep that from sweet Ro.
They peered over the edge and there he was, Virgil and his spawn. The beginnings of his new army. Patton brushed Ro’s arm. “Remember the plan. We wait for Drac—”
With a flash of fur and fang, his love roared and the Hunters’ plan exploded.
Ro leapt over the ledge to the alley below. He landed on the younger bloodsuckers’ backs, clawing and snarling. Virgil tugged uselessly at him, his defensive strength no match for the fury of Ro’s full werewolf form.
“Get off them!” he cried over Ro’s growls. Ro snapped at him, letting go and giving Dracula’s spawn his full attention. But it was an unfair fight and his brother’s corpse slunk behind him.
Grabbing his arm, the vamp twisted back and up. The loud, wet snap and crunch shuddered through Patton and he jumped to the ground.
Luka followed, growling his own rage. Keeping themselves between the bloodsuckers and Ro, they surged forward. When Virgil turned, urging his spawn away, Patton took his chance.
All Luka needed was one clear bite for each.
Too quickly, Drac appeared and grabbed him. Hands that earlier had been so gentle suddenly tore at his fur and tossed him aside like trash. Patton crashed into a dumpster, warping and splitting the welded edge. Its foul contents leaked out as Patton fought to breathe.
His head spun, every word Drac spoke shuddering through his body. No, no, no! Not now!
Like a break in the clouds, a worried trill from his sweet Ro pulled his mind back into focus. Patton pushed up to his feet, shaking off the fire in his back and his head. He rumbled reassuringly to Ro then rejoined the battle.
Patton pushed forward, drawing the vamps' attention when Luka got his teeth into Virgil. He froze when Drac grabbed him.
No, no, no no…
Dracula twisted his fingers in his fur and dragged him closer. Golden eyes, earlier so warm and soft, now glinted with a hot rage. “You will not harm them!” he commanded. "Go now!"
Patton struggled, shaking in his grip. He tried to look away, tried to listen to the sounds of Luka’s fighting, to Ro’s quiet pained whine that he fought so bravely to suppress. But all he could hear was Dracula’s voice, soft and shouting at once, those molten gold eyes staring into him.
He returned to his human form. Bones shrinking down and face flattening, he trembled, fighting the compulsion to leave. Patton urged his feet forward, back into the fight, desperate, useless hope. If he grabbed Dracula now, then Luka could get a bite in. They could pick off the spawn later.
But Patton couldn’t still his own retreat. Even as Ro’s outraged whine hit his ears, he marched away.
Luka soon followed, tugging Ro from the scene, and the three Hunters fled together.
One foot in front of the other, Roman followed his pack home. His eyes focused on the rain pattering the sidewalk, ears and nose sharp for any more of those bloodsuckers. Not that he could do anything about it if they encountered a threat.
His shattered arm throbbed, but he deserved it. If he had kept his control, if he’d let the others jump down first after Drac appeared, just as they’d planned, then he wouldn’t have gotten hurt. He wouldn’t’ve distracted Patton.
He wouldn’t’ve ruined their plan.
Patton moved close as Roman shifted back to his human form and wrapped an arm around his waist. Roman's bones were already healing, but healing wrong, and he couldn’t hold back the whine at the back of his throat as the jagged edges fought their new configuration.
Some Hunter he was. Shamed, he clamped his mouth shut, but he knew both could hear his weakness.
After about a block, Patton stroked his back, rumbling quietly. “We’ll fix you up at home, cookie. I promise.”
“But—” he breathed hard through his nose when another pained sound followed his words. Luka moved closer, sharp eyes scanning the street. Laughter, possibly human, possibly bloodsuckers, spilled from around the corner and the eldest Hunter urged them back.
They looped around the back way to their home, hopping fences until they’d reached their tiny yard. Luka punched in the code to the backdoor and let them inside.
“Sit over here, Ro,” Patton murmured. Despite his failure, Patton’s treatment was soft and kind. He pressed him into a soft chair and even brought a pillow for him to rest his arm.
Once he was seated, Patton helped him peel back his shirt, revealing a constellation of rapidly healing bruises. His arm was painted in purples, greens, and yellows. But the bone was crooked, the radial jutting out at an unnatural angle even as his wounds healed, the damaged bone knitting itself back together in the wrong shape.
It would need to be reset. Patton took his other hand, wincing, then looked to Luka. “Would you—” A sour fear poured off of him, easing only slightly when Luka sat across from them.
Squeezing Patton’s shoulder, Luka nodded and began examining the fractures. Patton slunk away, face drawn down in a scowl. “I’ll bring the supplies,” he muttered.
“Thank you, Pat.” Roman nodded and lowered his head. Patton had barely been able to look at him, retreating from his failure like he needed to collect himself before he snapped.
When he returned, Luka continued to work on his arm and the elder Hunters argued about the thrall. Roman half-listened, distracted by the pain of Luka’s ministrations. What they were saying didn’t make much sense and he suspected he'd missed something in his inexperience.
Roman was shocked out of his stupor by Patton suddenly pounding the table. He clutched his moonstone instinctively, teeth and claws already poking through as he struggled to control his startled reaction.
Patton calmed immediately and after a moment, Roman began to understand their sudden retreat.
It had not been willing.
He looked up at the nearly healed scratches along his jaw. Scratches. Vamps didn’t scratch. Roman's stomach churned, ice crackling just under his skin. That monster had forced Patton to scratch himself.
“He compelled you not to tell us he enthralled you, didn’t he?” He met Patton’s eyes, or at least tried to. Patton wouldn't look up.
Roman turned to Luka. “Did he do the same to you?”
“I… I don’t think so.”
The pack sat together in the same room, but sour fear and mistrust sat with and between them. For several minutes, they all avoided each other’s gaze.
It was Patton who reached out first. “We have a real problem if we can’t trust each other. If we can’t even trust ourselves.”
Roman nodded and reached for him. Luka was still working on his arm but his uninjured hand was free. Smiling tentatively, Patton moved to his side and, like he had the night they’d met, gently laced their fingers together.
He curled close to his side and brought his hand up for a kiss. When Luka finished his arm, Patton remained by his side, pressing Roman’s hand to his mouth as he held Luka’s gaze. Slowly, he lowered their shared grip to his lap then hooked shaking fingers under his collar. He tugged, revealing two raw puncture wounds on his neck.
Tears welling in his eyes, he looked at both of them. “We’re losing this war. We need a new plan.”
“Oh, Pat… No…” Roman pulled him close and feathered kisses over his neck and his jaw. “He hurt you,” he whispered.
“I let him.”
“No, little pup,” Luka murmured and Roman’s eyes flew wide. He’d never thought he'd hear Luka call him that. But Patton drew close and rubbed his cheek against the eldests Hunter’s palm. “You were enthralled,” Luka said, shaking his head. “We need to tell the Guild.”
“What we need is peace,” Patton insisted. “The Guild is just going to try to build a bigger weapon. What’s next? Vampire hybrids to fight the vampires? That’s what we’ll need because if we're vulnerable, then the only thing that can’t be enthralled is another vampire.”
“Actually…” Luka began.
Patton glared. “You’ve got to be kidding me! No,” he shook his head. “No, I’m done with sharing everything we know just to have the Guild leave us in the dark.”
“Maybe the venom will drive them to talk,” Roman said quietly. Patton and Luka dropped their staring contest and turned to him. “If they can enthrall us, we won’t be able to work together enough to administer it, but maybe… maybe they won’t know that. They’ll think we’re like them, just… animals. And ready to bite them.”
Luka sat back in his chair and dragged his hands through his hair, a low growl pushing past his lips. “This was meant to be our time. The venom…” He sighed and leaned forward again, eyes lingering on the wounds on Patton’s neck and Roman’s shattered arm. “You’re right. This can’t go on.”
“They can’t come here. We can’t invite them in,” Patton said, pressing Roman’s hand againy his chest. “And we’re not setting foot in their nests. We need somewhere neutral. Somewhere safe.”
“Hmm,” Luka grunted then fell silent, eyes faraway. After a moment, he shrugged and met their gaze. “There’s always The Library.”
Patton had been right. The venom spooked the vamps and they agreed to meet at dawn under the shared protection of the Bibliothecari. While they waited for the sun to rise, the pack gathered in the small den.
“I knew I had a reason to be afraid of librarians,” Roman had tried to joke, but his voice shook, worry for his love fraying all other thoughts. He and Luka curled on either side of Patton. With soft touches and kisses, they cleaned his wounds and worked to soothe the deeper hurts of his thrall.
Despite the danger, despite his hatred, and despite the way Drac had left him shaken and violated, Patton still felt his draw. Even as his mind screamed in revulsion, a small, loud part of him longed for the vamp's icy touch and the sharp pain of his bite. Patton trembled in his packmates’ arms, and they held him tight, solid reminders of who his family was, who his pack was.
“It’ll get easier, little pup,” Luka rumbled. “I promise. The talks will be difficult, but the thecari know and they’ll set up extra protection for you.”
Patton nodded against Luka’s chest and Roman curled close behind him, arms wrapped tightly around his body. The physical signs of Drac’s assault were nearly gone. And they would carry him through the rest of his healing.
“I’m scared for you, cookie,” he whispered, drawing Roman’s hands closer to his heart. “They'll probably going to bring their spawn. You’ll see him again.”
“I know,” Roman sighed. “It was… difficult to see Re’s corpse last night.” He buried his face in Patton’s hair, breathing in the confusing mixed smells of burnt plastic and brown sugar. Even in safety of their den, Patton’s turmoil was obvious in his scent. “But I’m not letting you two go alone. I don’t want you getting hurt.”
Roman shuddered, not quite able to suppress his low whine. Hurt again.
“I’ll be alright, Love,” Patton rolled onto his back and pulled each of them close. “We’re finding another path. This is the right thing to do.”
Luka smiled, a low, pleased rumble stuttering through each of them. “My sweet, brave pups. With you two, I think this just might work."
The thecari recommended the parties stagger their arrivals to ensure they wouldn’t encounter each other in the streets, outside of the protective spells in The Library. But even with those measures, Luka and Patton insisted they entered first.
“No!” Ro protested, reaching for Patton. “I can help!”
Patton looped one arm around his waist, his other hand coming up to stroke his cheek. “Let us grant you a little protection, cookie. Please?” Drawing close, he nuzzled against his neck and the lingering scent of Patton’s wound filled his senses.
“Roman, there’s still a chance they’re planning something,” Luka rumbled, one hand on each of their shoulders. “We need to be sure.”
With a quiet whine, he nodded. “I’ll be listening,” he promised, pushing his cheek into Patton’s palm and drawing Luka closer. “Be careful and don’t be afraid to call for me.” He looked back at them with tears in his bright green eyes. “Please?”
“We will, Love,” Patton whispered, brushing one more kiss against his cheek. Then he turned to Ni. “We’re ready.”
It was easier than Patton feared to see Drac again. His breath still caught painfully in his throat and, when he forgot himself, his gaze lingered on those gleaming teeth. But the tremor in hands was manageable, and his fear was… well, not gone, but muffled to a quavering whisper, quiet enough that he could think.
Ni bowed his head and gifted him with a small smile. “Shkran lak,” Patton murmured, one hand over his heart. “Thank you.”
When it became clear that the vamps didn’t dare hide any tricks up their sleeves—Patton did note how Drac was avoiding each of their eyes, they called in Ro. That’s when the other shoe dropped.
“Ro?” the walking corpse blurted out. “What are you doing here?”
Patton leapt out of his seat and put himself between his love and the vamps. “How dare you say his name, bloodsucker!”
True to their promise to provide a neutral meeting space, the thecari dropped a protective shield between them. They could still see and hear each other, but Patton had little doubt the sparkly veil between them would be impenetrable to anyone who intended harm.
The vamp looked genuinely hurt, with guilty eyes snagging on Ro’s sling. No. No, these soulless bloodsuckers are just good at mimicking actual emotion.
Patton struggled to control the growl pushing its way up his throat. V’s spawn stammered and sighed, doing his damnedest to trick his sweet Ro into believing he was miraculously still his brother. It was convincing, all soft words and nervous little glances. Patton even recognized a bit of Ro in him, but it was long known the vamps were master mimics.
And they all knew how manipulative bloodsuckers were.
He tried not to be taken in, but it was impossible to ignore the behavior of the other three vamps. They looked… concerned. Their bodies shouted, leaning closer to the vamp who wore Ro’s dead brother like a suit. The vamp’s admission of delusions shook them, but not with fear. Worry and compassion, impossible emotions, washed over their faces and spilled out in their pheromones. It was as though they actually cared for him.
Ro’s reaction, though, shattered Patton's heart. Quiet tears poured down his face. “My brother never told anyone else why he did all that.”
“Yeah, I know,” the vamp whispered, head hung in shame. “That's ‘cause it’s really me, Ro.”
Then Ro, sweet, sweet Ro, pulled the vampire into a hug. “It really is you. I thought you were dead, Re. It's why I…”
Patton was on his feet, waiting for the moment the vampire launched its attack. Shaking his head, Ni drew close and touched his arm, the warmth in his touch dancing over his skin. Patton felt calmer. Not… controlled, but the wet, heavy fear smothering his mind cleared enough to think.
The veil would not have allowed them to touch if the vampire had evil intentions.
“That’s what I’ve been telling you, dumbass." The vampire was crying now, too. "I’m just different now… like you.” He smirked, terrifyingly close to Ro’s playful crooked smile. “Just… I won’t need a flea bath every night.”
“Yeah ‘cause you’re the flea.” Roman laughed and cried, clinging to the vamp. Both Patton and Luka rumbled, easing his hurt however they could while he was in the center of the field.
Sloppily drying his eyes with his hand, the vampire pressed the other against his chest, another of Ro’s sweet gestures. “Excuse you, I am not a flea. I am a sparkly sexy vampire, thank you very much.”
“Oh, shut up,” Roman muttered and hugged his brother again.
The twins’ reconciliation was the breakthrough they needed. Whenever he and Luka grew frustrated with the vampires, they looked to the twins, one on each side of the table. They were their hope. And while the talks, this first talk, at least, ended with only a temporary truce agreement, it felt like progress.
First to arrive, the vampires were also the first to go, but before Drac left the room, he touched Ni’s hand. “lahzatan wahidat min fadlik,” he said quietly, but clearly, as though he wanted to be sure the Hunters would hear and understand him.
“‘One moment, please,’” Luka translated in a low whisper for Ro.
“Ana bihajat 'iilaa 'iislah.” (I need to make amends.)
Drac glanced in Patton's direction and he shivered under even the partial attention, toes twitching in his boots.
“Laqad adhiatuhu. Hal satabqaa limusaeadatih ealaa alshueur bial'amani?” (I hurt him. Will you stay to help him feel safe?)
Ni’s smile stretched across his face and he pressed both hands together. A cylindrical translucent grey column formed around Drac. He reached out with one gloved hand and watched the energy fizzle against his palm. The shield didn’t harm him, but it wouldn’t let him through, either.
He inclined his head to the thecari. “Shkran lak.” (Thank you.)
Ni gazed at Drac, but past him, like he saw through him to some truth just beyond. “Alaetidhar lays siwaa juz' min 'iislah al'umuri.” (Apology is only part of making amends.) His voice was soft but just as commanding as Drac’s ever was.
“Naeam,” (yes), Drac nodded, expression tight. “Shkran lak,” (thank you), he repeated, then turned to face Patton and Luka. Ro shifted next to them, his good arm hooked around both of theirs.
Eyes low and focused on their chins, Drac cleared his throat. Still, when he spoke, his voice wobbled. “I wish to apologize,” he began.
“You? Apologize?” Luka snapped.
Drac waited, gaze still strangely trained on their faces but avoiding their eyes. Was he waiting for… permission to speak?
“We’re listening,” Patton finally said, glancing over to Luka. He growled quietly, but Patton shrugged and stroked his arm. What will it hurt to listen to him like this?
“Ire”—Luka’s eyes widened at the respectful use of his Hunter name—”We have known each other a long time and… during that time, I have mocked and taunted you with the thrall. Initially I was merely working to protect myself and my—” He closed his eyes and fell silent for a long moment, throat bobbing. Eventually he seemed to recover. Slightly. The shimmering shield made it look like tears had gathered in his eyes. Patton was… pretty sure it was just the shield.
“I apologize.”
“I don’t forgive you,” Luka growled.
Drac bowed his head. “I do not expect you to.”
Patton shivered when he turned his attention to him. “Pathos…”
His good arm curled protectively around him, Ro pulled him close. Patton pressed himself against his chest, his quiet rumble battling the fire in his veins.
“I am deeply sorry for…” Drac’s face crumpled and he shook his head, like dismissing an errant thought or sound. “Deeply sorry for everything I did to you. I… I didn’t understand—”
He shook his head again. “That's irrelevant. I was wrong and I am sorry. The thrall will pass for both of you. I will stay away from you and it will fade and soon. And I…" His hands quivered at his sides and he hung his head again. "I will not hurt you again."
Rumbling wordlessly, Luka and Ro wrapping themselves around him, shield and comfort in one. After several long moments of silence, Drac bowed to the trio and moved toward the door.
“Thank you,” Patton said to his back.
Turning, he faced their direction, again, avoiding their eyes. His mouth opened, familiar, frightening lips moving silently, but closed again without speaking.
Finally, he nodded once then followed Ni out of the room. The door slowly hissed shut and Patton watched the greyish column around Drac fade as the distance between them grew.
At Luka's summons, the city's remaining Hunter packs gathered near the lake in Central Park. They were not happy about the truce. The Hunters were even more unhappy about the secrets the Guild had been keeping.
"What do you mean, enthralled?" A tall Elm pack Hunter narrowed her eyes at Pat.
"What part of enthralled is so difficult to understand?" Luka snapped. "It's quite simple. We are not impervious to Drac and his spawn. The Guild has known for years but was waiting for the venom to be finished before making it known."
"And the vamps have already found a cure for the new venom," Pat said, quieter than Luka but with just as much steel behind his words.
Roman had remained silent while the elder Hunters discussed the terms of the truce. Defensive actions were allowed, but would trigger an immediate meeting at The Library. Long neutral witnesses in the escalating war between the most infamous of the city's supernatural creatures, the thecari were only too happy to set up the necessary tracking to satisfy both sides.
But when it became clear some of the packs were putting prejudice before peace, Roman spoke up. "There is a lot we don't understand about the vamps. A lot we've had wrong. And not just what the Guild had kept from us."
The Ivy pack growled between themselves, snips and low howls in their family dialect. Finally, their elder perked up his ears and scowled. "And what if we don't obey the truce?"
Before anyone could breathe, Luka had knocked him to the ground. Throat held in his jaws, he growled a soft warning.
"Our survival is at stake," Patton murmured. "We will do anything to protect our pack. And yours."
Luka released the Ivy Hunter's throat but kept him pinned to the ground, massive clawed hands digging into his shoulders. "Whatever is necessary."
Even after the meeting officially ended, a few Hunters lingered, murmuring quietly with each of them. A smaller Hunter from the Elm pack approached Roman.
"Is it true?" Eyes wide, they breathed in his scent as though they could sniff out dishonesty. Maybe they could. "Do the bloodsuckers steal the memories of their suits?"
"No!" he growled. "How did you—" Pat moved to his side, rumbling gently, and Roman let his love's presence soothe away his irritation.
"No," Roman said, nearly calm. "My brother is still my brother, just as we remain who we were before our transition to Hunters."
They frowned, then turned without comment when their elder called.
"That could've gone worse," Pat murmured next to him, rubbing their heads together.
Luka laughed, trotting over to join them when the last of the other Hunter's left. "That might have been difficult, but yes." He nuzzled each of their jaws, then tilted his head at Pat. "How are you? Would heading home like this help?"
"I… Maybe." Pat paused and inhaled deeply, letting the air out in a warm rumble. "I'm… improved. Drac spoke the truth."
"Words you never thought you'd say?" Roman bonked their heads together, the playfulness in his voice beautiful.
"Perhaps. Okay, definitely," he admitted.
Luka circled them, spiraling outward with mischief in his eyes. "Are you feeling well enough for…" In a flash, Luka took off over the bridge, howling after them, "For a race?"
Pressing one more kiss along Roman's jaw before taking off at a trot, Pat laughed. "C'mon, cookie. Let's take the old man down."
Roman let out a low, joyous howl, soon echoed by a chorus of responses from both Hunters and grey wolves in the park. "Right behind you, Love," he called and ran to catch up.
#Y E S the final chapter has arrived and it's so damn good!!!#god that fight scene was I N T E N S E#ro's injuries sound P A I N F U L but luckily he was able to heal#also really glad ro and luka still trust patt after finding out about the thrail#such a twist that ree's a vamp now but it's so nice seeing ro have his brother back#cackled at 'excuse you I am not a flea. I am a sparkly sexy vampire thank you very much.' they're definitely related XD#surprised that drac/jan actually apologized but luka has every right to not forgive him it was a lot after all#god i love how soft the beloveds are with each other i wonder who won that race#I N C R E D I B L E work Edu this fic series has been absolutely amazing and was such a joy to read!!#royalityweek2023#royality#hunter!patton#pathos#ire#dracula#patton sanders#roman sanders#lucas sanders#janus sanders#fic by edupunkn00b#reconciliation
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Ours, Ch. 6: Our Secrets
Prev - Our Secrets - Next - Masterpost - [ AO3 ]
Secrets can mask danger. or, as a wise man once said, "Secrets, secrets are no fun. Tell me now or else we're done."
Day 6 of @royalityweek, Secrets WC: 2599 - Rated: T - CW: blood, vampirism, thrall/mind control, suggestive
Sweet Ro had insisted he would return quickly after his next performance. Patton had been walking him home each evening, with Luka covering the gap in their patrols. "But I enjoy meeting you afterwards," he'd insisted, brushing kisses against his cheekbone, his jaw, his ear. "You still wear the scent of your stage make-up, and your voice is fizzy with excitement. It's beautiful."
"I'm a sweaty mess after shows!" he'd protested, bright pink dusting his cheeks.
"And beautiful," Patton murmured, interrupting his attempt to put on his shoes by wrapping both arms around him and snuggling close. "You sound surprised I'd want to see you like that." Ro's only response had been a quiet laugh as he'd pulled him into a kiss.
Ro's earlier surprise that they would even permit him to continue his theatre work had been heartbreaking, though.
“Oh,” he’d blinked, mouth working silently as he burrowed deeper into his spot between them in the big den. A passing glance at the calendar after lunch one day had pulled him into a near panic, sharpened teeth elongating and fur sprouting on the backs of his hands. His control was improving, but sudden emotional jolts could still bring out the wolf involuntarily.
Drawing him down into the nest of pillows had helped and eventually Ro had gotten out that he was expected for a play.
“I wasn’t sure if… if it was, you know, allowed,” he’d whispered, leaning in to their little touches with a soft rumble.
“Of course it is, cookie,” Patton murmured. He scritched the blend of fur and hair at the back of his neck, fingers buried in the fluffy softness he’d come to love, to crave. “Oh, Love, you never need to be afraid to tell us things.”
“Barring emergencies, we’ll have no problem working around your performances.” Luka’s voice was low, soothing them both. “And even if it was difficult, little pup, we'd still make it work. It's important to you.”
Ro had rumbled again then, the fuzzy sweet sound broadening Patton’s smile. “It is,” he’d nodded, eyes fallen shut under the attention of his new pack. “Thank you…”
And so Patton waited for him just outside the stage door. He and Ro had completed a successful hunt the night before, taking out three of the band of bloodsuckers who’d spent the past two months prowling the streets, looking for revenge for Yann. The monsters didn’t care that it hadn’t been their Hunter guild following V’s marching orders and were out for blood. Ro was simply too new to hunt on his own.
A sudden shadow loomed in front of him and Patton reached for his herbertz blade. “Don’t even try it, buddy…” The scent of blood and cold copper filled his lungs. A vamp, but one he didn’t recognize. It wasn’t a young one, either. Patton couldn’t quite guess its age, but its days as a living being were long, long past it.
Chuckling quietly, he grabbed his freshly sharpened stake instead. “Well, then. What do we have here?” He drew closer. Earth and dust. Old silk. It was calm, entirely too calm for a bloodsucker cornered in an alley by a trained Hunter. Patton chuckled again, almost pitying the creature. Almost. It had no idea who it had decided to accost. “You’re new in town, aren’t you?” he asked it, giving it a chance to run. Make it a fair fight.
The bloodsucker stood its ground, posing as though it was the one with the upper hand. Arrogant, too? “Oh, who’s a bright little Hunter?” Its unctuous voice was thick with sarcasm and scorn. Patton snarled and stepped closer, positioning the vamp between him and a solid brick wall. Soon it would be nothing but dust mixing with the rest of the dirt underfoot.
The bloodsucker didn’t even know enough to be afraid, warm, golden eyes sure and confident. He smiled at Patton, gleaming white teeth peeking past dark red lips. . “You’re not afraid to meet my eyes, little pup.” His voice was low and buzzed in his brain.
Patton shook his head, cutting off the start of a rumble deep in his chest. “Don’t call me that, you filthy bloodsucker.” Luka was the only person alive who could call him that. Certainly not this strange, cocky vampire. Patton eyed him, inspecting him for the telltale bulges of a weapon.
Nothing but his teeth. His mind buzzed again and he drew closer, chasing the faint scent of jasmine and rosehips. “Of course I’m not afraid to meet your eyes.” Patton stood tall, the smooth finish of the heavy stake in his hands lending him strength. He pushed out a laugh, a little tinny. laughed. This vamp thought he’d be afraid? “Your thrall won’t work on me.”
The vampire only smiled, full, dark lips parted to reveal more of his strong, sharp teeth. “Oh, is that so?” He stepped closer, wrapping Patton in the soft scent of flowers.
Stake it now! Rush it and stab, it won’t expect it. Do it, Pathos, do it now!
Patton inhaled deeply. Spring rains, the tang of ozone, the crackle of lightning. He blinked. He’d nearly put away his stake and he looked up at the vampire again, raising the pointy end of his stake back where it belonged.
“That’s right, bloodsucker." He thumped his chest, fingers grazing the turquoise around his neck.. "Thrall won’t work on members of the Pack.”It’s playing with you, Pathos. Why is it so confident? Stake it, get Ro, and run!
“Are you quite certain about that?”
The vampire drew even closer. If Patton reached out, he could touch the heavy velvet cloak, his gloves. The yellow leather looked soft and pliant and Patton wondered what it might feel like against his skin.
"Put down that stake." The command battered his mind, seeping through his skin and filling his body until it reached his fingers and he released his grip.
No! Pathos, what are you doing? Patton watched himself from above, growling as his stake rolled away from his body. Run, Pathos, run!
The vampire gifted him with a smile, soft and beautiful. They were so close, his own body’s heat bouncing off the vampire until it seemed to come from him instead. He could touch the vampire, if he wished, if the vampire would allow him too.
Sweet, blood-warmed breath ghosted against his neck and Patton shuddered. His muscles fought under his skin, driving him back, away from the vampire at the same time as they pushed him forward.
Run! Just run! Get Luka, get help, just run!
"Now isn't that better, pup?" A warning growl bubbled up from his chest, thighs trembling with frozen effort to run.
His body just wouldn’t obey. The vampire’s pheromones screamed at him, the bloodsucker’s hunger bathing him in it’s dizzying, aluring stink. Patton’s claws burned at his fingertips and toes, called to emerge from the danger.
The vampire only laughed at his turmoil. "I don’t care much for the taste of full werewolves”—Run Pathos!—”but you hybrids smell delicious.”
Delicious? Patton’s face stretched into a smile and he breathed in deeply. Copper and flowers stung his nose, sharp and bright. He wanted more.
The vampire drew closer, lips dangerously close for one tantalizing moment. But then he moved away and Patton bit his lip, stifling a whine.
“And I know you smell me. You're practically vibrating every time you inhale." Patton’s feet sank into the ground, boots heavy, laden with wet cement and lead. His eyes followed the vampire as he circled him, long, lithe fingers petting his hair, his shoulders. Two fingers stroked the shell of his ear. He shivered.
The vampire’s skin was smooth and cold, burning ice against his bare skin. Despite the ache, Patton leaned in to the soft brushes, neck muscles twitching as his brain shouted and tried to yank away from his touch. "Oh, and you do like a little affection, don't you?"
The words were quiet but his voice boomed through Patton’s body, rattling his bones and echoing through his mind. "I like it, too." Soft, cold lips pressed against his ear. "What’s your name, pup?”
“I am called Pathos.”
His deep, gravely laughter sounded more like a packmate’s rumble than mockery and Patton’s body reacted, his own near-silent rumble pushing up from his chest. The vampire’s scent grew sweet and he opened his mouth to taste the air.
Get out of there, Pathos! Now! Just go!
“That’s not what I asked…” The vamp stroked his turquoise, the stone vibrating its outrage against his chest. Icy hands then dragged down his body and locked onto his hips, digging into his flesh. Electricity fizzled through his nerves and their commands to move, to shove, to run went ignored. He only swayed closer as the vampire stared into eyes.
“What’s your name?”
The vamp’s command ripped the word from his mouth. “Patton.”
His name on the vampire’s lips was wrong, terrifying. How could he have given up his name to a bloodsucker?
And it was beautiful. He growled, a warning and a plea to hear it again. “Patton…” Patton gasped, fear and need coiling in his belly. “I like the way that feels in my mouth.”
Patton shuddered.
“A little pop at the beginning, just like when I finally let you feel my teeth pierce your tender skin.” Fangs grazed the side of his neck, drawing a single drop of blood. He managed to inch his feet back even as his eyes wouldn’t leave the vampire’s face.
Run, Pathos!
“Then a soft hum at the end when you’re satisfied.” A soft, frozen tongue traced a line up his neck and Patton stopped breathing. “Patton,” the vamp murmured, nuzzling his neck.
“Patton…” The soft whisper was followed by teeth stabbing through his flesh and ice cold lips closing on the wound, slurping up his blood. Patton pushed against him, hands twisted in the vampire’s cloak. It was as soft as it had looked. The lining was heavy silk, a perfect butter yellow.
Luka had once told him how Dracula wore yellow to replace the sun that now scorned him.
No! Run!
He pulled Dracula closer, melting against him. A soft, pleased rumble spilled from his lips even as his blood spilled into Dracula’s waiting mouth. Before long, Dracula broke away from his neck but kept one iron hand on his hip. Cold fingers brushed down his cheek.
“Patton,” he said. “Now… tell me where you last saw my Virgil.”
“Your sired is building an army, my lord. But the Hunters will defeat him. We know where he lives, we know where he plays. We know which of his own kind will help us. We'll make him watch his spawn die by our hand and then his dust will feed the rats of the City.”
The fiery threat consumed the last of his fight and it was only Dracula's hold that kept him upright. Patton now only observed from a tiny spot in the back of his skull, seeing through his eyes, feeling the bruises growing on his hip, frosty fingers against his skin.
“Yes, I know you think that, little pup,” The words were gentle, but the on his hip tightened painfully. Dracula drew closer and kissed his neck. When he straightened, blood glistened on his lips.
He licked them slowly then asked again. “Where is my Virgil now?”
“V will likely be at Emile’s soon. His sireds will need to feed, my lord.”
Dracula frowned and Patton drew closer. He’d disappointed him.
Please run, Pathos! He screamed and stomped, the heavy scent of blood and flowers smothering him in his skull. Fingers twitching, he gripped Dracula’s cloak even tighter.
“Oh, my little pup, no,” Dracula cooed, wet fingers brushing his cheeks. “Don’t cry, pet. Don't cry. You’ve done so well for me.”
“I have?” His voice shook, knees locked.
“You have,” he nodded slowly, brilliant golden eyes locked on his. “And I want to give you your reward.”
“Reward?” he parroted back and inside his skull he raged. Claws out, a full wolf pushed and kicked and howled.
“Yes, of course, little pup. But first you must promise me to keep this a secret. You never met me, my pet, did you?”
The scent of his own blood on Dracula’s breath, hip aching from his bruising grip, a lazy trickle cooling on his neck, Patton nodded. “I promise, my lord. We never met.”
“So good for me, little pup,” he smiled, sunlight and fire, warmth and danger. Dracula drew close, then pressed ice cold lips to his neck again and drank.
All too soon, it was over. Eyelids fluttering, his muscles trembled and Dracula tutted quietly before scooping him up in his arms and walking him closer to the stage door. A folding chair sat a few feet from the door, smashed cigarette butts littering the ground beneath it.
“Here, my little pup,” he murmured, voice sickly sweet. “Rest here. You’ll want to hide your marks until they heal, won’t you?”
Patton nodded dumbly.
“You smell like blood…” Head hung low, Patton nodded. He was right. “Give me your claws,” he ordered.
Patton obeyed.
Dracula held his hand and scraped it against his jaw until Patton felt his own hot blood drip down his neck. “It’s a pity to waste your sweet blood, but you’ll need a reason to smell as good as you do.” He curled over Patton in his seat, one hand snaking up to curl through his hair and tilting up his head. “See you again, my little pup,” he whispered against his lips and pulled him in to another kiss.
And then he was gone. He was gone.
Patton whined, looking up and down the alley for any sign of where he might have gone. There was no trace. Dracula had left him. He was gone.
He’s gone! Patton leapt to his feet full strength returning in a flash. Hackles up, his claws extended, fur spreading over his face and neck and hands. His skin burned where Dracula had bitten him and, after a long, panting moment, Patton regained control and returned to his human form.
Touching his neck, he felt the rapidly healing puncture wounds, a shiver of pain and… anticipation raising goosebumps over his flesh.
'See you again, my little pup…'
The stage door slammed open, laughter and music filling the dank, quiet alley.
“Pat!” Ro’s voice filled his ears and he rumbled, relief and joy chasing away the last of Dracula’s icy chill from his skin. “You didn’t have to come.” Still, he was smiling, and Patton waved back, waiting patiently while he said goodbye to his fellow cast members.
Skipping the stairs, the young Hunter leapt over the handrail and threw himself into Patton’s arms. He pulled back almost immediately, arms still wrapped around him. Gently, protectively. “You’re hurt!”
“Nothing to worry about, cookie. Only a skirmish,” he mumbled, nuzzling against the side of Ro’s head and absorbing the comfort of his scent. “You won’t even be able to see it by the morning.”
Warn him! Tell him! Tell him now! What might that bloodsucker do if he got his hands on sweet Ro?
Cupping his cheeks, Patton stared into Ro’s eyes. The words were right there, he could taste them on his tongue. Dracula is here and we are vulnerable to the thrall. We’re all in danger!
Dracula’s golden eyes filled his mind. ‘You never met me, my pet…’
He smiled and brushed a soft kiss against Ro's lips. “Let’s go home, Love.”
#oml the S U S P E N S E P L E A S E i love this so damn much!!!#my heart still melts over patt calling ro cookie#but good lord that T E N S I O N between drac and patt pathos N O#dracula you D E V I O U S bastard#in the words of freddie mercury i really hope patt B R E A K S F R E E from that mind control#dracs already on thin ice and once ro finds out what the bloodsucker did he's gonna be L I V I D#outstanding work absolutely H Y P E D for the next chap!!#royalityweek2023#royality#hunter!patton#pathos#ire#dracula#patton sanders#roman sanders#lucas sanders#fic by edupunkn00b#secrets
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The week may be over but fear not for any late comers we are still taking late submissions until August 13th so again to any Ao3 writers who want to add their works to the Collections the link is here. With that being said, I want to say thank you so much to everyone who has submitted something this week your submissions have been nothing but amazing!! Be sure to check out all the lovely content creators who participated! ❤️💙❤️
#royalityweek#royalityweek2023#royality#romantic royality#platonic royality#ts royality#roman#roman sanders#patton#patton sanders#ts roman#ts patton#sanders sides#thomas sanders
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Royality Week ❤️🩵
Day 7 Cuddles/Fluffy
Fic and Art beneath the cut <3
Another addition to my Seasons AU
A/N: Warning, it is a little sad, but I tried to get the fluff in there at the end <3
As days passed, work droned on. They both knew their jobs were important. It insured that each season ran properly in the human realm. But all the two could think of was each other, and how they yearned to be together.
There were two very distinct temperatures on each side of their border, Winter being cold, and Spring being warm.
They would meet there together as soon as the work day ended, holding hands and exchanging loving words.
However one day, that wasn't enough for Winter. He yearned to be closer to his love, Spring. So without a second thought to it, he crossed the border that divided them, the heat already pounding down on him.
He shook it off, trudging through the plush leaves and flowers that littered the ground, coloring it pink.
"Goodness... I had no idea it'd be quite so warm..." Patton muttered to himself, feeling as though he was melting under the hard gaze of the sun.
He took to his knees, resting in the shade of a helpful cherry tree, head coming to lay on the trunk.
"I will only be a moment... then I will come and find you my love..." He shut his eyes, the heat lulling him into a deep sleep.
When Winter awoke, he found himself laying in fluffy light blue snow. He sat himself up, hand coming to his forehead. He turned when he heard a gasp of relief.
"Oh thank the stars you're alright!" A pink figure sitting beside him exclaimed, moving closer and taking his hand. "I found you passed out beneath one of the cherry trees, and took you back to your half as soon as I saw you."
Winter frowned, hand gently squeezing Spring's. "I was coming to see you..." He explained, pressing their foreheads together.
Spring, Roman, shut his eyes as their foreheads met, holding his hands tight. "You know I come to visit you at the border every night... could you not have waited an hour more? At least then, you would have been safe."
Patton shook his head, arms wrapping around Roman's neck. "No, I wanted to be with you. Playing in the fields of flowers and holding each other close."
Spring frowned at this. "You could've died in the heat from just a few minutes on my side. I do not want to risk losing you for a few mere minutes."
Winter thought on his words then reluctantly sighed. "I understand."
For a few days, their routines returned to normal, with them completing their daily tasks and meeting at night at the border.
One fateful night, Winter came to the border with a plan.
"Join me on my side." Patton pleaded, hands holding Roman's to his chest.
"Will I not freeze, and wilt away like my precious flowers?" He questions, eyes filled with yearning along with worry.
"I am able to take care of each lovely bud you have gifted to me. I am certain that I can keep you safe. It doesn't have to be for very long." He said in an attempt to coerce him, eyes shining with longing.
Eventually Spring relents, timidly stepping into the fluffy snow.
For the first few moments everything is fine, but then frost began to form on Spring's delicate skin.
Not wanting to have to separate so soon, Winter pulls Spring to a patch of trees. The two step into a small garden like area, full of frozen flowers.
"This is always the warmest place in my region. Surely you will be okay here." Patton explains, thumb gently touching a patch of frost on Roman's cheek.
Spring flinches a bit as the frost spreads and Winter is quick to remove his hand from his cheek.
In a moment of desperation, Winter removes his jacket, wrapping it around Spring and holding him close, hoping that would be enough to keep him warm.
"Patton I do not think this will work..." He muttered, growing weaker by the second. "You must take me back."
"I refuse!" Winter cried, hugging him as close as he could. "I want to be with you!"
"But we can't be together. Not like this anyway. I need to be in spring."
And so, with a heavy heart, Patton carried Roman back to his side of the border, gently placing him in the petals.
The frost slowly melted off of his cheeks and gradually he regained his strength. However, Winter watched with tears in his eyes.
"I did not mean to harm you."
Roman gave him a warm smile, sitting himself up fully and taking Patton's hands.
"I know my love. All you want is to be with me. I wish to be with you too. But it's dangerous. Until we find a safe way to cross, we must remain separated. Our only form of contact being here. At the border."
"I wish for more." Patton cried, hand touching his cheek once again. "I yearn for more."
"I know... I promise you, I will find a way."
Patton cried softly, their foreheads pressing to each other’s.
"I am here for you. Always, my sweet, beautiful snowflake." Roman mumbled softly.
And in that moment he couldn't help himself. He pressed their lips together, a delicate burning sensation between them.
As he pulled back, his now frost-bitten lips turned up at the corners, smiling so fondly at the man before him.
"Oh Roman your lips I... I've hurt you again..." Patton uttered quietly, icy tears falling down his cheeks, freezing to his face.
Roman shook his head, smile still strong as he teared up a little. "I will be okay... it is a short moment of pain in exchange for a lovely, lasting memory. And right now, I only wish to do it more and more. Because I need you. All of you. In any way I can get..."
Winter hugged Spring just as close as he could, the two sharing soft, delicate kisses until the sun came up. Tears rolling down each of their cheeks but smiles on their lips.
#S C R E A M I N G and S O B B I N G this is so damn good!!!#poor patt he just wants to be with ro without their environments harming them#'i am here for you. always my sweet beautiful snowflake' P L E A S E 🥺❤️💙❤️#god and the art is absolutely beautifully A N G S T Y you can just see how much they want each other close and never let go#magnificent work absolutely adore this au and everything you have submitted#royalityweek2023#royality#patton sanders#roman sanders#seasons au#fic and art by starshard17#day 7 cuddles/fluffy
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Day 7: Cuddles/(Fluffy) @royalityweek
Could be Gayer (On a serious note thank you so much to everyone who participated this year you all literally have been satifying my 6 years of yearning for content of my comfort beloveds ❤️💙❤️)
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Ours, Ch. 5: Our Eternity
Prev - Our Eternity - Next - Masterpost - [ AO3 ]
For @royalityweek, switched prompt, Eternity.
Roman begins to recover from his transformation. WC: 2129 - Rated: T - CW: none? some angst. Vampires and werewolves.
The darkness was only a brief reprieve. The next time Roman opened his eyes, a murky grey sky peeked through the drapes and the rain hammering against the window panes was near deafening.
His fingers closed on something warm and soft. Bits of heat grazed his fingertips and a low buzz vibrated through his bones as he shifted closer to the warmth. The movement sent hot, electric jolts through every limb and he shuddered, a high keen filling his ears and scraping his throat raw.
“Shhh, sweet Ro…” Soft, rumbling thunder rolled over him and he breathed in the scent of burnt marshmallows and berries. “Feel my arms around you? You’re safe, you’re safe…”
Roman pulled him closer and tucked his face into the crook of Pathos’ neck. “So loud,” he muttered, then snapped his mouth shut when he realized the whine crackling through his head was his own voice.
“Yes, cookie.” His voice was rich and nubby, sun-warmed suede. “Your new ears are very sensitive.”
Roman jerked back, only letting go to slap his hands over his ears. Pain pushed a surprised yelp from his lips. A sharp ache stabbed against his head, dragging down through his hair. His ears hurt, throbbing up and into his—
He froze. Fur?
“Be still, Ro, it’s okay,” Pathos murmured, warm and scratchy and soothing. Strong fingers carded through the fur around his ears and down the back of his neck. “You’re in your wolf state. Here…” A gentle hand closed around his and brought it up to his chest to play at the soft fluffy fur covering his sternum.
“My shirt?” he mumbled, eyes widening when Pathos placed his hand against his own chest. Fingers nestled in his warm fur, Roman growled. No, not a growl, something closer to a cat’s purr.
“Our shirts were no match against your new claws,” Pathos rumbled, laughter fuzzing his words.
“‘M sorry…”
“No apologies needed.” Pathos drew him close and pressed a soft kiss into his fur. “Comes with the territory, my love.”
Roman froze again. “Love?” He blinked up at Pathos. Soft, curly fur spread down his face and over his shoulders, chest, and arms. The thick blond locks were warm and silky to the touch. His teeth were sharp and shiny poking between his lips, his breath hot and a mix of cinnamon and clover.
Ears flattened, Patton looked back at him with wide eyes. “Well, yes,” he admitted, stroking the fur on either temple. “You’re part of the pack now, Ro. Stronger bond than family, even.”
He nuzzled against Roman’s cheek and the side of his head. Roman nuzzled back, hiding his disappointment.
“But to tell you the truth…” Pathos’ voice changed. Damp earth and wood smoke, salt and moss filled Roman’s lungs. “I feel more than that. I… I care for you, Ro. I… I realize it’s too early for actual love, but…”
Roman curled closer, holding his breath. Afraid to move, afraid to speak, afraid to do anything that might make Pathos take back his soft words. The soft words his own heart screamed back at him.
“I would like to learn to love you, Ro,” he murmured, cradling his jaw with long fingers nestled in his fur. “If that is something you would like, as well?”
Another low almost growl spilled from his lips and Pathos smiled. “Please,” Roman whispered, speaking from both parts of himself.
Nodding slowly, Pathos lowered his head, face flatter, with fuller lips, as he pulled Roman into a kiss.
The sky was an inky black by the time they broke apart, panting for breath. Roman lay on his back in the middle of the soft cushions, Pathos curled over him, one hand cradling the back of his head. They’d each transformed back to more human forms, leaving only sharpened incisors and small tufts of fur on their chests and the backs of their hands as evidence of the hybrid wolves they’d been.
Pathos brushed soft kisses along his jaw and up to his ear, hum-purring until his skin buzzed. “We should feed you soon,” he murmured, tracing circles against his sides. “The transition takes a lot out of you and will continue to for another few days.”
“Yes, you should refuel,” Ire’s voice floated down the hallway, followed closely by the scents of hot steel, gunpowder, and mushrooms.
Roman looked up from his position beneath Pathos as Ire entered, cheeks flushed at being caught in such an intimate position. They were dressed from the waist down but…
“It’s alright, Roman, we’re pack,” Ire said, settling near them with a large plate laden with roasted chicken and sweet potatoes and rice. He smiled as Pathos sat up and helped him upright, then placed the food between the trio. “Speaking of our pack,” Ire began, looking significantly at Pathos.
He nodded, touching the turquoise hanging from his neck. “Tomorrow you’ll receive your stone so you can practice shifting at will. But tonight,” Pathos smiled and cupped Roman’s cheek even as he tore off a bit of chicken and chewed hungrily. “Tonight, you’ll receive your name.”
“My name?” he asked after swallowing. His eyes widened, looking between the other two Hunters. “Ire and Pathos aren’t your names?”
Ire shook his head. “My name is Luka,” he said slowly.
Without understanding the impulse, Roman leaned closer and touched their heads together. “Thank you, Luka.”
“Instincts of a Hunter,” Pathos grinned. When Roman pulled away, he touched his cheek again. “And my name is Patton. It is a pleasure to truly meet you, Roman.”
“And you.” He repeated the motion with Patton, this time recognizing the burst of warmth in his chest when the rubbed their temples together. Patton smiled as he settled back into a seat and selected his own piece of chicken.
Roman leaned a little closer to Patton, longing for the skin to skin contact they’d had. Patton scooted closer and wrapped one strong arm around him and across his back, support and a caress in one. Luka drew nearer, too and, bracketed by his new pack, the nervous bubbling in his chest eased. “What will my… other name be?”
Luka smiled and passed him more food. He looked down, surprised to see he’d been gnawing one end of a leg bone picked clean of all flesh. “It is your choice.”
Pathos and Ire. Sympathy and pity in the face of hurt, rage and belligerence in the face of injustice. They were two sides of the same coin, just as Roman had once been with his twin.
His twin. Roman swallowed and sat up a little straighter. Instead of moving away, Patton merely drew himself up, as well, and gave him his full attention, arm still curled around his back.
“Geminus. My new name will be Geminus.”
After they ate, Patton cleaned up while Luka gave Roman a tour of the rest of his new home. The basement was cool and quiet and modern, with automatic lights lining the halls and two labs, along with a small surgery and several monitored recovery beds. A commercial refrigerator dominated the far end of the hall. "Sometimes we interrupt a feeding, and the victim needs IV fluid or a transfusion." Roman's eyes lingered on the laboratory and Luka nodded. "This is where we made your serum. If you're interested, you can learn how."
"I'm not sure I'm much of a chemist," he muttered, shaking his head.
"Go where your interests lead," Luka said, beckoning him back upstairs. "Your skill will follow."
Framed pictures lined the stairwell and Roman pointed to one of a young man dressed in a natty 19th century top hat and tails. He was the spitting image of Luka. "Is this your…" He counted back the decades, turning to Luka with brow furrowed. "I guess your great, great-grandfather?"
Luka smiled. "That's me," he nodded and pointed to a small scar on his chin and the matching, but much darker one in the picture. "I was about ninety when that picture was taken."
Roman stared, looking between the picture and the centuries-old Hunter next to him. Luka didn't look more than forty years old. "Are… are werew—are we immortal?"
"Not quite," he laughed, clapping Roman's shoulder and giving it a squeeze as they continued up the stairs. "Just very long-lived."
“My room is here”—he pointed to the first open door on the second floor landing—”And the next is Patton’s. This space is yours,” he said, opening the third door in the upstairs hall. The room was painted a soft yellow, reminiscent of early morning sunshine, and two of the walls featured large, shaded windows.
A queen sized bed piled with blankets and pillows consumed one corner, while a sturdy wooden desk and matching bookshelves took up the other. There was a large closet with a neat row of pants and jackets similar to Patton and Luka’s. Plenty of room remained. A dresser sat just outside the closet door.
His cellphone sat in a charging dock on top of the otherwise bare dresser.
“Am I…” He looked at his phone, fingers itching to check his messages. What if Remus was actually still out there? “May I?” he turned to Luka and pointed to the phone.
“Please, go ahead. Would you like privacy?” Luka stepped closer to the door.
He shook his head. “No, that’s—” His voice faded away, the list of notifications burning into his retinas as he stared, eyes wide, at the screen.
16 missed calls from Re (212) 867-5309
🤹 he, Ro Bro, it work…
🤹 ⏰⏰ wake up, man…
🤹 okay text me whe…
🤹 Ro? getting worri…
Impossible hope wove through his chest, pulled taut and holding him upright even as his knees wobbled. “Re?” He tapped the first message.
hey, Ro Bro, it worked! and i met someone, he's amazing! i can't wait to introduce you! i’m still kinda fucked up and need to rest more but tomorrow will you meet me at—
A roar ripped up from deep in his chest and he threw his phone against the wall. It exploded in a spray of glass and plastic and sheared metal. He doubled over, another cry spilling from his lips, tears and rage pulling him to the floor. His skin and bones were fire and he squeezed his eyes shut against the darkness rushing in from the edges of his vision.
The last thing he felt was Luka's strong hands pulling him close.
“I'm so sorry, Roman. It's what they do,” Luka murmured. Roman was in his arms, sobbing against his shoulder. His shirt was soaked and tattered.
Ignoring the rest of his words, Roman sagged against his chest. He pushed aside the torn bits of cloth. Scratches and cuts littered Luka's skin underneath. “I hurt you.” He hung his head, drained, unable to even properly apologize.
"I am perfectly fine," Luka tutted quietly, a rumble similar to Patton’s tickling his chest. "You'll see, we heal quickly from far worse and your control will improve with practice."
Roman didn’t believe him, but he didn’t have the strength to fight. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled, lips dragging against his still sharpened teeth. “And I’m sorry for the mess. I'll clean this up and then stay in here until I get my shit together. Is there a broom in the kitchen I can use to—”
“No, Roman, no,” Luka pulled back and pushed away the hair that had fallen over his eyes. Patton appeared in the doorway, holding a broom and dustpan. He set both down on the floor and stood close. "We're here. You're not alone in this."
“Luka's right, Love.” Patton cradled his face between both hands as Luka rubbed his back. “You never need to be alone again.” Roman’s eyes fell closed, the air filled with sticky sweet burnt sugar and warm, roasted coffee. The scents matched their caresses and Roman leaned into Patton’s hands.
"Even… " His eyes dragged over the bloody, frayed edges of Luka's shirt. "Shouldn't I stay here until…" Roman's voice fell away into a quiet whine. The thought of being alone right now, of separating from Patton, from either of them squeezed his heart and left him breathless.
“There's no need for you to be alone, Love." Patton's voice was soft, and hot, sweet breath tickled his neck.
"There's the den downstairs and another, slightly smaller one at the other end of the hall.” Luka’s voice was gentle. “Would it help to go there with Patton now?”
“Would you—” Patton’s hands were warm on either side of his face, and he rubbed his cheeks into the warmth. Nodding, he reached blindly for Luka’s hand. “Would you both join me for a little while?”
“Of course, Ro,” Patton nodded. “For as long as you want.”
#Y E S Y E S Y E S chapter 5 it's so damn good i love it!!!#i will never be over how soft and tender and gentle pathos/patt is to ro i love them so damn much!!#'yes cookie' P L E A S E i love that 🥺❤️💙❤️#god and the kiss was just mmmmm!!!! /positive#'geminus' is such a perfect name for him#my H E A R T poor ro misses ree so damn much really hope he gets him back and that he's okay#brilliant work super hyped for the upcoming chapters loving this series!!#royalityweek2023#royality#hunter!patton#pathos#ire#patton sanders#roman sanders#lucas sanders#fic by edupunkn00b#exchange ticket eternity
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Royality Week Day 7: Cuddles/Fluff
I can't believe we've reached the end of the week already, it's been a really fun one! It's been wonderful seeing submissions and participating too 😊
Massive thank you to @the-duke-of-nuts for organising it all and for being so supportive to everyone, as well as submitting some incredible content himself 😊 Collaborating with you has been one of my many favourite things about this week and I hope we can continue to do that, it's an honour to mod this event with you 😊❤️💙
Here's my final piece for the week 💙❤️

#mod dreamer ending the week off with such a soft wholesome art piece 🥺❤️💙❤️#god you can just F E E L the love and how much they don't want to let go in that hug#will not get over how well drawn their shirts are#remarkable work your submissions have been wonderful and it was an honor having you help mod#royalityweek2023#royality#roman sanders#patton sanders#art by mod dreamer#day 7 cuddles/fluffy
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[ID in alt text]
final day of @royalityweek ! it was incredibly fun to participate in the event, lovely stuff! everyone made amazing entries and it was so nice to see all the content about the beloveds ❤️🩵 and i can't thank the mods enough for making this possible, yall are awesome!!
i took the prompt fluff today and decided to finish off big (with a wedding ;]) - all my entries this year are part of the same verse, and if anyone wants to see them all, ill make a masterpost soon :)
#oml my H E A R T this is so damn beautiful 🥺❤️💙❤️#look how damn pretty their wedding looks!!#thank YOU for all your incredible submissions for this week#this verse with the beloveds have been absolutely sweet#royalityweek2023#royality#roman sanders#patton sanders#art by nandysparadox#day 7 cuddles/fluffy
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This is for @royalityweek
#Y E S N A P T I M E#they look so peaceful ❤️💙❤️#great work this is so sweet#royalityweek2023#royality#roman sanders#patton sanders#art by xandriagreat#day 7 cuddles/fluffy
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Day 7: Cuddles/Fluffy
The final day has come Travelers it's Day 7! To end off the collab Mod Duke and Mod Dreamer collabed with another continuous art piece for the prompt. We look forward to seeing your final submissions! ❤️💙❤️
#royalityweek2023#royality#roman sanders#patton sanders#ts roman#ts patton#sanders sides#thomas sanders#art by mod duke & mod dreamer#day 7 cuddles/fluffy
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"Oooo I get it now! His mother is going to come back and he'll have to fight her for the crown!" "…Are you sure you haven't watched this before?" "So I'm right?" "Ugh!" "Haha, I'm sorry, honey, I'm just good at guessing!" "Watching movies with you is practically impossible, you're lucky I love you." … "You love me?" "Um… yes. I do." "Aww, honey, I love you too!"
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day 6 of @royalityweek ! prompt: movie night
their first 'i love you' 🥺
#S C R E A M I N G at how soft this is i love them so damn much P L E A S E 🥺❤️💙❤️#the little drabble is so damn heartwarming#and the A R T is absolutely beautiful look at them!!#magnificent work this is just so damn precious!!#royalityweek2023#royality#roman sanders#patton sanders#art by nandysparadox#day 6 hobbies/movie night
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Day 6: Hobbies/Movie Night @royalityweek
They're watching The Princess and the Frog <3
(Bonus Cos under the cut for the other prompt because why not)
Patton's hobby is making Kandi. Fight me. /light hearted
#royalityweek2023#royality#patton sanders#roman sanders#edit and cosplay by mod duke#day 6 hobbies/movie night
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Royality Week Day 6: Hobbies/Movie Night
Open mic nights as a hobby, I'm so happy with how this one turned out! 😊❤️💙

'I love you baby, and if it's quite alright I need you baby, to warm the lonely nights, I love you baby. Trust in me when I say...'
#mod dreamer killing it with another amazing continuous art piece#look at the beloved's mini band!!#such a good fitting song choice#is this ro's way of secretly serenading patt? /light hearted 😉#phenomenal work these art pieces never fail to look incredible#royalityweek2023#royality#patton sanders#roman sanders#art by mod dreamer#day 6 hobbies/movie night
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Royality Week ❤️🩵
Day 6 Hobbies/Movie Night
I ran out of energy for this one, but I still think they're cute <3
Fic beneath the cut :)
Patton hummed as he whipped up some frosting, inhaling the lovely aroma of vanilla in the air.
He had taken up baking recently, and his boyfriend had always been more than willing to help him. Whether that be icing, decorating, or sprinkling on some extra pizazz to his delicious treats, he was always thankful to have him there.
While some cookies baked in the oven, Roman was piping little pink dollops of frosting onto a freshly iced strawberry cake.
Patton moved to peer over his shoulder as he worked, scooping a small fingerful of icing from his bowl and booping it onto Roman's nose.
The princely figure was a bit startled, ceasing all activity to stare wide-eyed forward in surprise before turning to face Patton. A light laugh sounded from him and he removed the icing that was on his nose.
Patton just giggled, squealing a little when Roman playfully chased after him with his piping bag, trying to return the favor of an iced nose.
#oml i love this so damn much!! 🥺❤️💙❤️#look how focused ro is while patt looks at him in adoration i L O V E them#god and the fic my H E A R T they're so damn cute they absolutely would have a lil icing war#ran out of energy or not regardless this still came out so damn wholesome and good!!#beautiful work#royalityweek2023#royality#roman sanders#patton sanders#art and fic by starshard17#day 6 hobbies/movie night
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Movie time!!!
This is for @royalityweek
#M O V I E T I M E#they're watching a movie and are in love your honor#so lovely well done#royalityweek2023#royality#roman sanders#patton sanders#art by xandriagreat#day 6 hobbies/movie night
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