The Next Rabbit Hole
25 posts
My Journey Through Expansion of Consciousness
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robalchemy · 5 years ago
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robalchemy · 5 years ago
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I started a Rob Alchemy YouTube channel for all things esoteric and spiritual!
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robalchemy · 5 years ago
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What you get is two 1-hour sessions or one 2-hour session with a channelled reading & guidance, plus the portrait of your energetic state either digitally or on a physical canvas! (For a physical painting, these are local only for clients in Alberta, unless you don’t mind paying shipping.) Message me here or on Facebook/Instagram to get started!
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robalchemy · 5 years ago
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I looked into the collective energy today, and this is what I saw very clearly. (Again, keep in mind these aren't meant to be dripping with artistic amaze-balls-ness, but rather simply an accurate depiction exactly as I see it in my mind's eye.)
To me, two things stand out in contrast to recent days - Those big black bars aren't there anymore which to me feels like a short period of collective RELEASE has winded down. That is to say, releasing our limiting beliefs and trauma-based fears from this life and beyond.
The second thing is the vivid red. As I'm still learning how to interpret what I see, I've come to find that red can mean so many different things. But in this case, I'm getting a distinct impression of passion. In context, that's just a nice way of saying anger. And I'm sure I need not mention what's happening in the world right now, it's very self explanatory. With all the anger and outrage being expressed right now, this is actually a very typical (and expected) phase of the shift that our consciousness is going through right now. And this is purely on a societal level, for as I mentioned before - In order to see where the dirt is, we must first shine light on it to make it visible. And that light has been shone so bright that it's completely blinding. And now there is outrage over what has been found and exposed lurking in the dark. Simple as that. Naturally, I have no business sitting here and telling people not to be angry about the situation - It's certainly not a WRONG response. But what I WILL caution is not to fall in the various traps that anger brings. Anger can be a GREAT tool to inspire action. But in doing this, we need to be EXTREMELY mindful that we don't become the other side of the same coin. The anger will and has served its purpose wonderfully in the sense that those who operate out of integrity are no longer able to hide in their own darkness, all is being exposed, and will continue to be. But that's as far as it can CONSTRUCTIVELY go. Further rage beyond this point will simply result in more of exactly what is being protested - People hurting people. So indeed, we're walking a very fine line with the best of intentions, but allowing ourselves to do this also comes with a profound responsibility that can easily be thrown to the way side when blinded by our passions.
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robalchemy · 5 years ago
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This how the collective consciousness feels and looks like for me right now. It’s funny, I tend to see these thick black bars when I look at the collective energy, but usually not with individual people. To me, this is really strong duality. Duality or polarity is an attribute of that older 3D consciousness that looks at things as us vs. them, hot vs cold, good vs bad, etc. Just for comparison, a higher perspective from 5D consciousness would see linear polarity more like a spectrum without ends, much like a circle or perpetual spiral. OK HIPPIE, SO WHAT DOES THIS ACTUALLY MEAN?! Well I’m glad you asked! In identifying this, we are then reminded to temper our passions that work to divide us, and really focus on understanding our inherent unity. Let go of any thoughts or feelings that (in your mind) pit you against others, or otherwise cause you to make comparisons between people or things. Also, be reminded that duality is the consciousness in the old energy, but the evolution of human consciousness that’s happening right now lifts us above and beyond duality so that we can gracefully understand (or atleast acknowledge) that the perspectives of others are just one small pixel in the whole picture. My advice is that today is a day to ESPECIALLY focus on being present and giving yourself that love and validation that we so often look externally for in others. For when this is realized, all sense of competition, comparison and feelings of inadequacy simply fall away.
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robalchemy · 5 years ago
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Another energy portrait! This one speaks to the client and I of soul journey, growth and ancestral akash!
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robalchemy · 5 years ago
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A digital painting I did depicting how the energy of frustration looks to me.
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robalchemy · 5 years ago
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I wanna try an experiment! Feel free to message me here or on Instagram/Facebook by looking up Rob Alchemy where you will find this same post. I’m just charging for materials (canvas) and any extra you may feel like throwing my way for my time and skills!
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robalchemy · 5 years ago
Some down-to-earth practical advice for anyone dealing with past traumas or emotional issues while in isolation.
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robalchemy · 5 years ago
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robalchemy · 5 years ago
A Message from The Universe: Everything is OK!
For anyone who is isolated/quarantined, or are home because your children are out of school due to shut down - Rather than fretting about money which will accomplish nothing - This is a wonderful opportunity to embrace this time for the gift that it is, and use it to go inward and explore the self. I’m sure I need not talk about the fear that so many are saturated with, but the opportunity here is to go inward and explore what you’re feeling around this situation. Believe it or not, the situation isn’t actually causing fear, the mind is simply using it as an excuse to choose and express fear in its various forms.
The second point here is to understand that even if your are losing money by being off work, the Universe will always provide you with what you NEED, regardless of HOW it comes to you. This has always been true, otherwise you would not still be here reading this. Granted, you won’t always receive what you want or what you think you ought to receive, but you have never ONCE in any lifetime - Been deprived of what you NEED. Nor will you ever.
This is a short, yet to the point message. To recap, this time you are being given is a gift, realize this, embrace it and use this time. It is for you and your highest good, regardless of what your perspective or your mind may try to tell your heart.
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robalchemy · 5 years ago
The First Step To Creating A Better World
I’ve noticed kind of a troubling thing: So many claim that they want a better world, but so few are willing to believe it’s possible.
I’ll give the example that prompted this perspective: On my personal social media, I made a couple posts describing a couple ideas for much better processes than we have now that would potentially be profoundly beneficial to this world. These were things like desalination of water, a new way of looking at geothermal and finally - The concept of unlimited free energy via self perpetuating magnetic engines. The point of this post isn’t to discuss those ideas themselves, but in presenting these ideas to my friends and family, I made a very startling and troubling observation: In light of being presented with even just IDEAS of how to make positive change, and even in presenting proof of what’s already been done and proven possible - All but two people I know had the exact same instant knee-jerk reaction: They immediately started looking for reasons why these ideas WOULDN’T work, even though in doing so, demonstrated their obvious lack of understanding in how these things would work.
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To be blunt, I was shocked and deeply troubled by this. I couldn’t even begin to wrap my mind around why someone would WANT to immediately shoot down an idea that would benefit them immensly, just because it was even slightly outside their scope of understanding. One friend flat out called one of these things impossible, even though it already exists. Another said it couldn’t be done because they had tried this particular thing, and couldn’t get it to work.
In response to what I could only interpret as resistance for the sake of resistance, I explained to the first friend that not only DOES this thing already exist, but suggested that he’s in disbelief simply because he hadn’t seen it yet. Kind of like how 200 years ago, it was considered impossible for humans to achieve flight. I told the second friend that I can’t build a car and make it work with my current understanding, but that doesn’t mean cars are impossible or don’t exist.
Even though I was simply trying to emphasize that these amazing things were possible and express hope and excitement over them - I was met with complete hostility.
And these particular friends are among those who quite often have something to say about all that is wrong with the world and what needs to be fixed to make the world better. So why would these same people instantly throw up their shields and instantly campaign against the things that would MAKE a much better world?! I was absolutely beside myself, and if I’m honest, a bit upset over the INSTANT doubt that was cast at my very notion of progress and hope.
To me, this was the symptom of a much greater disorder that we’ve been collectively suffering from so long that we think it’s normal - Fear. So many of the lower frequencies and emotions are built upon fear as their basis. And interestingly, I noticed that fear does something else - It keeps us in the habit of assuming the future based on the past. Surely, since we may not have heard of these things before, they certainly cannot exist now - That is to say we’ve discovered EVERYTHING there is to discover and now cannot go any further. Pretty much, right? And I say this is based in fear because it only applies to fear based principles, but never those which are positive, so it would seem. For example, a very close person to me told me recently that they don’t think world peace is possible because we’ve always fought with eachother. I would counter that with arguing that prior to 1903, airplanes must not even be possible since we’ve always been on the ground, yes? This is shallow reasoning at best, obviously. On the flip side, take something positive like money for example. To us, this is positive because we like having money, and that’s fair. Yet so many constantly cry defeatism over money, assuming it can never come to them, even though they’ve experienced HAVING money thousands upon thousands of times in this life!
My point is that we’ve allowed ourselves to become conditioned to assume the worst. This is identified as fear because the word “assuming” could also be switched with “fear” and the context will remain consistent.
To keep this short and sweet, I probably need not elaborate on these examples. But the point is that we all truly DO want the same things out of life, and having a better situation in which to live is always on everyone’s list. So why would we fear what we want?? (Coming full circle here, as we just explained that!) More importantly, this of and within itself clearly demonstrates exactly how fear keeps us from believing in what we want, and if we don’t believe in what we want - Then we’re CERTAINLY never going to actually MAKE it happen. Never in a million, zillion years.
The the first step is as simple as it is self explanitory: We need to drop fear if we want to create a better world. It’s absolutely that simple. Once we drop fear, then there’s no voice inside us that discredits our own hope, and we are then able and automatically equipped to ACT on our hope in any way, shape or form we wish. Ironically, prove me wrong!
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robalchemy · 5 years ago
Mechanics Of Free Will - The Why and How
Our minds love a puzzle. We love having something complicated to further complicate or to try and figure out. Because of this, a straight & concrete answer can often create cognitive dissonance or disbelief because it’s not what the ego wants or expects. And this my friends, is SO simple. It really is. So simple that you might not LIKE it!
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Okay, so being that we live in a dimension where free will is a thing, I need not explain what it is because you’ve known it your entire life, among other lifetimes here on earth. But to establish a context, free will is the ability to make any choice in any situation, regardless of the consequence or practicality. Also, bear in mind that I’m not coming at this from just a physical, philosophical or spiritual perspective - I’m coming at it from all 3 perspectives, as it was explained to me from a higher perspective than myself. And the combination of these three...I’ll loosely call them “attributes”...Is called quantum. This is the hard and fast reality in which incarnate and non-incarnate consciousness exists. In fact, consciousness is itself a quantum phenomenon with its own laws of physics. Enter: Intuition. Intuition to us is an innate knowing that is not dependent on what our dominant human senses perceive or interpret. This is all the stuff that is beyond what we consider to be concrete. That’s not to say that intuitive awareness is not concrete, but rather our limited understanding. But that’s a whole other topic unto itself. Plain and simple: Free will is the by-product of limited intuition. As humans, by nature in our current state of being, our intuition is only partial. As humans, we experience it to varying degrees, but we don’t collectively realize the full potential of our own innate knowing or intuition. I’ll put it like this: Let’s say we want to drive to the store for milk. We know to get into our car, drive south down 50th street 2 kilometers, and the store is on the right. That’s how to get a jug of milk. In this situation, there is no free will in this quest for milk because we already know beyond a doubt how to get it. So we simply just go to the store and get milk. BOOM done! That’s lack of free will because the innate knowing is already there. Now let’s go back to the beginning and take away that innate knowing. We need milk, but have NO IDEA how we’re going to get it, where the store is, or that there even IS a such thing as a “store” that sells milk. There’s practically in infinite amount of ways to get a jug of milk, and also an infinite amount of ways to NOT get milk. So we get in our car and get to 50th street. We now have the free choice to go north or south. This choice is now free because we don’t know, so from our point of view, one direction is as good as another, even though the neighborhood store only lies in one of those two choices. So now we find ourselves out and about wandering the town knowing that we need milk, and presented with a fractal amount of choices to make along the journey for milk, not even guaranteed that we will make the right decision. Maybe we’ll drive aimlessly and arrive back home without milk. Or maybe, just by chance or through some form of only partial reasoning, we end up at a store across town and get milk, but in a much more complex way. Friends, this is what free will actually is, beyond any one limited way of looking at it. Now let’s say that you’re a much more highly evolved being living on a planet in the Pleiadian star system, for example. (That’s the 7 sisters star cluster, incase you’re wondering!) Because you’re much more self-realized and evolved in your Pleiadian state of being, your intuition is highly evolved and just works. So you need milk. BOOM. Your innate instantly tells you all the places nearby where you can get milk, where the traffic jams are and what the most efficient route is. To you as a Pleiadian, this is a no brainer! So you, as a Pleiadian who’s in touch with your intuition or innate/inner knowing, don’t have free will, because you already KNOW exactly what to do to get milk the easiest way, the second easiest way, and so on. So lack of free will actually has nothing to do with pre-determination or anything like that, because in the QUANTUM reality, there is no single future. Only the potential of every possible timeline, and they’re all happening simultaneously. The one that you END UP IN is simply determined by which choices you make, which are based on what you currently know, what your experiences have been and what your preferences or desires are. Literally put, even God doesn’t know exactly what’s GOING to happen, because there’s no such thing as what’s GOING to happen. Every possible outcome is happening. You’re in ALL of them. But your perceived singular stream of consciousness on this level can only experience one at a time. So in short, free will is caused by a very simple application of not having complete information. It’s not a predetermined track that you’re physically bound to. And humans have a very difficult time with this, because humans can only think in a 3/4D linear fashion, where as none of this is actually linear. We just simply linearize things as best we can that aren’t linear. So as we evolve our consciousness throughout the next generations, our sense of intuition will evolve as well. We all have it to an absolute extent, the thing is that we’re just out of realization with our own intuition to varying degrees. That’s why some of us are more intuitive, yet others don’t even believe it exists, and thus remain closed off from intuition until something happens to initiate the exploration or (for lack of a better term) “activation” of not intuition itself, but the self realization of the innate. And as our own sense of intuition evolves with our consciousness, free will is going to slowly but surely become a thing of the past as we move into that heart centered consciousness where we don’t NEED to rely on so many x-factors to navigate our way through life, we will just simply have a much better innate knowing of which choice is best for the highest good of all in every situation.
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robalchemy · 5 years ago
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Happy #2020 !
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robalchemy · 5 years ago
How The Universe Literally Speaks To Us
When you think of communication with a higher consciousness, what do you imagine? How do you imagine this is done? Perhaps from either your experience or your imagination, one may conjure an image of a person sitting cross legged, hands clasped and eyes closed - Or something along those lines just as a vague example. These techniques are various modes of prayer or meditation that result in a channeled form of energy exchange. When I say channeled, I simply mean from one dimensional plane and/or consciousness to another. Perhaps you pray for guidance and receive it intuitively. But what happens when you throw this request into the void and hear nothing back? One could easily assume that this means there is no answer or response being interpreted other than simply the lack of response itself, yes?
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But what if - As a metaphorical example - You’re expecting a response in the form of a phone call that you can hear and speak through, but it comes in the form of a letter in the mail that you can see, read and write back to?
Needless to say, our expectations can sabotage us and we don’t even know it. What I’m getting at is a very simple point - And that point is to be open to so many other forms of communication with other beings and Source beyond the traditional can come through in more ways than we can imagine, yet we’re so focused on the modes themselves that we don’t even stop to consider this.
So first - Let’s get rid of how we THINK the universe ought to communicate with us. This is because when we don’t receive the response we want (which is an expectation) or think we ought to get, then we find ourselves surrounded by blocks that we don’t even realize we’ve put up that easily. Instead, if you should hold an expectation, expect that the Universe is always responding to you, but in a way that works comfortably for YOU. And everyone is so different, yet we’re taught moreless standardized methods that are designed for the masses, not the individual who has unique strengths and sensitivities.
Imagine this - You’re not sure which decision to make. Let’s say it’s a big one like you’ve got two job offers and you’re not sure which one you should take to benefit your highest good. So perhaps you send this to a higher source as a question. Now if the Universe were to give you an answer in the form of a physical, literal messenger such as a conscious being appearing before you - In REALITY - This would probably traumatize you. I know you THINK it may be an experience you could handle, but again, expectation and reality are two VERY different things.
This is when syncronicity comes into play. It’s not syncronicity itself that delivers the message, but rather guides you to the thing or place where the message will be delivered to you in a fashion that you’re SO comfortable with that you would never think it to be (for lack of a better term) the literal answer to your prayers. For example, maybe you’re driving along and the radio station goes out all of the sudden, so then you change to another station just in time to catch a phrase being spoken by the DJ that hits you like a baseball bat of answers upside the head, despite the fact that its own actual context could not be more irrelevant. And this is just one of infinite examples I could give you.
This channeled message is for anyone who is finding it difficult to receive communications from the other side that they think they ought to receive intuitively. The message is to simply consider and be open to communications from source coming to you literally rather than intuitively, in a much more clear and detailed fashion that you understand much better than a cryptic clairesentient feeling. Even this post is an example of this. But why? There’s a million (probably better) spiritual blogs out there, so why would this one be so special? Because YOU found it. It worked. That’s the only thing that matters. And that’s not to say that it’s a predetermined thing, for there are no absolutes in the future, only potentials. But as I like to say - The Universe isn’t an idiot!
So there you go - This channeling is directly and literally a communication from the Universe to your consciousness. And what an unlikely, yet effective way for it to come across! And that message is if you can’t seem to get responses from the Universe as you think you ought to, that doesn’t mean they aren’t there, it could just mean that there is a MUCH better way for you to receive messages. The only trick here is to get out of the box of your own expectations and just have a little faith. This is also an excellent way to bring some of these subconscious blocks down in spectacular fashion!
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robalchemy · 5 years ago
A Channeled Message From Agents Of The Divine
Beyond all modes of spirituality, systems of belief and scriptures that have been passed down through the generations - This day is ultimately about love. You may get tired of hearing the word “love” repeated so often throughout this channeling, but it is necessary and the point! But why love? The answer is two fold, as this is the most linear way it can be explained; The day of December 25 isn’t of and within itself inherently sacred. Not inherently. It has become sacred by means of the collective consciousness - That is to say that we MADE it sacred through collective intent, thought and traditions. If we go back past the last century and change, we don’t see that our current Christmas traditions have been long standing at all, but that’s not really so much the point either. I say this at the risk of controversy, but the holiday itself is by and large metaphorical, not literal. Many have dedicated this day to celebrating that which we will refer to as the Christ consciousness manifested. And that which is referred to as the Christ consciousness wasn’t and isn’t exclusive to the singular master who once walked the earth, but is rather simply a way of framing love and wisdom in a linear fashion that is comprehensive to us living in a 4D plane of existence. Love itself is not linear. It’s not NOT linear. Though our human experience is linear, love is an energy far beyond that which can be put into a box. Love is the way by which we recognize each other on the soul level because love is at our core; Love is our natural state and our true nature. This isn’t so much something we create, as it is something that is innate, almost as a by-product of being multi dimensional beings based of light, which we are. At the core, we are all simply different aspects of the same whole, the same source, which is itself literal love and light. Recognizing this and identifying it as the Christ consciousness is simply a means of linearizing our own light which is inherent within all, whether we choose to express it or not. And it is a free choice. The mode by which we interpret and express our own divinity is not what matters. This we say at the risk of controversy, but that is to directly say that the religion itself is NOT important. On the other side of the veil, there is no judgement. There never has been. Love does not judge. The highest order of divine love and light is exactly that, the highest order of love and light. In this, there is no judgement, nothing is demanded of a single soul and there is no dogma. That is to say that no system of spirituality is incorrect when embodied with pure intent of love and unity both with the other aspects of ourselves, as well as Source. We simply can not phrase it in a more effective way than this: Love does not judge. Love is simply love, and nothing else. Love does not care which system of spirituality one chooses, or if one even CHOOSES spirituality. There is no requirement. Love does not place conditions on itself. Love IS unconditional, those who attempt to place conditions on love can only do so through their own intent, but that does not reflect the true nature of the loving source. Love does not wish to punish. Love is simply love, and the creative Source of the Universe is love, and we can recognize this through the fact that the Universe is biased towards benevolence - If this were not true, it would not be in the nature of the Universe to create life through which to experience all the different ways it can express and experience love. Friends, this morning we would like to discuss your essence. That is to say, the soul. We experience this as that which holds our stream of consciousness or experience, as well as our sense of self awareness. You may call this anything you wish, or nothing at all. On earth, this is manifested into our 4 dimensional reality and anchored through a multitude of energetic systems, but is expressed through our heart center, for the heart is where heaven meets earth, so to speak. But what actually is our essence, our soul - And where does it come from? This has been explained in countless ways throughout time and traditions, but it boils down to consciousness and a common origin, connecting all consciousness that exists throughout the Universe. You may think of it as a creation scenario if you wish; If we are to look at the existence of the Universe in a linear fashion, we can explain “the beginning” even though it is infact not linear.
In that which you call the beginning, there was simply an awareness. This is consciousness. In this, the first dimension is inherent, which is self awareness itself. You could think of it as consciousness, though at this point it is an incomplete description. Upon realizing self awareness which is the first dimension itself, this consciousness asked one question, and this question was catalytic: “What can I be?”. This is where the observation of the self can begin, and to observe the self, there must be more than one dimension for a second perspective to exist. This created the second dimension which was simply the means for anything more than singular to exist. The second dimension created duality as a means for for more than one perspective to exist in order to observe itself. Duality also inherently created polarity. As soon as more than one of something could exist, opposites and a spectrum could therefore exist. This is why the second dimension is duality and is the basis for all of existence to experience itself. The way for duality to manifest and exist in physicality creates the third dimension. The third dimension is the origin of all that exists in form or physicality, it is the basis on which physical form CAN exist, although in some higher dimensions, physicality and form are fluid. But more on that later... So now we have the most basic level of self aware physical existence. But in only three dimensions, it is static. In fact, all physicality is static. This is to say that in quantum fashion, all points of physicality, all possibilities, timelines and potentials ever - All exist simultaneously in one singularity or point in time and space, and moving through billions of different potentialities or alternate realities per second creates the illusion of linear motion, or time. This works exactly how frames in film work. Every single possible configuration of physical reality, absolutely EVERYTHING that is physically possible, all exists in one time in one place, like individual frames on film, and each frame is static, as if time is frozen. Consciousness inherently moves THROUGH each one of these frames at a finite pace of billions per second. This is what we perceive as motion and therefore linear time. And this is the fourth dimension. In 4D, it is experienced as time that moves in one direction, but the time doesn’t move, the consciousness moves through it. From the fourth dimensional physicality, “time” can only be experienced through a singular perspective. The next dimension, the fifth dimension - In regards to time - Is a higher perspective from which ALL points of spacetime and potentialities can be simultaneously observed, experienced and existed within. A wonderful example of this is the character “Grif” in the movie “Men in Black 3″ who is portrayed as a 5th dimensional being experienced by the protagonist in 4D. This is an apt description. But with an expanded perspective in the fifth dimension not only brings all potentials of spacetime into focus, but also the entire spectrum that exists within polarity or duality. This is to say that from this perspective, we no longer experience opposites, but rather all opposites become a spectrum, and this can be experienced in physicality through what the Buddhist tradition calls “The Middle Way”. From a perspective of 5D consciousness, we can see the entire spectrum of duality in any situation, as if the vision of our minds eye has just switched from a 4:3 ratio to 360 degree panoramic vision. In this, we can better identify the point of balance or the “middle” in any situation, place or thing - And temper our judgement in a blanaced fashion. This brings us to the big point here, which ties in love and the theme of this day. This perspective of 5D consciousness in 4D physical form is where the human race is currently heading, whether it may SEEM so or not. And love is completely innate and inherent by the time we reach this point. For to be able to see all sides of a situation from a balanced, neutral perspective, so must our own love also be tempered and balanced. So how does one temper or balance love itself? By allowing it to flow in its true nature in an absolute fashion. We do this by letting go of that which is polarizing that we hold on to. Things such as limiting beliefs, anger, guilt, shame, control, etc. This could be thought of as self actualization, although we’re hesitant to use such a limiting linear term, as its context implies that it is unobtainable for humans in 4D. This is not true. Any human in any state of existence is always capable of calling upon or invoking their own light, uninhibited, and allowing it to flow fourth in purity through the surrender of self. That is to say that in human life, there is a tendency unique to this density of existence to focus on that end of polarity that is not love & light. This is the nature of duality when free choice or free will is introduced. In surrendering our bias of our own perspective, that which is our natural state of love always floats to the surface. This is resultant of the Universe being biased towards benevolence. So to go back to the previous point of “what is a soul, and where does it come from”? Understanding the origin of the first 5 dimensions, we can now continue. Upon consciousness realizing itself, that which it is collective asked itself “What can I be” - Enter - The Universe! In order to answer that question, consciousness then divided itself fractally in order to experience itself in every way possible. This is to say metaphorically, that the creative Source of all that is expanded itself into dimensions of physicality, non-physicality, multitude and unity in a quantum fashion. This is called the Universe, and is the place in which incarnate consciousness can exist and experience yourself. In a theistic sense, this was creation. In a non-theistic sense, this was the Universe experiencing itself. Consciousness is fractal. That is to say that it can be divided infinitely. This is comparable to taking a photograph of an apple, for example. Cut this photograph into 100 equal or unequal squares, and each smaller square will be another COMPLETE picture of the same apple. And you can keep zooming in and doing this infinitely. This is fractal consciousness, and is how the unified source can experience itself in an infinite sense, or in an infinite amount of ways. Your soul or consciousness is literally one of these fractal pieces of the creative Source. It can be stated that your soul is a literal piece of God. You are one aspect of God experiencing itself, and therefore your essence IS the divine light itself. You are yourself, and are OF Source. This is what your soul is and where it comes from. And this is why we bring this entire topic up on this day that so many humans have made sacred by what we can now understand is our own divine will - Being that we are OURSELVES the highest order of love and light, we recognize love and light inherently and innately. The x-factor is that in 4D physicality existing in what is closer to the fourth density now than the third (in which humanity has existed exclusively thus far) we have the veil. That is to say that when humans incarnate as you currently know incarnation - You forget. You forget who you are. You forget your origins, purpose and potentials. This is done on purpose, and this is where the illusion of separation of source comes from, although you can’t ACTUALLY be separate from that which you are. Here’s the point: This is what the Master Jesus was referring to when he brought fourth the teaching that “The Kingdom is within.” And this is the loving message of the day from all that is love and wishes for you to now know that which you didn’t know previously: In this day when you celebrate what which we’ve referred to as the Christ consciousness and use this to recognize the divine light within yourselves and others - Understand that you are yourself the highest order of love. You exist within the highest order of love and light and TRULY cannot ever be separate from it, despite what the experience of this incarnation may lead you to believe. And what you believe doesn’t even matter, that’s the point. Currently, you are an aspect of the creative source experiencing what it would be like to FEEL separation. But dear ones, you are not separate. There is no separation. And you can use the joy and love that you garner from this sacred day as proof, for you would not be capable of experiencing that which you are not. And what you are is an expression, an aspect of the highest order of divine love and light, and we on the other side of the veil wish for you to understand in the most loving of terms that that love is not only you - It’s also with you. It’s around you. At every moment that you infinitely and eternally exist. You could not be separate from the light even if you tried. Again, there will be times when it SEEMS like you are in these earthbound lives - That’s part of the point. But it is never, EVER out of reach or unavailable to you for even a moment. The only place you need look at any time to reconnect with love and light itself is to your own heart center. This is where the creative source resides within you, and this is the gateway to all that is. Speak to your own heart first, and you are speaking in the most direct way to Source. Love your own heart first, and you are loving Source and all that Source is, which is all of life and existence throughout the Universe on both sides of the veil. Speak through and to your heart, and the Universe will hear. That is the message that we wish to bring you on this day, and to express to you the unfathomable love that exists for you where you are, and on our side of the veil. You are never alone, you are loved beyond imagination and all you need to do to experience this is grant permission for it to reveal itself to you. The goal of this message is to explain how this is possible so that you can better understand and therefore experience the fullest value of all the gifts that the Universe wishes for you to receive. And finally, we would like to end with a reminder that unconditional love means unconditional. The creative source does not concern itself with what you do or don’t believe. Nothing is demanded of you and there is no such thing as judgement on our side of the veil. Please understand that your are so loved, and go fourth as an expression of that love incarnate for highest good of all. And so it is.
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robalchemy · 5 years ago
The First Step Out Of Depression
Friends, this is a topic I will speak on because my own experience through this kind of journey qualifies me to speak on it. Simply put - I’ve been there, I know it well. And I’ve also found FOR MYSELF a much deeper understanding of depression, what it is, why it happens, and how to find a new perspective to see it from. I didn’t read this or learn it from an external source, I found it for myself and so I understand it.
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I felt the intuitive push to drop everything and speak on this topic right now because it is appropriate at this time. That is to say that there are those who need to hear this NOW, and you bet that means you, and the appropriate time is now, as you read this. And finally, please understand that this message is being channeled from a higher source, despite my own understanding and experience.
The first step out of depression is to surrender blame. That is to say that as long as you’re placing blame on something or someone external for how you feel, you’re assigning control to something other than yourself, and therefore also the control to end your own suffering.
Plain and simple: As long as you live in blame, the things that you’re blaming something else for will never be resolved. Ever. This is the classic ‘victim’ mentality, and it exists in a closed loop. This is also called rumination, where you experience the same thought patterns and scenarios in your head over and over and over and over again. And what are these runinations usually about? Perhaps they’re often about the thing you’re blaming for how you feel, yes? A wrongdoing against you? Money? A person or group who betrayed you?
This is all not to say that these things weren’t experienced, but it is to say that like it or not, they do not hold control over your state of being. Though it’s easy to think they DO...Too easy, in fact. And this is why we form the habit of blame. It’s TOO easy. It’s TOO easy to relinquish responsibility for something you don’t like.
So how do we integrate this and transcend it? For now...All I want you to do is focus on understanding blame. Pay attention to your tendancy to blame. Observe it. See how it patterns itself. And then ask yourself this simple yet profound question: “What if nothing is at fault?”. Just for a moment, suspend how you think and feel things work, suspend your version of reality and just imagine - What if there were no such thing as blame? Remove blame from the equation, and just SEE where it takes you.
This is all for now. I love you, please be excellent to each other!
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