#a family full of hoes
cindelsclouds · 2 months
Why is it that in some shows mentally ill people are like secretly super genuis or somethin? Like how in some stories people with psychotic disorders are sick and twisted intelligent masterminds like bro if thats the case how tf did I end up a dumbass💀 why couldnt I be a cool overpowered tragic anime protagonist bro? Why put the tragedy tag but give me a negative number of braincells? I'm no cool schizo who can solve a 10 year old homicide case in just 2.5 seconds. I'm just a dumb delusional fuck who still uses a calculator to answer 14 + 21. Where's my op superpower in exchange for giving me a shitty debuff? This game's busted bro I need a refund frfr
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jendoe · 2 years
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template by my beloved @unholymilf!
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cherrymagicalboys · 2 years
So chay becoming friends with macau is an established trendy postcanon thing but what if chay gradually just becomes less involved with the main family and ends up ingratiating himself into the vegaspete & macau minor family? Cuz like, in the major fam you’ve got kim who chay is avoiding, hia who is too busy running crimes (whole ‘nother can of worms here) and his not-dead mom who is nonetheless catatonic and reminder that creepy uncle korn is creepy so? chay starts hanging out more with macau bc macau understands how chay feels. he slips his guards to go have dinner at vegaspete’s place. vegas is of course all for doing anything to piss off porsche/kinn by extension and pete isnt just not gonna feed a kid who comes around. imagine what a knife it would be if porsche buries his head so deep into his gilded cage that he doesn’t realize just how much things have changed until he looks up and realizes chay isnt by his side anymore.
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lowkeyremi · 8 months
How they are with their kiddos/babies ! ft. gojo, geto, choso, toji, and nanami
content: no curse!au fluff, established relationship (marriage), children, families.
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Gojo Satoru
"Look at my little boy, he looks just like me, what a heart stopper you'll be when you get older!" He praises his two year old, Kenji Gojo.
"'Toru stop trying to manifest our son into a hoe." Satoru turns to you with a loud gasp, eyes wide, and it causes your little boy to giggle.
"How could you say such words, in front of him? Don't listen to Mommy. Daddy was never a player. Never ever!" Kenji has no clue what's happening he just laughs at his father's dramatics.
"Oh brother, I hope he doesn't turn into a drama queen like you. And yes you were a player before I got with you. Remember when you kissed my friend then like ten minutes later tried to kiss me?" Satoru was a menace in college. Every time you bring up that specific college memory he always says-
"Ugh, blame Suguru! He was the one who made me take shots when I didn't like to drink." There it is. That was excuse for two-timing you and your best friend back then.
"Save it for someone who believes you. Kenji, don't be like Daddy when you grow up, okay?" Your husband knows you're joking but he can't help but whine and feel like you're being against him.
"Otay Mommy! Daddy is hoeeee. Hoe hoe hoe. Merry Christmas!" Your poor little boy thinks he's saying the noise Santa makes instead of a derogatory term and it's hilarious.
Of course you encourage him, "Daddy's a what?"
"Hoe!" Kenji screams out with a smile on his face. Satoru frowns loosing his playfulness.
"I-i guess my family just hates me... no one loves me." He sighs loudly to sell it to you guys but you don't buy it. He sits in the corner pretending to cry. "Boo hoo..." Kenji waddles his way over to his father patting his head.
"No cry Daddy, you not a hoe. You Daddy." Satoru fakes a loud gasp when he hears his son comfort him, thinking Satoru is actually crying.
"Really?!" He asks the little boy standing next to him.
"Yeah, Daddy is cool!!" Satoru chuckles, picks up is little boy and tosses him into the air. The small white haired child screams in delight as his father catches him, and you can't deny that all the trouble you and Satoru had in your relationship was worth seeing this.
Geto Suguru
"And then, the monster ate the twin girls who didn't go to sleep at their bed time-"
"Ooooookay. I think that's enough bed time stories from Papa." You say ushering your girls to bed, Hana looks scared out of her mind but Kana's eyes are sparkling with curiosity.
"Awww, Mommy, it was just getting good!" Kana whines, you know she wants to hear whatever else Suguru makes up on spot but he scared Hana who looks like she wants to cry.
"I know sweetie, but I don't think Hana really liked that story." The girls are six and full of energy at any given time.
"Come on baby, let me tell Kana the rest." Suguru matches his daughter's tone, knowing you'll give in.
"Alright, fine, but you need to apologize to Hana, look at her." Your husband looks at his younger twin daughter and he does feel kind of bad for scaring her like that. Suguru likes telling scary stories and myths to his girls just like his father had done to him. He always thought they were super cool.
"Oh, Hana, sweet girl. Papa's sorry. I didn't mean to scare you like that. How about I tell you and your sister a different story?" Hana looks a little doubtful as do you, but Suguru grants you a smile. He knows you trust him so you give him a stern look before kissing his forehead.
"Don't take too long, I need my cuddles." He smirks, kissing your hand, "Of course my dear."
The twins coo in unison at their parents romantic gestures, they think it's the coolest thing ever. "You girls have your stuffed animals?" He asks them and they nod together waiting for his story.
He tells the two about a princess who needed saving. Her long lost sister came to save her from a scary dragon and they lived happily together.
"That sounds like me and Hana!! I fought the scary dragon and Hana was the princess!!!" Kana says with excitement. Sometimes Suguru sees two little girls he used to foster in his own girls. He wonders how they're doing these days. They're probably grown up by now or at least in their late teens.
"I really wish Mommy had let me name you guys Nanako and Mimiko." He whispers with a soft smile. Kana looks at him in confusion rubbing her tired eyes, Hana's already asleep.
"Huh?" Kana asks.
"Nothing my dear, good night, little one." He tucks her into bed and gives her a tend kiss on the forehead.
"Night night, Papa." She says with a yawn and Suguru makes his way downstairs to join you.
Kamo Choso
Choso bites his lip looking down at his son, the boy looks a lot like you he thinks. Ryuji is his name, you let him name him. "I didn't mean to break it." He whines to his father. Choso has a soft spot for his boy. He reminds him a lot of his little brother Yuji.
"I know bud, but what will we tell Mom when she gets home?" Ryuji had accidentally broken your favorite ceramic mug. Choso was not sure what he signed up for when he got you pregnant but it sure wasn't this.
He and his son were always getting scolded by you. Every time Ryuji gets into some kind of trouble it also happens to be Choso's fault for not watching him closely as you always say. The truth is, Ryuji seems to get into trouble even with his father watching him closely.
"Um... we can tell her it was at the edge of the counter and i walked past it and it fell down. Then it will be her fault for leaving it by the edge." Choso smiles at his devious ten year old. He knows lying is bad but if you heard what really happened you'd scold both of them.
What actually happened as that Ryuji was playing in the kitchen, even though you've warned him against it many times and he knocked your mug down onto the ground.
"Good idea, kid. I don't want to hear Mom yelling again. I might get couch treatment again." Choso shivers at the idea of sleeping on the cramped couch rather than in his warm bed with you.
"You remind me a lot of your Uncle Yuji." Choso says ruffling his son's hair. "You and Mom keep saying that and I don't know if that's good or bad."
"It depends. Yuji can be both." Choso chuckles. His son gives him a crushing hug.
"I love you dad, you're doing great." And Choso didn't know how much he needed to hear those words but they were getting to him.
Fushiguro Toji
"Quit kicking your Ma, ya little brat." He threatens your swelling belly. He gives you a questioning look when you glare at him. Those emerald eyes challenge yours in a staring contest.
"What is with you and threatening our unborn children?" Your question is followed by a giggle.
"Gotta let the brats know who's in charge." He blows out a breath and puffs his chest, you find the whole ordeal ridiculous. The man is a girl dad for crying out loud. Even his oldest, your step-son thinks his father is a clown. And before Tsumiki died there were three daughters in his life.
He thinks your third one is bound to be a boy, but you're secretly hoping for a girl just to further sink Toji's idea of having a little boy to boss around. Megumi comes around maybe twice a month to see his little half-sisters, which means Toji is surrounded by girls all the time.
You like to joke around with him and say, "What do you know? Girls seem to follow you wherever you go." He always grumbles about it being stupid and unfair.
"As I was saying-"
"DAD!!!!! MY HAIR OH NOOOOOOO." Toji's up off the couch in seconds answering at his daughter's beck and call.
He walks into her room to see her braid was messed up. "What happened, Doll?" He asks her, undoing the braid so he can redo it.
"Yui undid my braid!! She took my hair tie and ran to her room!!!" She squeals, in horror at her little sister's thieving.
"Oh did she now? I'll go have a talk with her once I braid this back up." He's gentle with his tender-headed daughter. He quickly braids her hair back up, the pattern memorized. 100% self indulgent bc im tender headed.
"I have this green hair tie, is that okay, sweet girl?" She sighs quietly. "Where are the blue ones?" Toji clicks his tongue. "I can go get one real quick if you hold the end of this braid." He tells her and she's quick to do it. Her favorite color is blue after all.
She cheers when her father returns with a blue hair tie. He ties it up quickly, "Okay let me go talk to Yui." Nami nods brushing out her baby doll's hair.
Toji makes an appearance in front of his four year old's door, she's making her dolls scream at each other. "What was da reason?!!!!" She screams pretending to be one of the dolls, "I had a reason." She makes the other say.
Toji rolls his eyes, his daughter has been watching too much TV with you. "Excuse me miss Cardi B, why did you steal your sister's hair tie?" His hands are on his hips and his eyes are squinted to add to his authority.
"Whattttt, Dad, you know dat?" She asks as if her dad lives under a rock.
"Tch I'm not old, I know what memes are. Now answer the question." She rolls her eyes. You tell Toji she gets her attitude from him.
"If you haf to know I needed it, so I could give Sprinkles a ponytail." Sprinkles is the dog Toji said he was NOT going to get for his girls but caved in and got anyway.
"Ya coulda asked me or your Ma for one rather than stealing it right from your sister's hair." She shakes her head in disagreement. Toji wonders what's going on in her head right now.
"Dad you don't get it! It had to be that one!"
"Why that specific hair tie?" She goes silent turning away from her father and mumbling something Toji can barely hear.
"Speak up, princess." She scoffs and sighs and folds her arms. Wow the sass is unreal.
"Sprinkle thinks Nami is super cool so she wants what Nami has." Toji isn't stupid he knows his daughter is using the dog as a place holder for how she admires her older sister. Yui doesn't like to admit it though.
"Are you sure it's Sprinkle who thinks Nami is super cool?" He gives her the chance to be open with him and she sighs taking the bait.
"I guess. I think Nami is super cool." She murmurs and Toji smirks.
"It's alright to think your sis is cool, Dad didn't get to grow up with any cool siblings. Just annoying cousins."
"Mai and Maki are cooler than you, Dad, not annoying!" The man in question raises his brow his smirk never leaving, "Okay since I'm not cool. I guess I won't take you out for treats anymore when Ma says no."
Little Yui gasps, bursting upward like a rocket and running toward her dad. She hugs his leg, her little head looking up at him, "I was kidding Dad. You're super cool. Please don't stop taking me for treats!!"
Toji smiles, picks up his little girl and tickles her. She screams out for him to stop, "Huh? I can't hear what you're saying."
"Nami help!!!!"
In seconds Nami's attacking her father in a playful manner, "Let go of my sister!!"
"Okay then." Toji holds his daughter upside down by her feet, as she screams some more. "MA!!! HELPPP!!!!"
"Toji put her down." You say in a half-hearted manner.
"She is down. Upside down."
Nanami Kento
"See, you're getting the hang of it, Hiro." Kento softly encourages his son who's struggling with his math homework. You had tried to help him but he screamed that what you were saying didn't make sense. So of course you yelled back, letting your emotions get the better of you.
Kento had stepped in to keep you two from ripping each other's heads off. Plus all that screaming had woken up the baby. You could hear her crying.
That was about an hour ago. You quietly walked into the dining room with your seven month old baby girl cuddled up to your chest as you held her tight.
The sight of your husband helping your son warmed your heart, but you also felt guilt hot in your stomach for yelling at him, he's only twelve.
"Hey, Hiro. Can I talk to you, hon?" You ask softly. Both your son and Kento turn their heads upon hearing your voice. He nods at you and you inhale deeply, "I'm sorry for yelling at you, bud, I didn't mean it."
His eyes soften as do Kento's.
"I'm sorry too, Mom. I started it. You were just trying to help me." Kento's smile encourages you to walk closer to the table which you do.
"We should have had Dad come help in the first place, huh? I'm not good at explaining." Hiro shares a laugh with you, and Kento cups your cheek.
"Explanations might not be your strong suit but you're still a good mother, baby." Hiro gags at his father calling you "baby" he hate when you two get sappy.
You move your head a little so you can kiss his palm. As expected Hiro covers his eyes and making more throwing up noises.
"Oh hush, one day you'll find someone for you, and you'll be just like me and your mother." Kento says rolling his eyes and you giggle. Even though you guys have your differences you guys always forgive each other at the end of the day.
Your little girl coos quietly and Kento holds out his arms gesturing for his little girl.
"She's just had dinner, so she might fall asleep on you." Your warning doesn't bother him at all, if anything, you'll probably have more pictures to add to your baby gallery on your phone if she falls asleep in his arms.
She's already a dad's girl and she's only seven months old. You thought maybe Hiro would be a mama's boy but he's definitely his daddy's son.
You don't mind though, well, sometimes you're a little jealous that you have to share your man with your kids. Kento's a very lovable man though, so you can't blame them.
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muwapsturniolo · 5 months
✯𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐇𝐨𝐞✯
IN WHICH…Chris films a TikTok with his best friend to his favorite song, and things take a turn.
WARNINGS: NSFW CONTENT AHEAD!! Drinking, twerking, choking, making out, unprotected sex, cream pie, squirting, slapping, Nick freaking the fuck out.
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Chris was beyond bored.
He was currently sitting on the couch of his Boston home alone. Everyone had decided to go out (including Trevor), and Chris stayed home. He began to regret it once the boredom took over.
He huffs as he opens the wrapper around the sucker, shoving the cherry-flavored stick in his mouth.
Suddenly his phone rings, a smile taking over his face seeing the familiar name on the screen.
She was a very close friend of the triplets and Nate. They considered her to be family based on her actions as a friend. She always made sure the boys stayed out of trouble and prospered in their YouTube career, never letting them quit and damn near beating anyone up that hurt them.
“Hey, you guys busy?” Her voice rings out. he could hear shuffling and the clinking of keys. Chris shakes his head and takes the sucker out his mouth, “Nah, everyone went out and I stayed home…You want to come over? I’m bored out of my mind and need entertainment.”
“On my way Topher! Is it ok if I crash there? I want to drink tonight.”
Chris rolls his eyes hearing that godforsaken nickname, “Stop calling me that ugly ass name. And you know you don’t have to ask.”
Y/n blows a raspberry before telling Chris she’s on her way.
Not even a full twenty minutes later, Y/n is strolling into the home as if it’s her own.
“Topher I missed you!” She wraps her arms around Chris and squeezes him tightly. “Didn’t I tell you to stop calling me that?” He questions looking down at her.
“Well unless you make me stop, it’s still being said.” He rolls his eyes but can’t help but feel some kind of way about her words.
It was known to everyone who knew Y/n that she was a bit of a flirt. It was natural for her to flirt with everyone, boys and girls. Sometimes it was on purpose, other times it was on accident.
Chris could never tell if she was doing it on purpose with him. He always received mixed signals from her.
“What drinks did you bring?” He asks as he sits back at the island. She hops onto the marble slab and pulls out a bottle of Casamigos, and some form of vodka.
“My personal favorite, casa-freak-hoe!” He snorts at her play-on-words and walks over to the fridge, grabbing a few chasers.
The two adults begin to drink, taking shot after shot as they catch up with each other. It’s not long before the liquor takes over and glosses their minds.
“Let’s do something fun!” Y/n giggles setting her shot glass down.
“Like what?”
“Ooo let’s film TikTok’s!”
Soon the two are making a fool of themselves, dancing and lip-syncing to multiple audios.
A few of them were posted, fans rushing to comment on the infamous duo finally being back together.
“Ooo let's do one to freak hoe!” Y/n urges in excitement.
“Why freak hoe?” Chris asks as he clicks on the sound.
“Because I’m a freak hoe off the Casamigos!”
Chris cackles before pressing the record button.
“Imma throw this money like a free throw-“ he lip syncs before setting the phone down. He backs up and turns to Y/n, clapping his hands to the beat before doing his little dance.
Not thinking straight due to the liquor in her system, Y/n bends over and begins throwing it back on Chris. The boy immediately becomes entranced by the way her ass moves, watching as the soft skin recoils and shakes. He’s amazed at the control of her lower body, it’s almost as if it has a mind of its own.
His hands move before he can even register his own actions, grasping her hips firmly and pulling her into him even more. He groans softly as her ass grinds against his growing tent.
Y/n feels the tent against her ass and stands up straight, whining her hips.
That’s enough to make Chris snap.
He wraps his hand around her neck and pulls her body flush against his, he pulls her head back and firmly presses his lips against hers.
The two begin to sloppily make out, teeth clashing and tongues dancing with each other. With their lips still connected, Y/n turns her body so they are chest to chest. She moans into the kiss as Chris grips her ass firmly before slapping it. She trails one of her hands down to his pants and begins palming him.
He pulls away from the kiss and rests his forehead against hers, groaning softly.
“It only took you four years,” she teases softly.
It’s true, Y/n has been trying for four years to get Chris to make a move on her, but the boy seemed to be oblivious to her advances. She knew she was flirty and he probably brushed it off but she always amped it up around him.
“Shut the fuck up-“ he grunts before planting his lips back to hers.
The two stand in the kitchen, making out for what seems like decades before Chris finally picks her up and takes her to Nick's room.
He knew Nick would be pissed but he didn’t care, he’d deal with it later.
He slams the door before moving to the bed and laying her down. It’s not long before his hands snake down to her shorts, rubbing over her through the grey material.
The erotic sounds of her wetness moving through her folds make the both of them moan.
“Already wet?”
“S’casamigos.” She admits before bucking her hips. Chris chuckles and takes the initiative to snake his hands down her shorts.
He glides his fingers through her folds before toying with her clit. “Fuck-Chris!” She whimpers throwing her head back. His fingers felt heavenly, but unfortunately she would have to experience them at a different time.
She wasn’t lying when she told Chris she’s a freak hoe off the Casamigos. She was as wet as a waterpark and she needed to be fucked hard and rough, immediately.
“Forget the foreplay Chris and fuck me!” She demands. Chris doesn’t have to be told twice, quickly stripping them both of their clothes.
He yanks her closer by her thighs, rubbing his cock between her folds. Y/n quickly becomes irritated, “Chris I swear to god if you do-Shit!” She throws her head back when he slams into her.
There’s no waiting for her to adjust, there’s no soaking in the moment, it's just Chris continuously thrusting harshly like his life depended on it.
Her legs are being held wide open as he ruts into her, his thighs ricocheting off the back of hers. His grunts and her moans bounce off the walls along with the headboard, their melodic noises filling up the empty house.
Chris presses down on her stomach and uses his thumb to rub her clit.
“Oh shit! Oh my god!” Her back arches as she feels her orgasm quickly approaching. She clenches her eyes shut only to snap them open when she feels a sting on her cheek.
“Eyes open baby, wanna see you when you cum.”
He pushes her legs back further before jack hammering into her.
“FUCK FUCK FU-“ her eyes roll back as her body withers under him, her juices coating his abdomen. “Holy shit-“ seeing her squirt was enough for Chris to stall deep inside of her, throwing his head back as he lets go.
He collapses on top of her, breathing harshly. Much to his surprise he doesn’t get to relax for long, Y/n flipping them other. She crawls on top of him and rocks back and forth, whimpering as his cock stimulates her clit.
Chris grunts and tries to stop her movements, “Jesus Christ give me a minute.”
“Stop being a fucking pussy Chris and let me ride you!”
“You’re going to be the death of me,” he mutters before letting her do what she wants. Y/n sinks down on him and immediately begins to bounce up and down.
Chris grips her hips tightly, watching her breasts bounce with low and lustful eyes. He bites his lip and trails his hand upward, tweaking and pulling at her nipples.
“Shit princess, you look so good being on top.”
He looks down between them and groans at the unholy site.
A thick white cream sits on the base of his cock, some of the cream even on the inside of her thighs as well. He watches as it spreads around each time her thighs land against his, the thunderous slapping sounds also sounding wet and sticky.
He throws his head back and closes his eyes, the feeling of his orgasm hitting him hard.
He snaps his eyes open and looks at a smirking y/n, shocked that she slapped him.
“Eyes open baby, I want to see you when you cum.”
She taunts him with his own words. He growls and snaps his hips upward, the girl yelping and falling forward. Chris wraps his hand around her throat and pushes her back up.
Y/n’s eyes roll back as Chris continues to thrust upward meeting her bouncing. “take it baby, you can handle it.”
Incoherent noises tumble from her mouth as she holds on to his wrist. “Gonna cum with me?” He pants.
“Y-yes!” She rasps out, her eyes rolling back.
He lets go of her throat and holds on to her hips once again. Y/n leans back, using one arm to support herself as she uses the other to quickly swipe back and forth against her clit.
She lets out a loud drawn out mewl as she squirts once again. Her juices land all over the bed, along with his chest. “Fuck!” She shouts at the overstimulation coming from Chris’s thrusting.
Chris grips her hips excruciatingly tight as he cums once again, holding her down in place.
“Holy shit-” He pants out. Y/n giggles tiredly as she slowly climbs off of him. Chris stops her, watching as the thick semen pools out of her and onto his now soft cock.
He doesn’t have much time to relish at the site due to the door being swung open, “Chris were home! Is Y/n he-OH MY GOD!” Nick quickly turns around at the site of his brother and their best friend naked in his bed.
“I'M ACTUALLY GOING TO KILL THE BOTH OF YOU! WHY ARE YOU HAVING SEX IN MY ROOM!? MY ROOM!” Nick slams the bedroom door, his shouting still being heard.
The two adults quickly attempt to get dressed, their intoxicated minds making them giggle at the whole ordeal. Suddenly the door is opened once again and a bottle of Lysol is thrown, hitting Chris in the head.
A paper towel roll is thrown as well and hits Y/n in the chest, “Jesus Christ Nick what the fuck!?”
The door slams shut for the last time before footsteps are heard stomping up the stairs.
Chris rolls his eyes and goes to put his shirt on but is stopped by Y/n,
“Want to go again?”
“You weren’t lying when you said you’re a freak hoe off the Casamigos.”
He pushes her down on the bed with a smile on his face before dropping to his knees in between her legs.
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@bernardsgf @bernardsleftbootycheek @blahbel668 @mattfrfr @gdsvhtwa @sturniolo-aali @lily-loves-struniolos @kynda-avery @causeidontlikeagoldrush
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misfitgirlwrites · 4 months
Lucifer Having A Crush On You/How Would He React?
I'm not biased, I'm not biased, I'm not biased, I'm not biased, I'M NOT--
It's time for my fictional love and life and all I hold dear in my daydreams. Bitches, bros, nonbinary hoes, and genderfluid fucks, I present to you the Big Dick in Charge
I may reference works that I've read and when I do I'll drop their @ and link to their story it is law that you read it if you read mine, I don't make the rules
CW: none, slightly angsty but nothing too intense!
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Alright, doves, this is post-season one. Lucifer now resides in the hotel with everyone and is slowly adjusting to being graced with Alejandro's Alastor's presence every day.
Let's be honest, our baby pays attention but puts in minimal effort. Saying that the days went by in a blur would be an understatement. Even conversations would be forgotten after a few short moments. On to the next task. Full focus on this thing. Once that's done? Well onto the next task! No tasks? Free time to spend with Charlie!
Things would start slow, and to really interact, you'd most likely start to approach him first. Maybe you've spent long enough watching the blond anxiously bounce around the hotel and graciously give himself a bit too much for even the Big Boss of Hell.
A timid approach from you, offering to help with whatever he's currently doing. Maybe you make snacks for everyone in the hotel and hand him his personally :)
And so it begins! A greeting here, a greeting there, slightly awkward conversations that slowly start to feel less forced with the little information you learn about each other along the way.
It's...nice! Refreshing! Lucifer would be more excited than anything and talking to you would become a part of his regular routine without much thought on the matter. You'd occasionally be on his mind just a little more, and he'd start to seek you out himself too.
I know you're already seeking him out. Bitch I'M seeking him out.
Helping with chores around the hotel quickly turns into simply enjoying the other's company.
One day you gift him his very own ceramic duck! You could have paid for it from somewhere or made it yourself.
Either way, he'd fucking LOVE it! Honestly, if you decide to try your hand at making it, he'd love it even more with all the rough edges and little bumps (it was made out of love for my babies who never touched clay in their lives)
In response, please expect many gifts in return. I like to think it's been a while since he's gotten a genuine gift like this
(Bonus headcanon: Charlie will see this and will come to you the next day with a list of things she wants to gift him and you two are unofficially officially the Buy Lucifer Anything Duck-Themed duo)
Lucifer loves how you react when he gifts you your very own rubber duck. Your smile and happiness always seemed contagious to him. It only led to him making/getting you more things.
You will have a rubber duck collection by the end of this, but what can you really say? Each one of them is based on something you mentioned before. A movie character, a book character, a cartoon character, even friends or family members if they were mentioned. The gesture is way too sweet for you to turn down, even if it is the 30th duck you've received.
Now prepare for what I like to call the "get along t-shirt" phase but both parties are willing LMAO.
Lucifer will be by your side as long as you'll accept the company and if you're reading this and we brain the same, that will be all the time.
I love the GenZ!Reader memes and fics. Someone show this man bacon pancakes and if it was already done, SHOW ME.
Between his relationship with Charlie and with you, Lucifer actually feels the need and wants to be a little more present bit by bit. He notices that he is spending less time in his head, but he continues on in fear of fucking it up if he thinks too hard about it.
So instead he'll 100% focus on the little familiarity of happiness, as small as those moments may be sometimes. This is EXACTLY why the thought of him potentially feeling romantic interest again goes right over his head.
Who notices first, you ask? Charlie, of course. You slowly but surely became one of his main topics in conversation, it wasn't hard for her to pick up on it and ask.
Baby boy would straight up deny it at first. Him?? Liking someone else??? LMAO, am I right? Of course, after he does this, he'll have the time to actually pay attention to his actions.
So then he'll notice how excited he is every morning knowing that you'll be the first face he sees. He'll notice how he managed to fit you into any task he had to do. When he'd get lunch for himself and Charlie he'd have the automatic thought of making something for you as well. Even when the day was over, he'd be thinking about spending the next day with you. To be frank, you were constantly on his mind. 
Once he notices it's a big mental "fuck". Nothing about you is wrong of course, it's him, or so he thinks.
Let's start with the elephant in the room, or shall I say the ring on his finger lmao
In Lucifer's mind, he's still married technically. Even thinking about it in a technical term was a new development and it made him feel absolutely horrible. Lilith left, sure, but who knows what happened? Regardless of how he felt, he didn't want to hurt her.
But at the same time what about him? Lucifer hasn't been happy in a long time and he's finally building that again, not just with Charlie, but with you as well. He didn't want to just cut you out, he didn't want to hurt you either.
Plus, did you even like him? How would he even approach you? If he wanted to, even after thinking about everything.
Who was he kidding, of course, he still wanted you!
@liveontelevision *drops to my knees and bows* they worded it extremely well here and if you're reading this but you haven't read this already or you clicked the link then clicked back here, go back and read it. I don't care how long it is. Do the thing then come back.
Welcome back. It was good, wasn't it? I know.
The only awkward period for you two is the week-long contemplation of everything (half him attempting not to do what he always does when stressed but by the time he realizes he already made like 30 ducks--)
He would clearly go out of his way to either try and talk to you or avoid you. Or a cute mixture of both where he makes a scene approaching you, realizes he's not ready yet, then makes a scene so he can disappear *finger guns*
A little crisis here, a few little rubber ducks there, and a looooonnnggg conversation with Charlie and Maggie Vaggie.
Those are the ingredients to a semi-stable Lucifer with enough bravado to talk to you normally again.
He'd apologize for the times he basically pulled a Houdini in your face and he'd explain himself fully, all while also confessing his love for you.
It's choppy, it's fast-paced in some areas, and the poor blond was ready to disappear at any given moment, but that's what made it so real for you.
The weight that's lifted off of him couldn't be described, and neither could the joy that welled in him the moment he saw your beautiful smile and heard nothing but your acceptance and love.
What an emotional roller-coaster, am I right?
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Lucifer Taglist: @alastorssimp @saints-wrapped-in-plastic @heart-of-the-morningstar
Requests are open! If you'd like to be tagged in future Lucifer or Hazbin Hotel content, please let me know! My asks and DMs are open to all!
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lorarri · 6 months
summary , a series that documents the complicated life of a teen going through life as a child of divorce
status , coming soon
main masterlist | f1 masterlist | lewis hamilton masterlist
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THE REPLACMENT , after 12 year's Y/N's parents finally divorce leaving Y/N in a tough position when he mothers new boyfriends comes into the picture
THE SITUATION , Y/N's hate for her mothers new boyfriend is amplified after she is forced to spend more time with him will it fix there relationship or make it worse?
THE REALISATION , being forced to go to a gp was not something on Y/N's 2023 bingo card but who knows maybe she will create a friendships that could help her thought this tough time
THE PUNISHMENT , angry at not being able to stay with her dad for a week Y/N is caught doing something she isn't suppose to and now she is stuck in the inbetween
THE NEW GF , junho has started dating once again and has decided to try a different approach on hoe to introduce your child to your new partner - safe to say nana is pissed
THE CHRISTMAS MELTDOWN , it's a cold winters day and a merged family chirstmas isn't the best idea cuz shit will hit the fan
THE NEW YEAR THE SAME OLD SHIT , Y/N hasn't been home since the christamas shit show and her mother is trying to get her to come back but after some other info is brought to life I doubt that will happen
THE ANATOMY , Y/N drops a song and people can't help but feel bad for her but you can't deny it's a bop
THE ROAD TO REDEMPTION , not even 3 full months into the new year and so much is coming out left and right but one thing is for sure things seem to be getting better
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dumbseee · 9 months
rumours, part two.
part one.
jude bellingham x influencer!reader.
fc: nailea devora.
groupchat: it girls 💕
ain’t no way you’re dating jude fucking bellingham and haven’t told us
larry istg i’ll cut your hair in your sleep if you keep believing those DUMB rumours
he’s hot asf why don’t you shoot your shot?
with a footballer?
hell fucking no
these guys don’t know what being faithful to one person means
and i’ve heard plenty of shit about this jude guy
yeah me too tbh
i’m not getting involved with him, period.
okay but what about his teammates?
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liked by judebellingham, yourbestie, larray and 789 928 others.
y/n: girls night 🥂
fan1: JUDE LIKED???
fan2: is she lying to us?? bc why would he like her posts now?
fan4: maybe she lied to protect their privacy?? that would make sense tbh
fan5: you look so good 😍
fan6: she’s such a baddie omg, jude i get it now
fan7: didn’t know who she was before the whole jude drama but omg i love her
fan9: petition for jude’s groupies to leave y/n alone
fan10: MOTHER
fan11: y/n please do another grwm i’m obsessed with your videos
fan12: how to be like her, she’s hot asf and has THEE jude bellingham at her feet
view all comments.
insta dms:
wtf is wrong with you?
i told you to tell your fangirls to leave me alone and what are you doing? you LIKE my posts and you follow me now?
leave me alone, jude.
you looked good
you always look good*
are you free, tomorrow night?
can’t you READ?
or i’m pressing charges on you hoe.
so it’s a yes?
i’ll send you the tickets and my jersey, someone will come pick you up, what’s your address?
what do you mean?
we’re playing against sevilla and i want you to come
we don’t even know each other tf??
is that how you get all those girls to get obsessed with you?
that ain’t gonna work with me, boy.
hm, i like you already.
well, i hate you.
turns me on, love it.
i am BLOCKING you
i hate him. i fucking hate him. who does he think he is? making me come see him to his stupid game, what am i, his mother? seriously i could’ve stayed at home, binge-watching the twilight movies like i do every year. now i have to go to his fucking football game, it’s going to be so nosy, damn it. and before you ask me, YES i am getting ready and i am wearing his jersey. not because i want to, but i know that i won’t hear the end of it if i don’t do it. yeah, i’m doing it because he’s forcing me, no other reason.
like jude said, someone did pick me up to take me to the bernabeu stadium, and i can’t believe i’m doing this. the venue is full of fans wearing either their real madrid jerseys or their sevilla jerseys. i can see men, women, kids, elderly people, they’re all here to have fun and support their favourite team and i have to admit that it’s a cute sight. let’s just hope that they don’t kill each other’s at the end of the match. i’m quickly escorted to the vip section, where friends, family and important people would seat for the game.
"oh my god, is that y/n?" a voice called from behind, i closed my eyes shut, fuck, and walked faster, i should’ve wore a mask to hide my face. if anyone picture me in this stadium with that motherfucker’s jersey on, it would end my career and i’m half exaggerating.
thank god, the vip section was secluded from the other people. the game started and i had to admit that it was fun to watch when you weren’t really supporting anyone. no stress, just having fun watching men run after a ball, just like dogs. jude was actually good, i never looked him up on the internet to watch his performances, i just knew he was the internet’s favourite whore and girls were thirsting over him. he was good looking, of course, no one could deny that, but more than anything he was annoying as fuck. i surprised myself, cheering for him when he scored a goal, what was wrong with me.
real madrid was actually leading the game with two goals against one. jude’s teammate passed the ball to him and he scored his third goal of the match. okay now, why did this motherfucker just point at the crowd, more specifically towards me? people turned around to see where he was pointing at, but thankfully they couldn’t see me. my heart definitely sank when he did that though, seriously what is wrong with this guy! it was a cute gesture, yes, but we weren’t dating and i promised myself to never date an athlete, tried it once and promised to never doing it again. jude was everything i hated in a man, he was reckless, cocky, full of himself and he knew he was hot. nothing worse than a guy who knows he’s handsome.
"how was i?" he asked, this big smile plastered on his face, i wish i could tear it off his face. "fine, i guess." jude made a weird face and put his hands on his hips. "fine? y/n, i was more than fine and you know it, scored three goals and they were all for you." he blew me a kiss and i swore i was about to knock him out. "yeah about that, someone could’ve seen me!" i said, slapping his arm, making him laugh. "darling, that’s what i wanted." okay, the way he was looking at me may or may have not made my heart skip a beat. "jude, i’m starting to believe that the fans gaslighted you into thinking we’re already dating." he laughed, making my cheeks heat up just a bit. "i just want to give the fans what they want to see." he shrugged and put his arm around my shoulders to start walking out of the changing room. i imediatly pushed his arm away and speed walked in front of him to hide my red cheeks. of course, the bitch was laughing at me, running to catch me and poking my cheeks to mock me. "aww, you’re blushing? i thought you hated me, darling." i put my hands on my cheek. "fuck you! it’s just hot in here!" "it’s literally minus two degrees, y/n."
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liked by judebellingham, jobebellingham, oliviarodrigo and 890 918 others.
y/n: maybe football isn’t so bad 🙄
judebellingham: like the view? 👀
y/n: shut up.
fan2: Y/N DID YOU LIE TO US???
judebellingham: for now* 🫢
y/n: jude istg…
fan4: i am literally shitting bricks what the FUCK
fan5: i love the banter lmao they’re fun
fan6: i ship it tbh
fan7: y/n being a wag for 2024 omg
fan8: i love how she’s fighting it but we all know how it’s going to end
oliviarodrigo: well, well, well 👀
y/n: please not you too
larray: will you look at THAT
fan10: lmaoo even her friends are ratting her out
fan11: #savey/n
view all comments.
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insta dms:
mmh, i don’t know what you’re talking about
jude bellingham.
okay maybe i did
anyways it’s not a big deal tbh
are you free tonight?
nice, i’ll come pick you up at 9 <3
are you BLIND?
i said no bitch
suddenly i can’t read.
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liked by judebellingham, larray, sabrinacarpenter and 901 927 others.
y/n: get you a man who eats his spaghettis with his hands 😍
judebellingham: i wonder who is this gentleman 🫢
y/n: yeah i wonder too 🙄
fan1: pls not jude carrying y/n’s purse
fan2: they’re so cute stop
fan3: my favourite couple
fan5: lmao i bet jude is the one who begged her to be his gf
y/n: yes.
view all comments.
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copinghex · 18 days
Delirium | T.S
Summary: Thomas pays a last visit to the woman he always had a thing for | dark!AU and 🔞
A/N: This makes me feel like a nasty hoe, I just wanted to write smut with a Tommy who's obsessed but not violent, if that makes sense 🥴
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Warning: Tommy being delusional 
The kitchen felt warmer than it probably was, Tommy's presence scared her, especially in moments they were alone.
Of course, her husband's presence wouldn't make a huge difference, he was a humble civilian and Tommy could pull out a gun on him at any moment. She preferred to meet in public spaces, where she'd be able to call for help.
He sat at the table, sipping on his tea with disturbing peace, as if he was the man of the house.
“Tommy,” she gulped, leaning on the counter far from him, “my husband will be home soon, so if you don't have anything to say-”
‘I thought I gave this house to you,” he interrupted.
“Y-yes, but he lives here too,” 
“Lucky, ain't he?” he nodded, the glassy look in his eyes scared her, “I gave you this place in consideration for you and the baby and he gets to decide who visits,”
“We know how lucky we are for having your sympathy,” 
“Sympathy,” he scoffed.
Lowering her head, she got ready for what seemed to be another one of his episodes. After every single one, she regretted the day she stepped into his family's betting shop looking for a job. After that, she never had peace.
People said after the war Thomas chose to be alone, she saw it differently, he was always surrounded by whores and flirting with the newcomer barmaid. Every now and then, he invited her to dates. Surely he wasn't a man she'd call lonely.
By then, his behavior didn't bother her, Small Heath was full of perverts and womanizers. He was just another one of them until he started to chase her. 
Even with his aunt's insistence for her to give him a chance, she paid him no mind, thinking Polly only favored her so he'd forget the barmaid who was later revealed to be a cop. Also, she heard he had an affair with his secretary and wooed his horse trainer, all while flirting with her and promising the world if she gave in. 
When Thomas got married, she swore things would get better, he'd leave her alone and wouldn't be in the betting shop as often. What an awful prevision. In a matter of weeks, he forbade his employees from dating, although she liked to think it was only because of business, she thought the order was way too strict.
Then the worst phase came, widowed Thomas was clingy, forceful, controlling and manipulative. His sad blue eyes would convince her of anything - or almost anything, the bedroom's part, she left for Lizzie - it was when she realized that for him to forget about her, she had to leave him. A new job should be enough.
One day after she resigned, he knocked on her door, asking all the reasons why she wasn't part of the company anymore and promising he'd stop chasing her. What a fool she was for believing. Thomas didn't stop flirting. He only changed his methods. Every week, she'd find a small - or a huge - gift by her desk.
Years went by and she moved on, Thomas became a permanent hurdle she chose to ignore. Nowadays, they were both married and with children, though sometimes he'd still remind her that if she wanted him, he'd be there.
“...do you want to talk?” she asked, perhaps with the death of his daughter he wanted consolation.
“Do I scare you?”
“No, hm,” she lied, his question surprised her, “a bit, sometimes, but mostly no,” 
“It came to me last night, perhaps I scared you, that's why you never wanted me,” 
“Y’know, some nights- many nights,” he wasn't looking at her, with his distant eyes and head low, she knew it'd be better to let him finish his monolog, “you were all I thought about, no shovels, no curses, just you, my wife,” 
“What?” she was shocked, but it didn't matter, he wasn't listening.
“We'd make love every night before going to sleep and I'd find out everything, what you like, what you don't,” he sighed, “and the rest wouldn't fucking matter, it'd be just you and me,” 
Finally, he looked at her waiting for an answer. She, on the other hand, didn't know what to say.
“Tommy, perhaps-” she started, “you know I have much respect for you, but also for Mrs. Shelby and my husband, so perhaps it's time you let go of this infatuation for me,” 
“Is this what you think it is? Infatuation?” 
“Sometimes I thought of forcing you,” he confessed, “after everything I gave you it'd be fair, wouldn't it? To take something back, but that was the problem, I never wanted to fuck you, I wanted you to want me, sounds stupid now, eh?” 
“Why did you come here tonight?” after his speech, she was desperate for him to leave. 
“To tell you you'll finally have what you wanted, I won't bother you anymore,” he explained, “I'm sick,”
“With what?” 
All she did was stare, Thomas Shelby, the man who survived poverty, war and a dangerous career choice was killing himself from inside out. The worst part of her was relieved, the best felt bad for him.
“What about your son?” she mumbled.
“He's in good hands,” 
“Well, hm, I'm sorry,”
“Are you?”
Tommy finished his tea in a big gulp. His posture told her his objective wasn't done yet. Of course not, he always had an A on his sleeve.
“There's another reason why I came here tonight,” he admitted, “I'm gonna ask you something in good faith,” 
“Grant me a last wish, all I ever wanted,” 
“What is it?” she tensed up.
“Sleep with me, as if we were husband and wife,” he pleaded, blown out eyes fixed on her.
“What?! I can't!” 
“Why not?”
“Because I'm married! We both are!” 
“Me? I'm not anymore,” 
“We can't, Tommy,”
“Please, not one has to know,” never in her life, she thought she'd see him beg, “first and last time,”
Again, she was speechless, guilty for considering giving in to him, but wouldn't it be merciful? Before she decided, he walked to her, cupping her face between his hands.
His lips met her cheek, gently kissing her, she barely believed when he started to smell her. For him, it was the best scent he ever felt.
Squeezing her eyes shut, she allowed him to keep going only to see how far he'd go. His palm was warm and easily covered half her face, his kisses went down her neck, different from what she was used to, her husband was sweet, Tommy was intense, drinking her in like a starving man.
He brought her closer, holding her waist with a strong grip. From that distance, she smelled the lingering cologne underneath the cigarette scent. The warmth from his skin gave her unwanted shivers.
Naively, she rested her hands on his back, it was all he needed to lift her to the counter, sitting her down and standing between her legs. As if she got out of trance, she pushed him away.
“Tommy,” she used a leg to create distance, foot well positioned on his chest, “we can't,” 
She expected him to retaliate, his fast breath and dilated eyes made her feel like a prey, he was the predator about to pounce. Instead, he took her foot into his hands, slowly kissing the way up her legs. She had all the time in the world to stop him, but her body froze with his affections.
Once he reached her thigh, Tommy put his head under her skirt, she felt his rough fingers undo her stockings and obliged, lifting her hips for him to pull her panties down. 
With his breath against her cunt, she held tightly to the counter, the surface was cold in her warm hands. He parted her inner lips with his tongue, making her jump slightly.
The foreign feeling brought excitement to her core, weak moans poured from her lips as Tommy sucked her clit.
Lifting her skirt, she ran a hand through his hair, he lowly hummed, burying his face further between her legs before standing up, starting a greedy kiss.
Through the desperate yearning, he was gentle, cupping her face and giving her little pecks every time she ran out of breath. She took his coat off and held onto him, from his waistcoat texture it must've been extremely expensive. 
Touching his thin body, few ribs could be counted even if she'd still consider him strong. Tommy started unbuttoning her dress and she stopped him.
“Like man and wife, you said?”
Excitement built in Tommy's chest, she'd be finally his, the idea got him hard as a rock. With a last peck on his lips, she guided him upstairs, avoiding looking at her family pictures. They made her feel bad.
Through the hallway, he stopped and stared at her daughter's bedroom's door, highlighted by the lilac color contrasting with the rest of white ones, “What's her name again?” 
He sighed, picturing a little girl with her eyes, who'd play near the canal with Ruby, Charlie and Duke. She'd watch them from far, the three sweetest girls he ever met, that sounded like heaven, a heaven he'd never reach.
Pulling him to the guest room, she sat him on the bed, the spare, impersonal mattress that'd be ruined by her infidelity. As she straddled his lap, Tommy spread kisses on her chest, her head fell back from pleasure, body warming up to him.
As tempting as melting into his arms was, she wanted to give him an experience, something slow and intimate, between those four walls there was no unreciprocated love or unfaithfulness, only the two of them. 
She cupped his face and touched their foreheads together, loosening his tie and unbuttoning his waistcoat, “Tell me about your day,” 
“I'm glad it's already over,” he drawled, hands traveling through her back.
“Did you miss me?” she held a giggle at his unnecessary tie clip, he probably urged to show the world he could afford one. 
“I-” he gulped when she put the small golden clip between her lips, “did,” 
Fully undressing wasn't sexy like in books she'd read before, she had to stand up and got particularly shy while Tommy watched. However, she managed to get a few chuckles while taking the boots off his feet.
“I can tell,” with him brushing on her thigh, she got rid of his clothing and pushed him down the mattress. His eyes shone at the view of her on top of him, hands gripping on her dress as a silent request to take it off.
Playfully, she threw her last piece of clothing at him, a wool stocking far from being sexy. With a small smile, he pulled her back to bed, climbing on top of her in a swift move. His hands grabbed her waist while his face was buried on her neck, between kisses and bites, she could tell he was overwhelmed.
Wrapping her legs around him, she called his name in a whisper, Tommy lifted his head getting face to face with her and for a moment, it'd be foolish to deny he looked beautiful, lips swollen, hazed eyes and blushy cheeks fitting perfectly into his features.
The gray hair growing on his shaved sides caught her attention, a sign of how long he'd been pinning for her. She had seen him go from bookmaker to member of parliament, from a man who always wore the same three fancy suits to a man who could gift a house and yet, to her, Thomas Shelby was nothing but a pretty painting, something to admire, but never to hold dear.  
“What?” he noticed he was being observed.
“Nothing, can't I just look at you?” 
He squinted, lightly squeezing her cheeks together. She tensed up, realizing how vulnerable she was lying naked under him.
“Tom?” she feared some sudden change of demeanor.
His previous kindness suddenly vanished, Tommy kissed her hungrily and her body betrayed her, surrendering completely, urging to become one with him.
A tiny moan was all to be heard when he slid into her, then the bed started to crackle and the impact of his thrusts mixed with their heavy breaths. 
She tried to pull his head to her shoulder in an intimate embrace, he didn't let her, holding her hands above her head, “Want to look at you,”
The admission put a smile on her face, besides everything Tommy was sweet, certainly not like she imagined a gangster would be in bed. 
Between sloppy kisses, he freed one of her hands that she took to his back, his skin was soft, the only bumps were the scars he got in war and business, still, it was nothing she'd consider imperfections, it all added deepness to the artwork he was.
Freeing her other hand, she hugged him closer, the sudden pull disturbed his steady pace and she giggled at the surprised huff he let out.
Tommy Shelby wasn't a man to be vulnerable often, to see him make such noises or show desperate desire was more intimate than all the years she spent with her own husband. She wanted to see more.
The question crossed her lips before she could consider any further consequences, “Do you love me, Tommy?” 
He swallowed, gripping on her legs and pounding into her harder, “I do, fuck, I do, I love you,” 
Squeezing her eyes shut, her back arched from a consuming orgasm. Tommy's name filled the room in loud moans as her nails sank in his back.
After few more thrusts, he poured inside her. Tommy rested his forehead on hers and they breathed heavily. With mind foggy and his gentle caresses on her head, she didn’t hear steps on the other side of the door.
Hard knocks on the door made her freeze inside, Tommy had a tiny smirk on his face while her husband called from outside, “What the fuck is going on in there?!” 
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invisible string | m33 | part two
Description: You face a career-ending injury, that forces you to give up your childhood dream. 7 years later, you return to the paddocks as a guest - and as the Team Principal of Prema Racing. What happens when feelings are too difficult to hide?
Pairing: max verstappen/racer!reader
part one | part three
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"L/N is such an overrated driver, she had one of the most successful engines - anyone could've piloted that thing." Christian chuckled while pouring his guests another round of wine. Max absentmindedly laughed at the joke - he didn't really hear the joke but he figured that it must've been hilarious for all the people around the table to laugh.
Kimi Raikkonen's eyes narrowed - searching the boat for drivers who didn't agree with Horner's statement. "It takes a hundred female pilots to be one man." Horner shrugged and the table erupted into another chorus of laughed. This time, Max wasn't laughing.
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itsmee_yn: If suddenly you forget me, do not look for me - for I shall have already forgotten about you. (Pablo Neruda)
912 comments 321,238 likes
oleole: this is totally about max's new interview 😭 - whispersme9: WHERE? - oleole: the one w/ daniel in the redbull yt
ynworld: Some people deserve to be in the past, mother. - itsmee_yn: totally !
selenagomez: ❤️
nicorosberg: Let's talk about it over coffee? - itsmee_yn: you only talk to me when there's tea :(( - - nicorosberg: You know me so well haha
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maxverstappen1: What's going on?
192 comments 126,283 likes
ynandmaxuniverse: the hoes are fighting 😭
danielricciardo: I DID NOT START THIS. 🤲🏼 itsmee_yn liked this comment.
formulaonegirlie: ya'll imma need a full article on what the fuck is happening 😢 ALSO QUOTING TAYLOR SWIFT? WHEN SHE'S Y/N'S FAVORITE ARTIST AND FRIEND.
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itsmee_yn: Had so much fun with this family ❤️ I'm legally changing my last name to Raikkonen.
912 comments 238,212 likes
kimimatiasraikkonen: 👍🏻 - itsmee_yn: that means so much to me king 👑
nicorosberg: and you didn't invite me? - itsmee_yn: WHO R U? - - nicorosberg: You're new best-friend since the last one got evicted. 🤯 - - - itsmee_yn: NAH
sebastianvettel: Let's catch up soon! - itsmee_yn: u r automatically invited to my house sir
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nicorosberg's story
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caption: sometimes i wonder if she really hates the man, or if she really hates how she loves him. 🤦🏼‍♂️
itsmee_yn: UR A 37 YEAR OLD BULLY 💀 itsmee_yn: U SHOULD LITERALLY GET OFF SOCIAL MEDIA nicorosberg: Why is your message blank? itsmee_yn: I'M TELLING KIMI THAT YOU'RE PUBLICALLY BULLYING HIS 1ST BORN DAUGHTER nicorosberg: publicly* itsmee_yn: GRAMMAR POLICE
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itsmee_yn: 3 days before the Hungarian GP ✨
394 comments 458,238 likes
danielricciardo: You coming? - itsmee_yn: I have free tickets 😍
landonorris: OMG QUEEN WE HAVE TO MEET UP - itsmee_yn: ❤️
maxandynlover: Is the war over? CUZ... 😁
maxverstappen1: looking forward to it 😱
sabrinacarpenter: I was rooting for you sis 🙁 - ynprivateaccount: He has me weak on my knees 😭 - - sabrinaprivateaccount: old habits die hard 😢
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"So, are you going to explain?" you placed both of your hands on your hips, staring at him with a glare that told him he wasn't going home scot free. "I talked to Kimi," he mumbled sheepishly. "I know that this isn't an explaination, but I want you to understand that I never meant to disrespect you in that way." he explained.
"Kimi told me what Christian said about you, and it wasn't funny. I shouldn't have laughed, I'm sorry." he apologized, taking another step closer to wrap you in an embrace - but you step away. All your life, you've been told that a woman didn't have room in Formula One - and to hear your best friend laugh at those jokes? It was worse than losing your career.
"Am I supposed to believe you?" you frowned, unable to comprehend that he was telling the truth. "You don't have to - but I'm sorry." he breathed with sincerity in his tone. You wanted to believe him, but you needed more convincing.
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danielricciardo's story
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caption: who u talking to? @itsmee_yn
replies itsmee_yn: secret no clue danielricciardo: 🤣
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taglist: @laura-naruto-fan1998 @eternalharry @milaeth @msliz @lifesuckslife @ellamae021 @1-800-simpingcowbaby @trashcanrat @ccallistata @shouq @fdl305 @iloveyou3000morgan @georgeparisole @allenajade-ite @eternalharry @messwithtess21 @benbarneslut @withyoutilltheendofthismess @omgsuperstarg @stillbreathin @mishaandthebrits @lemonsinpanic @styles-sunflower @cassiesworldsworld @1655-1485 @hachrinnen @luanasrta @fdl305 @reidsworld @sarahedwards16 @peargasleeeee @imsorare @sinofwriting
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snufkins-boot · 7 months
Dc x dp idea: take one of those ‘Danny is Damian’ AUs, take a ‘Danny is Persephone’ AU, AND MASH THAT SHIT UP.
right so start off with the usual: Damian runs away and takes the name Danny, gets adopted by the Fentons etc. right?
When the bats find Damian they don’t find him in Amity no no no they find him in the ghost zone, site John Constantine bs or smth. And naturally this is a ghost king Danny AU so his ass is in full regalia and when asked he avoids the question, because how do you explain to the family you haven’t seen in years that you’re now the queen of the afterlife because you beat the fuck out of a god after you ran away and FUCKING DIED?!
But the bats and they won’t leave shit alone so they dig and shit and find out WHOOPDE FUCKING DOO HES MARRIED. Now make this who you want, I’m going everlasting trio because why the fuck not. TWO OF EM.
So Danny gets hoes and they believe that he got Persephoned or some shit, because not their precious little spawn of Satan, Nuh uh. He’s not dead, YOURE IN DENIAL. They meet the trio through unfortunate events and that solidifies it more that he got Persephoned as in their mind it cruel plant goddess and tech geek pharaoh, who frankly has no thoughts.
Add some flavour and have Sam be called king or something. Because I like to think that the infinite realms base their titles off your perception. Sam is mean and scary and thus king where as Danny is relatively sweet and generally popular among the residents of the infinite realms so he is their queen. And tucker is pharaoh. Duh.
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bangchxnnie · 3 months
how long will this last? (pt. 2)
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pairing: felix and fem!reader
tropes: friends to enemies to lovers, idiots in love, brother’s best friend if you squint? , college!au?
content warnings: 3rd person writing, alcohol is mentioned, reader is nicknamed barbie, felix is stupid, cursing, orange cats, shitty writing, bin being bin, massive miscommunication, what can barely be considered angst, some suggestive elements (but as always, read at your own risk buddy!)
chapter word count: ≈4.7k
|| hlwtl masterlist || part 1 || part 3 ||
❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜
“Did you eat my fucking pasta leftovers?” She groans, searching through the fridge. 
“You were asleep, and I didn’t want to wake you up and ask what is off limits and what isn’t.” 
“You’re such a prick.” She slams the fridge shut and fights a full-on pout. 
My pasta…
“What bit your ass?” 
It takes a while to explain everything to her brother fully. With how busy his job has been, he’s barely popped in over the last few months. She’s be lying if she said it wasn’t good to see him, though. Scare or not. 
She keeps stopping to fight the residual anger, sadness, or the weird mix of both that comes whenever she says Felix’s name. To Chris’s credit, he does his best to sit and just listen. Until she gets to the part about Felix saying she’s not worth it. He laughs at that. 
“What’s so funny?”
“God, he’s so transparent.”
She looks at him in confusion. 
“Continue. Please.” 
BP, the little traitor, sits in Chris’s lap the whole time, purring contentedly at the constant affection.
Can’t trust none of these hoes. 
When she finishes, he sits in silence for a moment. 
“So it sounds like he’s jealous, dude.” He says simply. 
B immediately shakes her head in protest and waves him off for good measure. 
“No, he’s just a dick.” 
“That may be true too, and I do want to kick his ass, but he’s clearly and obviously jealous of you and Binnie.” 
“You’re clinically insane. There’s nothing to be jealous of!” Her irritation could not be more obvious. Folded arms, jaw tensed, eyes skyward. “He’s just an ass, and there’s nothing more to it.” 
“Are you really that oblivious? I mean, c’mon, I know I’m the brains of the family, but-“ She smacks him upside the head. “Ow! Don’t damage the goods!” 
“Then stop saying dumb shit!” Chris glares at her. 
“I’m not. Anyone with eyes and half a brain cell can see he’s into you. Like, well into you. And has been. It’s quite gross, actually.” Her heart rate picks up at his words. She doesn’t actually believe him, but it gives her butterflies all the same. 
She covers by raising an eyebrow at him. He takes it as a sign to continue. “Look, I’m not gonna tell you what to do. But think about it. He threw a fit that day because he came home and saw you flirting with Bin.”
“I wasn’t flirting with him! That’s gross. Bin was just being himself. He’s always like that. Felix knows this.”
“Doesn’t mean he likes it. Maybe he just snapped.” 
She doesn’t buy it. They’re grown-ass people.
If Felix really was that upset, why wouldn’t he just say something? He’s always been able to tell me when he’s bothered.
If it were that simple, why didn’t you tell Felix how you felt, either? 
…Even my brain is a traitorous traitor. Why are we defending him?
“Okay, fine. What about that day he lied about his laptop?” 
“Maybe he genuinely forgot he had it. Or maybe, that loud ass sound you heard was him at the door.” 
B doesn’t say anything. 
“You said he was in the hallway, right? Maybe he had come home, saw Bin and you doing…whatever the fuck you were doing, and left.” 
Surely she would have noticed if Felix had come in, right? She’s normally so observant. Or at least, she thought she was. It’s a lot of information to process. 
“I mean, really? What the hell were you doing?”
“Irrelevant. What do I do about it?” B reaches for her cat, still seated in Chris’s lap. BP hisses at her. 
“Talk to him, dude. Jesus Christ, I thought you were smarter than this.” Chris just sighs. 
“Thanks, dipshit. And how exactly do you expect me to do that when he ignores me at every turn?” 
“I can’t give you all the answers. Damn. You’ve got to do some of the work yourself. Now,” He gently sets BP down and stands to stretch. “I’d really like to get some sleep. Is the spare room clean?” 
B thinks she’s probably going to kill him before this week is over.
❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜
“What about that one? He’s so cute!” Felix points to a nearby cage, cooing at the cat on the other side. 
“His sign literally says, ‘I Don’t Like People.’” B counters, shaking her head. 
Felix just smiles that goofy smile at her that she loves. “Which means you already have something in common!” 
Her mouth drops in semi-shock at his comment, and she half-heartedly nudges his arm. “I like you well enough!” The same arm wraps around him and she continues walking. “How about this one?” She points to a couple of cages over; a little paw sticking out between the tiny metal poles of the door. 
“I dunno…she seems a little small. So dainty. She’s got to be able to hold her own in your house.” Felix plays with her as much as he can through the barrier, even going so far as to make baby talk to her. B giggles, just watching him for a bit. He’s so gentle with everything; no wonder the littles flock to him at family events. “Whad’ya think, Beautiful? Do you wanna come home with us? Just say the word, and we’ll take you home, yeah?”
Us. The way that one word makes B feel is more than dangerous. Floaty, warm, and fuzzy. After all, there is no us. Just her and Felix. As friends. Until the end of time. 
How miserable.
Felix jolts back when the cat swipes at him, catching his knuckle. “Ow! Fuck!” B blinks back to reality.
“Serves you right for calling her dainty.” 
Felix throws his free arm up in defeat. “Fair enough.”
 He steps into B’s space silently, suddenly laser-focused on reaching the top of her head. He gently moves a stray hair back into place, following it down to tuck it behind her ears. “Sorry, Gorgeous, it was standing up weird.” It’s all he offers in explanation. 
Not that she minds. But between the pet name and the touch, she’s sure her face is outing her in more ways than one. 
You’ve got to get it under control, girl! Get. A. Grip. 
Felix clears his throat, steps back, and offers his arm to her. “Shall we?” 
They interact with a few more cats, and every time Felix talks to the cats, it tugs at B’s heartstrings. She can’t help but watch the way his freckles crinkle when he smiles or how his eyes light up when any of the cats interact with him back. “How are you today, sweetheart?” or “Are you having a good day?” or B’s personal favorite, complete with baby voice-“I might have to just steal you for myself. Yeah, I think I do.” 
Eventually, they come across one that seems thoroughly uninterested in Felix. Felix tries to play with him, but he doesn’t budge. “Well, fine. Be like that then.” He pouts like a petulant toddler. 
“I think he’s just tired.” 
“Is he? He seems pretty indifferent toward me.” 
“Let me try.”
“Be my guest, gorgeous.”
B tries to coax him out from the corner of his enclosure. He slowly sits his head up and just stares at her. At least it’s more of a reaction than what he gave the man.
The cat approaches the cage leisurely like he has all the time in the world. Which, one supposes, he does. B drops her arm from Felix’s to get closer to the semi-curious cat, who lets Barbie pet him and seems content with just that. 
“I think he likes me? Maybe?” She searches the cage for his information card. 
Name: Bobby Pin 
Felix laughs. It compels another smile from B, much like anything else he does. “Bobby Pin? How do they come up with these names?” 
“I mean, my friend in grade school had a cat named Crayon. She tried to eat one as a kitten right after they got her. So there it was.” 
The way he listens so intently when she speaks makes her feel like anything she has to say is important. That she is important, it’s a feeling she cherishes more than he knows. 
Felix tries to reach for the cat again, seemingly feeling like he’s missing out. When the cat grumbles but lets him, both humans laugh. B decides that he’s the one.
She goes searching for a shelter employee. 
“Excuse me, we’d like to fill out an application for this one?” 
The memory pulses a pang in her chest that feels so wrong. It doesn’t seem right that just a few months ago, they were fine, and now, he’s saying shit like, “You’re not worth it”. It doesn’t make sense. Her conversation with Chris and the memory keeps her up until her eyelids can’t hold their own weight anymore. 
She manages an entire 36 hours almost completely people-free. She gets out of bed three times the first day. Once to use the bathroom, once to grab an obscene amount of snacks and dash back to bed, and a third time to grab the remote that fell underneath her bed. Other than that, she’s either sleeping, eating, or watching episodes of a show she’s seen a million times. It usually leads to another nap, honestly. The other days it's even less. Maybe twice, if that. Chris checks on her once a day to ensure she’s alive, asks if she wants him to stay (she says no), tells her to call if she needs him, and leaves. She doesn’t call, though. In fact, she turns her phone completely off to avoid everyone else. 
The fourth morning, however, another unwelcome visitor breaks into the apartment. He also has a key, but that’s beside the point. 
“B, are you home?” She’s already awake but would rather be sleeping off what feels like the beginning of a massive headache. Maybe it’s from all the crying. Maybe someone snuck in the middle of the night and poured alcohol down her throat. Maybe it’s from the yelling. She can’t be sure. The possibilities are endless, really. But what she is sure of is the fact that she doesn’t want to deal with Changbin. Not today.
Die. I want to crawl into a hole and make it my home like I’m some kind of mole. I could be a mole man. Mole-woman? Mole-person. 
She snaps her eyes shut and listens for his footsteps. She’s trying to gauge how far away he is since he says nothing else. She is unsuccessful.
“Well, you look awful.” 
“Go away.” She pulls the covers over her head and turns away from the door. 
“No, we’re not doing this sulking thing. C’mon.” He grabs BP from the foot of the bed and sets him on the floor. BP is unhappy about it, grumbling annoyed cat noises while he stretches and searches for a new sleep spot. 
“Oh, hush. You love me.” Bin argues with himself, it seems, because BP ignores him. 
He gently tugs at Barbie’s comforter. He’s trying to give her a chance to let it go. And when she doesn’t, he just snatches it from her hands and tosses it to the end of the bed. He sits on the edge and waits for her to sit up. She doesn’t. 
“Um, hello?! I have no pants on!” B protests, though she makes no effort to hide anything. Her sleep shirt is long enough that it covers everything anyway. 
“Oh, no! Legs! What’s a man to do?!” Bin faux gasps, clutching his hand to his chest. 
He deadpans seconds later. “C’mon, Barbie.” 
“If you say, let’s go party, I will kick you in the stomach.” 
Bin blinks at her. “Just get up!” 
“I don’t want to!” She thrashes around in protest, tears already threatening to expose themselves. “I’m in pain, I’m humiliated, I’ve been invaded, I’m-“ 
“Invaded?” Bin tilts his head, amused. 
She props herself up on her elbows. “Chris is here.” And just as quickly, drops herself back flat on the bed.
Bin mouths a silent oh. 
“Well, he can come too.” Changbin pats her leg and stands. 
“Where are we allegedly going?” Once again up on her elbows, B eyes him carefully. 
“The beach. Obviously.” 
An eyebrow raises. “In autumn?”
“Nobody said we were swimming. Now get up, and take a shower. You smell like sadness.” 
He finds his way to her tall dresser across the room and starts rummaging through it for appropriate clothing. 
She sighs in defeat, dragging herself up to a sitting position. A hefty yawn escapes her lips, and it dawns on her she has no idea what time of day it is.
“Wait, what time is it?” B searches for her phone, but it’s not in its usual spot on her nightstand. “And where’s my phone?” 
Bin waves her off as if it’s unimportant information. 
“You do realize this is an executable offense.” 
He turns his head to look at her, evil smile spread across his face. “Kill me and I’ll haunt you until your last breath.” 
It’s probably true. 
He tosses some clothes at her and points to the bathroom, exiting the bedroom in the same stride. “Shower. I’m gonna go wake your brother up.” 
“Best of luck, soldier.” 
She takes a deep breath, determined to face whatever the day throws her way. She quickly grabs the clothes thrown at her and heads to the bathroom. As she steps inside, a feeling of dread overcomes her. 
Why do I feel like this day is going to be a shitshow?
She closes her eyes and prays for the best. 
The shower is surprisingly refreshing. Once she finally convinced herself to get in, it’s hard to get out. A full wash can be quite draining most days, but the effort came with a little more ease once the warm stream also warmed the room. She leaves a little less dread-filled and a little more hungry.
After she gets dressed and styles herself to her liking, she heads to the spare room to see how successful Bin is at getting Chris up. He’s usually hard to rise since he doesn’t sleep much, either. 
She finds her brother and her friend..giggling. On the bed. Bin lightly punches Chris’s arm, and Chris falls into a full fit of laughter. 
She smiles, happy to see some of her favorite people so happy. “What’s so funny?” 
Their laughs settle, and Chris waves her off. “It’s nothing.” 
Bin agrees, lingering laughter escaping. “Don’t worry about it, Barbie.” 
She frowns, but doesn’t press. The uneasy feeling in her is growing, but doesn’t have the energy to have it out with them about it.
“Oh. Well, are we going to leave soon?” Her entire demeanor shifts.  
“Soon, we’re just waiting for one more arrival.” No one has time to address B's body language because as if on cue, the door shakes violently. The doorknob attempts to turn, but, of course, it’s locked. The door shakes again, and B sighs. 
“Why would you leave a brainless squirrel outside by himself?” 
Bin shrugs.
“I heard that!” It’s slightly muffled, but the hurt is still there. 
B unlocks the door and steps back, allowing Jisung to clamber inside. He almost crashes into Barbie with how aggressively he runs in. He’s breathing heavy, dramatically sets his hands on his knees to ‘catch his breath’. When he stands, he narrows his eyes at his friend.
“The door wouldn’t open.” 
B laughs. “Because it's locked, dumbass.” 
“How was I supposed to know that?”
“When it didn’t open?” She ruffles his hair. He swats her hand away and attempts to fix it, muttering something under his breath. 
Han Jisung is…a special friend. He can be incredibly intelligent, and very insightful, but it’s blanketed by a lack of common sense sometimes. Most times. He likes to say he’s too smart for his own good. There’s a sliver of truth to the statement. 
“Can we go now?” 
The beach itself is relatively uneventful. Bin packed a picnic kit and some chairs for the group to just sit and talk for a while. He even packed a book for B for when she’s burnt out socially. It’s a kind gesture, but B opts to just sit and listen to the waves, conversation as her background noise. Jisung chooses to sit with her in silence. Eventually, she lays her head on his shoulder. It’s the happiest she’s been all week. 
Nobody says anything to her until they start getting back to the car.
“You know, it’s okay to talk about it.” Chris says, pulling his seatbelt across his lap in the driver’s seat. “How you feel about it.” 
B shakes her head. “I don’t know how I feel.” 
“That’s fine too.” It’s the last he says on the subject. 
The rest of the boys pile in after closing the back of the car, resuming whatever new conversation they’d started on the walk back. B doesn’t really take in much of it. Until she heard something about her brother’s birthday.
“Oh, yeah! Have you finished everything for Saturday, Chris?” 
“Yeah, about that…” He cringes, like the words are paining him.
“What did you do.” 
“ThevenuecanceledandwehavenowhereelsetohostitsoIwashopingyouwouldletususetheapartment.” The words blur together, but she manages to get the gist. And she’s not happy about it.
“And how long have you known this, Christopher?” She stares him down through the rear view mirror. 
“Just since yesterday! I swear! I was just as mad as you are but I know that you love me and you’ll do me this major solid and I’ll owe you big time.” He flashes her his biggest smile, hoping it’ll seal the deal. The car is quiet, save for the radio, while she contemplates her answer. 
“…Yeah, you’ll owe me big time.” 
The whole car lets out a sigh of relief. “You’re the best!” Chris sing-songs. B flips him the bird, smile fighting at the corners of her lips. 
❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜
Turns out, Chris has much more of his party planning shit together than anyone realises. The transition from venue to house party is relatively smooth over the next few days.. Hiding away the valuables and ultra breakables (nobody plans to get that wasted, but who knows), deep cleaning every room in the house, locking doors to off-limit rooms, the works. 
“Do you really not trust your friends that much?” Barbie questions. She’s washing up the rest of the dishes before she has zero energy left. 
“It’s not his friends he’s worried about, Barbie.” Seungmin joins in, spread comfortably across her couch.
“Oh, right. The New Year’s incident.” Jisung had gotten so drunk he’d gone up to every single person at the party and challenged them to an arm wrestle, and if they lost, he got to kiss them. He almost left with a broken arm. 
“We agreed we won't talk about that anymore.” Jisung gripes anytime somebody mentions it. 
“You agreed. With yourself.” B counters. 
Jisung, Changbin, and Chris all make weird eye contact with one another. It sets off that uneasy feeling in B’s stomach again. It’s so frustrating to feel out of the loop. Again. 
“What is this, some sort of weird intimate mindmeld? What aren’t you guys telling me?” 
They make eye contact again, and Bin clears his throat. 
“Um, Felix is, uh, coming to the party.” 
Her stomach drops at his name. Whether that’s from anger or something else is unknown. She hides her feelings behind a neutral face. 
“Oh. Well, I knew that. He and Chris have been friends for ages.” 
Nobody’s buying it. 
“Are you sure?” He speaks slowly; he’s scared to spook her. 
“Yes. Just because he can’t be civil doesn’t mean I can’t. Kill ‘em with kindness, yeah?” She shrugs and walks off to her room as casually as she can manage. 
She locks her door behind her and can feel a panic attack rising with every breath. She uses her grounding techniques to fight it off before it consumes her. 
Okay, I have exactly…16 hours to get my shit together. Oh shit. Chris was right. I just need to get through the night, and then I can sit his ass down and sort this shit out. His being into me is the only logical explanation for all his bullshit. It has to be. Yeah, I’m gonna talk to him when this is all over. 
She eventually hears a knocking sound in the back of her mind. It takes a few seconds to register that it is, in fact, a real knocking sound. 
“Hey, y’okay? We can tell him no if that’s what you want. Believe me, I have no issue doing that with how stupid he’s been acting lately.” 
She tries to laugh, but it comes out choked. It’s more air than sound. Some stray tears get eaten, which is weird because she didn’t even realize she was crying. She wipes her face and gets off the bed to unlock the door. 
She’s met on the other side of the door with Chris leaning on the doorframe, a sympathetic look adorning his face. 
“It’s okay, really. One night won’t kill me.” 
“I’d be a shit brother to let him around after all this.” 
“Good thing it’s not your call, then! It’s mine, and I say I want to move forward.” 
Chris nods. He knows when it’s the final straw for her, and she’s nearing it. He doesn’t bring it up again. She’s grateful for it. 
One more day and I’ll get my answers. 
She jolts awake, a scream echoing through her brain. Was it real? Was it in her head? 
She takes a moment to process her surroundings. The clock says 2:26 am. It’s dark. It’s cold. She realises 3 things:
She had a nightmare.
Felix is not here. She doesn’t know where he is. Thankfully? Unfortunately? Why do I wanna know where he is?
The scream was real, as noted by Chris and Changbin rushing to her room to see what had happened. My bad, bro. 
It takes a cup of tea, half a movie, and an extra body (Changbin) in her room to get her back to sleep. It’s in moments like this that she deeply appreciates the friends she has and the way they support her. 
When she wakes in normal operating hours, Changbin is still asleep in her bed. Granted, he’s somehow wrapped up in two blankets, and one of his legs is hanging off the bed, but he’s still there. She reaches across and attempts to unravel him because it must be hot like that, but all he does is grumble something that sounds like, “Get off my head,” and rolls toward the middle of the bed.
Can't say I didn’t try. 
B leaves him to his fate and gets herself ready for the day. 
❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜
“Hi! Thank you for coming!” B greets guests happily, hugging and smiling as each person steps over the threshold of her apartment. She gestures to the nearest bedroom, offers them a place to drop their bag and coat, and tells them to enjoy themselves. It’s the same formula for nearly every person. 
While doing rounds, she spots a familiar face by the back door. 
“Look at you, all dressed up!” She wolf whistles at him, and Seungmin’s face reddens, but he brushes her off. Truthfully, it's just a button-up and pants, but he looks good anyway.
“I was told dress nice or die, so.” He does his best to keep a neutral face, but it’s obvious he’s in good spirits. 
“Well, you look very nice. Very handsome.” B teases, pinching at his cheek. She loves to mess with him like an older sister, and as much as he complains, B has a feeling he doesn’t mind one bit. To save face, however, he ducks away and wanders off to find his friend Jeongin. 
Chris is mingling happily as cohost, beer in hand, as he hugs or high-fives his friends who made it out here. Communicating the last-minute change was the hardest part, but they made it work. It's nice to see him relaxed. It doesn’t go unnoticed how he works himself into the ground at that studio of his. Hopefully, this week has been a nice break from that. 
A hand on her back makes her jump,and she gets immediately defensive. Have spins around, ready to say something about personal space, but it’s just Changbin. “My bad, my bad! I didn’t mean to scare you!” He looks…nice. Fitted polo shirt that shows off his arms (shocker) and neutral pants. It’s a good look when you add in the watch on his wrist. 
“Just wanted to tell you that you look cute, Barbie!” He continues, gesturing to the dress B picked for the evening. Black and simple. Hair and makeup to match. 
Elegant. Classy. Easy, breezy, beautiful, covergirl. 
She smiles. “It has pockets!” She dips her hands into the pockets and twirls the dress to show it off. 
“I’m thrilled for you and your pockets. Do you want a drink?” She takes him up on his offer, and he sets off on his mission. 
In the meantime, she checks up on supplies. Everything seems to be good. Something catches her attention back toward the entry, and B’s heart drops to her ass. 
In walks Felix. And he looks divine. Black turtleneck, black pants, he even dyed his hair. She swears time has stopped.
Holy shit. Just, holy shit.
She agreed with everyone earlier against greeting him for fear of a cold shoulder. She knows herself, and she won’t let it slide if he decides to show out today, and today is not the day for that. Tomorrow, definitely, but not today. Instead, she just watches him walk in and barely notices the person following behind him.
Binnie returns with her drink, and they watch Felix timidly approach Chris. They share a mildly awkward embrace. Another person is standing beside Felix, a woman who looks just as, if not more, uncomfortable by the situation. They can’t hear what’s being said, but they see Chris give Felix a weird look before turning his attention to the woman. Chris greets her politely, gestures to the kitchen, and makes eye contact with Bin across. 
It genuinely looks like he’s trying to say something telepathically, and Bin almost looks like he understands. 
Men. How fucking weird. 
Just like it’s weird that Bin steps behind her, semi-casually wrapping an arm around her waist. “Don't do anything crazy.” Is all he says. She’s so busy getting ready to question how much he’s had to drink and what the fuck he means that she doesn’t notice when Felix approaches. Felix clears his throat and stops an awkward distance away. 
She acknowledges him by meeting his eye but doesn’t break Bin’s hold. 
“Felix.” Bin doesn’t hide his ire. Apparently, things haven’t been as smooth as he’s been telling Barbie it has been. She makes a mental note to bring it up later. 
“Long time no see, huh?” He attempts a laugh, but it falls flat.
B scoffs. “And whose fault is that?”
Bin squeezes her waist, a warning. She ‘accidentally’ steps on his foot in response.
“How are you?” He looks straight at B. He almost sounds…genuine. She contemplates giving him a real answer. Changbin answers before she can say anything-“We’re fine.” 
Felix goes silent. The moment stretches, long and very awkward. It’s becoming more and more uncomfortable with each blink, and B prepares to just walk away before Bin decides to speak up. 
“Who’s your friend?” He gestures to the woman pretending to look around the room. Felix reaches for her hand, and she smiles, interlocking their fingers. She’s pretty. Like, really pretty. Between the two of them, B’s not exactly sure who she should be looking at. 
“This is my girlfriend, Aila.”
Changbin’s grip on ‘his’ girl tightens. 
I think I’m gonna throw up.
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veronicaphoenix · 6 months
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Main storyline
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Midnight (Reader & Oliver's first night together - flashback) *ੈ✩‧₊˚ The engagement party *ੈ✩‧₊˚ House painting *ੈ✩‧₊˚ In the absence of her *ੈ✩‧₊˚ The anger of gods *ੈ✩‧₊˚ A new addition to the family. Three becomes four
Hearts like Ours (additional multipart)
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Part one: The Snakes *ੈ✩‧₊˚ Part two: The Angel of Death *ੈ✩‧₊˚ Part three: The Crow Witch
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ one
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Author's note: Surprise! Did you think the story would end with the epilogue?! Well, Veronica here thought the story would end after part 2 lmao and here we are, working on a full series because you never know where life will take you 😂
If you were in the tag list for this fic, you’ll be tagged in future updates :) and if you want to be added, please do let me know in the comments or by dropping a message, and I’ll gladly tag you 😇
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Taglist: @girlfromrussia-universe | @oro-e-diamanti | @lma1986 | @missduffsblog | @bngurngheart | @winterwinchester | @jilliemiw86 | @sorrowsofsilence | @th4t-em0-k1d | @to-be-written | @nonamessblog | @somebodyels3 | @starsomens | @ditto66 | @dominuslunae | @cookiesupplier | @midnight-eternals | @pennysky | @iknownothingpeople | @cncohshit | @ladyveronikawrites | @blackveilomens | @robabankfuckmickeymouse |@kageyasma | @silentglassbreak | @thescarlettvvitch | @sammyjoeee | @pathion | @shilohrosechicken | @skulliecadaver-blog | @anameunmusical | @lobolocaamo | @somewhere-diamond | @hoe-for-daddywise | @respectfulrebel
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atokirina-writings · 2 years
How is it having a family with Tsu'tey? Hoe is he as father and husband?
Thank you sm for the request! if you’re interested in more of this trope with tsu’tey I have a series going on with that right now! check it out if you’d like :)
Domestic life with Tsu’tey x fem reader (SFW, Fluff)
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You and Tsu’tey grew up together as young hunters. You would train with him, fly with him, and most importantly be his best friend. Growing up you were inseparable, both your parents often bonding over talking about the two of you.
As the two of you got older the feeling of being each others best friend developed into something more. He found himself more worried when you would go on hunts without him. “What the hell is wrong with me?” He wonders. Then he was young, naive, and it was rather hard for him to express his feelings.
He had to ask your friends for ideas on how to get you alone so he can finally speak to you and unpack what he feels for you. You felt the same wat but you knew what your feelings were for him long before he realized. You wanted to bond with him, be the person he relies on when he’s hurt, be the person he turns to in times of destress, you wanted to be his mate.
Eventually that is what you became. Your life with him as his mate was full of happiness, love, and care. He seemed like a asshole to everyone else on the surface. But you saw the part of him he let no one see. His vulnerability with you was the thing you loved the most about him.
He was already protective of you but when he found out you were pregnant his protectiveness increased ten fold. Often outstretching his arm in front of you to stop you from getting to close to things he wasn’t sure of. You having his kids was the happiest moment of his life. You would often find him at the tree of souls speaking to Eywa about how grateful he is to have you as his mate and the mother of his sons.
You have twin sons. You and Tsu’tey couldn’t be any happier knowing that they will be strong warriors like their parents. Educating them about the ways of the Omaticaya people as you watch them grow bigger and stronger. Watching his children grow up and become hunters makes him the proudest man alive.
Domestic life with Tsu’tey is nothing short of perfect.
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delicatebarness · 5 months
i think he knows | chapter twelve
Summary: Mama Rogers has no idea what's going on inside her daughter's head. Wanda and Peter come back to school. And, Bucky's got a plan.
Warnings: Kissing?
Word Count: 1356
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A/N: I feel like this is when the story is about to get interesting... whooops she posted early 👀
Tags: @bigtreefest | @caplanbuckybarnes | @angelbabyyy99 | @mega-kittyglitter-1 | @cjand10 | @armystay89 | @itvy5601 | @spider-mans-hoe
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Your mind still buzzed from the events of the evening. The warmth of family, the pride in your brother’s accomplishments, and the lingering thoughts of Bucky all swirled around you as you let the crisp night air rush through the rolled-down window. 
As you reached your house, you paused on the front porch, taking a moment to breathe as your family entered. After a moment, and collecting your thoughts, you were greeted by your dad as he was making his way up the stairs toward your parent's bedroom. 
“You okay, sweets?” your mom, Sarah, asked with a warm smile as you entered the kitchen.
“Yeah, just a lot on my mind,” you replied, offering her a small smile as you took a seat at the kitchen island. “It’s great about Steve though, he’s going to love college.” 
Your mom nodded in agreement, a proud gleam in her eyes. “He’s worked so hard for it,” she said, her voice filled with admiration before she turned her full attention to you. “It was lovely to celebrate as a family,” 
Your thought settled back to Bucky. Despite the uncertainty of your feelings, there was a part of you that couldn’t shake the complexity of the connection you felt toward him. Lost in thought, you hadn’t noticed that your mom bid you goodnight. Alone in the quiet of the house, you allowed yourself to reflect on the events of the day fully.
The memory of Bucky’s lips against yours, replayed in your mind, sending a shiver down your spine. There was something undeniably about the way he made you feel, a sense of longing that you had only read about in books. 
There was a nagging voice of doubt, mixed in with the whirlwind of emotions, in the back of your mind. What if Steve was right? What if Bucky was just playing games with you? Was the list a part of that? The thought sends a pang of uncertainty through you.
At lunchtime, you found yourself loitering at your locker, lost in thought. The noise and chatter of the other students faded. It wasn’t until the familiar voices of Wanda and Peter grew louder that you snapped out of your daze.
“Hey,” you greeted them as they approached. “It’s nice to see you’re both feeling better.” you couldn’t help but laugh with them as you all recalled their absence the previous day.
Their expressions grew serious as they shared a knowing look, Wanda leaned in close to you. “We want to talk to you about Bucky,” she said, her eyes searching yours for any sign of reaction. 
Your heart skipped a beat at the mention of his name, nerves began to stir in your stomach. “What about him?” you asked with caution, trying to keep your tone neutral as you surveyed the hallways. 
Wanda hesitated for a moment, taking a deep breath. “We know the whole thing has been complicated between you two, especially with Steve,” she continued to whisper. “But, we wanted to assure you that his feelings for you are genuine.” 
Surprised by her words, you meet her gaze with confusion settling across your face. “How do you know?” you asked, your curiosity piqued.
Peter then leaned in, his tone matching Wanda’s. “That’s why we were at Stark’s,” he confessed, “Trust us, he cares about you more than any of us realized.” 
Before you could respond, a subtle movement caught your eye. Snapping your gaze past Wanda and Peter, you saw Bucky standing at the end of the hallway. When he noticed you watching him, he nudged his head to the side, gesturing for you to meet him in the classroom he was standing by. 
“Hey, I’ll catch up with you in the cafeteria,” you said quickly, grabbing your backpack and heading off in the direction of the empty classroom. Wanda and Peter turned to watch you walk away, they sent each other a knowing look as they caught Bucky walking into the classroom moments before you reached him. 
As you approached, your heart raced, wondering and hoping to have another encounter with him as yesterday. With a deep breath, you pushed open the door and stepped inside. Bucky stood by the teacher’s desk, a small smile playing on his lips as he watched you enter. 
“Hey,” you greeted him, trying to keep your voice steady despite the butterflies in your stomach.
“Hey, Sunshine,” he replied, his smile widening as you took a step closer to you. “I was hoping we’d get a minute.” 
Your cheeks flushed at his words, and you couldn’t help but return the smile and inch closer again to him. “Me too,” you paused for a moment, standing in front of him, locked in each other’s gaze. “Can we talk?”
Bucky’s expression softened, “Of course,” he said softly, wrapping his arms around your waist. 
Gathering your thoughts, you took a deep breath. “I just wanted to say…” your voice trembled slightly. “I’ve been thinking a lot about us, and everything that’s happened.” 
He nodded in response, his eyes never leaving yours as he listened with intent. “I have too,” he admitted, his voice quiet. “And, I want you to know that I do care about you,” 
His words sent a flutter of warmth through you, and some of the doubts and fears began to dispel. “I care about you too,” you said softly, reaching out to fidget with the chain he had hanging around his neck. “But, I need to know… can we trust each other?”
He gently began to trace patterns along the small of your back. “I understand,” he said, his voice filled with sincerity. “And, I want you to know that you can trust me, completely.” 
You released a heavy breath, relief washing over you. “Thank you,” you smiled up at him. 
Bucky returned your smile, “No, thank you,” he whispered, leaning closer to you. “For giving me a chance,”
As his lips met yours in a kiss, you felt a sense of peace settle over you. His touch was electric, sparking a fire deep within you. 
The world around you faded away, as your fingers tangled in the soft strands of his hair, deepening the kiss. You tried to savor the taste of his kips as your breaths synced in harmony. Every touch, spoke volumes, the rhythm you found together melting you against him. 
As the kiss unfortunately ended, you pulled back slightly, locking your gaze with him in a silent understanding. You knew this was where you were meant to be, in his arms. With a content smile, he rested his forehead against yours.
As the heat of the moment began to subside, Bucky pulled back slightly, his gaze a mixture of adoration and longing. “Hey,” he said, his voice that familiar soft tone he only seems to speak to you with, “Are you free tonight?”
“Yes,” you replied without hesitation, excitement coursing through you at the thought of spending more time with him. “What did you have in mind?”
His smile grew even wider at your enthusiastic response, his eyes shining with a matched excitement. “I was thinking, I’ll pick you up at the corner, and then, how about we have a movie night at my place? No one’s home, I’ll make popcorn, and build a blanket fort… we can watch any movie you like.” 
The thought of an evening spent cuddled up with him seemed, in that moment like the perfect way to unwind after a long day. “That sounds perfect,” you beamed at him, “I’d love to.” 
Bucky reached out, pushing a stray strand out of your face. Bringing his hand down to your cheek, he leaned in for a quick peak of your lips. “I’ll meet you at the corner around seven, okay?”
With a nod, you agreed on the plan, hope bubbling within you for the evening ahead. As you bid each other goodbye, stealing a few last kisses, you went your separate ways. Tonight held promises of intimate moments and the opportunity to get to know Bucky so much more. You couldn’t wait to see where the night would take you both. 
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facts abt my post canon bsd au (mostly atsushi and ada centric)
◇ takes place 4 years after everything with the DoA and Hunting Dogs is settled
◇ atsushi grows his hair back out so it's a little past his shoulders
◇ sigma joins the ADA
◇ fukuzawa retires but still comes around to check on his kids former employees and is on standby in case of any future disaster
◇ kunikida and ranpo agree to co-lead the agency. kunikida takes care of most of the paperwork and employee affairs (pour one out for kida) while ranpo keeps an eye out for cases that could be DoA level threat
◇ everybody gets therapy 🥳🎉!! that government hush money compensation check for being attacked by the Hunting Dogs was partially spent on a getting therapists who could actually help them with their issues (pour another one out for the therapists bc the shit they have to deal with...)
◇ genderfluid atsushi (he/she/they), agender dazai (he/him or it/its), nonbinary sigma (they/he)
◇ kunichuuzai canon. dazai and kunikida got together first, then kunikida and chuuya and finally after many schemes dazai and chuuya talked abt their feelings for each other and got together shortly after
◇ atsushi joins a local community college because she realized she can do stuff for herself outside of working. he's studying literature
◇ kyoka and kenji tried to go regular school for a short while before they realized that that they hated it, so kunikida toutered them helped them get a GED (public school couldn't handle them anyway)
(Idt its that bad but just in case) tw: implied w33d usage, implied paranoia, implied hallucinations.
◇ reason why atsushi was finally sent to therapy was bc they were convinced to get high to help their anxiety (one guess who convinced them) and had a bad trip. they got extremely paranoid, mentioned times he would hallucinate and had several concerning statements about himself. when he sobered up the agency said they were going and she only agreed to go if dazai went and surprisingly dazai agreed to go.(dazai planned to go one session and was somehow conned by his therapist to continue going)
◇ found family dazai, atsushi, Kyoka
◇ but also blood family bc wow dazai and atsushi are half siblings!! (Their dad was a hoe, I'll get into in a separate post)
◇ atsushi's orphanage gets shut down (ada birthday gift for atsushi) and gets a documentary made due to the horrific treatment of the children there
◇ sparring buddies chuuya and atsushi
◇ kyoka, kenji, aya and q friendship
◇ after being turned into a vampire akutagawa has sharper canines than the average human and while his lungs are slightly better he carries any inhaler with him just in case
◇ atsushi has more control over his ability in the future and can now shift into his full tiger form on command and communicate with byakko
◇ dazai is also working to control his ability more and can now shut it off for a few minutes before it kicks back on
◇ byakko is a sentient ability similar to arahbaki. she has been around for centuries and has had many different hosts, one who was the author of The Book.
◇ how did they defeat fyodor? Uhhhh he got eaten by rats, turned into one, the tiger ate him and bc of ability bs he stayed dead next question
◇ dazai also has slightly long hair and now uses a cane
◇ tanazaki sibs finally work on their codependency issues
◇ yosano and tachihara go to lunch every few weeks to talk abt shunzen and bond
◇ akuatsulucy canon
◇ sigma and ranpo bet on random shit together and ranpo is surprised at how talented sigma is at betting
◇ ranpoe are long distance relationship atm but poe is making arrangements to move to yokohama
◇ mori steps down as head of mafia for...reasons and kouyou swifty takes charge of the pm (it was supposed to be chuuya but he threatened to leave the whole city and dazai agreed to help sooo kouyou)
◇ atsushi and lucy take edibles
◇ atsushi and yosano both hate being called angel. If you do it it's the fastest way to lose an arm
ive got nothing else to add to this atm so I might make second part one day. this was made before the recent chapters and wildly ignores canon and is built off of most of my headcanons. Bye 👋🏽 👋🏽
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