riivvcrs · 5 years
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river had always told himself he was better off alone; and he almost believed it too. this sick sort of self-delusion only ever served to made him feel like an even bigger idiot every time nami walked out. he needed everyone else, including his own self-loathing brain, to believe that his life would truly keep on chugging along in a haze of caffeinated drinks and poorly rolled joints and dick jokes. he felt both better and worse when nami came back; maybe because river thought he didn’t deserve it, or because he knew exactly how it would end, since it only ever ends one way. and yet he lets the other boy back in without a second thought. so maybe he should’ve predicted who was on the other side of the door- he hadn’t ordered any postmates today, his roommate wouldn’t knock, and who the fuck else would willingly visit river in his hole of a dorm. and yet he still struggled to veil his surprise when he’d been greeted by the boy that’d willingly walked away from him time and time and time again. he let name speak his piece; he wasn’t listening, not really, anyway, he was too busy sinking into his own head, just like he would any time things with nami started looking up again. there was a beat of silence when nami finished his piece as river tried to shake himself out of whatever sort of sober stupor he had sunk into. “yeah, yeah, you’re uh-” he sounded like an idiot. he cleared his throat before continuing. “you’re good to stay here i guess-” he turns to walk deeper into his own dorm, leaving the door open for the other boy behind him. he’s suddenly embarrassed by the state of his dorm; the half eaten panda express and half smoked cigarette visual hints of how his night was going thus far. “don’t think i’m turning down the tv down for your nerdy bitchass, jim and pam are about to get married.”
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a boy as indecisive as nami was pretty unbearable to deal with for a lot of people. really, nami had trouble handling himself sometimes. it felt like he was always going back and forth on what he wanted, and his relationship with river was a prime example of it. he’d been the one to leave river, again, and yet… there he was, knocking on his door and bouncing around on his feet while waiting for him to open up. he anticipated a day where the door would be opened only to be immediately slammed into his face again, but luck had, so far, been on his side. when it opened, that usual mix of regret and a series of apologies were clear in his expression - widened eyes that looked near tears and parted lips, as if he were surprised to see the person he’d deliberately gone out of his way to visit. “hi - uh, sorry for bothering you. my roommate was… being loud, and i need to study. like, really badly study, and the sounds were super distracting. kind of sounded like a tennis match… but a really boring one?” he tilted his head in thought, crinkling his nose as he seemed to think over his description. “like a slow back and forth, you know? uh - anyway, i was wondering if i could study in here? with you? i promise to keep quiet.” // @riivvcrs
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riivvcrs · 5 years
send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse ---
alternatively send ‘ + ‘ after the symbol for the roles to be reversed where possible !
✘ = hugging them . Δ = playing with their hair .  ❤ = kissing them .  ₪ = asking them out for dinner . ☀ = giving them a gift of ___ ( asker’s choice ) . ♘ = stabbing them . ♕ = bowing down before them . ♒ = lying to them .   ✿ = buying them flowers . ☾ = being found shirtless . ♢ = reading them a story . ☂ = giving them their jumper to keep warm . ✎ = speaking in a different language . ✏ = teaching them a different language . ▄ = telling them a joke . ♬ = singing to them . ☹ = insulting a loved one . ஐ = slapping them . ✂ = threatening them . ❃ = dancing with them . ▤ = falling asleep on them . ☮ = waking them up after a nightmare .  ♣ = discovering them crying .  回 = patching a wound .  ✮ = stargazing . ▓ = caught stealing their belongings . ☽ = wandering alone at night . ♡ = complimenting them . ≡ = offering a place to stay overnight . ☢ = falling over . ✦ = being well-dressed . ❂ = wiping blood off their face . ◎ = taking care of them while ill . ☁ = being caught in the middle a storm with them . ⇕ = holding their hand . ↱ = being lost with them . ☠ = pushing them against a wall .
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riivvcrs · 5 years
closed starter for @cosmicpoetic. two slow dancers by mitski
"does it smell like a school gymnasium in here?” river is high as a fucking kite, but like, a kite that smoked way too much weed for it’s size... he was feeling great though, like he could climb mount everest. but instead of making the dangerous trek up one of the most dangerous mountains in the world, he’d decided to stay in his dorm. mount everest would be there next time he got high, probably. or, at least, he was pretty sure. but for now, he’d found comfort in the worn leather couch, sitting on it upside down like an overgrown toddler, his head hanging off the side, some netflix original baking show playing in the tv in front of him, though it’s almost entirely been forgotten as he speaks to his roommate- “you know what i mean, right? like uh... dirty gym sneakers and hypersexuality and... y’know? should we light a candle, or is it, like sexy?”
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riivvcrs · 5 years
send me a '✪' and I will make you a starter based on the next song on my itunes/playlist
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riivvcrs · 5 years
( min yoongi / cismale / he/him ) yooo, wassup ( river soo ) ? aren’t you the ( twenty three ) year old ( senior ) going to college for ( photography ) ? that’s tight! ( saoirse, 21, she/her, est )
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uh i had a really lame intro for ya boi last time around but this time? its still lame but this river is a lil different so here we go lets get to the good shit
family life // background
so basic-fucking-ly >:( my mans is the oldest of the soo fam (the soo gang, if u mcfucking will), he’s got four younger siblings, and the oldest of em wasnt even born until he was eight , so obviously he had a big hand in raising all of them, but the age gap and the responsibility tha t weighed on him vs the lack of responsibility on his siblings made them kinda distant from each other - his siblings all felt closer to each other than to him basically
except for his youngest brother, who was born when river was 12 and has accidentally called river ‘dad’ on multiple occasions- every time it happened, river would practically shit himself and basically peace out on his whole family for a couple days, uh , cause fuck that uwu shit
the main reason for his age gap with his siblings is bc his parents were real young when they got pregnant with him, they weren’t married and deff not ready for kids but they decided that true love would guide them through everything honk honk surprise bitch it didnt, , but they had a shotgun wedding while she was still pregnant, found a two bedroom apartment for cheap and really tried it!
but uh life aint a fairytale dummies! they werent ready to have a kid, esp since they were cut off from their only financial support- river’s maternal grandparents- as soon as they found out that they were keeping the child, and esp esp with a child as chaotic and uncontrollable as our boi our son our demon baby.
so they kinda gave up on river a lot and let him go buckwild as soon as he was old enough to go out by himself, esp bc they were essentially blaming him for the downfall of their youth and their once happy relationship hahaha wild....
the only real semblance of parenting he actually got was from the same grandmother that cut his parents off at the news of his birth- bc she wasnt behind the idea of not being close to the grandson of her only daughter, so he reached out to them when he was a kid. the only time he got a warm, homecooked meal or a baked treat made w love was when he’d go to his grandparents’ place after school.
his grandfather was opposed to their blossoming relationship at first, but river grew on him, annoyingly likable and abrasive even as a kid, so they grew really close as well and his granddad even gifted him rivers first camera, saying that the kid needed something positive to channel his shit into that wasnt destructive or angry :(
so obviously it broke the poor guys’ heart when they passed away within 6 months of each others’ death- someone at the funeral told river that his grandfather loved his wife so much that he died of a broken heart and river couldnt help but laugh out loud at the lady he never met before bu t was allegedly related to him- when he was fifteen.
hyuck hyuck so basically river learned to take care of himself and fuck other people off from like a pretty young age, prepping him with all the tools he needed to YEET outta there as soon as he was 18, leave the soo family to be a happy and normal one w out him fucking it all up (and not bc he knocked someone up eithe r thanks) so he moved out here then , taking 2 years off to work and save money and get his dick/pussy wet and smoke all the weed he could get his grubby fingers on bitch!!
now // personality
wowo well we all know ya boy right??!?!?! painfully obtuse, overtly sexual at all times, and so far his own ass he aint been able to see straight for years (bc hes bi)
spends his days fucking, taking photos, getting high, drinking iced coffee (or his cruel mistress, redbull), eating takeout and just pissing people off in general, yall know the drill aye??
but listen THE FUCK UP MY LADIES, BABIES AND GRAVIES... my boy makes his coin by whipping his impressive uh schlong out on web cam okay?? does he talk abt it openly? surprisingly, not a lot as youd expect him too, but its also not really a secret, bc you KNOW my boy aint got nothing to be embarrassed abt u hear??
uh u guys are pretty up to date on him in general and this is really long so imma cut thi s off now peace.
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riivvcrs · 5 years
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riivvcrs · 5 years
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riivvcrs · 5 years
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we love a shy sweet boy.
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riivvcrs · 5 years
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minki pics ft. river soo ( @riivvcrs. )
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riivvcrs · 5 years
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all i hear from these gifs is ‘meow’
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riivvcrs · 5 years
min yoongi, cismale, he/him. — you know river soo, don’t you? he’s the twenty-two year old junior who’s studying photography and living in straus hall. they used to be addie’s friends with benefits, but now they are angry and blaming everyone, including himself, for her death.  ( saoirse, 21, she/her, est.)
listen i wish i had more time to write a real intro but im boutta bounce for a friends’ birthday so i gotta whip this up even tho its gonna suck rip so enjoy this VERY QUICK INTRO RKJLA message me for PLOTS and check out his connections page?!! u want my discord???  worksaoirse#2013 there u go! (also saoirse is pronounced sersha ok bye) 
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this will be updated so pls take this with a grain of salt bc i just wanna get the basicks out be4 i gotta blast :((
golden boy w/ a steel heart, hiding behind a loving grin and /////aesthetic///// insagram & finsta layouts, loves taking photos of his friends, lives for being tagged in photos he took, makes him soft as FUCK we out here!!!!!
lives off of iced coffee (no milk, half a portion of sweetener, but if u ask, HE WILL TELL U HE TAKES IT BLACK AND THEN SNEAK SUGAR IN THERE BYE), obscene amounts of red bull and thai zone and weed bc he a college boy in the 21st century yah
was addie’s fwb soooo uh feeling VERY weird abt this mess- hes a big fan of drinking, smoking, the classic college party ya feel, so he’d 100% have been there and 100% hasnt talked about his messy emotions which is just all kinds of :(
feels every emotion to absolute full intensity, never just has a ‘meh’ opinion on smthing. he decides he likes u? then you are the sunrise, sunset, what makes the fucking world go round, this boy would jump off a cliff for you. but that also means, if he doesnt like you, you are THE WORST and nothing could change his opinion on him
very judgey/dogmatic/whatever the fuck in that sense, probably hard to deal with
really good at cooking, but never does it 1) bc its expensive 2) bc he loves filling up his day with other stuff, he works at an on campus record store, so why would he waste time on cooking for one? lol bye
introvert? extrovert? depends on the day! try to predict, u cant!
im sorry this is so short but my gal is turning 22 i gotta BOUNCE but ily, ill be on my phone for a while to plot ilyilyililyiyiylyiyliylyijlfjakaghaklglakgakl
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riivvcrs · 6 years
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The AO3 Tag of the Day is: All the best ships are like this
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