Photographer / Writer/ Artist - Longtime vanlife traveler on the road in N America. Wishing you dry roads & open skies. . . *Repost only w/credit please, thx: @roaddude
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Setting Your Gear For Shade . A lot awning owners set up their rigs with the awning on the sunny side, hoping that will provide the most shade. Others just set up wherever is most convenient without regard for sun or shade. . The more time you spend in warm areas with a sun-filled sky, the more you realize to set your rig with the awning out on the opposite side from the sun. . These two images were taken minutes apart and within the last half hour. When I pulled in late yesterday afternoon I checked the sun. From its position I could gauge where the sun would rise and where it would track throughout the day, which is more a southern arc this time of year. . Took some finagling in this spot to get it the way I wanted, but it’s easy to see in the second image how much shade my awning throws. It completely shades my table, chairs, and cooking area. . A little planning goes a long way in making for a very comfortable day in the desert. . The first pic almost looks like there’s a mountain or volcano behind my trailer, but that’s the awning. . I’m out here alone today, about eight miles from blacktop with not another soul in sight. There’s a smooth and steady breeze coming through camp this afternoon, with ravens quorking and playing in the wind overhead. . A ton of desert blooms are beginning to appear. Swipe for eight images taken this afternoon. . Desert living. Nothing quite like it. . It’s beautiful here. . . #wishmykidwashere #findingshade #sunandshade #rooftoptent #rtt #rooftoptentliving #trailerlife #rubbertramp #desertliving #travellife #camplife #vanlife #desertlife #igerstexas #liveauthentic #solotravel #aloneinthedesert #beprepared #adventurerig #homeonwheels #adventurist #adventuristnation #explorer #expedition #overland #offroad #offgrid #shade #homeiswhereyouparkit #nomadlife (at Texas's 23rd Congressional District)
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Room With A View . More and more backcountry camping spots are discouraging or forbidding the digging of catholes. FTWDK, catholes are for squatting over. They should be at *least* six inches deep and 200’ away from any water or camp. . Social media has increased the visitation to backcountry and off-grid places at a rate seven times the increase in population. SEVEN TIMES, according to a study done in Seattle about Mt Rainier NP. . Contrary to what some overland sites preach, it is NOT the ‘increase in population, so get used to it, it’s inevitable’ type mentality we should believe. . Many folks that go to a specific spot they’ve seen online or read about on a forum giving exact coordinates are far from prepared. Even those who call themselves overlanders. . Over the last 18mos I’ve been to many remote sites down single lane dirt roads, miles from any pavement. Some have a toilet building of some sort within walking distance. Some don’t. . I’ve seen human waste and desert blossoms (used toilet paper stuck to the ground or cacti) in almost every spot. Often within a 15-20’ radius of camp where people cook and sit by a fire. Often within SIGHT of the composting toilet building set up to reduce this kind of humanshit. Multiple piles. Multiple blossoms. . If you’re going to some ‘for the gram’ type spot, whether camping overnight or day-hiking, be prepared. . The best and most compostable solution is to make your own bucket. You can get comfortable seats that snap right on. . The trick to eliminating odor and being able to use the bucket for a month or more before emptying is keeping solids and liquids separate. Use peat moss or cocoa fiber for solids. Use a jug for liquids. Use ziplocks for used paper. Pack it all back out. . It’s not that difficult. It doesn’t stink. It’s not inconvenient. . Just do it. If you can’t or won’t do it, don’t go. . I’ll add links to my bio linktree for the seat. . @leavenotrace @treadlightlyteam @bigbendnps @bigbendranchsp @americanadventurist @expeditionportal @overlandbound #roomwithaview #packitinpackitout #leavenotrace #nocatholes #desertblossoms #adventure #offgrid #solotravel #nomadlife #groover #imtiredofthisshit #beprepared (at San Vicente Crossing, Texas)
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National Koozie of Roaddude . Started off as one of those Tostitos or Fritos days, feet up on my door, with not much to decide other than if I wanted to go for a ride and what snack I might want later. . I took a photo, sans koozie, I thought I might use in a post later (swipe for it). I like this one better, though, taken just a few minutes ago chilling with a @lonestarbeer. . This has become a favorite perch, sitting in my driver’s seat turned half sideways, feet up, leaning back on the armrest and reading, poring over a paper map, or checking online when I have service. . After deciding which snack and and against a ride, I re-organized parts and gear and completed some chores I’ve been putting off. I added new bolt extenders on the battery under the driver’s side and ran a temp 12v solution for powering more from the trailer instead of Vannery’s batteries, which have been taking a beating. . It got to be 4:30 and I figured a beer was in order. I mean, I putzed around in the 78F/25.5C sun all day and my noggin was getting warm, having to take off my hat and all, climbing around under the van like I was. . It’s a rough life out here in the desert. 😎 . So I grabbed my favorite koozie, which sports the #midwestoverlanders logo (couldn’t find their @ nick) and slid an ice-cold beer in and climbed back in my perch to make this post. . Lone Star cans say “The National Beer of Texas.” . That cracks me up. Texas should definitely be its own country; it’s sure big enough. It tried to be once. . So, sipping a cold one and writing this post, I hereby declare and authorize that my Midwest Overlanders koozie—graciously gifted to me by my friend Eric @summitexpotrailers—is The National Koozie of Roaddude. . In perpetuity and forever. Amen. . It has a magical power, but I can’t tell you about it. . Bonus trivia point: You know what they call koozies in Australia? . Stubby Holder. Or so I’m told. Maybe one of my mates down under will confirm. . . #decisions #desertrat #southofi10 #adventure #overland #vanlife #offgrid #letsgetlost #desertlife #roadstories #borderlands #itsquiet #ilovethedesert #liveauthentic #travelblog #bootsandbeer #wheretonext #solotravel #sunnyday (at San Vicente Crossing, Texas)
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San Vicente Crossing . Basecamped here for a couple days as first of four spots for the next two weeks of remote camping in the Borderlands of West Texas. . The Rio is just to my right as I write this, less than a 100 yds from camp. Plenty of spots one can wade across along through here, though only legal to re-enter through an official Port of Entry. . There is an official crossing about nine miles drive from here. You park and leave your vehicle, go through the small building and show your passport, then walk down to the river. . A man from Boquillas—a small town funded by the Mexican government pretty much just to cater to the turistas who cross here—will row you across in a Jon boat to the other side for around five bucks. . Then you hike the mile or more into town or pay for a burro ride with a guide, usually another five bucks, You ramble around town, eat and drink and shop, then reverse the process. . You can stay the night if desired, which will happen if you don’t get back to the US by 5pm when the POE closes. Make your way around the entry station after it closes and you’re entering illegally and subject to fines and prosecution. . I’m gong to see if I can get my bike in the boat for the short ride across, or if there’s any problem riding it across the shallows. . Then I’ll go hang in Boquillas for a few days, ride around, explore, drink tequila and cervezas, eat whatever good food they’re cooking up, and get a much better feel for the place and people there then going over and back in an afternoon. . I have no interest in being a typical turista and riding a burro. I hiked all the way down into and across the Grand Canyon on shanks’ mare for three days in 1970 while fat tourists in bright colored sun hats rode guided burros along the trails, pushing us to the side to let them by. . It just struck me as odd and somehow wrong. The easy way and far too touristy for my blood. . That’s always stuck with me. . . #basecamp #borderlands #imissmykid #westtexas #xventurefamily #vanlife #rooftoptentliving #rooftoptent #rtt #trailerlife #offgrid #offroad #desertliving#itsquiet #igerstexas #bordercrossing #southofi10 #fulltimer#lletsgetlost #adventurist #overland (at San Vicente Crossing, Texas)
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Stop Spot For the Next Two Nights . Chihuahuan Desert, BIBE. Borderlands of West Texas. . First night of the next two weeks solo camping backcountry. $6 for 14 nights. . This spot is only 3.2 miles of rocky dirt road from pavement over a few dry arroyos; see today’s story. The next spot, starting Sun night for four nights, will be eight miles off-pavement over up and down single lane desert dirt roads. . Tonight’s spot is one a ranger said sees more frequent illegal traffic from across the border, being just a couple hundred feet from the river. Said it spooks some folks. . I’m not too worried. . It’s nice to be out here alone after a couple nights in campgrounds with quite a few others, with lots of talking in the air, people stopping to ask about my setup, and just generally an atmosphere of congeniality but not a lot of quiet. . Wasn’t my style of camping, especially down here with so much backcountry off-road camping available, but I had a fellow staying with me for a few nights who rides. So we stayed where roads are better. . Hoping for a few nights crystal clear star-filled skies during the dark of the moon, but the forecast, though warm at 63F/17C at 10p tonight, is calling for partly cloudy the next few evenings. . Off-grid and away from lights. Not even a traffic light for around 110 miles by road. . That’s my kind of camping. . . #wishmykidwashere #desertcamping #darkskies #darksky #riogrande #riobravo #rooftoptentliving #rtt #rooftoptent #trailerlife #vanlife #fulltimerv #travelphotography #travelphotographer #southofi10 #thedesertiscalling #windy #sunset #texassunset #igerstexas #borderlands #fuckthewall #homeonwheels #adventurerig #tinyliving #homeiswhereyouparkit #ilovethedesert #chihuahuandesert #xventurefamily #liveauthentic (at Texas)
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Desert Sunset, Borderlands Style . That’s Mexico on the left, USA on the right. Not sure which country I was in. . Just as beautiful at the other end of the day. . Great fun to play with the range and capabilities of an iPhone X. This is pretty much straight from the camera with only a minor clarity adjustment. No insta filters, no extreme sliders. . What’s your favorite choice for images on the fly you can post without processing in LR or PS etc? . . #desertsunset #borderlands #texas #solotravel #ontheroad #canyon #nomadlife #mexico #westtexas #getoutandexplore #optoutside #thethingsisee #roadtrip #adventure #exploremore #expedition #overland #twilight #desertsky #travelblog #travelwriter #fulltimerv #lowimpact #iPhonex #iphoneography #travelphotography #travelphotographer #natureshots #igerstexas #ilovethedesert (at Mexico)
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Desert Camping . Nothing like it. Everything to love. Can’t get enough. . I may never leave.😎 . . #imissmykid #rooftoptent #rooftoptentliving #rtt #rooftoptentlife #campinglifestyle #campvibes #ontheroaddesertcamping #tourguide #deserttrip #solotravel #nomad #nomadlife #thedesertiscalling #iphoneography #travelblog #southofi10 #adventure #adventurelife #expedition #overlanding #overland #gearreview #letsgetlost #homeonwheels #tinyliving #minimalist #lifeontheroad #liveauthentic #desertlife (at Redford, Texas)
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Ready for the Desert . Filled up my fresh water tank with twenty-two gallons in Study Butte for $2.20. Bought groceries and supplies in Fort Davis yesterday. Got a sixer of Lone Star today in Terlingua, to add to the Shiner I already have. . Have a new buddy riding down on his bike from Las Cruces NM to join me camping for the night, maybe two, so am all set for a few days. . It is 72F/22C with almost no breeze and few clouds here today down on the border. Front coming through tonight and daytime temps will drop to freezing tonight with winds around 10-15mph/16-24kmh Tomorrow’s high will be around 53F/12C with a bit less wind. Then temps back up a bit for rest of the week. . Headed off-grid, so may not be online much for a couple days. . #noservicenoproblem . #desertcamping #imissmykid #desertrat #southofi10 #borderlands #xventure #xventurefamily #xventurersunite #ontheroad #thedesertiscalling #nomadphotographer #iphoneography #overlanding #adventurerig #solotraveler #travelblog #homeonwheels #minimalist #offgrid #offroad #optoutside #getoutandexplore #warmandsunny #fliesareout #letsgetlost #letsgosomewhere #exploremore #igerstexas #cowboycountry (at Texas)
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Even in West Texas . Got to check your messages and social media. . This image reminds me of @timleeds wonderful street photography work around San Francisco and the Bay Area, though he’s much better at it. . Having followed him for a long while, I find his eye for subjects and situations creeping into my work. . I used to do a ton of street shooting decades ago, roaming downtowns around the Midwest, and started a project one time I called the Mystery Muse Project, with the same tiny subject in a variety of urban landscapes, almost unnoticeable. Sort of a Where’s Waldo for adults. . Check out @timeless if you’re at all interested in great street photography. . . #blackandwhite #blancetnoir #iphoneography #bnwphotography #southofi10 #borderlands #thedesertiscalling #alpinetexas #westtexas #socialmedia #nomadlife #nomadphotographer #solotravel #letsgetlost #ontheroad #streetshooting #streetphotography #igerstexas #bigbend #letsgosomewhere #myoutdoorlife #optoutside #roadlife #bnw #bnwphotography #adventure #expedition #overlanding #photography #wheretonow (at Alpine, Texas)
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Dusk on Quitman Pass . Some of the best and most exciting fun I’ve had driving the last few months happened last night just before sundown. . As often happens, it was completely unplanned. I’d been driving back country border roads along the Rio Grande between Mexico and Texas. I mean roads right alongside the river through ranches and open range, with low spots where the river comes right up to and across the road with flood gauge markers. . Talked to a Border Patrol officer for a good while as we stood and looked over my Texas Gazetteer laid out on the hood of his truck. . We discussed different route options and which would be safe, and fun, to explore with a heavy 2wd van and trailer. Sounded like it is all doable, though some of the arroyos along the river may be soft, he said. . It was getting on late afternoon and I opted to go up and over the Quitman Mountains instead of further down the river. I’ll save that for longer hours of daylight when I can explore more, see what I’m doing, and have more time before dark to extricate myself should I get mired. . So up Quitman Pass Road I went, nineteen miles of gravel and caliche with the occasional straight stretch but mostly turns and small climbs. Most of it single lane and all of it just my kind of travel, though a part of the world where I’ve always felt I belonged. . It’s ancient. It’s open. It’s undeveloped in ways to which most of the rest of the country has succumbed. No stop lights. No chain food. No box box stores. Not even any phone or electric lines up here. . This is a shot I took at a small junction of two dirt roads. It’s actually a road sign, but looks like a cross in the desert dusk. . . #texas #westtexas #desertcross #nobodydied #notthatiknowof #mountainpass #graveltravel #dirtroad #southofi10 #borderlands #adventure #overland #overlandtravel #expedition #iphoneography #desertsunset #solotravel #optoutside #igerstexas #ontheroad #letsgetlost #myoutdoorlife #travelwriter #travelblog #exploremore #exploreamerica #liveauthentic #laissezfaire #nowall #thedesertiscalling (at Texas)
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Last Night’s Stop Spot . Spent another couple hours over cervezas last night with Jeffrey @tractionjack (2nd image) talking opportunities and potential. When I find a product I use, like, and trust as much as his multi-purpose recovery boards, I want to get to know the person behind it all. . He’s a wonderful host and introduced me to several area entrepreneurs I may interview in addition to himself for #southofi10 articles and stories. More about all that in a post of its own sometime. . After beers and tacos in El Paso, I worked on email and notes in a parking lot, then headed down I-10 towards Van Horn. . Stopped at a rest area to crash and woke to a bright sunny sunrise. Swipe for the rest. . Didn’t get far this morning before my belly was grumbling for a hearty breakfast. There’s not much along I-10 ‘til Sierra Blanca. I was lucky to find Angie’s Restaurant in tiny Fort Hancock. . It was the best Chorizo and Egg breakfast I’ve had since I’ve been in Texas, narrated by Texas State Troopers and Mexican Dan in crisp denim, who is actually an American white guy who moved to Chihuahua. He gets teased mercilessly by the good ol’ boys whenever he comes back up across the border. . Explored Fort Hancock a bit and found the old site and a plaque, a gorgeous mission style church and a bunch of dusty dirt roads. . Now I’m running back roads and dirt along the border far down as I can, replete with free range loose livestock (see today’s story, in West Texas Moments after today) and cattle guards to prevent wandering too far. . Had a great convo with a Border Patrol officer over my @delormegps Texas Gazeteer about which state and dirt roads would be fun to explore. He was some tickled that the bill was signed last night granting back pay and getting govt folks back to work. . Back to gravel and dirt travel! Sun’s getting low... . Have a good night everybody. . . #dryroadsandopenskies #roadtrip #optoutside #igerstexas #texas #westtexas #vanlife #thedesertiscalling #adventurerig #solotravel #xventurefamily #gmcsavana #borderlands #adventure #expedition #overlanding #rtt #rooftoptentliving #rooftoptent #sunrise #dawn #adventurelife #highdesert #offgrid #offroad #living (at Fort Hancock, Texas)
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Be Prepared . Folks often ask why I carry the amount of gear I do. . Why, for example, I have multiple ways to cook and prepare meals and redundancy in other gear. Like two sets of jumper cables. . I do because I typically stay out for months at a time and end up in a wide variety of situations/environments. If I was just headed out for a week or few days, I’d be much more simple about packing. . Here’s a good example. Swipe for pics. My van has been setting for a couple days and not been driven much, so my starting batts (2 because it’s diesel) were more depleted than usual, having the fridge/freezer and cell boost etc running at different times. . It got below freezing last night and my van wouldn’t start this morning. Needed a jump. . The deep cycles in the trailer haven’t had any input for a few days either as I ramble around El Paso and explore the area with my buddy @tractionjack. . So...I hooked up my solar panels to the trailer and hooked up both sets of jumper cables to make the run to the van battery. It’s a big-assed, long van. Even my 25’ set of cables won’t reach from trailer to front of van. . Didn’t take long for there to be enough juice flowing for the van to crank over. I know from experience that the battery packs that are popular with some just don’t have enough oomph to jump my diesel, so not worth the expense or room to store. But my solar>deep cycle>two cables>starting battery hookup did. . I like knowing I can do the same thing, and have, when off the pavement somewhere alone and miles from help. . Be prepared. Be prepared even more if you like to #getoutstayout . Now to get breakfast! And maybe check those batteries for ability to hold a charge 😊 . #selfsustained #offgridliving #beprepared #solotravel #borderlands #solarpanels #jumpercables #redundancy #rooftoptentliving #rooftoptent #urbanexploration #selfdependent #travelersnotebook #overland #xventurefamily #xventurersunite #cleversolutions #camplife #urbanlife #igerstexas #letsgetlost #letsgosomewhere #batteries #adventurerig #gearedup #homeonwheels #tinyliving #nomad #thedesertiscalling (at El Paso, Texas)
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Be Prepared . Folks often ask why I carry the amount of gear I do. . Why, for example, I have multiple ways to cook and prepare meals and redundancy in other gear. Like two sets of jumper cables. . I do because I typically stay out for months at a time and end up in a wide variety of situations/environments. If I was just headed out for a week or few days, I’d be much more simple about packing. . Here’s a good example. Swipe for pics. My van has been setting for a couple days and not been driven much, so my starting batts (2 because it’s diesel) were more depleted than usual, having the fridge/freezer and cell boost etc running at different times. . It got below freezing last night and my van wouldn’t start this morning. Needed a jump. . The deep cycles in the trailer haven’t had any input for a few days either as I ramble around El Paso and explore the area with my buddy @tractionjack. . So...I hooked up my solar panels to the trailer and hooked up both sets of jumper cables to make the run to the van battery. It’s a big-assed, long van. Even my 25’ set of cables won’t reach from trailer to front of van. . Didn’t take long for there to be enough juice flowing for the van to crank over. I know from experience that the battery packs that are popular with some just don’t have enough oomph to jump my diesel, so not worth the expense or room to store. But my solar>deep cycle>two cables>starting battery hookup did. . I like knowing I can do the same thing, and have, when off the pavement somewhere alone and miles from help. . Be prepared. Be prepared even more if you like to #getoutstayout . Now to get breakfast! And maybe check those batteries for ability to hold a charge 😊 . #selfsustained #offgridliving #beprepared #solotravel #borderlands #solarpanels #jumpercables #redundancy #rooftoptentliving #rooftoptent #urbanexploration #selfdependent #travelersnotebook #overland #xventurefamily #xventurersunite #cleversolutions #camplife #urbanlife #igerstexas #letsgetlost #letsgosomewhere #batteries #adventurerig #gearedup #homeonwheels #tinyliving #nomad #thedesertiscalling (at El Paso, Texas)
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Scenes From Big Bend . I most always make room for a night at The Maverick Inn in Alpine when traveling through Big Bend area. It’s a great old motor court with wonderfully decorated room, many with little courtyard patios. We stayed here the night before my daughter’s flight out, which ended up being delayed like crazy because Chicago’s blustery weather affected her connection. . We took the long way ‘round coming out of BBRSP, back up through the National Park, where we stopped at the Fossil Discovery Exhibit. What a cool, amazing display of fossils discovered right on the site, from giant gator type creatures to even more giant flying reptiles. . We had both commented, previous to the finding the exhibit, how easy it is to imagine giant creatures roaming the area, so were both delighted at just how cool and comprehensive the exhibit is. . Far too many images and far too much info to really completely here. I want to go back and linger even longer, taking it all in. Perhaps at sunrise. . In amongst the images, too, is the beautiful corn like blossom on a yucca right in our camp at BBSRP. Of course, now I want to identify it correctly, so will likely be picking up a local plant guide. Already picked up a couple fantastic geology guides, aimed at Big Bend and Texas in general. . . #bigbend #alpine #maverickinn #bbrsp #bbnp #travelersnotebook #igerstexas #nomadlife #travelblog #southwest #southwestern #borderlands #westtexas #fatherdaughter #adventurepals #wanderlust #highdesert #chihuahuandesert #yucca #dinosaurs #fossil #flyingreptile #gator #overland #adventure #expedition #letsgetlost #roadtrip #desertlife #southwestcharm (at Big Bend)
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#DesertRat . I always park my van and trailer in the shade of this building when I’m in Study Butte. That’s in between Big Bend NP and Big Bend Ranch SP and on the way in towards Terlingua Ghost Town. . Interesting that most people who visit Terlingua call it that when talking about it, and that many of the folks who live and do business there year ‘round usually call it “ghost town.” . It’s a fascinating little town; once a thriving quicksilver mining area on the Mexican border, now a funky no-holds-barred, close as you can come to being an expat and still be in America type town. . All part of living in the Borderlands and all part of why I love this place so much. . It’s a close second to just wandering and roaming. . . #terlingua #studybutte #travelersnotebook #texas #brewstercounty #bigbend #rooftoptentlife #rooftoptentliving #rtt #trailerlife #rooftoptent #xventurefamily #igerstexas #desert #chihuahuandesert #adventure #adventurerig #homeonwheels #vanlife #overland #expedition #nomad #nomadlife #akubra #overlandgear #offroadtrailer #offroadlife #offgrid #offgridlife (at Study Butte-Terlingua, Texas)
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Rolling Camp . I don’t usually just park and pop up the rooftop tent without unhitching the trailer, but sometimes it works out just right. Last night all I had to do was back in and pop it up. . Then this morning as we were getting up, my daughter, who slept in the Roofnest, asked if there was an animal on the trailer. Said that she’d felt it moving for the last hour or so. . Turned out it was just me moving about in the van, and because van and trailer were still hitched, was moving the tent. Oops. . Swipe for the absolutely gorgeous view we had from camp, and a few more of our evening. The view photo reminds me of NC Wyeth’s illustrative paintings he did for Treasure Island and such. So painterly. Be sure to check it out. . After backing in last night we got out our kitchen stuff and my daughter whipped up some scrumptious French-Onion soup and potatoes. So nice to have a more-than-capable cook on hand. She’s a clever and creative cook. Though small, she’s not as tiny and short as the photos make her appear; the kitchen box is up on a table and the stove is at avg chest height. . Then we sat in the van, played cribbage, and ate cookies while the wind howled and the temps dropped. . We both have wind-burned rosy cheeks from being out in the weather so much the last few days and nights. . With sunset just after 1800, we crash usually by 2000, then are up before dawn to start our day. . How do your habits change when camping? . . #newmexico #rtt #rooftoptentliving #rooftoptent #trailerlife #rooftoptentlife #roofnest #gmcsavana #camplife #campvibes #nomadlife #travelersnotebook #offroadrig #adventurerig #tinyliving #tinykid #fatherdaughter #homeonwheels #xventurefamily #lifeontheroad #ilovemykid #travelblog #camping #adventuregear #expedition #overland #overlandlife #exploremore #letsgetlost #wanderer
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Rooftop Tent Camping, Silver City Style . Swipe for another urban camp pic and a tease of where we are tonight. More of that tomorrow perhaps, if we have time and service. . We were invited to spend the night in Silver City, New Mexico by a friend of my daughters, so we backed right into the dirt drive and set up. . Temps got down to about 40F/4.4C overnight, but she was warm and cozy in the @roofnest. I’ve slept in it in temps into the low 20’sF/-7C and was fine, but didn’t know how she’d do. . “Cozy and warm!” she said. . Tonight though, where we are in the mountains, is supposed to gust up to 50mph with temps around freezing. We’re setting up a contingency plan if she needs to shelter in the van. I’m sure the temps won’t bother her in the tent, but the wind might be a mite much. . She’s a tough adventurer, though, so who knows! . . #rooftoptent #rtt #rooftoptentlife #rooftoptentcamping #urbancamping #silvercity #silvercitynm #igersnewmexico #nomad #fatherdaughter #camplife #campvibes #xventurefamily #xventurersunite #offroad #offgrid #trailerlife #gmcsavana #vanlife #wanderlust #letsgetlost #letsgosomewhere #ontheroad #adventurerig #adventuremobile #adventurist #expedition #homeonwheels #overlanding (at Silver City, New Mexico)
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