rikouchi · 3 years
kise: ( ≧Д≦)
[kise-kun] ╮(^▽^)╭
[kise-kun] i warned you, didn't i?
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rikouchi · 3 years
@sharedpractice​ || from here
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“You didn’t know too, huh? This is more severe than I thought.” The fact that Kiyoshi was also kept in the dark was something that added to Riko’s concerns. Could it be, that there was some hidden trauma behind Hyuuga’s decision to hide his chocolate allergy? They needed to find out, ASAP.
“Huh? Are you sure that’s not how it works? One of my classmates has a peanut allergy, she had to go to the hospital...”
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rikouchi · 3 years
"teppei, it's terrible! hyuuga-kun is allergic to chocolate, we've been slowly killing him this entire time!" [ sdfdjsfhs hi molly we want to see seirin crash and burn apparently ]
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"He's what? That is terrible! Imagine being allergic to chocolate!" His shock wasn't to anything else other than the idea of that, "I don't blame him for eating it" Teppei shook his head. "But I don't think he's slowly dying because of a bit of chocolate here and there. Pretty sure that's not how it works".
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rikouchi · 3 years
@tenacityreturns​ || from here
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“that’s what i thought too, but thinking harder on it, hyuuga-kun’s an idiot. you know, i’ve been friends with him since middle school, but he’s kept this allergy secret this entire time. it might be because everyone else likes chocolate, don’t you think?” kagami certainly is no help, but that’s not his fault, especially since everyone lacks a brain cell in this department. “isn’t that... more work on you though, kagami-kun? making two different things, i mean.”
none of them question the suspicion of hyuuga inhaling that pile of chocolate chip cookies kagami made, even in lieu of an allergy. nice.
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rikouchi · 3 years
"oh, kagami-kun! we can't have chocolate in all those desserts you make for the team anymore, hyuuga-kun is allergic to chocolate! it's really sad because i really liked the chocolate cookies you made last time but we can't increase the risk of hyuuga-kun dying!" [ drags kagami into the downfall of seirin as hyuuga's lies spiral out of control ]
@rikouchi @ofmiracles
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"sorry, but... if hyuuga has the willpower to break one of his dolls every time he misses a shot, doesn't that mean he's got the willpower to not eat chocolate if it would kill him? everyone else liked them, so why don't i just do one with chocolate, and something else so he can have it too? ma'am." he hasn't even considered that this could be false information, or the VERY THING hyuuga had told him to lie about! kagami has taken it to be true, though, so maybe this helps? perhaps a little? god knows.
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rikouchi · 3 years
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“Hey, that’s always kinda cathartic. I’ll take it.” As long as it isn’t directly malicious, making fun of Midorima is one of Takao’s favorite pastimes. After, you know, actually spending time with Midorima. “I figure if we run together, you’re less likely to put us on a path that kills us both.” Less likely, but it’s not impossible. Riko may just be evil enough to take herself down with him, just to see Takao suffer. And yes, for the record, he doesn’t want to be an honorary Seirin anything! He’s very happy with his school and team, thank you very much. Even though Riko would be lucky to have him on her side. Hmph. “Well, you can tell me how you’re able to focus for so long,” Takao says. “I know you won’t believe me, but I actually do kinda admire it.”
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“I’m well practiced because of my team, so I can definitely vouch for the catharsis. No worries, anything you say will be safe with me.” Well, assuming they don’t run into anyone on their jog. After tugging on their shoes and determining that the chilly air would be more bearable after they warmed up, Riko takes a glance at her phone. “Hmm? Now why would I ever want to sabotage you, Takao-kun? Eheh. Anyway, it’s noontime so we’ll be back before the sun sets, probably.” She absolutely would! She’s glad Takao knows her so well! Can’t argue that orange is Takao’s true color through and through. Rejecting the glory that is Seirin’s one-hit wonder, huh. Seirin already has an obsolete party clown on their side, they don’t want a frivolous clown. “Focusing, huh... I think it mostly just comes down to your learning style and approaching the material in a way that fits your style. Take Kagami-kun for example! He could only learn the notes if he had a basketball in his hand. Kinda anticlimatic, isn’t it? Not everyone can sit still for a long period of time and that’s totally fine. Hey, maybe you’re the type to retain information if you’re running, you never know! I could ask you some questions if you’re not busy dying after we get to the hilly parts.”
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rikouchi · 3 years
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She doesn’t? Honestly, the weirdest part of the conversation is how willing Riko is to just… yield? Is she sick? Everything’s usually Takao’s fault in her eyes. “Midorima isn’t all that serious all the time,” Takao mutters. “That’s difficult in its own way, actually…” He’d just been having this conversation with Kagami too, but he doesn’t think he needs all of Seirin giving him questionable-quality therapy. “No, you’re right. He’s not a good tutor at all. Not because he gives me answers, but he gets irritated at me way too easily. He thinks if he’s hard on me that it’ll benefit me more? But he gets really condescending about it without meaning to. As though I’m actively trying to get distracted…” Takao is never going to be academically strong like Midorima, so why should he try so hard to reach an unattainable goal? “He’s got a reputation for being smart,” Takao mutters. “If anyone actually asked him for tutoring, they’d probably be pretty disappointed. Whatever. You know what, now I don’t feel like studying anyway. Wanna go on a run instead?” Then they could still talk while he vented his frustrations, which were now at the forefront of his mind again. Thanks for that, Riko.
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She can be reasonable sometimes! She can be nice! “Hmm, as a third party to all this I guess I can’t really offer much advice unless you really want it, though I might end up making fun of Midorima-kun for most of it. I don’t support being too hard on people in terms of academia.” After all, they were likely on the same level academic wise, and she’s fairly certain she’s had more success in tutoring others than him. Though Riko has a feeling it may just be a product of Midorima’s personality than his teaching style. Or perhaps it’s both! Either way, Takao may as well be an honorary Seirin member, shared therapeutic costs, except we both know it’s a hated idea on both ends. “Yeah, that’s a good idea. It’s hard to focus with a muddled mind. That doesn’t mean I’ll go easy on you though! Good thing the weather is super nice today! It’ll give me more time to think of a good studying plan for you anyway.”. At least Takao can sweat the irritation out! Look, she didn’t know that he’d actually open up about his frustrations!!!
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rikouchi · 3 years
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“Purity?” Wait, is she blaming him for this? “Why do I gotta be one of those types, huh? You think it’s my fault?” Both times had actually been completely Midorima’s fault! Yet still he takes the brunt of the accusation. How tragic. “No, it’s just… regular homework. You know, I really do appreciate how smart you are.” He’s not trying to be sarcastic here, but it’s coming out that way anyway… “Nobody else helps me with homework anymore. They just say, ‘you always study with Midorima, what do you need my help for?’ Kinda puts me in a weird spot when I can’t study with him, you know?”
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“Huh? No, I don’t think it’s your fault. Is it your fault?” Okay she should probably give him the benefit of the doubt. “My phrasing wasn’t the best, sorry. I guess I do admit that the thought did cross my mind briefly, though I trust in the reputation of Midorima-kun’s difficultness more than your frivolity.” This is already a strange conversation. Though at his comment, she does laugh a little. “Midorima-kun doesn’t seem like he’d be the tutoring type, he’d probably just tell you the answers instead of teaching it to you out of frustration. At least that’s the impression I get just from your stories. I’m guessing Midorima-kun is reputable at your school beyond basketball though?” She can’t say she’s surprised, the dude did look like he came straight out of textbook. “Helping you with homework rather than basketball would be better for us both anyway.”
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rikouchi · 3 years
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“I’m still worried about that.” May as well be honest. “Well, um… turns out Midorima and I tend to get sidetracked when studying together.” Is he talking about the argument they had, or the other scandal? Maybe both! Whatever it is, Riko definitely doesn’t want to hear about either of those things.
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“........” Does she want to ask? Does she not? How good of a friend does she need to be in this moment? “Alright, so you’re one of those types to take the purity that is studying and turn it into, okay. I see.” She’s just going to bank on it being the other one then! “We can go for a jog later. Anyway, is this for entrance exams?”
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rikouchi · 3 years
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“Hey, can’t a guy just ask for help with his homework without any ulterior motive or story behind it?”
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“Yeah, a guy can, but when that guy is you then I start having concerns. Mainly - you only come to me for academic help as a last resort. Also, weren’t you worried I was going to drag you off for a jog or something?”
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rikouchi · 3 years
“… i see. i’m sorry you had to hold back all these years, i’ll make sure that you never have to see another piece of chocolate EVER again! phew, izuki-kun and the others will definitely be shocked, i guess you really can’t know everything about your friends! don’t worry hyuuga-kun, i’ll protect your intestines with my life!” :c
❛ no, riko, don’t EVER apologize for these things. you’re my friend and i care about you. i thank you from the bottom of my heart that you’re now going to be considerate of my intestines from now on and all the years to come by ❜. ohhh, he was dead, big time dead. don’t cry for him, bye.
“of course, even if i beat you up you’re still an important friend to me! i’ll go inform the team and get rid of any dangerous chocolate right now, you just stay somewhere safe!” and there she goes. logged for history, as we immortalize the greatest sin to ever take place here. [ /end ]
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rikouchi · 3 years
❛ yes, i’ve been holding back coach!! because those giri chocos seemed SO good and we were so proud that you were trying out new things!! i’m sorry for being a GOOD friend since middle school ❜. :////
“... i see. i’m sorry you had to hold back all these years, i’ll make sure that you never have to see another piece of chocolate EVER again! phew, izuki-kun and the others will definitely be shocked, i guess you really can’t know everything about your friends! don’t worry hyuuga-kun, i’ll protect your intestines with my life!” :c
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rikouchi · 3 years
❛ yes, really coach! don’t forget that next day i was really sick. i didn’t tell you i was about to die because you would kill me if i skipped practice ❜. :’))))
“hmmmm... i suppose you were looking a little worse for wear, but i thought that was just because you were a dumbass who ate too much sugar and had a crash. wait -- but i had you and teppei help me practice making giri chocos for the team? are you telling me you’ve been holding back a chocolate allergy this whole time...?” D:<
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rikouchi · 3 years
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“Dare I ask why you aren’t asking Midorima-kun for help on this?”
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rikouchi · 3 years
❛ no thank you, coach. i am allergic to chocolate ❜. :)))
“oh really? really really? we had chocolate cake for koganei-kun’s birthday and i clearly recall you stuffing your lying little mouth full of cake.” >:(((
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rikouchi · 3 years
i can't very well incapacitate hyuuga-kun when i have a perfectly good meat shield in front of me! that meat shield being you, of course.
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Aw, you think I'm perfectly good! Thanks, Riko-chan! I'm gonna remember that one.
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rikouchi · 3 years
ofmiracles replied to your post:
hyuuga: it's an...... interesting color alright :)
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it’s chocolate-flavored!! why don’t you have some hyuuga-kun? :DDDDDDDDDDDD
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