drawnluck · 5 years
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( zhou jieqiong, demigirl, she/her ) yooo, wassup ( jia liao ) ? aren’t you the ( twenty ) year old ( sophomore ) going to college for ( classics ) ? that’s tight! ( bettina, 20, she/her, gmt+8 )
i... lowkey miss playing bitchy characters so here have miss jia!! i’m v excited to develop her bc she’s brand new and i’m praying this doesn’t turn into a whole lot of ramble (but knowing me it probs will) anyWay!!
tw for bullying, violence.
jia was born in beijing but moved with her father and older brother to la when she was still young, about three or four years old. she hasn’t seen much of her mom bc last she heard, she was running from the law so... contact with her mom? not really a thing
grew up v much as ‘one of the boys’ bc it’s really all she knew? she started learning taekwondo with her older brother and is a black belt so uh. i wouldn’t fuck w her if i were u
people were……. not nice to her when she was younger. she was teased relentlessly bc of the rumors that spread around about her mom (bc people gossip as u do) and her younger years, she was one of those kids that couldn’t speak a lick of english. she was a kid who desperately tried her best to be friends with people, but they just ignored her, and she absolutely hated it. there were days where she was so traumatized that she didn’t want to go to school for days.
she tried her ultimate best to hide her temper, but there had been times, especially when she was in middle school, that she’d let her anger get the best of her and use her taekwondo skills for the worse. she’s gotten a few suspensions in her life.
the year she turned fifteen, she decided to spend the summer with a family friend in china. or at least… that’s what she told her dad.
what really happened was that she managed to track down her mother, who had gone completely incognito. she was living under a different name and a much different life in paris, living as a florist by day, underground art dealer at night. the family friend who she said she was staying with? led her right to her mother. needless to say she was v shocked to see jia again. over the course of a summer, jia begged her mom to show her how to completely transform herself from a “sad, drab, angry little nobody” (her words) into someone people would fear. and it happened.
when she came back she was a completely different person, and it shocked her father and older brother to see her personality do a complete 180, into the person she is now.
her mother promised to send her funds so she could keep up her image, and it was fortunate enough that at the same time her father won the lottery. it completely changed the liaos’ lives.
she and her older brother were transferred to a private school during her sophomore year, which proved to be the perfect training ground for her new persona. the girls seemed to be much fiercer, and she fought tooth and nail to rise to the top of the food chain. she graduated valedictorian of her class, and decided to go to aims for her bachelor’s degree. “new playground,” whatever that meant.
make no mistake: jia is mean. she’s as sharp and snappy as blair waldorf, and holds grudges like no other. if she doesn’t like you, she will let you know. it’s made people cry before, but she doesn’t really care?? calm down jesus
incredibly impatient and pretty much a brat tbh?? will also step on anyone’s toes to get what she wants and doesn’t care who gets hurt in the process — as long as she gets her way WHY IS SHE LIKE THIS
the only people she’s soft for are her dad and her older brother, and maybe close friends. depends on how she feels
a v v v big tease. i’m not joking. will seduce people just to get them worked up and then leave the room cackling if she’s not actually in the mood. her inspiration is basically the electra heart album and sunmi’s siren so…. u get the vibe
worth mentioning that she is demiromantic and bisexual, so while she’ll bump uglies with any pretty person, u need to be close to her for her to even remotely like u romantically
builds up walls a lot bc any chance of her getting hurt? she ain’t taking it
she’s a classics major and also a known know-it-all so she won’t hesitate to shoot u down if ur wrong. loves philosophy and history, that kind of thing, and also loves debates
v quick-witted, can make up an insult for you in 0.2 seconds flat it’s lowkey scary
to the people she’s close to, she’s a good friend!! promise!! still snarky and occasionally insensitive of people’s feelings but she would be the first person to punch someone in the face for u and also buy you food to make you feel better. she is super duper loyal, but she’s also v sensitive lowkey so if you piss her off greatly? friendship: off, grudge: on, hotel: trivago
highkey emotionally constipated but don’t mention it or she WILL come for ur neck
is v short but wears heels often and also claims “insults make people low enough for me to reach” so… be on guard
that’s all for now ig?? wanted connections are here, pls plot w her!! she’ll be fun!!
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ofnaeuns-blog · 5 years
me doing an intro finally ???? WOW ! me also adding some wcs at the end??? double WOW !!!
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meet neaun park!!! she was born and raised in a small city in southern cali. she was born to a single mother who worked as a da working some of the hardest cases in the area. 
because of her mom’s job she was never really home and nea was raised basically by a revolving door of baby sitters.  despite this she always idolized her mother knowing she was doing great work and helping those in need. she was a hardcore momma’s girl.
it was her mother who pushed her to go out of state to aims university. she figured that naeun deserved to go out and see more than just their small little california town. 
from a young age she has been that crazy animal obsessed girl. like probably a horse girl in middle school. it just made sense that she would go on a pre vet track. she wanted to help all the animal in need. yes, she’s a vegan and will tell you ALL about it. 
she’s that crazy zealous activist girl, will talk your ear off about feminism, equal right and all things that she find unfair. can normally be found going to all the school’s protests. 
quite aggressive,, will try and force her views down your face i’m sorry.
doesn’t know when to shut up, will probably talk forever and ever if you let. probably super duper annoying at the end of the day. 
despite being a tiny tyranical girl she falls in love at the drop of a hat. get’s attached super easily. 
this is short and a mess but i’m still developing nea as i go ! love me and my child.....
some connections i rlly want ;
exes on bad / good terms ; i like angst gimme gimme somebody break her heart
tinder match
crush on or crushed by her
ride or die
pain in the ass
gimme everything
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minkisus-blog · 5 years
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( park jimin / male / he/him ) yooo, wassup ( nami beom ) ? aren’t you the ( twenty-one ) year old ( junior ) going to college for ( criminal justice ) ? that’s tight! 
ok now... this intro will be Longer so buckle up!!!
nami was born in san fran, california. his parents were constantly traveling around the world due to his father’s job, so he doesn’t really remember being there... but he likes to talk like he’s a Native or something... he’s ANNOYING!
due to the traveling around during nami’s younger years, he really struggled making friends or building any kind of social skills. he eventually gave up trying, deciding that it was a waste of time.
by high school, he and his family moved to estes park, and FOR ONCE they stayed. nami wasn’t great at talking or making friends at that point, though
he was REALLY athletic, though. he played soccer, baseball, and tennis - baseball was his fave, and the team was pretty popular in his high school, but his shyness had convinced everyone around him that he was Snobby bc they couldn’t fathom him being SHY
his parents were rly pushy on him being amazing at everything. not only that, but they are VERY against anything Gay, so he’s not out to them. even with that, he still really loves his parents dearly and sees the best in them. would be crushed if they ever disowned him or anything similar. he calls his mom every single night and tells her All about his day.
he’s NICE!!! he’s the kind of nice/shy now where he feels the need to respond with SOMETHING or he feels guilty, so he ends up rambling and then immediately feeling embarrassed abt it. he does have a lil bit of an Attitude though, which can come out more when he feels more comfortable around someone
his parents are like... obnoxiously wealthy people. nami spends a lot of the money he gets from them on action figures or other collectibles. he has an addictive/obsessive kinda personality, so he tends to stay away from drugs/alcohol because of it. 
SUPER indecisive. changed his major four times before he decided he wanted to become a lawyer. his parents wanted him to be something impressive, and he gets queasy at the sight of blood/any kind of sickness so he... had to hard pass on doctor. 
has a dark-ish sense of humor?? also his idea of a good time and showing his feelings is forcing someone to come over and listen to his playlists on a record player even though the music is coming from his phone on a spotify playlist 
very dramatic bc idk how to write a character that isn’t!!!!!!!! 
loves being the person people talk to when they’re upset. very good at hugs and telling them it’ll all be ok. VERY BAD at advice, though. only talk to him if you have zero plans on doing whatever you’re told. 
cries too easily. cries during sad movies. cries during arguments. doesn’t know how to stop but wishes he did.
BUT! he’s very smart. he’s great at talking his way in and out of everything, and finding loopholes. it’s why he thinks he’ll make a good enough lawyer. he really wants to be a GOOD lawyer!!!!
his parents disagree but they’re hoping for the best so he’ll get good money out of it/they can brag abt him to their rich people friends
dfksdgj anyways that’s abt it i guess 
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riivvcrs · 5 years
( min yoongi / cismale / he/him ) yooo, wassup ( river soo ) ? aren’t you the ( twenty three ) year old ( senior ) going to college for ( photography ) ? that’s tight! ( saoirse, 21, she/her, est )
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uh i had a really lame intro for ya boi last time around but this time? its still lame but this river is a lil different so here we go lets get to the good shit
family life // background
so basic-fucking-ly >:( my mans is the oldest of the soo fam (the soo gang, if u mcfucking will), he’s got four younger siblings, and the oldest of em wasnt even born until he was eight , so obviously he had a big hand in raising all of them, but the age gap and the responsibility tha t weighed on him vs the lack of responsibility on his siblings made them kinda distant from each other - his siblings all felt closer to each other than to him basically
except for his youngest brother, who was born when river was 12 and has accidentally called river ‘dad’ on multiple occasions- every time it happened, river would practically shit himself and basically peace out on his whole family for a couple days, uh , cause fuck that uwu shit
the main reason for his age gap with his siblings is bc his parents were real young when they got pregnant with him, they weren’t married and deff not ready for kids but they decided that true love would guide them through everything honk honk surprise bitch it didnt, , but they had a shotgun wedding while she was still pregnant, found a two bedroom apartment for cheap and really tried it!
but uh life aint a fairytale dummies! they werent ready to have a kid, esp since they were cut off from their only financial support- river’s maternal grandparents- as soon as they found out that they were keeping the child, and esp esp with a child as chaotic and uncontrollable as our boi our son our demon baby.
so they kinda gave up on river a lot and let him go buckwild as soon as he was old enough to go out by himself, esp bc they were essentially blaming him for the downfall of their youth and their once happy relationship hahaha wild....
the only real semblance of parenting he actually got was from the same grandmother that cut his parents off at the news of his birth- bc she wasnt behind the idea of not being close to the grandson of her only daughter, so he reached out to them when he was a kid. the only time he got a warm, homecooked meal or a baked treat made w love was when he’d go to his grandparents’ place after school.
his grandfather was opposed to their blossoming relationship at first, but river grew on him, annoyingly likable and abrasive even as a kid, so they grew really close as well and his granddad even gifted him rivers first camera, saying that the kid needed something positive to channel his shit into that wasnt destructive or angry :(
so obviously it broke the poor guys’ heart when they passed away within 6 months of each others’ death- someone at the funeral told river that his grandfather loved his wife so much that he died of a broken heart and river couldnt help but laugh out loud at the lady he never met before bu t was allegedly related to him- when he was fifteen.
hyuck hyuck so basically river learned to take care of himself and fuck other people off from like a pretty young age, prepping him with all the tools he needed to YEET outta there as soon as he was 18, leave the soo family to be a happy and normal one w out him fucking it all up (and not bc he knocked someone up eithe r thanks) so he moved out here then , taking 2 years off to work and save money and get his dick/pussy wet and smoke all the weed he could get his grubby fingers on bitch!!
now // personality
wowo well we all know ya boy right??!?!?! painfully obtuse, overtly sexual at all times, and so far his own ass he aint been able to see straight for years (bc hes bi)
spends his days fucking, taking photos, getting high, drinking iced coffee (or his cruel mistress, redbull), eating takeout and just pissing people off in general, yall know the drill aye??
but listen THE FUCK UP MY LADIES, BABIES AND GRAVIES... my boy makes his coin by whipping his impressive uh schlong out on web cam okay?? does he talk abt it openly? surprisingly, not a lot as youd expect him too, but its also not really a secret, bc you KNOW my boy aint got nothing to be embarrassed abt u hear??
uh u guys are pretty up to date on him in general and this is really long so imma cut thi s off now peace.
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minkisus-blog · 5 years
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( kim taehyung / male / he/him ) yooo, wassup minki knox? aren’t you the twenty year old sophomore going to college for elementary education? that’s tight! 
y’all already know wtf is up tbh.....
he’s a: dumbass
he loves photography, livin life on the edge, banging ppl, doin dumb shit 24/7, horror movies, general suffering makes him hard
he has issues with commitment and love in general bc he feels like his birth parents didn’t love him enough and he thinks somethin is rly wrong with him rip
likes to be gross/flirty at almost all times
going to school to become an elementary school teacher because he works rly well with kids, they make his cold heart a lil warmer or w/e
doesn’t think about the consequences of his actions, ever
has lived in estes park since he was eight
his adoptive parents have money and usually hand it over to him to try and make him a happy boy
honestly.. that’s all i’ll put for his intro and AGAIN if we haven’t plotted lmk!!! 
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drawnluck · 5 years
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( kwon soonyoung, cis male, he/him ) yooo, wassup ( ezra park ) ? aren’t you the ( twenty-one ) year old ( sophomore ) going to college for ( journalism ) ? that’s tight! ( bettina, 20, she/her, gmt+8 )
hi my friends u all know e-z breezy beautiful ezra so this will probably be shorter than the last intro w a little more background! uhh yes ok here we go
lil refresher on ezra: he’s rich, he’s annoying and he’s a big fat attention-seeking liar LMAO (but also like. see here for my old ezra intro)
born and raised in denver, but decided to attend aims to “get away from city life” (which basically means... get away from his lies eye.)
as a kid he was v fascinated by headlines, the ones that would keep the world watching and waiting with bated breath just to see what would happen next. and being a little boy, the only child, he usually got it, but not to the degree he wanted
so he started to lie? a lot?? it’d start with harmless lies like hiding his school supplies again just to get new ones and then escalate as he got older
is he a compulsive liar? yes. does he ever try to actively stop himself? no
of course there were some times when people didn’t believe his bs but he’s still pulling his bs, so people back home know him as the boy who cried wolf which is a v fitting title honestly
he’s... not that smart and he knows it and is lowkey crying bc why didn’t his dad tell him journalism was hard?? pray for him
i’m bringing this back from d*ring bc why not but he?? cheated on one of his finals and his parents paid off the teacher just so he could graduate which is so bad but he’s here now and he’s free so !! the more he doesn’t think abt it the better
still flirty, still wants to kiss everyone, still loves his booze and weed so find him either at all the parties or throwing them; then looking like absolute death in class the next morning whew
cooks like a boss? he never really cooks bc he can’t in the dorms but he loves cooking shows (martha and snoop’s potluck dinner party is his fave) and loves learning new recipes so like. let him cook for u so he knows it’s real SDAJHDSD
wants some love but i love angst so honestly... he’s probs had more failed relationships and things gone wrong rip sorry ezra alexa play replay by nct 127
that’s it for now, aside from what u already know?? wanted connections are here but if u want something that isn’t there w this bean let me know and i’ll be more than happy to plot it with u!!
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