rostalgic · 7 years
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exhumed the old RO characters from their pseudOC compost piles
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rostalgic · 8 years
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rostalgic · 8 years
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every time I try to update them I end up drawing them ex ac tl y the s a m e 
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rostalgic · 8 years
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a dodo and a dog from the RO universe where leashes are not a thing
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rostalgic · 8 years
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Sibena Stone, the guild’s smith. She’s pretty as a princess Sweet as candy
...but dumber than a goldfish.
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rostalgic · 9 years
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these guys need a hobby
Original here
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rostalgic · 9 years
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Allure, or Attempts Of
“Hey sweet thing, how’s it goin’?”
Vivi sputtered in the doorway, brows furrowed and back tense. Her knuckles turned white from the tight grip she had on the stack of papers at her side and her free hand balled up. If she was a “lesser” mage, she might have let loose a few surprised crackles of electricity. No, she was dignified and in control of her emotional responses, and she would not let her friend see how riled up she was.
“Care to explain,” Vivi pinched the bridge of her nose, her eyes squeezing shut, “why you are lying on my desk?”
The normally tidy desk pushed into one of the library’s corners was now littered with scattered parchment and tipped over inkwells. Burning candles dripped hot wax onto the hardwood surface of the desk, but the freckled gunner laying on it didn’t seem to pay it any attention. Instead, she laid on her back with her head tipped over the side of the desk, her legs splayed into the air and the stem of a rose between the teeth of that grin that always spoke of bad news.
“It’s spontaneous!” Pandora’s grin grew wider and Vivi’s scowl deepened. “Romantic, ain’t it?”
“How did you get the ridiculous notion in your head that I wish to be wooed?”
“What? No, I said it was romantic.”
“It’s the same—oh, nevermind.” Vivi crossed the distance and set her stack of papers none-too-lightly on Pandora’s stomach. She pinched out the candles flames between her fingers, “Why are you doing this?”
“You got that nasty scowl on ya face.” Pandora took the rose out of her mouth, skin getting pricked by the thorns.
Vivi raised a brow and placed her hands on her hips, “What scowl? I do not scowl. How do you even know of that term?”
“Y’look, I dunno…just sad, I guess.” Pandora shrugged her shoulders as best as she could in her current position. “So I wanted to cheer ya up.”
“And this is how you choose to do so? By making a mess of my work station?”
“And this.” Pandora rolled onto her stomach and held the rose out to Vivi, “A pretty flower for a pretty gal.”
“I-“ Any retort Vivi could have made was cut off as the rose was presented to her. Her eyes followed the line of Pandora’s arm, flickering to her award-winning grin, before back to the flower that she gingerly took into her own hand. A soft look took over Vivi’s features as she fell silent, her fingers gently brushing the silky petals. A simple act, but it didn’t fail to warm her heart at the thoughtfulness, and a small smile began to form at the corners of her lips.
“So does the knight get a kiss from fair lady?”
“Please leave immediately!”
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rostalgic · 9 years
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rostalgic · 9 years
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THE MAGICIAN :: Making higher and better use of one’s power in all aspects of life
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rostalgic · 9 years
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it started out as drawing RE’s updated designs then a review of everyboDY then the mains RP as each other and 4/6 of people don’t have a good time
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rostalgic · 9 years
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rostalgic · 9 years
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what is this
lulu where did you even get that phone from
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rostalgic · 9 years
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Keeva can dream, can’t she?
(can’t find the original orz)
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rostalgic · 9 years
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Things from 2015 that I forgot to upload 8)
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rostalgic · 9 years
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4 jess
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rostalgic · 9 years
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rostalgic · 9 years
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makeup is magical and keegan is an ass
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