#i honestly specifically focused on distress icons
walpu · 6 months
hii, the bp hitman aven icon drove me crazy. i've been thinking ab aventurine in a spy mission and reader being the chair girl that watches the cameras, opens doors... specifically i've been thinking ab reader going crazy bc the mission is going horrible while aven is chilling and laghing at her screams through the earpiece bc he's not afraid to die (reader knows that and thats why shes like crazy).
luv your works, im always looking forward for your posts 💕
Thank you so much 🩷🩷🩷
Hope you'll enjoy this!!
spy mission with Aven goes wrong
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notes - gn!reader, a bit angsty but just a bit, Aven being a little shit, no beta
It's not that he's not scared of dying, of course he is. Especially when everything seems to be going so horrendously wrong.
But panicking won't help anyone especially when you're already doing it for the both of you.
The only thing he can do now is smile and chuckle, telling you to have some trust in him and his luck. As if he himself has it.
But he's been trough worse so it must play out.
"Aventurine, come back immediately, don't risk it!"
He hears your paniced voice in the headphone. It's honestly heartwarming that you actually care.
Or maybe you don't. Maybe you're just worried about success of the mission. No need to delude himself, he thinks, trying to ignore the bitter feeling in his chest.
Only if he knew how little you care about the mission itself right now. How worried and scared for him you are. How angry you are that he keeps throwing himself in dangerous situations.
"You know what? I'll just stop opening doors for you!"
"Sabotaging your own mission? Darlington, just relax and have some trust in me. The die is cast so no need for you to worry. Aaaand, if you actually stop opening the doors, I'll just have to find aboth way around"
Oh how infuriating his carefree demeanor is! You really don't have any other choice than keep helping him.
He is actually so happy that you're not here right now. Not physically. Even if his luck fails him, you won't get hurt and that's the most important thing for him.
And hearing your voice, being able to be playful with you despite the situation, helps him to be less tense.
The mission ends up being successful. His luck didn't fail him after all.
So when he reunates with you, a bit injuried but alive, he of course wants to announce that your worries were for nothing.
Yet he is actually surprised to find out that you're not happy at all, despite everything being okay.
He's even more surprised when the only thing you're focusing on right now is his minor wound.
"Told you to come back and not risk it" you say regretfully, dotting on him.
"Ah, don't sweat it, darling. We're victorious, are we not? The mission is a grand success~" he says with a small laughter, trying to mask his confusion. He did good, he didn't fail you, so why aren't you relieved?
"I don't care about the mission! We could've finish it later, with reinforcement! Look at you, you are- You are injured..."
Oh. Oh. So that's why you're so distressed??? Oh aeons.
He doesn't even have time to react when he feels you hugging him.
Well good job, not he can't stop trembling.
Local gambler just found out his crush cares deeply about him more at eleven.
You decide what to do with him now. Some scolding won't hurt but if I were you I would recommend emphasizing how much you care, this man has trust issues.
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A little rant over the why I consider that Midoriya Izuku is autstic
Disclaimer: This is just one of my many mha theories. I would rather if peope didn't attack me for this. If you don't like it, just ignore it!.
Special interests
Having a special interest is one of the most common characteristics for autistic people, and personally, I believe that his interest in heroes, quirks, and All Might can be read as special interests. Specially having in mind how this interests are actually very deep and time consuming for Izuku, and a very important part of him. This derivates in another characteristic that is infodumping and that is something that Izuku does A LOT.
He even shows distress when he doesn’t know something about one of these topics. (More specifically, when All Might told him that he used a support item, and Izuku was upset that he didn’t know that and went on a research rampage after finding out (I relate)).  
I also think that his hero quirk analysis notebooks are an outlet for him. Like a safe space where he can rant, and store information etc. And that is really important, because it seems like his notebooks were another reason that people bullied him for (although that is not confirmed, apart from that one scene with Bakugou).
He stims a lot through the show. He rocked back and forth as a child, he repeatedly jumped, and is constantly exercising  (vestibular stims (i think)), and he built a habit of watching the same All Might video all of the time (and he still does that as a teenager when he is upset.  After the USJ attack he is watching the video in his bedroom before his mom calls him for dinner). This can be considered a visual stim. 
Trouble identifying social cues and has a hard time socialising 
He doesn’t seem to be able to fully understand when someone is completely invested in what he is saying, or on the contrary, when someone is bored and wants him to be quiet. He also seems to have trouble knowing when to stop talking, getting interrupted multiple times by All Might, and getting yelled at by Bakugou especially when he infodumps. 
He has a hard time meeting new people and socialising in general. I think that this is easily appreciated when he first started to interact with class 1-A, in his first interaction with Night Eye, when he met Hatsume, etc. There are many examples of this honestly. 
Sensory processing issues 
He doesn’t exactly go on sensory overload but he does have a crazy pain tolerance, and that can be connected to difficulty processing pain stimuli. We can see this on pretty much every single fight Izuku has been involved in. 
Hyper empathy and emotional dysregulation  
It’s obvious that he cares about others and feels deeply for them and what they go through. Maybe a little too much. I think this could be one of the roots for his hero complex and his need to fix everything and everyone by himself. 
And he is a very emotional person, we have seen him having mood swings, and crying a lot both in public and in private. Apparently his tears are something that he cannot control, even if other people make fun of him for it. (I relate). 
Has a different way to view the world 
This is something that both All Might and Gran Torino have pointed out about him. He has a different perspective, a different way to think about things (like when he was trying to figure out how to “not make the egg explode”). 
Adherence to a certain way of doing things 
I think this is why it took him so long to develop his shoot style. He was so focused on using his quirk in a specific exact way, that he kind of forgot he could just use his legs. It could also be why it took him so long to figure out that he should see one for all in a more natural way and not as a special move (I don’t think I explained that correctly, but for reference, it happens around the Stain arc).
And this is very minor, but I would also like to mention his very iconic red shoes. 
Safe food
This might be a little bit of a stretch, but I think it is a possibility that Katsudon is one of his safe/comfort foods since it is canon that it’s his favourite food. 
Physical contact
He seems to struggle receiving physical contact from people he is not close with. The only people that if I remember correctly he actually seeks physical contact with are Inko, All Might, and Bakugou sometimes. 
Note: this could also be a cultural thing and not be autism related, since in Japan people tend to avoid touching others unless it is unavoidable , especially if they are strangers, not related, or not close. (Little side note not mha related, but this is quite the cultural shock for me as a Latino, since physical contact is widely accepted here in Colombia. Which is funny, because I hate physical contact).
Speaking differences/struggles
He mutters a lot in the show, and many times, he seems to be doing it unconsciously, others having to stop him, and even sometimes being annoyed with it. This is something that I struggle with as well, since I’ve been told that I speak to fast and too low, and I do it completely unconsciously and have to apologise many times for it, just like Izuku.
He is a very detailed oriented person
I think this is evident mostly on the way he is fast to analyse fights and his opponents (like in the fight against Gentle Criminal and La Brava), and also on his quirk analysis notebooks. 
Since the very beginning this has been an important trait of his, that shines when he saved Bakugou from the sludge villain, or when he analysed the fight between Mount Lady, Kamui Woods and the giant villain in literally the first episode when he was still in middle school. 
This is even seen on the Provisional Hero License Exam, the joint training arc, etc. 
In conclusion: Izuku Midoriya is autistic and I’m absolutely convinced that he is. 
If anyone else has something to add please do, I thrive for neurodivergent mha headcanons. Izuku isn’t even the only character I theorise to be autistic. 
I’m sorry for any spelling or redaction messages. I think my English is pretty good, but I apologise for any mistake I did here (which I’m sure I did, because I wrote it at midnight in the google docs app in my cellphone without my glasses on). 
And if you read all of this, then thank you for reading, because I think I went a little overboard.
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nose-bandaid · 4 years
DK (Seokmin) x (gender neutral) Reader | college AU fluff | 4.2k words
synopsis: seokmin first captured your attention with his smile, and you were more than enthralled. then you captured HIS attention by utterly destroying his favourite scarf and then fleeing the scene (oops). but surely you can fix this before things get awkward, right?
a/n: it ended up more platonic than it did romantic but oh well,,, this is a very specific plot i apologize LOL
taglist: @elcie-chxn​ @woozisnoots​ (hi alex this is the seokmin fic you asked me to tag you in like MONTHS ago sksfhdjkjdsf) [send and ask or dm if you ever wanna be tagged in my works!]
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You've always called him the scarf boy. On alternating days, it was the sunshine(y) boy.
The first day you met him was actually about a week into the semester, when you glanced over to your left and saw him sitting on the other side of the lecture hall. Nothing out of the ordinary. Normally, you would’ve just looked away and carried on with your life. It’s not unusual for your eyes to wander around as you zoned in and out of the professor’s speech. That's what you get for always staying up late the night before.
But on that day, you found your eyes fixated on the boy for the next few minutes, and you watched as he whispered something to his friend. It must’ve been something funny because soon they were both giggling like fools and he smiled from ear to ear. 
And it was that smile that captivated you because you don't think you've ever seen such a bright smile before. 
His face was familiar. Surely you've seen him many, many times before today, you thought. And yet you couldn't place a name on the classmate.
You brought your attention back to the lecture for a brief second and then looked at your friend, Seungkwan, who sat to your left. You gently nudged him with your elbow and he spared a glance your way before going back to his notes. You nudged him again, this time a little harder.
“Hm?” He still didn’t look up from his notebook, but you knew you had his attention now.
“Do you know who that guy is?” You gestured with your head in the smiley boy’s direction, and Seungkwan finally looked up to follow your gaze.
“Oh, you mean the literal ball of sunshine that doesn't know how to shut up?” He replied in one breath.
"I said that as a good thing, by the way. Or, for the most part. His name is Lee Seokmin, everyone on campus calls him a happy virus 'cause he keeps on smiling." He paused to scribble something down. 
It was probably something important and you should've written it as well, but you could tell he had more to say. You patiently waited. 
"I've heard that he's in the theatre club, but I'm not too sure. He's Soonyoung's friend, but not really mine."
"So he's a theatre kid, huh." You echoed quietly and Seungkwan quirked an eyebrow.
"Why are you asking? Also, I'm not lending my notes, it's your problem for not paying attention."
"I was just wondering." You answered a little too quickly but tried to divert the attention elsewhere by busying yourself with re-organizing your own notes. "And if you lend me notes, I'll bring snacks for you tomorrow." You added quietly when the professor glanced your way after shushing Seokmin and his friend.
"Deal." You heard him whisper back after a minute and his notebook slid into your vision.
A few days later, you went to class early so that you could finish up a small assignment to prepare for the lesson. Once again, nothing out of the ordinary.
You sat in your usual spot — not too far in the back, but also not too close to the front. Just enough for you to see the board and sneakily hold conversations without really being noticed. 
There weren’t any assigned seats, but by now, it was a convention that everyone sat in the same spot every day. The spot beside yours was always saved for Seungkwan, and the spot beside his was saved for that one kid who only showed up once a month.
You were finishing up the last few pages when a loud “HELLO” echoed in the hall and you whipped your head towards the doorway.
It was that boy — Seokmin — dressed in a soft yellow hoodie, hair slightly ruffled as if he hadn’t bothered to fix it after waking up. Around his neck was the red knitted scarf he always wore the moment the weather grew cold. (Though you swore you've seen him wear it in the middle of the sweltering summer). He smiled widely, waving to the half-empty hall and then to the professor who simply chuckled at his entrance. That smile stayed on his face the entire time he made his way to his seat. 
From then on, you began to understand why people called him a happy virus.
The next day, you found yourself going to class early again, this time, because you honestly didn’t have anything better to do. Besides, arriving at a good time always made you comfortable. The moment the clock struck 8:46, the same boy appeared.
This time, it was sung out in a (very beautiful) falsetto, and you wondered how it was even possible for him to be this exuberant so early in the morning. Waking up was always a struggle on your part.
Just as quickly as the show started, the boy shut himself up after receiving a few tired "hellos" from his classmates and took a seat.
The day went by accordingly.
Since you were little, you've always been told that something needs to be repeated at least three times for it to be considered a pattern. So you decided to go to class early just one more time. You told yourself it's so that you could see you were missing out on things. In case coming to class just in time was a bad habit. A lousy excuse, really.
You knew that you just wanted to see Seokmin again.
Sure enough — it was a Thursday that day — he came in, this time in a navy blue cardigan, but still with the same red scarf. The "hello" today was a little more subdued and based on the package he had in his hands, you guessed he had stayed up all night practicing his lines. When his greeting was met with unusual silence you looked around to see that everyone was far more focused on the upcoming test than the boy at the door. So you mustered up the courage to be the one greeting him that day and he immediately perked up, sending you an appreciative smile. His eyes remained brighter as he walked over to his seat.
You decided to come to class early every day after that.
As the seasons changed, so did your classes, and you were more than happy to realize that you and Seokmin shared not just one, but two classes this semester.
Bouncing on your toes a little bit, you silently willed for the people in front of you to hurry the heck up. The narrow stairwell did no good for the congestion of students trying to get by. 
You glanced at your phone again to see that class was starting in just 3 minutes and grimaced at your predicament. You knew your professor loved starting lectures right on the clock, so you were already cutting it pretty close when you agreed to help someone with their spilled drinks before you got here. But now... did these students really have to carry their gigantic project up the stairs?
You had hoped that maybe they would step aside and let you scurry your way up to the second floor — that was literally all you needed for them. However, they seemed to be far too engrossed with the fact that one of the components was coming apart in the stuffy stairwell and you let out a sigh, backing out the door.
If they won't take the elevator then you supposed you will instead.
Thankfully, the usually crowded elevator was fairly empty, and you managed to score one all to yourself. That was a win for you if only everything else had gone as smoothly as that. Your day had only started and circumstances have suggested that it wasn't going to be the best ones out there.
Perhaps, it was also partly your fault for blasting music through your headphones in the morning. That caused you to get a little lost in your thoughts on the way here, it also caused you to bump into a few unsuspecting people. Or perhaps, it was because you decided that it was a good idea to check your phone after receiving a text to hurry to class when the elevator door was closing.
But you like to think that it was maybe also his fault for stuffing his face with a bagel at 8 am in the morning, rendering him unable to clearly shout out at you to keep the elevator door open.
You looked up at the strangled noise and saw Seokmin barrelling towards you, his one free hand wildly waving at you to do something about the situation. You, just as frantic as the boy was, rushed to smash the "open" button to no avail as the door continued to close with every step he took.
He made it, much to your relief, tumbling into the lift and almost spilling his coffee onto you (another drink disaster would've ruined your day completely). You didn't have much time to congratulate him for his feat, however, because you both watched in horror as his iconic knitted red scarf — caught in between the doors of the elevator — began to tear and unravel itself. 
Seokmin frantically lifted the scarf over his head and tried to pull it out of the elevator's grip while you reached down and grabbed it in an attempt to help. But all efforts were futile when the last stitch came apart, and he was left with only a fraction of what used to be his favourite red scarf. Your stomach twisted itself when you looked up and saw the distress in his eyes, his teeth biting down on his lip as if he was contemplating the best way to curse you out.
He was an actor though, and you could tell he was putting up a facade to hide how upset he actually was. His eyes wavered as he stared at the scarf, now reduced to a mess of yarn and his lips tugged into a weary smile.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to close the door on you it was an accident." You blurted out.
Seokmin didn't answer, but the elevator door dinged open as your phone buzzed with its second alarm of the day. Class was starting.
Your hand slipped into your pocket to turn off the alarm and you looked back at Seokmin, eyes begging for forgiveness. "Look, let's meet up again sometime later so I can make it up to you, okay? I promise that I'll fix this."
And with that, you sprinted away from the scene, leaving the poor boy alone with his destroyed scarf.
"Let me get this straight — the elevator door closed too soon and Seokmin's scarf got caught and tore apart and now you're worried that he hates you 'cause you think the scarf is really important to him?"
You nodded.
Seungkwan sighed and rubbed his forehead, trying to return to his notes. "This reads like a fanfic someone wrote at 5 am."
"It what." You blinked and he dismissed the question.
"Nothing, nothing. Did you get his number? Any way to contact him?"
You gave him a sheepish look. "I forgot to ask, I kinda ran away."
"You ran away?"
"It was an accident okay! I was nervous. But we have a lecture with him tomorrow morning, right? I could just talk to him then."
Seungkwan raised an eyebrow. "And you'll be able to muster up the courage by tomorrow? It took you 10 minutes to even tell me what happened, what do you plan to do?"
You bit your lip and stared at the forgotten work on your laptop. "Good question, I have no idea how to make up for it. Scrap talking to him tomorrow."
You both settled into silence as Seungkwan continued on with his notes and you leaned back in your chair. All sorts of ideas ran through your mind, but not of them seemed like the right one.
Then it hit you.
"That's it!" You gasp and sat straight up again, accidentally startling Seungkwan who whined about his smudged diagram. "I'll buy him another scarf, the exact same one."
"That's a good idea." He hummed. "But how will you know which one to buy?"
"I was hoping you'd have his socials? We could do some classic investigating." You suggested.
Seungkwan's eyes lit up at that and he reached over to grab his phone. "If Soonyoung's friends with him, then they're probably following each other so... Ah! There he is. A childish username, as expected."
He gave his phone to you and you scrolled through Seokmin's profile, many were pictures of food or his friends, but you stopped at one photo that caught your eye. It was of him at a park, trying to act casual for a photo (as anyone would), but wrapped around his neck was the famous red scarf.
"Perfect." You muttered to yourself. Now all you had to do was buy that scarf and hope that it comes quickly.
Or else things would become terribly awkward.
Buying that scarf turned out to be much more difficult than you thought it would be.
No matter how deep you searched on the internet or how many times you looked at the photo of his precious scarf, there was no trace of the exact same copy.
"Don't tell me it was handmade." You groaned and got up from your seat to flop onto your bed instead. You stared at the ceiling for a while, long enough for your laptop to fall asleep. 
"Maybe it's a high-end brand?" You speculated quietly to yourself and rolled onto your side to stare at the wall instead.
"No... This guy eats ramen every other day in the caf, there's no way he can afford that."
You rolled onto your back once more and pouted at absolutely no one.
Why did you have to get into this situation with someone you hardly knew?
The next day you went to class at the normal time to avoid having to see Seokmin when he inevitably greets the class. However, when you took your seat and discreetly glanced at his spot, it was empty. Minus Soonyoung's bag that sat there instead.
You chewed on your lip for a while, wondering if his unusual absence had anything to do with yesterday.
"Good morning!"
Your shoulders relaxed at the familiar voice and you almost let yourself send him a smile when you remembered that you were supposed to be avoiding him. You immediately stiffened and stared at your table. Seokmin didn't look your way for the entirety of the lecture, which you were almost grateful for, but it also left a sinking feeling in your stomach.
On the way out, he did end up glancing at you and you immediately turned to Seungkwan to strike up a meaningless conversation.
"Make it seem like we're busy with something, he's looking my way."
Seungkwan rolled his eyes. "I talked to Soonyoung yesterday and he brought up what happened 'cause apparently he thought it was really funny. He said Seokmin wasn't mad but didn't really know what he's supposed to be doing either."
You nodded, pretending like you were listening to him and he continued on.
"Seokmin's a kind soul, you know. I doubt he's ever been angry at anyone before."
"That just makes me feel even worse though," You whined and watched Seokmin leave the room with another classmate by his side. "And I told him that we'd meet up again but I'm not ready at all. What's he gonna think about that?"
"Then you could go up to him and say that you're still sticking to your promise, but you still need time to think about what to do. Maybe he'll tell you what he wants then." Your friend suggested, poking at your work to tell you to start cleaning up.
"I think I'm going to avoid him until I'm fully prepared. So I don't mess this up." You decided, completely ignoring Seungkwan's words and the boy sighed.
"What did I do to have such dense friends?"
The week before exams was spent cramming some last-minute studying with your friends in the community library. 
It's been a while since you last spoke to Seokmin. 
Which translates to "you haven't spoken to Seokmin since the incident."
You ignored those worries and buried yourself in work instead. Using yet another excuse to get out of the very problem you should probably be prioritizing.
Besides, focusing on Minghao and Jun, who were bickering over who left the empty juice carton in the mini-fridge seemed far more interesting. You giggled when Minghao practically brought out photo evidence to defend his point and Jun spluttered out a shocked response after being called out. As their conversation grew louder and louder, you quickly scanned the library, searching for the librarian to make sure you weren't going to be chewed out for being noisy.
You stopped when you spotted Seokmin sitting next to Chan, who ran the dance club you've always admired. His nose was buried in a book. It was only for a brief moment — perhaps a second or two — but you stared at him from afar, taking in his sharp features and gentle smile.
When he felt your gaze on him and locked eyes with you, you immediately looked away, trying to not let him know that you saw him.
"I gotta go." You muttered and packed up your stuff, leaving behind a bewildered Minghao and even more bewildered Jun (who was still trying to recover from the previous attack).
All those days preparing yourself crumbled right in front of you. This wasn't supposed to be happening, this wasn't moving according to the plan you promised you'd stick to.
He wasn't supposed to beat you to it.
You carried on, pretending to have not heard him and prayed that he would just give up. He was Lee Seokmin though, so of course, he didn't stop.
"Y/N!" He shouted a little louder this time and you could hear his footsteps getting closer and closer, just like on that fateful day at the elevator. You took a deep breath and braced yourself for the confrontation.
"Hey, Seokmin."
To your surprise, he gave you a big smile. "Hey! 'Was worried I wouldn't be able to catch you just now. You were walking so quickly, where are you headed?"
"Oh..." Away from you. You thought to yourself, but said something else, trying to play it cool. "Nowhere in particular, just on a walk. Needed some fresh air after spending so much time in the library. It’s always stuffy when everyone’s cramming for exams." You rambled on.
"Can I join you?"
"Sure." You lied with a small smile.
You walked in silence for a while, with you leading the way, cheeks heating up with every second that passed.
"You've been avoiding me haven't you?" He finally spoke up.
The tips of your ears burned. "I wasn't trying to."
"If it's about what happened in the elevator, you don't have to worry about it." He prompted lightly and you stopped walking.
"Well, I am worrying about it." You admitted. "Because not only was that your first impression of me, but I know that scarf meant a lot to you and it was such a stupid way for it to get destroyed."
You took a deep breath and continued before he could think of an answer. "I'm trying to buy you another scarf, but I've been having some trouble finding it anywhere..." You admitted.
"Ah," Seokmin chuckled. "My grandmother made that scarf so I doubt you'd be able to find it online."
"It was from your grandmother?" You rubbed your face, thinking about all the hours spent examining the photo and struggling to find the perfect match. "I'm so sorry, that's even worse than it just being your favourite."
He shrugged. "Nah, it's fine, I got over it after that day."
You couldn't hide the look of surprise when he said that.
"To be honest, she's been trying to get me to ditch that scarf because I wore it too much. It's a good excuse to get a new one now!" He finished happily and you suddenly felt less tense.
"Your grandmother makes nice scarves, though. I never knew that there was a little design on it until, well, until it ripped. But it was beautiful! Please give her my compliments."
Seokmin let out a shy laugh. "Ah, you're talking about the little bunnies and sunflowers stitched onto it, right? I've always worn the scarf inside out because I don't know what people will think when they see it."
"What?!" You blurted out, incredulous. "They're really cute! If anyone were to hate on the cute bunnies then they're going to have a word with me." You joked, pretending to get into a fighting stance. "I would definitely wear that scarf proudly, but what makes you comfortable, of course."
"Interesting. Hearing that does make me a little for confident." He hummed. The conversation stilled for a brief second before he spoke up again. "What are your plans for the break?"
You blinked at the sudden change of topic. "Uhm, nothing much, probably just heading back to spend time with family."
"Cool! My plans are the same. How about you meet me..." He walked over to a nearby bench and planted his feet firmly on the ground. "Exactly here on the day, we get back. Does that sound okay?"
"Why?" You asked, but he was already backing away. You stepped forward, insisting on an answer but he refused to give you one and you could only nod your head in agreement.
"I'll see you then... I guess..." You called out weakly, speaking to practically no one because the boy was already on his way elsewhere.
And just like that, your conversation with Lee Seokmin ended.
 Winter break soon arrived and left as quickly as it came.
You arrived exactly 5 minutes before the meeting time and Seokmin arrived exactly 5 minutes after the meeting time.
You waved when you heard the familiar voice and the two of you shared a warm smile despite the cold weather.
"Sorry to keep you waiting," He continued. "How have you been!"
"I've been alright, how about you?"
He replied with his own "same old, same old" and you sent him a curious look when the small talk died down. "So why did you ask to meet up today?"
"Yes! About that." His hand drifted towards his neck and he didn't even have to speak for you to piece two and two together.
Wrapped around his neck was a new scarf, the same style as the old one, but this time, it was a soft shade of pink. Embroidered along the front was a small line of bunnies and flowers, perfect for the spring that was soon to come.
You brightened at the sight and let out a small gasp. "You got a new one! Nice!"
"Yep! And," Seokmin placed something warm in your hands and you realized he's been carrying it with him this entire time. "This is for you."
You stared at the scarf in your hands. It was a lovely shade of blue. "Wh— why do I get a scarf too?"
He laughed and fidgeted with his sleeves. "You spoke so fondly of my old one, I thought you'd appreciate having one for yourself so I asked my grandmother to make an extra one."
"That makes me feel even worse!" You cried out, guilty for not only ruining his old scarf but also inadvertently making him do more work to gift you something you didn't think you deserved.
"No, please don't feel bad!" He immediately replied, eyes wide to get his message across. "She was happy to make another and honestly, I just wanted to clear things up so that we don't start off on the wrong foot, you know?"
"Thank you." You pouted, still feeling a little bad, but you wrapped the scarf around your neck nevertheless. Seokmin smiled as he watched you and you grabbed the end of the scarf to admire the handiwork.
"They have the same pattern. We're matching with each other now." You quietly noted and suddenly the atmosphere between you two grew warmer.
"I guess we are! This makes us scarf buddies now, I guess." Seokmin smiled sheepishly. "We are bound by an unfortunate incident, but I hope to turn it into something positive. We can be friends, right?"
"I should be the one asking you that, idiot." You replied with a grin. The grip you had on the scarf got a little bit tighter. "Of course we can be friends, I would love to be your friend."
The smile on his face reminded you of when you first saw him.
Suddenly, your phone went off in your pocket, signalling that it was a good time to start heading to class. So much for an easy transition back into the school year.
"I should probably get going now," You started at the same time Seokmin spoke up.
"I promised I would meet up with—"
You both paused mid-sentence before bursting out in laughter at the coincidence.
"We have a lecture together tomorrow, right?" He asked excitedly and you nodded. "We can continue our conversation later then."
You laughed. "I'll see you tomorrow, scarf buddy."
The next day went by accordingly, starting with a familiar “HELLO!~” from the boy who loved to eat bagels at 8 in the morning and wear scarves in any kind of weather.
The only difference is that this time, he took the seat to your right instead of one at the opposite end of the hall. He greeted you with a smile and you happily started up a lively conversation before class started. Decorating both your outfits were your matching scarves, flowers and rabbits on the outside for the world to see.
This way, everyone could know that you guys were scarf buddies.
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comfsy · 5 years
The Legal Nomads 2019 Gift Guide: Art and Jewelry
I did my first ever holiday gift guide for travelers a few years ago, which was fun to compile. Readers seemed to enjoy the various items, and I was happy to share some of the products that accompanied me on the road. This year, I wanted to do something a little different. For starters, my life is a little different – something all of you already know. As a result, my own gifts to family and friends aren’t souvenirs from far-away places, but fun things I’ve discovered online. I wanted to share some of them here, especially as many are small businesses like myself.
I completed the resulting creative gift guide later than expected, because I could only type in 20 minute increments. I hope you enjoy this gift guide, one that focuses specifically on art and jewelry. There are so many shops with interesting work out there, and sometimes it’s hard to narrow it down.
The items below are from artists that I have supported, some of whom I’ve actually met, and they are all products I stand behind.
Unique Art and Jewelry Gifts for 2019
When searching for a gift for my mum’s birthday this year, I thought I would do something a little different. I looked for an artist who could illustrate our family with a beautiful border and then send her a printed copy for her birthday.
I’ve never commissioned this kind of gift before, and Rebecca – the artist I chose – was patient and kind, and we went back and forth a few times until I was satisfied. She even agreed to make my brother as depicted, wearing his favourite martini t-shirt.
I was waiting on this gift guide until my mum received her gift, and she loved it!
Rebecca’s full shop here, and note that she will do other kinds of designs as well, like Save the Dates for weddings, holiday cards, personalized baby blankets, and more.
I’ve followed Michael Buchino’s whimsical word work for some time on Instagram, as it combines two of my favourite things: learning, and art. His Insta feed, Lexigraphique, is one of those accounts that I send to multiple friends many times a week.
Before this guide went up, I wrote him to ask if he had any holiday items I could include, and lucky for all of us he was just about to launch the hygge cards below.
(c) Michael Buchino 2019
You can buy his prints and these cute holiday cards in his Buchino shop, here.
Anne Connell’s shop is a wonder to behold, chock full of paper goods designed — as she notes on Instagram and on her website — with an “absurd attention to detail” She lists herself as a precisionist, and it’s easy to see why. Her artwork is meticulous, delicately crafted, and very unique.
I found her botanical card series first, and clapped my hands with glee. As someone trying to get out in nature during brief spurts of respite from bedrest, they were a breath of fresh air. Her constellation cards, featuring each of the zodiac signs, are a clear crowd-pleaser. I’ve put those two types of cards below but honestly it’s worth heading to see her full shop.
I realize these are listed as cards, but I think they are frame-worthy all by themselves.
(c) Anne Connell 2019
(c) Anne Connell 2019
Botanical cards here.
Constellation cards here. 
And the full shop here.
Nicola is a long-time Legal Nomads reader, and a fellow lawyer and traveler. She has generously shared bird illustrations and other fun to keep me cheered up when I’ve been down. She’s also a very talented artist, and her cards and other items are rich in puns and joyful artistry. 
Nicola’s work reminds me of the children’s’ books I loved most, with creative characters, maps, and whimsical animals. A talented hand-brush lettering artist, she also includes a lot of drawn typography in her work.
From a grumpy owl to a festive sheep, you’ll be sure to find holiday cards to your tastes. And one of my absolute faves is her wedding card below, “Of all the fish in the sea” — delightful.
(c) Nicola Allen 2019
(c) Nicola Allen 2019
(c) Nicola Allen 2019
Nicola’s full shop is here, with specifics from the above illustrations as follows:
Grumpy Owl here
Festive sheep here.
Of all the fish in the sea here.
I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Jess, the genius behind Birdstrips, in person twice. She’s currently in Montreal, and a friend introduced us just before I re-leaked last summer. Her illustrations have grown a huge following on Instagram due to its relatable messaging, and her captions that accompany the drawings are raw and vulnerable. Together, it’s powerful work that makes almost everyone feel heard.
In Jess’ words, the shop comprises “the existential distress of the flightless through the eyes of the flighted.”
(c) Birdstrips 2019
You can check out her images and pick up mugs, shirts, prints and more, here.
JP and Mike Andrews, two brothers from the UK are an Instagram favourite of mine. I often share their images with my community because their eye is unique, and their pictures compelling. Like me, they absolutely love to travel. Unlike me, they specialize in photographing bizarre, aerial images our planet using drone photography.
Their goal: to share perspectives of the world otherwise unseen, captured from a vantage point most of us miss. A great gift option for those who love to roam.
Here’s one I love from them: Skyline, a drone photograph of a freighter that looks like a cityscape.
(c) Abstract Aerial Art 2019
(c) Abstract Aerial Art 2019
And this aerial view of a beach made me smile:
Their full gallery shop here.
Jason Markow, aka TEKSTartist is an artist I found a few years ago, and was hooked immediately. His work combines both traditional and digital media, a fusion of techniques that result in elegant yet crisp products. Given that my own products are typographic representations of food, I love that his art includes quotes he’s enjoyed over the years, visually represented in unique ways.
One of my favourites: this flower, “Your Garden, Forever” available here, created by warping and twisting the words from Tennyson’s famous quote – “If I had a flower for every time I thought of you…I could walk through my garden forever.”― Alfred Tennyson
(c)TEKSTartist 2019
And the item below, The Giving Tree, was created by warping/twisting the words from the entire set of text from Shel Silverstein’s iconic book “The Giving Tree”. Buy a copy of the artwork here.
(c)TEKSTartist 2019
Full shop here.
These illustrations of birds with curse words sayings are all the rage on Instagram and Twitter, for good reason: they’re hilarious. Crafted by Aaron Reynolds, they do seem to offend some, but as the name suggests exactly what they are it’s hard for anyone to be upset. Don’t like them? Close the tab. Personally, I find them exactly what I need, each and every day. Clothing, mugs, pins, and more at the link, including a new Effin’ Birds book.
Buy here.
I’m excited to share the new tote bags in the Legal Nomads shop. Previously, I offered a canvas, bull-woven tote of the maps, with the map printed on once side. These new tote bags are black and white – and if people like, I can also swap out the handles to make them red or mustard! – and the design is printed on both sides.*
*If you’d like to swap out the tote bag for a different handle (example here), just send an email to jodi-at-legalnomads.com after you order, and I’ll make sure it happens.
The new tote has sturdy handles and holds up to 44lbs, perfect for errands and/or carrying a laptop without a laptop bag. Food maps of Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Portugal, Italy, and Mexico available.
(c) Jodi Ettenberg 2019
Shop the new totes here. The full shop is here.
These beautiful macrame earrings are courtesy of the Van Riley shop, run by a fellow leaker. I wanted to share her work as I know how it is to worry about making ends meet with a CSF leak. If someone in your life loves macrame, please consider supporting her shop!
Macrame earrings and other items, on the VanRiley shop here.
Given my love of nature, it’s no surprise that I also love jewelry that depicts it in design. I saw these gold leaf earrings recently and ordered a pair as my holiday gift to myself. They’re lightweight — great for anyone with headaches — and they are delicate and just so pretty. I like the contrast of the gold with the emerald green stud in the ear.
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  If leaf earrings aren’t your thing, Mica also has necklaces, rings, and other earrings in a variety of shapes and sizes. They’re lightweight and beautiful, and oh so creative. Her jewelry is hypoallergenic and nickel-free.
Buy the same gold leaf earrings that I love here, with Mica’s full shop here.
Several readers nominated this Etsy shop, and it’s the only one on this list that I haven’t also purchased myself. But when my readers are happy, I’m happy, and I wanted to share what brought them such joy in gift giving.
Chrissy’s shop features personalized, delicate jewelry for those who want to memorialize their care with initials or names. The image below is for the necklace that several readers bought, but her shop is full of other options, including rings, earrings, and pendants.
Personalized initial necklace here. Full shop here.
I’ve saved one of the best for last.
My friend Chantelle started Be., a company that sells bangles – but also much more than simply bangles. Chantelle is one of the most open-hearted, vivacious people I’ve ever met, and thankfully I’ve had the pleasure of meeting her in person years ago. Her company’s bangles work well in conjunction with the lightness and curse words of Effin Birds, two small business enterprises that use curse words to make a valid point. In Chantelle’s case, Be. takes a stand against societal norms. Her work aims to support women and girls in a society that often expects airbrushed perfection.
I received a few Be. bangles as a wonderful 40th birthday gift from Chantelle, and my two faves – that came with me to Florida are:
“I’m mostly peace, love, light, and a little go fuck yourself” – product here, and
“I stopped waiting for the light at the end of the tunnel, and lit that bitch up myself” – product here.
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I am someone who uses curse words as a form of punctuation, so those two bracelets are perfect. For those with less swear-y tendencies, lots of beautiful options like:
“Be you. The world will adjust.” (here), and
“Speak. Even if your voice shakes.” (here.)
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All of Be.’s products here.
That’s it for 2019!  A big thanks to my friend Reine who helped pull many of the images and upload them for me, so that I could do this guide more easily. It would have been a 2020 gift guide without her. Hopefully there’s something fun in here for someone in your family.
Happy holidays, and thank you as always for all the incredible support.
The post The Legal Nomads 2019 Gift Guide:<br /> Art and Jewelry appeared first on Legal Nomads.
The Legal Nomads 2019 Gift Guide: Art and Jewelry published first on https://takebreaktravel.tumblr.com/
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