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All set for another mountain, let's go ⛰️ https://www.instagram.com/p/BsD11JWARbeYQrA7UtPtgKhTdNp66hX-8pnaIk0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=tftse9xwlpo
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"Dear God I thank you for these feet, these eyes, these hands; I pray that wherever I go I will be able to see you in the world around me And to always see honestly; let no sight be too terrible to bear; let nothing and no-one be ugly I pray that whatever I touch will remind me of your eternal presence in all things Let nothing be repugnant to me And I pray that with every step I take I will be getting closer to you God, take me home. And let my home be everywhere" The Nomad Prayer - Farish A. Noor This poem/prayer is ❤️, taken from the book titled Quran and Cricket.
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I have never been more anxious in my life. There is something about my age that creates a sense that everything and everyone is ahead of me. Peace is elusive. Some might even argue, it's expensive. People advertise lifehacks and apps that may be, probably, able to help. Well-intentioned solutions. Maybe. The sheer amount of variety is panic-inducing. I find now that it can be simple as water running in this small stream, going through until it finds its way to the bigger rivers and back to the sea. Accepting that the journey will take one crashing against jagged mountain rocks, twisting and turning in endless stygian caves. Sometimes, despite its best efforts, it runs to stillwater, not even reaching the ocean, or gets bogged down with the tangle of roots of a quagmire. It's depressing to think about but I'm all for giving it my best shot. Wherever that takes me, that's life, and the risks associated with attempting at it. I'm still anxious most times but I now accept that the feeling serves as a pretty good checks and balances to me as a person. Am I doing all I can or am I just trying to get comfortable? Nothing's wrong with both of them but, is it really the choice I would like to make? Am I only being lazy? Indecisive? Or simply going with what I have? (I told you it makes a person anxious 👀) . Self-criticism is fine. Anxiety to a certain extent is normal. Life is well worth it. Carry on.
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Sometimes, maybe, remind yourself that happiness isn't necessarily complicated 🎈🎈🎈
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More from Bukit Merese, I can spend whole afternoon here the view was fantastic. Tapi anginnya rada kenceng sih jadi kalo lama2 bisa masuk angin 😹
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I stumbled on A grim gap, wide and deep. That time I was About to take a leap.
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Sitting around, observing Luang Prabang's changing colours (at Phou Si)
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roundpegssquareholes · 10 years
I love singer-songwriters whose songs have that insights to life with the ability to relate to, even validate, my insignificant feelings.
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roundpegssquareholes · 10 years
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I'm forever charmed. Truly a land full of magic (: #NorthBorneo #K2NUI (at Muara Sungai Malinau)
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roundpegssquareholes · 10 years
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One last glance on our way back from the waterfall. The nature is downright gorgeous and what's more, it provides for us We can just pluck those bushes on both sides of the paths, wash it, add some chilies (that are plucked from the same spots), salts, some lime juice, and voila! Best salads ever. #K2NUI
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roundpegssquareholes · 10 years
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I like how very few things block my view of the sky, but for some skyscraping trees creating shades and shelters from the heat. (at Malinau Selatan Hulu)
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roundpegssquareholes · 10 years
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The rocky side of Marthin Billa waterfall is grand and beautiful. The stones where we sat were shaped like giant steps by forces of nature maybe have been for hundreds of years.
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roundpegssquareholes · 10 years
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This is the path that leads to the Marthin Billa waterfall, the fallen trees gave me a sense of what a beautiful mess our world is. (at Malinau Selatan Hulu)
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roundpegssquareholes · 10 years
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The bridge had fallen sideways into the river. So helpful were the stones in the river acting as steps to get us to the other side without completely soaking our shoes.
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roundpegssquareholes · 10 years
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The hardwork that goes into the delicate beadweaving on a Saung is quite incredible. The saung itself is used by farmers for work. I never really confirm this but I think it's got a connection with Saungtaw the halo-like rainbow that the locals believed to bring illness for those standing underneath it. Like the hat is to protect against that. #Malinau #Dayak #Borneo
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roundpegssquareholes · 10 years
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When you have walked far enough, all the houses started to blend in, the trees grew higher and higher, then the night fell and you stood in awe for all the wonders you took in were not in the destination but rather in the journey, and the people you’ve met along the way.
I still have a long way to go but I feel very blessed to have shared the same path with this wonderful people. For a month, their faces were the faces I see before sleep and upon waking up. With them, I shared a lot of first-time-in-forevers, from marine training in Depok to hitchiking in the middle of a jungle in Borneo. Their way of thinking, their points of view have made a dent in my life and inspired me for good. Can only thank the great force of life and the universe that brings us together. Alhamdulillah :)
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roundpegssquareholes · 13 years
Books Versus Their Movie Versions
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The book is always better than the movie. No exception. I have read so many books so great that people made movies based on it. The Harry Potter books, Eragon, No country for old Men, The Road, My Sister's Keeper, The Ghost Writer, The chronicles of Narnia books, The Lord of The Rings books, Laskar Pelangi, The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo etc, All are, in my point of view, better though the movie versions is pretty awesome itself. The books are way greater because there are always those few remarkable things in the books which are so delicate that filmmakers can't film it well or even left unfilmed. Films are great with all those sounds and pictures stuffs, but it'll never ever be greater than the books.
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