truthhcrts · 5 years
ok i’m still out but i’ll be home soon and i wanna get more threads so LIKE THIS and i’ll either make a thread or text ( depending on what we already have ). pls. 😔
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godwinn-blog1 · 5 years
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hello friends! my name is hayley (she/her) and i’m super excited to be here and v. much ready to get into all this drama! i’m from the uk, but have that gmt+1 timezone as i’m doing a year abroad in the netherlands. but enough about me, let me introduce you to my kid with a god complex, riley. give this a like and i’ll come to you for plots and all that good stuff! 
nick robinson, cismale, he/him. — you know riley godwin, don’t you? he’s the twenty year old sophomore who’s studying biology and living in thayer hall. they used to be addie’s confidant, but now they regret not trying to find her when she left the party. 
FIRST AND FOREMOST, riley is a fairly new character of mine so pls bear with me while i get to grips with him! i have this lil pinterest board i made for a bit of an overview
everyone’s maine squeeze (i would say that’s the last of my horrible jokes, but it’s not... i am sorry). riley is from camden, maine!! he’s the son of two b&b owners, astrid and nicholas godwin, and is the second youngest of five children. 
he had a pretty normal upbringing. apart from squabbles with his siblings, he was pretty much the golden boy in his parents' eyes, having graduated from high school as valedictorian.
riley is pretty close with both of his parents. they’re both incredibly supportive of him and have given him free rein for most of his life. despite this, he still feels want to make them proud one day.
he was always more into sciences than he was into any other subject at school. in p. the most selfless (but also selfish because $$$) decision he’s made, he decided to study biology at uni with the hope of eventually becoming a general practitioner; he does genuinely want to help people in the future. 
he’s the first in his family to go to university. riley really aspires to go on to med school after graduation, so he’s pushing himself extremely hard in terms of studying until then
this does not mean he’s not going to have a good time though! he definitely parties a lot
although riley is very outgoing, he’s definitely someone who won’t willingly come forth with much information about themselves, but rather try to learn more about you. this is what made his friendship with addie so important to him, as they’d share things with one another comfortably. 
whether riley wants to learn more about people out of genuine intrigue or for some kind of ammunition in case the relationship sours really remains to be seen? he’s pretty paranoid honestly and doesn’t trust all that easily. it doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll use it against anyone... but let’s just say he’s the person with allllll the receipts at his fingertips when things go wrong sdkfhdskfh 
in terms of personality, riley is hardworking, gregarious, protective of those he’s close to, and organised. but as said before he’s also paranoid, judgmental and quite hubristic? like... for anyone who has watched death note (the tv show; i haven’t seen the netflix adaptation so idk if it’s the same jhrehf) essentially like light yagami before he got the notebook
he just really likes feeling like he’s in control of every aspect of his life
*adore delano voice* he’s a fucking libra.
that ‘rule number one, never be number two’ quote is him in a nutshell.
UMMM that’s it for now! i’ll probably add to this over time so!!!
wanted connections
best friend. probably the only other person outside of his family and addie that riley has allowed properly into his life. they could either be a friend from home or just someone he has become very close with since being at uni!
party friends. riley and your character may never even speak on a day to day basis, but they both know to rely on another if they’re looking for a good time. 
the opposite. riley really likes to see himself as a realist. this would be someone who is a bit on the dreamier/idyllic side of things and they can either be unlikely friends or just butt heads whenever they interact. 
the online friend. idk i’d just love someone who got to know riley before university somehow online. they might have shared a lot about themselves and i’d love to explore what happens when that anonymity they had online has disappeared idk
the friend gone hook-up. bring me ur male muses for this one as this would have been how riley realised he’s bi. these two got close in riley’s first few weeks at uni and then one night one thing led to another... 
freshman year hook-ups. legit applicable to anyone
the buyers. UMMM so one of riley’s secrets is that he sold test answers in his freshman year to help pay for school. so in short, these would have been people he sold to (mostly science students i’m assuming but hey. boy is smart he could probably get you an a- in something else). they could totally be trying to continue buying~ that could be interesting to explore! 
the frenemy. riley is shady in his dislike of people and is never up front with it. this would essentially be a relationship filled with it on both sides; they could have been good friends and something happened or maybe they’ve always had this going on!
that’s all off the top of my head but i’m always here to stir the pot with whatever 
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riivvcrs · 5 years
min yoongi, cismale, he/him. — you know river soo, don’t you? he’s the twenty-two year old junior who’s studying photography and living in straus hall. they used to be addie’s friends with benefits, but now they are angry and blaming everyone, including himself, for her death.  ( saoirse, 21, she/her, est.)
listen i wish i had more time to write a real intro but im boutta bounce for a friends’ birthday so i gotta whip this up even tho its gonna suck rip so enjoy this VERY QUICK INTRO RKJLA message me for PLOTS and check out his connections page?!! u want my discord???  worksaoirse#2013 there u go! (also saoirse is pronounced sersha ok bye) 
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this will be updated so pls take this with a grain of salt bc i just wanna get the basicks out be4 i gotta blast :((
golden boy w/ a steel heart, hiding behind a loving grin and /////aesthetic///// insagram & finsta layouts, loves taking photos of his friends, lives for being tagged in photos he took, makes him soft as FUCK we out here!!!!!
lives off of iced coffee (no milk, half a portion of sweetener, but if u ask, HE WILL TELL U HE TAKES IT BLACK AND THEN SNEAK SUGAR IN THERE BYE), obscene amounts of red bull and thai zone and weed bc he a college boy in the 21st century yah
was addie’s fwb soooo uh feeling VERY weird abt this mess- hes a big fan of drinking, smoking, the classic college party ya feel, so he’d 100% have been there and 100% hasnt talked about his messy emotions which is just all kinds of :(
feels every emotion to absolute full intensity, never just has a ‘meh’ opinion on smthing. he decides he likes u? then you are the sunrise, sunset, what makes the fucking world go round, this boy would jump off a cliff for you. but that also means, if he doesnt like you, you are THE WORST and nothing could change his opinion on him
very judgey/dogmatic/whatever the fuck in that sense, probably hard to deal with
really good at cooking, but never does it 1) bc its expensive 2) bc he loves filling up his day with other stuff, he works at an on campus record store, so why would he waste time on cooking for one? lol bye
introvert? extrovert? depends on the day! try to predict, u cant!
im sorry this is so short but my gal is turning 22 i gotta BOUNCE but ily, ill be on my phone for a while to plot ilyilyililyiyiylyiyliylyijlfjakaghaklglakgakl
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wolvescried · 5 years
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kwon soonyoung, cis male, he/him. — you know ezra park, don’t you? he’s the twenty-one year old junior who’s studying journalism and living in straus hall. they used to be addie’s secret boyfriend, but now they wish they hadn’t broken up with her. ( bettina, 20, she/her, gmt+8. )
hello hello! i’m bettina, and i’m incredibly excited to bring you all ezra! i embarrassingly don’t shut up but you… are not here for that anYWAY here’s a bit abt my baby! he’s brand new so i’m going to try my absolute darnedest not to ramble too much LET’S GO
you all know the boy who cried wolf right?? that’s deadass ezra. i wish i was joking
his parents would be fairly well known in the area, his mom is a stylist and his dad works for the news station so they got the $$$
despite being the only son, this child… honestly asks for too much attention UGHHH
ezra’s a whiner?? legend has it that even as a child he wouldn’t stop whining just to get what he wanted and he’s never grown out of it.
a v good liar and is not proud of it. he employs fake-crying techniques a lot and also lies compulsively… a lot… just to gain the favor of other people. he doesn’t really enjoy it but at this point it’s a reflex. y’all know how the entire kardashian family cries?? it... Be Like That sometimes
sometimes he never shuts up?? if you pick up on something he likes (which... ranges from like fashion to movie trivia honestly it can go anywhere) he won’t stop talking and/or ranting pray for ur kids
but as annoying as he is, he’s also super loyal?? often he thinks in the ‘help me i help you’ kind of way and as long as u don’t make him upset in any way he won’t turn the tides on you
so really he’s low-key evil but that rarely happens i promise
ezra loves milk tea! there’s almost never a day where milk tea isn’t in his ig stories so pls!! go get some milk tea with him!!
also is known to go clubbing with some... real lorde-style dancing... screaming at the top of his lungs esp when he’s hyped up on alcohol only to regret literally everything he’s Ever done
claims his party trick is “freestyle rapping” but pleasE don’t make him do it he’s so bad at it
is taking up journalism bc he wants to be like his dad eventually and get a job at the news station, reporting stuff, talking to people… but his reporting style is basically like billy on the street (“MISS, NAME A WOMAN”) so. that needs fixing
ridiculously clingy and affectionate tbh?? if he’s got your attention he will stop at nothing to keep it and make sure you know he likes you. he loves cuddles and is generally really touchy, never realizes he is until people give him death glares, then he cowers in fear
don’t scare him though pls he’s fragile.. squish his cheeks instead
a lil bit flirty and wants to kiss everyone dgahjsdsf
addie’s secret boyfriend?? no one else knows but it was low-key obvious bc whenever someone talked about her (when she was still alive), he’d get really fidgety. before they were dating u would be seeing him trying to approach her every now and then just to try to befriend her
but now he’s just even more annoying so save him pls
in summary he ??? wants all your love and attention? but is highkey annoying too so i don’t blame u if you just want him to shut up rip
that’s all i’ve got so far! if you’d like to plot i’ve got a connections page here; like this if any of them spark your interest (or you have one in mind) and i’ll message you! or if u want a starter i’m 10000000% down with it too!! love me pls ♡
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svnmae · 5 years
uh -- snapchat starter anyone ?
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truthhcrts · 5 years
word y’all wanna do scs?????????? like this pls :(
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truthhcrts · 5 years
hi :) like this u cowards and let me make a text thread between our characters :) pls
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truthhcrts · 5 years
kim taehyung, male, he/him. — you know minki knox, don’t you? he’s the twenty year old sophomore who’s studying elementary education and living in straus hall. they used to be addie’s ex friend, but now he is happy he doesn’t have to deal with her anymore.
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hi friends!! i’m syds, and i’m bringing u my jerk baby minki! if u’d like to connect w/ him, just like this or shoot me an im!! 
minki was born in yongsan, south korea, and was the youngest of four siblings. the pregnancy was a surprise to his parents, and it was something they deeply regretted, seeing as they barely had enough money to keep up the family they already had. 
they tried to keep him for five years before realizing it just wasn’t financially possible without having a terrible life ahead of them. they couldn’t keep minki up to health, unable to feed the whole family most days. his parents were desperate and clueless. the only thing they could think to do was put him up for adoption. 
minki was still far too young to understand anything, thinking for at least a year that he’d see his parents again, and the center was just a strange vacation. eventually, a couple from america decided to adopt him.onl
at the age of seven, he was moving to america. it was VERY stressful for him bc... he couldn’t speak english and it was an entirely different culture he was being thrown into. luckily his adoptive parents hired someone to teach him english, but he struggled a lot for his first couple of years trying to keep up with everyone.
it got worse when he started actual school. he got rly miserable and didn’t like how behind he felt, and it made him rly secluded in school/unwilling to socialize with other kids.
that worsened as he got older and started to fully realize what had happened with his parents, and that he was the only child put up for adoption. he had an entire family in south korea, living a life without him, and that really messed with him more than anything else. it was when he decided that family does not mean unconditional love, and he started to question if love was real at all to begin with.
it made him VERY emotionally detached, and as much as his parents attempted to bond with him, he wouldn’t have it. they tried to pay for his love through money and he... never told them NO bc... $$$$
minki isn’t really known for being a good person... unless it comes to him around children. after being forced to babysit as punishment, he quickly realized that he couldn’t BULLY a kid,,, and then he realized that he actually works SUPER well with them. his whole attitude changed and he realized how good with kids he is!!!! it’s what made him want to become an elementary school teacher, since it’s something that actually makes him happy
he also REALLLLLLYYY loves photography. so much so he has huge containers full of photos in his apartment. he thinks he might have an addiction to wanting to remember every single part of his life. he fears a day that he starts losing all of his memories, so he tries to take as many photos of everything as much as possible. he’s rly good at it, and he does freelance photography work in his free time for extra cash
usually seen wearing clothing way too big for his body. it’s his brand. 
he is: impulsive and has zero fears. he loves suddenly getting up one day and just driving somewhere. sometimes he’ll drag people with him. he loves admiring things around him, and being outside. also: the quiet. his favorite. he’ll tape ur mouth if ur blabbing at him during his quiet time. don’t TRY him!!!!
catch him chillin at the park at 2am have a picnic by himself
hooks up w/ people a lot???? tbh he’s pretty flirty when he finds someone attractive unless they REALLY annoy him. he has a rly cocky attitude for the most part and he’s pretty good at going back and forth with someone. he likes teasing and he rly is the type to pull someone’s hair when he wants their attention :( hate him
he isn’t ever going OUT of his way to be mean. he just speaks without considering if he’s gonna upset someone? unless, again... he has a reason to not like them. then he’s a big bitch on purpose :(
his relationship with addie was: ex friends. the two got along decently, but there was a party... and honestly, minki doesn’t remember all of it, but he knew that it ended in him being pissed off at addie, and the two stopped talking. he DID NOT like her at ALL after that, and so he’s not too bothered by her death. 
fun facts: he loves scary movies, butterflies, and can rant abt people driving horribly for at least an hour. he’ll get sweaty over it and everything,,, relax, minki!!!
connection ideas!!!
ex-friends. someone who he was talking to consistently and then just… dropped them all of a sudden? probably some hurt feelings/confusion there yikes! he bails out if he thinks he’s getting attached to a person, so that’s definitely what happened here!
muse. someone he REALLY likes taking pictures of, but probably won’t ever tell them that straight up. likes dragging them places just to take pictures of them and then probably being fake about why he did it!!
travel buddy. someone he can rely on to go with him whenever he has an impulsive decision to take off somewhere. sometimes he likes to disappear alone, but SOMETIMES he likes taking someone with him, and when all else fails he knows he can trust this person 2 drop everything and go with him
old hook up(s). self explanatory… minki likes 2 pretend it never happened!!
childhood friend. someone he probably eventually dropped contact w/ cuz getting close to people is too much for him but someone who made him feel more comfortable in america ok
crush but not really? someone who he’s a lil infatuated with aka he wants to bang….. his current Mission, if u will
forced friendship. someone who he had to be friends with because of his parents?? maybe they disliked/dislike each other????
someone he broke the heart of. maybe they started dating because minki was bored, but then the other person got rly attached, and he was STARTING to get there, so he dipped and left them broken hearted.
hateship. the two rly love bullying each other. it’s just their Thing, if you will. they mock each other, but if someone else tries to butt in, they both get annoyed at that person for not MINDING THEIR BUSINESS.
those were kinda rushed but skdfjd we can brainstorm too it’s fine!!!!! sorry this is so long!!!!! i have no chill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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svnmae · 5 years
OUT OF CHARACTER . alright friends, it’s officially way past my bed time ! i have to work tomorrow but i’ll be home around midnight est to do any more replies that you wanna throw my way < 3
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svnmae · 5 years
OUT OF CHARACTER . i’m sorry but i love how khun mae makes nearly everyone here soft like it’s their god damn superpower.
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