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"...Ayrılık değil,özlemek hiç değil;en büyük acı,bu giderek büyüyen boşlukmuş...En büyük dert kimi özlediğini,kimi sevdiğini bilememekmiş...En büyük kayboluş sevip sevip sonunda kimi sevdiğini bilememekmiş...İçimde bir ses durmadan,dünyanın sonu geldi, diyor.Dünyanın sonu bu halime öyle çok uyuyor ki,hiç üzülmeden,hiç korkmadan kabulleniyorum onu.Öylesine bencilim ki,dünyanın sonunu kendim gibi çok seviyorum..''
  „…not seperation, definetely not aspiration – no, the biggest pain is the growing gap…the biggest issue is not to know who you miss, who you love. The most you get lost when you have been loving as much as you can but at the end not to know whom you have loved. A voice inside of me keeps on sayin „the end is close“. The end of the world fits so perfectly with my circumstances I take it without any grief and worries. So selfish I am, that I love the end as much as I love myself!“
  Letter to schizophrenic love – Cezmi Ersöz
Shot in Austria / Vienna @ Schloss Schönbrunn
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"...Cennet ne bir zamandır, ne de bir mekan. Cennet yetkinliğin ta kendisidir..." (Jonathan Livingston, Marti)
"Heaven is not a place, nor a time. Heaven is being perfect!" (Jonathan Livingston, Seagull)
Shot in Spain / Malagá @ pedro galejo 08/2014
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#feschmarkt2014 #vienna 
so this is where the cool kids hang out! :D
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shot @ Straßenkunstfest Brunnenmarkt, 1160 Vienna
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'güzel bir gün ve ben yaşıyorum ...'
'it is a beautiful day and I am alive ...'
Oğuz Atay - Tutunamayanlar
Shot  @ Heldenplatz Vienna 
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"Biz Filipina, Çok güldüğümüzde daha gülerken yakında ağlayacağımızı düşünüp suratını asan insanlarız, her Ortadoğulu gibi..."
"Filipina, we are people who similtaneously think of crying when we have laughed too much and we straight ahead start making a face ... like all middle eastern people."
Ece Temelkuran - Muz sesleri
Shot @ Generali Center Vienna
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İçki meselesi bu, diye düşündüm kendime bir içki alırken. Eğer berbat bişeyler olmuşsa, unutmak için içersin; iyi bir şeyler olursa kutlamak için içersin ve hiçbir şey olmamışsa bir şeyler olması için içersin.
“That’s the problem with drinking, I thought, as I poured myself a drink. If something bad happens you drink in an attempt to forget; if something good happens you drink in order to celebrate; and if nothing happens you drink to make something happen.”
Charles Bukowski - Kadınlar / Women
Shot @ Meyhane Vienna
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"Simdi ben gidiyorum fakat ne zaman çağırırsan gelirim... dedi. evvela ne demek istediğini anlamadım... o da bi an durdu ve ilave etti: nereye çağırırsan gelirim!"
"Now, I'm leaving but whenever you ask me to come, I will be there..." he said. First I didn't understand. He held on for a second and added "wherever you want me to come, I will come!"
Sabahattin Ali - Kürk Mantolu Madonna
Pic: Shot by me @ Canal Grande in Venedig / Italy
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Sunday, June 9th, 2013: Flashmob @ Stephansplatz / Vienna
Nice to see so many people gathering together and showing in a peaceful manner their support for people in Turkey.
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For all those who want to follow the riot in taksim/istanbul. This page is providing breaking news and is quiet up-to-date!
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what started as a protest to prevent the gezi park trees from demolition, is now expanding to a country-wide protest against the regime. the police started to cut down the non-violent demonstration in gezi park by using tear gas and water bombs. Hundreds of peaceful participants were  seriously injured and there are also some breaking news about people who died because of the police brutality. 
Gülse Birsel actress and author writes in here newest article on hurriyet.com: "the basic issue of this protest might have been the trees of gezi park, but considering the growing number of participants and also the spreading power of the protest all over the country this can be seen as a way of people saying "ENOUGH!". 
There are several manifestations going on all around europe to support the people at taksim square. One of those will be held today (1 July 2013) around 6pm @ Resselpark / Karlsplatz / Vienna
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...this pretty much sounds like the perfect man on earth to date :D
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“duyulmayan bir ses mi girdi odama? bugünü de yaşamanın ıstırabı her türlü yetenekten üstün yeryüzünün en vasat soluğuyla ölmediğimi kabul ediyorum” Umay Umay - Cevapsız Ağrı
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